CS 682 final exam without 6

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71. List four excellent references for finding potential actors.

(1) A context diagram that identifies the scope and boundaries of the system (2) Existing system documentation and user manuals (3) Minutes of project meetings and workshops (4) Existing requirements documents, project charter, or statement of work

74. List two items a project manager can use to determine the importance of use cases.

(1) A use case ranking and evaluation matrix (2) A use case dependency diagram

75. List the six criteria used by the use case ranking and priority matrix for ranking use cases for importance.

(1) Significant impact on the architectural design (2) Easy to implement but contains significant functionality (3) Includes risky, time-critical, or complex functions (4) Involves significant research, or new or risky technology (5) Includes primary business functions (6) Will increase revenue or decrease costs

73. List five excellent questions to ask when looking for potential use cases.

(1) What are the main tasks of the actor? (2) What information does the actor need from the system? (3) What information does the actor provide to the system? (4) Does the system need to inform the actor of any changes or events that have occurred? (5) Does the actor need to inform the system of any changes or events that have occurred?

72. List five excellent questions to ask when looking for potential actors.

(1) Who or what provides inputs to the system? (2) Who or what receives outputs from the system? (3) Are interfaces required to other systems? (4) Are there any events that are automatically triggered at a predetermined time? (5) Who will maintain information in the system?

81. ______________________________________________ is a process-oriented technique for breaking up a large program into a hierarchy of modules that result in computer programs that are easier to implement and maintain.

(Modern) structured design

79. In a Class Diagram a multiplicity of zero or more would be designated by: A) 0..* B) 0-* C) a crow's foot D) a 0 and a vertical line E) none of these


108. UML 1.0 was released in the year _________.


113. _______________________________ are the data that represent characteristics of interest about an object.


114. _________________________ refers to those things that the object can do and that correspond to functions that act on the object's data (or attributes). This is commonly referred to as a method, operation or service.


81. _________________________________ diagrams are implementation type diagrams and are used to graphically depict the physical architecture of the software system.


103. ___________________ is a stronger form of __________________.

Composition, aggregation

151. _________________________________ fall into four categories: schedule; cost; technology; and policy.


88. _____________________________ classes are those that hold application or business rule logic.


89. ________________________________ classes process messages from an interface class and respond to them by sending and receiving messages from the entity classes.


82. _________________________________ diagrams are also implementation type diagrams that describe the physical architecture of the hardware and software in the system. They depict software components, processors, and devices that make up the systems architecture.


131. __________________________________ is used to identify the user's business requirements by having them react to a quick and dirty implementation of those requirements.

Discovery prototyping

115. _________________________________ is the packaging of several items together into one unit. It is also called information hiding.


85. __________________________ classes are identified during systems analysis and usually correspond to items in real life and contain information, known as attributes, that describes the different instances of the entity.


133. _________________________ is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements and priorities.

Fact finding

1. In systems analysis the analyst specifies the detailed computer-based solution.


10. A temporal event is an event triggered by the system itself.


10. Information engineering (IE) is a data-driven, process-centered, but model-sensitive technique to plan, analyze and design information systems.


10. Interface classes are a means through which the attributes will interface with the instances of an entity.


11. A subtype is an object class whose instances store attributes that are common to one or more supertypes of the object class.


11. An extension use case is a use case that extends the functionality of the original use case and may be invoked many times by other use cases.


11. When modules are tightly coupled, modules are minimally dependent on one another. This minimizes the effect that future changes in one module will have on other modules.


12. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used in information engineering.


14. An attribute is passed when one object invokes one or more of another object's methods (behaviors) to request information or some action.


15. By employing persistence classes, it allows the entity classes to be more implementation specific and potentially more usable.


15. During requirements analysis analysts strive to identify all use cases of the proposed system.


17. A disadvantage of prototyping is that it encourages and requires active end-user participation.


18. The use case ranking and priority matrix is completed only by the development team.


2. Use case modeling is the process of modeling a system's users and the activities they perform.


20. Analytical discovery includes those techniques to be used by a systems analyst to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from the user community.


21. A use case diagram graphically depicts the interactions between system processes and data.


21. The current version of UML is 3.0.


22. Functional decomposition refers to the tendency for the functionality of information systems to degrade over time.


23. Class diagrams model how events can change the state of an object class over its lifetime.


23. Joint application development (JAD) is considered a part of Joint Requirements Planning (JRP), which is a more comprehensive application of the techniques to the entire system development process.


24. An advantage of prototyping is that it encourages a return to the "code, implement, and repair" life cycle that used to dominate information systems.


24. In actor collaboration, the use case scenarios are acted out by the participants. The participants may assume the role of actors or object types that collaborate to process a hypothetical business event.


25. Two overarching goals of object-oriented design are high coupling and low cohesion.


25. With prototyping there is no need for the systems analysis phases.


27. A use case diagram shows the same thing as a context diagram.


28. A Student object class and a Teacher object class would have a supertype/subtype relationship.


29. Prototyping completely addresses design issues and helps you to remember all of them in detail.


3. Data-driven design emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document the technical or implementation aspects of a system.


30. In UML 2.0 the notation for composition has been dropped.


31. The scope definition phase looks at the economic and operational feasibility of the project under consideration.


32. One of the UML 2.0 diagrams is the collaboration diagram.


32. Prototyping helps keep the scope and complexity of the system project under control.


34. GOF structural patterns provide guidance on the way in which classes interact to distribute responsibility.


35. The final deliverable of the scope definition phase is a working prototype to demonstrate system requirements.


37. A communication diagram is similar to a sequence diagram. But while a sequence diagram focuses on the structural organization of objects in a network format, a communication diagram focuses on timing of messages.


37. The first FAST phase is the problem analysis phase.


38. Aggregation is a stronger form of composition.


38. Communication diagrams depict the organizational units of programming code and how they interact.


39. In an e-commerce information system the relationship of a shopping cart object class to a shopping cart item object class would be a generalization/specialization.


4. An attribute is something that is or is capable of being seen, touched or otherwise sensed, and about which users store data and associate behavior.


40. In object-oriented analysis, the requirements use-case model is used as is.


41. In the scope definition phase, urgency is used to represent the prioritization and documentation requirements for the problem that needs to be solved, or the opportunity or directive to be realized.


41. Once all the requirements use cases have been reviewed and approved by the users, each use case will be refined to include more information to specify the system functionality in detail. The resulting use cases are called analysis use cases and should represent any implementation specifics.


42. An application architecture is a rapid application development technique that is used to draw data-flow diagrams automatically using the same kind of drawing tools used by architects.


42. In the scope definition phase, visibility is used to assess the degree to which a project solution is made visual through the use of modeling tools such as data flow diagrams or entity relationship diagrams.


43. The logical data flow diagram (LDFD) is used to establish the physical processes and data stores across a network using Boolean logic.


44. A database schema is the representation of scenarios of data use and activities so that the actor can specify the database necessary for the application.


44. In the scope definition phase, benefits need to be measured optimistically if the project is to be a success.


47. Each application should implement its own database, independent of the other applications used by a firm.


47. In the scope definition phase, possible solutions need to be expressed in as much detail as possible so that an accurate picture of the feasibility of the project can be determined.


52. The facilitator for the joint requirements planning process determines which projects will return the most value to the organization and thus should be approved for continued system development.


52. To specify who does what, you can divide an activity diagram into flows.


53. Every flow on an activity diagram needs words to identify them.


54. On an activity diagram all actions coming into a fork must be completed before processing continues.


57. In a system sequence diagram lifelines indicate the period of time when the participant is active in the interaction.


58. The request for proposal (RFP) is used when you have already decided on the specific product, but that product can be acquired from different distributors.


59. Cause-and-effect analysis is an out-of-date technique that is unnecessary today given the complete nature of the scope definition phase that makes such problems and their solutions obvious.


7. Structured design is currently the most popular system design method.


70. The requirements analysis phase answers the question, "Is this system worth looking at?"


73. Security is an example of a functional requirement.


75. A nonfunctional requirement is a description of other features, characteristics and constraints that will make the system unsatisfactory.


79. All desirable requirements should be included in version 1.0.


8. An object instance is a set of object classes that share the same attributes and behavior.


85. When using timeboxing the first version of the system to be delivered returns little immediate value to the user.


88. A mandatory requirement is one that is essential for the system, but not necessaryily for the first version of the system.


89. Agile methods often require more modeling than other methods.


91. The requirements analysis phase identifies candidate solutions, analyzes those candidate solutions, and recommends a target system that will be designed, constructed, and implemented.


98. In the future, with the improvement of CASE tools, we will no longer need systems analysts to investigate business problems; the procedure will be completely automated.


22. A disadvantage of prototyping is that creativity can decrease because it allows for slower user feedback, which can lead to delayed solutions.

False .

48. Developing the baseline schedule and budget is the responsibility of the system owner.

False .

100. The authors of the 1995 book, Design Patterns, which proposed a set of 23 patterns for OO design are known collectively as the __________________________________.

Gang of Four

118. ___________________________________ is a technique wherein the attributes and behaviors that are common to several types of object classes are grouped into their own class, called a supertype. The attributes and methods of the supertype object class are then inherited by those object classes.


43. Which of the following best describes use cases? A) they are the results of decomposing the scope of system functionality B) they are represented graphically by a horizontal ellipse C) each use case represents a single goal of the system D) they describe user interactions with the system E) all of these )

all of these

45. Which of the following is a tool that can be used for discovering class behaviors and responsibilities? A) CRC card B) sequence diagram C) class diagram D) a and b E) all of these

all of these

71. Those things that an object can do and that correspond to functions that act on the object's data (or attributes) is known as a(n): A) method B) behavior C) operation D) service E) all of these

all of these

71. Which of the following is a disadvantage of prototyping? A) Numerous design issues are not addressed by prototyping. B) Prototyping does not negate the need for systems analysis phases. C) The scope and complexity of the system can quickly get out of control. D) A prototype cannot completely substitute for a paper specification. E) all of these

all of these

99. A system proposal may be presented as a:

all of these ( A) report B) verbal presentation C) walkthrough D) all of these E) none of these)

78. Systems ______________________ emphasizes the business problem; systems _______________________ focuses on the technical or implementation concerns of the system.

analysis; design

111. A(n) ________________________________ defines the technologies to be used by (and used to build) one, more, or all information systems in terms of their data, processes, interfaces and network components.

application architecture

75. What defines the technologies to be used by (and used to build) one, more, or all information systems in terms of their data, processes, interfaces and network components? A) rapid application development B) object-oriented design C) application architecture D) prototyping E) none of these

application architecture

48. Which use case relationship is used to model the relationship between a use case and an actor?


70. The relationship between an actor and a use case is called a(n) _____________________.


99. If Supplier was an object class, supplier phone number would be a(n) __________________.


77. Diagrams that depict the system's object structure and show object classes that the system is composed of as well as the relationships between those object classes are known as: A) use case diagrams B) class diagrams C) object diagrams D) sequence diagrams E) none of these

class diagrams

75. A(n) ________________________________________ card is a popular tool for documenting the behaviors and collaborations for an object.

class responsibility collaboration (CRC)

134. ________________________________ techniques use facilitated workshops to bring together all the system owners, system users, systems analysts and some systems designers and builders to jointly perform systems analysis.

Joint requirements planning (JRP)

79. __________________________ design emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document the technical or implementation aspects of a system.


122. ___________________________________ defines how many instances of one object/class can be associated with one instance of another object/class.


79. _______________________________ is illustrated with an arrowhead pointing only to the direction a message can be sent.


110. ____________________________ is a technique for identifying objects within the systems environment and the relationships between those objects.

Object modeling

109. ___________________________________ techniques are used to (1) study existing objects to see if they can be reused or adapted for new uses; and (2) define new or modified objects that will be combined with existing objects into a useful business computing application.

Object-oriented analysis (OOA)

107. ______________________________ techniques are used to refine the object requirements definitions identified earlier during analysis, and to define and design specific objects.

Object-oriented design (OOD)

129. _______________________________________ is a model-driven technique that integrates data and process concerns.

Objected oriented analysis (OOA)

90. _____________________________ classes read and write attributes to a database.


124. _____________________________________ means "many forms." Applied to object-oriented techniques, it means that the same named behavior may be completed differently for different objects/classes.


70. Which of the following is a disadvantage of prototyping? A) Prototyping encourages a return to the "code, implement and repair" life cycle. B) Prototypes are a passive model of the system. C) End-users don't fully understand their requirements until they see them implemented. D) Errors cannot be detected as easily when a prototype is developed. E) none of these

Prototyping encourages a return to the "code, implement and repair" life cycle.

108. ___________________________________________ is the merger of various structured techniques (especially the data-driven information engineering) with prototyping techniques and joint application development techniques to accelerate systems development.

Rapid application development (RAD)

109. ______________________________________ calls for the interactive use of structured techniques and prototyping to define the users' requirements and design the final system.

Rapid application development (RAD)

132. ____________________________________ technology reads the program code for an existing database, application program, and/or user interface and automatically generates the equivalent system model.

Reverse engineering

78. ________________________________ diagrams show us in great detail how the objects interact with each other over time.


88. __________________________________ diagrams graphically depict how objects interact with each other via messages in execution of a use case or operation. They illustrate how messages are sent and received between objects and in what sequence.


83. _________________________________ diagrams model the life cycle of a single object.

State machine

127. ___________________________ and ____________________________ are examples of traditional approaches to systems analysis.

Structured analysis and information engineering

82. _____________________________ seeks to factor a program into the top-down hierarchy of modules that have the following properties - (1) modules should be highly cohesive; and (2) modules should be loosely coupled.

Structured design

91. _________________ classes isolate the other objects from operating system-specific functionality.


87. _____________________________ diagrams depict the interaction between an actor and the system for a use case scenario.

System sequence

124. ____________________________ is a complementary problem solving technique to systems analysis that reassembles a system's component pieces into a (hopefully improved) complete system.

Systems design

12. The structure chart is derived by studying the flow of data through the program. Structured design is performed during systems design.


13. A message is passed when one object invokes one or more of another object's methods (behaviors) to request information or some action.


13. Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of prototypes to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system.


13. Information engineering (IE) is a model-driven and data-centered, but process-sensitive, technique to plan, analyze, and design information systems.


13. Modeling the "depends on" relationship between use cases provides a model that is an excellent tool for planning and scheduling purposes.


13. System classes handle operating system-specific functionality.


14. A prototype is a small-scale, incomplete, but working sample of a desired system.


14. By employing persistence classes, it allows the entity classes to be more implementation neutral and potentially more reusable.


14. The primary tool of information engineering is the data model diagram (also known as the entity-relationship diagram).


14. When performing requirements use case modeling, the first step is to identify the business actors.


15. Discovery prototyping is used to identify the user's business requirements by having them react to a quick and dirty implementation of those requirements.


15. Polymorphism means "many forms." Applied to object-oriented techniques, it means that the same named behavior may be completed differently for different object classes.


15. The prototyping approach is an iterative process involving a close working relationship between the designer and the users where a working, programmed model of the system is used to facilitate the specification of the design.


17. A use case's alternate courses document the behaviors of the use case if an exception or variation to the typical course occurs.


17. Public attributes can be accessed and public methods can be invoked by any other method in any other class.


17. Rapid architecture analysis attempts to derive system models from existing systems or discovery prototypes.


17. Use case diagrams graphically depict the interactions between the system and external systems and users. In other words, they graphically describe who will use the system and in what ways the user expects to interact with the system.


18. Activity diagrams depict the sequential flow of a use case or business process.


18. An advantage of prototyping is that iteration and change are a natural consequence of systems development. End-users tend to change their minds. Prototyping better fits this natural situation because it assumes that a prototype evolves, through iteration, into the required system.


18. Private attributes can be accessed and private methods can be invoked only by any method in the class in which the attribute or method is defined.


18. Reverse engineering technology reads the program code for an existing database, application program, and/or user interface and automatically generates the equivalent system model.


19. A class responsibility is essentially the same thing as a class method.


19. An advantage of prototyping is that it helps end-users to visualize how a system will work, and hence help them to more fully know their requirements.


19. Class diagrams depict the system's object structure. They show object classes that the system is composed of as well as the relationships between those classes.


19. Requirements discovery is the process of identifying system problems and solution requirements from the user community.


19. When using the use case ranking and priority matrix to determine the importance of use cases, the use cases with the highest scores should be assigned the highest priority.


2. An interface class is an object class that provides the means by which an actor can interface with the system.


2. An object is something that is or is capable of being seen, touched, or otherwise sensed, and about which users store data and associate behavior.


2. Systems analysis emphasizes the business problem; systems design focuses on the technical or implementation concerns of the system.


2. Systems design is a complementary problem solving technique to systems analysis that reassembles a system's component pieces into a (hopefully improved) complete system.


20. A class responsibility is implemented by the creation of one or more methods that may have to collaborate with other classes and methods.


20. An advantage of prototypes is that an approved prototype is a working equivalent to a paper design specification, with one exception - errors can be detected much earlier.


20. There are thirteen diagrams used in UML 2.0.


20. When constructing a use case dependency diagram, it is possible to have use cases which have no dependencies.


21. An advantage of prototyping is that creativity can increase because it allows for quicker user feedback, which can lead to better solutions.


21. Examples of fact-finding techniques include: sampling of existing documentation; research of relevant literature; observation of the current system; questionnaires and surveys of the management and user community; and interviews of appropriate managers, users, and technical staff.


21. One technique for identifying behaviors is to search the use-case narrative for verb phrases.


22. A class responsibility collaboration (CRC) card is a popular tool for documenting the behaviors and collaborations for an object.


22. Joint requirements planning (JRP) techniques use facilitated workshops to bring together all the system owners, system users, systems analysts and some systems designers and builders to jointly perform systems analysis.


22. The UML does not prescribe a method for developing systems - only a notation for modeling.


23. A disadvantage of prototyping is that it encourages a return to the "code, implement, and repair" life cycle that used to dominate information systems.


23. Sequence diagrams show us in great detail how the objects interact with each other in time sequence.


23. Use cases are initially defined during the requirements stages of the life cycle.


24. A subtype can have a behavior with the same name as a behavior in it's supertype.


24. Business process redesign is the application of systems analysis methods to the goal of dramatically changing and improving the fundamental business processes of an organization, independent of information technology.


24. Inheritance is used when two or more actors share common behavior.


25. An agile method integrates various approaches of systems analysis and design..


25. In a college course website system if both the instructor and students can submit comments to a discussion thread, a use case diagram might model that with inheritance.


25. The only way to access or change an object's attributes is through that object's behaviors.


27. A disadvantage of prototyping is that you cannot completely substitute any prototype for a paper specification. No engineer would prototype an engine without some paper design. Yet many information systems professionals try to prototype without a specification. Prototyping should be used to complement, not replace, other methodologies. The level of detail required of the paper design may be reduced, but it is not eliminated.


27. An object class can be referred to simply as a class.


27. Business process redesign is often applied within the context of information systems development when the projects include a study of existing business processes to identify problems, bureaucracy and inefficiencies that need to be addressed in requirements for new and improved information systems.


27. Ideally, object classes created for one information system should be able to be reused in other information systems.


28. A use case should be named with a verb phrase specifying the goal of the actor.


28. Prototyping does not address numerous design issues. These issues can inadvertently be forgotten if you are not careful.


28. Reusability is why operating system-specific code and database specific code are often designed into system and persistence classes.


28. The purpose of a context diagram is to analyze how the system interacts with the world around it.


29. A design pattern is a common solution to a given problem in a given context.


29. The concept of multiplicity is essentially the same concept as cardinality in data modeling


29. The scope definition phase is the first phase of the classic systems development process. It is also known as initial study phase, survey phase, or planning phase.


29. Using a use case ranking and priority matrix, use cases that have a significant impact on the architectural design would tend to be developed first.


3. A dependency relationship is illustrated with a dashed arrow line.


3. Attributes are the data that represents characteristics of interest about an object.


3. Information systems analysis is defined as those development phases in a project that primarily focus on the business problem, independent of any technology that can or will be used to implement a solution to that problem.


3. Use case modeling was originally conceived by Dr. Ivar Jacobson.


30. One advantage of using design patterns is that they provide designers with a short-hand notation for discussing design issues.


30. Prototyping is that it often leads to a premature commitment to a design (usually the first one implemented).


30. The scope definition phase looks at the question "Is this project worth looking at?"


30. Using a use case ranking and priority matrix, use cases that include complex functions would tend to be developed first.


31. A disadvantage of prototyping is that the scope and complexity of the system can quickly expand beyond original plans. This can easily get out of control.


31. Composition is drawn with a filled diamond.


31. GOF behavioral patterns provide guidance on the way in which classes interact to distribute responsibility.


32. GOF creational patterns provide guidance for designing classes to instantiate new objects.


32. The final deliverable for the scope definition phases is the project charter..


33. A disadvantage of prototyping is that it can reduce creativity in designs.


33. A problem statements matrix lists each problem, opportunity, or directive related to the project.


33. GOF structural patterns provide guidance on how classes can be designed to form larger structures.


33. The UML version 1.0 was released in 1997.


34. A disadvantage of prototypes is that they often suffer from slower performance than their third generation counterparts.


34. An activity diagram can be used to model logic with the system.


34. Scope defies the boundary of the project.


35. A student object class might have a behavior called withdrawFromUniversity.


35. An object framework is a set of related, interacting objects that provide a well-defined set of services for accomplishing a task.


35. Prototypes can be built for simple outputs, computer dialogues, key functions, entire subsystems or even the entire system.


37. Multiplicity is the minimum and maximum number of occurrences of one object class for a single occurrence of the related object class.


37. Object technologies and techniques are an attempt to eliminate the separation of concerns about data and process.


38. Rapid application development (RAD) is the merger of various structured techniques (especially the data-driven information engineering) with prototyping techniques and joint application development techniques to accelerate systems development.


38. The PIECES framework can be used to categorize problems, opportunities, directives, and constraints.


39. Deployment diagrams are also implementation type diagrams that describe the physical architecture of the hardware and software in the system. They depict software components, processors, and devices that make up the systems architecture.


39. During the scope definition phase, each problem, opportunity and directive is assessed with respect to urgency, visibility, tangible benefits and priority.


39. Rapid application development calls for the interactive use of structured techniques and prototyping to define the users' requirements and design the final system.


4. A repository is a location (or set of locations) where systems analysts, systems designers and system builders keep the documentation associated with one or more systems or projects.


4. A use case diagram graphically depicts the interactions between the system and external systems and users.


4. Modern structured design, information engineering, and object-oriented design are examples of model-driven approaches.


4. Navigability is illustrated with an arrowhead pointing only to the direction a message can be sent.


40. In the scope definition phase, urgency is used to represent what time frame the problem needs to be solved or the opportunity or directive to be realized.


40. Joint application development (JAD) is a technique that complements other systems analysis and design techniques by emphasizing participative development among system owners, users, designers and builders.


41. An application architecture defines the technologies to be used by (and used to build) one, more, or all information systems in terms of its data, processes, interfaces and network components.


42. A use case may contain complex functionality consisting of several steps that are difficult to understand. To simplify the use case and make it more easily understood, we could extract the more complex steps into their own use cases. This type of use case is called an extension use case in that it extends the functionality of the original use case.


43. An abstract use case represents a form of "reuse."


43. In the scope definition phase, benefits are measured in terms of how a new system could increase annual revenues, or reduce annual costs.


44. An abstract use case is available for referencing (or use) by any other use case that requires its functionality.


45. In the scope definition phase, a consensus of priorities is arrived at to help adjust the project scope.


45. New use cases may be added during object-oriented analysis.


45. Once the database has been designed and possibly a prototype built, the systems designer can work closely with system users to develop input, output, and dialogue specifications.


47. In composition, the "whole" is responsible for the creation and destruction of its parts.


48. A class is said to be persistent if it outlives the execution of a program.


48. Issues to be addressed during database design include: data structures and their impact on performance and flexibility; record size and storage volume requirements; internal controls to ensure proper security and disaster recovery techniques.


49. For interface or dialogue design, the designer must consider such factors as terminal familiarity, possible errors and misunderstandings that the end-user may have or may encounter; the need for additional instructions or help at certain points, and screen content and layout.


49. Scope can change during the life cycle of a project, however, the initial project plan needs to establish the preliminary scope to provide a context for the budget and schedule.


49. The steps of a use case can be modeled with an activity diagram.


5. A use case narrative is a textual description of the business event and describes how the user will interact with the system to accomplish the task.


5. Behavior refers to those things that the object can do and that correspond to functions that act on the object's data (or attributes). This is commonly referred to as a method, operation or service.


5. Model driven analysis emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document and validate both existing and/or proposed systems. Ultimately the system model becomes the blueprint for designing and constructing an improved system.


5. Modern structured design is a process-oriented technique for breaking up a large program into a hierarchy of modules resulting in computer programs that are easier to implement and maintain.


5. Visibility is the level of access an external object has to an attribute or method.


50. An activity diagram begins with an initial node.


50. The final design task involves packaging all the specifications from the previous design tasks into a set of specifications that will guide the computer programmer's activities during the construction phase of the systems development methodology.


50. The preliminary master plan is also known as the baseline plan.


51. A steering body is a committee of executive business and system managers that studies and prioritizes competing project proposals to determine which projects will return the most value to the organization and thus should be approved for continued system development.


51. At least one activity diagram can be constructed for each use case.


51. System owners should get a final chance to question the project's feasibility and to determine whether the project should be adjusted, terminated, or approved to proceed to construction.


52. The company may have an audit staff, responsible for insuring the integrity of the internal controls in a new system before construction.


53. It is more common for a project manager to make design specifications available via a shared repository than to provide each individual developer with a copy of a printed set of organized specifications.


53. The problem analysis phase is best described by the statement, "Don't try to fix it unless you understand it."


54. At the completion of the design phase, analysts and system owners should consider the possibility that, based on the completed design work, the overall project schedule, cost estimates, and other estimates may need to be adjusted.


54. The goal of the problem analysis phase is to study and understand the problem domain well enough to thoroughly analyze its problems, opportunities and constraints.


55. On an activity diagram a subactivity indicator indicates a separate activity diagram.


55. The most notable differences between the "buy" versus in-house development projects is the inclusion of a new procurement phase and a special decision analysis phase to address software and services.


55. The problem analysis phase typically includes the following tasks: (1) understand the problem domain; (2) analyze problems and opportunities; (3) analyze business processes; (4) establish system improvement objectives; (5) update or refine the project plan; (6) communicate findings and recommendations.


57. The deliverables of the problem analysis phase include an understanding of the problem domain and business vocabulary.


57. The request for proposal (RFP) is used when several different vendors and/or products are candidates and you want to solicit competitive proposals and quotes. Its purpose is to communicate requirements and desired features to prospective vendors.


58. Cause-and-effect analysis leads to true understanding of problems and can lead to not-so-obvious, but more creative and valuable solutions.


58. In a system sequence diagram an input message called finalizeOrder would be proper according to UML convention.


59. In a system sequence diagram a frame can show loops or optional steps.


7. A use case is a behaviorally related sequence of steps (a scenario) for the purpose of completing a single business task.


7. An object class is a set of object instances that share the same attributes and behavior.


7. Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) can only be used to depict proposed new processes in a system, along with their inputs, outputs and files.


7. In a pure object-oriented environment every piece of code exists inside an object class.


71. The final deliverable and milestone of the requirements analysis phase is the production of a business requirements statement that will fulfill the system improvement objectives identified in the prior phase.


72. The requirements phase typically includes a task to update or refine the project plan.


74. A nonfunctional requirement is a description of other features, characteristics and constraints that define a satisfactory system.


77. Use cases evolved out of object-oriented analysis but have become common in many other methodologies.


78. Requirements are often documented with use cases.


8. An actor is anything that needs to interact with the system to exchange information.


8. An object-oriented system is structured into at least three different types of object classes.


8. CASE tools offer the advantage of consistency and completeness analysis as well as rule-based error checking.


8. Structured design is considered a process-oriented technique because its emphasis is on the process building blocks in our information system.


80. Requirements analysis never really ends.


81. Prototyping is an alternative to system modeling.


82. Test cases (or acceptance tests) used to test the completed system should be planned during the logical design phase.


83. The logical design phase further documents business requirements.


84. Software tools exist to reverse engineer system models.


87. A desirable requirement is one that is not essential to the first version of the system, but may still be essential to the vision of some future version.


9. Entity classes are identified during systems analysis and usually correspond to items in real life and contain information, known as attributes, that describes the different instances of the entity.


9. Inheritance means that methods and attributes defined in an object class can be inherited or reused by another object class.


9. Structured analysis is a traditional approach to system analysis and design.


9. Structured design seeks to factor a program into the top-down hierarchy of modules that have the following properties - (1) modules should be highly cohesive; and (2) modules should be loosely coupled.


9. There are primarily four types of actors.


90. The decision analysis phase identifies candidate solutions, analyzes those candidate solutions, and recommends a target system that will be designed, constructed, and implemented.


92. The final deliverable and milestone for the decision analysis phase is to produce a system proposal that will fulfill the business requirements identified in the previous phases.


93. The decision analysis phase typically included the following tasks: (1) identify candidate solutions; (2) analyze candidate solutions; (3) compare candidate solutions; (4) update the project plan; and (5) recommend a solution.


94. Each candidate solution must be analyzed for feasibility.


95. The feasibility analysis should be performed on each individual candidate solution without regard to the feasibility of the other candidates. This approach discourages the analyst and users from making a premature decision about which candidate is the best.


97. Once the feasibility analysis has been done on each candidate solution, a comparison can now be made among all of the candidate solutions to determine which ones to recommend to the system owners and users.


111. The _________________________________________ is a set of modeling conventions that is used to specify or describe a software system in terms of objects.

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

43. Which of the following is NOT one of the activities of object-oriented design? A) Modeling class interactions, behaviors, and states that support the use-case scenario. B) Refining the use-case model to reflect the implementation environment. C) Updating the class diagram to reflect the implementation environment. D) Updating the ERD to reflect public attributes and persistence classes. E) all of these are activities of object-oriented design

Updating the ERD to reflect public attributes and persistence classes.

92. _____________________________ is the level of access an external object has to an attribute or method.


119. Operational feasibility asks the following question(s):

Will the solution fulfill the users' requirements? To what degree? How will the solution change the users' work environment?

58. What is a design pattern? A) the obligation that an object has to provide a service when requested B) a common solution to a given problem in a given context. C) a set of related, interacting objects that provide a set of services. D) a group of objects packaged together. E) none of these

a common solution to a given problem in a given context.

107. A small-scale, incomplete, but working sample of a desired system is:

a prototype

81. In a system sequence diagram, the system is depicted as: A) a single box B) one or more rounded rectangles C) lifelines D) object classes E) none of these

a single box

75. An object class whose instances inherit some common attributes from a class supertype and then add other attributes that are unique to its instances is known as: A) a supertype B) a subtype C) a behavior D) a message E) none of these

a subtype

92. A(n) ___________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that it encourages and requires active end-user participation. This increases end-user morale and support for the project.


93. A(n) ____________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that iteration and change are a natural consequence of systems development. End-users tend to change their minds. Prototyping better fits this natural situation because it assumes that a prototype evolves, through iteration, into the required system.


94. A(n) ________________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototypes is that they are an active, not passive, model that end-users can see, touch, feel and experience.


95. A(n) ___________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototypes is that an approved prototype is a working equivalent to a paper design specification, with one exception - errors can be detected much earlier.


97. A(n) _______________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that it can accelerate several phases of the life cycle, possibly bypassing the programmer. It consolidates parts of phases that normally occur one after the other.


72. Which type of class relationship can be described as "is part of" or "is composed of"? A) generalization/specialization B) association C) aggregation D) multiplicity E) inheritance


140. _____________________ involve the integration of various approaches of systems analysis and design as deemed appropriate to the problem being solved.

agile methods

122. The project plan needs to be updated during what phase of the systems development life cycle? A) problem analysis phase B) logical design phase C) requirements analysis phase D) decision analysis phase E) all of these

all of these

44. This is a popular tool for documenting the behaviors and collaborations for an object. A) cyclical redundancy collaboration (CRC) card B) class responsibility collaboration (CRC) card C) component responsibility collaboration (CRC) card D) classical responsibility collaboration (CRC) card E) none of these

class responsibility collaboration (CRC) card

57. This is a group of objects packaged together into one unit. An example is a dynamic link library (DLL) or executable file. A) scenario B) module C) subprogram D) component E) none of these


71. A(n) __________________________ is a group of objects packaged together into one unit. An example is a dynamic link library (DLL) or executable file.


115. A diagram that depicts how the system interacts with the world around it and specifies the system inputs and outputs is a(n):

context diagram

158. A __________________________________ at a high level how the system interacts with the world.

context diagram

41. A class that contains the logic to run a use case would be a(n): A) entity class B) interface class C) control class D) persistence class E) system class

control class

95. The degree to which one class is connected to or relies upon other classes is called _______________.


73. The condition where the methods and/or attributes defined in an object class can be inherited or reused by another object class is known as: A) encapsulation B) generalization C) inheritance D) specialization E) none of these


87. The responsibility of a(n) __________________________ class is twofold: (1) it translates the user's input into information that the system can understand and use to process the business event; (2) it takes data pertaining to a business event and translates the data for appropriate presentation to the user.


53. A dialogue box is an example of a(n): A) entity class B) interface class C) control class D) persistence class E) system class

interface class

84. Name four types of object classes that are introduced as a result of implementation decisions that were made during systems design: ___________________.

interface, control, persistence, system

93. In an activity diagram a black bar with tow or more flows coming in an one flow going out is called a ________________.


85. When modules are _______________, modules are minimally dependent on one another. This minimizes the effect that future changes in one module will have on other modules.

loosely coupled

123. A(n) __________________________________ is passed when one object invokes one or more of another object's methods (behaviors) to request information or some action.


94. ________________________________ is the software logic that is executed in response to a message.


128. The processes of an object are called _____________.


80. Structured design, information engineering, and object-oriented design are examples of __________________________________ approaches.


85. The use case _____________________________ is used to textually describe the sequence of steps of each interaction.


114. A description of features, characteristics, and constraints that define a satisfactory system, but are not required in the initial version of the system is known as:

non-functional requirement

32. Which of the following cannot be found on a use case narrative? A) use case name B) use case type C) primary business actor D) description E) none of these - they can all be found on a use case narrative

none of these ( they can all be found on a use case narrative)

50. Which of the following is not a step in the process of requirements use case modeling? ( A) identify business actors B) identify business use cases C) construct use case model diagram D) document business requirements use case narratives E) none of these - they are all steps of the process )

none of these (they are all steps of the process)

112. A(n) ______________________________ is something that is, or is capable of being seen, touched, or otherwise sensed, and about which users store data and associate behavior.


121. A(n) ________________________________________ is a natural business association that exists between one or more object/classes.

object class relationship

99. A(n) __________________________________ is a set of related, interacting objects that provide a well-defined set of services for accomplishing a task.

object framework

52. The process of using object-oriented techniques for designing a new system is referred to as: A) object oriented design B) class/object design C) reverse engineering D) database design E) none of these

object oriented design

97. A(n) _____________________________________ is the obligation that an object has to provide a service when requested, thus collaborating with other objects to satisfy the request if required.

object responsibility

93. The process of using object-oriented techniques for designing a new system is referred to as _______________________________.

object-oriented design

105. Prototypes can be quickly developed using many of the 4GLs and _______________________________________ languages available today.

object-oriented programming

52. A constraint on the state of the system after the use case has been successfully executed is called a(n): A) precondition B) trigger C) post condition D) open issue E) conclusion

open issue

55. A question that needs to be resolved before the use case can be finalized is called a(n): A) precondition B) trigger C) post condition D) open issue E) conclusion

open issue

82. Which of the following can NOT be shown in a system sequence diagram? A) a receiver actor B) loops C) optional steps D) object classes E) system outputs

optional steps

90. A behavior in a subtype is said to _____________ a behavior with the same name in its supertype.


94. To show who does what in an activity diagram you would divide it into _____________.

partitions (swimlanes)

54. A class that handled reading and writing to a database would be an example of a(n): A) entity class B) interface class C) control class D) persistence class E) system class

persistence class

105. An object class is said to be ______________________________ if it outlives the execution of a program.


42. Which of the following is NOT a UML level of visibility? A) private B) protected C) public D) persistent E) none of these


112. The _______________________________ is used to establish the physical processes and data stores across a network.

physical data flow diagram (PDFD)

97. If an object class called Supplier has a behavior called sendEmail and an object class called Customer has a behavior called sendEmial, that is an example of ___________________.


48. What did the Gang of Four do? A) create the UML B) popularize the use of design patterns C) created CRC cards D) created a popular object framework E) battled Spider-man in issue #142

popularize the use of design patterns

53. A constraint on the state of the system before the use case can be executed is called a(n): A) precondition B) trigger C) post condition D) open issue E) conclusion


45. Which of the following actors primarily benefits from the execution of the use case?

primary business actor

100. Which of the following is not a category of constraints?


148. The _____________________________phase is best described by the statement, "Don't try to fix it unless you understand it."

problem analysis

149. The _____________________________phase typically includes the following tasks: (1) study the problem domain; (2) analyze problems and opportunities; (3) analyze business processes; (4) establish system improvement objectives; (5) update the project plan; (6) present findings and recommendations.

problem analysis

152. The deliverable for the ______________________________ phase is the completion of an updated project plan, including problem analyses, any system models, the system improvement objectives, and any other documentation that was produced during this phase.

problem analysis

101. The study of a current business and information system application and the definition of user requirements and priorities for a new or improved information system is part of which phase?

problem analysis phase

114. In the ____________________________, the first task is to research technical alternatives.

procurement phase

119. The ____________________________ identifies specifications that are important to the software and/or hardware that is to be selected.

procurement phase

120. The second task of the ____________________ is to solicit proposals from vendors.

procurement phase

139. A __________________________________ defines the project scope, plan, methodology, and standards for a project. It is the first major milestone.

project charter

109. Which of the following is not part of the scope definition phase?

propose candidate solutions

91. The ____________________________ approach is an iterative process involving a close working relationship between the designer and the users where a working, programmed model of the system is used to facilitate the specification of the design.


123. Which of the following are not in the classical set of techniques for fact-finding?:

prototyping the preliminary system requirements

72. All objects are said to have ____________________________ - the value of its attributes at one point in time.


47. Which UML diagram models object state A) sequence diagram B) state machine diagram C) class diagram D) deployment diagram E) communication diagram

state machine diagram

73. A(n) _____________________________ triggers the change in state when something happens or when the value of one of the attributes changes.

state transition event

110. A committee of executive business and system managers that studies and prioritizes competing project proposals to determine which projects will return the most for an organization, and should be approved is:

steering body

147. A(n) __________________________________ is a committee of executive business and system managers that studies and prioritizes competing project proposals to determine which projects will return the most value to the organization and thus should be approved for continued system development.

steering body

88. The software model derived from structured design is called a(n) __________________________. It is derived by studying the flow of data through the program.

structure chart

159. One approach to logical design is to structure ___________________________ solutions.

structure the functional requirements.

92. In an activity diagram a rake symbol is used to represent a ______________________.

subactivity indicator (action broken out in another activity diagram)

120. A(n) _____________________________ is an object class whose instances inherit some common attributes from a class supertype and then add other attributes that are unique to an instance of it.


119. A(n) _______________________________ is an object whose instances store attributes that are common to one or more class subtypes of the object.


40. A class that would have to change if the system was ported to another operating system would be a(n): A) entity class B) interface class C) control class D) persistence class E) system class

system class

138. The context for the scope definition phase is primarily concerned with the ________________________________________ perspectives.

system owners'

103. A problem solving technique that decomposes a system into its component parts while focusing on the business problem independent of technology is:

systems analysis

104. A problem solving technique that reassembles a system's component pieces into a complete, new and improved system is:

systems design

50. If you needed to provide a stable interface to similar classes with different interfaces, you could use: A) the strategy pattern B) the adapter pattern C) a creational pattern D) the organizational pattern E) none of these

the adapter pattern

39. A motorist stops at a self-service gas station to fill up her car, paying by credit card at the pump. In this use case, who is the external server actor?

the credit card authorization company

37. A motorist stops at a self-service gas station to fill up her car, paying by credit card at the pump. In this use case, who is the primary system actor?

the motorist

38. A motorist stops at a self-service gas station to fill up her car, paying by credit card at the pump. In this use case, who is the primary business actor?

the motorist

51. If you needed to design for varying and changing policy algorithms, you could use: A) the strategy pattern B) the adapter pattern C) a creational pattern D) the organizational pattern E) none of these

the strategy pattern

44. Which of the following would not be an example of an actor?

the system itself

157. _______________ is a technique that delivers the information system in multiple versions.


107. Object classes that are created temporarily by a software program are called ______________________.

transient objects

54. The event that initiates the execute of the use case is called a(n): A) precondition B) trigger C) post condition D) open issue E) conclusion


141. In the scope definition phase, _____________________________ is used to represent what time frame the problem needs to be solved or the opportunity or directive to be realized.


144. A _____________ is a business scenario or event for which the system must provide a define response.

use case

59. A _________________________is a behaviorally related sequence of steps (a scenario), both automated and manual for the purpose of completing a single business task.

use case

33. Which of the following can a project manager use to determine the importance of use cases?

use case dependency diagram

57. _____________________________ is the process of modeling a system's functions in terms of business events, who initiated the events, and how the system responds to those events.

use case modeling

58. A ____________________________ is a textual description of the business event and describes how the user will interact with the system to accomplish the task.

use case narrative

47. Which use case relationship is used to model the relationship between an abstract use case and the original use case?


142. In the scope definition phase, __________________________ is used to assess the degree to which a project solution or new system would be visible to customers and/or executive management.


31. When looking for actors, which of the following questions is the best one to ask?

who or what provides inputs to the system?

130. _________________________________ approaches emphasize the construction of prototypes to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system.

Accelerated analysis

89. ___________________________________ are set over the lifelines in a system sequence diagram to indicate the period of time when the participant is active in the interaction.

Activation bars

125. __________________________ diagrams depict the sequential flow of activities of a use case or business process


104. _________________________________ is a type of association that is often referred to as a whole/part relationship..

Aggregation (composition)

59. Which of the following is a purpose of the procurement and decision analysis phase? A) Identify and research specific products that could support our recommended solution for the target information system. B) Solicit, evaluate, and rank vendor proposals. C) Select and recommend the best vendor proposal. D) Contract with the awarded vendor to obtain the product. E) All of these

All of these

121. Schedule feasibility asks the following question(s):

Can the solution be designed and implemented within an acceptable time period?

150. ___________________________________ analysis leads to true understanding of problems and can lead to not so obvious, but more creative and valuable solutions.


80. __________________________________ diagrams show us how objects collaborate to satisfy the functionality of a use case, focusing on the structural organization of objects in a network format.


70. Which of the following is NOT an activity done in constructing a state machine diagram? A) Identify state transition paths B) Identify initial and final states C) Identify triggers D) Identify other states an object may have during its lifetime E) Identify other objects that trigger changes in the object's states

Identify other objects that trigger changes in the object's states

89. ___________________________________ is a model-driven and data-centered, but process-sensitive, technique to plan, analyze, and design information systems.

Information engineering (IE)

125. _________________________________ is defined as those development phases in a project that primarily focus on the business problem, independent of any technology that can or will be used to implement a solution to that problem.

Information systems analysis

117. ___________________________________ means that methods and attributes defined in an object class can be inherited or reused by another object class.


120. Economic feasibility asks the following question(s):

Is the solution cost-effective? (

118. Technical feasibility asks the following question(s):

Is the solution technically practical? Does the staff have the technical expertise to design and build the system?

72. Which of the following is a disadvantage of prototyping? A) It discourages the incorporation of changes into the design. B) It is a working equivalent of a paper design specification. C) It discourages end-user participation in the design process. D) It does not negate the need for the systems analysis phases. E) none of these

It does not negate the need for the systems analysis phases.

84. Which of the following messages uses proper UML notation? A) Item Selections B) ItemSelections(items, quantities) C) ItemSelections(Items, Quantities) D) itemSelections(items, quantities) E) Itemselections(ITEMS,QUANTITIES)

ItemSelections(Items, Quantities)

110. _________________________________is a technique that complements other systems analysis and design techniques by emphasizing participative development among system owners, users, designers and builders.

Joint application development (JAD)

135. Joint requirements planning (JRP) is considered a part of ____________________________________________ which is a more comprehensive application of the techniques to the entire system development process.

Joint application development (JAD)

1. An approach used to specify the software solution in terms of collaborating objects, their attributes and their methods is called object oriented design.


1. Object-oriented analysis (OOA) techniques are used to (1) study existing objects to see if they can be reused or adapted for new uses; and (2) define new or modified objects that will be combined with existing objects into a useful business computing application.


1. Systems analysis is a problem-solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose.


1. User-centered development is a process in that the needs of the stakeholders are studied and analyzed as well as the reasons why the system should be developed.


10. A supertype is an object class whose instances store attributes that are common to one or more subtypes of the object class.


10. When modules are highly cohesive, each module should accomplish one and only one function. This makes the modules reusable in future programs.


11. Objected oriented analysis (OOA) is model-driven technique that integrates Data and Process concerns into constructs called Objects. OOA models are pictures that illustrate the system's objects from various perspectives such as structure and behavior.


11. The responsibility of the interface class is twofold: (1) it translates the user's input into information that the system can understand and use to process the business event; (2) it takes data pertaining to a business event and translates the data for appropriate presentation to the user.


12. An abstract use case is available for referencing (or use) by any other use case that requires its functionality.


12. An object class relationship is a natural business association that exists between one or more object classes.


12. Controller classes implement the business logic or business rules of the system.


105. Data flow diagrams are used in:

a, b, and c ( A) model-driven analysis B) traditional approaches C) structured analysis D) object oriented analysis E) a, b, and c )

102. A(n) ___________________________ use case is used to define a use case that has a sequence of common steps that can be used by other use cases. It represents a form of "reuse."


80. Which kind of diagram shows aggregation? A) activity diagram B) class diagram C) system sequence diagram D) class relationship diagram E) none of these

activity diagram

83. Which of the following can NOT be shown in an activity diagram? A) decisions B) concurrent actions C) actors D) UML convention for messages E) none of these


143. In the scope definition phase, _________________________ are measured in terms of how a new system could increase annual revenues, or reduce annual costs.


35. Which of the following is a benefit of constructing a use case dependency diagram? A) a graphical depiction of the system's events and their states enhances the understanding of system functionality B) it aids the project manager determine which use cases are easy to implement. C) it may help identify missing use cases. D) both A and C above E) both A and B above

both A and C above

51. Which of the following references is an excellent source to find potential actors? A) an organization chart B) a context diagram C) existing system documentation D) both B and C above E) both A and B above

both B and C above

74. Which technique emphasizes the participative development among system owners, users, designers, and builders? A) rapid application development B) joint application development C) application architecture D) both rapid application development and joint application development E) none of these

both rapid application development and joint application development

117. In-house development is often called the _______________ solution.


108. The application of systems analysis methods to the goal of dramatically changing and improving the fundamental business processes of an organization, independent of technology is:

business process redesign

118. Integrating commercial software is often called the _______________ solution.


90. The primary tool of information engineering is the ___________________________ (also known as the entity-relationship diagram).

data model diagram

113. A(n) _______________________________ is the structural model for a database. It is a picture or map of the records and relationships to be implemented by the database.

database schema

117. Which of the following phases identifies candidate solutions, analyzes them, and recommends a target solution?

decision analysis phase

91. In an activity diagram the diamond shape is used to represent a __________ or a ____________.

decision, merge

49. Which use case relationship is used to model the dependencies among use cases?

depends on

102. Which of the following is NOT a phase in systems analysis?

design analysis phase

98. During object-oriented design the class diagram developed during the analysis phase is refined into a ____________________________.

design class diagram

74. ___________________________________ are a common solution to a given problem in a context.

design pattern

145. A _________________ requirement is one that does not have to be included in version 1.0.


100. A(n) _______________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that you cannot completely substitute any prototype for a paper specification. No engineer would prototype an engine without some paper design. Yet many information systems professionals try to prototype without a specification. Prototyping should be used to complement, not replace, other methodologies. The level of detail required of the paper design may be reduced, but it is not eliminated.


101. A(n) _______________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that numerous design issues are not addressed. These issues can inadvertently be forgotten if you are not careful.


102. A(n) _______________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that it often leads to a premature commitment to a design (usually the first one implemented).


103. A(n) ______________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that it can reduce creativity in designs. The very nature of any implementation - for instance, a prototype of a report - can prevent analysis, designers and end-users from looking for better solutions.


104. A(n) ______________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototypes is that they often suffer from slower performance than their third generation counterparts.


98. A(n) _______________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that it encourages a return to the "code, implement, and repair" life cycle that used to dominate information systems.


99. A(n) ________________________________ (advantage or disadvantage) of prototyping is that it does not negate the need for the systems analysis phases. A prototype can just as easily solve the wrong problems and opportunities as a conventionally developed system.


70. The packaging of an object with its behaviors is called: A) behaviors B) attributes C) inheritance D) encapsulation E) polymorphism


41. Which of the following would be the best use case name?

enroll in course

55. The student class in an enrollment system would be an example of a(n): A) entity class B) interface class C) control class D) persistence class E) system class

entity class

40. Which of the following is NOT a source mentioned in the textbook for finding potential actors?

entity relationship diagram

111. The problem analysis phase typically includes which of the following tasks?

establish system improvement objectives

34. Which of the following is NOT a factor used in the use case ranking and priority matrix

estimated time to implement

49. Which of the following is NOT a GOF pattern category? A) evolutional B) structural C) creational D) behavioral E) none of these


100. A use case may contain complex functionality consisting of several steps that are difficult to understand. To simplify the use case and make it more easily understood, we could extract the more complex steps into their own use cases. This type of use case is called a(n) ______________________________ use case in that it extends the functionality of the original use case.


101. A(n) ________________________________ use case can be invoked only by the use case it is extending.


95. To show loops in a system sequence diagram you would use a _____________.


113. A description of activities and services that a system must provide is

functional requirement

155. A ________________________________ is a description of activities and services a system must provide.

functional requirement

87. When modules are loosely coupled modules are minimally dependent on one another. This minimizes the effect that ______________ in one module will have on other modules.

future changes

74. A technique wherein the attributes and behaviors are common to several types of object classes are grouped into their own class, called a supertype, is known as: A) encapsulation B) generalization C) inheritance D) generalization/specialization E) none of these


78. Which type of class relationship can be described as "is a"? A) generalization/specialization B) association C) aggregation D) multiplicity E) inheritance


42. Which of the following is NOT true concerning use case modeling?

has its roots in process modeling

84. When modules are ________________, each module should accomplish one (and only one) function. This makes the modules reusable in future programs.

highly cohesive

83. Structured design seeks to factor a program into the top-down hierarchy of modules that have the following properties - (1) modules should be __________________ cohesive; and (2) modules should be ______________________ coupled.

highly, loosely

73. The merger of various structured techniques (especially data-driven information engineering) with prototyping techniques and joint application techniques to accelerate systems development is known as: A) application architecture B) object-oriented design C) model-driven design D) rapid application development E) none of these

rapid application development

77. When several different vendors and/or products are candidates and you want to solicit competitive proposals and quotes, what would you use? A) request for proposal (RFP) B) request for quotation (RFQ) C) request for specification (RFS) D) request for design (RFD) E) none of these

request for proposal (RFP)

115. The ________________________________ is used when you have already decided on the specific product, but that product can be acquired from different distributors.

request for quotation (RFQ)

98. The version of the use case created during requirements analysis is called a(n) ______________________ use case.


153. The ___________________________________ phase, comes after the problem analysis phase, and defines the business requirements for a new system.

requirements analysis

154. The _____________________________________ phase typically includes prioritizing system requirements.

requirements analysis

112. Which of the following phases defines the business requirements for new systems?

requirements analysis phase

59. In which of the following are the use case scenarios acted out by the participants, where participants may assume the role of actors or object types that collaborate to process a hypothetical business event? A) scenarios B) plays C) role playing D) action play plans E) none of these

role playing

77. In ______________________________________, the use case scenarios are acted out by the participants. The participants may assume the role of actors or object types that collaborate to process a hypothetical business event.

role playing

137. The _________________________________________looks at the question "Is this project work looking at?"

scope definition phase

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