CS103 Chapter 10

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5. Some people believe that data leads to information and information leads to knowledge. T/F


40. An example of a computational tool is ________________.


42. Distilling the essential details of a problem into a data model is the computational thinking tool _________________.


45. Creating a sequence of ordered, executable, unambiguous steps for which halting criteria exists and which leads to a problem solution is the computational thinking tool ______________________.

algorithmic design

50. The computational thinking tool of pattern recognition examines data by a computer using machine learning __________________.


63. For social networks, data collection is a commodity to be sold, traded, or ____________.


21. Generalization, decomposition, metadata, and abstraction are all __________________ tools.

computational thinking

68. Twitter uses ________________ and similar technologies for authentication and security, preferences, analytics and research, personalized content, and advertising.


24. Using only correct data is important because, if you have incorrect data on your __________________, it could keep you from securing a loan.

credit report

32. Having more data values than expected would call into question the validity of the ______________.


44. Partitioning a problem into distinct components leads is the computational thinking tool _____________________.


69. When you are concerned about the collection and use of data by websites you visit, you might be able to select the ______________________ option if the website you are visiting, such as Pinterest or Twitter, supports this feature.

do not track

26. According to the text, data is _____________, information is created from the data, and knowledge is gained.


43. Creating general models or paradigms for the analysis of limited data is the computational thinking tool ___________________.


49. Pattern recognition is one application of _____________________.


59. The way an ATM works behind the scenes is considered an example of _____________________.


60. The _____________________ details among browsers, which differ from browser to browser, will probably play into your decision regarding which browser becomes your preferred choice.


67. You often start to see ads for a product after conducting a search for that product because your user data has been tracked and ______________.


51. Datasets are usually decomposed into two pieces: a training set and a(n) _______________.

testing set

35. A collection of 10,000 photos on your smartphone is an example of ___________________ data.


61. You can use VCRs, DVRs, and Blu-Ray players pretty easily because, although the technology behind these storage mediums is very different, the _______________ has remained similar and familiar.

user interface

30. Data that can be agreed upon by objective measures to meaningfully represent the concept that it purports to represent is considered _________________.

valid data

33. _____________ is data about data.


74. Presentation of data or the results of data manipulation to a computer screen, a printer, a plotter, or some other visualization format: _____________


12. Computational thinking is about understanding our ways of thinking in order to take advantage of computer speed and information processing. T/F


14. The computational thinking tool of abstraction strives to eliminate all minor and insignificant details in order to focus on the fundamental aspects of the problem. T/F


15. One of the key skills of a good data scientist is the ability to construct and implement a good data structure that allows for manipulation of the data. T/F


17. A user interface is the way in which a human may interact with a computer. T/F


20. Websites that provide advertisers with information about your interests do so to generate revenue. T/F


3. Data can be thought of values that represent concepts. T/F


25. Given a set of numbers, knowing the _____________ of those numbers along with your score places more meaning on your score.


56. Use a(n) ________________ data structure if the data can be structured by the less than or greater than operator.

binary tree

39. Computer scientists, ____________ scientists, and mathematicians all use computational tools.


36. The process of compiling data from a variety of sources to form a composite dataset for data processing purposes is called _____________________.

data aggregation

38. You might use ________________ after structuring your data if you find that your dataset has missing components, out-of-range values, or other inaccuracies.

data cleansing

53. Stacks, containers, queues, and trees are all examples of ________________________.

data structures

31. When recording daily rainfall, a data entry of _______ would be rejected.


29. Job trend experts agree that ___________________ is a growing career field because of the expectation that there will be more jobs in this field that there will be qualified applicants to fill those jobs.

Data Science

10. A database and a spreadsheet provide the same level of efficiency regarding data organization. T/F


11. Computational thinking is useful in many concrete science-related areas but not the more abstract skill of problem-solving. T/F


13. The computational thinking tool of decomposition is the extraction of essential details from a situation and then using those details to create a model. T/F


16. A linked list is a sequential data structure consisting of data elements called pointers. T/F


18. Implementation refers to the way in which a human has interacted with a specific API. T/F


19. Even though data is collected about you, such as on social networking sites, it is not important to understand how that data is used by the companies collecting it. T/F


2. Facebook includes a Data Police that users can review to see how Facebook uses the data it collects. T/F


4. Data cannot be manipulated so it always represents the truth. T/F


6. Assumptions based on past experiences and bias always reflect the truth. T/F


7. A dataset is data that has been verified and is now set so that it cannot be changed. T/F


Data cleansing is a computational thinking tool. T/F


73. The ability of a computer to represent data in a format that can be saved and referenced at a later time: _________________


47. The ____________________________ states that the number of ways that a complex event can occur is found by multiplying together the number of ways that each of its component events can happen.

Fundamental Counting Theorem

66. Many websites provide very complicate answers to privacy policy questions, but _____________ provides very simple responses to privacy policy probably because this company thinks it is better to tell a short story that readers will actually read.


75. A general term for all manner of data manipulation that may take place, including sorting, searching, and calculations: _________________


8. When collecting "yes"/"no" votes from students regarding a class trip, if a student gives a response other than "yes"/"no", that data is automatically discarded as invalid. T/F


9. To ensure data validation, concepts must be clearly defined and ranges of acceptable values for representing these concepts must be established. T/F


34. A spreadsheet is an example of _____________ data.


62. The of principle of separation of ________________ from implementation can be found when using automobiles, computers, and smartphones.


55. Starting with the first node in a linked list data structure, progress is made in a(n) ____________ fashion through the linked list by following the pointers from one node to the next.


52. The computational thinking tool of pattern recognition has been successfully used for _______________________.

military applications

41. When a computer ______________ our best problem-solving mechanics but with fewer errors than humans make, then there is a benefit from implemented computational thinking.


48. If you wanted to input 75 values into a computer, find the average of the values, and then print out the result, you could use the computation thinking tool of _________________________.


27. If you were creating a dataset to represent the amount of rainfall in a month, you would have ____________________ value(s) in the dataset.

numerical data

28. You would want to _________ the data in a dataset collected about monthly rainfall to bring out the meaning behind the results.


58. It is always more efficient to search through _____________ data.


71. A technique by which a set of sequenced steps that are not dependent on each other are run simultaneously: ____________________________

parallel processing

46. Using machine language to uncover regularities in data and create predictive models is the computational thinking tool _________________________.

pattern recognition

37. A Social Security number, an address, and an employee badge number are all examples of __________________ information.

personally identifiable

70. Because of the complexities of the associated issues and the seriousness with which companies approach their responsibilities relating to these issues, the ______________________ for social networking sites contain vast amounts of information.

privacy policies

22. To check how data is collected and used when you are on their sites, you can check the Facebook Data Policy page or the Google __________________ page.

privacy policy

54. The name of a simple data structure that facilitates the first in, first out storage model is ________.


72. The repeated execution of one or more program steps: _________________


57. The top node in a binary tree data structure is the _________________.

root node

64. Understanding what kind of data is collected, how to protect personal data, and how to limit what data is collected should be understood by a ___________________ user.

social network

65. If one ___________________ site partners with another site, your data might differ from the stated {privacy} page of the site you are visiting.

social networking

23. Data values can be numeric, textual, or____________.


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