CSFH Final

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11. In addition to objective and subjective tests. What is another common type of test?

- oral test

24. Explain the six steps of creating a note-taking outline.

- outline: organize lectures - compare/contrast: two different concepts are alike of diff - summarize - asymmetrical column: room for comments or questions - concept map: diff examples

6. Which of the following documents summarize your lecture notes on one piece of paper for review?

- study sheet

10. When taking an essay test, what is the first step?

-Read all the questions and jot down facts and thoughts for each

2. Which of the following characteristics describes an anxious student?

-She has difficulty concentrating

15. If you get sick before a test, which of the following actions should you take?

-contact the instructor, follow doctor's orders, and rest

9. A standard double-spaced page equals approximately _Two to three__ minutes of speaking time.

2-3 min

3. Describe at least three elements or a resume.

Contact information Your resume summary Educational background

39. At what point in your program should you begin to find out about certification and/or licensure requirements of your field in your state, and why?

The beginning of the program is when you should begin to find out about certification and/or licensure requirements.

1. The type of stress that causes positive reactions is referred to as _eustress_.


16. ____ means good, or healthy, levels of stress.


13. Name the two types of stress.

eustress distress

4. Determining whether information has value or relevance is:


6. People who __ regularly have more energy, have higher self-esteem, and are less stressed and tense.


1. Describe three specific stress reduction techniques that work for you as an individual.

exercise relax take breaks

1. Actively texting an old friend during a Medical Office Procedures lecture is a form of active listening. ( True or False?)


1. Attending class on the first day isn't as important as most days during the term. ( True or False?)


1. Sitting in the front row of the classroom is not a good idea because you won't be able to see all of the other students behind you.


19. When presented with a true/false question, It is wise to look for ___ words such as a;always, never, none , only.


2. Avoiding breaks during studying helps to maintain your concentration. ( True or False?)


2. If your professor is in his or her office, you can walk right in with a question, even outside of office hours .(True or False?) False


2. Prolong stress strengthens your immune system. ( True or false?)


2. You should understand from the start of any class that the professor is only interested in the material and not the students.


3. Kinesthetic learners benefit from recording and listening to lectures. (True or False?)


3. Short- Term memory lasts for a fraction of a second. (True or False?)


4. Revealing patient's name and medical history to your friends and family is a good way to demonstrate your good professional character. ( True or False ?)


4. To be information literate means to know all of the information on your course exam. ( True or False?)


5. "Being available to go out" on a Friday night is one of the primary traits of a good academic character. ( True or False?)


6. If you have a strong resume, you do not need to send a cover letter. (True or False)


7. A glass of wine will likely help you sleep through the night.


7. The brain continues to process information and store it in long-term memory during sleep. (True or False?)


7. You should always assume that the interview will provide you with paper and pen to take notes during the interview. (True or False)


9. If you were fired from your last job, you should lie to the interview and say you quit. (True or False)


14. List three short-term physical symptoms of stress.

fast breathing fast HR feeling physically ill

12. One type of financial aid is _flexible payment plans, loans, grants, scholarships, or work- study programs___.

flexible payment plans, loans, grants, scholarships, work study programs

10. A network is a voluntary, _____, and respectful.


1. List three reasons why people choose to continue their education.

gain confidence make more money be more qualified

20. When you answer a fill-in-the-blank question, you need to be sure that your answer is consistent with the ____ of the sentence.


1. Breaking up one large task or assignment into several smaller ones is typically less daunting and easier to complete. ( True or False?)


1. During clinical rotation, a student must never perform a task that he or she has not yet been trained to do. (true or false)


1. There is only one format for a resume that is appropriate for healthcare professionals. (True or False)


10. Even if you say that you and shake hands at the end of the interview, you should still send a thank you note. (True or False)


23.List two strategies for reading actively.

Read aloud take notes

17. Name two common excuses for procrastinating.

"I feel like taking a break to celebrate finish one chapter later, and ill read the second one afterward" " Ill do it tomorrow

14. After one semester, your overall grades for three 4-credit courses were A-, B+,B-. If an A- is worth 3.7 points, a B+ is worth 3.3 points, and a B- is worth 2.7 points, what is your GPA, rounded to the nearest tenth?

- 3.3

13. The class has taken three exams and written two essay. You scored 80%, 76%, and 94% on the exams, and 88% and 92% on the essays. Your instructor will determine your grade by averaging these scores. What is your final grade?

- 86

12. The class has taken three quizzes, worth 20 points each. You scored 18, 20, and 14 on the three quizzes. Based on these three scores, what is your overall percentage grade so far in the course?

- 87%

1.Which of the following describes a recommended way to care for your mind?

- All of these are correct

3. Which of the following statements describes a recommended response when an instructor covers the material too quickly?

- Ask specific questions about concepts you would like the instructor to clarify

3. If you start to feel anxious during a test, how might you break the tension?

- Close your eyes and hum quietly to yourself

4. What is one recommended way to prepare and plan ahead for a test?

- Decide on an organized study plan

12. According to Benjamin Bloom, what are the six stages of cognitive learning?

- Knowledge - application - synthesis - comprehension - analysis - evaluation

9. When faced with a group of short-answer questions, its best to answer which type of question first?

- Questions you know without hesitation

2. What is the best way to ask for clarification during a lecture?

- State what you do understand, and ask a specific question

5. What can you learn about an upcoming test by attending class?

- The test questions

10. Name five learning styles, and give a short explanation of one of that best describes how you prefer to learn.

- Visual - Kinesthetic - detail - Auditory - global

3. Which note-taking format would work best in a class where the instructor routinely gives a lot of anecdotes and examples to illustrate a single main idea?

- concept map

6. All of the following are recommended tips for effective note-taking except:

- copying entire chapters directly from the textbook

8. When taking objective tests, answer easier problems first, then tackle the more difficult ones. What is the advantage of this approach?

- easy questions warm up the brain and build confidence for tougher questions

7. Which of the following are objective tests except:

- essay

4. All of the following describe learning skills except:

- explore it

1. All of the following can sabotage active listening except:

- listening for signal words

8. All of the following can help you can stay focused during reading except:

- listening to music while reading

7. When skimming a chapter, you should:

- look at the images and key terms, and read the introduction and summary

2. There are more than___300____ different health careers.


3. Long-term goals have a time range of _5 to 10__ years.


11. The body of the paper should be _70 to 90%_of a paper's total length.

70 to 90%

8. According to the National Institutes of Health, most adults need ____________ hours of sleep each night.


32. As a medical assistant in Dr.Tran's office, you are responsible for scheduling the doctor's daily appointments. Your office allows a fixed 15-minute slot for each patient. If Dr.Tran arrives at 8 a.m., spends 1 hour in meetings , spends 30 minutes at lunch , and leaves at 4:30p.m., how many patients can Dr.Tran see in one day? Write out each step in your calculations and include the proper units ( for example, minutes, hours, patients).

8.5 hours. 8.5-(1+5)=7 hours( 4 appointments/ Hr)= 28 patients or 7 hours ( 60 min) = 420 min/15 min= 28 patients

1. Which of the following is not a guideline for professional conduct?

C) perform your assigned tasks and nothing more

20. List one way to create an effective-rather than bland-conclusion.

A quotation that relates to or sums up your thesis

7. When working with patients, you may come across cases in which a male family member speaks for a female patient. What is this an example of?

A) Gender roles

4. To protect yourself from infection, which of the following substances should you always treat as if it contains infectious organisms?

A) Mucous membranes

2. If you sit at the front of the classroom, what impression does this communicate to the instructor?

A) That you are willing and eager to learn

4. List at least five personal characteristics that are important in all health professions.

Act responsibly Accept diversity Communicate carefully Show initiative determination

4. What should you do with your class notes after you've written them in class?

After you have written your notes in class you should review them.

20.If you cannot speak to the instructor immediately after class, what is another appropriate time to introduce yourself to the instructor?

Another appropriate time to introduce yourself to your instructor is during the instructor's office hours.

9. Your long- range calendar should include which of the following?

All of these are correct

18. List three advantages of taking notes during class.

Allows you to focus and engage in class Allows you retain information that way you could remember

2. What is an example of a time when a health professions classroom became particularly noisy? Why is it essential to be able to hear your instructor at a time like this?

An example of a time when a health professions classroom began particularly noisy is when the professor discusses clinical rotation assignments then students start asking questions or making noise and the noise level rises. It is essential to be able to hear your instructor at a time like that because you can get the correct information from the instructor.

3. Give an example of how you might be making an impression on your instructors even when you may not be aware of it.

An example of how you might be making an impression on your instructors even when you may not be aware of it is when you are interacting with peers in lecture or discussions. This makes a good impression because it shows professor that you are engaged.

18. Why might an instructor use media, such as handouts, films, or plastic models, as part of a class lecture?

An instructor may use media, handouts, films, or plastic models as part of class lecture because of different learning styles of students.

4. How does assessment software benefit students and instructors?

Assessment software benefit students to determine their level of knowledge to create goals. For instructors this benefits them determine the students' progress.

8. ___ Involves making a connection between something you already know and something you're trying to learn.


18. Name two of the four strategies for improving memory.

Association Organization

3. A student with a grade average of 80% at the end of a course will most earn the letter grade of__B_____.


1. All of the following are ways to help control anxiety, except:

C) trying to ignore feelings of anxiety

2. A research paper must include all of the following elements except:

B) Appendix

6. Dressing appropriately in the workplace sends what message to patients and coworkers?

B) That you are a professional

1. On the first day of class, instructors often discuss the class handouts. What is one advantage of this activity?

B) You can ask questions and clarify in the instructor's expectations

2. It's a good idea to practice your skills over and over before you need to perform then in a clinical setting. What is one recommended way to get needed practice?

B) practice at the skill lab

3. What is the main reason that it is important to follow policies and procedures to the letter every time?

B) safety

4. What is the best time to meet with your instructor to ask questions or discuss the material?

C) during the instructor's office hours

17. Describe basic professional attire and hygiene.

Basic profession attire and hygiene means clean and clothing, appropriate shoes, simple hairstyle, minimal jewelry and perfume.

5. Which of the following strategies is recommended to prevent yourself from becoming bored or overly fatigued during the semester?

Be flexible by leaving some time unscheduled

24. List two or more resources that can be found in a library.

Books Journals Librarians

3. How does a student with global learning style prefer to learn?

By summarizing and relating concepts to the "big picture"

4. Which of the following websites is likely to be the most reliable resource for information on high blood pressure?

C) A government health institute

7. An internet-based forum that allows you to post questions or comments for your classmates or instructors is called:

C) An online message boards

3. As you prepare to revise the first draft of a paper, which of the following should not be considered?

C) Fine points of grammar and punctuation of the paper

6. If your instructor assigns a group project but you don't get along with your group members, what is the best strategy for a successful group project?

C) Overlook personal differences and focus on the project

5. For a network to be successful, all group members must:

C) contribute and consume information

24. Describe one limitation of using calculators to solve math problems.

Calculators cannot interpret or understand the problem or explain the theory of the problem.

6. List four careers that fall into the diagnostic services category.

Cardiovascular tech Clinical lab tech .CT tech MRI tech

8. List three of the seven main characteristics you must have to be a good healthcare professional.

Caring Integrity Dependability

3. What are four characteristics that members of a successful study group should have?

Committed Contribute Compatible Considerate

20. List the " four Cs" for keeping a study group focused, and explain each one briefly.

Committed group: members are interested in material Contributors : willing to share knowledge Compatible: overlook differences and focus on studying Considerate: arrive on time

26. List two ways in which health professionals use computers.

Communicate by email Research insurance info

21. Name and describe two of the four common note-taking formats.

Compare and contrast format

19. List three real- life applications of good writing skills.

Completing patient charts and medical records Creating a resume Writing effective emails

6. Which of the following behaviors demonstrates honesty?

Completing your work in your own words

4. If you are studying the different drugs used to treat hypertension and hypotension, Which of the following study strategies would be most effective for memorizing this material?

Create a list

1. What are at least two tips for getting organized?

Create a three-ring binder Folders with labels

3. Write a definition for critical thinking in your own words.

Critical thinking: Investigation of the issue in order to form a judgment.

15. ___ is the concept of identifying with the traditions and values of a particular group.


3. Meeting individually with your instructor provides the opportunity to do all the following except:

D) Find out specifically what's going to be on the next test

5. Your instructor asks you to research anemia in teenagers. Which of the following search terms would likely provide the most accurate search results?

D) Teenagers' anemia

21. Name at least five of the nine steps in the process of writing a paper.

Determine a schedule Select a topic Collect info Organize information evaluate info

8. Why should diversity be celebrated?

Diversity should be celebrated because it is an essential part of the experience of humanity, so it should be celebrated and embraced.

4. List key steps to take in preparation for beginning your clinical experience.

Dress code Know the equipment Know mentor Know clinic

12. Name two resources that can guide your studying, and explain how they can help you.

Due dates study guides

3. One way to maintain a balanced life while in school is to:

Eat healthy foods

1. The "S" in SMART stands for "Super". (True of False ?)


2. What types of resources or activities would be helpful to someone who is an auditory learner?

For someone who is an auditory learner it would be helpful if they having things explained out loud and if they have repetition through a tape.

38. What does the abbreviation GPA stand for?

GPA stands for grade point average

26. List two benefits of studying math with a reliable partner.

Gain another POV Learn different ways

7. Holidays are a time to:

Get ahead on big projects

7. Failure to comply with __HIPPA__ regulations, whether intentional or not, can result on civil penalties.


17. Describe one benefit of participating in a group discussion.

Helps students practice speaking up in class

1. Having a positive attitude

Helps you study for your classes in a more effective way

16. Name two examples of tasks that should be included on a weekly calendar.

Homework assignments Quiz and tests due dates

4. What will the grading policy for the class tell you?

How much tests, papers, daily participation, group work, and attendance contribute to your final grade

3. Describe your personality traits and interests that match up with your chosen career.

I am extrovert which means that I will be able to communicate with people during different situations. As well as Agreeableness which means I will agree with others quickly and confidently.

16. Explain your reasons for continuing your education.

I decided to continue my education to prove to my parents that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. I also want to be a good role model for my little sisters and I want them to follow my footsteps. I also want to give back to everyone that helped me get to where I am at today.

23. Why should you avoid gossip, even as a student?

I should avoid gossip because gossip leads to a bad environment which means that it can make you have a bad habit about talking bad about people. Gossip makes a student distracted so it is best to avoid it that way you wont get distracted for your goals. As well as when you avoid gossip you are avoiding into getting in conflict with other people.

14. Describe one example of how you will use critical thinking skills in your career.

I will use critical thinking skills in my career by identifying the problem and then gather information to solve the problem.

2. How would you cope with an instructor who moves too slowly?

I would try to memorize the definitions of key terms as the professor goes over them if an instructor would move too slowly.

14. If you have an hour or less to work, your priority should be.

If you have an hour or less to work, your priority should be splitting the work by starting of on the easy tasks then working on the hard tasks.

25. If your first attempt at an internet search doesn't return the results you wanted, what are two strategies for achieving better results?

If your first attempt at an internet search doesn't return the results you wanted you could rephrase your keywords, use advanced search options or try different search engines for better results.

15. List three common dreams that lead people to continue their education.

Improve standard of living Support family Gain self confidence

3. What items do you need to put in your yearly schedule?

In a paper or electronic yearly schedule you need to put due dates, projects, homework, group work, study days, holidays.

2. Describe how to write an outline for an essay and why doing it is so important.

In order to write an outline, you must have a thesis statement which is the part you should get your reader interested in reading the rest of your essay. Then you chose your title and use the five paragraph format; introduction, first paragraph, second , third and conclusion all with different points. Its important to write an outline so you could stay focused and guide your writing.

29. Explain how to write an outline for an essay question and why is it important to do so.

In order to write an outline, you must have a thesis statement which is the part you should get your reader interested in reading the rest of your essay. Then you chose your title and use the five paragraph format; introduction, first paragraph, second , third and conclusion all with different points. Its important to write an outline so you could stay focused and guide your writing.

13. When researching for a paper, Information should be collected and written on _Index cards to allow for ease in sorting, organizing, quoting, and writing the paper.

Index cards to allow for ease in sorting, organizing, quoting, and writing the paper.

25. Name three useful resources for math students.

Instructors Textbook Tutor

3. What might you experience when trying to memorize terms that look or sound similar?


4. How would introducing yourself to your instructor to help prepare you for future clinical experience?

Introducing yourself to your instructor helps you prepare for the future for clinical experience by helping you have a good connection with your professor who could help you in the future if you need help.

23. Explain why it can be a good idea to include sources that argue against your thesis.

It can be a good idea to include sources that argue against your thesis because it includes different points of view and it defends your thesis.

1. Which of the following statements describes the role of the cerebellum?

It controls basic functions such as balance and coordination

11.Explain why it is always best to ask for clarification or verification if you're not completely sure.

It is always best to ask for clarification or verification when you aren't completely sure because you can cause a patients life to be endangered and you could lose your job.

13. Explain why its helpful to have a plan when you sit down to study.

It is helpful to have a plan when you sit down to study because it helps you stay focused for your goal.

16. Explain why it is important to be physically comfortable while you study.

It is important to be physically comfortable while you study because it helps improve concentration and you stay focused.

15. Explain why it is important to establish a good relationship with your clinical mentor, and describe one way you can build this relationship.

It is important to establish a good relationship with your clinical mentor because they will be the ones that coach you and help you with all your problems. One way you can build a relationship is be polite and respectful, listen, don't make unfair judgements and learn about mentor's background.

18. Why is it important to exercise regularly each week?

It is important to exercise regularly each week because your body will be healthy and your mind wont have as much stress.

3. Why is it important to follow the full process for a writing assignment?

It is important to follow the full process for a writing assignment because it helps them process the order of their thoughts and organize them.

12. Explain one reason that it is important to know your limits when working in healthcare.

It is important to know your limits when working in healthcare because of patient safety, makes you trustworthy and professional.

22. Explain why it is important to read assigned material before the class session.

It is important to read assigned material before class session because you will be prepared for class.

31. Explain why is it important to review all tests when they have been graded and given back to you.

It is important to review all tests when they have been graded and given back to you because it helps you understand what you missed and what the instructors comments were.

15. Explain why it is important to schedule time in advance for projects and group work.

It is important to schedule time in advance for projects and group work that way you can know if they will all have the time available.

1. Why is it important to sit in the front of the classroom?

It is important to sit in front of the classroom because the student will be actively engaged in learning. The student will be able to see the screen, hear the instructor clearly, ask questions, and class demonstrations.

5. Explain why its not a good idea to expect a calculator to do all of your math for you.

It is not a good idea to expect a calculator to do all the math for you because sometimes it may not be able to give you information such as if you are trying to input X when you try to make conversions, budgets or proper dosage.

5. Describe the importance of teamwork for the activities you will be engaged in during your clinical rotation.

It is very important to work as a team for the activities you will be engaged during you clinical rotation because you are working towards the same goal and it reduces the number of medical errors.

8. Explain how knowing your dominant learning style can help you become a successful student.

Knowing your dominant learning style can help you become a successful student by understanding your strengths by understanding your strengths which allows you to improve your studying and testing- taking skills.

10. The five steps of LISAN note taking are: Lead, __ideas__, Signal Words, Actively Listen, and _notes___.

Lead ideas signal words actively listen notes

16. List two advantages of attending clinical orientation.

Learn facility's mission statement Confidentiality rules

5. In addition to any personal goals, the true goal of all students should be:


8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a well- organized schedule?

Leaves one whole day free of classes

1. List five behaviors that could be interfering with your ability to listen actively in class.

Letting distractions interrupt you Tuning out difficult material Assuming material is boring Pretending to listen Trying to write every word in your notes

21. List four types of goals and timeframe for each.

Long Term ( 5 to 10 years away) Intermediate ( 3 to 5 years away) Short Term ( 6 months to 2 years away) immediate ( 1 day ,1 week , 1 month )

2. Describe at least three different study strategies.

Make associations: link old info with new info to remember Use acronyms: recall info Imagery: visualize the picture

2. Which of the following is an example of the section strategy for improving your working memory?

Memorizing steps for CPR

4. List three professional websites related to your area of study.

Message therapy foundation Pubmed American Association of Medical Assistants

2. All of the following are specifically recommended for auditory learners except:

Moving around while studying

3. List three groups of people or resources you could look to for support in your effort to be a successful student.

My boyfriend is one of my biggest supporters while I am in school because he helps me get more motivated and believes that I could accomplish anything that I put my mind to. He as well pushes me to be the best version of myself even when I think that I am not good enough. The second person is my mother because she has been my number one supporter since the day I was born. I know that she believes in me and she pushes me to be the best of the best in school as well as in my life. The third person is my father because he as well has been my number one supporter and he pushes me to do better than the best and motivates me to accomplish all my goals when I think I can't.

19. Identify at least three people who could be your supporters while you are in school, and explain how each could help you.

My boyfriend is one of my biggest supporters while I'm in school, because he's helping me get more motivated and he thinks I can do whatever I think I can do. He also pushes me to be the best version of myself, even though I don't think I'm good enough. The second person is my mother, because she has been my number one supporter since I was born. I know she believes in me, and she pushes me to be the best in school and in my life. The third person is my father, because he was also my number one supporter, and he pushes me to do better than the best, and he motivates me to achieve all my goals when I think I can't.

22. List three goals you have for your education and career and indicate which of the four types(timeframes) each goal is.

My first goal for my education is to pass all my classes with a high 90 or a 100 and this is a short- term goal because it takes 6 months to 2 years which is how long I will be attending college for the PTA program. The second goal is to get into the program. In order to get in I need to pass my HESI exam and this is an immediate goal because it is 1 day, 1 week or 1 month away which means I need to get it done that way, I can apply early and get accepted. My third goal is to actually get accepted into the program and finish all the requirements needed to become a PTA and this is an intermediate which is 3 to 5 years and means that's the time I have to accomplish everything needed. My first goal for my career is to become the best PTA there is that way patients could feel better after their treatment for their injury this is a long-term goal which is 5 to 10 years and this is what I need to do for the rest of my career. My second goal for my career is to wake up everyday and to be eager to work and this is another long-term goal because I need to do it for more 10+ years. My last goal for my career is to stay safe during the pandemic if it is still a thing by the time, I am a PTA and this is an immediate goal because I always want to stay safe.

5. Name three characteristics of a profession

Networking Professional association Self regulation

36. What is one advantage of starting to track your grades early in a course?

One advantage of starting to track your grades early in a course is that you get to know if you are able to meet your goal.

17. Describe one benefit of being able to see demonstrations and hear the instructor clearly.

One benefit of being able to see demonstrations and hear the instructor clearly is that you get all the instructions clearly, and you won't miss any information.

21. What is one role of the " gatekeeper" in a study group?

One role for a gatekeeper is to make sure the group stays on topics and focused.

30. State one special strategy that may be useful on vocabulary tests.

One special strategy that may be useful on vocabulary tests is to use correct grammar to look for answers,

18. Describe one way in which you can make adjustments if you have difficulty maintaining a positive attitude.

One way I can make adjustments if I have difficulty maintaining a positive attitude is positively talking to myself every morning and day. I want to remind myself that no matter what comes my way I am able to overcome that obstacle and that in the long run it is all going to pay off.

20. Describe one way in which motivating yourself in school might benefit you in other areas of life.

One way in which I can motivate myself in school is positively talk to myself and say that I can accomplish everything that I put my mind into if I believe in myself and it can believe me in others in life by helping me push through the obstacles by reminding me what I am possible of.

21. Describe one way to keep your network members' personal information safe.

One way to keep your network members' personal information safe is keeping their numbers and address in a safe place.

15. Name at least three of the five things you can do in class to become an active listener.

Organize info as you hear it take effective notes identify main ideas

15. Name three common distractions to avoid when selecting a study space.

People Television Ringing phones

1. Which main group of healthcare careers interests you the most? Why?

Physical Therapist assistant interests me the most because I want to help my patients regain their mobility after losing it due to an incident. I want to be there with my patients and encouraging them to become better. I have to be there and make sure that they believe in themselves and they push themselves.

18. Explain two or more of the six steps in giving an effective class presentation,

Plan, research, and organize your content Draft or revise the presentation

9. List two or more study tips for visual learners.

Play close attention to visual clues Highlight your textbook

22. What kinds of resources are often included with textbooks companion website? List at least three.

Practice quizzes Sample tests Interactive quizzes

9. What five areas are addressed by a professional code of ethics?

Professionalism Confidentiality Patient right and safety Cultural diversity Personal conduct

14. Patient safety is the responsibility of all healthcare team members. Name two ways you can protect patients from harm.

Proper handwashing Check for trip or fall hazards

13.Describe two safeguards that can help you maintain patient privacy.

Protect password Log off computer when done

5. What are at least three things you can do to make sure you're reading actively?

Read aloud or in a way that you can hear the words Take notes or draw graphics Write down any questions

16. List two ways that instructors may draw your attention to important material.

Repeat facts use facial expressions

19. List three benefits of taking notes during class.

Retain more information Familiarize with teaching style Stay focused

6. What five characteristics should each of your SMART goals have?

SMART goals should have specific, measurable, relevant, and time- bound characteristics to make sure your goal could be reached.

23. List two places you are likely to find information about on-campus groups and activities.

Schools website Bulletin boards

2. When gathering material for a paper, what are several sources where you can look to find information?

Several sources where you can look to gather information are reference materials, book and media, and newspapers.

18. List three ways to prevent procrastination.

Split the work Break projects into smaller do a little at a time

4. Name several techniques for controlling your procrastination tendencies.

Split your work Stay focused Plan ahead of time Stay focused on goals

19. Explain why study groups can be an effective part of your studying.

Study groups can be an effective part of your studying because teaching someone is a good way to learn for some people.

11. List two possible benefits of joining a professional association.

Subscriptions to professional publications Access to online resources

2. Which of the following documents tells you important information about the course and describes the instructor's expectations?


3. Which of the following documents tells you the instructors name and contact information, the course name, and the number of credit hours?


4. Why do synthesis and evaluation learning skills come after knowledge and comprehension skills?

Synthesis and evaluation learning skills come after knowledge and comprehension because learners go beyond what they have learned and create a new method.

13. Which stage of cognitive learning is the most creative?

Synthesis is the most creative stage of cognitive learning.

22. State two places you might find ideas for a paper topic.

Table of contents Lecture notes

2. Which of the following is not an effective way to stop the cycle of uncertainty, fear, and discouragement?

Take a break from studying

17. Name one strategy for improving your concentration during study time.

Taking breaks is a strategy for improving your concentration during study time.

17. Explain the difference between text- dependent and text-independent lecture content, and describe how you should approach the material for both types of lecture content.

Text dependent is when the lectured material follows the text and text independent lecture are from other media that supports the text.

1. Describe the benefits of knowing your own learning styles preferences.

The benefits of knowing you own learning style preferences is that it can help you achieve your personal and professional goals without doubting yourself and can help you increase your confidence.

3. Describe the benefits of regular exercise.

The benefits of regular exercise are to improve memory and brain function as well as protect your body from many diseases. It can as well improve heart health and reduce stress.

10. Explain the difference between a job and a career.

The difference between a career and job is that a career needs more involvement and care. A job isn't as satisfying as a career.

2. What is the employment outlook for your chosen career?

The employment outlook for my career is that the project grow is 29 percent and is much faster than most occupations.

7. List three examples of problems that can occur in health care if professionals were not honest, accountable, and responsible on the job.

The first example of a problem that can occur if healthcare professionals weren't honest, accountable and responsible on the job is that a patient could result in becoming really ill or possibly even die. Another example would be that all health care professionals would be lost and out of order since they weren't honest with each other. The last example would be that they will lose their license if one of the health care professionals results in not being honest, accountable or responsible on the job.

17. Describe two obstacles you have faced in continuing your education and how have you responded to each.

The first obstacle I faced in continuing my education is being able to pay tuition without any financial help. I didn't really respond well to it because I just get depressed and worried that my parents have to pay so much. They work so hard to get the money just so I can continue my education and we cannot receive any help since my parents make too much. Another obstacle I have faced in continuing my education is having lots of homework, studying and working in my business. I have responded not so well because I get overwhelmed and stressed, but my family helps me a lot by pushing me and motivating me to continue my education.

7. What is the first step in determining which career will suit you best?

The first step in determining which career will suit you best is to understand your interests and personality.

1. Which of the following commonly appears on a syllabus?

The goals your instructor has for you

4. Explain the importance of a positive attitude for success in school.

The importance of a positive attitude is in order to be successful you need to have a positive attitude which leads to more motivation and getting things done efficiently. A positive attitude helps you in the long run because it allows you to be with people that you would want to spend time with.

27. What is the most important point to remember about your communications, no matter what technology you're using?

The most important point to remember about your communications no matter what technology you are using is that you must recognize all forms of communications , everything that is said or written online must be captured or saved.

7. As a health care professional, which of the following will you be responsible for ?

The patients security and privacy

2. Write three to five sentences about how people in your life helped or hurt your goal of continuing your education.

The people in my life that have helped me on my goal of continuing my education is my family because they motivate and believe in me. These people never let me face an obstacle alone and they help me fight through it by motivating me to fight it. They always remind me that they will always be there for me and believe in me no matter what.

20. Describe the purpose of a note-taking outline.

The purpose of a note-taking outline is that it makes you organize your notes about the lecture.

4. Explain what the purpose of a thank you letter is.

The purpose of a thank you letter is to thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you.

1. What is the purpose of a cover letter?

The purpose of the cover letter is to get the attention of the hiring manage and make them interested in wanting to learn more about you.

2. How can your syllabus help you be successful in a course?

The syllabus will help you be successful because it will get you prepared to advance for due dates of class work or tests.

13. The tasks on your daily to-do list should be

The task on you daily to do list should be specific.

9. Explain what it means to be dependable.

To be dependable means to that you will always do what needs to be done. As well as that other people can put their trust on you.

6. What is the primary reason for attending every class?

To review and build on the material you read in the textbook

4. Which of the following is an example of a good goal?

To study at least one hour a day

List three campus resources that can make a positive impact on your school experience

Tutoring learning labs writing center

6. What are two challenges you might face when creating a network?

Two challenges you might face when creating a network are finding people and for everyone to be available for the same meeting time.

33. Name the two most common categories of math problems.

Two most common categories of math problems are number and word problems.

5. List two strategies you can use to stay motivated.

Two strategies I can use to stay motivated is get the important things done first and keep my world small that way I could be less distracted and be successful.

35. List two strategies for succeeding with word problems on a test.

Two strategies for succeeding with world problems on a test are completing the easy problems first and looking at the big picture.

34.Describe two strategies for tackling number problems on a test.

Two strategies for tackling number problems on a test are working carefully and deliberately.

28. Name two of the things you can do on the day of a test to be prepared.

Two things you can do on the day of a test to be prepared have materials ready and arrive on time.

3. Discuss two tips for doing well on multiple-choice questions, whether on a class test or licensure exam.

Two tips for doing well on multiple- choice questions whether on a class test or licensure exam are use process of elimination and to not waste time.

25. A student may experience many forms of test anxiety before and during a test. Name two types of test anxiety.

Two types of test anxiety are feeling nervous and panicking.

27. List two or more effective ways to organize your test preparation.

Two ways to organize your test preparation are use a textbook to create a study outline and use the textbooks index and glossary to review the key materials.

24. Rest and relaxation are important anxiety fighters. Describe two ways to rest and relax before a test.

Two ways to rest and relax before a test are getting enough sleep and allowing breaks for yourself.

17. Describe two ways in which your support network of family and friends can help you deal with stress.

Two ways your support family can help you with stress is you can discuss and resolve your problems so you wont have to carry it all on your chest.

20.Describe two-time management strategies that will promote your academic success and allow you to enjoy your life

Two-time management strategies that will promote your academic success and allow you to enjoy you life are focusing on the positive and working on big projects into smaller ones

1. Which of the following activities would be the best to replace with a study session?

Watching television at home

10. Explain what it means to be professional in a healthcare setting.

What being professional in a healthcare setting means is to be a team player, following policies and procedures, being honest dependable and trustworthy.

1. What can happen if you get in the habit of skipping class?

When skipping a class it can become a habit, the professor does remember faces, and you will lose on learning information because you are not always there which will affect your grade.

4. Describe the benefits of creating and managing a budget.

When you create and manage a budget it will help you plan and not spend as much money and it will help you prepare for emergencies.

14. State two questions that dan help you get your brain in "study mode".

Why is this information helpful? What does this information tell me about other topics?

2. List three possible questions an interviewer might ask you about your specific field of study?

Why you left your last your last job Why you want to work week Why you believe you are qualified

27. Explain three tips for reducing error in math calculations.

Write each step Read question Work slow

15. Explain how you can be a self-directed learner in school and as you begin and continue your healthcare profession.

You can be a self-directed learner in school as you begin by finding additional resources, meet with a study group, or work to store information. As a healthcare professional you can keep up to date with new information by observing difficult procedures.

1. Describe how to fight test anxiety.

You can fight test anxiety by having a good rest and to study all the information that may be on the test.

1. How can you practice skills in a clinical setting before your rotation begins?

You can practice your skills in a clinical setting before your rotation begins in a laboratory.

22. Explain two benefits of networking with your peers.

You have someone to study with Get tips for success based on their experiences

28. Explain why you need to be comfortable with science in order to succeed in health care.

You need to be comfortable with science in order to succeed in healthcare because you need to know how to cure you patients based on x ray technology and scientific language.

26. Why should you avoid "cramming" right before a test?

You should avoid cramming because it is impossible to remember all the information in a short amount of time.

19. Explain why you should introduce yourself to the instructor on the first day of class.

You should introduce yourself to the instructor on the first day of class that way you can show your instructor that you are serious about learning and succeeding in the course.

37. Your assignments in a course are weighted as follows: The group project is worth 25% of your grade; homework is worth 20% of your grade, Quiz 1 and 2 are each worth 10% of your grade , and the Final Exam is worth 35% of your grade. You scores 85% on the group project, 96% on the homework,82% and 76% on the quizzes, and 88% on the Final Exam.

Your final grade is an 86%

3. Describe a mentor's role in your clinical experience.

Your mentor's role in your clinical experience is to coach you through your clinical experience.

8. Your _clinical mentor____ __instructor____ is there to coach you through your clinical experience.

_clinical mentor____ __instructor

2. Private patient information includes _health records_____, __prescriptions___, and test results_____.

_health records_____, __prescriptions___, and test results_____.

2. Why is it important to know your limits when you're working in healthcare?

`It is important to know your limits when you are working in healthcare is for patient's safety, legal protection, and makes you trustworthy and professional.

11. If you have a question about your curriculum requirements, your schools ____can be great resources.

academic counselors

6. CNA is an _____ for certified nurse assistant.


9. An _Acronym____ is created from the first letter of each item on a list, while an _Acrostic__ is a phrase or sentence created from the first letter of each item in a list.

acronym acrostic

7. Caffeine, nicotine, _____, and food can have a negative effect on your sleep patterns.


6. Participating in organized groups on campus can facilitate all of the following except:

allow you to remain passive about your social life

3. APA stands for _American Psychological Association_________.

american psychological association

11. What does it mean to think critically?

analyze information and from judgments about it.

2. The most common format, or style, used for health-related writing is ___APA___.


7. ______ means using information that you've memorized and comprehended to complete a task.


5. A very powerful strategy for committing something to memory involves making an ___ between something you already know and the thing you're trying to learn.


3. Which of the following foods is a good source of the essential amino acid tryptophan?

b) poultry

5. Healthcare employees most commonly suffer injuries to which of the following body parts?


1. Two best practices to employ on the day of a test include__be prepared___ and _read directions____.

be prepared read directions

12. A _bibliography__ lists general resources, while references__ list the sources of quotations, specific statistics, and the theories and opinions of others.

bibliography references

5. A dedicated ____ for each class can help you keep you organized and serve as a place to keep all hard copy items related to the course.


5. Infectious organisms may be found in _blood______ and __mucous membranes____.

blood______ and __mucous membranes____.

10. By learning to _budget_____ and __control your spending____, you can avoid taking on any more debt than is necessary to complete your education.

budget control your spending

4. Which of the following is a good source of calcium?

c) Cheese

1. What is glossophobia?

c) The fear of public speaking

11. The three steps of managing a budget are _calculating all source of income____, _calculating all expenditures____, and _making adjustments to budget and lifestyle as needed____.

calculate all source of income calculate all expenditures make adjustments to budget and lifestyle as needed

3. The ____campus resource_______________ is a place on campus where you can find help from a tutor.

campus resource

14. One of the last steps in active reading is reviewing the ___ ________.

chapter summary

15. Describe two strategies for simplifying your daily life.

combining errands watch less TV

8. By observing the instructor on the first day of class, you can pick up on the instructors' personality, Communication style______, and perception of students.

communication style

3. The best note-taking format for a lecture illustrating the similarities and differences of two topics is ___.

compare and contrast

2. Question 1 is at the _____ level of Bloom's Taxonomy.


3. One place to learn more about preparing for a health career is you school's ______.

course catalogue

4. The online platform where materials for your course are located is called__Course material list____.

course material list

12. Ethnicity age, gender, and socioeconomic status are all elements of ___.

cultural diversity

1. All of the following are examples of psychological symptoms of stress except:

d) increased respiration and heart rate

2. All of the following are ways to manage stress except:

d) procrastinating

5. A library online resource that holds hundreds of thousands of journal articles related to your general area of study, is called a ____


13. ____ refers to the great variety of human characteristics.


23. List two tasks in the health professions that require math skills.

dosages of medication measuring solution

5. Which of the following activities illustrates Bloom's "comprehension" learning level?

drawing a chart or diagram

5.Two distinguishing characteristics between a job and a profession include education____, competence__and _networking______.

education____, competence__and _networking____

9. A task is _an emergency____ if it needs to be done immediately; if a task is important but not immediate, it is urgent_____.

emergency urgent

2. Concern for others that leads to a desire to help is referred to as _____.


4. Making an effort to understand another's feelings is _____.


13. As a student, you are accountable to _instructor_____,__classmates____, and _yourself__.

instructor classmates yourself

1. Three essential characteristics of an HCP include __integrity____, dependability____, and _trustworthiness___.

integrity____, dependability____, and _trustworthiness___.

1. Three functions of the cerebrum include ___intellect_______, ___personality_____, and __memory__.

intellect personality memory

5. Putting ideas into your own words to show how well you understand the material is:


2. Two types of motivation discussed in this chapter are __intrinsic____ and _extrinsic ___.

intrinsic extrinsic

10. In an essay, the ____ presents a problem or question that you intend to answer, and it should constitute 5 to 15% of the length of paper.


1. The tree main sections of an academic essay are called the __Introduction_, the body, and the _Conclusion__________.

introduction conclusion

6. Memorizing medical terminology definitions would occur at the___ level of Bloom's Taxonomy.


2. Individuals who tend to be logical and analytical are considered "__left___-brained."


22. A____ examination is a test mandated by state law to ensure that you are prepared to practice in your field.


10. On the first day of class, the course instructor will distribute papers, including a syllabus, class schedule, and a course___materials list______ that will tell you what items to bring to class.

materials list

3. HIPPA protects patient____.

medical records

11. If your instructor writes a new concept or definition on the board or distributes a handout with a diagram or list of facts, it would be wise to _memorize__ that information.


10. _Metalearning__ is a process in which you ask yourself questions to become aware of your own motives, understanding, challenges, and goals.


3. A ______is a group of people who choose to share information and expertise with one another.


9. A support system of peers is called a ___.


6._____ are brain cells that receive and send messages to one another in the form of electrochemical nerve impulses.


4. In addition to speaking up in class and asking and answering questions, you should make time to visit the professor during his or her __office hours____.

office hours

8. Before you ask a question in class, you should first ___ your thoughts.


6. Studying involves refreshing your memory, taking in new information, and _________and memorizing data__.


14. Your ___ should guide the process of writing the first draft of a paper.


9. _Planning ahead ____ is the single best way to stay focused and motivated.

planning ahead

11. The goals of the reciprocal teaching approach are to summarize, question, clarify and _predict___.


5. The process of deciding which events, activities, or obligations are most important to you is called _.


14. The term ____is typically based on a person's physical characteristics.


7. List at least six ways in which people may be different from each other.

race ethnicity gender religion age socioeconomic status

11. One way to avoid procrastination on a large project is to set__Realistic___ goals that do not require you to achieve perfection.


23. Name two ways that you can care for your body to reduce stress.

relaxion techniques and regular exercise

12. Three important characteristics of a healthcare professional are honesty, __responsibility___ and accountability.


11. Two effective ways to stay motivated in pursuing goals are to __reward____ yourself when you achieve a goal and to ask a friend to hold you _accountable_______.

reward accountable

16. participating in an online course requires high levels of _commitment and _____.


5. A profession that sets many of the standards of practice within it can be described as _______.


7. The brains three stages of information processing are _________ , short-term memory, and long-term memory.

sensory memory

19. Describe two strategies you use to manage stress.

setting priorities keep mind and body healthy

5. List three benefits of developing both and informal and formal network with other students.

sharing ideas help with problems get better understanding

18. Test questions focusing on higher level understanding may include objective questions but are likely to include _short answers____and _essay___questions.

short answers essay

12. The system of writing in abbreviated words or symbols is called __.


9. ____ can indicate transitions in a lecture, allowing you to organize your thoughts and your notes.

signal words

10. SMART Goals are S_pecific_______, M_easurable__________,A__chievable____,R_elevant__________,and Time-sensitive______.

specific, measurable, achievable, time sensitive

16. List two commonsense guidelines for staying safe on and off campus.

stay with friends dont give out personal information

8. Self-image can affect your_success____ and motivation.


15. URLs end in a ___, such as .com, .gov, or .edu.


14. As a healthcare professional, you'll be accountable to _supervisor_____,___pateints___, and _workplace_____.

supervisor patients workplace

21. The document that tells you how many activities and assignments are required for the course called the ____.


4. a good place to look for a course textbook's outline of topics covered is __.

table of contents

16. Name two advantages of understanding the instructors teaching style.

take effective notes participate in class

12. _Test dates___ and _quiz dates__ are "big game" days and should always be marked on your calendar.

test dates quiz dates

1. List three ways to structure an introductory paragraph.

thesis statement ask a question set a scene

5. For your body to receive the full benefits of exercise, you should work out at least _three__ times a week for 20-30__ minutes at a time.

three 20-30

2. A functional resume is the kind of resume an applicant should use when wanting to emphasize particular qualifications or skills. (True or False)


2. Students who write notes by hand during lecture generally remember more of what was said than do students using laptops. ( True or False?)


3. A resume summary is a short paragraph that a recruiter can read and save valuable time instead of reading the whole resume. (True or False)


3. Both your patients and your coworkers need to be assured that you are trustworthy ( true or false?)


4. A good cover letter is not just the applicants resume in letter form. (True or False)


4. In terms of personal health, HCP are models for their patients and should do their best to demonstrate good health habits. (True or False?)


4. Selection involves the process of consciously deciding what is important to remember. (True or false?)


4. Stress causes your nervous system to become overactive.


4. Visual learners benefit from flash cards and handouts. (True or False?)


5. Experiencing diversity can help you learn more effectively and enjoy your education.


5. If you believe you may have a learning disability, you should keep it a secret from everyone at your new college ( True or False?)


5. It is a good idea to be as informal as possible in a cover letter in order to put the hiring manager at ease. (True or False)


5. The comprehension level of Bloom's Taxonomy may involve summarizing and paraphrasing information. (True or False?)


6. MSDS provides information about the chemicals found in a substance and how to treat exposure to that substance. (true or false)


6. Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and folic acid help your body handle stress.


8. The interview is a good place to first learn about the organization to which you are applying. (True or False)


17. Anxious students often ____in a testing environment.

under pressure

3. A task is __ if it is important but doesn't need to be dealt with immediately.


13. Knowing the ____ of the subject makes it much easier to understand the material.


4. The single most effective way to prevent the spread of infection is _____.

wash hands

20. List three tips to spend less money.

write down everything you spend on use cash instead of a credit card plan ahead

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