CSI Final Review

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When photographing a fingerprint on a wall: a) use a forensic light source b) mount the camera on a tripod c) take panoramic photos d) use a fast shutter speed e) take the photograph without a scale

B) Mount the camera on a tripod.

TF: Blood must be viewed with a forensic light source to be seen by the human eye.

False, it can but it is not required.

TF: Rohypnol is a chemical used to enhance bloody fingerprints.

False, it is a date-rape drug

TF: A blow-up diagram is only used at explosion scenes.

False, it is also used for blood stain patterns.

TF: Impression evidence is rarely overlooked at crime scenes.

False, it is frequently overlooked.

TF: It is not important to photograph damage to vehicle being processed.

False, it is important.

TF: It is not important to take close-up photographs of the vehicle's license plate or the vehicle identification number.

False, it is important.

TF: Due to the fact that the suspect is "in-custody" it is not necessary to have a police officer or investigator present while processing the suspect.

False, it is necessary for safety reasons.

TF: It is acceptable to allow suspects and/or victims to wash their hands before collecting evidence from them.

False, it is not acceptable.

TF: If the suspect was bald or his head was shaved at the time of the offense, it is mandatory to collect head hair samples from the suspect when he is arrested.

False, it is not mandatory.

TF: It is not possible to detect drugs, alcohol, or poisons from an insect that was feeding on a human body containing those substances.

False, it is possible.

TF: Evidence is typically collected from a rape victim by a forensic technician.

False, it is usually collected by a forensic nurse.

TF: It is not important to review your notes, written report, or case photographs prior to giving testimony.

False, it is very important.

TF: In the playback mode of digital photography, a forensic technician should delete any unwanted images.

False, never delete photos

TF: Clandestine methamphetamine labs are safe environments for forensic technicians.

False, not safe.

TF: Parents should be allowed to be present while victims of child abuse are interviewed.

False, parents should not be present.

TF: If a victim has multiple injuries, photograph the injuries in the order that the suspect directs.

False, photograph in a systematic order.

TF: Never refer to your report in the courtroom.

False, refer to it.

TF: An odontologist obtains blood samples from suspects.

False, that is an phlebotomist.

TF: It is okay to match a tool to a tool mark found at a crime scene by placing the tool into the mark to verify that it is a match.

False, that is not okay.

TF: A body must be completely suspended in order for a hanging to occur.

False, the body need not be completely suspended.

TF: There is no need to use a tripod when photographing shoe or tire impressions.

False, there is a need

TF: There is no need for a scale in a fingerprint photograph for forensic purposes.

False, there is a need.

TF: There is no need for the forensic technician to take written notes during a criminal investigation.

False, there is a need.

TF: There is no ISO setting in a digital camera because a digital camera does not use film.

False, there is a noise setting.

TF: There is no need to process the exterior of a vehicle unless the criminal case is a homicide investigation.

False, there is need.

TF: There is no need to use a flash when photographing the interior of a vehicle.

False, there is need.

TF: Extractor marks are fine scratches inside a firearm's rifled barrel that are produces by imperfections created during the manufacturing process.

False, these are called striations.

TF: Forensic technicians are never asked to explain courtroom exhibits or displays.

False, they are frequently asked to do that.

TF: Overall, wide angle photographs are sufficient for suspect photography.

False, they are insufficient.

TF: Crime scene diagrams are never created by forensic technicians.

False, they are sometimes created by forensic technicians.

TF: All processing on the exterior of a vehicle should be completed prior to photographing and processing the interior.


TF: An island is a ridge formation found in many fingerprint patterns.


TF: At a postmortem examination, the forensic technician takes the injury photographs of the victim.


TF: Classifying impact patterns simply as low, medium, or high velocity is often problematic because appearances can be deceiving.


TF: Crack, the rock form of cocaine, an be heated and is smoked.


TF: Diatoms are unicellular organisms found in water.


TF: Environmental conditions may destroy impression evidence.


TF: Events (and tasks performed) are recorded in chronological order in a report.


TF: Focus on the bottom (deepest area) of a three-dimensional impression.


TF: For multiple gun shots in glass, secondary radial cracks in the glass stop if they meet a radial crack that is already present.


TF: Forensic technicians usually participate in pre-trial conferences.


TF: Gentian violet (crystal violet) is a stain that is used on non-porous surfaces, especially the adhesive side of tape.


TF: Grotesque or embarrassing images are often inadmissible in court.


TF: If an item of furniture is located within a crime scene, the sketcher should obtain measurements from at least two corners or two sides of the furniture item to perpendicular walls.


TF: If possible, a suspect should be photographed in front of a plain background.


TF: If the victim is female, and the injuries are located in a sensitive location; a female should be present while the victim is photographed and clothing is collected.


TF: If weather is destroying evidence, it is okay to pick up the evidence prior to photography.


TF: In 1875, a photograph of a horse and buggy accident was used to help a jury visualize the scene.


TF: In gang related homicides, photographing "tagging" is important.


TF: Indented writing can be recovered using the electrostatic detection apparatus.


TF: It is imperative to document scars, marks, injuries, and tattoos systematically.


TF: It is important to take orientation and close-up views of all injuries on a victim.


TF: It is okay to remove debris such as sticks and leaves that are on top of but not a part of the shoe impression.


TF: Long term methamphetamine use results in a psychosis with characteristics similar to schizophrenia.


TF: Most traffic investigators are trained in forensic photography, scene sketching, and evidence collection.


TF: Narcotics evidence is packaged in heat-sealed plastic bags.


TF: Oblique lighting is a method used to locate hairs at a crime scene and involves holding a light source at a low angle to the surface.


TF: One method used to located body fluids such as seminal fluid in a suspected rape in a vehicle is to use an Alternate Light Source.


TF: Only ridge detail from the fingertips (not the entire finger) is used to classify fingerprints.


TF: Overall photographs of the vehicle's interior are taken prior to the placement of evidence placards.


TF: Petechiae are multiple, hemorrhagic spots in the eyes seen in strangling cases.


TF: Rocard's Exchange Principle states that forensic evidence from a crime scene can be linked to a victim and a suspect.


TF: Some jurors pre-determine witness credibility based on personal appearance.


TF: Suspect's clothing items should be packaged in separate bags.


TF: The Federal Rules of Evidence allow an expert to present an opinion in court.


TF: The baseline sketch method is one type of measuring technique that may be used when obtaining measurements at a crime scene.


TF: The forensic technician should write reports in the first person.


TF: The prescription drug most commonly abused by teenagers is OxyContin.


TF: To avoid loss or destruction of trace evidence, all doors should remain closed, except for the one being used to gain access to the area being processed.


TF: Vehicles are often used in America to carry out crimes.


TF: Vehicles should be broken into quadrants and each area searched thoroughly.


TF: Voir dire is a French phrase that means to speak the truth.


TF: When a camera is set on manual, the photographer chooses the shutter speed and the camera chooses the aperture setting based on available light.


TF: When collecting a semi-automatic handgun, release the magazine first, then remove the bullet from the chamber.


TF: When photographing a fingerprint on a mirror, one way of compensating for reflection is decreasing the depth-of-field.


_____ is a common chemically-enhanced fingerprint processing technique using superglue. a) cyanoacrylate ester fuming b) sticky-side powder c) black powder d) sticky glue technique e) fuming glue technique

A) Cyanoacrylate ester fuming

One of the four objectives of the ASCLD/LAB certification program is to: a) improve the quality of laboratory services provided to the criminal justice system. b) provide a biased opinion in crime laboratory operations. c) follow federal guidelines established by attorneys. d) ensure that every case is rushed through to completion. e) none of the above.

A) Improve the quality of laboratory services provided to the criminal justice system.

The first responding officer's #1 duty when arriving at the scene of a crime is: a) the officer's own safety first, then the safety of the victim b) setting up barrier tape around the crime scene c) catching the suspect d) getting a hot cup of coffee and a donut e) none of the above

A) The officer's own safety first, then the safety of the victim

The cracks surrounding bullet holes in a pane of glass that appear in a circular shape around a bullet hole are called: a) concentric cracks b) radial cracks c) conchoidal cracks d) intersecting cracks e) transverse cracks

A) concentric cracks

At arson scenes: a) photograph charring ("alligator") patterns b) stop the lens down to the best depth-of-field possible c) use ISO 100 d) a flash unit is not needed e) none of the above

A) photograph charring ("alligator") patterns

When dealing with shoe impression evidence, crime scene personnel should: a) search near or under a victim's body b) allow unauthorized personnel into the scene c) maintain a casual approach in searching for the evidence d) search for the evidence after all photography is complete e) all of the above

A) search near or under a victim's body

When assigning evidence numbers at a crime scene: a) use a systematic approach, starting at the entry and ending at the exit,with limited exceptions. b) place evidence numbers down in any random order c) ask an officer or detective to assign evidence numbers while you take photographs of the scene d) there is no need for evidence numbers at a crime scene. e) assign multiple evidence numbers to one number.

A) use a systematic approach, starting at the entry and ending at the exit, with limited exceptions.

A medical examiner is a person who: a) arrests suspects in homicide investigations. b) performs postmortem examination (autopsies) to determine cause, mechanism, and manner of death c) specializes in forensic photography d) makes fingerprint identifications e) none of the above

B) Performs postmortem examinations (autopsies) to determine cause, mechanism, and manner of death.

One method of determining elapsed time since death using entomological evidence is: a) anthropology b) development of blow flies c) livor mortis d) rigor mortis e) all of the above

B) development of blow flies

When casting a three-dimensional shoe impression: a) leave lumps in the mixture to add texture b) do not pour the casting mixture directly onto the impression c) casting should be done before photography d) lift the cast and clean after 30 minutes e) if the cast isn't successful, repeat a second time.

B) do not pour the casting mixture directly onto the impression

When photographing a stolen vehicle: a) all exterior door locks should be photographed b) the ignition area should be photographed c) both a and b d) stolen vehicles are not photographed e) stolen vehicles are handled by insurance companies

C) both A and B

The following is an example of dominion and control evidence: a) DNA b) hairs and fibers c) gas or electric utility bill d) latent fingerprints e) handcuffs

C) gas or electric utility bill

A measuring technique that uses coordinate from x and y axes to pinpoint evidence items in a crime scene is called a: a) polar radial sketch method b) cross-projection sketching method c) transecting triangulation method d) coordinate sketching method or rectangular coordinate method e) GPS measuring technique

D) Coordinate sketching method or rectangular coordinate method

Class characteristics of expended projectiles include: a) weight of the projectile b) direction of twist of the rifling c) number and width of lands and grooves d) all of the above e) there is no such thing as class characteristics in projectile

D) all of the above

The following is an example of a "class characteristic" in evidence: a) shoe brand b) bullet caliber c) gun make d) all of the above e) none of the above

D) all of the above

______ is one possible cause of a "false" positive reaction with a presumptive blood test: a) chemical source b) plant source c) animal source d) all of the above e) none of the above

D) all of the above

Unburned gunpowder released from a firearm when it is discharged is called: a) impact pattern b) trace residue c) rifling d) gunshot residue e) lead poison

D) gunshot residue

When photographing bloody shoe impressions: a) enhance the impressions with chemicals, prior to photography b) photography with the widest focal length possible c) open up the aperture all the way d) photograph the impression first, prior to DNA collection and prior to chemical enhancement e) none of the above

D) photograph the impression first, prior to DNA collection and prior to chemical enhancement.

TF: Luminol is so sensitive that a positive reaction can be taken to prove that blood is definitely present and no further confirmatory testing is needed.

False, false positive reactions.

The final crime scene diagram should contain: a) the sketcher's name and identification number b) a case number c) a north direction arrow d) the location, date, and time of crime e) all of the above

E) All of the above

The trace evidence unit in a crime lab may evaluate the following type(s) of evidence: a) Fire debris b) Paint c) Glass d) Hairs and fibers e) All of the above

E) All of the above

A motive for the crime scene of arson may include: a) concealment of another crime b) defrauding an insurance company c) revenge d) terrorism e) all of the above

E) all of the above

At indoor search warrant scenes: a) the forensic technician should photograph the entire interior prior to the evidence search b) if the search warrant is served by SWAT, it is important to stay out the area until the scene is safe c) the forensic technician should photograph any property damage caused by a forced entry by police d) it is important to photographically document where each evidence item is located and collected e) all of the above

E) all of the above

Impression evidence may indicate: a) point of entry or exit from the scene b) brand name of a shoe or tire c) approximate size of a shoe or tire d) number of suspects e) al of the above

E) all of the above

The _____ fingerprint processing technique is used on the adhesive side of tapes: a) gentian violet b) sticky-side powder c) wetwop d) liqui-drox e) all of the above

E) all of the above

The chemicals used to produce methamphetamine include: a) sinus medicine b) drain cleaner c) engine starting fluid d) alkaline from batteries e) all of the above

E) all of the above

The physical side effects of long-term stimulant use include: a) dizziness b) body tremors c) seizures d) extreme headaches e) all of the above

E) all of the above

This is a common photograph taken at a traffic collision scene located in an Urban setting: a) the location of the intersection (street signs associated with intersection) b) traffic control devices c) tire skid marks d) the point of impact e) all of the above

E) all of the above

The following is an example of a blood presumptive test: a) acid phosphatase b) phadebas reagent c) takayama test d) starch-iodine test e) none of the above

E) none of the above

When packaging evidence: a) place as many evidence items into one bag as possible b) place any wet items into plastic and seal c) it's okay to package suspect and victim evidence together d) wearing gloves is optional e) none of the above

E) none of the above

TF: A revolver fires a bullet and automatically reloads a cartridge (ammunition) each time the trigger is pulled.


TF: A shotgun's barrel contains rifling to ensure accurate bullet trajectory.


TF: A contusion is a sharp object injury.

False, a contusion is a bruise resulting from blunt force injury.

TF: Even though a vehicle is believed to have transported a homicide victim to a dump site, no additional processing is necessary (beyond the standard processing).

False, additional processes listed in textbook

TF: Almost all depressant are produced in clandestine laboratories.

False, almost no depressant are produced in clandestine laboratories.

TF: An evidence analyst is a crime laboratory analyst who holds a bachelor's degree or higher in fields such as chemistry and biology.

False, criminalist

TF: Forensic science laboratories were established in the United States in the early 1700s.

False, early 1900s.

TF: A forensic technician should wait until the Medical Examiner or Coroner arrives at the crime scene before taking any photographs of the deceased victim.

False, they can photograph the body but they cannot move the body.

TF: Most certified crime labs do not follow quality control guidelines.

False, they do. Quite closely.

TF: Stimulants reduce a person's mental and physical stimulation.

False, they increase stimulation.

TF: A BPE must have a medical background.

False, they may but it is not required.

TF: Briefings should be held within the crime scene.

False, they should be held outside the crime scene.

TF: The forensic technician should give biased opinions when writing reports.

False, they should not do that.

TF: Any bloodstain pattern can be reconstructed to find the area of convergence.

False, this can be done with impact patterns.

TF: A case number is not typically needed on an evidence bag.

False, very much needed.

TF: When a blood droplet descends at a 90 degree angle to a surface, the bloodstain is extremely oblong, similar to a bowling pin appearance.

False, when a blood drop descends at a 90 degree angle to a surface, the bloodstain is circular and symmetrical.

TF: A fingerprint is created when contaminants are transferred from the peaks of friction ridges to a relatively smooth surface.


TF: A normal view lens corresponds to the viewing angle of the human eye.


Traces of latent blood may be detected at cleaned crime scenes through the application of a blood enhancing chemical such as: a) Luminol b) Wetwop c) Gentian violet d) Leucocrystal Violet e) all of the above

a) Luminol

This is a wax-like, cheesy appearance caused by the slow hydrolysis of fats in decomposing material. a) adipocere b) decomposition c) skin slippage d) mummification e) de-circulation

a) adipocere

This pattern is created when blood under pressure from a punctured artery of a live person is cast onto a surface. a) arterial bloodstain pattern b) demarcation line c) satellite spatter d) impact mechanism pattern e) hemorrhaging pattern

a) arterial bloodstain pattern

The ____ strikes the primer on the base of the cartridge, igniting the gunpowder, which causes the bullet to be sent through the barrel. a) firing pin b) extractor c) ejector d) trigger e) bolt lever

a) firing pin

In strangulation deaths: a) there is often lack of struggle observed at the scene b) hemorrhaging in the neck muscles is often observed. c) there are no external injuries on the victim d) it is often confused as a suicide death e) hesitation marks are common

b) hemorrhaging in the neck muscles is often observed.

A common terminology associated with inhalant abuse is: a) speeding b) huffing c) tweaking d) gelling e) hanging

b) huffing

A good report is: a) ambiguous b) objective c) summarized d) biased e) none of the above

b) objective

The outline of the original stain is referred to as: a) transfer stain b) skeletonized bloodstain c) void stain d) invisible stain e) secondary stain

b) skeletonized bloodstain

If a body is inside a crime scene: a) the forensic technician should roll the body over and take photographs under the body prior to the medical examiner's arrival b) wait until the medical examiner arrives to take any photographs of the body c) photographs should be taken without moving the body d) a close-up view of the victim's face is not necessary e) photographs should be taken with oblique lighting.

c) photographs should be taken without moving the body.

The following is one category of traumatic death: a) livor mortis b) rigor mortis c) thermal d) both a and b e) all of the above

c) thermal

If allowable, the destruction of field notes may occur under the following conditions: a) the notes are destroyed in good faith, not to conceal pertinent facts. b) the information contained in the notes has been entered into the official report. c) the notes are determined to be irrelevant d) both a and b e) all of the above

d) both a and b

This is one category of "manner of death." a) heart attack b) gunshot wound c) subnormal hematoma d) natural e) none of the above

d) natural

This assists the Pathologist in determining the time of the victim's death. a) gunshot residue b) latent fingerprints c) DNA d) rigor mortis e) antemortem

d) rigor mortis

When determine direction of travel for a blood drop: a) look for air bubbles in the blood b) the smooth end is the direction it's traveling c) the drop must be 3mm or smaller d) the irregular end of the drop is the direction it's traveling e) none of the above

d) the irregular end of the drop is the direction it's traveling

The FBI and ATF merged their automated firearms databases to create: a) AFIS b) AFIX c) CODIS d) DRUGFIRE e) NIBIN


A close-up photograph of a shoe impression should contain: a) shoe impression b) scale c) compass d) evidence marker e) all of the above

e) all of the above

A courtroom exhibit may be used to: a) compare forensic documents b) illustrate striation and firing pin marks c) illustrate fingerprint comparison results d) display shoe impression comparisons e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Bloodstain pattern analysis may assist in determining: a) if the events were self-defense or homicide b) if the scene is homicide or suicide c) if a struggle occurred at the scene d) the sequence of events at a crime scene e) all of the above

e) all of the above

The following evidence items are collected from a suspect charged with a major crime: a) hair samples b) oral swabs c) fingernail scrapings and/or clippings d) major case fingerprints e) all of the above

e) all of the above

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