Cultural Psychology Exam 1

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Which of the following is NOT an example of a culture-level measure?

journal entry

what can be said about sensitive windows for language acquisition

learning a sign language is subject to a similar sensitive window constraint as learning a spoken language

two parents are trying to plan sleeping arrangements for their three children: a 15-year-old daughter, a 3-year-old son, and a 2-year-old daughter. they decide that the 2-year-old would sleep alone...

protection of the vulnerable

martians use steel gardening tools, whereas earthlings use wooden gardening tools. in a gardening competition, the martians easily defeated the earthlings. which of the following best describes why the martians defeated the earthlings

proximal cause

The tendency for people living in conditions with a real threat of starvation to report valuing food more than those living in conditions where food is abundant is an example of

the deprivation effect

Which of the following is one problem especially associated with studies using WEIRD samples?

they have very low generalizability

what theory is best supported for why primates evolved such large brains

they tend to live in large social groups, which requires intelligence to function effectively

a 2.5-year old human child, a chimpanzee, and an orangutan are presented with the same problem-solving task - they must figure out how to use a tool to reach up to the top of a cabinet and nudge a wooden block that will knock over a banana. based on hermann and colleagues' findings, which of the three participants will outperform the others

they will all perform equally well

your friend recently entered a few chess competitions, but lost them all really badly. if he has an entity theory of self, what is he most likely to do.

think he has bad chess "genes"

Based on Ma and Schoeneman's study with Americans' and Kenyans' self-descriptions, which of the following is the most accurate in describing the Samburu


Your study doesn't have enough power. To maximally increase power in your study, which of the following should you do?

get a more sensitive independent variable and a more sensitive dependent variable

Xing, a chinese stock broker, and Joe, a canadian stock broker, are being asked to predict the trend of a stock that has been gaining value for the past 3 years. Xing likely thinks the stock will ______, and Joe likely thinks the stock will _______.

go down; continue to go up

ambrose has an independent self, and hayden has an interdependent self. which of the following is TRUE about hayden

he activates the same brain regions when thinking about himself and his mother, whereas ambrose doesn't

cross-cultural research on math achievement at school reveals that

Americans are more satisfied with their math performance than are East Asians

Yuexi, a chinese mother, wants to use strong parental control with her child. based on the textbook, which of the following would most likely NOT occur as a result

her child feels a lack of family cohesion

Mr. X is a member of a stamp-collecting group. he cares a great deal about this group and identifies highly with it. which of the following most likely characterizes Mr. X

He has lived in the same residence all his life

Based on Ma and Schoeneman's study with Americans and Kenyans, which of the following would be expected

Kenyan undergrad: "I am a resourceful person" Kenyan tribesman "I am a member of an association"

which of the following was NOT found in Suh's research on Koreans and Americans

Koreans who are more consistent across situations have lower subjective well-being than Koreans who are less consistent

According to Dunbar, why would larger social groups be associated with the evolution of larger brains

Larger groups had greater social complexity, driving the evolution of larger brains to handle such complexity

a few townsfolk begin a movement promoting social harmony. over time, they expand the movement by interacting with other townsfolk. soon, they've influenced the whole town to join in the movement. the best illustrates which of the following

Latane's dynamic social impact theory

which of the following (historically inaccurate) examples best demonstrates the process of the ratchet effect

Marx creates a new political ideology, Lennon builds on this ideology, and Stalin further expands on it

Which of the following is a difference between between-groups and within-groups experimental designs?

Random assignment is not necessary for within-groups designs

after measuring the neocortex ratio of two species, it was determined that Species A has a ratio of .25, whereas Species B has a ratio of .20. Based on the evidence discussed in the textbook, which of the following can one most likely conclude about these two species

Species B lives in a smaller social group than Species A

A team of scientists observes that a new species (Species X) tends not to copy exactly how a model uses a new tool; instead, they are very adept at figuring out on their own how to best use the tool. conversely, another new species (Species Y) does tend to copy exactly how a model uses a new tool, paying attention to the behavioral strategies of the model. based on this observation, what trajectory should we expect their respective cultural development to be like

Species X will likely not have cumulative culture and Species Y will likely have cumulative culture

which of the following statements is TRUE about parent-child interactions across cultures

Urban European mothers spend less time in physical contact with their infants, as compared with rural mothers

according to research using the Sex Role Inventory, which of the following does NOT agree with the research findings

Uruguay, a country south of the equator, has more egalitarian gender values than Eritrea, a country north of the equator

You want to study how large people's faces are in Cultures X and Y. To do this, you simply ask people, "On a scale of 1 (small) to 10 (large), how large is your face?" To your surprise, most people in Culture X think they have small faces, even though their faces are much larger than those in Culture Y. Conversely, most people in Culture Y think they have large faces. How can you address this problem of trying to assess cultural differences in how large people's faces are?

Use concrete as opposed to subjective response options

Xiao, a 7-year-old chinese child, and jess, a 7-year-old american child, are each listening to and audio tape in their individual rooms...

Xiao guesses that the inaudible part refers to a verb; Jess guesses that the inaudible part refers to a noun

when americans and japanese evaluate themselves in front of a mirror,

americans have more negative views of themselves than they normally do

why isn't there much cumulative culture among chimpanzees

chimpanzees aren't very good at imitative learning

what child(re) below demonstrate(s) the existence of theory of mind

a child who hides his toys so his mother won't find them

which of the following depicts an evoked culture

a culture uses the possession of meat as a status symbol due to the abundance of vegetation but the scarcity of animals and fish in the area

Shuang is a chinese mother. compared with shuang, alex, an american mother is more likely to

acknowledge her children's perspective

While helping your colleague analyze data, you realize that she has turned the participants' responses into z-scores. Based on the response biases in the textbook, which one is she most likely to be trying to account for?

acquiescence bias

Wan-Ying wants to use the jiaox xun type of parenting on her child. what is she NOT likely to do?

allow her child to play games, while watching him like a hawk

participants are sitting in their own separate testing rooms and have been asked to write statements about what they think about themselves. after a while, a mirror magically appears on a wall in each room. comparing their self-descriptions before and after the mirror appeared, how much they differ

american participants viewed themselves more negatively after the mirror appeared, and Japanese participants did not change their views after the mirror appeared

shweder and colleagues found that indian parents are more likely to sleep in the same room with their children than are american parents. given their studies, which of these is the most compelling explanation for their results

americans place more value on providing parents with exclusive sleeping space

which of the following is an example of a proximal cause

an Egyptian pharaoh brought in horse-drawn chariots, which allowed his army to outmaneuver and defeat his enemy in battle

the kinds of ideas that are best remembered over time are those that

are mostly intuitive, with the occasional counterintuitive idea included

shawna, a mother from the united kingdom, is trying to determine which parenting style she should use with her child maximize the child's school achievement, autonomy, and self-reliance. according to baumrind's typology as found among western samples, which parenting style should she use

authoritative parenting

according to Atran and Norenzayan's idea about minimally counterintuitive ideas persisting, which of the following phrases would be the most likely to persist in the reader's memory

blinkning newspaper

One advantage of experimental methods over survey methods in cultural psychological research is that

cultural differences in response biases are controlled better with experimental methods than with survey methods

If you wanted to do a study using a within-groups manipulation to examine whether European Canadians can be made to think like Canadians and East Asians, which of the following would be the MOST relevant and appropriate methodology?

cultural priming

one of the biggest challenges with applying Darwinian principles of natural selection to studying cultural evolution is that

cultural replication is not of sufficiently high fidelity

A group of researchers want to learn about the characteristics of home-cooking recipes in Culture X. What is this type of method an example of?

cultural-level measure

how does one find an animal's encephalization quotient (EQ)

it is the ratio of an animal's brain weight to the brain weight predicted for a comparable animal with the same body size

the textbook describes the relationship between IQ changes across time and television viewing as showing

decreases in verbal intelligence but increases in problem-solving intelligence

natural selection and sexual selection are similar in that they both

depend on the number of surviving offspring an individual has

you meet a new chinese friend, huang. you find that huang is responsible, optomistic, and trustworthy. after having just learned about chinese personality constructs in class, you decided to figure out which construct he scores highly on. which of the following constructs best encompasses the three traits that you know about Huang


given bosterup's thesis about agricultural methods centuries ago affecting gender attitudes now, what is this type of relationship between agricultural methods and gender attitudes an example of

distal cause

east asia is at a similar latitude to a region with many easily domesticated plants and animals. these early conditions benefit east asian cultures such that they propel these cultures to prosperity in the future, what is this scenario an example of

distal causes

humans tend to copy everything that a prestigious model does, because humans

don't know what it is about the model that made him/her successful

army recruiters are assigned randomly into specific quarters, where they do a lot of socializing during break time and at night. the political and religious attitudes of the recruits were surveyed before they were assigned sleeping quarters, and then again after several weeks of training. the generals found that recruits' political and religious ideas tended to form clusters based on sleeping quarters. which of the following can explain this situation

dynamic social impact theory

which of the following does NOT explain why children at East Asian schools tend to do better at math than children at American schools

east asian mothers spend more time teaching their kids math before their kids start kindergarten

the ecology and sex roles are related in the sense that

egalitarian sex roles are more common where food is plentiful and easily acquired

a child observes a model using a new tool to crack open an acorn. the child does not copy exactly what the model does, nor understand that the model wanted to crack acorns and tries to figure out on his own how to use the tool to crack acorns. what is the child exhibiting

emulative learning

Takeshi witnesses a murder, and tells his mother. she understands the gist of the story, and then conveys that to the police. which model of cultural evolution does this best illustrate

epidemiology of ideas

if a child wants to be a great ice hockey player and chooses to learn from Wayne Gretzky as the prestigious model, what aspect(s) of Wayne Gretzky is the child most likely to imitate

everything that wayne Gretzky does, both related and unrelated to hockey

a key difference between evoked culture and transmitted culture is that

evoked culture is limited to a specific geographical setting, whereas transmitted culture can move across different ecologies

according to the social brain hypothesis, which of the following is TRUE

evolution favors those who do well in maintaining social relationships

which of the following is NOT a way in which genes and memes differ

genes can replicate horizontally and vertically, whereas memes can only replicate vertically

genes and memes differ in that

genes vary randomly, but memes often vary from planned innovations

which of the following i NOT direct evidence for the social brain hypothesis

humans have a large encephalization quotient

when completing the Twenty-Statements Test, people from non-western cultures, in contrast with people from western cultures, are likelier to put down which of the following

i am a karate student

you are introduced to a person who is said to have an independent view of self. based on markus and kitayama's model, which of the following would you least expect the person to say

i'm a member of a ballet dance group

one difference between Americans and Hindu Indians is that

in the united states the male identity is essentialized, whereas among Hindu Indians the female identity is essentialized

why do motivations for self-consistency appear weaker among east asians than among westerners

in the west, self-consistency correlates more strongly with subjective well-being and with being liked by others than it does in east asia

the westermarcks, a large american family with growing sons and daughters, need to build a new house, and are particularly concerned about making appropriate sleeping arrangements. based on shweder and colleagues' research, which moral principle will the family consider the most important

incest avoidance

which of the following are accessibility universals

incest avoidance

according to Steven Johnson, which of the following is a contributor to people's growing intelligence

increased complexity is inherent in modern pop culture

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity, and does not see any sort of divide between strangers he just met and his family members. what is this characteristic of

independent theory of self

you are chatting with a stranger in a coffee shop. overtime you ask him something about himself, he talks about associations he belongs to and clubs he has joined. he rarely talks about his own attributes. which of the following best describes him

interdependent view of self

Adolescent rebellion

is more pronounced in societies with more role distinctions and opportunities

An advantage of the situation-sampling method is that

it allows researchers to see how people in different cultures would respond if they were in the other group's cultural worlds.

jack was talking to his friend jane about all his positive characteristics. in the middle of the conversation, he took a prescription pill for a sore throat. this pill had an interesting side effect- it altered the way Jack thinks. after taking the pill, he no longer talked about his positive characteristics; instead, he talked about how he needed to improve on his shortcomings, and the disappointment that his mother has about many of his qualities. which of the following most accurately characterizes the side effect of this pill

it gave him more objective self-awareness

one thing that the findings from research by Kashima and colleagues constraining men and women reveals that

men and women score similarly on agency

incremental theories of the self are

more common among east asians than westerners

the finding that the prevalence of parasites in a region correlates positively with the degree that people value physical attractiveness is argues to be evidence for

none of the choices are correct

the big five personality traits

none of these statements are true

which of the following is TRUE about cultural change in the United States

none of these statements are true

which of the following is TRUE about cultural change in the United States

on average, americans are less likely to belong to formal organizations than they were 40 years ago

according to the ideas as replicators model, which of the following rumors is the WORST replicator

one that is about one's peers, but not about one's parents

Reference-group effects in cross-cultural research occur because

people use social comparison to evaluate themselves

as a parent, Leslie thinks that he should place as few restrictions on his children as possible, and give them the warmth and responsiveness that children need. what parenting style is this indicative of

permissive parenting

pluralistic ignorance is likely to lead to

persistence of particular cultural practices

it is not at all unusual for the officers at police station 54 to observe their colleagues using confrontational interview techniques. even though they do not personally like the technique, many officers believe that the practice is widely approved of by others and expected of them. this is an example of

pluralistic ignorance

which of the following statements is NOT true

primate species that rely heavily on fruit in their diets have larger neocortex ratios than do primate species that do not rely much on fruit

the Parkers are an american family planning for how its family members will be sleeping. the moral value that won't be reflected in their sleeping arrangement is

protection of the vulnerable

Homer sharpens a rock and uses it to shave. Schick adds a handle to the rock for better grip. gillette then changes the rock to a titanium blade for durability. the progression of improvements made to the shaving utensil is an example of

ratchet effect

you work for an international charity foundation and are in charge of seeking donations from Americans and Poles. based on cialdini's research, which of the following would you use to secure the most donations from the two populations

remind americans of their past donations, but remind poles of their peers' donations

dynamic social impact theory can explain why

residents of one community have more conservative political attitudes than residents of a nearby community

After examining the surveys you collected from people in Culture A, you find that people tend to answer "yes" to all the questions, regardless of the content. How do you deal with this problem in the future so this doesn't recur?

reverse-code half of the items

One way of correcting for problems associated with an acquiescence bias is to

reverse-score half of the items

on planet X, you observe that a primate-like species is undergoing rapid evolution, with their brains having grown significantly in volume. based on the textbook's discussion about a similar process that took place in human evolution, what physiological changes to this alien species would you NOT expect to accompany this growth in brain volume? assume that body size has not changed

shorter fingers and limbs

according to Henrich's mathematical model, why would complex cultural knowledge deteriorate, as was the case in 18th-century Tasmania

shrinkage in the population leads to a lack of skilled models for people to copy

among three newly discovered species of primates, Species A's diet is based fully on fruits, Species B's diet is based fully on food the requires extractive foraging methods, and Species C's diet is highly social. Which species should have the largest encephalization quotient (EQ)

the answer cannot be determined with the available information

you and a small handful of people have split off from a large and technologically advanced society to settle on another island. according to hornet's mathematical model, what will most likely happen to the development of cultural technology in your splinter group

the cultural technology of your group will likely devolve due to a lack of skilled models

american and chinese children were recruited for a study. all children were either 13 years old or 5 years old. they were first told that a child is always happy...

the difference in predicted likelihood between chinese and american children is much greater for the 13-year-olds than for the 5-year-olds

the considerable cultural differences between the Nuer and Dinka of southern Sudan indicates that

the effects of transmitted culture are substantial

a key difference between the epidemiological view of cultural evolution and the "ideas as replicators" view is that

the epidemiological view involves people recreating what they have learned, whereas the ideas as replicators view involves the replication of ideas

the term "noun-bias" means that

the first words children learn tend to be nouns rather than other kinds of words

a group of Japanese and North Americans are in a restaurant late at night. some people ordered for themselves, an some people ordered for friends who had not arrived yet. because the restaurant was about to close, it ran out of everything they ordered. instead, they had to choose between the only two dishes that remained, both of which were deemed to be average dishes by everyone. which of the following is most likely to result from this scenario

the japanese would end up liking the "average dish" they picked more than the "average dish" that they didn't pick when ordering for others, whereas north americans would feel this way when making the choice for themselves

research with infants and the perception of phonemes reveals that

the lack of exposure to a language can lead people to be unable to distinguish between two phonemes from that language as they get older

yuan, a chinese mother, and Alexis, a Euro-Canadian mother, both decide to read their children's diaries. how might the memories of Yuan's child differ from the memories of Alexis's child

the memories of yuan's child have more third-person imagery in which she is the center of attention than the memories of Alexis's child

which of the following is TRUE of the relationship specifically between human brains and group size, according to Dunbar

the neocortex ratio in humans gives them the capacity to keep track of about 150 relationships

The Blurgs, an alien family from Neptune, want to build a new house. this family consists of a father, a mother, an older brother, a younger brother, and a baby sister...

the older brother sleeps in his own room

according to Atran and Norenzayan, which of the following is more likely to come commonly known

the rainbow mouse ate the quick berry

which of the following is an example of pluralistic ignorance

the rise of Nazi power in Germany

the Singhs, and Indian family, are trying to decide on room arrangements for a new house that they are building. which of the following moral principles is likely to be the least important for the family

the sacred couple

what is a proximal cause for why a small group of spaniards was able to conquer the incan empire

the spaniards had better weapons than the incans

according to jared diamond, why were the germs brought by the spaniards so much deadlier to the Incans than the Incan germs were to the Spaniards

the spaniards had lived in close proximity to domesticated animals for much longer than the Incans

Lee Hom and Eason are 25-year-old Hong Kong natives who have recently moved to Canada after having lived in Hong Kong all their lives. according to cheung, chudek, and Heine, which of the following best characterizes their adjustment to Canada

there is no relationship between how long they stay in Canada and how much they identify with being Canadian

Nisbett and Cohen argue that the U.S. South has historically been more violent than the North because

there were more herders in the South than in the North

which of the following statements is TRUE regarding chimpanzees living in the wild

they do not show conclusive evidence theory of mind

As seen in the textbook, finding that U.S. southerners respond aggressively to insults more than northerners because the southerners also score higher on measures of honor would be an example of

unpacking a cultural difference

What is a strategy for avoiding problems with the reference-group effect?

using concrete response options

an infant of Species X sees a model use a new tool to achieve a goal. which of the following scenarios best demonstrates that the infant is engaging in emulative learning

when given the tool, the infant figures out on her own how to use the tool to achieve the same goal

an infant of species X sees a model use a new tool to achieve a goal. which of the following demonstrates that the infant is engaging in imitative learning

when given the tool, the infant mimics exactly how the model used the tool

comparisons of men and women from East Asian and the United States reveal that

women and men are similar in most factors underlying individualism and collectivism

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