Customer Service Big Dude

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b. Thank the customer for bringing the problem to the store's attention.

What is the BEST thing the sale's associate should do when a customer has a problem with a product? a. Tell the customer that he or she is not familiar with the product. b. Thank the customer for bringing the problem to the store's attention. c. Call a manager for assistance d. Return the product to the customer.

b. Encourage customers to try out the features themselves while reviewing the key benefits of those features.

What is the BEST way for a sales associate to demonstrate a product's features to customers? a. Direct customers to the product's displays and allow them to discover the features at a personal pace. b. Encourage customers to try out the features themselves while reviewing the key benefits of those features. c. Provide customers a features guide to reference so that they can compare the product to others on display. d. Review the product's packaging and marketing materials with customers while explaining any key features

a. Tell customers about it during the sales transaction.

What is the BEST way for a sales associate to inform customers of the store's frequent shopper program? a. Tell customers about it during the sales transaction. b. Explain the program upon customer inquiry. c. Call potential customers to inform them of the program. d.Call potential customers to inform them of the program and to offer to get them started earning

b. Indicate which items are on sale and offer to show them to the customer.

What is the BEST way for a sales associate to respond if a customer asks for a lower price for an item that is not on sale? a. Tell the customer to wait, it might go on sale next month. b. Indicate which items are on sale and offer to show them to the customer. c. Suggest that the customer continue to check the newspaper for the next sale date. d. Tell the customer the merchandise is not included in the current sale promotion, but suggest that he or she apply for a store credit card.

c. Provide quality service to all in attendance.

What is the BEST way to serve a customer who is shopping with a group of friends? a. Isolate the customer from the group so you can concentrate on his or her needs b. Talk directly to the customer and avoid conversation with others. c. Provide quality service to all in attendance. d. Try to talk the friends into making purchases as well.

c. To help determine whether employees have mastered the information provided during training or additional training

What is the purpose of training assignments or evaluations during or after scheduled course time? a. To help managers identify high potential employees who are most suited to learning about sales and service and are more likely to be promoted. b. To help managers match employees to the departments or products they are most interesting in selling, creating better customer service. c. To help determine whether employees have mastered the information provided during training or additional training d. To help determine which employees are less likely to practice new skills and knowledge that helps to reinforce the concepts and information

b. Those designed to ensure customer satisfaction

What policies within a company may be given room for interpretation: a. Those that protect the licensing of the products sold. b. Those designed to ensure customer satisfaction. c. Those related to the safety of customers and employees. d. Those associated with governmental laws and liability concerns.

d.Secure the area, and report the situation to management

What should a retail associate do if he or she discovers an electrical hazard? a. Call the custodian for the assistance. b. Make temporary repairs as best as she can. c. Nothing, maintenance is probably aware of the situation d.Secure the area, and report the situation to management

d. Test the product and make sure it is damaged free and working properly.

What should a sales associate do IMMEDIATELY before putting products out of display? a. Practice demonstrating features and benefits with a co-worker. b. Ensure that signage has been created and will attract customers. c. Read the product label to learn features and benefits. d. Test the product and make sure it is damaged free and working properly.

d.Early in the sales process as a benefit to the product being purchased.

When is the BEST time to inform customers about extended services plans available for items they are purchasing? a. As part of the greeting when the customer enters the department. b. As soon as it is determined that the plans are within the customer's budget. c. At the end of the sale, after presenting the associated accessories. d.Early in the sales process as a benefit to the product being purchased.

b. Standing with hands on their hips.

Which gestures by customers MOST likely indicates that they are agreeable to the selling price? a. Rubbing their eyes b. Standing with hands on their hips. c. Tapping a foot on the floor. d.Folding their arms.

d. To reassure the customer about the product's performance, durability, and quality.

Which is the MOST important reason for a sales associate to discuss the warranty of a product while closing a sale? a. To explain any manufacturer recalls. b. To demonstrate that the store stands behind its products. c. To ensure fewer customer complaints when a product is defective. d. To reassure the customer about the product's performance, durability, and quality.

c. To ensure that the customers have a consistent experience no matter whom they work with.

Which is the MOST important reason for a sales associate to know and consistently follow company guidelines when addressing company complaints? a. To make customers feel that they have been treated fairly. b. To give customers reason to think the store is managed well. c. To ensure that the customers have a consistent experience no matter whom they work with. d. To ensure that the sales team has learned from mistakes.

d.It allows them to better refine or address product recommendations

Which is the MOST important reason why handling objections correctly is beneficial for sales associates? a. It shows them if the customer is serious about purchasing. b. It gives them confidence to make add-on or accessory sales. c. It provides them an opportunity to show their expertise. d.It allows them to better refine or address product recommendations.

d. Verify that the product is fully functional with power, if needed, and that any accessories needed to demonstrate the features are located.

Which is the MOST important step a sales associate should take to ensure that a product is working before demonstrating it to customers? a. Role play with a co-worker who can ask difficult questions in a customer scenario. b. Have all vendor supplied materials on hand and display model ready to go. c. Read and understand all the information about the features being demonstrated so they can be shown with ease. d. Verify that the product is fully functional with power, if needed, and that any accessories needed to demonstrate the features are located.

b. Paraphrase what the customer said so that it was correctly understood

Which of the following actions represents the BEST way to respond to a customer's feedback? a. Share the customer's feedback to a manager especially if it is negative b. Paraphrase what the customer said so that it was correctly understood c. Thank the customer and ask if the feedback can be turned in on a comment card d. Ask the customer to post any positive comments on the store's social media sites.

a. Company provided training.

Which of the following is the BEST resource for a sales associate to use to gain information about the benefits of a store's products and services? a. Company provided training. b. Independent industry sources online. c. Knowledgeable team members d.Marketing materials provided by the vendor

. Build rapport, establish trust, and focus product presentation on the customer's needs.

Which of the following methods BEST describes how sales associates can reduce the number of price objections they receive? a. Build rapport, establish trust, and focus product presentation on the customer's needs. b. Describe the store's price matching policy in case the item goes on sale in the near future. c. Explain that the product recommended is the latest model and is therefore the best value. d. Share a personal testimonial, or describe a way another customer enjoyed the same product.

d. What did you like or dislike about your last television?

Which of the following open-ended questions will BEST help a sales associate determine what kind of television is appropriate for a customer looking to purchase a new one? a. Are you replacing your current television? b. Do you prefer a specific brand? c. What are the dimensions of your living room? d. What did you like or dislike about your last television?

d.To learn new skills and knowledge used to provide exceptional customer service

Which of the following reasons BEST represents why sales associates should actively participate in company provided training? a. To feel more confident performing role plays in front of co-workers. b. To prove to the company a commitment to a career in retail. c. To achieve certification status for sales and service knowledge. d.To learn new skills and knowledge used to provide exceptional customer service

c. A customer complained about the workmanship of the alterations to a new suit. The sales associate thinks the issue has been resolved but is not true.

Which of the following scenarios MOST warrants a follow up call from a sales associate to a customer? a. A customer did not purchase the extended service plan at the time of purchase, and the manufacturer's warranty is expiring. b. A customer purchased a printer the previous day. Specialty paper and ink cartridges will be on sale next week. c. A customer complained about the workmanship of the alterations to a new suit. The sales associate thinks the issue has been resolved but is not true. d. The sales associate thinks a frequent customer would be interested in a new line of designer handbags that just arrived.

d. The sales associate has encountered a difficult customer and cannot satisfy that customer's needs.

Which of the following situations requires a sales associate to seek support from a supervisor? a. A customer has brought three other friends to the store to shop, each with different needs. b. A customer cannot find a particular item, and the sales associate forgot where it is on the floor. c. The sales associate notices employees from a competitor in the store doing price comparisons. d. The sales associate has encountered a difficult customer and cannot satisfy that customer's needs.

a. The associate is usually the first point of contact when a customer is not satisfied with a purchase.

Which of the following statements about warranties and customer service is TRUE? a. The associate is usually the first point of contact when a customer is not satisfied with a purchase. b. The product warranties need not be available until after the sale has been finalized. c. Warranties have no place in a sale when commission is part of the pay structure. d.Associates are not responsible for understanding warranties and how to process claims.

c. It improves the sales associate's confidence and level of customer service by having increased product

Why is being a knowledgeable sales associate a KEY component of providing exceptional customer experience? a. It allows the sales associate to rely on the manager or other associates less when answering customer's questions. b. It allows the sales associate to spend more time with the customers and less time in product classes. c. It improves the sales associate's confidence and level of customer service by having increased product knowledge. d. It will make the sales associate more likely to receive a promotion from hi manager.

b. Customers are likely to ask questions about the products.

Why is it important for sales associates to test or sample the products they will be selling? a. Associates may want to purchase a product for themselves. b. Customers are likely to ask questions about the products. c. It helps associates appear engaged while on the same floor. d. Managers often administer tests on the products' features.

b. Discount the clothing store's selection of sweaters by 10% to ensure that the store is offering the lowest price.

A clothing store is selling sweaters, and a sales associate notices that a nearby department store is running a sale on the same brand of sweaters for the same price. What is the BEST strategy the associate can use to make sure the clothing store's sweaters still sell? a. Check the competitor's website for policies and additional service offerings. b. Discount the clothing store's selection of sweaters by 10% to ensure that the store is offering the lowest price. c. Use approved signage that advertises the sweaters as the store's 'Everyday low price." d. Visit the competitor's store to view their merchandise displays and prepare similar displays in order to increase visibility of the clothing store's merchandise.

a. I can make an appointment with our custom drapery department if you like.

A customer asks a sales associate to help him pick out curtains for his apartment. They find the perfect color and fabric, but his windows are not a standard size. There is a customary drapery department in the store. What is the sales associate's BEST response? a. I can make an appointment with our custom drapery department if you like. b. We have an in-house drapery department. You might want to check with them. c. Since your windows are not standard size, you should try another store that carries a wider selection. d. For non-standard window sizes, blinds work best. Let me show you the selection.

c. Refer to your store's policy on meeting competitor's ads

A customer brings a competitor's ad into your store and asks that you meet the advertised price. As a sales associate, what should you do FIRST? a. Tell the customer that he/she should go to the store that placed the ad b. Immediately change the price in the store to meet the competitor's c. Refer to your store's policy on meeting competitor's ads d.Ask your store manager how to respond to the customer

C. Offer to call the customer back when the computer comes back on.

A customer calls the customer service help center to report that the ATM charges on his account are incorrect. During the discussion the center's computer shuts down during the conversation. You are the help center associate, what do you do? A. Suggest that the customer use their online banking. B. Put the customer on hold and hope the computer comes back on line. C. Offer to call the customer back when the computer comes back on. D. Tell the customer to try calling back in about an hour.

b. Place the camera and memory card at the customer service desk with the customer's name attached, and request a page when the customer arrives so he can be quickly assisted.

A customer calls the store to check to see if a particular digital camera is in stock, and the sales Associate confirms that it is. The customer states that he will arrive to view the camera shortly and mentions that he is in a rush. What would be the BEST way for the sales associate to prepare for the arrival of this customer? a. Locate the manufacturer's brochure and appropriate accessories and be prepared to offer an extended warranty to the sale. b. Place the camera and memory card at the customer service desk with the customer's name attached, and request a page when the customer arrives so he can be quickly assisted. c. Place the camera in a bag with the customer's name attached, and leave the bag at the customer's service desk for easy access. d. Select two alternate camera models with features similar to the ones the customer inquired about so that you can present a variety of products when the customer arrives.

b. Thank the customer for the call, and put him on hold while the sales associate calls the delivery department for information.

A customer calls to complain that his refrigerator was not delivered on time. How should the associate handle the complaint? a. Thank the customer, apologize for the inconvenience, and ask him information about the delivery. b. Thank the customer for the call, and put him on hold while the sales associate calls the delivery department for information. c. Thank the customer for the call, and transfer the customer to the delivery department. d.Apologize for the inconvenience, and offer a discount on the customer's next purchase.

a. Tell the customer the item can be ordered and should arrive in time if he is willing to pay for overnight delivery.

A customer calls your luggage store in a panic and tells you that the zipper on his suitcase is no longer working. The customer leaves for a trip to Europe in two days. He has found a suitcase on your company's website that he would like to purchase. You do not have the suitcase in stock at your store but you can order it for the customer. Which of the following should you do? a. Tell the customer the item can be ordered and should arrive in time if he is willing to pay for overnight delivery. b. Tell the customer to contact the manufacturer about his current suitcase to see if it is under warranty. c. Try to sell the customer a more expensive suitcase that you have in the store. d.Provide a list of other luggage stores in the area that the customer can call.

c. Explain that the store carries other brands that are comparable but priced lower.

A customer comes into the store looking for a new television. The customer is requesting the ABC brand which is the most expensive in the store. The customer has no experience with the other brands you carry but is concerned about the price of the ABC television. Which would be the BEST action to take? a. Show the customer the ABC brand because that is what he is looking for. b. Show the customer a promotional item that is priced well below the ABC brand. c. Explain that the store carries other brands that are comparable but priced lower. d. State that ABC brand is overpriced and explain that the store has other brands that are more reasonably priced.

b. Apologize to the customer and call the supervisor to help solve this problem.

A customer comes into the store to return an item he bought online. The customer states that the wrong item was delivered. The sales associate has never dealt with this issue so far. What is the BEST action the sales associate should take? a. Apologize to the customer and give them a phone they could call to solve their problem. b. Apologize to the customer and call the supervisor to help solve this problem. c. Suggest that the customer look for the item in the store and request that the incorrect item be mailed by the customer back to the online company. d. Thank the customer for bringing this matter to their attention and provide a refund for the customer.

d. Apologize to the customer, and offer to make a substitution with two 50-count bottles.

A customer complains that you are out of stock on the 100-count aspirin that is on sale and that this seems to be a problem ever y time she comes into the store. How do you BEST satisfy the customer when the item is out of stock? a. Apologize and call another local store for the customer to see if they have the product in stock. b. Apologize to the customer, but tell her that there is nothing you can do about the situation. c. Apologize to the customer, and explain to her that you will have more in stock next week. d. Apologize to the customer, and offer to make a substitution with two 50-count bottles.

d. Ask the customer what features he likes about the software , and see if the store has another program in stock that would fit his needs.

A customer has decided to use popular software to do his taxes. He comes to a retail store on Saturday morning to buy the program so he can complete his taxes over the weekend. Taxes are due by midnight on Monday. The sales associate discovers that the store does not have the product in stock but sees that a new supply is expected soon. What should the associate do to help the customer now? a. Check for another software program within the same price range. b. Call a competitor and see if they have it in stock to meet the customer's immediate needs. c. Tell the customer he will be called as soon as the new shipment arrives, and put one program on hold for them. d. Ask the customer what features he likes about the software , and see if the store has another program in stock that would fit his needs.

a. "There is a video that is available to demonstrate the tricks. I haven't totaled up your receipt yet. May I add that to your purchase?"

A customer has just purchased a bag of magic tricks as a birthday gift for a friend's son. While the associate at the toy store is with the customer, the customer says that she is concerned. She thinks the child may have trouble learning how to perform the magic tricks because her reading is not too good and the instruction manual may be difficult. What would be the associate's best reply? a. "There is a video that is available to demonstrate the tricks. I haven't totaled up your receipt yet. May I add that to your purchase?" b. "The box says that this toy is for children his age. I'm sure he will be fine with the manual. c. "Maybe the boy's parents could read the instructions to him until his reading improves, and then he can practice the magic tricks on his own." d. "Would you like me to suggest other gift items that would be more appropriate for a child who can't read well?"

b. The product's SKU number, the shipping carrier's website address, the shipping hotline number

A customer has purchased monogrammed table liners, which are a special order and ship directly from the manufacturer the sales associate provide the customer to enable the customer to check on the status of the delivery? a. The order number, the store's website address, and the manufacturer's website address. b. The product's SKU number, the shipping carrier's website address, the shipping hotline number c. The order number, a copy of completed paperwork, and a contact phone number for delivery updates d. The product's SKU number, a personal business card, and delivery driver's contact information

c. That suit sure looks nice on you. Are you aware that we offer free hemming on all our slacks? It only takes a couple of days.

A customer has tried on a business suit and really likes the style and color. However, the pants are too long. Which response is the BEST way for the sales associate to encourage the customer to use the store's alteration services? a. Are those the shoes you would wear with the suit? The shoe department is having a sale this week . You may want to try a higher heel. b. How are you with a needle and thread? If you don't sew, we do offer alterations for a small fee. c. That suit sure looks nice on you. Are you aware that we offer free hemming on all our slacks? It only takes a couple of days. d. That's a great suit! You may want to have it laundered and then see if the slacks are still too long. We do have a tailor on staff.

c. I agree. You should give your decision more thought. It is important that you are 100% satisfied. Here is my card in case you have additional questions.

A customer is gathering information before making the final selection on a new car. You have suggested the car that seems to be the best choice. After taking a test drive, the customer decides to continue to look at other options. What is the BEST response to your customer? a. Well, if you want to come back and look some more, here is my card. Feel free to give me a call. b. I'm sorry you were not able to find exactly what you are looking for, but if you decide to come back, please be sure to ask for me. c. I agree. You should give your decision more thought. It is important that you are 100% satisfied. Here is my card in case you have additional questions. d.I'm sorry. I don't have a business card, but if you will give me yours, I'll be glad to call you to see if you have other questions.

c.Aren't these necklaces beautiful? They come in sterling or silver-plated. Sterling is a bit more expensive. Do you have a preference?

A customer is looking at a display of assorted silver necklaces that vary in price. Which would be the BEST comment for the sales associate to make in order to determine the customer's price range? a. Those are some of our most popular brands. What is your price range? b. Will this be a gift? If so, the more expensive sterling necklaces would be perfect. c.Aren't these necklaces beautiful? They come in sterling or silver-plated. Sterling is a bit more expensive. Do you have a preference?

a. Please be aware it is our store's policy that personalized items cannot be returned.

A customer is purchasing a set of towels for a new apartment and is considering adding a monogram to the towels. The store's policy states that the addition of monogramming would make the towel non-refundable, and the customer is slightly concerned the color may not match the apartment's bathroom. In order to enforce store policy, what should the sales associate say? a. Please be aware it is our store's policy that personalized items cannot be returned. b. I think you can return the towels for a refund if the color is not right. c. Our return policy is quite strict. d.You can always exchange the towels for a different color if these don't match.

c. "I will double check the stock room to see if we are out. If we are I will be happy to call our other store to see if that store may have that shoe.

A customer is searching for a shoe in a particular size and asks an associate for help. The associate knows that this shoe is not available because an earlier search revealed that it was out of stock. What is the MOST appropriate response to this customer's request? a. "I just put out the entire stock of that shoe yesterday. I'm pretty sure we are out of that shoe. Sorry. b. "I think we sold the last shoe of that brand yesterday. That is really a popular shoe. You have great taste. c. "I will double check the stock room to see if we are out. If we are I will be happy to call our other store to see if that store may have that shoe.

b. Provide a hands-on demonstration of different software packages

A customer is shopping for a new computer software package and states that the last version did not meet expectations regarding functionality. What should the sales associate do to help the customer select the right software? a. Explain the steps involved in proper software installation. b. Provide a hands-on demonstration of different software packages c. Provide the customer with computer upgrades information. d. Show the customer top-selling software packages

d. Listen to the customer, assure him that you understand his frustration, and ask him if he would be satisfied with you finding another set of instruction

A customer purchased a barbeque grill at the store, loaded it into his car and took it home. When he opened the box to assemble the grill the instruction were missing. The customer returns to the store upset. What should the sale's associate do to satisfy the customer? a. Acknowledge the customer's frustration and refer him to the manufacturer's website to download the instructions b. Listen to the customer, apologize for the inconvenience and offer to refund or exchange the merchandise c. Listen to the customer, apologize for the inconvenience, and refer him to the manager d. Listen to the customer, assure him that you understand his frustration, and ask him if he would be satisfied with you finding another set of instruction

a. Ask the customer what you can do to make the situation right, and then determine if the proposed solution is in line with the store's policy.

A customer returns to the store with a suitcase that was purchased last month. It was only used a few times for travel, but the wheels are not working properly. Which of the following actions should the sales associate take to BEST remedy the situation? a. Ask the customer what you can do to make the situation right, and then determine if the proposed solution is in line with the store's policy. b. Let the customer know that the malfunction appears to be a defect which the store is unequipped to fix. Provide the customer the manufacturer's contact info. c. Ask the customer if the luggage was overstuffed because extreme pressure on the wheels may have caused the problem. Off to show the customer a more durable line of suitcases. d.Ask the customer what caused the wheels to stop working properly and determine if the malfunction was the customer's fault or a product defect. Then follow the company's policy.

d. Off the customer samples of the cheeses she is interested in, and express interest in her reactions.

A customer walks into the deli department at the supermarket and is overwhelmed by the variety of cheeses For sale. The customer asks an employee, who is still in training, some questions about the differences in the cheeses. The other deli associate is on a lunch break. What can the associate do to save the sale? a. Try to suggest that the customer try a different product that the associate knows about. b. Ask the customer to come back later when the other employee is back from lunch to make the best choice. c. Explain to the customer that he is new and apologize that he cannot be more helpful. d. Off the customer samples of the cheeses she is interested in, and express interest in her reactions.

d. Those are some of the best and most popular cameras you're looking at. What kind of photography will you be using?

A customer with two children enters a department store and is looking at digital cameras. Which is the BEST comment for a sales associate to make in order to engage them and make them feel comfortable and relaxed? a. "Great options there! Notice that some models are ruggedly designed so that you don't have to worry about your kids breaking them." b. I can tell you're probably a busy person. Let me save you some time by showing our most popular cameras. c. It's a great day to bring the family shopping. Will the children be using the camera also, or just you? d. Those are some of the best and most popular cameras you're looking at. What kind of photography will you be using?

a. Apologize and offer to work out a delivery schedule with the manager.

A fitness centers drink machine has been empty for two weeks. When the delivery person arrives to fill the machine customers complain that the fitness center has lost money. What should the delivery person do? a. Apologize and offer to work out a delivery schedule with the manager. b. Tell the manager that the usual delivery person has been on vacation and they were short staffed. c. Tell the manager "Okay" fill the machine, then go to the next delivery. d. Apologize and tell the manager that the delivery people are not responsible for scheduling.

b. I'm sorry. It must be very frustrating that this is not resolved yet?

A health insurance call center associate receives a call from a customer who seems upset. The customer reports having called many times about a claim, and it is still not settled. The customer speaks loudly and becomes more upset by the minute. Which of these should the representative say FIRST? a. Let me look up your policy. What is your policy number? b. I'm sorry. It must be very frustrating that this is not resolved yet? c. I'd like to help you, but I can't understand you while you are yelling. d. I'm sorry. We have a lot of new trainees and they don't always know the answers.

C.Call the customer service for the customer and see if you can answer the customer's concern

A loyal customer who has been shopping in your store for many years tells you that he did not receive his reward coupon when he last visited the store. How should you handle this situation? A. Explain to the customer that the manager is the only person who can help him and he will Call him tomorrow B Provide the customer service number to the customer so the customer can call later C.Call the customer service for the customer and see if you can answer the customer's concern

c. Consult company policy or the manager about using the copier

A new employee has just begun to work for a company. The employee has not seen any other employee use the copy machines for personal material, but knows that there are some benefits that haven't been explained yet. The employee decides to bring in tax returns to photocopy . Which of these is the BEST thing for the employee to do? a. Wait until no one is around and copy the returns quickly b. Ask a co-worker what everyone else does, and then do the same c. Consult company policy or the manager about using the copier d.Copy the returns any time during the day when there are no customers

a. Try out the multiple ways to tie the scarves so she can better show customers how to wear them.

A new line of silk scarves has arrived in your store. The scarves have intricate claps and there are multiple ways to tie. What should the sales associate do before demonstrating the scarves to customers? a. Try out the multiple ways to tie the scarves so she can better show customers how to wear them. b. Safely unpack the merchandise to minimize damage from handling before putting on display. c. Photocopy an illustration to show the different styles for wearing. d.Check for an inspection sticker on either the merchandise or package to ensure the clasps work properly

. Use check-in promotions to alert customers about special deals based on their past purchases.

A retailer encourages customers to use their mobile devices to "check in" when they walk into the store location. How can the retailer BEST use check-in data to gather information about the customers? a. Use check-in data to forecast staffing levels based on customer's peak shopping hours. b. Use check-in data to target customers' network of friends in order to attract new business. c. Use check-in promotions to alert customers about special deals based on their past purchases. d.Use social media to send and promote coupons to customers as they approach the sales department.

a. After building rapport with the customer, show where customer reviews for the tools are located on the store's website.

A sales associate approaches a customer who is looking at high end power tools and referring to content on a smart phone. How can the associate BEST engage the customer using this technology? a. After building rapport with the customer, show where customer reviews for the tools are located on the store's website. b. Apologetically inform the customer that the store does not match the competitor prices that he may be seeing on line. c. Show the customer where to access the monthly schedule of power tool demos and explain how to reserve a seat. d. Assess the customer's knowledge of online coupons and offer the dates when coupons for tools are usually published.

a. Review the online class again.

A sales associate completes an online training class for a store's new MP3 players, but she cannot remember how long it takes to charge the batteries. What should the sales associate do? a. Review the online class again. b. Ask a friend who has a similar MP3 player. c. Check the internet when the sales associate goes home. d. Plug the display unit in and time how long it takes to charge.

a. Enter the product area with the customer, and locate a sale's associate who can answer the question and assist the customer.

A sales associate from the clothing department is passing by the electronics department and is stopped by a customer who asks about return policies for televisions. The associate has not been trained on the electronics department policies. What is the BEST way for the associate to respond to the customer's question? a. Enter the product area with the customer, and locate a sale's associate who can answer the question and assist the customer. b. Politely say "I'm sorry but I do not know," and apologize for the inconvenience. c. Refer the customer to the customer service desk to obtain general returns and exchanges policy information. d. Walk the customer to the customer service desk and find a specialist who can locate and discuss the specific policy.

a. "Hey there! I know waiting in a busy store can be frustrating. I'm free now, so what are you looking for?'

A sales associate in the clothing department notices a customer is waiting impatiently in the electronics department. Which one of these should the sales associate do to approach the customer to offer help? a. "Hey there! I know waiting in a busy store can be frustrating. I'm free now, so what are you looking for?' b. "Welcome to the store. If you haven't already been helped, I'm happy to do so. What brings you in today? c. "You seem a bit agitated. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Can I help you? d."Hello, Which department were you looking for help in?"

b. Check the care label in the sweater and advise the customer.

A sales associate is helping a customer with a new sweater that just arrived. The customer asks about the proper care instructions. What should the sales associate do? a. Call over the manager to answer the question. b. Check the care label in the sweater and advise the customer. c. Ask another sales associate if he or she knows the care instructions. d. Assume it is the same as the other sweaters and give those instructions.

c. Acknowledge the new customer, but complete the current transaction.

A sales associate is helping one customer when another customer comes into the store. You should? a. Complete the current sale as quickly as possible. b. Call another associate to help the new customer. c. Acknowledge the new customer, but complete the current transaction. d.Help the new customer, after finishing the current customer's transaction.

d. Invite the customer to participate in the demonstration.

A sales associate is hosting a cooking class to demonstrate a new line of kitchenware and notices a customer interacting with the products as if actually using them. Which is the BEST way for the associate to create a memorable experience for the customer? a. Product the customer with a product video. b. Give the customer an informational procedure. c. Explain the product features and benefits to the customer. d. Invite the customer to participate in the demonstration.

a. say "The pizza store. May I put you on hold?

A sales associate is responsible for answering the phone and taking orders at the pizza store. It is lunchtime and all other employees are busy helping customers. The phone rings while the sales associate is taking payment from a customer. Which is the BEST way for the associate to answer the call? a. say "The pizza store. May I put you on hold? b. Say "Good afternoon. May I put you on hold?" c. Say "hold please. " Then get back to the customer as quickly as possible. d. Say "Thank you for calling the Pizza Store. " Then place the customer on hold and get back to the phone as quickly as possible.

d. Show a genuine concern for the customer's feelings and the complaint, open a register, and take the next customer in line.

A sales associate is restocking displays in the front of the store when a customer approaches and asks if an associate will open a register. The customer has been waiting in line for 10 minutes and is very upset. How should the associate address the customer's complaint? a. Apologize for the wait, assure the customer that it should not be much longer, and continue restocking displays. b. Acknowledge the customer's feelings and advise the customer to address the complaint to a member of the management. c. Acknowledge the customer, explain that a manager will be in contact, and continue restocking until a manager arrives. d. Show a genuine concern for the customer's feelings and the complaint, open a register, and take the next customer in line.

d.I have some great suits on sale. May I show you a few?

A sales associate observes a customer browsing a rack of men's suits. How should the associate approach the customer? a. I see you are interested in our suits. b. The blue suits are very popular. You take a size 40 regular, right? c. We have some favorite fabric and pattern choices. What colors do you prefer? d.I have some great suits on sale. May I show you a few?

b. I'm sorry that the laptop is not working properly. Fortunately the laptop is still under warranty by the manufacturer. Let me look up the sale and see what we can do to help you.

A sales associate working at the customer service desk is approached by an irate customer who demands to see the manager. The customer purchased a new laptop with an extended warranty last week and the battery will no longer hold a charge. What is the BEST way for the associate to respond to the customer? a. I can understand your anger since it's a brand new product. Laptop batteries are notorious for failure if they aren't charged properly. Did you follow the instructions in the setup guide? b. I'm sorry that the laptop is not working properly. Fortunately the laptop is still under warranty by the manufacturer. Let me look up the sale and see what we can do to help you. c. I'm sorry you've had this trouble. Fortunately the laptop is still under warranty by the manufacturer, but we cannot take the return here. Let me get you their service number. d. It's strange that a new battery would stop working only a week after purchase. It must be either defective or somehow damaged. How were you using the laptop when the battery was working?

c. The customer will receive a check for $50 after submitting proof-of-purchase verification

A store is promoting a $50 rebate on the purchase of any BLU-Ray play that costs more than $150. A customer expresses a lack of understanding about rebates. Which statement BEST describes this rebate offer? a. The customer will receive $50 cash back at the time of purchase. b. The customer will pay only $100 for a BLU-Ray player c. The customer will receive a check for $50 after submitting proof-of-purchase verification d.A total of $50 will be deducted from the total amount paid by the customer at the time of checkout.

a. Makes customer feedback easy.

After eating a delicious meal at a restaurant, the customer completes a survey card that is on the table. The customer writes about how great the food and service was during the customer's dining experience. Which of the following describes the benefit of this customer contact approach? a. Makes customer feedback easy. b. Makes more customers have no verbal contact c. Makes sure the business knows how to contact clients. d.Make sure customers know how to contact the business

c. Thank the customer for bringing the problem to the store's attention, and then check the store's internet for store policy on returns

An angry customer arrives with return and presents it to a sales associate who is new to the customer service department. The customer states the product cannot be assembled because it is missing parts. If the associate is unsure how the store's return policy applies, what would be the associate's BEST course of action? a. Apologize to the customer for not being able to help, and ask the customer to wait while the associate finds assistance. b. Apologize for the inconvenience , and then ask a co-worker to help find a solution. c. Thank the customer for bringing the problem to the store's attention, and then check the store's internet for store policy on returns d. Quickly call a manager to help the customer, and then begin to assist the next customer in line

a. Ask the customer the age of the grandchild.

An associate has read the following safety information in a product manual. *Do not use near water *Not suitable for use by children under the age of 10 *Do not operate more than 30 minutes *Always unplug immediately after use A customer comes in to buy the product and says that it is a gift for a grandchild. What should the associate do FIRST? a. Ask the customer the age of the grandchild. b. Sell the product to the customer. c. Give the product information to the customer to read. d.Try to interest the customer in the carrying case for the product.

d. Offer the customer the option of an in-store return or the opportunity to speak with a supervisor.

An irate customer calls demanding a credit after making a full price purchase the day before the sale. The responding sales associate explains that the store's policy on returns and exchanges only allows credits to be given in the store, and it does not allow for credits over the phone. The customer is not satisfied with the associate's answer. After apologizing for the inconvenience what else should the associate do to help satisfy the customer's request? a. Clearly repeat the policy so the customer understands there is no other option. b. Explain how the customer and store benefits from the store's policy. c. Inform the customer of dates when the item may be on sale again. d. Offer the customer the option of an in-store return or the opportunity to speak with a supervisor.

b. Suggest a gift card in the amount the customer was planning to spend.

A customer comes into the store needing to buy a gift for a friend's wedding. According to the gift registry all of the gifts are NOT in the customer's price range. What is the best suggestion to give the customer? a. Suggest the customer spend more than they were planning since it is for a friend. b. Suggest a gift card in the amount the customer was planning to spend. c. Suggest an item to your customer that you would like to get as a gift. d.Suggest the customer ask his friend if they are registered at any other stores.

b. Special Orders provide additional service and build customer loyalty.

A customer comes into the store wishing to purchase a particular item. You DO NOT have the item so you attempt to sell him a similar item. The customer is committed to buying that one specific item and you can special order it from the vendor. Why should you order the item? a. Special orders usually cost less than the items you normally carry. b. Special Orders provide additional service and build customer loyalty. c. Special orders are something every sales associate should know how to do. d. Special orders are more profitable for the store and will help you make your sales goal.

a. Basic model that includes extended warranties and service plans.

A customer enters the store looking to purchase a new refrigerator as a gift for someone who just bought a new home. The customer wants to know if the refrigerator will not be a financial burden in the event of needed repairs. The customer also explains that the refrigerator will be the recipient's first major appliance so extra features probably would be more confusing than helpful. a. Basic model that includes extended warranties and service plans. b. Basic model that offers various features and limited lifetime warranties. c. High end model that includes extended warranties and service plans. d. Various models with various features and extended warranties and service plans.

a. Immediately call management to open the door for the customer.

A customer is in a wheelchair and tries to enter the store using the handicap access door, which is located at the rear of the store. The door is locked when the customer rings the bell and no one answers. A second customer observes the customer in the wheelchair outside and tells the cashier. What should the cashier do? a. Immediately call management to open the door for the customer. b. Ask the customer in the wheelchair to return to the store the next day. c. Ask the 2nd customer to make purchases for the customer in the wheelchair. d.Ask the 2nd customer to tell the customer in a wheelchair to use a cell phone to place an order.

b. Determine what features are most attractive to the customer, and point out other mixes with those features.

A customer is shopping for a pink mixer she saw on the set of a popular celebrity TV chef show. Your store does not have one in the store. Which of the following should you do first? a. Show the customer other new appliances and cookware from the celebrity's chef line. b. Determine what features are most attractive to the customer, and point out other mixes with those features. c. Ask the customer how she is planning to use the mixer. d. Show the customer the item, point out the features, and state the price.

b. "WE do sell a great water repellant spray. Would you like me to add it to your order?"

A customer is shopping for golf shoes at a local golf store. The customer asks the associate if the shoes are waterproof. The shoes are NOT waterproof. "What should the associate add in response to the customer's question? a. I have had several pairs of golf shoes myself, and they have held up great in bad weather." b. "WE do sell a great water repellant spray. Would you like me to add it to your order?" c. "Would you like to purchase some extra golf balls?" d."The manufacturer stands by the quality of the shoes, and they are well made."

b. Apologize and arrange to deliver the sofa at the next convenient time for the customer.

A customer is waiting for a new sofa to be delivered. The delivery was scheduled for between 9:00 am and noon. At 1:00 pm, the customer reports that the sofa has not been delivered and she must leave the house. How should the customer service associate respond? a. Tell the customer that she should have called earlier so the associate could deal with the problem. b. Apologize and arrange to deliver the sofa at the next convenient time for the customer. c. Tell the customer to call the delivery department to reschedule delivery. d.Explain to the customer that deliveries often run behind schedule.

d. Apologize. Admit the mistake, and assure the customer that the situation will be quickly resolved.

A customer purchases a pair of pants at a department store. The sales associate fits them and marks where to hem the legs. When she returns to pick up the pants, the legs are too short. The customer tells the associate, "This will never do. I can't wear them like this. You have to change the hem.." How should the sales associate respond? a. Agree to alter another pair of pants without acknowledging the mistake. b. Apologize. Tell the customer they were marked correctly, so the tailor must have made a mistake. c. Tell the customer that the fit was based on accurate measurements. d. Apologize. Admit the mistake, and assure the customer that the situation will be quickly resolved.

a. Test the customer's computer and determine whether there is a problem with the feature.

A customer returns a laptop computer and explains that one of the features is not working. The sales associate is familiar with the features of the laptop. What should the associate do FIRST? a. Test the customer's computer and determine whether there is a problem with the feature. b. Tell the customer that there has been problems with this computer model and that there may be a better one available. ' c. Offer the customer a store credit or refund. d. Give the customer a detailed explanation of how to use the feature.

c. Ask about the friend's preference and size.

A customer tells the sales rep she wants to buy a sweater as a gift. What should the REP do FIRST? a. Invite the customer to look around. b. Point out the sweaters that are on sale.. c. Ask about the friend's preference and size. d.Give the customer price info.

a. Match features of the desired product with an alternative selection.

A customer who is going on a camping trip the next day would like to see the new line of high definition binoculars. Having just sold the last pair, how should the sales associate proceed? a. Match features of the desired product with an alternative selection. b. Offer the customer a discount on another brand. c. Refer the customer to another store. d. Steer the customer to items that are currently on sale.

b. Attempt to try and locate them online or at another store.

A husband is looking for a birthday gift for his wife. He knows that she wants a pair of gold earrings that your store carries but they are no longer in stock. What is the MOST appropriate next step to serve the customer ? a. Tell him that you think they are available online and he should purchase them there. b. Attempt to try and locate them online or at another store. c. Ask him to give his wife call and see if she would like a bracelet instead. d.Explain that the item is out of stock and offer him a discount if he buys something else.

c. Ask how the customer plans to use the mower and then offer an appropriate accessory.

A landscaper is at a home improvement store to purchase a riding lawnmower. He mentions to the sales associate a riding lawnmower he wants to buy. What is the BEST way to proceed? a. Explain your store's extended warranty program and offer to sign up the customer for a free trial. b. Tell the customer he made a great choice and ring up the sale. c. Ask how the customer plans to use the mower and then offer an appropriate accessory. d.Offer a grass catcher as an accessory.

c. Ask a fellow associate to confirm the policy.

A new cashier is working the register alone for the first time when a customer asks to write a check for $20 over the purchase total. The cashier is not sure of the store policy. What should she do? a. Refer the customer to the manager. b. Tell the customer it is against company policy. c. Ask a fellow associate to confirm the policy. d.Process the check as a cash transaction and ask the manager later.

b. Explain the qualifications to be a preferred customer and how to receive free gifts.

A preferred customer is at the register collecting a gift from a mailed promotion. The next customer in line wants a gift also. What should the associate do? a. Apologize to the customer and complete the sale as quickly and efficiently as possible. b. Explain the qualifications to be a preferred customer and how to receive free gifts. c. Process the sale and insert a customer feedback/complaint form in the bag. d. Offer a gift to keep it quiet so as not to upset the other customers.

c. To be better able to answer customers' questions about the product.

A representative from a popular cosmetics company is coming in to demonstrate makeup applications. The sales associate gives a demonstration and is very familiar with how to use them. Why should the sales associate attend this demonstration again? a. To learn how to increase sales of slow moving products. b. To position oneself for a possible career development. c. To be better able to answer customers' questions about the product. d.To become aware of upcoming sales or in store promotions

c.Review the online class again

A sales associate completes an online training class for a store's new MP3 player, but she cannot remember how long it takes to charge the player.. What should the sales associate do? a. Check the internet when the associate goes home. b. Plug the display unit in and time how long it takes to charge c.Review the online class again

d. "Would you like me to bring one to the fitting room for you to try on? What size would you like?

A sales associate sees a customer looking for a dress and tells her that it is very popular this season. The customer agrees and begins looking through the size tags. What should the sales associate say? a. "How much are you planning to spend?" b. "Would you like to purchase any accessories with that dress?" c. "WE're almost sold out. I have sizes 10 and 12 left. What size would you like to try?" d. "Would you like me to bring one to the fitting room for you to try on? What size would you like?"

d.Ensured all of the cameras had charged batteries and were in working order.

A sales associate was asked to demonstrate several digital cameras to a family interested in purchasing one;however during the time at the store many of the cameras did not work, and the associate lost the potential sale. What should have the associate do FIRST? a. Placed security locks on the cameras to discourage customers from trying them. b. Reviewed methods of demonstrating the features with other sales associates. c. Read the camera manuals to figure out how to solve potential problems. d.Ensured all of the cameras had charged batteries and were in working order.

a. Acknowledge the mark, take the item back to the store, and exchange it for a new one.

A sales associate who is loading a chair into a customer's car scratches the chair leg. What should the associate do? a. Acknowledge the mark, take the item back to the store, and exchange it for a new one. b. Suggest that the customer return to the store to receive a discount on the item. c. Acknowledge the scratch mark and tell the customer that it is not noticeable. d. Thank the customer for the purchase and go back to the store.

c. Ask the customer t wait and see if you can find an employee that speaks the language.

An associate is helping a customer who has a strong accent and who speaks very little English. The associate barely understands the customer. What is the BEST action the associate should take? a. Listen carefully, speak slowly, and show items that match the customer's words. b. Get the manager to speak with the customer. c. Ask the customer t wait and see if you can find an employee that speaks the language. d. Try to get the customer to use gestures.

c. The company and I want to thank you for the business.

An associate is sending a note thanking a customer for her business. Which of the following is a CORRECT statement? a. Me and the company want to thank you for your business. b. Me and the company wants to thank you for the business. c. The company and I want to thank you for the business.

d.Notify management or security.

An associate sees a customer put a shirt in a shopping bag without paying for it. Which of the following should the associate do? a. Ask another associate for help. b. Follow the customer c. Confront the customer d.Notify management or security.

a. Look for the error message in the register manual.

An error message appears when the cashier rings up a sale. Information on operating the register is available at the counter but the other sales associate is helping another customer. What should the cashier do first? a. Look for the error message in the register manual. b. Try pushing different buttons until the message goes away. c. Politely interrupt the manager and ask what to do. d. Call the register's technical support number.

c. Stop, greet your teammate, and ask if you can be service

As you walk up the aisle, you notice a fellow associate struggling to assist a customer. What is the BEST course of action? a. Continue what you were doing. b. Ask the customer if you need help. c. Stop, greet your teammate, and ask if you can be service. d.Let your fellow associate know that you will get a manager.

d. How easy was it to find what you were looking for today?

During solicitation from feedback from in-store customers, which question by the sales associate yield the MOST useful information for improving customer satisfaction ? a. "What other retailers have you visited lately?" b. Do you like the new setups of our new product displays? c. Have you purchased anything from our store's website? d. How easy was it to find what you were looking for today?

a. "I appreciate your patience and I will pass on your suggestion to the manager."

It is the night before Thanksgiving and the checkout lines are very long. When it is her turn, Carrie exclaims "It's about time. I have been in line for 15 minutes. Why don't you have more cashiers? Which is the BEST response the cashier can make? a. "I appreciate your patience and I will pass on your suggestion to the manager." b. "I suggest you fill out one of those customer feedback cards and drop it in the box" c. "I am sorry. I am working the fast as I can. This is the busiest day of the year." d. "The manager makes the decisions about staffing. You can talk to her on your way out."

b. Describe the product's strongest features and benefits.

Once the customer has expressed interest in a product, how should the sales associate FIRST present the product? a. Describe other customers who bought this product. b. Describe the product's strongest features and benefits. c. Explain manufacturer warranties are store guarantees. d.Explain the available or layaway options.

b. Informational videos, company websites, and sales flyers

Other than company and manufacturer brochures, which resources are BEST to help sales associates stay current on products and services? a. Informational videos, experienced sales associates, and TV ads b. Informational videos, company websites, and sales flyers c. Informational videos, blogs, and sales flyers d.Experienced sales associate, sales flyers, and an online encyclopedia

b. Greet them and offer to help find what they are looking for.

Three customers enter the store together. A sales associate saw them earlier in the week, but none of them made a purchase. The sales associate would like to assure they are not shoplifting. Which of the following is the BEST approach for the sales associate to take in this situation? a. Kindly ask them to leave the store b. Greet them and offer to help find what they are looking for. c. Immediately call the police and keep an eye on them while they are in the store. d. Contact a supervisor or loss prevention while avoiding direct contact with the customers.

d. Listen, acknowledge the problem, ask questions, and determine a solution the customer and store can agree to

What are the BEST steps to take if a customer's expectations are not met? a. Answer each point of the customer's complaint while referring to store policy as needed. b. Apologize for the issue and show the customer the store policy for returns and exchanges. c. Get a supervisor or manager involved, apologize for the problem, and provide a refund to quickly resolve the issue. d. Listen, acknowledge the problem, ask questions, and determine a solution the customer and store can agree to

a. Attend product demonstrations offered by the product manufacturer at the store, and ask questions while taking notes

What is the BEST method a sale's associate can use in order to learn the product knowledge needed to sell a new line of appliances that the store has just started to stock? a. Attend product demonstrations offered by the product manufacturer at the store, and ask questions while taking notes b. Meet with several experienced sale's associates in the store, and ask them for guidance and advice c. Observe the store manager assisting a store customer, and try to employ the same techniques that were used. d. Research the product line on the internet and print out and read any available product info.

a. Check with co-workers what they know about the products

What is the BEST way to learn about new merchandise in your store? a. Check with co-workers what they know about the products b. Ask customers to explain what they know about the products c. Read the labels and packaging information on the new products d.Call the vendor or manufacturer and ask about the products

c. Customers deserve to have all the information they need in order to make the best decision about their purchase.

What is the MOST important reason to inform customers about returns, service plans, product warranties, and guarantees? a. If the customers are not told about these policies and options, they often return to the store upset when something goes wrong. b. It is required by law that customers are informed about product warranties, return policies, and guarantees. c. Customers deserve to have all the information they need in order to make the best decision about their purchase. d.Return policies and warranties are put in place to protect the store from fraud.

a. Taste test

What product display method would be BEST for a bulk discount store selling a new pizza to customers? a. Taste test b. End of aisle c. Illustration d. Product comparison

c. Impulse

What type of purchase is BEST described as a customer's unplanned decision to buy an item just prior to the transaction? a. Coincidental b. Guided c. Impulse d. Instinct

c. The product's performance, durability, or quality standards will be upheld.

When the sales associate reviews the manufacturer's warranty of a product with the customer, what reassurance is given to the customer? a. The store will provide a full refund on defective merchandise with a receipt. b. The manufacturer will provide a full refund on defective merchandise. c. The product's performance, durability, or quality standards will be upheld. d. The product, if defective, can be returned to the store without a receipt.

c. Internet

Where is the BEST place to look for vendor -supplied information on a product? a. Trade Magazine b. Library c. Internet d.Newspaper

B. The sales rep can show the customer how to assemble or use a product without reading the Instructions

Which answers BEST describes when a sales rep knows all information to successfully sell a product? A. The sales rep successfully completes all training courses offered by the manager's office. B. The sales rep can show the customer how to assemble or use a product without reading the Instructions C. The sales rep can confidently and intelligently answer all of the customer's questions about a product

b. Agreement that the manufacturer will be responsible for any defects in a product and will replace or repair a product that is defective.

Which of the following BEST defines a guarantee? a. Coverage of the defects described in the information provided by the manufacturer. b. Agreement that the manufacturer will be responsible for any defects in a product and will replace or repair a product that is defective. c. Certificate ensuring that a product has been properly inspected by the manufacturer. d. Service contract that covers products beyond the timeframe or conditions stated by the manufacturer.

c. Remain calm and courteous.

Which procedure should a sales associate follow when dealing with a difficult customer? a. Press the customer to decide b. Speak and act very quickly. c. Remain calm and courteous. d. Try to control the conversation.

c. Excuse yourself, answer the phone, and ask if you can call the customer back.

You are completing a sale in the store and another customer calls on the phone. What should you do? a. Answer the phone and continue to help the customer at the store at the same time. b. Put the call on hold, excuse yourself, and go find another associate to handle the call. c. Excuse yourself, answer the phone, and ask if you can call the customer back. d.Excuse yourself, answer the phone, and quickly assist the caller.

c. "What do you typically wear to work?"

Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question? a. "Have you been in our store before?" b. "Are you looking for something in particular?" c. "What do you typically wear to work?" d."Are you shopping for yourself today?

b. Smile at the child and ask the mom about her preferences and budget.

A child runs into a pet store and goes over to the cage of an $800 puppy . The child says "Mommy I want this puppy!" What should the associate do? a. say "I know this dog is expensive but I know it will be a perfect family dog." b. Smile at the child and ask the mom about her preferences and budget. c. Ask the child if he is sure he wants such a large dog. d.Smile at the child and say "you really picked out the perfect puppy, didn't you?"

d. Give the customer refund for the camera and then offer to show the customer more user-friendly digital cameras.

A customer enters a store to return a digital camera and starts off by explaining "It sure wasn't as user-friendly as I was told. What action taken by the sales associate is MOST likely to save the sale and to ensure the customer is satisfied? a. Explain the importance of satisfying the customer and then review the company's policy on returns. b. Ask questions to better understand the customer's problems and then suggest a product that meets the customer's needs. c. Request the product receipt and then talk to a supervisor about the right solution for the customer. d. Give the customer refund for the camera and then offer to show the customer more user-friendly digital cameras.

d.Offer help to the customer.

During the annual-after Thanksgiving sale, an employee notices that a customer in a wheelchair cannot get through the aisle. The store is crowded and full of tables and racks. What should the employee do FIRST? a. Alert the manager to the problem. b. Recommend shopping on line. c. Move the merchandise. d.Offer help to the customer.

c. Explain to the customer the features of more than one tv and the costs of each

The customer decides to buy a television and wants the best value for her money. The associate works on commission. Which of the following should the associate do? a. Ask another associate to help the customer decide which television bests fits her needs. b. Demonstrate a TV that pays a high commission to the associate. c. Explain to the customer the features of more than one tv and the costs of each. d. Direct the customer to the show room to choose a tv.

c. Test every appliance for sale to be sure it works and that no parts are missing.

Your department is planning a special promotion on a new line of small kitchen appliances that has been heavily advertised. What is the MOST important thing you need to do to be prepared for a crowd of customers? a. Be sure there is an adequate power source to demonstrate a number of appliances at once. b. Have an adequate supply of samples (smoothies, snacks, etc.) to keep the customers happy. c. Test every appliance for sale to be sure it works and that no parts are missing. d. Be sure you understand and can demonstrate the features of the new line of appliances .

a. Make eye contact to let the second customer know he has your attention

54. If you are working with a customer, how should you react if a second customer approaches you? a. Make eye contact to let the second customer know he has your attention b. Speak clearly so the second customer can hear what you have to say c. Inquire about the second customer's day and shopping experience so far d. Ask if you can be of any assistance to the second customer

b. Use the information in the memo to answer the customer's question.

A super-store bakery recently changed from in-store baking to the company's central baking plant. The bakery supervisor gives the associates a memo explaining the changes taking place. A customer asks a bakery associate why the changes are taking place. What should the associate do? a. Explain that it is not clear why the company made the change. b. Use the information in the memo to answer the customer's question. c. Ask the customer to fill out a card questioning the change. d.Check with the supervisor about the best way to handle the customer's question.

b. Tell her about the sale and encourage her to return next week to buy the dress.

A woman enters a store to purchase a dress for a special event. She finds a dress she loves, but she is concerned about the price. As a sales associate you know that the dress will go on sale in two days. How do you close the sale? a. Explain that special events need special dresses and she cannot go wrong with her selection. b. Tell her about the sale and encourage her to return next week to buy the dress. c. Ask your manager if you can override the price. d. Suggest a different dress that is currently on sale.

a. After giving the name of the company and his or her name, ask for the customer's name and a number to call back.

During a busy day at a shoe outlet, several customers are waiting to try on shoes, and the phone is ringing. If only one sales associate is in the department, how should that associate address the customer on the phone? a. After giving the name of the company and his or her name, ask for the customer's name and a number to call back. b. After giving the name of the company and his/her name, ask if the customer could call back. c. After giving the name of the company, let the customer know that someone will be available momentarily to help. d. After giving the name of the company, apologize for the delay and immediately put the customer on hold.

a. Test the item on display making sure you can use each feature.

Horizon electronics is launching an all-in-one product. The product can be used to watch movies, play videos, check e-mails, and make phone calls. Because there are so many features, you know there will be many questions. Your company is advertising a sale on the product, hoping customers will buy it from your store rather than buy it online or at a competitor's store. How should you prepare for the large volume of customers asking about this product? a. Test the item on display making sure you can use each feature. b. Rely on one of your coworkers to answer questions as he just bought the product for himself c. Tell the customers that they can call Horizon electronics directly to answer questions about how to use the product d. Remind the customer they can return the product if it is too difficult to use.

d.Unfortunately we do not install freezers, but I will show you exactly what you need to do so you can do it yourself.

Joe sells a customer a new freezer for his garage. The customer wants it installed, but the store does not offer installation services for freezers. Which of the following is the BEST response? a. All you have to do is simply plug in it. It does not need any special hookups. b. We offer installation on some items, but freezers are not included. c. I am sorry for the misunderstanding , but you do not need installation service for this unit. d.Unfortunately we do not install freezers, but I will show you exactly what you need to do so you can do it yourself.

c. Determine exactly what the customer needs.

Once you have established a connection with a customer, what is your NEXT challenge? a. Ask how much money he/she plans to spend. b. Ask if he/she shopped in the store before. c. Determine exactly what the customer needs. d.Find out how much time he/she has to shop.

a. Demonstrate the treadmill in the store to become familiar with the features

Sally works for a sporting goods store and is assigned to treadmills for the time. She completed the product training two weeks prior. What should Sally do to prepare? a. Demonstrate the treadmill in the store to become familiar with the features b. Ask her boss to assign her to another department she is more familiar with c. Find the treadmill box and read the information d.Switch departments with another sales associate

a. Complete all new training and review vendor supplied information on the features and benefits of the products.

The store has just introduced a new line of theater speakers, and the sales associates have no experience with the brand. What is the BEST way for associates to gain knowledge on the new vendor's product line? a. Complete all new training and review vendor supplied information on the features and benefits of the products. b. Get feedback from other vendors in the same product line, and compare and contrast the new products ' features with existing vendors products. c. Research industry websites that contain expert reviews, comparisons, and customer feedback on the products. d. Schedule time with a supervisor to get training on the new products so that insight can be gained on where the new products will be positioned in the department.

d. Showing a customer a matching scarf and gloves when the customer purchases a winter coat.

Which of the following BEST represents CROSS SELLING? a. Mentioning the sale on athletic shoes when a customer purchases a pair of dress shoes. b. Discussing the benefits of different brands when a customer is purchasing a computer c. Letting the customer know that there are a few out-of-season pajamas on the clearance d. Showing a customer a matching scarf and gloves when the customer purchases a winter coat.

a. Remove the sale sign, apologize to the customer, and give the sale price to the customer.

You are ringing up a customer's order when the customer notices the price on one of the products was rung up incorrectly. The customer states that there was a sale sign in front of the product. You go and check to see if there is a sale sign, and you find out there is an "old, expired sale sign in front of the product. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate course of action? a. Remove the sale sign, apologize to the customer, and give the sale price to the customer. b. Call your manager to remove the sale sign and handle the situation with the customer. c. Explain to the customer that it is an expired sale sign and she needs to pay the higher price. d. Ask a co-worker to finish ringing up the customer while you check to make sure that all the signs in the store are current.

c. Excuse yourself politely and answer the phone, calling the customer back if necessary.

You are the only sales associate working in the department. You are currently working with two customers when your department receives a telephone c all. Which should you do? a. Quickly answer the phone call, asking the customer to hold. b. Finish helping the two customers in the department before answering the phone. c. Excuse yourself politely and answer the phone, calling the customer back if necessary. d.Call out for additional assistance to your department to help with your custome

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