Cyber Security II - Linux Commands

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command1 | command2

"pipe" output from command1 to be input of command2

cat /proc/meminfo

display information about RAM

kill -9 pid

forcefully shutdown process number pid (crash program, do not wait)

kill pid

terminate process number pid

wc file

word count of file (output is lines, words, bytes in file)

tar cf file.tar files

Create file.tar by compressing files and storing them in it

tar czf file.tar.gz

Create file.tar by compressing files with gzip and storing them in it

tar xzf file.tar.gz

Extract files compressed with gzip from file. tar.gz

tar xf file.tar

Extract files in file.tar

fg 2

bring job number 2 to foreground

cd dir

change directory to dir

chmod +x file

change file mode, set file as executable

chown user file

change owner of file to user

touch file

create empty file named file

adduser username

create user account for username

cat /proc/cpinfo

display information about CPU

killall proc

kill every process associated with proc

ls -al

list all files in directory, details in long format


list files in directory

mkdir dir

make directory named


needle haystack search for term needle in file haystack

nano file

open file in the nano editor

cat file

print all contents of file

awk '{print $3}'

print values of column 3 of output (usually used with pipe command)


print working directory

command > file

redirect output of command1 to new file named file ( use >> to append)

rmdir dir

remove directory (if empty)

chmod -w file

remove write access for file


run last (most recent) command again


run previous command numbered 73 by history command

password username

set password for username (only root can change other user's passwords)

chmod 644 file

set read, write for owner; read-only for group and world for file

chmod 777 file

set read, write, and executable for owner, group, and world for file Permissions: 4 = read , 2 = write , 1 = execute , 0 = no privileges Use 3 digits for owner, group, world

uname -a

show "all" current operating system information (OS name, kernel #)

man command

show "manual" guide for command (press q to quit)

history 10

show 10 previous commands


show active processes sorted by resources used (press q to quit)

ps aux

show all processes, by all users, that are executing


show all users current logged in

more file

show contents of file in interactive reader (press q to quit)


show current date and time (date +"%r" to only show time)


show current username

head file

show first 10 lines from file


show how long system has been running

tail file

show last 10 lines from file


show list and status of jobs

which command

show location of command


show previous commands


stop job and send to background

sudo command

switch user (to root or superuser) and do the following command Must be in "wheel" group to use sudo

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