Data Level Type

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B. Ordinal

A study was performed to see if dog owners were happier than cat owners. Each type of pet owner was asked to rank their overall happiness on a scale of 0-10, 0 being miserable and 10 being they could not possibly be any happier with their life. What type of data are researchers collecting when they asked pet owners to rank their happiness? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A survey is given at schools to assess how much time students spend per day on studying outside of classes. The options are "Less than 1 hour"; "1-2 hours"; "3-4 hours"; "5-6 hours"; and "6 or more hours". What data level (type) is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

94. A study was done that measured the effects of drug "X" on patients with diabetes. The study measured the patients Hemoglobin A1C levels over the duration of a year. The patients were required to fill out a survey which asked them what their gender and age was as well as rating their health on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the healthiest). What type of data level is gender in the study? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

C. Nominal and Ratio, respectively

A chemistry student asks you for help setting up a statistic. They want to compare the relative thermodynamic properties of the burning of different salts. They want to notate both the color that the salt burns as well as the temperature in Kelvin. The chemistry student asks you what data level the two study variables, color and temperature, would be called, respectively. How do you respond? A. Nominal and Ordinal, respectively B. Nominal and Interval, respectively C. Nominal and Ratio, respectively D. Ordinal and Interval, respectively E. Ordinal and Ratio, respectively F. Interval and Ordinal, respectively G. Ratio and Nominal, respectively

A. Nominal

A clinician is interested in low birth weight in infants. In order to assess if the nutritional value in mothers may affect the weight of their child, the clinicians want to categorize infants as low birth weight (under 5 pounds, 8 ounces) and normal birth weight (any weight over 5 pounds, 8 ounces). What type of data level is being collected by the clinician? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A company sent out a customer satisfaction survey in order to evaluate its customer service efficiency. In the survey, customers are given the option to rate their satisfaction levels from a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represents maximum dissatisfaction and 10 represents maximum satisfaction. The data obtained was then sorted and separated based in two categories based on whether the number is 5 and under, or above 5. What data level is the end of study assessment variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A cross-sectional study aimed to understand the associations of sleep quality and sleep quantity with diabetes status and HOMA score. Participants included females aged 18 and older and were collected from NHANES, a health and nutrition survey conducted by the CDC. Subjects were grouped based on their sleep duration. The survey asked subjects to dictate whether, on average, they got <6 hours or ≥6 hours of sleep per night. What data level describes this survey variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A dental group practice is interested in increasing patient compliance with preventative oral hygiene measures in an effort to reduce the incidence of carries and the fear or anxiety associated with dental visits. Since carries are 100% preventable with good oral hygiene, they added ten minutes of oral health education to appointments to determine whether it increased patient compliance and reduced incidence of carries or not. Over three years, they measured and recorded the incidence of carries per patient into three groups: 0-1 carries developed, 2-4 carries developed, and 5 or more carries developed. The dentists interpreted the level of compliance of the patient from these ranges as compliant, somewhat compliant, and not very compliant. What level of data are the recorded and measured ranges of carries developed? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A few COB students are collecting data on personal opinions regarding BBQ joints in Kansas City. One of the questions they asked is "Do you think the brisket is more delicious at Joe's or at Arthur Bryant's? What kind of data level is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Interval C. Ordinal D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A group of epidemiologists are trying to locate the international origin of an aggressive strain of influenza that put 5 patients in the hospital over the course of 10 days. Patients were asked about their recent travel outside of the country over the past 4 weeks and it was found that all 5 patients had travelled through Europe during that time. The data the team collected is as follows: Patient 1 - Germany, Poland, The Netherlands, Belgium Patient 2 - Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary Patient 3 - Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium Patient 4 - United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany Patient 5 - Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium What data type does the data collected by the researchers from each patient represent? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A group of researchers wish to determine how many Kansas City residents are currently taking medications for chronic illnesses. This data will be collected using a survey (which will not include any patient identifiers) that will ask various questions. One of those questions will be, "Are you currently taking medications for hypertension?". The response options will be yes or no. What level of data are the researchers using for this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A group of researchers wishes to study the effectiveness of a stress management technique. While subjects (with ages to be in the forties) were monitored by a heart rate monitor, they were given a stressful task of answering 50 questions within 5 minutes as fast as they could. If the heart rate went above 200 bpm, an attached light would turn on. Each subject was recorded as experiencing the light turn on or not. What type of data is being collected by the light-indicator for heart rate? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A group of students at KCU in the COB program decided to conduct a study to see the effects of caffeine intake before exams on exam scores. Each student was asked to complete a short anonymous survey asking them how many caffeinated drinks, if any, they took up to 24 hours before their first exam. The data collected is shown in the table below. Which of the following data types best describes the data collected? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A survey was done in which participants were to select how a new drug (DrugA8) they were taking had effected their appetite The survey asked them all to select one of the following: 1. I have not eaten today 2. I have eaten 1 time today 3. I have eaten 2-4 times today 4. I have been eating nonstop today What type of data is this survey question? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A local hospital is curious about their patient services. They hire researchers to conduct a patient satisfaction survey. The survey consisted of several questions regarding their most current visit to the hospital. The patients were asked to rank each question with either Very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. The hospital intends to use the results to improve their patient care to better serve the community and ensure the best possible care. What data level is each individual survey question recorded? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A market research panel was held to gather data for a new line of superhero films being developed based on the television program 'Murder She Wrote.' The Panelists were grouped according to their answers to two questions. First, they were asked their age and secondly, they were asked how many films they bought theatre tickets for per year. The panel was next split into two groups with those who stated an age of over 40 placed in one group and those who stated an age of 39 or under placed in a second group. The panel moderators then looked at the answers to the second question and placed each panelist into one of 4 categories: 0-2 purchased tickets; 3-5 purchased tickets; 6-10 purchased tickets; and 11 or more purchased tickets. The two-original age-based groups where then each subdivided into 4 groups based on the tickets purchased categories. The final eight groups were then given a survey where they ranked how interesting they found each of six possible 'Murder She Wrote' film plots on a 1 to 10 scale, where 1 was highly disinteresting, and 10 was immeasurable interest that defied belief. The four subcategories based on the number of tickets purchased used to group the panel participants is an example of which data level? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

A new Mars rover lands on Mars to take samples of dirt to search for indicators of Martian life consuming Dr. Pepper by evaluating the levels of Segarsonium in the soil in parts per million (ppm). A level of Segarsonium above 5 ppm would indicate high probability of previous life consuming Dr. Pepper. What data type is the soil level of Segarsonium that is being collected by the Mars rover? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A new chiropractor office opens in a new location, being the first of its kind in the area. The office is very customer service oriented. After every first encounter, the chiropractor asks the patient to fill out an evaluation survey on their experience with the office and the treatment they have received, in order to improve the quality of the business. The patient has the option to answer either: dissatisfied - somewhat dissatisfied - neutral - somewhat satisfied - satisfied. What type of data set is this survey question? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A nurse is collecting data on her unit's patients for the day. She would like to see how common certain diagnoses are. She has assigned the following: 1 = Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 2 = Hypertension 3 = Chronic Kidney Disease 4 = Congestive Heart Failure What type of data is this variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A party planning company created a survey to collect data on how satisfied customers were with their services after the event took place. The scale ranged from the following: 1 - Very Unsatisfied; 2 - Unsatisfied; 3 - Neutral; 4 - Satisfied; 5 - Very Satisfied. What level of data measurement was used in this survey? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A physician is conducting research on sexual transmitted infection (STI) prevalence in college campuses. He goes around the school asking students to take a quick voluntary survey regarding students having had any of the following STDs: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Trichomoniasis, or no STIs. Which of the following data level types correctly identifies the variables being assessed? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A physician is interested in determining the best pain control method for post-surgical appendectomy patients. There are 100 study participants randomized into two treatment groups, one using opiate pain medication and the other using NSAIDs to control pain. After medication was administered, the physician asks the patients to rate their pain on a scale of 0-10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain they have ever experienced, in order to determine the best mechanism for pain control after surgery. What type of data is this? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A psychology doctoral student researcher would like to collect data on the percentage or number of graduate and medical students who take advantage of the counseling services provided by the university. The purpose of the study is to assess whether to hire more therapists on campus to accommodate for the larger needs of students. Participants are to take an online survey at the end of the semester. Among the individuals who do seek counseling, they then are categorized into the frequency of their visits using the following: once every 2 weeks; once every 3 weeks; once a month; or as needed. What kind of data type is the researcher collecting? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A public health research team is examining the current BMI of the millennial population. They sent out a survey via social media and asked participants to enter their height and weight into a BMI calculator. The BMI calculator submits the numeric value into a spreadsheet for the team to review. The team prefers to review this information by placing the individuals into the following categories: 18.50 or less 18.51 to 24.99 25.00 to 29.99 30.00 to 34.99 35.00 to 39.99 40 or greater What data level type is being reviewed? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

A study was done to assess the effects of using a paralytic or sedative first in emergency intubation in a randomized double-blind interventional study conducted at a metropolitan emergency department. One type of data collected was the time (in seconds) at which major events happened after administration of either paralytic or sedative; events like time of patient's last breath, time at which the blade entered/left the patient's mouth, time of first "breath" given by the respiratory therapist, etc., were all taken in seconds after first drug administration. What level of data is this time variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A recent graduate begins teaching in an inner-city school district, where he quickly acclimates to his surroundings through 3 days of orientation. In the school district, there are currently 1,462 students, but that number is expected to rise. The rise in students means larger classes, which means the new teacher must teach as efficiently as possible. To do this, the new teacher desires to successfully group his students according to personality type, as he will be able to teach his students more effectively knowing their best learning style. Before grouping the students based on personality type, he also desires to know the age of each student and their preferred name and pronouns. The teacher welcomes his new students to class by giving them a survey to indicate their age, preferred name, suspected personality type, and desired pronouns. Which type of data variable is indicated when the teacher assesses the question, "What is your preferred set of pronouns?" A. Nominal B. Interval C. Ordinal D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A research oncologist wants to investigate the effects of a newly discovered PI3 delta kinase inhibitor, Umbralisib, on patients with Follicular Lymphoma. Prior to randomization, patients must meet all of the eligibility criteria specified per protocol. You notice that one of the inclusion criteria is regarding the subjects' tumor size at the time of diagnosis. Subjects must select one from the following categories (all values are in mm: 0-4; 5-9; or 10 or greater). What data type is being collected with this tumor size variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A research study concerning the effectiveness of Tylenol on individuals from different socioeconomic groups was conducted within the Kansas City population. Individuals were grouped into 3 categories based on family income and for simplicity sake individuals with only 4 members in their families were recruited. Low socioeconomic class was based on an income from 10,000 to 30,000. Middle Socioeconomic class was based on an income ranging from 30,000 to 80,000 and high socioeconomic class was based on an income of 80,000 and up. The study data for each income-range group was collected based on whether the Tylenol relieved their headaches or not (Yes or No). What type of data is the headache variable being used in this study? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A researcher collected data to determine professional school goals of COB students. He did so by asking study subjects, "Is your goal to attend medical school (yes/no)?" What data level (type) is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

A researcher conducted a study where he asked a group of 15 year-olds via a survey "How long (in minutes) does it take you to type a paragraph?" What data level is this survey variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A researcher is collecting data from patients. The researcher decides to ask each patient their occupation and hair color. What type of data do each of these variables fall under? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

A researcher is studying the relationship between age and frequency of headaches. In his initial survey, participants must select their age group, ranging from 18-28 years of age; 29-38 years of age; 39-48 years of age; 49-58 years of age; and 59 years of age or older. What kind of data is this researcher collecting? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

A sports analyst is tasked with ranking the running backs in the NFL according to their statistics. The analyst looked at each of the running backs total yards rushed per game, number of rushing touchdowns per game, and their receiving yards per game. The analyst then ranked the running backs in order based on their number of rushing yards per game, listing them from the most to least yards. Each players rushing yards per game is an example of which data type? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A study is designed to determine the favorite color for each person in the COB class. Choices include: blue; green; red; orange; pink; and purple. This data being collected would be which of the following data types? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A study recorded the ages of individuals and placed their ages into 2 categories; one being ages 21-35 years and the other 36 years and older. What data level (type) is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

A study was being conducted with 1000 patients who attend a local clinic. Researchers wanted to see what medications each patient takes and if they were compliant or non-compliant. To collect data, each patient was given a survey and was asked to name the medications they take and how often they took them. The researchers then took the data and categorized subjects into 2 categories: compliant and noncompliant. This compliance variable is an example of what level of measurement of data? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

After changing the number of training hours for hospital staff from 10 to 30 hours, researchers are interested if patients think that the customer services have improved. Participants had to rank their experience on a scale from 1 to 10; 1 -- the worst experience ever and 10 -- the best experience in their life. What data type is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

After participating in a sleep study with PAP therapy, patients were asked to rate their quality of sleep while using CPAP. They filled out a survey with 5 possible responses: 0 - Worst night of sleep ever 1 - Very poor 2 - Poor 3 - Good 4 - Very good 5 - Best night of sleep ever This is an example of what type of data? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Amy just got hired as a lab assistant in her animal biology professor's echinoderm research lab. As part of her onboarding paperwork, she has to answer many surveys with yes or no answers. Once she is done with her paperwork, she will be given a list of instructions on how to set up the lab equipment. One part of her duties is to set up the beakers in the cabinets labeled Large; Medium; and Small. What level of data does the beaker-cabinets arrangement fall under? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

An athlete comes into the training room to be evaluated for his recent concussion. You explain to the athlete that you will read out a list of symptoms and he will have to reply back on a scale of 0-6 (0-no symptom, 1,2 -mild symptom, 3,4- moderate symptom, and 5,6- severe symptoms). What data level is this assessment collected from the athlete? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

As a medical scribe, you follow a doctor into emergency room 17. You notice the patient is somewhat shaken from her accident but still has the ability to answer all questions. Per protocol, the doctor asks the patient how much alcohol she drinks. The options given are none, mild, moderate, and heavy. Moving onto the next patient, the doctor asks the same question. What data level would the doctor's question (how much alcohol do you drink?) be considered? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Kansas City University is gathering data about the status of their current students. The following question was given as part of the research: Are you an international student? (Y/N). What data level (or type) would this question fall under? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

C. Interval

As climate change is becoming a larger issue in our modern age, scientist have noticed several detrimental effects to the oceanic ecosystems. When investigating the impacts that oceanic warming has on the Pacific Oysters, researchers went out to several different sites to measure the oceanic temperature over a period of six months. The average temperature was measured to be 13 degrees Celsius. What is the data level type for this measurement of oceanic temperature? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

Cardiac researchers are interested in studying Stokes-Adams Syndrome which is a consequence of 3rd degree atrioventricular (AV) block. Scientists can decipher the risk of Stokes-Adams syndrome by looking at the absence or presence of ischemia in the conductive system of the heart. Researchers conducted a study in which they collected the amount of times patients had fainting spells after a complete atrioventricular block. After the study, researchers wanted to test relationship between fainting spells and the efficiency of the artificial pacemaker patients have. What data level (type) is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Census researchers were collecting information about residents of the Midwest region, which they defined as Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Residents of these states were asked to select the approximate size, based on population, of the town or city in which they currently resided. Residents could choose from the following selections: 1-999 people; 1,000-9,999 people; 10,000-99,999 people; 100,000-999,999 people; or 1,000,000+ people. Which data level (type) is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio and Nominal

Dr. Segars always buys candy for any trick-or-treaters that may or may not want to stop by his house in the country for Halloween candy. He was curious about how many pieces of candy each of the houses around him gives out. Then he wanted to find out what brand of candy they were going to be giving out. What type of data is collected, respectively? A. Nominal and Ratio B. Nominal and Ordinal C. Ordinal and Interval D. Ratio and Nominal E. Interval and Ordinal F. Ordinal and Ratio

A. Nominal

Graduate students at a nearby college have been conducting a research project about the homeless. They asked known homeless individuals near campus and the adjacent convenient store if they are addicted to any narcotics (yes/no). What data level (type) is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

If researchers desired to conduct analyses depending on the anatomical location of the study subjects' tumor, where tumors were classified as proximal, distal, or rectal, this variable would be considered what type of data? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio, and Ordinal

In a fictional study performed on the African Bush Elephant (ABE), researchers were trying to identify how the flapping of the ears could have physiological effects on temperature control (flaps per minute (FPM)) and its effects on intimidation of predators and survivability. Out of the whole population, 500 elephants were studied; 300 females and 200 males. The ABE flaps its ears around 20 times per minute (20 FPM). Researchers found that in very hot temperatures (30 to 35 ⁰C) elephants would flap their ears 3 more times per minute than average, in hot temperatures ( 25 to 30 ⁰C) just 2, in "normal" temperatures (20 to 25 ⁰C) they would flap them 20 FPM, in cold weather (15 to 20 ⁰C) they would only flap them half as much, and in very cold weather (10 to 15 ⁰C) 10 times less than the average. The elephants where afterwards asked to flap their wings as much as possible during dangerous encounters and then to fill out a form specifying if they felt completely safe or not in a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being 'O.M.G., he bit my leg'; to 10 being 'This is my house'). In this study, what type of data are the FPM at specific temperatures data and the safety scale data, respectively? A. Nominal, and Ratio B. Interval, and Nominal C. Ordinal, and Ratio D. Ratio, and Ordinal

A. Nominal

In a study collected by the NHAMCS, patients visiting hospitals and inpatient clinics in northeast Kansas and Western Missouri were surveyed regarding the reason of their visit. What level of data would this be reason-for-visit variable be considered? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

F. Ratio, Nominal

In an effort to better understand the performance metrics evidenced within the COB classes, individual test score data is collected from each exam taken by every student in both the 1-year and 2-year tracts during the academic school year. At the conclusion of each course offered the individual exam scores will be collected, and then these scores will also be separated into categories based on whether the final course grade for that individual student indicates passing (≥69.5%) or failing (<69.5%) the course. For the above scenario, which of the following best classifies the initial data collected as well as the same data after it was categorized, respectively? A. Nominal, Ratio B. Ordinal, Ratio C. Ratio, Ordinal D. Nominal, Ordinal E. Ordinal, Nominal F. Ratio, Nominal

A. Ratio and Nominal

In an effort to determine the relationship between avid high-heel users and back pain, a study was conducted over the course of a year. Participants who had a history of back pain were asked: 'how many times a week did you wear high heels. Their responses were placed into 2 categories; more than 3 times per week of high-heel wearing and less than 3 times per week of high-heel wearing. What level of data is represented by the number of times a week question variable and the categorized times per week variable? A. Ratio and Nominal B. Nominal and Nominal C. Ordinal and Nominal D. Nominal and Interval E. Ordinal and Interval F. Ratio and Interval

D. Ratio

In order to determine if there was a relationship between screen-time viewing electronic devices and reduced sensitivity to social cues, researchers recorded participant's screen-time in hours. What type of data level is this? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

In the following study, researchers collected data on the following question: "How many times do you exercise each week?" Participants selected from the following answers: more than 3 times a week; twice a week; once a week; and never. What data type family does this study variable fall under? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Mechanoreceptive somatic senses are tactile and position sense that have different receptors. Specifically, Meissner's corpuscles are encapsulated endings that operate by graded potentials that then transmit an action potential via an 'all or nothing' firing status. If you were trying to make a great question for your professor, what type of data would you classify the Meissner's corpuscles action potential (firing status) to have? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Momentum-3 is the name of an investigational device exemption (IDE) clinical study that was designed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist System (LVAS) by demonstrating non-inferiority to the HeartMate 2 LVAS when used for treatment of advanced refractory left ventricular heart failure (HF). A total of 1028 patients were enrolled and followed for 2 years. In order to confirm patients had HF, the researchers utilized a lengthy screening process that included determining the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) levels, and inotrope dependency. Inotrope dependency was determined first by knowing names of inotropic agents (e.g. norepinephrine, milrinone, and dobutamine) and then the level of dosing for effective inotropic treatment, which then led to the researchers determining if the patient had heart failure (HF) and placing each patient in 1 of 2 categories - HF or no HF. This later variable would be considered what type of data? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Neurologist want to know if all Parkinson's patients have tremors or if tremors are gender specific. They released a survey to 100 Parkinson's patients. The survey included patient's age, gender, and a question stating if they have tremors or not. The tremor question on the survey is what type of data? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

On a survey researchers asked participants "what is the color of your eyes?". What data level/type is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Professors at Kansas City University are going around and taking data on the car color of COB students. Students are able to pick between black, red, white, silver, gold, or blue. What kind of data level is this? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Recently, 127 students started a graduate program in Kansas City; several of the graduate students have moved from various climates, including Mediterranean, sub-tropical, desert and temperate climates. Researchers are interested in using a survey to ask all students how prepared they are for the upcoming winter. Students will be able to select from the following responses: Very Unprepared; Somewhat Unprepared; Neither Prepared or Unprepared; Somewhat Prepared; Very Prepared. What data level is this survey variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers are collecting data on feedback surveys given out to patients that have had a recent visit to a medical clinic. They ask the patient to choose from a drop down list of the type of medical professional they saw. Participants will select from the following responses: 1) Doctor; 2) Practitioner; 3) Registered Nurse; 4) Lab Technician. What data level (type) is this survey variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

Researchers are collecting data on patients' experiences with depression. One question asked the study subjects the following, "How many days out of a two-week period do you experience difficulty with concentration?". What type of data is this question? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers are collecting information from current COB students, including responses to the following question: 'Do you have siblings (yes/no)?'. What data level (type) is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers are evaluating an experimental drug that is said to miraculously decrease the amount of scarred tissue in liver cirrhosis patients by 65%. The researchers after administering the drug classify the patients as either showing a 65% or more decrease in scarred tissue or less than 65% decrease in scarred tissue. What data type is being recorded? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers are evaluating the emotional response from eating either an apple or an orange. The research subjects were then grouped into two groups, subjects that consumed apples and subjects that consumed oranges. Participants would then complete a survey and select from the following choices: Very Sad; Sad; Neither Sad or Happy; Happy; Very Happy. What data level (type) is this survey variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

Researchers are interested in determining the average age (in years) at which patients are diagnosed with breast cancer. The researchers conduct a survey of breast cancer patients from local clinics and hospitals asking the breast cancer patients at what age they were diagnosed. What type of data is being collected? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers are interested to know what type of living accommodations are most common for medical professionals, who have recently completed residency, and are currently in practice. Using a survey, they asked participants to select from the following responses: House; Apartment; Condominium; Trailer; Other. What data type is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers are sending out surveys asking members of the community how many alcoholic beverages they have during a week. After they gather enough responses, the researchers then place the respondents into 4 groups based on various ranges of beverages consumed: non-drinkers, casual drinkers, social drinkers, and alcoholics. What data level are the researchers using after placing the respondents into their respective groups? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers are studying the effects of a 1500-calorie diet on weight loss. The results at the end of the study were put into two categories; weight gain or weight loss. Which type of data is represented by these results? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers are trying to evaluate different variables that affect one's eyesight. In an attempt to discover a possible risk factor for someone to have worse eyesight than another, investigators choose study participants that represent the population as a whole. Their focus in the investigation is to evaluate the differences in eye color, and how it might affect the participant's eyesight. The participants are given questionnaires that require them to mark whether they have blue, green, brown, or hazel colored eyes. The eye color of the participants is best explained as what kind of data? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

E. Ordinal and Nominal

Researchers are trying to understand the underlying causes of health disparities in a population. As such, they decide to start with a survey asking how satisfied the patients are with their provider where they designate if they are very satisfied, satisfied or dissatisfied on a variety of questions. They also collect information on ethnicity providing an arbitrary number for each ethnic designation. Which data level (type) is the satisfaction survey and which data level (type) is the ethnicity variable? A. Nominal and Ordinal B. Interval and Interval C. Nominal and Nominal D. Ratio and Ordinal E. Ordinal and Nominal F. Ordinal and Interval G. Ratio and Nominal H. Nominal and Interval

B. Ordinal

Researchers are using a questionnaire to ask participants about the quality of food served at a restaurant. They have the option to select: Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied. What data level type could be this variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

Researchers are wanting to see which of their participants can steal the most candy from babies. They asked the question, "How many individual pieces of candy did you steal from babies?". What level of data would this be? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers are working to assess how many ounces of coffee the average medical student drinks every day. The data is collected via internet survey sent to all medical students at Kansas City Medical Schools (KCU, UMKC, KU) through email. The options of the survey are: 0-8 oz., 9-16 oz., 17-25 oz., 26-34 oz., more than 34 oz.. What type of data is being collected? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers decided to answer the age-old question of "does a bear poop in the woods?" Data were collected on multiple species of bears from multiple wooded habitats. The data collected was classified into 'yes, the bear does' or 'no, the bear doesn't'. Based on this information which data level should the researchers' data be classified? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers for Sephora wanted to conduct an experiment to assess their customer's opinion of their new mascara from Fenty. Subjects were asked to rank their likeliness of using the foundation in the future; from 1 (least likely) to 5 (most likely). What type of data is being collected by this variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers have found a new prenatal amniotic fluid marker related to mal-development in fetal hearts. They gathered this protein concentration from the fluid and compare it to the infant's susceptibility to mal-development within the heart. The following ranges for the marker were established: 0-10 mg/dL; 11-20 mg/dL; and >21 mg/dL. What data level has the researchers gathered? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Researchers have recently learned of the side effect of nausea in children when taking ibuprofen. Research investigators have created a study to test if children do or do not experience nausea after taking ibuprofen. What data level (type) is this variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers have selected and randomized two groups of women, between the ages of 20 - 42 years, for a study on a new antidepressant. The researchers surveyed the groups before and after the drug trial to determine any possible side effects. One question asked was the following: "Is your menstrual flow heavy, medium, or light?" What type of data level is this? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers in Kansas City were interested in the lipid profiles of people that utilized the Kansas City Community Kitchen. They gathered subjects by volunteer from fliers given out at the soup kitchen, and over 7000 blood samples were analyzed. Researches took down the names, ages, and weights of the subjects before obtaining the blood sample. The samples were taken and analyzed, and a report was compiled for cholesterol and triglycerides given in mg/dL. The researchers then took the cholesterol numbers and placed the subjects into one of three groups based on their number: Low - <60 mg/dL Normal - 60-200 mg/dL High - >200 mg/dL What data level is this grouping study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers made an incredible discovery of a new biomarker for ALS, known as FUALS. Researchers set out to investigate the FUALS biomarker in 100 patients, with varying degree of symptoms in order to determine a correlation of biomarker levels as the disease progresses. The patients were placed into four groups based on their disease progression: Stage 1; Stage 2; Stage 3; and Stage 4/End stage. What data level (type) is the categorization of patients? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

Researchers set out to find an objective way to identify if senior citizens are at risk for mid-winter heating equipment failure in their residences. This study was restricted to a single zip code in an area that gets substantial winter weather. Those included were 65 or older and homeowners. The survey consisted of 20 yes or no questions whose responses correlate highly with symptoms of impending heating equipment failure. A response of yes was counted as "1" while a no was counter as "0", their responses were numerically summed meaning each senior had a final score of between 0 to 20. What type of data level is this summed final score? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers used a survey to ask people affiliated with the Republican Party their level of satisfaction with their sex life. The people taking the survey had to choose from the following: Very Dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Neutral; Satisfied; Very Satisfied. What data level (type) is this variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers want to see the effectiveness of Shamlongpoo on its advertised hair growth ability. Using a survey, they asked 1,000 Shamlongpoo users to report how many inches of their hair have grown in the past 6 months. Researchers then grouped these collected values into 3 groups: inferior to the "normal" shampoo, equivalent to the "normal" shampoo, and superior to the "normal" shampoo. Which of the following data type is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

D. Ratio

Researchers wanted to study the relationship between happiness and eating ding-dongs for breakfast. As part of this important study, researchers asked participants how many ding-dongs they eat for breakfast per week. After gathering the data, the researchers also grouped the participant's answers into one of the following categories; 0-3 ding-dongs a week, 4-7 ding-dongs a week, 8-11 ding-dongs a week and 12+ ding- dongs a week. What data level does the originally captured study variable number of ding-dongs eaten for breakfast fall into? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Researchers were interested in understanding the study habits of students at KCU. Surveys were distributed examining different study habits, with one such habit being the amount of time spent studying outside of class every week. Results are displayed in the table below. What type of data is described by this question? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinial

Sam enters into a pepper eating competition in which contestants are required to eat peppers of increasing spiciness and the last one standing wins a $1000 prize. The peppers are measured using the Scoville scale reflecting a range of Scoville Heat Units (SHUs). Contestants are required to eat a banana pepper (100 to 1000 SHUs), a jalapeno (1000 to 10,000 SHUs), a habanero (100,000 to 350,000 SHUs), and a carolina reaper (800,000 to 3,200,000 SHUs). The Scoville scale, represented by names of the peppers, is what data type of measurement? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

Sport Columnists are conducting research by collecting the U.S. population's fan interest in sports, asking "What sport are you a fan of: Baseball; basketball; football; hockey; or soccer?' What data type is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Students can preview their future professor's characteristics on a website called "rate my professor" where previous students provide feedback based on their experience with the professor. Many categories are assessed and included in the overall rating. A category based on attractiveness and 'appealing to look at' is also taken to consideration and is labeled "fire." Each professor is ranked on a scale from 1-5, "mild" chili (not attractive) to "spicy" chili (very attractive). This data would be considered what data type? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

The COB class is collecting data about NFL football. One of the questions is as follows: Are you a Chief's fan (Yes/No)? What data level type is this study variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

The Dickman Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale is a numerical scale that ranges from 3 to 10, where 3 means "nearly at rest" and 10 means "maximal exertion." When a measurement is taken, a number is chosen by the participant (from the table) that best describes their level of exertion during physical activity. Which of the following data levels does the Dickman RPE scale represent? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

C. Ratio and Ordinal

The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a scoring scale used by clinicians to assess and describe the level of consciousness in an individual following a traumatic brain injury. The scale measures three clinical signs: eye opening, verbal response and motor response. Eye opening is scored from 1 - 4, verbal response is scored from 1 - 5 and motor response is scored from 1 - 6. The values assigned for each clinical sign category are based off standardized criteria. The values are then added together to create a total composite score ranging from 3 - 15. The degree or severity of brain injury is further classified using the total GCS score into three categories: Severe = GCS 8 or less Moderate = GCS 9 - 12 Mild = GCS 13 - 15 What type of data would the total GCS score and the severity of brain injury classification be, respectively? A. Nominal and Ordinal B. Nominal and Interval C. Ratio and Ordinal D. Ordinal and Nominal

B. Ordinal

Two friends were arguing over what the best cereal is. They asked everyone in their group of friends to rank the following cereals in order from favorite to least favorite: Honey Nut Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Wheat Chex, Life, and Frosted Flakes. What level of measurement would this be classified? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

Two-hundred and fifty patients were asked to participate in a study about their satisfaction with the employee's bedside manners. The options that they were allowed to pick from were great, good, okay, bad, terrible. What is the correct data level of this? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

What is the data level/type for the following question, "What is your blood type: A, B, AB, or O?" A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

What type of data would be collected if researchers recorded the occupation for all study patients in their study? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Ordinal

When looking at the Mother form of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) there are 25 scenarios to respond to. Participants of the study are encouraged to respond to these attributes/behaviors of their parent(s) through a ranking system (very like, moderately like, moderately unlike, very unlike) and mark an X in the box that most correlates with how they feel. A visual representation of the form is shown below: To better understand the listing of attitudes and behaviors, respondents can think of the questionnaire as a statement terms of "It was very like/moderately like/moderately unlike/very unlike my mother to speak to me in a warm and friendly voice." 1. What data level (type) is represented by this first survey variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

You and your friends are in a ping-pong league. After completing countless matches, the league captain organizes members of the league into three groups based on how many total games each member has won. The groups are organized as follows: Which of the following data level is represented by the organization of groups? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

A. Nominal

You are approached in a parking lot to take a survey. The first question is: "What is your ethnicity?". What type of data would this question provide? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

B. Ordinal

You are conducting a study on the effects of a new drug on individuals suffering from cancer, one of the data points you collect during the study is the participant's age in years. You organize those age in years into 18-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; and 60 and older. What type of data is being collected with this variable? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio

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