Data Minning Chapter one

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define data mining #1?

Extraction of interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data

example of Classification and prediction

classify cars based on gas mileage

Cluster analysis example

cluster houses

define Outlier in outlier analysis data mining functionalities

Data object that does not comply with the general behavior of the data

name one example of data mining?

Certain names are more prevalent in certain US locations

Origins of Data Mining Traditional Techniques may be unsuitable due to ?

Enormity of data, High dimensionality of data, Heterogeneous, distributed nature of data

Description Methods

Find human-interpretable patterns that describe the data

KDD Process: Several Key Steps

Learning the application domain ,Identifying a target data set,Data processing,Use of discovered knowledge

name one example of Risk analysis and management?


define outliers ?

Fraud detection and detection of unusual patterns

example of Subjective measures based on user belief on data

Patterns are interesting if they are unexpected

define Regression

Predict a value of a given continuous valued variable based on the values of other variables

example of regression

Time series prediction of stock market indices

Different views lead to different classifications Kinds of data to be mined: a-data view b-knowledge view c- method view


Each discipline has grown a theoretical component. Theoretical models often motivate experiments and generalize our understanding. describes which of the following evolution science? a-experimental science b-theoretical science c-computational science d-data science


Target marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), market basket analysis, cross selling, market segmentation are example of : a-Market analysis and management b-Risk analysis and management c-Fraud detection


data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from database: a-data selection b-data integration c-pattern evaluation d-data transformation


in typical DM System Architecture Database, data warehouse, WWW or other information repository is example of ? a-store data b-fetch and combine data c- turn data into meaningful groups d-perform mining task e-finding interesting patterns f-interact with the user


remove noise and inconsistent data: a-data cleaning b-data mining c-knowledge presentation d-data transformation


Kinds of knowledge to be discovered a-data view b-knowledge view c- method view


Objective measures Based on ?

statistics and structures of patterns

example of objective measures

support and confidence

example of medical data mining?

Health care and medical data mining

Search for only interesting patterns: An optimization problem

Highly desirable,No need to search through the generated patterns ,Measures can be used to rank the discovered patterns

Why Not Traditional Data Analysis?

Huge amount of data,High dimensionality of data ,High complexity of data

KDD stands for

Knowledge Discovery for Databases

name three Alternative names of data mining?

Knowledge discovery , knowledge extraction, data analysis

Why Mine Data? Commercial Viewpoint

Lots of data is being collected and warehoused ,Computers have become cheaper and more powerful,Competitive Pressure is Strong

there are different Potential Applications of data mining such as Data analysis and decision support name three of this applications

Market analysis and management,Risk analysis and management,Fraud detection and detection of unusual patterns

Major Issues in Data Mining:

Mining methodology ,user interaction , applications and social impacts

Database-oriented data sets and applications such as?(2)

Relational database, data warehouse

Data Exploration ways (3)?

Statistical Summary, Querying, and Reporting

KDD Process ?

Data Cleaning, Data Integration, Data selection, transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, knowledge presentation

Multi-Dimensional View of Data Mining?

Data to be mined, knowledge to be mined, techniques utilized, applications adapted

Database or data warehouse server is example of ? a-store data b-fetch and combine data c- turn data into meaningful groups d-perform mining task e-finding interesting patterns f-interact with the user


Kinds of techniques utilized a-data view b-knowledge view c- method view


Knowledge base is example of ? a-store data b-fetch and combine data c- turn data into meaningful groups d-perform mining task e-finding interesting patterns f-interact with the user


experimental , theoretical, and computational ecology, or physics, or linguistics are example of which of the following evolution science? a-experimental science b-theoretical science c-computational science d-data science


indentify the truly interesting patterns a-data selection b-data integration c-pattern evaluation d-data transformation


mined knowledge is presented to the user with visualization or representation techniques a-data cleaning b-data mining c-knowledge presentation d-data transformation


Data mining engine is example of ? a-store data b-fetch and combine data c- turn data into meaningful groups d-perform mining task e-finding interesting patterns f-interact with the user


Certain names are more prevalent in certain US locations (O'Brien, O'Rurke, O'Reilly... in Boston area) is example of ?

data mining

Group together similar documents returned by search engine according to their context (e.g. Amazon rainforest,,) is example of?

data mining

name one example of market analysis and management ?

target marketing

define Prediction Methods ?

Use some variables to predict unknown or future values of other variables

an essential process where intelligent methods are applied to extract data patterns a-data cleaning b-data mining c-knowledge presentation d-data transformation


multiple data sourced maybe combined : a-data selection b-data integration c-pattern evaluation d-data cleaning


traditionally meant simulation. It grew out of our inability to find closed-form solutions for complex mathematical models. describes which of the following evolution science? a-experimental science b-theoretical science c-computational science d-data science


Data Mining Tasks(6)

clustering,classification,association rule discovery ,sequential pattern discovery,regression,deviation detection

The flood of data from new scientific instruments and simulations The ability to economically store and manage Yottabyte of data online The Internet and computing Grid that makes all these archives universally accessible Scientific info. management, acquisition, organization, query, and visualization tasks scale almost linearly with data volumes describes which of the following evolution science? a-experimental science b-theoretical science c-computational science d-data science


data transformed or consolidated into forms appropriate for mining (Done with data preprocessing): a-data selection b-data integration c-pattern evaluation d-data transformation


name four of Evolution of Sciences

experimental science,theoretical science,computational science,data science

User interface is example of ? a-store data b-fetch and combine data c- turn data into meaningful groups d-perform mining task e-finding interesting patterns f-interact with the user


according to scientific viewpoint Data mining may help scientists name 2 ways ?

in Hypothesis Formation , in classifying and segmenting data

Text mining ways?(3)

news group,email,documents

Look up phone number in phone directory is example of ?

not data mining

Query a Web search engine for information about "Amazon" is example of?

not data mining

data sources are:(4)?

paper,files,web documents ,database

Why Mine Data? Scientific Viewpoint

Data collected and stored at enormous speeds ,Traditional techniques infeasible for raw data ,Data mining may help scientists

data mining On What Kinds of Data?

Database-oriented data sets and applications,Advanced data sets and advanced applications

define data mining #2?

Exploration & analysis, by automatic or semi-automatic means, of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns

Forecasting, customer retention, improved underwriting, quality control, competitive analysis are example of : a-Market analysis and management b-Risk analysis and management c-Fraud detection


Data Mining and Business Intelligence pyramid ?

data sources,data preprocessing and data warehouses ,data exploration , data mining , data presentation , decision making

Different views lead to different classifications

data view,knowledge view,method view

define Construct models (functions)

describe classes or concepts for future prediction

Sequential pattern mining example

digital camera and large sd

example of Multidimensional concept description: Characterization and discrimination

dry vs wet regions

Pattern evaluation module is example of ? a-store data b-fetch and combine data c- turn data into meaningful groups d-perform mining task e-finding interesting patterns f-interact with the user


A pattern is interesting if it is ?

easily understood ,valid,potentially useful , novel , validates some hypothesis

Data Mining: Confluence of Multiple Disciplines (5)

machine learning , applications , algorithm,visualization,database technology

Origins of Data Mining Draws ideas from ?

machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics,database systems

example of subjective measures reflect the needs and interest of particular user?

marketing manager is only interested in characteristics of customer who shops frequently

Mining methodologies are ?(4)

performance,parallel,handling noise and incomplete data,mining different kinds of knowledge

name example of computational evolution ?


Trend and deviation example

regression analysis

Advanced data sets and advanced applications such as (3)?

text databases,data streams,world wide web

name three other applications of data mining potential application?

text mining,web mining,stream data mining

Objective and subjective measures need to be combined. (true,false)


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