Data Visualization with Python Week 1

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Artist Layer main objects

Composed of one main object-Artist


Defines and encompasses the area onto which the figure is drawn

Composite Artist object

Examples are Axis, Tick, Axes, and Figure

Primitive Artist object

Examples are Line2D, Rectangle, Circle, and Text

The three built-in interface classes of the Backend Layer

FigureCanvas, Renderer, Event


Handles user inputs such as keystrokes and mouse clicks


Knows how to draw on the FigureCanvas

Types of Artist objects

Primitive Composite

Matplotlib Architecture

Scripting Layer (pyplot) Artist Layer (Artist) Backend Layer (FigureCanvas, Renderer, Event)

Examples that correspond to individual Artist instances

Title, lines, tick labels, and images

Use the artist layer to create a stacked area plot of the data in the pandas dataframe, area_df.

ax = area_df.plot(kind='area', figsize=(20, 10)) ax.set_title('Plot Title') ax.set_ylabel('Vertical Axis Label') ax.set_xlabel('Horizontal Axis Label')

Create a histogram of a pandas series, series_data, and align the bin edges with the horizontal tick marks.

count, bin_edges = np.histogram(series_data) series_data.plot(kind='hist', xticks = bin_edges)

Create a stacked area plot of the data in the pandas dataframe, area_df, with a transparency value of 0.35

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt transparency = 0.35 area_df.plot(kind='area', alpha=transparency, figsize=(20, 10)) plt.title('Plot Title') plt.ylabel('Vertical Axis Label') plt.xlabel('Horizontal Axis Label')

Code to use Event


Code to use FigureCanvas


Code to use Renderer


Given a pandas dataframe, question, create a horizontal bar chart of the data in question


By default area plots are


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