Database Final

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The period that can be considered a "proof of concept" time was the: A) 1950s. B) 1960s. C) 1970s. D) 1990s. Answer: B


E. F. Codd developed the relational model in the: A) 1960s. B) 1970s. C) 1980s. D) 1990s.


Organizations that utilize the file processing approach spend as much as ________ of their IS development budget on maintenance. A) 40 percent B) 25 percent C) 60 percent D) 80 percent

80 percent

For the relationship represented in the figure below, which of the following is true? (employee is mandatory one or more to department and department is option one or more to employee) A) An employee can work in more than one department but does not have to work for any department. B) A department must have at least one employee. C) A department can have more than one employee. D) An employee has to work for more than one department.

A department can have more than one employee.

In the figure shown below, which of the following is true? (Entity Person is a unary optional one relation on both sides. Verb: is_married_to) A) A person can marry at most one person. B) A person has to be married. C) A person can marry more than one person, but that person can only be married to one person. D) A person can marry more than one person.

A person can marry at most one person

Which of the following criteria should be considered when selecting an identifier? A) Choose an identifier that is not stable. B) Choose a null identifier. C) Choose an identifier that doesn't have large composite attributes. D) Choose the most complex identifier possible.

Choose an identifier that doesn't have large composite attributes

Which of the following is software used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to databases? A) Network operating system B) User view C) Database management system (DBMS) D) Attribute

Database management system (DBMS)

Given the following entities, which of the choices below would be the most complicated? Automobile: VIN, EngineSize, NumberOfDoors, NumberOfPassengers, FuelType, Transmission SUV: VIN, EngineSize, NumberOfPassengers, NoWheelDrive, FuelType, Transmission Truck: VIN, EngineSize, NoWheelDrive, FuelType, Transmission, Payload A) Define one vehicle entity type to hold all entities. B) Define a separate entity type for each entity. C) Define a supertype called vehicle and make each of the entities subtypes. D) Keep only the Truck entity type.

Define one vehicle entity type to hold all entities

________ is the most popular RDMS data model notation. A) ERD B) END C) DRE D) RED


In the following diagram, which answer is true? (employee has a unary mandatory one and optional many relationship. Verb is supervises) A) Each employee can supervise one employee, no employees or many employees. B) Each employee can manage many departments. C) Each employee works in more than one department. D) Each employee was fired.

Each employee can supervise one employee, no employees or many employees.

In the following diagram, which of the answers below is true? (patient is require one or more patient history and patient history is required only one patient) A) Each patient has one or more patient histories. B) Each patient has one and only one visit. C) Each patient history belongs to zero and one patient. D) Each patient history belongs to many patients.

Each patient has one or more patient histories

In the figure shown below, which of the following business rules would apply? (Vendor, Part, and Warehouse all have a many relationship to supply schedule, only vendor is optional) A) Each vendor can supply many parts to any number of warehouses, but need not supply any parts. B) Each part must be supplied by exactly one vendor to any number of warehouses. C) Each warehouse can be supplied with any number of parts from more than one vendor, and each warehouse could be supplied with no parts. D) VENDOR is not allowed.

Each vendor can supply many parts to any number of warehouses, but need not supply any parts.

In the following diagram, which is true? (a single entity in a many-to-many relationship) A) It depicts a ternary relationship. B) It depicts a many-to-many relationship. C) Item represents a column. D) BOM_STRUCTURE represents a row.

It depicts a many-to-many relationship

An iterative methodology that rapidly repeats the analysis, design, and implementation phases of the SDLC is called: A) CASE. B) CAD. C) RAD. D) MST.


Which of the following is NOT a good characteristic of a data name? A) Relates to business characteristics B) Readable C) Repeatable D) Relates to a technical characteristic of the system

Relates to a technical characteristic of the system

Which of the following is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes? A) Megatype B) Supertype C) Subgroup D) Class


The traditional methodology used to develop, maintain and replace information systems is called the: A) Enterprise Resource Model. B) Systems Development Life Cycle. C) Unified Model. D) Systems Deployment Life Cycle.

Systems Development Life Cycle

Which of the following is NOT an objective that drove the development and evolution of database technology? A) The need to provide greater independence between programs and data B) The desire to manage increasing complex data types and structures C) The desire to require programmers to write all file handling functionality D) The need to provide ever more powerful platforms for decision support applications

The desire to require programmers to write all file handling functionality

Which of the following is a completeness constraint? A) Total specialization B) Partial generalization C) Total recall D) Partial hybridization

Total specialization

The following figure shows an example of: Student SID Name Address (street, city, state, zipcode) A) a composite attribute. B) a relational attribute. C) a derived attribute. D) a multivalued attribute.

a composite attribute

A user view is: A) what a user sees when he or she looks out the window. B) a table or set of tables. C) a logical description of some portion of the database. D) a procedure stored on the server.

a logical description of some portion of the database

An entity cluster is: A) a formal method for specifying attributes of related entities. B) a set of one or more entity types and associated relationships grouped into a single abstract entity type. C) a useful way to present data for a small and fairly simple organization. D) a way of developing more granular views of the data model.

a set of one or more entity types and associated relationships grouped into a single abstract entity type

The following figure shows an example of: (picture of 2 entities connected with a double line) A) a one-to-many relationship. B) a strong entity and its associated weak entity. C) a co-dependent relationship. D) a double-walled relationship.

a strong entity and its associated weak entity

A mutually exclusive relationship is one in which: A) an entity instance can participate in many different relationships. B) an entity instance can participate in only one of several alternative relationships. C) an entity instance cannot participate in a relationship with another entity instance. D) an entity instance bridges other XML documents.

an entity instance can participate in only one of several alternative relationships

The SDLC phase in which every data attribute is defined, every category of data is listed and every business relationship between data entities is defined is called the ________ phase. A) planning B) design C) analysis D) implementation


The SDLC phase in which the detailed conceptual data model is created is the ________ phase. A) planning B) design C) analysis D) implementation


In a file processing environment, descriptions for data and the logic for accessing the data are built into: A) application programs. B) database descriptors. C) fields. D) records.

application programs

An entity type name should be all of the following EXCEPT: A) concise. B) specific to the organization. C) as short as possible. D) a singular noun.

as short as possible

An entity that associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes specific to the relationships is called a(n): A) associative entity. B) build entity. C) gateway entity. D) smush entity.

associative entity

A property or characteristic of an entity type that is of interest to the organization is called a(n): A) attribute. B) coexisting entity. C) relationship. D) cross-function.


The property by which subtype entities possess the values of all attributes of a supertype is called: A) hierarchy reception. B) class management. C) attribute inheritance. D) generalization.

attribute inheritance

A person's name, birthday, and social security number are all examples of: A) attributes. B) entities. C) relationships. D) descriptors.


A ________ defines or constrains some aspect of the business. A) business constraint B) business structure C) business control D) business rule

business rule

A ________ specifies the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with each instance of another entity. A) degree B) cardinality constraint C) counter constraint D) limit

cardinality constraint

An entity cluster can be formed by: A) deleting a supertype and its subtype. B) combining metadata. C) combining a strong entity and its weak entities. D) deleting metadata.

combining a strong entity and its weak entities

A(n) ________ constraint is a type of constraint that addresses whether an instance of a supertype must also be an instance of at least one subtype. A) disjoint B) overlap C) completeness D) weak


An attribute that can be broken down into smaller parts is called a(n) ________ attribute. A) associative B) simple C) composite D) complex


An attribute that uniquely identifies an entity and consists of a composite attribute is called a(n): A) composite attribute. B) composite identifier. C) identifying attribute. D) relationship identifier.

composite identifier

A rule that CANNOT be violated by database users is called a: A) password. B) constraint. C) program. D) view.


Data modeling may be the most important part of the systems development process because: A) data characteristics are important in the design of programs and other systems components. B) the data in a system are generally less complex than processes and play a central role in development. C) data are less stable than processes. D) it is the easiest.

data characteristics are important in the design of programs and other systems components.

A graphical system used to capture the nature and relationships among data is called a(n): A) XML data model. B) hypertext graphic. C) relational database D) data model.

data model

Which organizational function should set database standards? A) Management B) Application development C) Technical services D) Database Administration

database administration

The number of entity types that participate in a relationship is called the: A) number. B) identifying characteristic. C) degree. D) counter.


An attribute that can be calculated from related attribute values is called a ________ attribute. A) simple B) composite C) multivalued D) derived


The total quiz points for a student for an entire semester is a(n) ________ attribute. A) derived B) mixed C) stored D) addressed


Organizing the database in computer disk storage is done in the ________ phase. A) design B) maintenance C) analysis D) implementation


The ________ rule specifies that an entity can be a member of only one subtype at a time. A) exclusion B) disjoint C) removal D) inclusion


A ________ addresses whether an instance of a supertype may simultaneously be a member of two or more subtypes. A) disjointedness constraint B) disjoint rule C) partial specialization D) total specialization

disjointedness constraint

42) ________ do NOT concentrate on determining the requirements for the database component of an information system. A) Database analysts B) Systems analysts C) Programmers D) End Users

end users

Database development begins with ________, which establishes the range and general contents of organizational databases. A) database design B) cross-functional analysis C) departmental data modeling D) enterprise data modeling

enterprise data modeling

Customers, cars, and parts are examples of: A) entities. B) attributes. C) cardinals. D) relationships.


A person, place, object, event, or concept about which the organization wishes to maintain data is called a(n): A) relationship. B) object. C) attribute. D) entity.


The logical representation of an organization's data is called a(n): A) database model. B) entity-relationship model. C) relationship systems design. D) database entity diagram.

entity-relationship model

The most common source of database failures in organizations is: A) lack of planning. B) inadequate budget. C) inadequate hardware. D) failure to implement a strong database administration function.

failure to implement a strong database administration function

Program-data dependence is caused by: A) file descriptions being stored in each database application. B) data descriptions being stored on a server. C) data descriptions being written into programming code. D) data cohabiting with programs.

file descriptions being stored in each database application

The process of defining a more general entity type from a set of more specialized entity types is called: A) generalization. B) specialization. C) normalization. D) extrapulation.


15) A(n) ________ is the relationship between a weak entity type and its owner. A) member chain B) identifying relationship C) jump path D) chain link

identifying relationship

The SDLC phase in which database processing programs are created is the ________ phase. A) planning B) design C) analysis D) implementation


Which of the following is NOT a cost and/or risk of the database approach? A) Specialized personnel B) Cost of conversion C) Improved responsiveness D) Organizational conflict

improved responsiveness

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good business rule? A) Declarative B) Atomic C) Inconsistent D) Expressible


The three-schema approach includes which of the following schemas? A) Internal B) Logical C) Cross-functional D) Dissecting


Older systems that often contain data of poor quality are called ________ systems. A) controlled B) legacy C) database D) mainframe


A database is an organized collection of ________ related data. A) logically B) physically C) loosely D) badly


Business policies and rules govern all of the following EXCEPT: A) managing employees. B) creating data. C) updating data. D) removing data.

managing employees

A relationship where the minimum and maximum cardinality are both one is a(n) ________ relationship. A) optional B) unidirectional C) mandatory link D) mandatory one

mandatory one

Data that describe the properties of other data are: A) relationships. B) logical. C) physical. D) metadata.


The number of entity types that participate in a Unary relationship is: A) zero. B) one. C) two. D) three.


The need for consensus on data definitions is an example of which type of risk in the database environment? A) Specialized personnel needs B) Organizational conflict C) Conversion costs D) Legacy systems

organizational conflict

The ________ rule states that an entity instance can simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes. A) disjoint B) overlap C) partial specialization D) total specialization


The subtype discriminator is a composite attribute when there is a(n): A) overlap rule. B) disjoint rule. C) partial specialization. D) full specialization.

overlap rule

The ________ rule specifies that an entity instance of a supertype is allowed not to belong to any subtype. A) semi-specialization B) total specialization C) partial specialization D) disjointedness

partial specialization

All of the following are properties of metadata EXCEPT: A) data definitions. B) processing logic. C) rules or constraints. D) data structures.

processing logic

One of the most popular RAD methods is: A) automated design. B) structured walkthrough. C) prototyping. D) crafting.


All of the following are primary purposes of a database management system (DBMS) EXCEPT: A) creating data. B) updating data. C) storing data. D) providing an integrated development environment.

providing an integrated development environment

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of database systems? A) Redundant data B) Program-data independence C) Better data quality D) Reduced program maintenance

redundant data

Relational databases establish the relationships between entities by means of common fields included in a file called a(n): A) entity. B) relationship. C) relation. D) association.


________ are established between entities in a well-structured database so that the desired information can be retrieved. A) Entities B) Relationships C) Lines D) Ties


A centralized knowledge base of all data definitions, data relationships, screen and report formats, and other system components is called a(n): A) index. B) data warehouse. C) repository. D) database management system.


A knowledge base of information or facts about an enterprise is called a(n): A) enterprise information system. B) repository. C) systems information unit. D) database process.


With the database approach, data descriptions are stored in a central location known as a: A) server. B) mainframe. C) PC. D) repository.


An attribute of an entity that must have a value for each entity instance is a(n): A) optional attribute. B) composite attribute. C) required attribute. D) fuzzy attribute.

required attribute

An attribute that must have a value for every entity (or relationship) instance is a(n): A) composite attribute. B) required attribute. C) optional attribute. D) multivalued attribute.

required attribute

A workgroup database is stored on a central device called a: A) client. B) server. C) remote PC. D) network.


In the figure below, which attribute is multivalued? Employee employee_name address date_employed {skill} [years_employed] A) Years_Employed B) Employee_ID C) Skill D) Address


The process of defining one or more subtypes of a supertype and forming relationships is called: A) specialization. B) generalization. C) creating discord. D) selecting classes.


Which of the following is an entity that exists independently of other entity types? A) Codependent B) Weak C) Strong D) Variant


________ is a tool even non-programmers can use to access information from a database. A) ODBC B) Structured query language C) ASP D) Data manipulation query language

structured query language

An attribute of the supertype that determines the target subtype(s) is called the: A) determinant. B) subtype decision. C) disjoint indicator. D) subtype discriminator.

subtype discriminator

In a supertype/subtype hierarchy, subtypes that are lower in the hierarchy inherit attributes from not only their immediate supertype but from all ________ in the hierarchy. A) subtypes B) supertypes C) constraints D) dimensions


________ analyze the business situation and identify the need for information and information services to meet the problems or opportunities of the business. A) Programmers B) Users C) Systems analysts D) Database analysts

systems analysts

A fact is an association between two or more: A) words. B) terms. C) facts. D) nuggets.


A simultaneous relationship among the instances of three entity types is called a ________ relationship. A) ternary B) tertiary C) primary D) binary


In the following diagram, what type of relationship is depicted? (3 entities connected to an associative entity) A) Unary B) Binary C) Ternary D) Quad


Because applications are often developed independently in file processing systems: A) the data is always non-redundant. B) unplanned duplicate data files are the rule rather than the exception. C) data can always be shared with others. D) there is a large volume of file I/O.

the data is always non-redundant

Subtypes should be used when: A) there are attributes that apply to some but not all instances of an entity type. B) supertypes relate to objects outside the business. C) the instances of a subtype do not participate in a relationship that is unique to that subtype. D) a recursive relationship is needed.

there are attributes that apply to some but not all instances of an entity type

The ________ rule specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member of some subtype in the relationship. A) semi-specialization B) total specialization C) partial specialization D) total convergence

total specialization

In an E-R diagram, there are/is ________ business rule(s) for every relationship. A) two B) three C) one D) zero


A relationship between the instances of a single entity type is called a ________ relationship. A) ternary B) primary C) binary D) unary


Languages, menus, and other facilities by which users interact with the database are collectively called a(n): A) client. B) user interface. C) icon. D) development environment.

user interface

A(n) ________ is often developed by identifying a form or report that a user needs on a regular basis. A) enterprise view B) reporting document C) user view D) user snapshot

user view

A data warehouse derives its data from: A) on-line transactions. B) various operational data sources. C) reports. D) a datamart.

various operational data sources

An entity type whose existence depends on another entity type is called a ________ entity. A) strong B) weak C) codependent D) variant


A good data definition will describe all of the characteristics of a data object EXCEPT: A) subtleties. B) examples. C) who determines the value of the data. D) who can delete the data.

who can delete the data

A relatively small team of people who collaborate on the same project is called a: A) server group. B) workgroup. C) data collaborative. D) typical arrangement.


In the figure below, which attribute is derived? Employee employee_name address date_employed {skill} [years_employed] A) Years_Employed B) Employee_ID C) Skill D) Address


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