DE US History - Chapter 30

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In 1973, allegations of misconduct by Richard Nixon were made by presidential advisor A. John Dean. B. John Mitchell. C. H. R. Haldeman. D. Spiro Agnew. E. John Ehrlichman.

A. John Dean.

In the 1972 presidential election, A. Richard Nixon carried every state but one. B. George McGovern only carried his home state and the District of Columbia. C. Richard Nixon won over 70% of the popular vote. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. Richard Nixon carried every state but one.

According to policies that became called the Nixon Doctrine, the United States would A. assist in the development of friendly nations. B. assume a basic responsibility for the future of friendly nations. C. increase Third World contributions to shake up the status quo. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. assist in the development of friendly nations.

The key evidence in the determination of President Richard Nixon's guilt or innocence in the Watergate scandal were A. audio tape recordings made of most conversations in the Oval Office. B. eyewitness testimony from Nixon confidants in the White House. C. phone records kept by Nixon's personal secretary. D. Nixon's personal diaries. E. journals kept by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

A. audio tape recordings made of most conversations in the Oval Office.

In 1971, President Richard Nixon believed an American withdrawal from Vietnam would A. harm the credibility of himself and the nation. B. enhance his public standing in the United States and the world. C. silence his critics. D. allow the nation to have "peace with honor." E. force North Vietnam to live up to its promises regarding South Vietnam.

A. harm the credibility of himself and the nation.

The Supreme Court ruling in the case of Furman v. Georgia (1972) A. overturned existing capital punishment statutes. B. was upheld in the case of Gregg v. Georgia (1976.) C. redefined the appeals process in death penalty convictions. D. ruled that execution by hanging was unconstitutional. E. favored the use of forced busing to achieve racial balance in schools.

A. overturned existing capital punishment statutes.

In 1972, the United States' "Christmas bombing" of North Vietnam A. saw the United States suffer, by far, its greatest loss of bombers in the war. B. resulted in a collapse of the peace talks. C. dramatically altered the terms of the final peace agreement. D. later drew an apology from President Richard Nixon. E. avoided Hanoi for the sake of continuing peace talks.

A. saw the United States suffer, by far, its greatest loss of bombers in the war.

In April 1970, the antiwar movement was recharged by A. the invasion by the United States of Cambodia. B. shooting deaths of students at Kent State. C. revelations regarding the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. D. the newspaper publication of the My Lai massacre. E. the publication of the Pentagon Papers.

A. the invasion by the United States of Cambodia.

The Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade (1973) A. was one of the most controversial decisions in modern court history. B. eliminated all restrictions on performing abortions. C. turned conservatives further against the Warren Court. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. was one of the most controversial decisions in modern court history.

In 1969, President Richard Nixon's appointments to the Supreme Court A. were twice rejected by the Senate. B. included the first nomination of a female justice. C. culminated in the successful appointment of G. Harrold Carswell to the Court. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

A. were twice rejected by the Senate.

The South Vietnam government in Saigon finally collapsed during the presidency of A. Richard Nixon. B. Gerald Ford. C. Jimmy Carter. D. Ronald Reagan. E. George Bush.

B. Gerald Ford.

In practice, the Nixon Doctrine led the United States to increase its support of A. development in the Third World. B. authoritarian regimes. C. the activities of the United Nations. D. democratic movements around the globe. E. European colonialism.

B. authoritarian regimes.

The intent of President Richard Nixon's "Vietnamization" policy was to A. expand the war effort to all parts of Vietnam. B. have the South Vietnamese military do more of the fighting. C. declare an immediate end to the conflict. D. expand the war effort to all parts of Indochina. E. concentrate American military power on destroying the NLF.

B. have the South Vietnamese military do more of the fighting.

The Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona (1966) A. ruled that a defendant must have access to a lawyer before being questioned by police. B. required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights. C. established new guidelines for capital punishment cases. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

B. required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights.

In 1974, Richard Nixon left the presidency after he A. was impeached. B. resigned. C. was convicted of obstructing justice. D. was arrested. E. lost a special election by huge margins.

B. resigned.

The so-called Pentagon Papers A. were suppressed by the Nixon administration until after the Vietnam War. B. revealed the government had misled the public regarding the progress of the war. C. indicated President Nixon had used the IRS to harass leaders of the antiwar movement. D. showed that American operatives in Vietnam had carried out political assassinations. E. revealed that the government had tried to cover up American involvement in the My Lai massacre.

B. revealed the government had misled the public regarding the progress of the war.

In 1972, diplomat Henry Kissinger announced that "peace is at hand" A. after a failed North Vietnamese offensive. B. right before the American presidential election. C. after the United States threatened to use nuclear weapons against North Vietnam. D. before the final American ground troops were pulled out of Vietnam. E. right before American troops embarked on the Easter offensive.

B. right before the American presidential election.

The Yom Kippur War of 1973 A. saw the United States play no direct role in the outcome. B. saw an American ally face a surprise attack. C. saw the United States support efforts to oust Palestinians from their homes. D. was a military victory for Palestinian Arabs. E. saw Jordanian and Lebanese forces heavily involved in the fighting.

B. saw an American ally face a surprise attack.

The Supreme Court in the case United States v. Richard Nixon (1974) ruled that Nixon must A. no longer tape conversations in the Oval Office. B. turn over evidence to the special prosecutor. C. be held in contempt of court. D. be impeached. E. resign.

B. turn over evidence to the special prosecutor.

In the 1972 presidential campaign, an assassin attempted to kill the candidate A. Richard Nixon. B. George McGovern. C. George Wallace. D. Hubert Humphrey. E. Walter Mondale.

C. George Wallace.

President Richard Nixon believed United States foreign policy should work towards A. a bipolar world dominated by the United States and the Soviet Union. B. improving the governments in less developed nations. C. a balance of power between several major nations. D. destruction of the government in the Soviet Union. E. encouraging Europe to take up its own defense against the Soviet Union.

C. a balance of power between several major nations.

By 1973, there was mounting evidence that President Richard Nixon had A. known about the Watergate break-in. B. helped plan the Watergate break-in. C. been part of the cover-up of the break-in. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

C. been part of the cover-up of the break-in.

In 1972, the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty A. was signed by all of the world's nuclear powers. B. called for the suspension of all new nuclear weapons systems. C. froze the arsenals of some nuclear missiles at their current levels. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

C. froze the arsenals of some nuclear missiles at their current levels.

After the 1972 election, President Richard Nixon, to prompt a peace settlement with North Vietnam, A. allowed the opening of North Vietnamese harbors. B. withdrew American forces as North Vietnamese troops left from the South. C. ordered an increase in the aerial bombing of North Vietnam. D. broke off diplomatic negotiations with North Vietnam. E. evacuated the American embassy in Saigon.

C. ordered an increase in the aerial bombing of North Vietnam.

The Supreme Court case Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) A. limited the appeals process for state convictions. B. established new guidelines for capital punishment cases. C. ruled that all felony defendants were entitled to a lawyer regardless of their ability to pay. D. ruled that a defendant must have access to a lawyer before being questioned by police. E. sharply limited government curbs on pornography.

C. ruled that all felony defendants were entitled to a lawyer regardless of their ability to pay.

In the 1970s, the Nixon administration believed the world's most volatile region to be A. the Middle East. B. eastern Europe. C. the so-called Third World. D. China. E. sub-Saharan Africa.

C. the so-called Third World.

In 1973, the so-called "Saturday night massacre" involved President Richard Nixon's firing of A. the White House chief counsel. B. most of his cabinet. C. the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate case. D. the White House chief of staff. E. the attorney general.

C. the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate case.

As part of his domestic agenda, President Richard Nixon A. tried to end the forced busing of students to desegregate schools. B. ordered affirmative action programs for workers on federally-funded projects. C. abolished the Office of Economic Opportunity. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

In 1969 and 1970, President Richard Nixon sought to bring the Vietnam War to a close by A. reducing the number of American ground troops in Vietnam. B. expanding the American bombing campaign into Cambodia. C. ordering American ground troops across the border into Cambodia. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

In 1972, two Washington Post reporters uncovered evidence linking the Watergate break-in to A. the Committee for the Re-Election of the President. B. a former employee of the Nixon White House. C. a secret reelection fund controlled by White House staff D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

In 1973, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries A. refused to ship oil to all nations that supported Israel. B. raised the price of oil by 500 percent. C. helped to precipitate a fuel shortage in the United States. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

D. All the answers are correct.

President Richard Nixon's proposed Family Assistance Plan included A. a maximum six-year participation in the federal welfare system. B. federal support for parental leave following the birth of a child. C. free medical care to all Americans over the age of seventy. D. a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. E. a program to replace Social Security with private retirement vouchers.

D. a guaranteed annual income for all Americans.

In 1972, President Richard Nixon's visit to China A. was designed to bring the United States closer to Chiang Kai-shek. B. was opposed by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. C. moved the United States into a deeper conflict with the Soviet Union. D. came after Taiwan was expelled from the United Nations. E. aroused deep animosity from the majority of Chinese communists.

D. came after Taiwan was expelled from the United Nations.

"Stagflation" refers to A. falling prices and a falling inventory. B. deflation and rising inventory. C. flat prices, wages, and inventory. D. rising prices and a weak economy. E. high taxes and large budget deficits.

D. rising prices and a weak economy.

The Supreme Court case Bakke v. Board of Regents of California (1978) A. limited the ability of defendants to appeal state convictions. B. stopped a plan to transfer students across district lines to achieve racial integration. C. ruled in favor of using forced busing to achieve racial balance in schools. D. upheld the principle of affirmative action, with restrictions. E. argued that limits on campaign funding violated the right to free speech.

D. upheld the principle of affirmative action, with restrictions.

As a result of the Vietnam War, A. Vietnam became one of the world's poorest nations. B. more than 1.2 million Vietnamese soldiers died. C. the United States suffered more than 350,000 killed and wounded. D. the United States suffered a considerable blow to its confidence and self-esteem. E. All the answers are correct.

E. All the answers are correct.

In the early 1970s, the CIA played a major role in destabilizing a leftist government in A. Nicaragua. B. El Salvador. C. Guatemala. D. Peru. E. Chile.

E. Chile.

In 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned his office because of A. his involvement in the Watergate break-in. B. his involvement in the Watergate cover-up. C. his refusal to testify against Richard Nixon. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

The killing of South Vietnamese civilians by American soldiers in the village of My Lai A. was not learned about until years after the war had ended. B. did not result in any convictions of the Americans who took part. C. attracted little public attention in the wake of the Cambodian invasion and the Pentagon Papers. D. All the answers are correct. E. None of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers are correct.

After President Richard Nixon had appointed four new justices, the Supreme Court A. became decidedly more conservative in its rulings. B. became decidedly less active. C. more closely reflected the president's own political beliefs. D. attempted to overturn the Warren Court decision in Roe v. Wade. E. actually increased its commitment to social reform.

E. actually increased its commitment to social reform.

In 1971, President Richard Nixon responded to mounting economic problems by A. lowering interest rates to spur consumption. B. lowering corporate taxes to spur investment. C. sharply reducing the rate of inflation. D. expanding the money supply. E. imposing a freeze on all wages and prices.

E. imposing a freeze on all wages and prices.

In 1972, the Watergate scandal began with a break-in at the A. Washington Post newspaper building. B. headquarters of the George McGovern campaign. C. House of Representatives. D. office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. E. offices of the Democratic National Committee.

E. offices of the Democratic National Committee.

The Supreme Court case Engel v. Vitale (1962) A. argued that limits on campaign funding violated the right to free speech. B. sharply limited government curbs on pornography. C. ruled that forced busing to integrate public schools was constitutional. D. declared that the application procedure for federal jobs must be open to the public. E. ruled prayers in public schools were unconstitutional.

E. ruled prayers in public schools were unconstitutional.

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