Developmental Psych

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A young child shown a nine-inch round bowl and a six-inch round bowl containing equal amounts of popcorn says he is certain the smaller bowl has more popcorn than the larger bowl. This child has yet to acquire what Jean Piaget called

object permanence

A baby looks under the sofa for a ball that has just rolled underneath it. According to Jean Piaget, the baby's action shows development of

Industry vs. Inferiority

A nine-year-old girl first learning about her capabilities on the playground and in the classroom would be in which of Erikson's stage of development?

Bobby is still developing new neural connections in his brain.

Bobby is seventeen and has been engaging in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving, skipping class, and breaking curfew. Which of the following is an explanation for Bobby's actions that most psychologists support?

Jean Piaget's theory of conservation

Fekru knows that when his teacher pours water from a small, wide glass into a tall, thin glass, the amount of water remains the same even though the tall, thin glass looks like it has more water. Which of the following theories best explains Fekru's ability?


Gender differences have most often been found in which of the following?

societal norms and other environmental factors

Gender stereotypes are developed as a result of

preferred the terry-cloth mother, even when the wire mother had the nursing bottle

In a famous series of experiments conducted by Harry Harlow, infant monkeys were separated from their mothers at birth. The infants were then given two surrogate mothers (a terry-cloth "mother" and a wire "mother"), each of which alternately had a nursing bottle that provided food to the infants. The experimental results showed that in frightening situations the infant monkeys


In trying to replicate Lawrence Kohlberg's research, several college psychology students observed four-year-olds in five prekindergarten classes. Their observations most likely indicated that these children were

Their knowledge that rocking behavior develops before crawling behavior and that rocking behavior eventually goes away once crawling behavior begins

Researchers hypothesize that the older a baby is when it begins to crawl, the longer it will take the baby to stop exhibiting earlier rocking behaviors. The researchers go into the infant room of a day care center every day for six weeks. Every time a baby rocks, the researchers record it. They document which babies are already crawlers and at what age each started crawling. What will help the researchers with their investigation?

an experiment using pregnant rats

Researchers want to study the effects of teratogens. They should conduct

He is going through the process of exploring his identity that many adolescents experience.

Rik, who is an adolescent, was always studious and quiet throughout childhood. His parents are concerned because he suddenly dyed his hair, pierced his tongue, and started hanging out with a different crowd. A few months later, he tried out for the football team and became so active in sports that he neglected his schoolwork. According to psychologists, which of the following would best explain Rik's changes in behavior?


Sabrina plays on a rugby team and collects antique dolls. Peter is on a football team and loves to cook. Both Sabrina and Peter demonstrate a high degree of

the combination of genetics, prenatal horomones, and social influences

Sexual orientation is most likely developed as a result of

He is idenity foreclosed

Shamir wants to be a doctor like both of his parents when he gets older. He never thought of doing anything else. Which of the following best explains Shamir's decision?

Erik Erikson

Shaquille is 25 years old and is actively dating in order to find someone to settle down with. Which of the following theorists would best be able to explain Shaquille's behavior?

A college student is no longer kept awake by her roommate's late-night typing.

The concept of habituation is best exemplified by which of the following situations?

A case study, because both heredity and environment are important in determining length and height.

Trinna and Suzanne are identical twins who were the same length at birth. They were adopted by different families at birth and then reconnected in their early thirties. Trinna is two inches shorter and was a severely selective eater as a child. A researcher was conducting an investigation about twins separated at birth. What research method and explanation best fit this scenario?

object permanence

Understanding that things continue to exist even when they are not within view is called


When a newborn infant is touched on the cheek, the infant will turn its head toward the source of stimulation. This behavior is known as

Nikos can consider both the height and width of a container.

Which of the following behaviors is most clearly associated with Jean Piaget's concrete operational stage?

Children often develop traditional gender roles despite parents discrouagement of such roles

Which of the following is true about gender roles in children?

Konrad Lorenz

Which of the following researchers found that ducklings will follow the first figure they see within their first day of hatching?

Mohammed has dated a few people but has not been very successful, so he has decided to give up on dating.

Which of the following scenarios best describes what Erik Erikson thought someone might experience in early adulthood?

Concrete operational

According to Jean Piaget, what is the earliest stage at which a child is capable of using simple logic to think about objects and events?

The information processing approach, because it focuses on encoding and retrieving information

Amehd, a fifth grader, is passing a note to his friend in class while his teacher is teaching a new type of math problem. When he is later tested on the material, he is unable to recall how to solve a similar problem. Which of the following theories best explains Amehd's difficulty in recalling how to do this type of problem?

A researcher cannot generalize across populations findings from one group of people.

Carol Gilligan was critical of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development. What is the basis of her critique?

theory fails to account sufficiently for differences between males and females

Carol Gilligan's criticism of Lawrence Kohlberg's development theory is based on the argument that Kohlberg's

differences between males and females in the course of moral development

Carol Gilligan's critique of Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development focuses primarily on

Social competence

Developmental research on the formation of attachment indicates that a child's secure attachment to its mother during infancy is predictive of which of the following during its toddler years?


Egocentrism, animism, and artificialism are characteristic of which of Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

contact comfort was more important to them than food

Harry Harlow found that when infant monkeys were startled or frightened, they preferred a cloth surrogate mother over a wire mother who had food. The baby monkeys' response indicated that

The tactile characteristics of the mother

Harry Harlow's experiments with rhesus monkeys suggest which of the following as most important for infants when establishing an attachment to their mothers?


Jaime, a six month old, is fussy and does not transition well between situations. According to Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess, this behavior is part of Jaime's

Lev Vygotsky's social learning theory, because it includes the concept of zone of proximal development

Jerry is not able to tie his shoes on his own, but he is able to tie his shoes with the help of his father. Which of the following theories best explains the interaction between Jerry and his father?

Having people solve moral dilemmas

Lawrence Kohlberg used which of the following techniques to illustrate the stages of his theory?

Children progress from a morality based on punishment and reward to one defined by convention, and ultimately to one defined by abstract ethical principles.

Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning is best described by which of the following?

she is less likely to die immediately before her birthday

Marion is about to turn 102. The death-deferral theory would predict that


Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation paradigm is typically used to test young children's

Diana Baumrind

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley are very strict with their children. They do not spend a lot of time talking with them, except to tell them what to do. Which of the following theorists would be most likely to study this type of parenting behavior?

is based on empirically unverifiable constructs

One criticism of Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory of development is that it


The most well-adjusted and socially competent children tend to come from homes where parents employ which of the following parental styles?

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