Differential Reinforcement

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Differential Reinforcement

-combines reinforcement and extinction. -it's commonly used with medication treatment. -you reinforce the desired behavior. -you use extinction with the problem behavior. -advantages are that you use adaptive behavior that is taught and acquired in place of problem behavior. -it is rated by everyone as a more acceptable way of eliminating problem behavior when compared to punishment, medication alone, and extinction. -very effective. -animal trainers use this to control animal behavior.

DRH- Differential Reinforcement of High Rate Behavior

-high rate we reinforce. -low rate we extinguish. -examples would be deadlines and fast food places. -use when the rate is unacceptably low.

Differential Reinforcement

-is a procedure involving two or more physically different behaviors; one behavior is reinforced and the other behaviors are extinguished. -it offers a positive approach to reducing problematic behaviors. -it teaches a person what response to make.

DRO- Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior

-problem behavior is put on extinction. -instead of identifying a specific alternative behavior to reinforce you just wait for some period of time with not problem behavior occurring then reinforce the absence of problem behavior. -children begging for snacks. the reinforcer would be giving them a snack when they throw a fit. The extinction would be when the child begs and gets nothing. Then you can set up a contingency IF you don't beg for 5 minutes, THEN I will buy you a snack. Set less time so they can be successful. Make it easy at first.

DRI- Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior

-problem behavior you use extinction. -incompatible with problem behavior is reinforced. (You can't do problem behavior and incompatible behavior at the same time.) -praising good table manners is incompatible with eating like a slob. -You look for instances of good manners to praise.

DRL- Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate Behavior

-problem is that the behavior is occurring to quickly so we extinguish high rate behavior and reinforce low rate behavior. -an example would be difficulty understanding foreign language due to speaking too fast. -naturally we do DRL

DRC- Differential Reinforcement of Creativity

-some people suggest not using reinforcement because it stifles and decreases creativity. -for example the rat pictures were all the same and not novel. -however you can actually reinforce creative actions. -Pryor did a study in 1969 where she reinforced creative behavior in dolphins by giving them fish when they did something new. -Goetz & Baers 1973 children were reinforced when building creative structures.

DRA- Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior

-you have a desired alternative behavior you reinforce. -you use extinction for the problem behavior. -Hanley 1997 did a reversal ABA design where he measured baseline of children with destruction behavior in preschool. The children would receive attention when destructive. They learned to just ask for attention and reinforced by giving them attention when asking for it. They extinguished the destructive behavior by ignoring it.

To determine if there are two different behaviors

-you must analyze if the individual makes different physical movements.

Tactics in using the reinforcement strategy to solve human problems

1. to increase the desired behavior use reinforcement. 2. to decrease a single behavior, use extinction. 3. to increase one behavior while decreasing other related behaviors, use differential reinforcement.

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