Digestion system mechanim

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When do the two glands in the stomach cells secrete their activity

1. Present of food, which trigger them by the brain to be active

What is muscle that allow the chyme to get to the small intestine

1. Pyloric sphincter

What is use in the mouth to hydrolyze starch into small monosaccharides or sugar

1. Salivary amylase or pyalin

What hormone secreted by the hormonal cell of the duodenum that cause the pancreas to release pancreatic juice

1. Secretin

What occur once the food particle get to the duodenum

1. Secretion of horm occur that result, enzyme from liver, pancreas and small intestine to be secreted their to aid with digestion

Where does most digestion occur and which part

1. Small intestine 2. Duodenum

What part of the nervous system that involve in fight or flight mechanism for example moving away from a explosion there inhbit parasympathetic

1. Sympathetic

Wha happen in the blood to Chylomicrons or the triglycerides and esterified cholesterol are package

1. The are converted to LDL

What is the significant of breaking the chemical bond between digestive material

1. The cell can use it as energy

What prevent food to go in the respiratory track

1. The epiglotis

What is the mechanism of the pancreas involve in digestion

1. The present of the chyme cause the pancreas to secrete pancreatic juice 2. Pancreatic juice 3. The pancreatic juice contain bicarbonate which will increase the PH or neutralize the chyme 4. The pancreatic juice also contain enzyme that is active at a basic PH 5. This activate enterokinase 6. Enterokinase activate trypsonogen to trypson 7. Trypson activate the other enzyme

What happen to fats(fatty acid or monoglyceride) when its passing the mucous lining of the small intestine or the intestinal epithilial cess

1. They enter the epithelial cells and go to the ER and resynthesize into triglyceride to pass through

What is a chyme

1. This is a acidic semifluid mixture result of the food particles

What is perestalis

1. This is involuntary contraction of the smooth muscle

What is absorption

1. This is when the product of digestion is sequece in the circulartory system for the cells as fuel

How is the mucus layer of the stomach

1. Very thick

What is the significant of the epiglotis from the mouth is striated muscle,yet as it get close to the stomach it is smooth muscle

1. Voluntary to involuntary control

Are there bacteria in the small intestine

1. Yes

Where is the pancratic lipase is secreted

1. in the stomach

When does digestion take place

1 The lumen of the elemetary canal

Where is lipase produce

1. 1. Mouth, stomach, and pancrease

What are the fat soluble viatmines

1. A, D, E, K

What neurotransmitter involve in the parasympathetic path way

1. Acetylcholine

What are the water soluble viatimins

1. B, C

What is the part of the large intestine that connected to the small intestine and what other structure one can find

1. Cecum 2. Appendix

What are the three part of the large intestine

1. Cecum, colon and rectum

Where are the cell from that secrete enterokinase to activate the enzyme from the pancreas trypsinogen to activate all the other enzymes of the pancreas

1. Cell of the duodenum

What hormone release by the small intestine in the presence of chyme that cause the release of bile in the gallbladder

1. Cholecystokinin or CCK

What are the triglycerides and esterified cholesterol are package into to get to circulation

1. Chylomicrons

Which part of the small intestine is most of digestion occur

1. Duodenum

What are the three part of the small intestine in order of how food particle would move

1. Duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

What is the hormone release by the duodenum when someone ate so much fat that cause slow movement of chyme to allow more time to digest of fat

1. Enterogastrone

What is the enzyme in the small intestine serve as a master switch, once activate it cause the activation of trypsinogen to activate the other enzyme and where these activity take place

1. Enterokinase 1. Duodenum

What is connected pharynx to the stomach

1. Esophagus

What are the two glands of the stomach

1. Gastric and pyolric

What present is needed to activate pesiogen that is secreted by a chief cell and why

1. HCl 2. Active(pepsin) at PH of two

Where do some absorbe molecule from the Jejunum and ileum pass to get to the live

1. Hepatic portal circulation

What does the cell of the in the pyloric secrete and function

1. Hormone gastrin 2.Secrete More HCL to break down the food particle futher into a chyme

How does the sympathetic nervous system inhibit digestion in the present of danger and why

1. Inhbit blod flow to the organ 2. So the blood flow can go to the muscle and extriemety to run

Where most of the absorption occur in the small intestine

1. Jejunum and ileum

Where does the chylomicrons or the triglycerides and esterified cholesterol are package into to Chylomicrons get to circulation

1. Lacteals

What does the the pancreas secrete

1. Lipase, trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, elastinogen , and carboxypeptidase

What is the ring that guide and allow food to go into the stomach

1. Lower esophagel sphincter 2. Cardiac sphincter

What does the duodenum secrete

1. Maltase 2. Lactease 3. Peptidases and dipeptidase 4. Enterokinase 5. Secretin 6. CCK

What kind of digestion occur in the mouth

1. Mechanical and chemical

What is mechanical digestion and chemical digestion

1. Mechanical invole breaking food into the constiuenet 2. Chemical involve involve breaking bonds by enzymatic cleavage

When is the chemical digestion of fat and carbs start and where does lipid digestion continue

1. Mouth 2. Small instine using bile to increase surface area

Where one would find lipase

1. Mouth, stomach, small intestine

What are the cells that one would find the gastric gland

1. Mucous cell, chief cell, and parietal cell

What is the function of the cell found the gastric gland, 1. Mucous cell, chief cell, and parietal cell

1. Mucous secrete mucus, 2. Chie cell secrete pepsinogen 3. Parital cell secrese HCL

What neurotransmitter involve in the sympathetic nervous system and why it take so long for the side affect to stop or one feel their heart is still beating fast after the occation

1. Neuro ephnerine 2. It is a hormone

what is the tract of the digestive tract

1. Oral cavity 2. Pharynx 3. Esohphagus 4. stomach 5. Small intestine 6. Large intestine 7. Defication

What are the three oragan involve in digestion

1. Pancrease 2. Liver 3. Gall blader

What part of the autonomic nervous sytem that involve in digestion which may result of one feeling sleepy

1. Parasympathetic

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