Digital Electronic
Most significant bit
Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
Any hexadecimal number can be converted to its equivalent decimal number by summing the weight of various position.
Digital Techniques
Are applies in many diverse area such as (1) telephony, (2) data processing, (3) radar, (4) navigation, (5) military system, (6) medical instrumentation, and (7) process control.
Advantages of Digital System
(1) Digital systems are easy to design, (2) Information can be stored very easily, (3) Digital Circuits are less affected by noise, and (4) more digital circuitry can be fabricated on IC chips as compared to analog circuit.
Arithmetic Unit
All arithmetic calculations and logic decisions are performed by the unit, and computations results are then stored in the memory.
Octal to Decimal Conversion
An octal number can be converted to its decimal equivalent by multiplying each octal digit by its position weight.
Digital Circuits
Are foundation of digital compiler and automated control system. Two voltage level represent the two binary digits, 1 and 0 and are designed to produce output voltages that fall within the prescribed 0 and 1 voltage ranges.
Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion
Base 16 is fourth power of 2 i.e. 2^4=16. We can replace each hexadecimal digit by a group of four binary digits.
Decimal to Octal Conversion
Can be done by dividing the integral part by 8 and writing down the remainder after each division until a quotient of 0 is obtained.
Decimal to Binary Conversion
Can be one by dividing the integral part by 2 and writing down remainder after each division until a quotient 0 is obtained.
Digital system
Consists of devices designed to handle physical quantities that are represented in digital form. Example: Digital computers, calculators, digital watches and traffic signal controller are example of digital system.
Hexadecimal to Octal Conversion
First convert hexadecimal number into binary and then group the binary number by three bits starting from LSB.
Is a function that conveys information about the behavior or attributes of some phenomenon.
Digital Signal
Is a physical signal that is a representation of a sequence of discrete value (a quantified discrete-time signal).
Decimal Number System
Is a radix- 10 number system therefore it has 10 symbols. These are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Is a positional value system in which the value of digits depend upon its positive. Example: 10^2, 10^2, ( for the integral part) and 10^-1, 10^-2 ( for the fractional part).
Hexadecimal Number System
Is a radix- 16 number system. The symbols used in hexadecimal number system as ten digits (0 to 9) and six characters A to F). The decimal equivalent of A, B, C, D, E and F are 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 respectively.
Octal Number System
Is a radix- 8 number system therefore it has 8 symbols. There are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Example: 8^0, 8^1, 8^2... ( for the integral parts) and 8^-1, 8^-2...( for the fractional part).
Is a system of hardware that performs arithmetic operations and manipulates data. In computer, each unit performs specific functions and all units function together to carry out instructions in the program. Each unit performs specific functions and all unit function together to carry out instructions in the program.
Analog Signal
Is defined as voltage or current whose size is proportional to the quantity it represents. It continuous in nature and has infinite set of possible value. Example: sound, velocity, weight, pressure and temperature, etc. are analog in nature.
Octal to Binary Conversion
Is reverse of the binary to octal conversion.
Is the radix or base of any system. R Must be a positive number. R digits in the number systems ranges from 0 to R-1.
Number System
Is useful for understanding how data is represented before it can be processed by any digital system including digital computer.
Output unit
It takes information from the memory unit and prints out displays or shows the information to the user or operator.
Least significant bit
Digital Integrated Circuits
Several IC fabrication technologies are used to produce digital Ics. The most common are TTL, CMOS, ECL, RTL, I^2L etc.
pulse train
Signal that switches between a describe number of voltage levels or levels of light intensity, also known as a (1) line coded signal, or (2) baseband transmission.
Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion
The binary number are arranged in group of four bits starting form LSB to MSB and adding number of zeros to the left of MS if required for integral part.
Binary to Octal Conversion
The bits of the binary number one grouped into groups of three bits starting at the USB, and then each group of these bits is converted into it octal equivalent.
Octal to Hexadecimal Conversion
The octal to hexadecimal conversion is done in two stages: (1) Convert octal number into binary number, and (2) Then group the binary number by four bits from LSB.
analog system
The quantity can vary over a continuous range of values.
Logic Circuits
The way in which a digital circuit responds to an input is know as the logic circuit. Every digital circuit obeys a certain set of logic rules, thus digital circuits are known as the logic circuits. Logical circuits are generally composed of digital gates.
Binary Number System
There are only two symbols 0 and 1, are referred as bit. The group of four binary digits (bits) is known as Nibble while group of right bits is known as Byte.
Types of Signal
There are two type of signal: (1) Analog signal, and (2) Digital signal.
Memory Unit
This unit stores the instruction and data received form the input unit, it stores the results of arithmetic operations received from the arithmetic unit, and supplies information to the output unit.
Control Unit
This unit take instruction from the memory unit one at a time and decodes them.
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
To convert a decimal integer number in hexadecimal number, the decimal number is divided by sixteen repeatedly till the quotient becomes zero.
Digital Electronics
Understand these number system operations requires the ability to convert from one number system to another. There are four number system (1) Binary, (2) Decimal, (3) Octal, (4) Hexadecimal. Represent signals by discrete bands of analog levels, rather than by a continuous range.
Waveform signal used in digital communication, representing a bit stream or other sequence of discrete values.