Digital Marketing Midterm - Kocur

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Conversion Rate

# of conversions / total # of visitors to site

Flat Rate

- Advertiser pays a fixed cost per month - Used for niche markets and reach

Interstitial Banner

- Banners shown between pages on a website, or, more often, between screens on an app - As you click from one page to another, you are shown the advert before the next page is displayed

Building Email Lists

- Best option because members of the list have explicitly opted to receive that marketer's commercial messages - Will be less expensive in the long-run but takes time and up-front marketing expenditures to get interested members to sign up with you

How to develop your keywords?

- Brainstorm - Customer surveys - Research tools (Ex. Google AdWords) - SEO agency partners

What are some of the goals of advertising?

- Build awareness - Increase reach - Crease demand/trial - Elicit response - Inform

What are external and internal timing factors for email communications?

- Calendar (holidays, lead times) - Customer life-cycle (spending or purchase patterns -- Ex. Dollar Shave Club) - Customer activities (co-registration, info request) - Trigger actions (12-day trial, refer-a-friend)

Permission-Based List

- Can be built in a variety of ways but creates a valuable long term asset for communicating with customers - Ex. Clipboard sign up, requiring cashiers to ask as part of the checkout process, comment card at a restaurant

Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

- Clicks within a page/email to another digital destination - Direct indicator of interest in seeing what's inside, attributable to the success of the subject line and its value proposition - Important if the emails are trying to drive sales

What does design allow the business to do?

- Communicate with users - Demonstrate its credibility - Enables the customers to act to the business' benefit

How does search work?

- Considers misspellings, synonyms, etc. - Searches an index of the web - not the entire web - Asks 200+ of its own questions of relevance - Inbound links increase a site's relevance - Page rank

SEO (Organic)

- Consumers put more trust in organic results - Requires constant attention/managing but you aren't constantly paying (can cost a lot if you're paying an agency)


- Cost per acquisition - Advertiser pays when the ad delivers an acquisition - Used for conversion


- Cost per click - Advertiser pays when the ad is clicked - Used to drive traffic - Cost varies depending on the placement/industry


- Cost per interaction - Advertiser pays for roll-over ads - Used for engagement and information

Why is online advertising important?

- Digital use went up, TV use went down - Tablet usage began - The place that people see ads changed

How do you create demand?

- Identify unfulfilled NEEDS and DESIRES of the target market - Provide meaningful BENEFITS of the brand for the consumer

What are the best digital display practices?

- Insight - Creative - Incentive - Content + Context (does it provide necessary info? Does the context where it is make sense?) - Rich media (videos, interactive ad, audio) - Disruption (interrupt the consumer - don't be intrusive)

Why is digital marketing important to study, distinct from traditional marketing?

- More budgets are spent on it - Much more trackable and proven effective - Different than traditional media in many ways (from pricing to creative)

SEO Exercise Process

- Objective: increase page rank - Strategy: use SEO to increase click through to company website - Target Audience: consumers interested in finding company's products/services - Tactics: keyword list

Black Hat SEO

- Often maintain link farms, keyword stuff bad content, and employ tricks to beat the system - Not illegal for the most part, but it is against Google's policy, considered unethical - Google punishes them directly or changes the algorithm Ex. Many charge clients to put links on thousands of basic websites in an effort to generate better rankings

Buying Email Lists

- Once bought, no additional fees/restrictions - Value of email only preserved when not abused - Respectable owners rarely sell copies - SPAM (if you abuse emails, can be labeled as a spammer which significantly hurts a company's brand)

What are the options for online advertising?

- Pop-up - Banner-ad - Floating ad - Map ad - Interstitial banner - Pop-under - Wallpaper ad

Renting Email Lists

- Recognized and acceptable practice - Owner of emails sends the email on your behalf so renter never sees the list - Pay for each email sent - Mitigates privacy concerns

How is the search process optimized?

- Relevance - Importance - Popularity - Trust - Authority


- Search Engine Marketing - The foundation of any digital marketing strategy -- ensures the consumer can find the product you're selling


- Search Engine Results Page - Ads (paid search), questions, keywords (organic) - Driven by paid and organic ads

The new IAB standard ad portfolio showcases revised standards that include what?

- Seeing on different screen sizes - Wearable designs (Ex. Apple watch) - Virtual reality

Best Practices of Search

- Strategic marketing needs to be fully integrated - Search needs a clear focus and strategy - Needs to be regularly optimized and assessed - Needs to be supported and resources consistently - Enough $ needs to be invested to demonstrate the return

Double Opt-In

- The user affirms they want their email added to the list -- and then confirms this again by interacting with an email confirmation - Ensures quality list of truly interested recipients - Strongest form of list building


- Two or more words that are combined to form a search query - Usually better to optimize for a phrase rather than for a single word

Who are we writing on websites for?

- UX (the end user) - Web spiders

Why is SEM so important to a marketer?

- Way to advertise - Drives brand perception - Organic search = relevance - Opportunity to convert buyers to action - How people find what they want

What is search driven by?

- Web structure - Keywords/phrases - Optimized content - Link popularity - Usage data


- What the user sees, experiences, and interacts with - Includes all visuals, copy, layout, and navigation

Top 6 Metrics to Track Email Campaign Success

1. Click-through-rates 2. Conversion rate 3. Bound rate (tells you the health of your list) 4. List growth rate (reach) 5. Email sharing/forwarding 6. Overall ROI

5 Reasons to Use Email

1. Mobile is an enabler of email - Email optimization (only 11% are optimized for mobile) 2. Email is highly measurable - CTR and ROI are both very high 3. Email pays - ROI ~ $40 to $1 spent - Proven to drive purchase - 54% of people are more likely to buy after receiving an email - 51% have made a purchase after an email 4. Email remains relevant across demographic groups 5. Elements of strong email marketing: - Database, analysis, deployment, integrate, targeting, creative, + structure

What are the two types of search?

1. Organic Search 2. Paid Search

3 Ways to Create Email Lists

1. Rent 2. Buy 3. Create your own

Why are marketers increasingly turning to online advertising?

1. That is where people are 2. Online shopping 3. Highly measurable

Email Service Provider (ESP)

A company that provides the scalable infrastructure to create, deploy, and track large volumes of email, as well as ensuring compliance and deliverability in the face of changing laws, regulations, and technical challenges


A set of beliefs, expectations, and meaning - Held by consumers - Drives purchase decisions and loyalty - Feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from other sellers

Content Management System (CMS)

A system for managing any forms of content - updates the content of a website through the system so that a developer is not required to

Contextual Targeting

Ads are targeted to match the content on the page, usually using keywords on the page Ex. Time of day, location

Demographic Targeting

Allows markets to focus online ads against desired profiles depending on the number of filters available from media vendors (Ex. Profession, gender, age group)

Digital Marketing Ecosystem

Based on 3 things: 1. Relationship 2. Interconnectedness 3. Dependency . . . of elements to one another

Display Network

Businesses play display ads on a huge network of sites


Can I find it? Does it show up on the first page of the search engine? How long does it take to find something on the site?

What has digital done for price?

Created price transparency

Demand translates to revenue by?

Customers are willing to pay more for the brand, willing to purchase your brand over your competition


Data that describes other data or a web page's content

Where is the fold on an email?

Depends on the template/way that the user to accessing the email


Do I trust it? Is the website legitimate?


Do I want to use it? Do I want to go back to it?


Does it add value to me? Is it worth your while to interact with it?

Long Copy Examples

Email, blog posts, news, website copy

What is email communications triggered by?

External or internal timing factors

What makes up a good UX? (6)

Findability, accessibility, desirability, usability, credibility, usefulness

Who has the largest share of the SEM market?

Google - 78%


Hypertext Markup Language - allows rich multimedia content to be displayed and easily viewed

How is brand value measured?

In terms of its brand equity

Why is digital marketing considered to be a double edged sword for marketers?

Increased consumer connection but less message control


Is it easy to use? Are the tools I need easy to find?

How is online advertising different than other ads?

It is highly interactive, targeted, and flexible

What separates digital marketing from other, more traditional marketing means?

It is highly measurable

What elements go into making a brand?

Name, symbols, font/script, images, etc. Ex. Nike, Lebron James Can be defined by: color, font, symbols

What is organic search?

Natural search, not paid for "How relevant can I make my content for the end user?"

Site Map

No pictures, just a blueprint for the design of the website, links to every other page in the website, information hierarchy - Home page, navigations, pages of content, pages below content, footers/sidebars etc "A visualized structural plan for how the website's pages will be laid out and organized"

Should the emphasis on email marketing be reduced?

No! Email users represent a huge target audience, 25/60 minutes spent online are with email

Programmatic Bidding

Offers an automated form of media buying that is more efficient and inexpensive, as well as reducing human error and inconsistency


Old: brand --> agent --> consumer Now: Brand <--> (aggregator) <--> consumer

SEO Copy

Page URL, page title, descriptions, key words, images, headings/sub-headings

What is paid search?

Pay to have an ad placed on the search engine results page (PPC)


Pay-per-click - Can happen very quickly -- flexible to test/change - Costs

Open Rate

Percentage of emails opened by the end user over successful deliveries

3 Parts of UX

Planning, Design, and Development

The Marketing 4 P's

Product, price, placement, promotion


Real time bidding - a type of programmatic, referring to a lightning quick auction that takes audience data into account to assess the value of an impression to a certain advertiser


Return on investment - ratio of cost to profit - What you spend/what you get back Ex. Spend $50,000, generate $150,000, ROI = 3.0

How do you optimize your results?


Benefits of an ad exchange? (For buyers and sellers)

Sellers: as much as 80% of a site's ads go unsold, exchanges help maximize yield on ad inventory to sell more Buyers: usually struggle to find the best inventory, brings multiple sellers of inventory so buyers can access and target the inventory that meets their campaign need

Wire Frame

Skeletal outline of the layout of a web page -- boxes, text, etc.

The Long Tail

The ability of the digital world to eliminate or remove the challenges of the physical, mass customization model of marketing Ex. Netflix

Above the Fold

The content that appears on a screen without a user having to scroll


The degree to which a website is available to users - same content everywhere? Speed? Mobile?

Brand Idea

The essence of your brand

White Hat SEO

The good guys help you organize and automate the things Google encourages, deploy your website more effectively, and even help you to create and tag better content


The process of exploring, creating, and delivering VALUE to satisfy the NEEDS of a target market at a PROFIT

What should drive decisions about the design and development of a website?

The requirements of the end user

Cadence-Based Email

The strategy of messaging on the customer's time-frame to a logical conclusion Ex. A client marketing baby formula to expectant mothers, all you need is an email and a due date and email according to steps in the pregnancy


The technological side -- engineers, coders; website technology, functionality, and usability

What is the most important content on an email?

The words and images "above the fold"

When should UX testing be done?

Throughout the entire development of a website

Short Copy Examples

Titles/subject lines, pay-per-click ads

Ad Exchanges

Transportation platforms that help match buyers and sellers. A way to help fill empty space with ads

Ad Networks

Typically acts on behalf of a buyer or seller to get the highest return or revenue, respectively, using proprietary network info to maximize yield (Ex. Google, Yahoo, AOL)

What do you need to know in order to develop keywords?

Understand: - Your consumers (and their language) - Your business and brand - Your competition - Your objectives (awareness, conversion, retention)


User experience - the overall satisfaction a user gets from interacting with a product or digital tool

Geographic Targeting

Using your IP address to reveal your location to various levels of accuracy -- from a city down to a postcode

Responsive Design

Websites that fluidly respond to a user's device or screen resolution (screen size)


What are the objectives? Market? Customers? Competition?


What is the desired outcome?

Sources & Touchpoints

Where are they coming from?

Hubs & Destinations

Where are they going? - The most common one is: websites

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