Digital Media Final Nurit Shaul

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On Site SEO (Search Engine optimization)

deals with formatting of content on the website to maximize its chances of ranking for all desired researches

Off Site SEO(Search Engine optimization)

deals with the creation and dissemination of content on a website to build quality links to the site

The fetch

enables webmasters to test whether goggle is properly crawling and rendering pages

Creating high quality pages: Good Grammar and Spelling

high quality pages would not have grammar mistakes, spam websites would dont be mistaken for spam

HEAD tag of page

passes information to the analytics program every time the sever receives a request for the page

Title Tag

receives heavy weighting in calculating relevance so a webpage should have the target keyword phrase should be the first thing in the title tag

Marketing Automation

refers to software that allows a company to automate and optimize digital marketing efforts across multiple channels

Email Subject lines

subject line is key piece because most customers won't open your email

Email Opt Out

the box is checked by default, customers don't realize and dont unblock

Graphic Designers role

whatever feature or design of the website that most effectively leads website users to the desired behavior is the design that should be used not whatever is aesthetically pleasing


work in the Url receive heavy weighting in the calculations of relevance

Analytics interface process

1. Internet User takes some action that results in the request for a page on a website, caused by typing in url or clicking on link to the page 2. As the user navigates to the web page the web server receives a request for the information on this page, which the server sends across the internet to the requesting computer, and stores the info 3. Data collection center stores this request 4. The analytics package will aggregate and organize this data in a variety of ways according to the user's requests

Visitors of Site Might access your website from different points

1. Organic Search 2. Paid Search Ads 3. Display Ads 4. Emails 5. Social Media posts 6. Social Media Advertising 7. External Links 8.Affiliate Links One can analyze where the traffic comes from and how much each target makes

Local Research Rankings

1. verify the business with Google Plus 2. Make sure business information up to date 3. Be active on social media

Header Tags

<h1> using header tags has the dual benefit of making a website's content more easily browsed by users and giving search engines stronger clues as to the topics of its contnet

Customer Relationships Management

A company's effort to manage its interactions with current and potential customers. Marketing team works to generate leads, these leads can come from variety of sources, they try pursue the leads, Some leads aren't ready to convert, nature the leads , engage the leads. If leads never open emails don't pass to sales, but if they do open and visit website then pass to the sales team for more active dialogue.

Conversion Rate Email Success

A good email marketer tracks click through rate and conversion rate because that is the ultimate goal

Email Open Rate Success

A good indicator of the quality of subject lines are if your emails are opened

Manual Metrics: Revenue

A retail site that sets up a destination goal for each purchase can also pass on the analytics the amount of money being spent on the order so that analytics can track this info.

Supplemental Information: Technical Information

A webmaster may wish to know if users on Firefox versus chrome behavior differently, or if users on desktop verses mobile devices. Analytics can tell you this

Organic Search Analytics

A website may find that searchers who entered certain search terms convert at a drastically higher rate than searchers who entered other keywords

Creating high quality pages: Limited Ad space

A website with a large ad will not rank as highly, people don't visit your website for Ads

Google Search Console

Alert you if a technical issue is preventing the site form achieving its best rankings

Google Tag Manager

Allows webmasters to set up analytics on pages without having to alter the code of the page

Channel Analysis

Analyze where your customers are coming from, and what type of customers they are if from one place you get more customers that make purchases you should advertise with them more

Organizing Data

Any Analytics package will allow a user to aggregate and organize the data. By state, langue, behaviors

Calculated Metrics

Average Page Depth: Measure of user engagement on a given page Average Session Duration: Sure of the time on a page for every page view in the session Site bounce Rate: The percentage of all sessions that consist of only one page view Page Bounce Rate: The percentage of sessions that begin on that page that consist of only one Pageview Entrance Rate: The percentage of page views that result in an exit Unique Page views: Removing people who visit the page more than once

Website Analytics Data

Can examine browsing and purchasing behavior on the website Used to make informed decision about web design ot improve the portion of customers engaging in the desired behavior as well as to track the volume of visitors the website is receiving and from what sources

Manual Metrics: Event Tracking

Can measure how often a certain behavior occurs, ie clicking on social media links and leaving page

Lead Generation Key Performance Indicators KPI's

Cannot complete a transaction but still looking for conversions Users: Increase number of users to site Conversion Rate: A conversion is a generated lead, so you track by filling out a form, or attempting to track phone calls Close Rate: Close rate is the percentage of leads that convert into revenue for the company Closed Deal Value: ON average how much is a closed deal worth to the company? Revenue Per session: Lead Generation conversion rate x close rate x closed deal value

Average Order value email success

Combine Click through rate, open rate, and average order value to see the best email blast

Email timing

Companies should not send more than one email per week, in general most companies send more emails than customers like Depends on site for timing of day, business should be during business hours, shopping can be early evening

Emails Analytics

Different part of an email can create more conversions, analytics can tell you that IN general email ads have high conversion rates

Key performance Indicators

Different websites want to know different KPI's, Key performance indicators so each website needs to determine which KPI's is good for them

Creating high quality pages: Quality Content

Don't create pages for the search engine stick with what you know and your ranking will come

Email List hard bounce

Email address a company is trying to reach is fake, remove from email list

Email soft bounce

Email address email box is full, remove from list after a few emails

Emails: Triggered emails:

Email marketers may with to send emails outside the regularly scheduled broadcast emails based on a customers particularly actions If a customers places something in their cart but doesn't complete their purchase

Maximizing Relevance

First step to formate our website so that Search engine can accurately assess the topics our website addresses We must place the search phrase in the most important page locations


Geography: Web traffic patterns may differ between regions, if a site gets a lot of traffic from a certain region perhaps they should set up language feature for that region New versus Returning Sessions: a company can see better ways to address new users and returning users Timing: A company can see that its ads don't do well between 12 - 6am so then it can decide not to pay for ads then Browser: You can see if there are any technical glitches perhaps certain browsers don't have as many conversions Screen size: key content might be showing up only on a larger screen, keep in mind Device: Segmenting by device type can see when people convert

Optimal Keyword Targeting

Goal of conducting on site SEO is to choose a list of search phrases to target for improvement in search ranking Base phrases off of 1. relevance - make sure your terms apply to what people are searching, running shoes buy, for running shoes shopping 2. Traffic - making sure people are searching your term 3. Competition - check out the competition by searching your search phrase 4. current ranking - focus on improving ranking of ones to bring them to the first page, ranking 14 not ranking 157

Retail Key Performance Indicators KPI's

Goal or Retail web site to sell products so its KPI's should all reflect how successful the website is attaining this goal Sessions: You want more sessions because thats potential sale Conversion Rate: Increasing the percentage of visitors who compete a transaction is extremely beneficial for a retail website Average order Value: A website can increase the amount of money it makes by either 1. getting shoppers to buy more items or 2. getting shopping to buy more expensive items Revenue Per Session: conversion rate x order value

Mobile First Ranking

Google lowered rankings of pages with bad mobile optimization

Attribution Tools

Google provides methods to see each attribution method side by side with a return on ad spent ROAS feature

Creating high quality pages: Low Bounce Rate from Landing Page

Google will give you a low ranking if people click on you and then click back Ann accurate title and meta description should help keep bounce rate low

Rank Brain

Helps determine page ranking rank brain uses artificial intelligence and changes on its own

Manual Metrics: Duration

How long a user stays on a page

Paid Search Analytics

If a company pays for a certain search result on google If you connect it to your anlyatic account you can see which ad group has a better conversion rate

Affiliate Links Analytics

If a company pays referral fees to a partner website for quality traffic it should be optimizing the traffic ,if it is not discuss what could help

Non - Opening

If recipient hasn't opened your email in a few months remove them from list

Creating high quality pages: Short Load Times

If website takes too long to load users are frustrated

Email segmentation

If you strategically segment your emails you can get a higher turn around 1. Send broadcast or segmented a. Past purchases, you can send coupon for couch if they bought a couch last time b. Past email response, if they click more send them more c. Customer preferences, If you know their preference send them what they want to see d. Demographics, if you know who they are address that, cooler younger clothing to younger peeps e. Location - different devices different desires, winter emails to different climates f. device, make sure email can be read on different devices

The Pigeon Update

Improved Google's local search results

Provide an unsubscribe

In every email. and listen right away.

Manual Metrics: Destination goals

Instructs package to measure when a specific goal has been met. After placing an order, they would get a thank you message

Causes you to have a bad ranking

Insufficient Internal Linking - If a search engine can't find a way to an inbound link Deep Organizational structure: a search engine will not crawl to a page 4 levels deep, unlikely to ever rank high Punishment for past crimes: black hat SEO will always effect your ranking Dirty sitemaps: If you have broken links, don't show google you have bad management Poor mobile optimization: Mobile friendliness ranks your sit Poor Security: Transport Layer Security TLS is an encryption method that ensures a third party cannot eavesdrop on an exchange between a server and client, bad security = bad ranking

Supplemental Information:Identify of Requester

It does not know its you visiting the site but it knows it's your computer and it knows what other websites you visit from your cookies

Supplemental Information: Navigation Source

It is fundamentally important to know how users are arriving at a website, whether through search engines, direct URL entry, links from other websites or ads. Analytics can provide this info

Manual Metrics: Revenue per session

Key metric - revenue per session is calculated revenue/ session

Attribution Methods

Last click - easiest and simplistic to assign credit Frist Click attribution - the first ad clicked on before finally conversion Linear Attribution - 1/3 credit to each click Tiem Decay - would give some credit t all three, but more credit the last one Most analytics packages ignore banner views as well as offline ads Most used is last click because that is what consumers use when they are ready to purchase


Last click attribution - Full credit for a customers action is given to the source that most recently brought the customer to the site for the purchase (even though lets say someone saw 5 real ads before the one digital click ad he clicked on)

Email Landing pages

Make sure that different parts of your emails link to different pages and not just to the home page

List Churn Email Success

Make sure you aren't losing to many people every time you send out an email

Manual Metrics: Page/Screens per session

Measures engagement, measures if a user visits a certain number of pages or under a certain amount of apges

Media Key Performance Indicators KPI

Media sites want to keep visitors engaged Sessions: For a media site repeat session from the same users are just as beneficial as a session from a new user, high number of sessions of any kid are good Average Page Depth: Average Page depth is a reliable indicator of user engagement and good content navigator/integration Average Session Duration: Media sites with more video content than written content may be less interested in driving more page views and more interested in how long they stay on the page Conversions: Some media websites may want users to sign up for regular emails, or to create an account, or to pay for a premium membership. Regardless of the nature of the conversion.

Creating high quality pages: High click through rate from a search engine result page SERP

More clicks better ranking Things that influence the ranking and click through rate 1. The titel Tag 2. The snippet summary of the pages content - taken from meta desertion or content page (67 characters for titles 155 for meta) 3. The choice of URL

Web Analytics Program

Must be installed into every page of the website developer wishes to track. Analytics program stores this information and provides it to authorized parties through the analytics report interface

Raw information

Not useful to a webmaster unless it can be aggregated and organized in a way that enables the webmaster to make inferences about the nature of the traffic on his site

Display Ads Analytics

One can see which call to action buttons are most affective

Email content Types

Online Retail: Goal of email generate additional purchases, send discounts, new products Lead Generation: Regular emails to maintain relationships, real estate agent may send out regular emails about new courses on the market Search Engines: Send out regular emails about great deals, keep your site on their mind Online Media: Send users a daily email about top stories Online B2B services: Send out stories about why your company is great to get companies to want to use you, set yourself up as a leader in your industry

Image Alt Text and File name

Optimized images help the search engines understand the content tofus on the page but also help the images rank well by themselves within the image search which can drive additional traffic

Basic Metrics

Page View: Hit, any time someone visits your website Session: Any time a user enters a website he creates a session, session may consist of one or more page views User: A user is someone who create at least one session Time on a page: The amount of time spent on a given page Entry: The first pageview of a visit is the entry point which is often not the home page Exit: The last page view of a visit is the exit point. (If page visit inactive for 30min that is an exit)

The Penguin Update

Penalized websites with over optimized anchor text

Website Analytics

Refers to the data generated by website visitors

Creating high quality pages: Fresh Content

Relevant content regular updates to keep content new

Email Opt In

Require an action like clicking on the check box to subscribe to the emails Marketers recommend this method, so you don't get marked as junk Double opt in allows users to click to opt in with an email confirmation

Creating high quality pages: Original content

Search engines drop the ranking of pages that use duplicate content rel = canonical tag - designates the original version of the content

Mapping Keywords to pages

Search engines use webpages and not websites, so you must match your keywords to specific pages You must match individual keyword phrases to individual pages 1. This reminds site developers which keywords need to be incorporated in t the page content 2. This insures the right webpages is displayed for the right web search 3.Ensures a website isn't accidentally optimizing multiple pages fro the same keyword

Search Engine Key Performance Indicators

Search engines want users exit! Interesting . Searchers: Rather than measuring sessions search engines want searches Conversion Rate: Google wouldn't care about this but let's say Expedia would. Average Page Depth: Search engines want to minimize how many pages you visit

Onboarding Emails

Sending new subscribers welcome emails Welcome emails, invite emails,

External Links Analytics

Some sites may drive more traffic than other sites, foster relationship with sites that draw more traffic

Emails: Transactional Emails

Subject line must express reason for emails these typically go out after a purchase

Social Media Posts and Ads Analytics

The Gold standard in social media is t generate a large amount of visitors of content created or shared by other social media users, cost the company nothing Types 1. Content created by company 2. content created or shared by others 3. Company pays for sponsored post

SOCIAL Media Key Performance Indicators KPI's

The best measure is on engagements New Account Sign UPs - conversions: New users is important Posts/Tweets/Pins: Distribution of content being generated, social media would rather have users creating content than a few select creating loads of content Likes/Re-Tweets/Re-pins: Social Media sites need users to not only create content but also consume it. Average Time on Site: The amount of time spent on the social media platform

Supplemental Information: Timing of Request

The timestamp enables the analytics package to calculate how long users are spending on each page

Anchor Text

Third party description of a web page, A site should use several links among its pages fro both SEO purposes as well as usability for users

The Panda Update

This allowed goggles ranking to assess the quality of a webpage

Knowledge Graph

This allowed google to show results users were looking for and they didn't have to click on an external link, ie when you search an author and that info pops up

Structured Data

This info gives your search engine exact info on what you are talking about incase a word has more than one meanings

The Hummingbird Update

This new precise and fast updated increased the precision in partly due to improvements in contextual interpretation

Supplemental Information: Geography

Through Analytics does not know the address of users, it knows the general geography of each user, typically to the zip code

Data Driven Attribution

Tool that utilizes algorithms to calculate the ROAS return on ad spent over various channels through counterfactual comparison

Manual Metrics: Conversion Rate

Tracks the percentage of sessions that results in the intended action

Main content

Use your title keyword phrase several times on the main content of the page but only when relevant if search engine senses overuse negates rating

Manual Metrics

When webmaster tells analytics package specific things to measure

Conversion Funnel

Where companies can see where they lost conversions 1. Viewed Shopping Cart 2. Check out 3. Confirm order Websites can see if they need a stronger call to action button

Click through rate email success rate

You can see which part of the email was clicked on, call to action and good images entice visitors

Email List Capture

You need email addresses to send emails too You want to make sure you get the email addresses ethically so you aren't spammed Every customers purchases has the opportunity to capture an email address Give incentives to sign up, and try get other info to help target customers


You need to know how to break down the data too much data can cause Analysis Paralysis metrics can help analyze data

Creating high quality pages: Quantity conent

a lot of content higher ranking

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