Divergent chapters 1-21

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An erudite transfer to dauntless, After he beats peter in the stage one rankings peter stabs him in the eye with a butter knife. After him and Myra leave dauntless.

2. Why do the Candor wear black and white?

Candor wear black and white because their faction values honesty and sees the truth as black and white.

6. What is Christina's punishment for quitting her fight against Molly?

Christina's punishment for quitting her fight against Molly is that she must hang from the railing over the chasm for five minutes. If she makes it she stays if she falls she leaves, goes factionless, and dies but she made it our alive.

8. Why is Edward stabbed in the eye?

Edward is stabbed in the eye because he was ranked first. Peter and Drew were probably the ones who did it because they were the only ones missing from their beds.

2. What is Four afraid of?

Four is afraid of heights. When he makes decisions he pretends it doesn't exist he ignores his fear.

7. How does Four know Tris is divergent?

Four realizes that Tris is divergent because she breaks the box with her bare hands. She can control the simulations.


He is marcus son.


He is the leader of the dauntless faction.

10. Why do you think Four left the room during Tris' fight with Peter?

I think that Four left the room when Tris and Peter were fighting because he likes her and doesn't want to see her suffering. Four said that it was not something that he wanted to watch.

6. What must Tris face in her second simulation?

In Tris second simulation she must face being trapped in a box that is filling up with water.

1. how many Abnegations transfer to Dauntless?

In divergent only one abnegation transferred to Dauntless.


Main character, she's sixteen, she moves from abnegation to dauntless, she has a brother name caleb.


Peter friend from candor, she's rude to Tris.


She gave Tris her tattoos, changes results on aptitude test, gives tris her aptitude test.

4. How has Tris changed since she joined dauntless?

Since Tris has moved to Dauntless she has changed a lot. Tris has changed by getting muscles and more confident.

10. Why do the abnegation leaders fight with the Erudite leaders?

The Abnegation leader fight with the Erudite leaders because the Erudite want power.

9. Why are the Abnegations chosen as political leaders?

The Abnegations are chosen as political leaders because they are selfless, they put other before them, and they want the best for everyone.

3. Why are the dauntless initiates ranked?

The Dauntless initiates are ranked for two purposes. The first is that it determines the order in which you will select a job after initiation. There are only a few desirable positions available. The second purpose is that only the top ten initiates are made members. If you are not in the top ten then you become factionless.

6. What advice does she have for Tris?

The advice that Tris mom gives her is stay in the middle of the pack, no matter what you do. Don't draw attention to yourself. Don't ever say the word. Tris mom said a lot of people from abnegation get the results of divergent, be very careful in the next stage of initiation.

2. What is "the chasm" supposed to represent?

The chasm represents that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy.

13. Which faction does Beatrice choose?

The faction that Beatrice chooses is Dauntless.

12. Which faction does Caleb choose?

The faction that Caleb chooses is Erudite.

8. Who are the factionless?

The factionless people are the homeless. They are people who failed the aptitude test, and didn't get into any faction. They have no community and live in poverty.

14. What is the first thing the dauntless initiates must do as part of their new faction?

The first thing the dauntless initiates must do as part of their new faction is hop on the train.

4. What are the first two things the initiates learn?

The first two things the initiates learn to do are how to shoot and how to fight.

3. List the 5 factions

The five factions are: Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Amity, and Dauntless.

9. What four fears has Tris faced at this point?

The four fears tris has felt are: 1. I was tied to a stake and peter set a fire beneath my feet, 2. I was drowning in an ocean, 3. I watched as my family slowly bled to death, 4. I was held at gunpoint and forced to shoot them.

1. What do the initiates in Four's capture the flag team have in common?

The initiates in Four's capture the flag team what they have in common is that they are all small and fast.

11. How do the initiates make their selection at the Choosing Ceremony?

The initiates make their selection at the choosing ceremony by cutting their hand and letting there blood drip into the bowl of the faction they are choosing.

9. What job will initiates have if they don't finish in the top five?

The job that the initiates will have if they don't finish in the top five is the Fence guard.

10. What is Tris' ranking after stage 2?

Tris ranking after stage 2 is 1st. She had a simulation time of 2 minutes 45 seconds. Peter was second and his simulation time was 5 minutes longer.

7. What does Tris realize about her mom?

Tris realizes that her mother was dauntless and divergent.

3. Why does Tris take Al's place?

Tris takes Al's place because she is selfless, and brave. She wanted to stand up for Al.

5. Why can't Tris' mom visit Caleb?

Tris' mother can't go visit Caleb because Erudite won't allow abnegation in their headquarters.

8. what happens when Tris fights peter?

When Tris fights Peter she gets knockout and sent to the hospital unconscious.


he transferred from erudite and leader of dauntless


selflessness, Used to be dauntless, she works for government.

5. Describe the aptitude test

the aptitude test can be described as two electrodes attached to the forehead then she gives you a liquid that mentally wakes you up in a different place. They put you in a dangerous situation and depending on how you respond to it will determine your results.


they stand for honesty


they stand for intelligent


they stand for kind/ peace


they stand for selflessness (putting others before you)


they value courage

7. How is Tris bullied?

Tris is bullied by Peter writing "Stiff" on her bed.


A dauntless initiates who transferred from candor, he doesn't like hurting others, he likes Tris


A friend of Peter and Molly's


A friendly Dauntless-born initiate whose older brother, Zeke, gives him inside information about training. He praises Tris's bravery and makes her feel welcome among the experienced initiates.


A sarcastic but kind Dauntless initiate who transferred from Erudite. He's conflicted about the tensions between Erudite and Abnegation and has several political discussions with Tris.


A trainer of dauntless, Four becomes Tris's love interest as she progresses through initiation.

4. How does Tris perform in her first simulation?

Tris performance in her first simulation was that she got out faster than anyone else in her simulation.


Beatrice brother, also sixteen, leaves abnegation and goes to erudite.


Beatrice enemy in dauntless.

15. How does Beatrice prove her bravery?

Beatrice proves her bravery by being the first one to jump from the building to the whole that no one knows what's inside.

1. Which faction does Beatrice's family belong to?

Beatrice's family belongs to the faction, Abnegation.

16. What new name does Beatrice choose?

The new name that Beatrice chooses is Tris. She chooses that name because she thinks that Beatrice doesn't sound right anymore. She's in a new place so she can be renamed she chose Tris as her new name.

11. Who assaults Tris?

The people who assaults tris are Drew, Peter, and Al.

4. What is the purpose of the aptitude test?

The purpose of the aptitude test is that it cancels out one faction and tells you which of the five factions you should go in.

6. What are the results of Beatrice's aptitude test?

The results of Beatrice aptitude test are that her results were inconclusive. Typically each stage of the simulation eliminates one or more of the factions, but in your case, only two have been ruled out.

2. What is the second phase of training?

The second phase of training is that the initiates have to face their fears in simulation.

7. What secret is she told to keep?

The secret that Beatrice was told to keep was that she came out divergent.

1. What shows that Tris is becoming accepted by the Dauntless?

The thing that shows that Tris is being accepted by the dauntless are that Shauna tells everyone that they can't call her "Stiff" anymore, and she was also invited to go zip-lining.

5. What does the Erudite say about Tris' family?

The thing that the Erudite report says about Tris' family is that Caleb and Tris left their father because he was being abusive.

8. What happens to the Dauntless who are suspected of being divergent?

To the dauntless who are suspected of being divergent what happens to them is that they get killed.


Tobias father, is a mean person and is mean to his son, his disrespect to Tobia caused Tobia to leave from abnegation to dauntless.


Tris best friend in dauntless, initiate who transferred from Candor.

12. How does she escape?

Tris escapes by Four saving her.

5. What will Tris' first tattoo represent?

Tris first tattoo represent each member in her family that she left behind. It was a tattoo of 3 flying birds.

3. Why is Tris apprehensive about the training?

Tris is apprehensive about the training because she is afraid that people will realize that she is divergent.

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