DMV (Part 1)

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Sign Colors: Orange and Black

Used to advise and warn in construction

Sign Colors: Green with White

Provide destination types of information.

Sign Colors: Brown with White

Provide information regarding historical or cultural interests that might exist in the area.

Sign Colors: Blue with White

Provide information regarding motorists services.

No Right Turn

Right turns are illegal. Do not make a right turn when you see this sign.

Pavement Markings: Broken White Lines

Separate lanes of traffic going in the same direction. You may change lanes with caution.

Divided Highway Begins

The highway ahead is split into two separate roadways by a median or divider and each roadway is one way. Keep right.

Divided Highway Ends

The highway ahead no longer has a median or divider. Traffic goes in both directions. Keep right.


Two lanes of traffic moving in the same direction are about to become one. Drivers in both lanes are responsible for merging safely.

No U-Turn

U-turns are illegal. Do not make a U-turn when you see this sign.

Sign Colors: Pink and Black

Used to advise and warn incident area

Pedestrian Crossing (person walking image on yellow and black diamond sign)

Watch for people entering a crosswalk or crossing your path. Slow down and be prepared to stop. A second sign with an arrow may show the actual location of the crosswalk.

Pavement Markings: Consisting of an X and RR

When approaching railroad tracks, be alert. Trains may approach the crossing at any time and from either direction. Unless you can clear the tracks completely, never start across the tracks. Make sure there is room for your vehicle on the other side of the tracks before proceeding.

Slippery When Wet

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed. Do not brake hard or change direction suddenly. Increase the distance between your car and the one ahead of you.

Green Light or Arrow

You may go if the way is clear. At a green arrow, you may go in the direction of the arrow if the way is clear. If you are turning, you must yield the right-of-way to vehicles coming from the other direction and pedestrians in the intersection. If a traffic light changes from red to green while a pedestrian is in the street, allow the pedestrian to cross the street before turning.

No Turn on Red

You may not turn on the red light. Wait for the signal to turn green.

Message Boards

You may see portable or permanent message boards along roadways. They provide information about traffic, road, weather or other hazardous conditions. Always obey any directions posted on these message boards.

Flashing Yellow Arrow

You may turn in the direction of the arrow, if the way is clear. Yield the right-of-way to vehicles coming from the other direction and pedestrians in the intersection. If a traffic light changes from red to flashing yellow arrow while a pedestrian is in the intersection, allow the pedestrian to cross the street before turning.

Y Intersection

You must bear either right or left ahead.

Sign Shape: Pentagon

**SCHOOL ZONE/CROSSING** This five-sided shape marks school zones and warns you about school crossings. Signs may display horizontal lines indicating the point at which a crosswalk exists. Two signs may be used together to show the actual location of the crosswalk.

Sign Shape: Diamond

**WARNING** These signs warn you of special conditions or hazards ahead. Slow down and drive with caution. Be ready to stop.

Sign Shape: Triangle

**YIELD** You must slow down as you come to the intersection. Be prepared to stop. Let any vehicles, pedestrians or bicyclists safely pass before you proceed.

Crossroad ("cross" on yellow diamond sign)

A four-way intersection is ahead. Be ready to yield the right-of-way.

Side Road (sideways-T-like image on yellow and black diamond sign)

A road joins from the right. Be alert for vehicles entering the roadway you are traveling on.


A steep grade is ahead. Check your brakes.

Low Ground Railroad Crossing (railroad with image of truck stuck on yellow diamond sign)

A steep slope where the railroad tracks cross the road may cause the bottom of low vehicles to get caught or drag on the tracks.

Keep Right

A traffic island, median or barrier is ahead. Keep to the side indicated by the arrow.

Yellow X

A yellow X signal means that you should move out of the lane as soon as safely possible.

Railroad Crossing (criss-cross with "R" on both sides on yellow diamond sign)

Advance warning signs are placed before a railroad crossing. These signs warn you to look, listen, slow down and be prepared to stop for trains or any vehicles using the rails.

Pavement Markings: Dotted White Lines

Are actually small rectangles in a serieswhere each is closely spaced to the next. They are used to show lane assignment in intersections and interchanges where there might otherwise be a tendency to drift out of a lane or an area of intended use. Often they are used to guide two turning lanes through the intersection. Dotted white lines are also used to denote the opening of a turn lane at an intersection and entrance/exit lanes at interchanges.

Traffic Control Devices

Barricades, vertical signs, concrete barriers, drums and cones are the most common devices used to guide drivers safely through work zones. When driving near the devices, keep your vehicle in the middle of the lane and obey the posted speed limit. As you leave the work zone, stay in your lane and maintain your speed. Don't change lanes until you are completely clear of the work zone.

Bicycle Crossing/Bike Path

Bicycles regularly cross or ride beside traffic in this area. Drive with caution. A second sign with an arrow may show the actual location of the bike crossing.

Flashing Red Light

Come to a complete stop and yield to oncoming vehicles and pedestrians. You may go when the way is clear. At a railroad crossing, you must come to a complete stop even if you don't see a train.

Red Light

Come to a complete stop at the stop line.

Flashing Red Arrow

Come to a complete stop, yield the right-of-way to vehicles coming from the other direction and pedestrians in the intersection, and proceed in the direction of the arrow when the way is clear.

Sign Colors: Yellow with Black

Conveys a warning. Examples: Curve ahead, stop ahead, overhead clearances, slippery when wet (A specialized class of warning signs uses a strong yellow/green color with black to advise of school zone activities and other pedestrian activities.)

Sign Colors: Black with White

Conveys regulatory information. Examples: Speed limit, do not pass, no turns

Sign Colors: Red with White

Conveys stop, yield, do not, and no. Examples: Stop signs, yield signs, do not enter or wrong way signs, the circle and slash in a no turn sign, and the restrictions in a parking sign

Deer Crossing

Deer cross the roadway in this area. Slow down, be alert and be ready to stop.

Painted Curb: Red

Do not stop, stand or park.

Pavement Markings: Both sides of the center lane are marked by a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line

Drivers traveling in either direction may use the lane for making left turns. However, they may not travel further than 150 feet in this lane.


Flaggers are construction workers who normally wear orange or yellow vests, or yellow-green shirts or jackets. They use STOP/SLOW paddles and red flags to direct traffic through the work zone and to let other workers or construction vehicles cross the road.

Railroad Crossbuck and Flashing Lights ("railroad crossing" written in criss-cross style on a pole with "# tracks" written under with a set of two lights under)

Flashing lights may be used with crossbuck signs. Always stop when the light begins to flash and be alert for approaching trains. Do not proceed until all trains or any other vehicles using the rails have passed, the tracks are clear, and the lights are no longer flashing. Be especially alert at multitrack crossings because a second train could be approaching from the opposite direction.

Crossbuck, Flashing Lights and Gate ("railroad crossing" written in criss-cross style on a pole with a set of two lights under, and a red/white striped pole that lowers down)

Gates are used with flashing light signals at some crossings. Stop when the lights begin to flash and before the gate lowers. Remain stopped until the gates are raised and the lights stop flashing. Do not attempt to drive around the lowered gate.

Sign Shape: Vertical Rectangle

Generally give instructions or tell you the law.

Pavement Markings: Red

Generally not used; but, some communities do use red curbs to indicate no parking zones.

Railroad Crossbuck and Track Indicator ("railroad crossing" written in criss-cross style on a pole with "# tracks" written under)

If there is more than one track, the sign below the crossbuck will indicate the number of tracks at the crossing. Slow down and be prepared to stop.

Pavement Markings: Double Solid Yellow Lines

Mark the center of the road and separate traffic traveling in two different directions. Passing is not allowed in either direction. You may not cross the lines unless you are making a left turn.

Regulatory or Guide Signs

Inform you of the law; you must obey their instructions. Remember that a red circle with a slash means NO - the symbol inside the circle tells you what is prohibited.

Flashing Arrow Panels

Large flashing arrow panels or flashing message signs in work zones direct drivers to proceed into different trafficlanes and inform them that part of the road ahead is closed.

(Hand Signals) Slow/Stop

Left hand and arm pointing downward

(Hand Signals) Left Turn

Left hand and arm pointing straight out

(Hand Signals) Right Turn

Left hand and arm pointing upward

No Left Turn

Left turns are against the law. In Virginia, U-turns are considered as two left turns and are illegal if this sign is posted.

Pavement Markings: Yield Line

Line of triangles extending across the roadway that may be used with a yield sign to show the point at which you must yield or stop, if necessary. A yield line is often seen at the entrance of a roundabout.

High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) Lanes

Marked on highways by a diamond shape in the center of the lane. HOV lanes may also be special lanes separated by a barrier or solid double white lines. During heavy traffic periods, HOV lanes are reserved for buses, vanpools, carpools, other high occupancy vehicles, motorcycles, and certain clean special fuel vehicles. Road signs show the minimum number of passengers a vehicle must carry (excluding motorcycles and clean fuel vehicles) to use the HOV lanes and the times that HOV restrictions are in effect. If the lanes are separated by a barrier, they are reversible. This means that during certain times of the day, traffic flows one way. During other times of the day, traffic flows in the opposite direction. This diamond-shaped marking may also indicate that the lane is reserved for use as a bike lane or bus lane.

Sign Shape: Horizontal Rectangle

May give directions or information.

Pavement Markings: Broken ("Dashed") Yellow Center Lines

Mean that passing on the left is allowed in either direction when the way ahead is clear.

Pavement Markings: Yellow Center Lines

Mean two-way traffic, flowing in opposite directions.

Pavement Markings: Broken ("Dashed") Yellow Line Alongside a Solid Yellow Line

Means that passing is allowed from the side of the broken line, but not from the side of the solid line.

Painted Curb

Means that you must follow special rules to park there.

Red X

Never drive in a lane marked with a red X signal.

Pavement Markings: Yield Ahead Symbol

Outline of a triangle painted in the lane before the place where you must yield.

Painted Curb: Blue

Parking is reserved for persons with disabilities.

Disabled Parking

Parking spaces marked with these signs are reserved for people with disabled parking permits.

Reduced Speed Limit Ahead (speed limit image with arrow pointing ahead on yellow diamond sign)

Prepare to reduce your speed; the speed limit is changing ahead.

Pavement Markings: Double Solid White Lines

Separate lanes of traffic going in the same direction. Most often they are used to designate special use lane from conventional lanes, as when used to separate a High Occupancy Vehicle lanes from the other lanes of an expressway. You may not cross these lines. You may enter the designated special use lane only where signs and markings allow.

Pavement Markings: Red Reflectors

Show areas not to be entered or used. They are positioned on the road surface so that only traffic flowing in the wrong direction would observe them.

Pavement Markings: Blue

Show parking spaces for persons with disabilities.

Pavement Markings: Solid White Lines

Show turn lanes and discourage lane changes near intersections, and at other locations where lane changes might be dangerous. Solid white lines also mark the right edge of pavement. Arrows used with white lines indicate which turn may be made from the lane. Stop lines, crosswalks and parking spaces also are marked by white lines.

Sharp Right Turn

Slow down and be prepared for a sharp right turn in the road ahead.

Sharp Right and Left Turns

Slow down and be prepared for the road ahead to turn sharply right, then left.

Open Joints (reads "open joints on bridge" with person on bicycle image under, yellow and black diamond sign)

Slow down. Open joints on bridges or ramps could cause a motorcyclist to lose control of the motorcycle.

School Zone/School Crossing (two people walking image on yellow and black pentagon sign)

Slow down. The speed limit is usually 25 MPH. Watch out for children crossing the street or playing. Be ready to stop. Obey signals from any crossing guards. A second sign with an arrow may show the actual location of the crosswalk.

Painted Curb: Yellow

Stop only long enough to load or unload. Stay with your car.

Painted Curb: White

Stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers.

Low Clearance Sign

The overpass ahead has a low clearance. Do not proceed if your vehicle is taller than the height shown on the sign.

Lane Reduction

The right lane ends soon. Drivers in the right lane must merge left when space opens up. Drivers in the left lane should allow other vehicles to merge smoothly.

Right Curve - Side Road

The road ahead curves right and a side road joins from the left within the curve. Be alert for vehicles entering the roadway you are traveling on.

Right and Left Curves

The road ahead curves right, then left. Slow down.

Right Curve with Safe Speed Indicator

The road ahead curves right. Slow down to the safe speed limit indicated.

Winding Road

The road ahead winds with a series of turns or curves. On all curves, slow down for better control.

T Intersection

The roadway you are traveling on ends ahead. Signal before turning right or left.

Rough Road, Bump, or Uneven Lanes Signs (orange-y/yellow diamond signs)

These signs are used when certain road conditions, such as loose gravel or road construction, affect the roadway surface and create potentially difficult conditions for motorists, especially motorcyclists.

Lane Use Control (arrow pointing left or right or both with "ONLY" written at the bottom)

These signs are used where turns are required or where special turning movements are permitted for specific lanes. Traffic in the lane must turn in the direction of the arrow.

Road Construction Ahead - Detour Sign

These signs indicate a change in the traffic pattern or route ahead. Slow down. Unusual or potentially dangerous conditions are ahead.


These signs indicate a circular intersection with an island in the center is ahead. Also called rotaries or traffic circles, these intersections may have one or more lanes. Entering traffic must yield the right of-way to traffic already in the circle.

High Occupancy Vehicle (reads "HOV #+", and the times of the day and days of the week in which the sign is to be followed)

These signs indicate lanes reserved for buses and vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers as specified on the sign.

Do Not Enter/Wrong Way

These signs mean you cannot drive in that direction. If you drive past these signs you are going in the wrong direction and could get into a head-on crash with vehicles headed your way. Cautiously turn around.

Speed Limit

These signs tell you the maximum legal speed that you may drive on the road where the sign is posted when weather conditions are good. During rain, snow and ice, you may receive a ticket for driving too fast for the conditions even if you are driving at or less than the posted speed limit.

Sign Shape: Octagon

This eight-sided shape always means STOP. If you get to the intersection at the same time as other vehicles, the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right. (At some intersections you'll find a sign beneath the stop sign that reads "All Way" or "4 Way." At these intersections all vehicles on all roads leading into the intersection must stop.)

Yellow Light or Arrow

This is a caution warning that the light is about to change. If you have not entered the intersection, stop; or, it is unsafe to stop, cautiously go through it. If you are already in the intersection, go through it cautiously. Do not speed up to beat the light.

Flashing Yellow Light

This means slow down and proceed with caution.Flashing yellow lights are at locations with higher-than-normal hazardous conditions.

Advisory Speed ("exit" and speed limit on vertical yellow rectangle sign)

This sign indicates the maximum safe speed for a highway exit.

Railroad Crossbuck ("railroad crossing" written in criss-cross style on a pole)

This sign is a warning of a railroad crossing. Look, listen, slow down and be prepared to stop for trains or any vehicles using the rails.

Expansion Joints (reads "expansion joints" with person on bicycle image under, yellow and black diamond sign)

This sign is used when a joint across lanes creates a bump or is wide enough to cause loss of traction in wet weather.

Left Turn Yield on Green

This sign is used with a traffic signal. It tells you that the traffic turning left at a green light does not have the right-of-way and must yield to traffic coming from the other direction. Stop and look for oncoming traffic, then proceed with caution.

Do Not Pass (black and white, vertical rectangle sign)

This sign marks the beginning of a no passing zone. You may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane, even if the way is clear.

No Passing Zone (yellow and black, sideways triangle sign)

This sign marks the beginning of a no passing zone. You may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane, even if the way is clear.

One Way

Traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow.

Signal Ahead (traffic signal image on yellow diamond sign)

Traffic signals are ahead. Slow down and be ready to stop.

Slow Moving Vehicles (orange triangle sign)

Travel at 25 MPH or less, such as farm equipment and horse-drawn vehicles, must display these signs when using a public highway. Be prepared to adjust your speed or position when you see a vehicle with one of these signs.

Out of Service Signals

When traffic signals are not working because of a power outage or other problem and not displaying any lights, you are required to stop, proceeding through the intersection as though it were an all-way stop. This does not apply if a law enforcement officer or other authorized person is directing traffic at the intersection, or if portable stop signs are in use.

Left Turn on Red

You MAY turn left at a red light if you are on a one-way street and turning left onto another one-way street while the traffic signal displays a red light. Before turning, you must come to a complete stop.

Right Turn on Red

You MAY turn right while the traffic signal displays a red light. Before turning, you must come to a complete stop. Look both ways and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic.

Red Arrow

You MUST STOP if you intend to move in the direction of the arrow. You MAY NOT proceed in the direction of the arrow as long as the red arrow is displayed, unless signs are posted at the intersection that read "Right on Red Arrow After Stop" or "Left on Red Arrow After Stop".

Green Arrow

You are permitted to drive in a lane marked with a green arrow signal.

Left-Turn Arrow

You are permitted to enter in a lane marked with a one-way or two-way arrow only to turn in the direction of the arrow.

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