Dodson - Heritage - Exam 1

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Name the "Christological Moment": Luke 1:35 - "The angel said to [Mary], 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called the Son of God.'"


Name the "Christological Moment": Matthew 1:18, 20 - "When [Jesus'] mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. . . . [F]or the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."


What are "God Fearers"?

Gentiles who honor and worship the God of Israel, yet have not converted to Judaism by virtue of circumsicion

Which Model is used to describes the relationship between "Judaism" and "Christianity"?

Historically informed graph -breaks Samaritainism, Rabbinism, and Christianity off of Middle Judaism

Name the "Christological Moment": John 1:1-2, 14 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. . . . And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have see his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth."


What was Baptism preceded by?

Preceded by instruction (catechism), prayer, and fasting

Critical of emerging authority of bishops; believed such appeal/reliance on apostolic tradition stifled the work of the Holy Spirit.


Pagan priest converted to Christianity; two female leaders, Prisca and Maximilla.


Prophetic movement, emphasizing the continuance and authority of new revelations.


Where was Jesus raised?

Raised in Nazareth, a small Galilean village

Name the "Christological Moment": Acts 13:32-33 - "And we bring you the good news that what God promised to our ancestors he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising Jesus; as also it is written in the second psalm, 'You are my Son' today I have begotten you.'" (birthing language was connected with this)


Name the "Christological Moment": Acts 2:32-3, 36 - "This Jesus God raised up . . . . Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you both see and hear. . . . Therefore let the entire house of Israel know with certainty that God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus who you crucified."


Name the "Christological Moment": Acts 5:30-31 - "The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, whom you killed by hanging on a tree. God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior that he might give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins."


Name the "Christological Moment": Rom 1:4 - ". . . the gospel concerning his Son,who was descended from David according to the flesh and was designated/appointed to be Son of God in power according to the spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord."


What is the role/ task of Prophets?

Spirit-inspired preacher/teacher for the community of faith

Was Christianity a replacement of Judaism?

No (not Christian triumphalism)

Was Christianity a mutation of Judaism?

No (not Jewish apologetics)

Were there only 12 apostles?

No; Paul was not one of the original 12; Women (Junia, Mary Magdalene) were also apostles

Christology - Jesus was born "naturally" of Joseph and Mary; "adopted" son of God at his baptism. Jesus' death on the cross is the perfect sacrifice for sin, which God accepted as signified by the resurrection.

The Ebionites

To be a follower of Jesus Messiah means to observe faithfully the Mosaic law, particularly circumcision.

The Ebionites

Who was Paul the apostle to?

The Gentiles (Paul originally associated with the church at Antioch)

What was the Gentile Mission

The church at Antioch

What is Christology?

Thinking about who Christ is

Monotheistic formulations: binataian form beliefs

Two, but a unity; Jesus takes on the role of agent

Where did Christianity begin?

Within Judaism

What is the criteria for becoming an apostle?

Witness to the resurrected Christ

Could women be prophets?


Tertullian apologist techniques

-"What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?" -Fundamental antithesis between Christianity and philosophy. -Faith *against* reason

How did the "parting of the way" between Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity come about?

-*Historical factors*: 1st and 2nd century Jewish war -*Christological Factor*: Christians belief in Jesus as Messiah, Son of God -*Social Factor*: Christianity includes non-Jews (Gentiles) fully -*Polemic Factors*: Self-definition over against the "other"

Versions of the Pre-Existent Christologial Moments

-*Pre-existence Christology/3 Stage Christology* (Pre-existent, Earthly existence, Exaltation) -*Adam Christology/2 Stage Christology* (Jesus as the second Adam, but does it right; Earthly existence/ministry, Exaltation) See Philippians 2:5-11 (aka the Christ Hymn)

Types of Liturgy

-1 Corinthians 14: charismatic assembly -Didache: acknowledged, spirit-inspired prophet/apostle -Justin Martyr: reading of the Gospels or OT prophets followed by bishop's exhortation

What were Jesus' associations?

-12 "special" disciples designated -Fellowshipped with "Tax collectors" and "sinners" -Women among his followers

What were the Apologists defending against?

-Atheism -Immoral accusations (cannibalism, incest, murder, orgies) -Class and religious prejudice -Intellectual/philosophical inferiority

Proto-orthodoxy - Emerging Characteristics

-Authority of the bishop based on apostolic succession. -Emphasis on the catholic (universal) church with its "rule of faith"

After surviving devastating events, what did both Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity do?

-Become normative systems -Compose additional writings that provide the indispensable interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures -Claim to be the true tradition and deny the other

What happened during the "Silent Years"?

-Boy Jesus in the Temple -Infancy Gospel of Thomas to fill the silence

What are the stages of the Life and Ministry of Jesus?

-Childhood and "Silent Years" -Public Ministry -Death of Jesus -Resurrection of Jesus

Justin Martyr's Apologist techniques

-Christianity = "True Philosophy" -*Compatibility* between Christianity and philosophy -The linking concept: the "Logos"

Baptismal imagery in the New Testament:

-Cleansing/washing (forgiveness) from sins -Initiation into the "one body" of the Christian community -Dying and Rising; rebirth -Putting off the "old nature" and putting "on the new"; new creation -Enlightened/illuminated -Being "anointed" or "sealed" by the Holy Spirit

What was the concern about prophets and how was this falsified?

-Concern for false prophets..."test the spirits" -wont stay 3 days, only take bread when leaving, don't ask for money, doesn't teach others rites

Where was Jesus crucified? Where are his followers?

-Crucified in Jerusalem -Followers in Galilee

What precipitated the death of Jesus?

-Demonstration in the Temple -Possibly, the Messianic entry into Jerusalem

How did Jesus teach?

-In the form of parables -About the Kingdom of God -Apocalyptic outlook

What was Baptism?

-Initiation rite (identifies self with Christ)

Who were "the pillars" of the Church?

-James -Peter -John

What were the two basic components of worship?

-Liturgy (or service) of the *Bread and Cup* (Lord's supper or Eucharist -Liturgy (or service) of the *Word* (instruction)

What are the common beliefs that all Jewish groups held?

-Monotheism -Torah -Temple (only 1)

What did Jesus' family look like

-Mother= Mary -Father (putative) = Joseph -4 brothers (James, Joses, Jude, and Simon) and 2 sisters

What is the Jewish apologetics model?

-No decline of Judaism -Christianity as a separate religion -Appears during Early Judaism

What were the other Jewish groups present during the "Middle Judaism" time period?

-Pharisees -Zealots -Sadducees -Essenes -Samaritains -Christians

The Correspondence of Trajan (Roman Emperor) and Pliny the Younger

-Pliny's unfamiliarity with the trials of Christians -Christians were brought by Pliny by others; he did not seek them out (cp. Acts 19:38)

Who killed Jesus

-Pontius Pilate (although he received orders from *Caiaphas*, the high priest)

What are "Orthopractic" Jews?

-Practiced in the Temple -Incluede priests -Included Pharisees and the practice of circumcision

What are the "Christological Moments"

-Pre-Existence -Conception -Baptism -Resurrection

What is the Christian triumphalism model?

-Prioritizes Christianity and makes Judaism "bad" -States Christianity as a replacement for the declining Judaism/ Rabbinic Judaism

What is the role of the apostle?

-Proclaim the Gospel -Establish Churches

Which groups survived the devastating events?

-Rabbinic Judaism (developed form Pharisees) -Christianity

What happened during Jesus' public ministry?

-Relation to John the Baptist -Teachings -Miracles (healings, exorcisms, "nature" miracles) (demonstrations of the K of G) -Jesus' Associations (manifestations of the K of G)

What devastating events caused the decline of Jewish groups/ made them cease to exist?

-Romans destroy the Temple -Romans destroy Jerusalem

What were the preferred forms of capital punishment for the Romans and Jewish?

-Romans: Crucifixion -Jews: Stoning

When did/ does Christian worship take place?

-Sunday, the first day of the week -Sunday is the day of Christ's resurrection

What was the Eucharist (means thanksgiving)?

-The Bread and the Cup only for believers

What were the early Christian rites?

-The Lord's Supper/ Eucharist -Baptism

What were other names for Christians?

-The Way -The sect of the Nazoreans -Christians

The Legacy of the Apologists

-Took the Christian message public. -Set the ground work for further theological formulations, especially in terms of Christology and Trinity. -Gave Christianity a theology related to philosophy.

Motivation of mob action

-economic -religious -political

Name the "Christological Moment": Mark 1:9-11 - "In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.'"


How did Christianity begin?

Began as a Jewish group/ sect among others during the period of "Middle Judaism" a time of great diversity

What is the three-fold leadership at the end of the 1st Century?

Bishop (episkopos) Elders (presbyteroi) - evolves to priests Deacons (diakonoi)

Two types of persecution experienced by early Christianity:

By the Imperial government - state-sponsored, empire-wide (comes about after local) By local officials and citizens - sporadic, local; the kind of social harassment/persecution that minority groups face from the majority group

Why was Jesus executed?

Caiaphas' reason - to prevent a riot and uprising Caiaphas' charge to Pilate - Jesus claimed for himself to be "King of the Jews"

With whom did Christianity begin?

Christianity began with Jesus of Nazareth

What does "apostle" mean?

one who is sent

Anthropology - humanity enslaved in their material, evil bodies; some humans, however, have a divine "spark" that resides in their corporal bodies.


Christology - two versions: Docetic Dualistic - The divine Christ enters the human Jesus at some point in his life (baptism) and depart before the human Jesus dies.


Scripture - [Nag Hammadi; G. of Philip; Gospel of Truth; Secret Book of John; Gospel of Thomas(?)].


Soteriology - Christ, the divine emissary enters this world to provide the knowledge that liberates the divine spark from its entrapment in the world of matter.


Theology - based on various myths, which begin with one unknowable, completely transcended god, from whom emanates of "Pleroma" of divine entities; creation is a cosmic disaster


What kind of act was the Resurrection of Jesus?

*Divine* act: God raised Jesus from the dead

What is the experience/conviction of Jesus' resurrection?

-vindicates Jesus' teachings and ministry -vindicates Jesus' shameful death and provides the impetus for discerning the *salvific* meaning of Jesus' death = God's reconciliation -creates a new understanding for the disciples themselves: (1) messianic community of the new covenant, and (2) witnesses/proclaimers of the Gospel.

Worship Practices: binitarian form

1. Hymns sung about Jesus 2. Prayer to God "through" Jesus and "in Jesus' name" 3. Calling upon the name of Jesus in Baptism 4. Participation in a sacred meal where the risen Jesus presides as Lord 5. Christian Prophecy as oracles of the risen Christ (through the Holy Spirit)

Divine status by agency in terms of:

1. The unique agent of *divine purpose* 2. The unique agent of the one true God to *serve and express the Glory of God*

Based on dualistic worldview - material world evil, spiritual world good.

Docetic Christology (Docetism)

Jesus only "appeared/seemed" [fr. Gk. dokew] to be human.

Docetic Christology (Docetism)

Jesus' divinity emphasized, humanity denied

Docetic Christology (Docetism)

What was the role of the early Christian churches?

Form of assistance/form of leadership -*"co-workers" * (included women) -episkopoi=*"overseers"* (later becomes the term for "bishop") -diakonoi = *"ministers,"* "helpers," "managers" (later becomes term for "deacon"). -*Organizational oversight*: host of Lord's supper; benefactor of congregation and apostles/prophets; caring for the sick and poor

What made the Jewish groups different?

Ideological and interpretative diversity, even within shared beliefs

Where did early Christian churches meet?

In houses/ dwelling spaces (held the Greco-Roman Household structure)

In what does Christianity find its origin?

In the experience and conviction of Jesus' resurrection.

When did the parting of the way happen?

It happened in different places at different times -As late as 4th and 5th cent., some Christians (Jewish) in Antioch are still living in Jewish communities and observing Jewish festivals. -As early as Paul's ministry (40-50's), Christians (Gentile) are meeting in house-churches, not synagogues.

Who was the most prominent of the "pillars"?

James, the Lord's brother (Prominence testified by"Jerusalem Council")

*Demanded* that Gentile converts observe the Mosaic law, particularly circumcision.


To be a follower of Jesus Messiah means to follow the ways of Judaism


Jewish Christians

Judaizers and the Ebionites

Christology - docetic, representative of the nonmaterial, good God.


Scripture - rejected OT; used Paul's letters and an edited form of Luke's Gospel.


Soteriology (doctrine of salvation) - Jesus' death (real?) saves us from the wrath of the Jewish God.


Theology - two gods: -God of the Old Testament, vengeful and wrathful -God of New Testament, love and forgiveness


Who was ruling during Jesus' birth (7-4 BCE)

during the reign of Augustus and toward the end of the rule of Herod the Great

What is the "Rule of Faith"?

early version of the Apostle's Creed

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