Domain 5

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the HIPAA disclosure authorization must be completed annually due to its expiration date

A HIPAA disclosure authorization is included as part of your pre-participation medical paperwork. An athlete with junior standing questions having to re-sign this form because it was competed at a previous pre-participation physical. How should you best respond to this athlete

only candidates fluent in Spanish and English will be considered for an athletic training position with the Spanish national soccer team training in the United States

A bona fide occupational qualification is a trait that is integral or essential to a job. BFOQ can be used to legally disqualify individuals who may have applied for a specific position. In which of the following examples is a BFOQ applied correctly

the athlete is parcicularly lonely and shy, and the athletic trainer is preoccupied with the athlete

A coach approaches you with concerns that the female athletic trainer assigned to his team amy be crossing professional lines with one of the male athletes. Which of the following factors should you consider in evaluating the patient-therapist relationship

observe/palpate the injured area for gross deformity and point tenderness

A patient presents with an acute injury of the foot and has an antalgic gait pattern. Which of the following should you do first

ask how and when the pain started

A patient presents with insidious pain along the posterior aspect of the thigh. Which of the following steps should be performed first by the athletic trainer

medical referral paperwork and insurance information

A softball player is referred to an ear, nose, and throat physician after being struck in the most by a ball. Which is the most important document that should accompany the player to the off-campus health-care facility

yes, if the student is graduation from a Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education-accredited program

A student graduating with an undergraduate major in the department of Athletic Training and Sports Studies asks about eligibility to sit for the BOC examination

apply a tape pattern to the upper back to provide constant proprioceptive feedback

A swimmer with excessive kyphosis secondary to weak scapular musculature presents with bilateral impingement syndrome. She has been progressing through a comprehensive rehabilitation program focused on scapular stabilizers for 90 minutes each day. How can you encourage correct posture throughout the day as she performs her activities of daily living

if submission to the advance is implicit or explicit a term or condition of employment

According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when is an unwelcome sexual advance considered sexual harassment

state medical practice act

After you pass the Board of Certification, you move to a new state. What governs your athletic training practice in this state

damages occurred as a result of the athletic trainer's actions

An athlete is making the complaint of negligence against an athletic trainer you employ. To prove neglignece, which of the following conditions must be established

complete an ice bath as needed for pain

An athlete returns from the physician with a prescription that reads "ice baths PRN" The athlete is unsure what to do. What should you tell the athlete?

actively involve the athlete in the goal-setting and rehabilitation planning process

An athlete undergoing a rehabilitation program has become noncompliant, missing appointments and not completing the home exercise program. What action can you take to improve this athlete''s compliance

explain the program to the patient and a responsible adult who will assist the child with the program

As an athletic trainer in the hospital-based sports medicine clinic, what is the most important thing you can do when explaining a home exercise program to an 8 year old patient

clinical rational for using the modality for the particular patient problem for every visit in which the modality is used

As an athletic trainer working in an outpatient sports medicine clinic, you must ensure that modality treatments are documented appropriately in order to seek third-party reimbursement. Which of the following must be included when documenting modality treatments when seeking reimbursement

discuss specifics of an athlete's treatment plan at an after-hours staff social function

As an experienced athletic trainer, you would like to model good professional behavior. Which of the following actions would you avoid in this effort

NCAA injury surveillance system

As the director of sports medicine for a small college, you are responsible for assigning your two certified athletic trainers to cover team practices. If there are four practices occurring simultaneously on unconnected fields, on which document should you rely when determining staff placement

give people a fair chance; be truthful and forthright; and be active at local, state and national levels

Athletic trainers should be professional. Which of the following behaviors best reflect professionalism

A female coworker confides in you that she feels she is being sexually harassed by a male colleague. Which of the following is an appropriate action the employee can take?

Call human resources and request a meeting to discuss her concerns

establish an alliance with the person seeking help

Cavanagh and Levitov have developed a six-stage process to be used in the helping interview. What is the first stage in the helping interview process

the physical must report the athlete's condition to state agencies

During a routine blood test, one of your athletes tests positive for hepatitis A virus. What actions must be taken by the physician who ordered the blood test

endorsing a student's application to sit for the bOC certification examination in an examination window before the student's last semester of coursework

For which of the following actions would be a certified athletic trainer found to be noncompliant wit the BOC Standards of Practice

endorsing a student's application to sit for the BOC certification examination in an examination window before the student's last semester of coursework

For which of the following actions would be certified athletic trainer found to e noncompliant with the BOC Standards of Practice

a patient with a PPO has the right to choose which services they elect to receive and who is providing the services

How does a PPO differ from an HMO

harassment can have a criminal element, but this tends not to be the case with bullying

How does sexual harassment differ from workplace bullying

workplace ergonomics

If you desire to work as an athletic trainer in the industrial setting, which of the following knowledge and skill sets would be most helpful

employ a functional scoring system such as the Knee Outcome Survey

In what way can a clinician best measure the effectiveness of a functional exercise progression program

when the relationship with the athlete serves the athletic trainer's needs more than it serves the athlete

In which of the following situations should the athletic trainer refer an athlete to an outside health-care provider rather than continue to treat the athlete

increased reliance on technology

Professional ethos evolves over time as a result of internal and external influences affecting a profession's maturation. Which of the following is considered an external influence that shaped the profession of athletic technology

quality health care is vital for individuals engaged in physical activity, and athletic trainers are the only health-care providers specially trained to provide this level of care

The marketing company contracted by your sports medicine clinic is designing a section for the clinical's Web sites that will highlight the unique services provided by athletic trainers. Which of the following is the best statements for this section of the Web site

no; physicians cannot delegate to athlete trainers the authority for dispensing prescritpion medications

The team is leaving in 1 hour for a road trip. One of your athlete's patellar tendonitis has flared up. You contact the team physician, who instructs you to provide the athlete with a 7-day course of a prescription COX-2 inhibitor, which is kept in a locked cabinet in your athletic training room. Should your comply with the physician's isntructions

williams' flexion exercises

What are the most appropriate exercises for a diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis

fellow status in the NATA

What does the designation FNATA

use of a hand dynamometer

What is the best method of determining the recovery status of the hand and forearm after a flexor injry

make recommendations only

What is the role of the National Federation of State High School Associations as it relates to the preparticiaption physical examination

the American Medical Association recognized athletic training as an allied health-care profession

What landmark event for the athletic training profession occurred in 1990

identifying and improving the areas of conditioning in which the athlete is deficient

What should a post-season conditioning program specifically focus on

wots-up analysis

What type of analysis is considered a useful tool in the strategic planning of an existing athletic training program

the APTA's actions to restrict athletic trainers' education in and practice of manual therapy techniques

What was the impetus behind the fair practice anti-trust lawsuit of 2008 between the NATA and the American Physical Therapy Association

single-leg hopping

What would be a functional skill for a patient in an ankle rehabilitation program

off-season and pre-season

When advising a patient about his year-long strength-training program, the athletic trainer should have the patient limit his heavy lifting workout to which periods

using slang or technical terms

When communicating with an athlete whose English-speaking skills are poor, which of the following actions would likely result in a miscommunication


When developing an administrative manual, which of the following key areas would include information explaining the need for the policy

upon turning 65 years of age and being eligible for Social Security benefits

When does a person become eligible for Medicare benenfits

food and drug administration

Which brand of the federal government approves and regulates the use of many therapeutic modalities


Which individual is ultimately responsible for determining the athlete's medical ability to return to competition

dispensing medications

Which of the following actions falls outside the standard of care of the certified athletic trainer

knowing and doing-being

Which of the following best completes the analogy: Technical standards: ethical standards

produces change, often to a dramatic extent

Which of the following characteristics exemplifies a leader in contrast to a manager

providing an interview on athletic training for the local newspaper

Which of the following continuing education credit activities would most likely be denied if submitted by a certified athletic trainer for creditq

an institution may cover expenses of counseling related to the treatment of eating disorders

Which of the following is an example of NCAA legislation involving health and safety issues is outlined in the NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook

public censure

Which of the following is an example of a NATA membership sanction that might be levied for unethical conduct

annual check and estimate of expendable and nonexpendable equipment

Which of the following is essential to maintaining a useful inventory in an athletic training department

goal setting

Which of the following is the most effective motivation for compliance to rehabilitation for an athletic injury

high expectations from superiors

Which of the following job characteristics is least likely to result in an athletic trainer experiencing burnout

minimize noise and distractions and incorporating familiar, functional activities into the treatment

Which of the following modifications would be made to a rehabilitation program to improve participation of individuals with cognitive impairments

total number of treatments required and goals by which progress will be measuresd

Which of the following should be included in the plan of care portion of the initial assessment record

umbrella term

Which of the following should be included when explaining the term "sports medicine" to the general public

electrical outlets should be placed at least 3 ft from the ground and spaced every 4 ft throughout the facility

Which of the following statements correctly reflects current recommendations for the placements of electrical outlets in the treatment area of an athletic trainer room

the athlete should be allowed to observe the handling of the specimen until it is transferred to a sealed bottle and packaged for shipment

Which of the following statements demonstrates appropriate drug testing specimen handling a chain of custody

being accessible

You are busy completing the staff schedule, and one of your staff members comes to your door requesting 20 minutes to discuss a concern. You stop what you are doing to meet with the staff member. What important interpersonal skill are you demonstrating

apply more pressure on the dorsal surface of the foot, and verbally encourage dorsiflexion

You are completing a D2 lower extremity proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation strengthening pattern with an athlete. While performing D2 flexion, the athlete is not completing the required ankle motion. What adjustments should you make to improve exercise

athletic trainers are responsible for every aspect of an athlete's health care

You are explaining the difference between a physical therapist and an athletic trainer to an undergraduate student who is weighing career options. Which of the following statements best describes the difference between the two career fields

cancerous condition benefit

You are in the process of bidding out your institution's secondary insurance program. Which of the following is the least likely inclusion to be added as a rider to the secondary insurance policy

the athlete has met the criteria for federal and state regulated insurance coverage

You are reviewing an athlete's chart, and you see that the athlete has Medicaid as primary insurance coverage. What does this mean?

the decrease the odds against negatice outcomes from an injury, thus decreasing potential liability issues

You are speaking got the Parent-Teacher Association at a local high school on why members should lobby for a full-time athletic trainer to care for their athletes. Which of the following is the best argument to why certified athletic trainers are essential in sport

"it will fell tingly and tickle, like when your foot falls asleep"

You are using electrical stimulation to manage the pain associated with a knee sprain of an athlete with Down's syndrome. You have selected parameters consistent with managing pain via the gate control theory. How will you best explain to the athlete the expected sensation associated with this treatement

the joint commission

You are working at a hospital-based sports medicine clinic. Which of the following organizations would be most likely to visit your clinic during an on-site accreditation visit

NATA code of Ethics

You find out that a certified athletic trainer at another school in your town has been consuming alcohol during working hours. Which of the following codes is this individual ciolating

to revisit your current plan for providing health care to athletes and refine as necessary

You have a regularly scheduled preseason meeting with your team physician. What should be the primary purpose of this meeting

discuss your testimony with an attorney prior to giving it in the courtroom, and never guess

You have been subpoenaed to provide testimony regarding a previous student athlete's medical condition. Which of the following guidelines should you observe to safeguard your credibility

investigate the possibility of a COBRA plan provided by the candidate's current employer

You have just interviewed a potential hire who will not begin your contract until the fall semester. The candidate is concerned about being without health coverage during the summer months. What recommendation can you make to this candidate

manic episodes

You have noticed that an athletic training colleague has begun to exhibit the behaviors listed below. Which behavior is least associated with professional burnout

yes; the physician can be a member in the category of Associate

Your team physician is a strong supporter of athletic trainers and would like to become a member of the NATA, is this possible

A member of your field hockey team has type 1 diabetes. Which of the following should be in your field kit at all times to best provide emergency care for this athlete?

glucose gel

Minimally, how often should a patient's treatment and rehab goals be reassessed to determine progress?

once per week

An established emergency care plan is an essential element in institutions policy and procedure manual. Which of the following would be included in your facility's policy and procedure manual but not in your emergency care plan?

personnel attire requirements

Which of the following documents would best assist you in justifying a request for additional personnel to provide coverage for your college sports team?

recommendations and guidelines for appropriate medical coverage of intercollegiate athletics

Which of the following records would be protected by the HIPAA but not the FERPA?

records of counseling sessions with the high school psychologist

What measures can you use to help your institution keep insurance premiums to a minimum?

require student athletes to have primary insurance, and conduct an annual risk-assessment audit

A member of your soccer team carries a sickle cell trait. What equipment should you have on the sideline?

supplemental oxygen

To whom do HIPPA regulations apply?

to covered entities

Before buying computer software, which of the following should an AT consider?

user-friendliness, compatibility of software to current hardware, and institutional technical support

Your AT facility has an off site location. How will you share documents between both sites without duplicate records?

utilize a network-based computerized medical record system

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