DRTL 4070_Final kinda

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Average Position: (Standardize metric definitions for company)

*Average Position*: The average rank at which a PPC ad was shown (typically number between 1 and 8)

Focus Email Marketing Analytics on: (2)

*1. Defining Objectives and Criteria* - *Data Mining of Customer Data* (pre-campaign) - *Engagement rates*. Marketing the right content to the right customer at the right time. *2. Campaign Analysis* - Completed after the emails are sent - Frequency of emails for customers who recently purchased - *Monitor opt-out rates*

Consider Calls to Action

*Buttons* ▪ Blue vs Green ▪ Add to Cart vs Buy Now ▪ Add to Wishlist options *Sense of Urgency* ▪ Inventory Status - Only 5 Left ▪ Promotion ends in 15 minutes ▪ You're only $15 from qualifying for free shipping ▪ Buy Now and Save ▪ Only 2 days left

CPM: (Standardize metric definitions for company)

*CPM*: Cost per 1,000 impressions

Clicks: (Standardize metric definitions for company)

*Clicks*: Total Clicks (they are not unique)

Conversion Rate = ____ / ______?

*Conversion Rate = orders / visits*

Dashboard Best Practices

*Create Trinity Metrics that have Clear Line of Sight* ▪ Senior Management can not connect click stream data ▪ *Senior Management can connect outcomes* - especially those that affect the bottom line. *Maintain a clear line of site* ▪ Apply *test to determine how bottom line is changed if metrics is changed*. ▪ *Ultimate goal for company is shareholder value* - *Measured by stock price, company revenue, earning and growth* - Map dashboard metrics to CEO's objectives for the year. ▪ Provides direction if activities that are executed are meaningful to the company objectives. *Create Relevant Dashboards* ▪ *Short Lag Time* - Report real-time - is it possible? - Report previous day - Can't report January performance in March ▪ Churn - *Evolve dashboards with the changing business objectives* - As we learn, metrics may evolve over the year. *Walk the Talk* ▪ *For senior management, provide reports for holding meetings.* ▪ Promote culture where metrics are communicated across the organization and is taken seriously. *Measure Effectiveness of the Dashboard* ▪ *Ask stakeholders to rate the effectiveness of the dashboard through anonymous survey.*

Impressions: (Standardize metric definitions for company)

*Impressions*: Number of times an ad has been shown to a search engine visitor

Track On-line to Off-line Behavior and Campaigns.

*Online to Retail Stores* ▪ Printable Coupons ▪ Primary Market Research ▪ Post purchase Online Surveys ▪ Store Locator Tracking - Online to Phone Channel ▪ Unique 800 phone numbers ▪ Unique Promotion Codes

Page Inventory : (Standardize metric definitions for company)

*Page Inventory*: Number of available page slots for ad

Apply Process Excellence to Analytics

*Process Excellence (PE) is a set of activities designed to create excellent processes.* - *Six Sigma is an improvement process made famous by GE and created by Motorola* - "The core of Six Sigma methodology is *a data-driven, systematic approach to problem solving, with a focus on customer impact.*"

Measuring RIAs

*RIA: (Rich Interactive Applications)* - Flash - Video ▪ Driven by asynchronous JavaScript, Flash Adobe Flex etc.. - i.e. Google Maps: Can interact with the functionality without having to continuously refresh the page.

Set 6 Month Goals (3) Why not a 5-year goal? (2)

*Set 6 Month Goals:* - Stretch to 12 month goals - Only commit to 24 months if needed - Be very explicit with what those goals are *Why not a 5-year goal?* - *Technology changes fast* - Think about what the iPhone did when it launched

What to Test

*Test Content and Creative* - Many groups start here - Content Items to test include: ▪ Length of copy in creative (less or more words) ▪ Formatting of copy (bullet points or a paragraph) - Creative to test includes: ▪ People/Lifestyle vs Product silos ▪ White space vs Heavy Creative ▪ HTML5/Flash vs static image ▪ Endorsing brands or no brands ▪ One large hero vs 4 small hero ▪ Hero image vs no image *Test Price and Promotion* - Promotion testing includes: ▪ $15 Mail in Rebate ▪ $10 off $25 ▪ Free Shipping over $25, $50 or $100 ▪ Bundle discounts ▪ Flash sales - Test Cross-sells up-sells ▪ System generated cross-sells versus merchant assigned cross-sells ▪ Location of those cross-sell content slots - Trigger tests on segment of traffic - (Search, Email, Affiliate, etc) *Test Direct Marketing Campaigns* - Test Timing of e-mails (weekends vs weekdays or during work vs evenings) - Test where emails link - Test the various segments within email program - Test subject lines within each email - Test catalog behavior through source codes

*Multichannel Marketing, Tracking & Analytics*

*Track Off-line to On-line Behavior and Campaigns* - Most common off-line to online movement ▪ Newpapers, Magazines, Televisions: Use Vanity URLs and redeemable coupons ▪ Direct Marketing Campaign: Use Redirects or Shared Tracking Codes (i.e. www.buyquickbooks.com/65) ▪ Company Call Centers: Embed tracking codes into Emails or provide a Vanity URL with redirect. ▪ Retail Stores: Use Online redeemable coupons, Online Surveys, Primary Market Research *Track On-line to Off-line Behavior and Campaigns.* - Online to Retail Stores ▪ Printable Coupons ▪ Primary Market Research ▪ Post purchase Online Surveys ▪ Store Locator Tracking - Online to Phone Channel ▪ Unique 800 phone numbers ▪ Unique Promotion Codes *Track Online (outside of domain) to Online (within domain) Behavior and Campaigns.* - Top Destinations (exit links) ▪ Also be tracked via a 3rd party tool like Hitwise or Compete - Affiliate Tracking *Track Online for Multi-channel Behavior and Campaigns.* - Surveys (discussed in chapter 3) - MCVIs: Multichannel value index ▪ Uses 3rd party to measure the likelihood of you customer purchasing from another channel after having visited your website. - Promotion Code Redemption ▪ A reminder: the challenge with multi-channel / omni- channel analytics is not a reporting problem, but rather an inability to tie all the data elements together.

DMAIC Process - Measure

- *Understand Critical Measures of Success* - Establish Baseline Performance ▪ *Use data collection and benchmarking effort* - Process: ▪ Develop data collection plan ▪ Collect data from as many sources to measure the CTQ (critical to quality) ▪ Measure rate of failures (defects) in the process ▪ Identify inputs to process that lead to failure ▪ Validate the data collection process is capturing data correctly

New Tagging Standards

- *Use customized JavaScript tags and embed them within the events on a page*

*Performing Internal Site Search Analysis*

*Understand Value of Internal Search* - Approximately 10% of traffic uses internal search. What is it for you site? - Very few companies pay attention to this behavior - There is little correlation between Internal and External Search *Common Reasons for lack of focus for Internal Search:* - Fallacy that optimizing external searches also optimizes internal searches. - It's hard. There are thousands of keywords that go through a site's engine in a given week; most site search keywords are fragmented on a site. "External Searches have nothing to do with Internal Searches" *Analyzing Internal Search Data provides:* - Understanding of customer intent - Better understanding of what the customer is most interested in - Clue to what is "broken" on site *Spot Internal Search Trends* - Report Top 25 - 100 Search phrases weekly ▪ Any Surprises? ▪ What are the new terms introduced since the last report? ▪ What are the terms that have the largest changes in search volume? ▪ What are the Top 25 Null Search Results? - What can you do with those null terms? *Measure Effectiveness of Search Results* - Exit Rates - Synonyms & Hypernyms - Outcome Metrics

SEO- Optimize Tags, Keywords and Content (3)

*Website Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Description:* ▪ Lost weight with search engines because sites have stuffed these fields. ▪ Important to *still have data, but ensure that it's relevant data.* *HTML Title Tag:* ▪ *Strong value* ▪ Insure all pages have descriptive page titles and be smart about how you build them *Text types and Alt Tags* ▪ *Have higher rank than other text*: - H1 headings - HTML Tags - Bold Text

SEO Bad Habits (3)

- *Black Hat Tactics* will get you penalized from Google. i.e. jcp & overstock - *Don't have valuable content on HTTPS pages* (secure pages - you have to be logged in to see content). *Bots don't crawl these pages* - *Don't do keyword stuffing, hidden text or 302 re-directs* (temporarily moved) inappropriately

DMAIC Process - Analyze

- *Deep dive process to analyze root cause analysis to understand defects in the process* - Process: ▪ Develop hypothesis about causes and failure in process ▪ Analyze the data to determine true source of defects ▪ Create specific list of sources of defects in process ▪ Validate outcomes of analysis with stakeholders - Goal: ▪ *List of requirements to the process both quick fixes and long-term improvements*

Email Marketing - Measure Basic Response Metrics : (9)

- *Emails sent:* The number of emails that were sent - *Emails bounced:* The number of emails that bounced due to bad email addresses, network problems or other issues. - *Emails opened:* The number of emails opened by recipients - *Unsubscribe:* The number of email addresses that were unsubscribed by recipients - *Clicks:* The number of clicks that were generated after emails were opened. - Delivery Rates: (# of emails sent - number of emails bounced) / # emails sent - *Unsubscribe Rates:* # of unsubscribe requests / # of emails delivered - *Open Rate:* # emails opened / # emails delivered - *Response Rate:* # clicks / # emails opened

DMAIC Process - Control

- *Ensures long term adoption of new process* - Process ▪ Measures post-implementation success of process improvements and changes ▪ Establish on-going monitoring of the process to validate that it remains "in control" ▪ Collect VOC from key stakeholders to quantify the impact of the changes.

Common Reasons for Lack of Focus for Internal Search (2)

- *Fallacy that optimizing external searches also optimizes internal searches*. - *It's hard*. There are thousands of keywords that go through a site's engine in a given week; most site search keywords are fragmented on a site.

DMAIC Process - Define

- *Identify and validate the opportunity to improve the process* - Articulate in clear and measurable way - Process: ▪ Define customer and requirements for products/services ▪ Use VOC (surveys) to identify critical customer and Critical to Quality (CTQs) that have greatest effect on quality. What are the critical few defects? ▪ Create a project charter that contains problem definition, goal, business case, high level project roadmap - *At end of phase, have very clear understanding on what to deliver to your customer*

DMAIC Process - Improve

- *Implement improvements from previous step* - Process: ▪ Firm up the solutions and assess risk ▪ Identify and new measures to gauge success ▪ Adjust process to implement the recommended change ▪ *If improvements are not made, quantify effects on business using the data from the Measure and Analyze phases and communicate back to key stakeholders*

Integrate Email Campaigns with Web Analytics Tool

- *Include URL parameters i.e. ecampaign_ids* ▪ http://www.pier1.com/home-decor/dd- fragrance,default,sc.html?utm_source=Email_Marketing_US&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=email_150131_DailyDealy&utm_content=MainDailyDealy&s_cid=eml0013096&rmid=150131_7595_DD_Fragrance_SL2 ▪ http://www.pier1.com/Wood-Sunburst- Mirror/2853273,default,pd.html?utm_source=Email_Marketing_US&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=email_150115_NewArrivals&utm_content=MainSunburstMirror&s_cid=eml0012805&rmid=150115_7567_NewArrivals

Authoritative Outbound Links:

- *Links from .edu and .org have higher rank* (although this changes)

Internal Website Links:

- *Links within the site to different locations* - Improves other avenues for the bots to crawl and index content

▪ Define Critical Bottom Line Impacting Metrics

- *Outcomes (acquisition)*: By campaign, what is the goal? Can be orders, leads, page views etc.. - *Conversion Rate*: Outcomes / clicks - Revenue (Sales): Total revenue for the campaign - *CPO:* Cost per order/outcomes = campaign cost / total orders (or outcomes) - *CPA:* Cost per acquisition = campaign cost / total outcomes. - *AOV:* Average Order Value = revenues (sales) / orders - *AUR:* Average Unit Retail (for one item or service) - *ROAS*: Return on advertising spending = revenue / campaign cost

Spot Internal Search Trends

- *Report Top 25 - 100 Search phrases weekly* ▪ Any Surprises? ▪ What are the new terms introduced since the last report? ▪ What are the terms that have the largest changes in search volume? ▪ What are the Top 25 Null Search Results? - What can you do with those null terms?

Relevant Inbound Links:

- *Traffic coming to your site* - Important in ranking your site

Email Marketing - Measure Website Effectiveness (3)

- *Website Conversion Rate*: Outcomes / # visits - *Campaign site bounce rate*: # of campaign visitors who left in fewer than 10 seconds / # campaign visitors - *Visits to purchase*: # of visits by unique email campaign respondent to purchase

Understand the Importance of Benchmarks and Setting Goals

- Allows businesses to *place context around their performance* - Allows businesses to *measure performance in a neutral environment* - *Takes the ownership off you to convey what's good versus bad* "The most amazing thing about benchmarking is that suddenly it is not YOU making a judgment on the data"

Understand Value of Internal Search (3)

- Approximately *10% of traffic uses internal search*. What is it for you site? - Very *few companies pay attention to this behavior* - There is *little correlation between Internal and External Search*

PPC Measurement:

- CTR = Click Through Rates - Why is this not the only metric to look at?

*Multivariate Testing*

- Can *use on page and swap content on particular zones.* - Can test more than one piece of content in each zone. - *Change multiple things all at the same time!*

PPC Basics

- Data resides externally from web analytics package - To Measure: ▪ Add URL Parameter to track ▪ Partner with Agency to bring PPC performance into web analytics tool. ▪ Establish daily reports to review PPC performance.

*Understand Email Marketing Fundamentals*

- Effective marketing vehicle with high ROI - *Email used by companies for various purposes*: ▪ Acquisition ▪ Retention ▪ Increased sell-through on select categories/items ▪ Frequency ▪ Standard Communication (order confirmation, shipping notice) - *Develop understanding 4 steps to execute marketing campaign* ▪ Define business objectives and how email fits into them ▪ Identify core criteria for email campaigns (what, how, why, when) ▪ Create and execute campaigns (mine list, update bad emails, update do- not-contacts etc...) ▪ Analyze campaigns. - Focus Analytics on: 1. Defining Objectives and Criteria - Data Mining of Customer Data - pre-campaign - Engagement rates. Marketing the right content to the right customer at the right time. 2. Campaign Analysis - Completed after the emails are sent - Frequency of emails for customers who recently purchased - Monitor opt-out rates

Measure Effectiveness of Internal Search Results (3- E.R, S&H, O.M)

- Exit Rates - Synonyms & Hypernyms - Outcome Metrics

Email Marketing - Measure Outcome Metrics (6)

- Focus on effectiveness of the campaigns to the company's bottomline ▪ *Outcomes (orders or leads):* Number of outcomes generated by the campaign ▪ *Revenue Metrics:* Money, quantity of products ▪ *Email Conversion Rates:* (Outcomes / # of emails sent) ▪ *Revenue and AOV:* For each campaign ▪ *Revenue per email delivered:* Total Order Value / # emails delivered ▪ *Revenue per email sent:* Total Order Value / # emails sent

Process Excellence Mindset is Critical and Accomplishes the Following: (4- Fun. Eff., Sca., Pre. Acr. Org., Can be Mea. and Opt.)

- Functions Efficiently - Scalable - Predictable across organization - Can be measured and optimized

A/B Testing - Learn to be wrong

- Learn what works and does not work very quickly - Replace usability studies in the long-run (discussed in chapter 3)

Anchor Text:

- Links that have relevant text in the anchor. *Describe where you are linking* to... minimize the "click here" vocabulary.

Avoid Email Pitfalls

- Not all bounced Emails are reported accurately - Open rates measured for HTML emails by embedding a web beacon (discussed in chapter 2). - Take appropriate action for unsubscribes.

The primary key to driving action is context: (4)

- Number of Visits - Number of Unique Visitors - Average Time on Site - Page Views per Visitor

Apply the DMAIC Process (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)

- Rigorous *process for continual improvement* - Helps to *eliminate unproductive steps* - *Focus on new measurements* - *Applies methodology for improvement*

SEO- Guidance for Search Bots (4)

- Sitemaps used for the bots to scroll your sites - *XML sitemaps are not exposed to customers but built solely for the bots*. - Some sites will also have *HTML site maps; it's best to have both to cover your basis.* - This guidance for the bots should be done in addition to all the other SEO initiatives.

Web Analytics 2.0

- Social Media - open communication - Marketing term to distinguish from dotcom boom - New innovative web applications and services

Test Direct Marketing Campaigns

- Test Timing of e-mails (weekends vs weekdays or during work vs evenings) - Test where emails link - Test the various segments within email program - Test subject lines within each email - Test catalog behavior through source codes

Analyzing Internal Search Data Provides: (3)

- Understanding of *customer intent* - Better understanding of *what the customer is most interested in* - Clue to *what is "broken" on site* "It's hard enough for prospective visitors to find your website. Somehow, if they do manage to find you, measuring and optimizing internal searches is one of the key mechanisms by which you can improve customer satisfaction and improve your conversion rate".

To Increase Orders:

- What is the abandonment rate of our site? - What are typical page views per visitor or time on site? - What content convinces people to buy on the site? - Do we have the right merchandising strategy - do we have the right product? - Can budget allow for site discounts? - Why do people abandon carts? Do we have voice of customer? - Can we do experimentation and testing?

To Increase Traffic:

- Where do customers come from? - What sources tend to be more qualified? - What is acquisition strategy for traffic? PPC, SEO, affiliates, direct marketing? What else? - What is the effectiveness of our acquisition strategy? - What can we learn from our competitors? - What skills do we have in our organization to support increase in traffic? - Can we recruit traffic from blogs, social media sites?

Identify Top Pages on the Site for Testing (think about your heuristic review)

- Who manages - What is page intent/purpose? - Test the pages thoroughly - Examples of pages: ▪ Home Page ▪ Top Entry Pages ▪ Custom Landing Pages ▪ PDP Layout ▪ Cart and Checkout Pages ▪ Global Elements

How do we increase conversion rate? (2)

How do we increase conversion rate? - Increase Orders - Decrease or Increase Visits (qualified visits)

Develop Understanding 4 Steps to Execute Marketing Campaign (4)

1 ▪ Define business objectives and how email fits into them 2 ▪ Identify core criteria for email campaigns (what, how, why, when) 4 ▪ Create and execute campaigns (mine list, update bad emails, update do- not-contacts etc...) 5 ▪ Analyze campaigns.

3 Methodology Types

1. A/B Testing (change one thing) 2. Multivariate Testing (change multiple things) 3. Experience Testing (changes entire site)

Implement Two Ingredients for Every Testing Program

1. Process ▪ Steps needed end to end to run a test (Playbook) ▪ Individual Roles that will need to be staffed ▪ Specific responsibilities for each role in the process ▪ Clear Structure for making decisions 2. Requirements Gathering ▪ Hypothesis Statement (what are we solving for) ▪ Business Case (why should the test be done) ▪ Test Audience (who are we going to be testing with) ▪ Test Details (what will each segment see) ▪ Success Measures (what do the success metrics look like) ▪ Outcome Actions (what changes will be implemented)


Average Order Value = revenues (sales) / orders


Average Unit Retail (for one item or service)

Outcomes (acquisition):

By campaign, what is the goal? Can be orders, leads, page views etc..


Cost per acquisition = campaign cost / total outcomes.


Cost per order/outcomes = campaign cost / total orders (or outcomes)

Encourage and Create Goals (Critical to decision making due to... (5)

Critical to decision making due to: ▪ Focuses the organization to *work towards a common goal*. ▪ Promotes *teamwork and accountability* ▪ *Get right funding and staffing to meet goals* ▪ *Goals create tie breakers* ▪ Great way to *measure performance*

Demographic Reporting

Demographic Reporting

Track Off-line to On-line Behavior and Campaigns

Most common off-line to online movement ▪ *Newpapers, Magazines, Televisions*: Use Vanity URLs and redeemable coupons ▪ *Direct Marketing Campaign*: Use Redirects or Shared Tracking Codes (i.e. www.buyquickbooks.com/65) ▪ *Company Call Centers*: Embed tracking codes into Emails or provide a Vanity URL with redirect. ▪ *Retail Stores*: Use Online redeemable coupons, Online Surveys, Primary Market Research

Conversion Rate:

Outcomes / clicks

*Search Engine Marketing (SEM)*

PPC, Paid Search, SEM

SEO- Links to Press Releases and Social Site

Press Releases - *Press releases from core media and news sites add relevancy to your site.* - Optimize your press releases to be SEO friendly. - i.e. business wire, PRWeb, PR Newswire Social Networking Sites - *Links to your website from social networks highly valuable.* - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogs, etc. ▪ Instagram creates challenges


Return on advertising spending = revenue / campaign cost

Measure Search Engine Bid Related Metrics (Standardize metric definitions for company) (8)

Standardize metric definitions for company ▪ *Page Inventory*: Number of available page slots for ad ▪ *Impressions*: Number of times an ad has been shown to a search engine visitor ▪ *Average Position*: The average rank at which a PPC ad was shown (typically number between 1 and 8) ▪ *CPM*: Cost per 1,000 impressions ▪ *Clicks*: Total Clicks (they are not unique) ▪ *CTR*: Click-through rate = clicks/impressions ▪ *CPC*: Cost per click ▪ *Campaign Cost*: CPC x clicks

Revenue (Sales):

Total revenue for the campaign

Test Content and Creative

▪ Many groups start here ▪ Content Items to test include: - Length of copy in creative (less or more words) - Formatting of copy (bullet points or a paragraph) ▪ Creative to test includes: - People/Lifestyle vs Product silos - White space vs Heavy Creative - HTML5/Flash vs static image - Endorsing brands or no brands - One large hero vs 4 small hero - Hero image vs no image

Focus on Search Traffic

▪ *Because of the keyword element, you have good insight into the intent of the customer.* - That enables you to begin to test various scenarios based upon the customer's intent. ▪ *Test custom landing pages based upon those top terms and phrases.*

CPC: (Standardize metric definitions for company)

▪ *CPC*: Cost per click

CTR: (Standardize metric definitions for company)

▪ *CTR*: Click-through rate = clicks/impressions

Campaign Cost: (Standardize metric definitions for company)

▪ *Campaign Cost*: CPC x clicks

*Experience Testing*

▪ *Change all things on the website and test a totally different experience* ▪ *Different than A/B testing (change one element) or multivariate testing (changing several things on a page).* - This changes the entire site experience, not just select elements. ▪ *Think of this in terms of mobile*: - A site's experience you see on your mobile device may be completely different than the experience you'd see on your laptop.

Steps for Successful RIA (Rich Interactive Application) Tracking (5)

▪ *Partner with Business to identify Purpose:* - What is the reason for the RIA experience? - What problem are we solving for? - What actions will they take? ▪ After Success Metrics are determined, *tag events with business and tech teams to ensure everything is captured* ▪ *Work with IT* to ensure *events are tagged with the right JavaScript tab or web logging technology.* ▪ *Load RIA data into the data warehouse* ▪ Many analytics tools now have measurement capabilities within application

Share of Visits by Industry Segment

▪ *Provide a quick view of how you company stacks up against industry* - Figure 12.1 (page 299) ▪ *Compare trends over time* - understand if actions make impact to your site or do all site see relative movement.

SEO Understand Impact and Optimize Links (4 - RIL, AOL, IWL, AT)

▪ *Relevant Inbound Links* - Traffic coming to your site - Important in ranking your site ▪ *Authoritative Outbound Links* - Links from .edu and .org have higher rank (although this changes) ▪ *Internal Website Links* - Links within the site to different locations▪ Improves other avenues for the bots to crawl and index content ▪ *Anchor Text* - Links that have relevant text in the anchor. Describe where you are linking to... minimize the "click here" vocabulary.

Track Online for Multi-channel Behavior and Campaigns.

▪ *Surveys* (discussed in chapter 3) ▪ *MCVIs*: Multichannel value index - Uses 3rd party to measure the likelihood of you customer purchasing from another channel after having visited your website. ▪ Promotion Code Redemption ▪ A reminder: the *challenge with multi-channel / omni- channel analytics is not a reporting problem, but rather an inability to tie all the data elements together.*

Email Used by Companies for Various Purposes: (5)

▪ Acquisition ▪ Retention ▪ Increased sell-through on select categories/items ▪ Frequency ▪ Standard Communication (order confirmation, shipping notice)

By Clearly Defining the Process, We Can Reduce the Variations:

▪ By clearly defining the process, we can reduce the variations: - *Greater predictability* of the process - *Lower costs from rework* and additional meetings - *Products and services performs better* - *Happy customers and employees* ▪ *Process can be a pain to put together, but once document and analyzed, you can make many process improvements.*

Understand RIA's - Interactive Product Pages

▪ Interactive Product Pages - Errors - Out of Stock / Backorder Messaging ▪ Web Analytics depends on Page Views - URLs as discussed in Chapter 6

*Email Marketing - Advanced Tracking*

▪ Measure Website Effectiveness - Website Conversion Rate: Outcomes / # visits - Campaign site bounce rate: # of campaign visitors who left in fewer than 10 seconds / # campaign visitors - Visits to purchase: # of visits by unique email campaign respondent to purchase ▪ Avoid Email Pitfalls - Not all bounced Emails are reported accurately - Open rates measured for HTML emails by embedding a web beacon (discussed in chapter 2). - Take appropriate action for unsubscribes. ▪ Integrate Email Campaigns with Web Analytics Tool - Include URL parameters i.e. ecampaign_ids ▪ http://www.pier1.com/home-decor/dd- fragrance,default,sc.html?utm_source=Email_Marketing_US&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=email_150131_DailyDealy&utm_content=MainDailyDealy&s_cid=eml0013096&rmid=150131_7595_DD_Fragrance_SL2 ▪ http://www.pier1.com/Wood-Sunburst- Mirror/2853273,default,pd.html?utm_source=Email_Marketing_US&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=email_150115_NewArrivals&utm_content=MainSunburstMirror&s_cid=eml0012805&rmid=150115_7567_NewArrivals

Analyzing PPC Effectiveness

▪ Measurement: - CTR = Click Through Rates - Why is this not the only metric to look at? ▪ PPC Basics - Data resides externally from web analytics package - To Measure:▪ Add URL Parameter to track▪ Partner with Agency to bring PPC performance into web analytics tool. ▪ Establish daily reports to review PPC performance. ▪ Measure Search Engine Bid Related Metrics - Standardize metric definitions for company ▪ Page Inventory: Number of available page slots for ad ▪ Impressions: Number of times an ad has been shown to a search engine visitor ▪ Average Position: The average rank at which a PPC ad was shown (typically number between 1 and 8) ▪ CPM: Cost per 1,000 impressions ▪ Clicks: Total Clicks (they are not unique) ▪ CTR: Click-through rate = clicks/impressions ▪ CPC: Cost per click ▪ Campaign Cost: CPC x clicks ▪ Define Critical Bottom Line Impacting Metrics - Outcomes (acquisition): By campaign, what is the goal? Can be orders, leads, page views etc.. - Conversion Rate: Outcomes / clicks - Revenue (Sales): Total revenue for the campaign - CPO: Cost per order/outcomes = campaign cost / total orders (or outcomes) - CPA: Cost per acquisition = campaign cost / total outcomes. - AOV: Average Order Value = revenues (sales) / orders - AUR: Average Unit Retail (for one item or service) - ROAS: Return on advertising spending = revenue / campaign cost ▪ Unique Visitors - Web Agency will not have data - Must integrate with web analytics package▪ Unique Visitors: Number of Unique Visitors generated by campaigns ▪ Cost per Unique Visitor: Campaign Cost / number of unique visitors ▪ PPC Reporting Best Practices - Measure performance at aggregated level to benchmark against campaigns - For each search engine, segment campaigns ▪ Instead of: Campaigns > Categories > Offers > Creative▪ Use: Search Engine > Campaigns > Categories > Offers > Creative - Learn what campaigns drive certain outcomes - When large amount of campaigns, use statistical significance to highlight the 95% confidence. Allow you to focus efforts

Measuring SEO Effectiveness (5)

▪ Measuring is difficult - Part Art, Part Science, Part Theory - Search engines constantly change the algorithms ▪ Check how well you site is indexed ▪ Go to search engine and type the name of your site - Site:www.domain.com ▪ Compute Inclusion Rate - Inclusion Ratio = # pages indexed / # pages on website ▪ Run robot report to view how frequently bots crawl your site. ▪ Track Inbound Links- In google, enter: Link:www.domain.com ▪ Track Ranking of top Keywords - Track top 10-20 keywords weekly. ▪ Split Organic Referrals from PPC - Are you getting more organic traffic? - Are you converting traffic or bouncing? - What's the revenue and conversion metrics associated with each keyword? ▪ Measure Optimization from Top Pages - Validate that the Title Tags, Meta tags are current and optimized for the trends.

Dashboard Best Practices - Accountability

▪ One Metric, One Owner - Ensure that *every metric on the dashboard has a dedicated owner responsible for reporting* all aspects of the metrics. - Prominently display owner on reports to senior management so there is a clear owner for additional questions.

Test Price and Promotion

▪ Promotion testing includes: - $15 Mail in Rebate - $10 off $25 - Free Shipping over $25, $50 or $100 - Bundle discounts - Flash sales ▪ Test Cross-sells up-sells - System generated cross-sells versus merchant assigned cross-sells - Location of those cross-sell content slots ▪ Trigger tests on segment of traffic - (Search, Email, Affiliate, etc)

Pros and Cons of A/B Testing (3 each)

▪ Pros of A/B Testing - It's an *easy first step into testing* - *Inexpensive* - Energize Organization around the power of data ▪ Cons of A/B Testing - *Can not control all external influences* - *Limit the items that you can test* (just the big, simple things) - Number of variables that you can test is limited

Pros and Cons of Experience Testing (4 & 3)

▪ Pros of Experience Testing - Test customers in their native environment - *Potential to integrate qualitative data* - Understand *customers thought process with each variation* - Get *5 to 10 times the amount of rich data* ▪ Cons of Experience Testing - You *need a sophisticated platform* that supports experience testing - Takes *longer to create, execute and measure results* - Takes *more brain power to creatively think through test scenarios and the complex analysis*

Pros and Cons of Multivariate Testing (3 each)

▪ Pros of Multivariate Testing - *Vendors can host, test rules, and provide analysis and statistics* - *Do not need IT Support* - only few lines of JavaScript (discussed in chapter 3) - Can implement for *continuous learning* ▪ Cons of Multivariate Testing - Need good ideas to test - *Sites are huge* and tests *will not encompass every step* - *Tendency to test Home Page* and all pages will fall into place

Upstream and Downstream Traffic Against Competition

▪ Referring URLs provide information of site that send traffic to your site. ▪ *50% of referrers are blank* - Use *competitive analysis tool to get complete access to all referrals* - Page 301 Figure 12.4 - Alexa reports - by Mixed Media

*Search Engine Optimization*

▪ SEO = Search Engine Optimization ▪ PPC = Pay Per Click Marketing ▪ *Objective of SEO is to improve organic listing for keywords or phrases.* ▪ A 2011 Study by Slingshot SEO found for Google Searches: - #1 ranked term receives 18.2% of click-through traffic - 2nd position receives 10.1% and 3rd position receives 7.2% and 4th position receives 4.8%. All others are below 2%. - *Total click through rate for first 10 results are 52.32%*

Building an Experimentation & Testing Program

▪ Technology allows testing cheaply and quickly ▪ Must have a testing program to get true value - People - Process - Strategy - Structure - Mindset - Rewards * Hypothesize and Set Goal* - Most Important Step - Get Over Yourself ▪ When selling the program, show examples where you are wrong ▪ It's OK to be wrong - it helps to sell the program! - State a Hypothesis, Not a Test Scenario ▪ You can contribute to the creation of the test rather than "I want to do this" ▪ Every well crafted hypothesis has a clear success measurement - Set Goals and Metrics Beforehand ▪ Create a goal for metrics ▪ What will make this test successful? ▪ If creating a test that will impact conversion rate - by how much do you think conversion rate will be increased? - Forces team to think through the test thoroughly - Judge whether the test should be conducted ▪ If it has the potential to influence conversion rate by 0.0001% then maybe it's not the best use of your team's time. *Test and Validate Multiple Goals* - If you know only 30% of customer's are visiting to purchase, and you do only one test to impact conversion rate, then you are missing a huge opportunity - Think about and test the various reasons that customer's come to your site (to buy, apply for job, find a local store and hours, etc.) *Start simple and then Scale* - Goal is to shift mindset and get people to believe in testing - Create a fun environment - bet on the outcomes *Focus on Evangelism and Expertise* - Need 2 Key people: ▪ Testing Evangelist (The Salesman) ▪ Testing Expert (Execution and Analytics Geek) - Can push back on tests w/out merit or payback *Implement Two Ingredients for Every Testing Program* 1. Process ▪ Steps needed end to end to run a test (Playbook) ▪ Individual Roles that will need to be staffed ▪ Specific responsibilities for each role in the process ▪ Clear Structure for making decisions 2. Requirements Gathering ▪ Hypothesis Statement (what are we solving for) ▪ Business Case (why should the test be done) ▪ Test Audience (who are we going to be testing with) ▪ Test Details (what will each segment see) ▪ Success Measures (what do the success metrics look like) ▪ Outcome Actions (what changes will be implemented)

Track Online (outside of domain) to Online (within domain) Behavior and Campaigns.

▪ Top Destinations (exit links) - Also be tracked via a 3rd party tool like Hitwise or Compete ▪ Affiliate Tracking

*A/B Testing - Understand the Case for Testing*

▪ Trends creating problems for companies - Company Issues (employees, organizational structures, mindset sophistication) - Customer Issues (too many choices, click happy) ▪ Obvious Challenges for Experiences - Customer's rarely give us solutions - Web is constantly evolving - Company employees don't know what customer's want ▪ Let the data speak to you

Search Engine Reports

▪ Understand how your site ranks compared to industry ▪ Share of Search Report - *80% of traffic on web starts with Search Engine* ▪ Share of Brand and Category Keywords - *Web Analytics Tool provides you with key words or phrases for top 10-20 terms* - *A lot of traffic comes to site beyond these terms* - What is your share on these terms? - Source of Prospects or New Customers! - What keywords are your competitors bidding on that you're not? ▪ Page 306 Figure 12.10

Creating Executive Dashboards

▪ Use Benchmarks - *NEVER report a metric by itself!* - Must establish context >> Benchmarks (either internal or external) ▪ Always Segment ▪ Trending Rocks - Comparing metrics to segments are good, but *trending over time leads to real actionable insights.* - Trends *provide the big picture and highlight misses or opportunities.* ▪ Isolate your critical few metrics - You *can have too many*. Be smart about what story you want to tell. - Review Figure on Page 277 ▪ Best Practice - *Dashboard should contain fewer than 10 metrics* - *Each metrics* should *have a goal* - Most if not all *should have segments applied* - It's all about context. What doe the metrics mean. ▪ Include Insights! - *Summarizes results and provides action steps* (explicitly written out) - Most provide dashboards with numbers and graphs, but *leave interpretation to the user*. >> Give the reader a few points of insight. >> Always provide recommendations and actions. - *Ideally the dashboard is a single page* >> Create Focus on metrics selected

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