E-Commerce Exam Notes

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White Hats

"Good" hackers who help organizations locate and fix security flaws

wireless access point

"hot spot" connects to the Internet directly via a broadband connection and then transmits a radio signal to a transmitter/receiver installed in a laptop computer or PDA, either as a PC card or built-in at manufacture

Digital Signature (e-signature)

"signed" cipher text that can be sent over the Internet

B2B population

$6.7 trillion

B2C population

$600 billion

C2C population

$82 billion

Benefits of Auctions

- Liquidity: sellers can find willing buyers, & buyers can find sellers -Price Discovery: buyers & sellers can quickly & efficiently develop prices for items that are difficult to assess, where the price depends on demand and supply and where the product is rare -Price Transparency: public internet auctions allow everyone in the world to see the asking and bidding prices for items -Market efficiency: auctions can & often do lead to reduced prices & hence reduced profits for merchants, leading to increase in consumer welfare-one measure of market efficiency -Lower Transaction Costs: online auctions can lower the cost of selling & purchasing products, benefiting both merchants & consumers. Like other internet markets such as retail markets, internet auctions have a very low (not zero) transaction costs -Consumer Aggregation: sellers benefit from large auction sites ability to aggregate a large number of consumers who are motivated to purchase something in one marketspace -Network Effects: larger an auction sites becomes in terms of visitors & products for sale, the more valuable it becomes as a marketplace for everyone by providing liquidity and several other benefits listed previously, such as lower transaction costs, higher efficiency & better price transparency pg 393

when auction markets fail

-Bid Rigging: agreeing offline to limit bids or using shills to submit false bids -Price Matching: agreeing informally or formally to set floor prices on auction items below. sellers wont sell to open markets -Shill Feedback, Defensive: using secondary IDs or other members to inflate seller ratings - Shill Feedback, Offensive: using secondary IDs or other members to to deflate ratings -Feedback Extortion: threatening negative feedback in return for benefit. -Transaction Interference: emailing buyers to warn them away from seller -Bid Manipulation: retracting bid -Non-Payment After Winning: bidding high then not paying -Shall Bidding: using secondary ID or other members to raise price of an item -Transaction non-performance: accepting payment and failing to deliver -Non-Selling Seller: refusing payment or failing to deliver after successful auction -Bid Siphoning: emailing another sellers bidders and offering same product for less pg 399

What are the two marketing implications of a multi-screen environment?

-Consistent branding -Cross-platform design Responsive design

Steps in Pinterest Marketing Campaign

-Create Pinterest brand page and multiple lifestyle-themed boards Improve quality of photos Use URL links and keywords -Utilize Pinterest product pins, Pin It buttons -Integrate with Facebook and Twitter -Measuring Pinterest Marketing Results Same dimensions as Facebook, Twitter

Web site systems development best practices

1. Continuous availability 99%+ 2. Design for scalability 3. Build in mgt for end-to-end delivery 4. Plan for growth 5. Design pages for high-speed performance 6. Understand and optimize workload on system

how do you determine the target audience?

1. Demographics Age, gender, income, location 2. Behavior patterns (lifestyle) 3. Consumption patterns (purchasing habits) 4. Digital usage patterns 5. Content creation patterns (blogs, FB) 6. Buyer personas

What are the 9 basic business objectives?

1. Display goods 2. Provide product info (content) 3. Personalize/customize product 4. Engage customers in conversations 5. Execute a transaxn 6. Accumulate customer info 7. Provide after-sale customer support 8. Coordinate marketing/advertising 9. Understand marketing effectiveness 10. Provide prodxn + supplier links

Internet and Web features on which the foundations of e-commerce are built include:

1. E-mail 2. Instant messaging 3. Search engines 4. Online forums and chat 5. Streaming media 6. Cookies

5 Steps in social marketing

1. Fan Acquisition 2. Engagement 3. Amplification 4. Community 5. Brand Strength (sales)

areas where you need to make decisions in building a site

1. HR & org capabilities - creating a team that has the skill set to build and manage a successful site 2. hardware 3. software 4. telecomm 5. site design

Most unique features that must be taken into account when designing a mobile web presence

1. Hardware *smaller, more resource constraints in data storage +processing power 2. Connectivity *constrained by slower connection speeds 3. Displays *smaller + req simplicification (some are not good in sunlight either) 4. Interface *touch screen technology introduces new interaxn routines diff from tradl mouse and keyboard (not good data entry tool but can be a good navigational tool)

How can you imagine your e-commerce presence?

1. Know yourself - SWOT Analysis 2. Develop an EC presence map 3. Develop a timeline: milestones

IPA features

1. Natural language; conversational interface 2. Situational awareness 3. Interpret voice commands to interact with various Web services

4 TCP/IP Layers

1. Network Interface Layer 2. Internet Layer 3. Transport Layer 4. Application Layer

Basic Fxnality Provided by Web Servers

1. Processesing of HTTP requests 2. Security services (secure sockets layer) 3. File transfer protocol 4. Search engine 5. Data capture 6. E-mail 7. Site mgt tools

institutionalization phase

1975-95 large institutions provide funding and legitimization

commercialization phase

1995-now Private corps take over, expand Internet backbone and local service

Elevator pitch

2-3 minute pitch about what they want to make and why

Total Online marketing for 2013-2015

2013: $41.2 billion 2014: $61.4 billion 2015: $80.9 billion

Mobile online marketing 2013-2015

2013: $7.3 billion 2014: $18 billion 2015: $28.7 billion

U.S. online population

267 million

Microsoft's Internet Info Server (IIS)

2nd major web server software (25% of mkt) Windows based

Internet (IP) Addresses: IPv4

32 bit number expressed as series of 4 separate numbers marked off by periods ex: class C address: network identified by first three sets,

IPv4 Internet adress

32-bit number with four sets of numbers marked off by periods: each of the four numbers can range rom 0-255

What percent of all online marketing is mobile (your 2015 book statistic)?


___% users say they would not revisit a web site that they found annoying to use


How much app time is spent on user's top 4 apps?


What percent of US smartphone users use phones to search for local products/services?


CRM System

A CRM is a repository of customer information that records all of the contacts that a customer has with a firm and generates a customer profile available to everyone in the firm with a need to know the customer.


A PUP that serves pop-up ads to your computer


A TCP/IP network located within a single organization for purposes of communications and information processing

Online Forum

A Web application that allows Internet users to communicate with each other, although not in real time

Merchant Account

A bank account that allows companies to process credit card payments and receive funds from those transactions

Secure Negotiated Session

A client-server session in which the URL of the requested document, along with the contents, contents of forms, and the cookies exchanged, are encrypted


A computer program that has the ability to replicate or make copies of itself, and spread to other files

Digital Certificate

A digital document issued by a certification authority that contains a variety of identifying information


A file inserted within an e-mail message

Fiber-optic Service (FIOS)

A form of DSL that provides speeds of up to 500 Mbps

IP Telephony

A general term for the technologies that use VoIP and the Internet's packet-switched network to transmit voice and other forms of audio communication over the Internet


A malware that is designed to spread from computer to computer.


A marketplace extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed from a temporal and geographic location. From a consumer point of view, ubiquity reduces transaction costs or the costs of participating in a market. No longer necessary that you spend time and money traveling to a market.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A markup language specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that is designed to describe data and information

Packet Switching

A method of slicing digital messages into packets, sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination

Client/Server Computing

A model of computing in which client computers are connected in a network together with one or more servers

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

A more current e-mail protocol that allows users to search, organize, and filter their mail prior to downloading it from the server


A network protocol and terminal emulation program that runs in TCP/IP. Allows remote login on another computer

Differentiated Quality of Service (diffserv)

A new technology that assigns levels of priority to packets based on the type of data being transmitted


A powerful desktop computer that is part of a network

Browser Parasite

A program that can monitor and change the settings of a user's browser


A program used to obtain information such as a user's keystrokes, e-mail, instant messages, and so on

Active X

A programming language created by Microsoft to compete with JAVA

Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)

A protocol used by the client to retrieve mail from an Internet server


A set of apps and technologies that enable use-generated content, such as online social networks, blogs, video and photo sharing sites, and wikis, widespread adoption of consumer mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers the expansion of e-commerce to include local goods and services.

Business model

A set of planned activities (sometimes referred to as business processes) designed to result in a profit in a marketplace. Not always the same as a business strategy, although in some cases they are very close insofar as the business model explicitly takes into account the competitive environment. It is at the center of the business plan.A business document that specifically details how you plan on selling your product and find new customers is called a: market strategy.

Near Field Communication (NFC)

A set of short-range wireless technologies used to share information among devices

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

A set of standards for communication between a browser and a program running on a server that allows for interaction between the user and the server

Security Policy

A set of statements prioritizing the information risks, identifying acceptable risk targets, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these targets


A software framework for working with various big data sets. Open source software, managed by Apache software foundation. Enables distributed parallel processing of huge amounts of data across inexpensive computers.


A tcp/ip network located within a single organization for purposes of communications and information processing.

Digital Envelope

A technique that uses symmetric encryption for large documents, but public key cryptography to encrypt and send the symmetric key


A tool used by Web sites to store information about a user. When a visitor enters a Web site, the site sends a small text file (the cookie) to the user's computer so that information from the site can be loaded more quickly on future visits. The cookie can contain any information desired by the site designers


A tool used by Web sites to store information about a user. When a visitor enters a web site, the site sends a small text file, the cookie to the user's computer so that information from the site can be loaded more quickly on future visits. The cookie can contain any information desired by the site designers.

Certification Authority (CA)

A trusted third party that issues digital certificates


A type of eavesdropping program that monitors information traveling over a network

Session Key

A unique symmetric encryption key chosen for a single secure session


A utility program that allows you to check the connection between your client and the server


A way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such as sound, video, or animation files

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

A widely used e-mail public key encryption software program

IM different proprietary systems include:

AOL, MSN, Yahoo, and Google

Guaranteed service levels and lower error rates

Ability to purchase the right to move data through network at guaranteed speed in return for higher fee

Uniform resource locator (URL)

Address used by Web browser to identify location of content on the Web -For example: http://www.azimuth-interactive.com/flash_test


Advanced networking consortium of more than 350 member institutions working in partnership to facilitate the development, deployment, and use of revolutionary Internet technologies


Advanced networking consortium of more than 350 member institutions working in partnership to facilitate the development, deployment, and use of revolutionary internet technologies.

revenue models

Advertising, subscriptions, transaction fees, sales, and affiliate revenue.

On-demand services

Airbnb, Uber, Postmates

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Allows remote users to securely access internal networks via the Internet, using the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)


Allows user to easily add and edit content on Web page

Spam (junk) Web Sites

Also referred to as link farms; promise to offer products or services, but in fact are just collections of advertisements

Hash Function

An algorithm that produces a fixed-length number called a hash or message digest

Digital Cash

An alternative payment system in which unique, authenticated tokens represent cash value

Risk Assessment

An assessment of the risks and points of vulnerability


An audio presentation--such as a radio show, audio from a movie, or simply a personal audio presentation--stored as an audio file and posted to the Web


An individual who intends to gain unauthorized access to a computer system

Cold Fusion

An integrated server-side environment for developing interactive web applications.


An interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals


An international telephone standard for digital communication that offers guaranteed delivery at 1.54 Mbps


An international telephone standard for digital communication that offers guaranteed delivery at 45 Mbps

Web client

Any computing device attached to the Internet that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages, most commonly a Windows PC or Machintosh

Web Client

Any computing device attached to the Internet that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages, most commonly a Windows PC or Macintosh


Any deceptive, online attempt by a third party to obtain confidential information for financial gain

Phishing attack

Any deceptive, online attempt by a third party to obtain confidential information for financial gain. Typically, do not involve malicious code but instead rely on straightforward misrepresentation and fraud. So called social engineering techniques email scam.

Trojan Horse

Appears o be benign, but then does something other than expected. Often a way for viruses or other malicious code to be introduced into a computer system

An Internetenabled media player would run in which layer of Internet architecture

Application layer

4 layers of tcp/ip

Application, host to host transport layer, internet layer, network interface layer

Scale Economies

Are efficiencies that result from increasing the size of a business, for instance when large, fixed-cost production systems (such as factories or software systems) can be operated at full capacity with no idle time. Scale economies are efficiencies that result from flattening the hierarchy of an organization-FALSE

system architecture

Arrangement of software, machinery, and tasks in an information system needed to achieve a specific functionality

Man-in-the-middle Attack (MitM)

Attack in which the attacker is able to intercept communications between two parties who believe they are directly communication with one another, when in fact the attacker is controlling the communications


Audio presentation stored as an audio file and available for download from Web


Automatically redirecting a Web link to an address different from the intended one, with the site masquerading as the intended destination

The 6 types of ecommerce

B2B, B2C, C2C, Mobile, Social, Local

"First mile"

Backbone Internet services that carry bulk traffic over long distances

potential benefits and challenges of B2B e-commerce

Benefits: --Lower administrative costs --Lower search costs for buyers --Reduce inventory cost by increasing competition among suppliers (increasing price transparency) and reducing inventory to the bare minimum --Lower transaction costs by eliminating paperwork and automating parts of the procurement process --Increase production flexibility by ensuring delivery of parts "just in time" --Improve quality of products by increasing cooperation among buyers and sellers and reducing quality issues --Decrease product cycle time by sharing designs and production schedules with suppliers --Increase opportunities for collaborating with suppliers and distributors --Create greater price transparency - the ability to see the actual buy and sell prices in a mkt --Increase the visibility and real-time info sharing among all participants in the supply chain network Challenges: pg 419

Symmetric Key Encryption

Both the sender and the receiver use the same key to encrypt and decrypt the message.

Build own vs outsourcing

Build your own requires team with diverse skill set; choice of software tools; both risks and possible benefits


Business-The digital enabling of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under the control of the firm.

Which of the following is not true about mobile marketing

By 2015, it is estimated that spending on social marketing will exceed the amount spent on mobile marketing

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

CAs and digital certificate procedures hat are accepted by all parties

Common dynamic page gen tools:

CGI = Common Gateway Interface ASP = Active Server Pages JSP = Java Server Pages


Children's Online Privacy Protection Act to minimize the collection of personal information from children and create a safer, more secure online experience for them, even as online technologies, and the children's uses of such technologies, evolve. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) prohibits Web sites from collecting information on children under the age of 13.


Collection of captured bot computers


Collection of captured bot computers used for malicious activates such as sending spam, participating in a DDoS attack, stealing information from computers, and storing network traffic for later analysis.

Exploit Kit

Collection of exploits bundled together and rented or sold as a commercial product


Comparing site to competitors in terms of response speed, quality of layout, and design

Routing Algorithm

Computer program that ensures that packets take the best available path toward their destination

Fiber-optic Cable

Consists of up to hundreds of strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit data

3. Consumer to Consumer

Consumers selling to other consumers Example: Auction sites such as eBay, and listing sites such as Craigslist, enable consumers to auction or sell goods directly to other consumers. Airbnb and Uber provide similar platforms for services such as room rental and transportation.

Dynamic page generation

Contents of Web page stored as objects in db, rather than being hard-coded in HTML. When the user requests a Web page, the contents for that page are then fetched from the db

Wired Internet

Copper and expensive fiber-optic cables


Cybervandalism and data theft for political purposes

Which of the following left the WikiLeaks Web site effectively inoperable in August 2012

DDoS attacks

logical design

Data flow diagrams processing fxns databases

PDI-DSS (Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standards)

Data security standards instituted by the five major credit card companies

Content Management System (CMS)

Database software program specifically designed to manage structured and unstructured data and objects in a web site environment. A cms provides web managers and designers with a centralized control structure to manage we site content.


Deals with the use of information shared during an online transaction consumers want to limit the extent to which their personal information can be divulged to other organizations, while, merchants want to protect such information from falling into the wrong hand.

Value Proposition

Defines how a company's product or service fulfills the needs of customers. To develop and or analyze a firm's value proposition, you need to understand why customers will choose to do business with the firm instead of another company and what the firm provides that other firms do not and cannot. Value proposition and revenue are typically the most easily identifiable aspects of a company's business model.


Delays in messages caused by the uneven flow of information packets through the network

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

Delivers high-speed access through ordinary telephone lines found in homes or businesses

Revenue Model

Describes how the firm will earn revenue, generate profits and produce a superior return on invested capital. We use the terms revenue model and financial model interchangeably. Generate profits and to produce returns on invested capital that exceed alternative investments. Profits alone are not sufficient to make a company "successful". in order to be successful a firm must produce returns greater than alternative investments.

system design specification

Description of main components of a system and their relationship to one another

Authorization Policies

Determine differing levels of access to information assets for differing levels of users

Access Controls

Determine who can gain legitimate access to a network


Determines whether a Web site is accessible and operational at any given moment. Availability refers to the ability to ensure that an e-commerce site continues to function as intended.


Determines whether information shared online, such as through email communication or an order process, can be viewed by anyone other than the intended recipient.

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

Developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and IBM. Uses a 56-bit encryption key

Broadband services

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Cable Internet T1 and T3 Satellite Internet

Instant Messaging (IM)

Displays words typed on a computer almost instantaneously. Recipients can then respond immediately to the sender the same way, making the communication more like a live conversation than is possible through e-mail


Division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that coordinates cyber incident warnings and responses across government and private sectors

Fxns of app servers

Do I Need to know this???

Features on which the foundations of e-commerce are built

E-mail, Instant messaging, Search engines, Online forums, Streaming media, Cookies

Security Organization

Educates and trains users, keeps management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and maintains the tools chosen to implement security

Social Marketing

Email (Major retailers), affiliates (amazon), social networks (Facebook), mircrobloggers (twitter), blogs/forums (Tumblr), visual marketing (Pinterest), video marketing (YouTube), game marketing (chipotle scarecrow game)

Streaming Media

Enables music, video, and other large files to be sent to users in chunks so that when received and played, the file comes through uninterrupted


Ensure that ecommerce participants do not deny (repudiate) their online actions.


Ensures that information displayed on a Web site or sent or received via the Internet has not been altered in any way by an unauthorized party.

What was the biggest use for mobile devices in 2012?


Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Establishes connections among sending and receiving Web computers and handles assembly of packets at point of transmission, and reassembly at receiving end

Authorization Management System

Establishes where and when a user is permitted to access certain parts of a Web site

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Examines network traffic, watching to see if it matches certain patterns or preconfigured rules indicative of an attack

Network effects

Exchange Staying Power Complementary Benefits When the value of a product or service increases as its number of users expands. influences the choice of one product or service over another. More users = more value a common user base, utilized to communicate and share with one another. When network effects are strong, the best (e.g. the highest quality or most superior product) does not necessarily win. Which of the following statements illustrates the network effects that portals are subject to-The value of the portal to advertisers and consumers increases geometrically as reach increases.

Social Engineering

Exploitation of human fallibility and gullibility to distribute malware


Extensive markup language a markup language specification developed by the World wide web consortium that is designed to describe data and information.

social media: platform

FB Twitter Blogs

All of the following are methods of securing channels of communication except


The top 7 sites account for __% of all social network visits

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr. 90%

examples of social e-commerce

Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram

Auction fraud accounts for the highest percentage of total Internet fraud reported to the Internet Crime Complaint Center


Phishing attacks rely on browser parasites.


The number of people exposed to pins is a measure of which of the following

Fan acquisition


Feature of viruses, worms, and Trojans that allows attacker to remotely access a compromised computer

host own vs outsourcing: co-location

Firm purchases or leases Web server (with total control over its operation), but server is located at vendor's facility

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Firm that provides the lowest level of service in the multi-tiered Internet architecture by leasing Internet access to home owners, small businesses, and some large institutions

Heartbleed Bug

Flaw in OpenSSL encryption system that allowed hackers to decrypt an SSL session and discover user names, passwords, and other user data

Denial of Service Attack (DoS)

Flooding a Web site with useless traffic to inundate and overwhelm the network

Electronic Billing Presentment and Payment System (EBPP)

Form of online payment system for monthly bills


Formed when firms permit outsiders to access their internal TCP/IP networks

"Last mile"

From Internet backbone to user's computer, smartphone, and so on

portal business models

GENERAL PURPOSE PORTALS: -yahoo -MSN -AOL -Ask.com VERTICAL MARKET PORTALS: Affinity Group Focused Content -FB -ESP.com -iVillage -Bloomberg.com -Sify.com -NFL.com -Law.com -WebMD.com - Ceoexpress.com -Gamers.com -Away.com -Econline.com -Sailnet.com pg 403

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

GML that is relatively easy to use in Web page design. HTML provides Web page designers with a fixed set of markup "tags" that are used to format a Web page

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

GML that is relatively easy to use in Web page design. HTML provides Web page designers with a fixed set of markup "tags"that are used to format a Web page

hypertext markup language (HTML)

GML that is relatively easy to use in web page design, HTML provides web page designers with a fixed set of of markup "tags" that are used to format a web page

portal revenue sources

General advertising- charging for impressions delivered Tenancy deals-fixed charge for guaranteed number of impressions, exclusive partnerships, "sole providers" Commissions on sales- revenue based on sales at the site by independent providers Subscription fees- charging premium content Applications and games- games and apps are sold to users; advertising is placed within apps *FB are direct competitors of yahoo and google pg 404

Campus Area Network (CAN)

Generally, a local area network operating within a single organization that leases access to the Web directly from regional and national carriers

app marketplaces

Google Play, Apple's App Store, RIM's App World, Windows Phone Marketplace

Who are the top two mobile marketing firms from the 2016 book and what are their relative sizes?

Google and facebook 10+ and 6+ billion

Black Hats

Hackers who act with the intention of causing harm

Grey Hats

Hackers who believe they are pursuing some greater good by breaking in and revealing system flaws

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

Has all the functionality of an IDS, with the additional ability to take steps to prevent and block suspicious activities

Internet Backbone

High bandwidth fiber optic cable that transports data across the internet. In milliseconds.


High-bandwidth fiber-optic cable that transports data across the Internet

Satellite Internet

High-speed broadband Internet access provided via satellite


High-speed, medium range broadband wireless metropolitan area network


Hiring vendors to provide services involved in building site

Host own vs outsourcing: hosting

Hosting company responsible for ensuring site is accessible 24/7, for monthly fee

Internet Exchange Point (IXP)

Hub where the backbone intersects with local and regional networks and where backbone owners connect with one another

Domain Name

IP address expressed in natural language

Domain name

IP address expressed in natural language

domain name

IP address expressed in natural language

Network architecture limitations

Identical requests are processed individually

Search Engine

Identifies Web pages that appear to match keywords, also called queries, entered by the user and then provides a list of the best matches

search engines

Identify Web pages that appear to match keywords (queries) entered by a user, and provide list of best matches based on one or more techniques Outside of e-mail, most commonly used Internet activity

Authentication Procedures

Include the use of digital signatures, certificates of authority, and public key infrastructure

Malicious Code (Malware)

Includes a variety of threats such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and bots

information requirements

Info elements that system must produce to achieve bus objectives


Intentionally disrupting, defacing, or even destroying a site


Interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals

IPv6 Internet Address

Internet address expressed and a 128-bit number

IPv4 Internet Address

Internet address expressed as a 32-bit number that appears as a series of four separate numbers marked off by periods, such as

Venture Capital Investors

Invest funds they manage for other investors such as investment banks, pension funds, insurance companies, or other businesses and usually want to obtain a larger stake in the business and exercise more control over the operation of the business. Also typically want a well-defined exit strategy such as a plan for an initial public offering or acquisition of the company by a more establish business within a relatively short period of time.


Involves attempting to hide a true identity by using someone else's e-mail or IP address


Involves attempting to hide in a true identity by using someone else's email or IP address. IE. a spoofed email will have a forged sender email address designed to mislead the receiver about who sent the email.

Security Audit

Involves the routine review of access logs (identifying how outsiders are using the site as well as how insiders are accessing the site's assets)

Identity Fraud

Involves the unauthorized use of another person's personal data for illegal financial benefit

What is expected to happen to location-based mobile marketing over the next 5 years?

It's expected to triple in the next 5 years

Quality of service limitations

Latency; in case of e-mail its not notice

Applications Layer

Layer of Internet architecture that contains client applications

Transport Services and Representation Standards Layer

Layer of Internet architecture that houses the TCP/IP protocol

Network Technology Substrate Layer

Layer of Internet technology that is composed of telecommunications networks and protocols


Leach-Billey Act-ensure that financial institutions, including mortgage brokers and lenders, protect nonpublic personal information of consumers.A Federal law to protect the personal information of consumers. In an effort to balance the needs that consumers have for privacy protection and the interests of the marketplace in sharing information, the GLB Act does not absolutely prohibit the sharing of personal financial information but provides limitations and restrictions on the types of information that can be exchanged and the parties that can receive it.

Java Server Pages (JSP)

Like CGI and ASP, a web page coding standard that allows developers to dynamically generate web pages in response to user requests

system fxnalities

List of IS capabilities needed to achieve business objectives

Main problem of social markeing as compared to TV ads?

Loss of control, TV ads maintain near complete control.


Malware that comes with a downloaded file that a user requests


Malware that is designed to spread from computer to computer

Ransomware (scareware)

Malware that prevents you from accessing your computer or files and demands that you pay a fine

Web server

May refer to either Web server software or physical server -Specialized servers: Database servers, ad servers, mail server, video server


Measures how much data can be transferred over a communications medium within a fixed period of time; is usually expressed in bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per second (Gbps)

Internet Explorer

Microsoft's Web browser

Internet Explorer

Microsoft's web browser

Client/Server Computing

Model of computing in which client computers are connected in a network together with one or more servers which are computers that are dedicated to performing functions that the client computers on the network need, such as file storage, software applications, printing and internet access.

Cloud Computing

Model of computing in which computer processing, storage, software, and other services are provided as a shared pool of virtualized resources over the Internet

CERT Coordination Center

Monitors and tracks online criminal activity reported to it by private corporations and government agencies that seek out its help

Mobile stats

More than 258 million americans use mobile devices. 190 million use smartphones 159 million use tablets


Most used application of the Internet Uses a series of protocols to enable messages containing text, images, sound, video clips, etc., to be transferred from one Internet user to another Also allows attachments Can be an effective marketing tool


Multiple duplicate devices and paths in a network

example of subscription revenue model


The Four Layers of the Hourglass Model of the Internet

Network Technology Substrate Transport Services and Representation Standards Middleware Services Applications

4 Layers of the Internet

Network technology substrate layer, transport services and representation standards layer, applications layer,


Networked computer dedicated to common functions that the client computers on the network need

Which ethical principle asks you to assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone else unless there is a specific declaration otherwise

No free lunch

Data Breach

Occurs when an organization loses control over its information to outsiders

Hybrid Cloud

Offers customers both a public and a private cloud

Instant messaging

One of fastest growing forms of online human cx Displays words typed on a comp almost instantly, and recipients can then respond immediately in the same way


One of several route-tracing utilities that allow you to follow the path of a message you send from your client to a remote computer on the Internet

World Wide Web (Web)

One of the Internet's most popular services providing access to billions, possibly trillions, of Web pages


One of the Internet's most popular services, providing access to billions, and perhaps trillions, of Web pages

the web

One of the most popular services that runs on the Internet infrastructure. The original killer app that made the internet commercially interesting and extraordinarily popular. Developed in the early 90s and hence much more recent vintage than the internet. Provides access to billions of web pages.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

One of the original Internet services. Part of the TCP/IP protocol that permits users to transfer files from the server to their client computer, and vice versa


Online advertising that contains malicious code

music and video services

Online video viewing Digital video on demand

Tier 1 Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Own and control the major long-haul fiber-optic cable networks comprising the Internet's backbone

Online Stored Value Payment System

Permits consumers to make instant, online payments to merchants and other individuals based on value stored in an online account


Personal Web page that is created by an individual or corporation to communicate with readers


Personal Web page that typically contains a series of chronological entries by its author, and links to related Web pages


Personal connectivity between devices and to Internet


Personally Identifiable Information-any data that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual

What is the most frequent cause of stolen credit cards and card information today?

Phishing attack

Security Token

Physical device or software that generates an identifier that can be used in addition to or in place of a password

Cable Internet

Piggybacks digital access to the Internet on top of the analog video cable providing television signals to a home

business models

Portal, e-tailer, content provider, transaction broker, market creator, service provider, community provider

RSS really simple syndication

Program that allows users to have digital content automatically sent to them; typically used for news

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

Program that allows users to have digital content including text, articles, blogs, and podcast audio files, automatically sent to their computers over the Internet

Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)

Program that installs itself on a computer, typically without the user's informed consent


Program used to obtain information such as a user's keystrokes, email, instant messaging, and son on. Can even take screen shots and capture passwords or other confidential information

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

Protocol that allows for transmission of voice and other forms of audio communication over the Internet


Protocol that establishes the connections among sending and receiving Web computers and handles the assembly of packets at the point of transmission, and their reassembly at the receiving end


Protocol that provides the Internet's addressing scheme and is responsible for the actual delivery of the packets

Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS)

Protocols the secure communications between the client and the server

Application Layer

Provides a wide variety of applications with the ability to access the services of the lower layers (HTTP, Telnet, FTP, SMTP)

Private Cloud

Provides similar options as public cloud but only to a single tenant

internet protocol (IP)

Provides the Internet's addressing scheme

Internet Protocol (IP)

Provides the Internet's addressing scheme & its responsible for the actual delivery of the packets

Mobile platform

Provides the ability to access the internet from a variety of highly mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and other ultra-lightweight laptop computers.


Pull fxnality/data from one program and include it in another


Refers to any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming audio and video files at acceptable speeds


Refers to either hardware or software that filters communication packets and prevents some packets from entering the network based on a security policy


Refers to either hardware or software that filters communication packets and prevents some packets from entering the network based on a security policy.

System Architecture

Refers to the arrangement of software, machinery and tasks in an information system needed to achieve a specific functionality much like a homes architecture refers to the arrangement of building materials to achieve a particular functionality.

Desktop marketing

Remains the largest part of all online marketing.

What is the FTC recommendation regarding choice as it relates to personally identifiable information (PII)

Require firms to have consumers affirmatively opt-in before PII is collected.

Internet Layer

Responsible for addressing, packaging, and routing messages on the Internet (IP)

Network Interface Layer

Responsible for placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium (Ethernet, Token Ring, Frame Relay, ATM)

Transport Layer

Responsible for providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application (TCP)

Web sERVERS Basic capabilities

Security services, FTP, search engine, data capture

Market Biases

Sellerbiased, Buyerbiased, Neutral

Packet switching

Sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination. Packet switching requires a dedicated circuit.

Database Server

Server designed to access specific information within a database

Ad Server

Server designed to deliver targeted banner ads

Mail Server

Server that provides e-mail messages

Video Server

Server that serves video clips

online social networks

Services that support communication among networks of friends, peers


Set of rules and standards for data transfer

JSP (Java Server Pages)

Similar to CGI and ASP; allows developers to use HTML, JSP scripts, and Java to dynamically generate web pages

Packet Switching

Slices digital messages into packets, sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination

Bandwidth limitations

Slow peak-hour service & limited ability to handle high volumes of video and voice traffic


Small, prebuilt chunk of code that executes automatically in your HTML web page; capable of performing a wide variety of tasks

online software and web services: Web apps, widgets and gadgets

Smaller chunks of code called "widgets" and "gadgets".

Web Browser

Software program whose primary purpose is to display Web pages

Proxy Server (proxy)

Software server that handles all communications originating from or being sent to the Internet, acting as a spokesperson or bodyguard for the organization

Proxy Server

Software server that handles all communications originating from or being sent to the internet, acting as a spokes person or bodyguard for the organization.

Web Server Software

Software that enables a computer to deliver Web pages written in HTML to client computers on a network that request this service by sending an HTTP request

intelligence personal assistants

Software that interacts with the user through voice commands ex: Siri, Google Now

Open Source Software

Software that is developed by a community of programmers and designers and is free to use and modify. The advantage of using open source web building tools is that you get exactly what you want, a truly customizable unique web site. The disadvantage is that it will take several months for a single programmer to develop the site and get all of the tools to work together seamlessly.

Zero-Day Vulnerability

Software vulnerability that has been previously unreported and for which no patch yet exists


Special purpose computers that interconnect the computer networks that make up the Internet and route packets along to their ultimate destination as they travel The Internet


Special-purpose computer that interconnects the computer networks that make up the Internet and routes packets to their ultimate destination as they travel the Internet


Strengths Weaknesses Opps Threats

Domain Name System (DNS)

System for expressing numeric IP addresses in natural language


TCP/IP network located w/i a single org for cxs and processing

all EC sites require basic web server software to answer HTTP requests from customers


video ad

TV-like advertisement that appears as an in-page video commercial or before during, or after content

SQL Injection Attack

Takes advantage of poorly coded Web application software that fails to properly validate or filter data entered by a user on a Web page


Technology standard for short-range wireless communication under 30 feet

Cipher Text

Text that has been encrypted and thus cannot be read by anyone other than the sender and the receiver

Middleware Services Layer

The "glue" that ties the applications to the communications networks and includes such services as security, authentication, addresses, and storage repositories

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The Internet protocol used for transferring web pages

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

The Internet protocol used to send mail to a server


The ability to control the use of information about oneself


The ability to ensure that an e-commerce site continues to function as intended


The ability to ensure that e-commerce participants do not deny (i.e., repudiate) their online actions


The ability to ensure that information being displayed on a Web site or transmitted or received over the Internet has not been altered in any way by an unauthorized party


The ability to ensure that messages and data are available only to those who are authorized to view them


The ability to identify the identify of a person or entity with whom you are dealing on the Internet

Implementation Plan

The action steps you will take to achieve the security plan goals

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

The address used by a Web browser to identify the location of content on the Web

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

The addresses used by browsers to identify the location of content on the Web are called-URL Which is the address used by a web browser to identify the location of content on the web, also uses a domain name as part of the URL. Contains protocol to be used when accessing the address followed by the location.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

The core communications protocol for the Internet .


The core communications protocol of the internet


The discrete units into which digital message are sliced for transmission over the internet.


The discrete units into which digital messages are sliced for transmission over the Internet

Netscape Navigator

The first commercial Web browser


The internet protocol used to transfer web pages. Developed by the world wide web consortium and the internet engineering task force.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

The most widely used symmetric key algorithm offering 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys

Electronic Mail (e-mail)

The most-used application of the Internet. Uses a series of protocols to enable messages containing text, images, sound, and video clips to be transferred from one Internet user to another


The new markup language that will enable more dynamic web content and allow for browser-accessible web apps that are as appealing as device-specific apps. Bringing the best of the app experience to the web and with apps developing new web-like capabilities.


The process of transforming plain text or data into cipher text that cannot be read by anyone other than the sender and the receiver. The purpose of encryption is (a) to secure stored information and (b) to secure information transmission

private industrial networks (private trading exchange, PTX)

internet-based communication environments that extend far beyond procurement to encompass truly collaborative commerce. largest part of b2b e-commerce. pg 417 foundation of the 'extended enterprise' direct descendants of existing EDI networks & tied to ERP systems used by large firms web-enabled network for the coordination of trans-organizational business process aka collaborative commerce pg 438 efficient customer response system: demand-pull production model pg 439


invented by microsoft to compete with Java


invented by microsoft to compete with Javascript

automated order entry systems

involve the use of telephone modems to send digital orders pg 416

Public Key Encryption

Two mathematically related digital keys are used: a public key and a private key. The private key is kept secret by the owner and the public key is widely disseminated. Both keys can be used to encrypt and decrypt a message. However, once the keys are used to encrypt a message, that same key cannot be used to unencrypt the message.

social networks

involves a group of people, shared social interaction, common ties among members, and people who share an area for some period of time pg 386

virtual reality

involves fully immersing users within a virtual world, typically through the use of a head mounted display connected to headphones and other devices

virtual reality

involves fully immersing users within a virtual world, typically through the use of a head-mounted display connected to headphones and other devices

contract purchasing

involves long-term written agreements to purchase specified products with agreed upon terms and quality

contract purchasing

involves long-term written agreements to purchase specified products, under agreed-upon termd and quality, for an extended period of time pg 421

augmented reality

involves overlaying virtual objects over the real world via smart phones, tablets, or HMDs (Pokemon GO)

spot purchasing

involves purchase of goods based on immediate needs in larger marketplaces that involve many suppliers

System testing

involves testing the site as a while, in a way the typical user will use the site

system testing

involves testing the site as a whole, in a way the typical user will use the site

Unit testing

involves testing the site's program modules one at a time

unit testing

involves testing the site's program modules one at a time


involves the internet to enable individuals to collectively contribute money to support a project

spot purchasing

involves the purchase of goods based on immediate needs in larger marketplaces that involve many suppliers pg 421

Cyber Squatting

involves the registration of an infringing domain name or other internet use of an existing trademark, for the purpose of extorting payments from the legitimate owners

model-driven data mining

involves the use of a model that analyze the ket variables of interest to decision makers

search engine marketing (SEM)

involves the use of search engines to build and sustain brands

search engine advertising

involves the use of search engines to support direct sales online

behavioral targeting

involves using online and offline behavior of consumers to adjust the advertising messages delivered to them online


is a feature in a software program that uses the global positioning system (GPS) or radio frequency identification (RFID) to define geographical boundaries. A geofence is a virtual barrier.

application servers are...

kind of middleware software that provides the glue connecting trad'l corporate systems to the customer as well as all the fxnality needed to conduct EC

Digital divide

lack of diversity on the Internet. Inequality in access and usage. the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don't or have restricted access.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

largely academic group that sets HTML and other programming standards for the Web

applications layer

layer if internet architecture that contains client applications

Applications layer

layer of Internet architecture that contains client applications

Transport Services and Representation Standards layer

layer of Internet architecture that houses the TCP/IP protocol

Network Technology Substrate layer

layer of Internet technology that is composed of telecommunications networks and protocols

Transport Services and Representation Standards

layer of internet architecture that houses the TCP/IP protocol

Network Technology Substrate Layer

layer of internet technology that is compared of telecommunications networks and protocols


leading web server software (54% of mkt) Works only with UNIX, LINUX OSs

Java Server Page (JSP)

like CGI and ASP, a Web page coding standard that allows developers to dynamically generate Web pages in response to user requests

Benefits of auction

liquidity (convert to cash), price discovery and market efficiency, price transparency (monitor auctions as they occur), lower transaction costs, consumer aggregation and network effects

business objectives

list of capabilities you want your site to have

Online catalog

list of products available on a Web site

2 components of sys design

logical and physical

CRM (consumer relationship management)

manage relationship with customers once a purchase is made

Public Key Cryptography

Two mathematically related digital keys are used: a public key and a private key. The private key is kept secret by the owner, and the public key is widely disseminated. Both keys can be used to encrypt and decrypt a message. However, once the keys are used to encrypt a message, that same key cannot by used to unencrypt the message


Type of malicious code that can be covertly installed on a computer when connected to the Internet. Once installed, the bot responds to external commands sent by the attacker

Virtual Currency

Typically circulates within an internal virtual world community or is issued by a specific corporate entity, and used to purchase virtual goods

examples of disruptors

Uber, Snapchat, Wayz

mobile apps

Use of mobile apps continues to explode in 2012 70% of mobile phone owners research products and services, 35% have made purchase Increased use/purchasing from tablets

Internet of Things (IoT)

Use of the Internet to connect a wide variety of devices, machines, and sensors

ASP (Active server pages)

Used to build dynamic pages with Microsoft's IIS


Used to create interactivity and active content on client computer

Internet Defined by Federal Networking Council (FNC)

Uses IP addressing, Supports TCP/IP, Provides services to users in manner similar to telephone system

Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS)

Using numerous computers to attack the target network from numerous launch points


Verifies an individual's or business's identity.

How do you characterize the marketplace?

Via: 1. demographics 2. size, growth, changes 3. structure: competitors, suppliers, substitutes 4. where the content is coming from (static vs dynamic)

multi-tier architecture

Web application servers Backend, legacy databases


Web application that allows a user to easily add and edit content on a Web page


Web browser with a graphical user interface (GUI) that made it possible to view documents on the Web graphically

2-Tier architecture

Web server and database server

Fair Information Practices Principles

Which of the FTC's Fair Information Practices (FIP) principles requires identification of the collector of data? Notice/Awarenes(Notice/Awareness (core principle),Choice/Consent (core principle),Access/Participation,Security,Enforcement


marketplace extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed from a temporal and geographic location


markets in which prices are variable and based on the competition among participants who are buying or selling products and services. dynamic pricing. pg 392

Internet Auctions

markets in which prices are variable, based on competition among participants


measure how much data can be transferred over a communications medium within a fixed period of time; is usually expressed in bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per second (Gbps)


measures how much data can be transferred over a communications medium within a fixed period of time

effective cost-per-thousand (eCPM)

measures return on investment from an ad by dividing the total earnings from the ad by the total number of impressions in thousands

view-through rate (VTR)

measures the 30-day response rate to an ad


measures the amount and intensity of user involvement

Affinity Community

members who self-identify with demographic or geographic category, such as women, race

industry convergence

merger of media enterprises into firms that create and cross-market content on different platforms

systems development life cycle

methodology for understanding bus objectives of a sys and designing an approp soln


mobile commerce

Mobile Marketing

mobile site (m.ford.com), apps (2015 ford mustang customizer, my ford)

cloud computing

model of computing firms and invids obtain computing power and software over internet, rather than purchasing and installing locally ex: Google apps FASTEST GROWING FORM OF COMPUTING!

client/server computing

model of computing powerful personal computers (clients) connected in one network with one or more servers Servers perform common functions for the clients Storing files, software applications, etc.

cloud computing

model of computing in which computer processing, storage, software, and other services are provided as a shared pool of virtualized resources over the internet

Cloud Computing

model of computing in which firms and individuals obtain computing power and software over Internet -Public, private, and hybrid clouds

3rd party software and services for advanced site mgt

monitor customer purchases, mkting campaign effectiveness ex: WebTrends Analytics 10, Google Analytics

Data capture

monitoring site traffic, capturing information on who has visited a site, how long the user stayed there, the date and time of each visit, and which specific pages on the server were accessed

english auction

most common form of auction; highest bidder wins. considered seller-biased pg 395

media utilization

most popular in order: -TV -Internet -Radio together media account for more than 77% pg 350

MOTO (mail order telephone order)

most similar to online retail, grew in 70s and 80s due to improvements of national toll free (800) system

Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

multi-stakeholder open forum for debate on issues related to Internet governance


multiple duplicate devices and paths in a network


multiple duplicate devices and paths in a network


Wireless security standard that uses the AES algorithm for encryption and CCMP, a more advanced authentication code protocol


Wireless standard for Ethernet networks with greater speed and range than Bluetooth


Within the hacking community, a term typically used to denote a hacker with criminal intent

basic business considerations for web site design

need design guidelines and software tools that can cost-effectively achieve req'd bus fxnality *enabling customers to find what they need, make purchase + leave

value web

networked business ecosystem that coordinates the value chains of several firms


networked computer dedicated to common functions that the client computers on the network need

OTT (over the top)

new internet broadcasting system in total to challenge a monopolistic industry of cable TV

e-mail: activity

newsletters updates sales


number of http requests received by a firm's server

page views

number of pages requested by visitors


number of times an ad is served

Internet of Things

objects connected via sensors

click fraud

occurs when a competitor clicks on search engine results and ads, forcing the advertisers to pay for the click even though the click is not legitimate

unfair competitive advantage

occurs when one firm develops an advantage based on a factor that other firms cannot purchase

bricks and clicks

oder online and then pick up in the store

freemium model

offer basic free then pay for premium to remove ads or access additional content

flash marketing

offering huge price cuts for a limited period of time

strategy of cost competition

offering products and services at a lower cost than competitors

Merchant server software package (e-commerce server suite)

offers an integrated environment that provides most or all the functionality and capabilities needed to develop a sophisticated, customer-centric site

Hybrid Cloud

offers customers both a public cloud and a private cloud

hybrid cloud

offers customers both a public cloud and a private cloud


offers customers two or more goods for a reduced price

service provider

offers services online


offers users powerful search tools as well as an integrated package of content and services all in one place

fixed pricing

one national price, everywhere for everyone pg 392

world wide web (web)

one of internet's most popular services (much bigger than internet) provides access to billions (maybe trillions) of web pages


one of several route-tracing utilities that allow you to follow the path of a message you send from your client to a remote computer on the internet


one of the internet's most popular services, providing access to billions, and perhaps trillions of web pages

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

one of the original Internet services. Part of the TCP/IP protocol that permits users to transfer files from the server to their client computer, and vice versa

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

one of the original internet services; part of the TCP/IP protocol that permits users to transfer files from the server to their client computer and vice versa


one of the several utilities that allow you to follow the path of a message you send from your client to a remote computer on the Internet


online auctions are single largest source of Internet fraud. Using auctions increase risk of experiencing a loss, Trust risks- Risk of fraud, loss

2. Business to Business

online businesses selling to other businesses. Example: Go2Paper is an independent third party marketplace that serves the paper industry

b2b electronic storefronts

online catalogs of products made available to the public marketplace by a single supplier pg 416


online retail store


online version of traditional retailers

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

open international community of network operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture of the Internet


open source content management and blog website design tool

page content

optimize html & images site architecture efficient page style

Content management system (CMS)

organizes, stores, and processes Web site content.

Tier 1 Internet services providers

own and control the major long-haul fiber-optic cable networks comprising the internet's backbone

Network Service Provider (NSP)

owns and controls one of the major networks comprising the Internet's backbone

All of the following are used for authentication except

packet filters. all of these are used for authentication; biometric devices, digital signatures, certificates of authority.

abandonment rate

percent of shoppers who begin a shopping cart, but then fail to complete it

viewability rate

percentage of ads that are actually seen by people online

open rate

percentage of customers who open email

attrition rate

percentage of customers who purchase once, but do not return within a year

click-through rate (email)

percentage of email recipients who clicked through the offer

delivery rate

percentage of email recipients who received email

bounce-back rate

percentage of emails that could not be delivered

retention rate

percentage of existing customers who continue to buy


percentage of purchasers who return in a year


percentage of the total number of customers in a market who will visit a site

conversion rate

percentage of visitors who purchase something

acquisition rate

percentage of visitors who register or visit product pages


perform common functions for the client computers on the network need such as: Storing files, Software applications, Access to printers, and so on


personal "web log" of chronological entries


personal web page that is created by an individual or corporation to communicate with readers


physical place that you visit to transact

Cable Internet

piggybacks digital access to the Internet on top of the analog video cable providing television signals to a home

cable internet

piggybacks digital access to the internet on the top of the analog video cable providing television signals to a home

organizational development

plan that describes how the company will organize the work that needs to be accomplished

design considerations

platform constraints: smartphone/tablet

pay-per-click (PPC) search ad

primary type of search engine advertising

offline media: platform

print TV & radio

trans-organizational business process

process that requires at least two independent firms to perform pg 438

transaction broker

processes transactions for consumers that are normally handled in person, by phone, or by mail

MRO goods (maintenance, repair, operations)

products for maintenance, repair and operations pg 421

really simple syndication (RSS)

program that allows users to have digital content, including text, articles, blogs, and podcast audio files, automatically sent to their computers over the Internet

really simple syndication (RSS)

program that allows users to have digital content, including text, articles, blogs, and podcast audio files, automatically sent to their computers over the internet


protects original forms of expression such as writings, art, drawings, photographs, music, motion pictures, performances, and computer programs from being copied by others for a minimum of 70 years

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

protocol that allows for transmission of voice and other forms of audio communication over the Internet

Voice over Internet Protocol

protocol that allows for transmission of voice and other forms of audio communication over the internet


protocol that establishes the connections among sending and receiving web computers and handles the assembling of packets at the point of transmission and their reassembly at the receiving end


protocol that provides the internets addressing scheme and is responsible for the actual deliver of the packets

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/ Transport Layer Security (TLS)

protocols that secure communications between the client and the server


a TCP/IP network located within a single organization for purposes of communications and information processing


a TCP/IP network located within a single organization for purposes of communications and information processing

digital disruption

a business model disruption that is driven by changes in information technology

e-commerce business model

a business model that aims to use and leverage...

long tail effect

a colloquial name given to various statistical distributions characterized by a small number of events of high amplitude and a very large number of events with low amplitude

electronic data interchange (EDI)

a communications standard for sharing business documents and settlement information among a small number of firms pg 416

sales revenue model

a company derives revenue by selling goods, information, or services

subscription revenue model

a company offers its users content or services and charges a subscription fee for access to some or all of its offerings

advertising revenue model

a company provides a forum for advertisements and receives fees from advertisers

transaction fee revenue model

a company receives a fee for enabling or executing a transaction

Transaction fee revenue model

a company receives a fee for enabling or executing a transaction. For example, eBay provides an auction marketplace and provides a small transition fee from a seller if the seller is successful.

affiliate revenue model

a company steers business to an affiliate and receives a referral fee or percentage of the revenue from any resulting sales

Subscription revenue model

a company that offers content or services charges a subscription fee for access to some or all of its offerings. For instance, the digital version of consumer reports provides online and mobile access to premium content, such as detailed ratings, reviews and recommendations, only to subscribers, who have a choice of paying a 6.95 monthly subscription fee or a 30 annual fee.

Advertising revenue model

a company that offers content, services, and or products also provides a forum for advertisements and receives fees from advertisers.


a company that supplies products and services directly to individual businesses

real-time customer service chat systems

a company's customer service representatives interactively exchange text-based messages with one or more customers on a real-time basis

first-mover advantage

a competitive market advantage for a firm that results from being the first into a market place with a serviceable product or service

data warehouse

a database that collects a firm's transactional and customer data in single location for offline analysis

customer profile

a description of the typical behavior of a customer or a group of customers at a website

business plan

a document that describes a firm's business model

Business plan

a document that describes a firm's business model. A business plan always takes into account the competitive environment.


a feature of political systems in which a body of law is in place that permits individuals to recover the damages done to them by other actors, systems, or organizations


a file inserted within an e-mail message


a file inserted within an email message

first mover

a firm that is first to a market in a particular area and that moves quickly to gather market share

FiOS (fiber-optic service)

a form of DSL that provides speeds of up to 500 Mbps

FiOs (fiber optic service)

a form of DSL that provides speeds up to 500 Mbps

IP telephony

a general term for the technologies that use VoIP and internet's packet-switched network to transmit voice and other forms of audio communication over the internet

IP telephony

a general term for the technologies that use VoIP and the Internet;s packet-switched network to transmit voice and other forms of audio communication over the Internet


a mark used to identify and distinguish goods and indicate their source

perfect market

a market in which there are no competitive advantages or asymmetries because all firms have equal access to all the factors of production

eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

a markup language specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that is designed to describe data and information

extensible markup language (XML)

a markup language specification developed by the world wide web consortium (W3C) that is designed to describe data and information

tight coupling

a method for ensuring that suppliers precisely deliver the ordered parts at a specific time and particular location to ensure the production process is mot interrupted for lack of parts pg 423

just-in-time production

a method of inventory cost management that seeks to eliminate excess inventory to a bare minimum pg 423

packet switching

a method of slicing digital messages into packets, sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination

packet switching

a method of slicing digital messages into packets, sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they've arrived at their destination

System development (SDLC)

a methodology for under standing the business objectives of any system and designing an appropriate solution

systems development life cycle

a methodology for understanding the business objective of any system and designing an appropriate solution

client/server computing

a model of computing in which client computers are connected to a network together with one or more servers

Client/Server Computing

a model of computing with a powerful personal computers are connected in network together with one or more servers

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

a more current e-mail protocol that allows users to search, organize, and filter their mail prior to downloading it from the server

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

a more current email protocol that allows users to search, organize, and filter their main prior to downloading it from the server

differentiated quality of service

a new technology that assigns levels of priority to packets based on the type of data being transmitted

Differentiated Quality of Service (diffserv)

a new technology that assigns levels of priority to packets based on the type pf data being transmitted


a paid effort to tie an advertiser's name to information, an event, or a venue in a way that reinforces its brand in a positive yet not overtly commercial manner

online advertising

a paid message on a website, online services or other interactive medium


a powerful desktop computer that is part of a network


a powerful personal computer that is part of a network


a program that allows you to check the connection between the client and the server


a program that allows you to check the connection between your client and the server


a programming language invented by Netscape that is used to control the objects on an HTML page and handle interactions with the browser


a programming language that allows programmers to create interactivity and active content on the client computer, thereby saving considerable load on the server

Active Server Pages (ASP)

a proprietary software development tool that enables programmers using Microsoft IIS package to build dynamic pages

Active Server Pages (ASP)

a proprietary software development tool that enables programmers using Microsoft's IIS package to build dynamic pages

Post Office Protocol 3 ( POP3)

a protocol used by the client to retrieve mail from an Internet server

Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)

a protocol used by the client to retrieve mail from an internet server

customer relationship management (CRM) system

a repository of customer information that records all of the contacts that a customer has with a firm and generates a customer profile available to everyone in the firm with a need to "know the customer"

Postal System

a series of post offices and a set of addresses

data mining

a set of analysis techniques that look for patterns in the data of database or data warehouse, or seek to model the behavior of customers

business model

a set of planned activities designed to result in a profit in a marketplace

business strategy

a set of plans for achieving superior long-term returns on the capital invested in a business firm


a set of rules and standards for data transfer

Common gateway interface (CGI)

a set of standards for communication between a browser and a program running on a server that allows for interaction between the user and the server

english auction

a single item is for sale by a single seller, the highest bid wins


a situation where there are no differences among products or services, and the only basis of choosing is price


a small, pre-built chunk of code that executes automatically in you HTML Web page; capable of performing a wide variety of tasks

consumer behavior

a social science discipline that attempts to model and understand the behavior of humans in a marketplace


a software application that stores records and attributes

DBMS (database management systems)

a software application used by organizations to create, maintain, and access databases

database management system (DBMS)

a software application used by organizations to create, maintain, and access databases


a software framework for working with various big data sets


a terminal emulation program that runs in TCP/IP


a terminal emulation program that runs in TCP/IP

frequently used questions (FAQs)

a text-based listing of common questions and answers

A Web beacon is

a tiny graphics file embedded in an e-mail or Web page.


a tool used by Web sites to store information about a user. When a visitor enters a Web site, the site sends a small text file (the cookie) to the user's computer so that information from the site can be loaded more quickly on future visits. The cookie can contain any information desired by the site designers


a way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such as sound, video, or animation files


a way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also links pages to other objects such as sound, video, or animation file

interstitial ad

a way of placing a full-page message between the current and destination pages of a user

Online forums

a web application that allows Internet users to communicate with each other, although not in real time

online messaging board

a web application that allows internet users to communicate with each other, although not in real time

magazine aggregater

a website or app that provides subscriptions and sales of many digital magazines pg 364


ability to change the product to better fit then eeds of the customer


ability to treat ppl based on their personal qualities and prior history with your site

competitive advantage

achieved by a firm when it can produce a superior product and/or bring the product to a market at a lower price than most

competitive advantage

achieved by a firm when it can produce a superior product and/or bring the product to market at a lower price than most, or all, or its competitors

transaction brokering

acting as an intermediary to facilitate a transaction

rich media ad

ad employing animation, sound, and interactivity, using Flash, HTML5, Java, and Javascript

uniform resource locator (URL)

address used by web browser to ID location of content on the web E.g. http://www.azimuth-interactive.com/flash_test

Personalization pricing

adjusts based on merchant's estimate of how much customer values product


adjusts based on utilization of product,Adjusting the annual cost of automobile insurance based on mileage driven is an example of ________ pricing. utilization


advanced networking consortium of more than 250 member institutions working in partnership to facilitate the development, and use of revolutionary Internet technologies

Internet 2

advanced networking consortium of more than 450 members institutions working in partnership to facilitate the development, deployment, and use of revolutionary internet technologies

cost per action (CPA)

advertiser pays only for those users who perform a specific action

cost per click (CPC)

advertiser pays renegotiated fee for each click an ad receives

cost per thousand (CPM)

advertisers pays for impressions in 1,000-unit lots

local marketing

advertising is based on the location of the consumer and the stores and products around that area

Revenue model Types

advertising revenue model, subscription revenue model, transaction revenue model, sales revenue model, affiliate revenue model

native advertising

advertising that looks similar to editorial content

indirect goods

all other goods not directly involved in the production process pg 419

b2b commerce

all types of inter-firm trade B2B makes up the larger volume of online commerce in terms of money transacted. It is linked to supply chain management, as it primarily addresses how businesses use electronic commerce to more effectively and efficiently manage its interaction with various parties in the supply chain such as suppliers, buyers, etc. pg 416

domain name server (DNS)

allows expressions such as Cnet.com to stand for a numeric IP address.

domain name system (DNS)

allows numeric IP addresses to be e pressed in natural language

Shopping cart

allows shoppers to set aside desired purchases in preparation for checkout, review what they have selected, edit their selections as necessary, and then actually make the purchase by clicking a button


allows users to transfer files to and from the server

online social network

an area online, where people who share common ties can interact with one another pg 386


an audio presentation stored online as a digital media file


an audio presentation- such as radio show, audio from a movie, or simply a personal audio presentation- stored as an audio file and posted to the Web

industry structural analysis

an effort to understand and describe the nature of substitute products, the barriers to entry, and the relative strength of consumers and suppliers


an independent digital marketplace where suppliers and commercial purchasers can conduct transactions


an interconnected network of thousands and millions of computers linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals


an international telephone standard for digital communication that offers guaranteed delivery at 1.45 Mbps


an international telephone standard for digital communication that offers guaranteed delivery at 1.54 Mbps


an international telephone standard for digital communication that offers guaranteed delivery at 45 Mbps

Web beacon

an object embedded in a web page or email, which unobtrusively (usually invisibly) allows checking that a user has accessed the content. Common uses are email tracking and page tagging for web analytics. Alternative names are web bug, tracking bug, tag, or page tag.

interest-based advertising (IBA)

another name for behavioral targeting

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)

protocols that secure communications between the client and the server

Internet drone access

provide Internet access remote parts of the world

social networks

provide intimate connections among customers, suppliers, logistics partners that are needed to keep the supply chain functioning and to make decisions based on current conditions pg 430


provide services and some funding for a new e-commerce business (usually the first to help)

Application layer

provides a wide variety of applications with the ability to access the services of the lower layers

Application layer

provides a wide variety of applications with the ability to access the services of the lower layers. Some of the best known applications are HTTP, FTP and SMTP

EC merchant server software provides...

provides basic fxnality for online sales: -online catalog -shopping cart -credit card processing


provides electronic catalog that represents the products of thousands of direct manufactures pg 432

private cloud

provides similar options as a public cloud but only to a single tenant

Private Cloud

provides similar options as public cloud but only to a single tenant

mobile platform

provides the ability to access the internet from a variety of mobile devices

Telnet program

provides the client part of the protocol and enables the client to emulate a mainframe computer terminal


provides the internet's addressing scheme and is responsible for delivery of packets

The Transport Layer of TCP/IP is responsible for which of the following?

providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application

dutch internet auction

public ascending price, multiple unit auction. final price is lowest successful bid, which sets price for higher bidders. start listing by minimum price. bidders specify bid price & qty. price per item. pg 396

network keyboard advertising (context advertising)

publishers accept ads placed by google on their websites, and receive a fee for any click-throughs from those ads


pull content and functionality from one place on the Web to a place where you want it, such as on your Web page, blog, or Facebook page (e.g., free photo-editing application on Picnik.com


putting a value on goods and services

view-to-cart ratio

ratio of "Add to cart" clicks to product views

cart conversion rate

ratio of actual orders to "add to cart" click

checkout conversion rate

ratio of actual orders to checkouts started

browse-to-buy ratio

ratio of items purchased to product views

advertising revenue model

receives fees from advertisers

transaction log

records user activity at a website


reduction in the use of intermediaries between producers and consumers

web client

any computing device attached to the internet that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages, most commonly a Windows PC or Mac

Subscription revenue model

anything that you have to pay to be a part of and to access its content

Mobile Web app

application built to run on the mobile Web browser built into a smartphone or tablet computer

Native app

application designed specifically to operate using the mobile devices hardware and operating system

DNS Server

are database that keep track of IP addresses and domain names on the internet.

Principle of responsibility

as free moral agents, individuals, organizations, and societies are responsible for the actions they take

No free lunch

assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone else unless there is a specific declaration otherwise. if something someone else has created is useful, you should assume the creator wants compensation

magazines and tablets

at first "glossies" not impacted magazine sales dropped due to screens improvement in resolution since video on web became more common -digital magazines sales be extraordinary. largest drivers: Pinterest, FB, Yahoo & Twitter pg 363


refers ti any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming audio and video speeds-generally anything above 100 Kbps

supply chain management (SCM)

refers to a wide variety of activities that firms and industries use to coordinate the key players in their procurement process Trends: phones, email, fax, face to face conversations, instinct, rely on trusted long term suppliers Developments: just in time production, lean, supply chain simplification, adaptive supply chains, sustainable supply chains, electronic data interchange, supply chain mgmt systems, collaborative commerce pg 422


refers to ability of site to increase in size as demand warrants

Hardware platform

refers to all the underlying computing equipment that the system uses to achieve its e-commerce functionality


refers to all the ways producers can make their products or services unique and different to distinguish them from those of competitors

Hardware platform (for EC site)

refers to all underlying computer equipment that system uses to achieve EC fxnality


refers to any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming audio and video files at acceptable speeds

digital rights management (DRM)

refers to the combination of technical and legal means for protecting digital content from unlimited reproduction without permission (hardware and software). "walled garden"- restrict widespread sharing of content

market opportunity

refers to the company's intended market space and the overall potential financial opportunities available to the firm in that market space

industry structure

refers to the nature of players in an industry and their relative bargaining power

Social density

refers to the number of interactions among members of a group and reflects the "connected-ness" of a group, even if these connections are forced on users

competitive environment

refers to the other companies operating in the same marketspace selling similar products

4. Mobile Comerce

refers to the use of mobile devices to enable online transactions. Involves the use of cellular and wireless networks to connect laptops, smartphones such as iPhone or Android and tablets to the internet. Example: Mobile devices can be used to conduct commercial transactions

deterministic cross-device tracking

relies on personally identifiable information such s email address used to log into an app and website on different devices

relational databases

represent data as two-dimensionsl tables with records organized in rows and attributes in columns; data within different tables can be flexibility related as long as the tables share a common data element

complementary resources

resources and assets not directly involved in the production of the product, but required for success, such as marketing, management, financial assets, and reputation

Internet layer

responsible for addressing, packaging and routing messages on the internet.

Internet layer

responsible for addressing, packaging, and routing messages on the internet

Internet layer

responsible for addressing, packing, and routing messages on the Internet

Netwrok Interface Layer

responsible for placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium

Network interface layer

responsible for placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium which could be a LAN (Ethernet) or a Token Ring network, or other network technology. TCP/IP is independent from any local network technology and can adapt to changes at the local level.

Network interface layer

responsible for placing packets on and receiving them from the network: (LAN) Ethernet, token ring network/other

Transport layer

responsible for providing communication with other protocols within TCP/IP suite

Transport layer

responsible for providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application

Host to host transport layer

responsible for providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application.

Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG)

responsible for technical management of IETF activities and the Internet standards process


retails through a variety of channels and integrating physical stores with websites

professional service auctions

seal-bid, dynamic-priced market for freelance professional services from legal and marketing services to graphics design and programming pg 396

web sites: activity

search display affiliates sponsorships

Search engine

search engine models within the basic Web server software package enable indexing of the site's Web pages and content and permit easy keyword searching of the site's context

one-to-one marketing (personalization)

segmenting the market based on a precise and timely understanding of an individual's needs targeting specific marketing messages to these individuals and then positioning the product vis-a-vis competitors to be truly unique

sales revenue model

sell products/services and generate revenue

price discrimination

selling products to different people and groups based on their willingness to pay

B2B service provider

sells business services to other firms


semantic search component of google's search algorithm

affiliate revenue model

send customers to an affiliate and get a referral fee

automated response system

sends e-mail order confirmations and acknowledgments of emailed inquiries

Database servers

server designed to access specific information within a database

database server

server designed to access specific information within a database

Ad servers

server designed to deliver targeted banner ads

ad server

server designed to deliver targeted banner ads

page generation

server response time device based accelerators efficient resource allocation resource utilization thresholds monitoring site performance

Mail server

server that provides e-mail messages

mail server

server that provides email messages

Video server

server that serves video clips

video server

server that serves video clips

social networks

services that support communication within a network of friends, colleagues, and entire professions

Web 2.0

set of applications and technologies that enables user-generated content

accessibility rules

set of design objectives that ensure disabled users can affectively access site

lean production

set of production methods and tools that focuses on the elimination of waste throughout the customer value chain pg 423

general-purpose portals (type 1)

attempt to attract a very large general audience and then retain the audience on-site by providing in-depth vertical content. EX: info on news, finance, autos, movies, weather typically offer web search engines, free email, personal home pages, chat rooms, community-building software, bulletin boards consumers can be exposed to highly targeted advertising pg 401

vertical market portals (type 2)

attempt to attract highly focused, loyal audiences with deep interest in either community or specialized content. began adding many general-purpose portals features vertical content pitched to a targeted audience produces the highest revenues per customer AKA destination sites or vortals pg 401

Fan acquisition

attracting people to your marketing messages

ad exchanges

auction based digital marketplace where ad networks sell ad space to marketers

business-to-consumer (B2C) auctions

auction house sells goods it owns or controls using various dynamic pricing models pg 393

name your own price auction

auction where users specify what they are willing to pay for goods or services. pioneered by priceline. 2nd most popular on web. providers bid for their business. prices are fixed pg 396

Which of the following is not one of the three defining characteristics of a portal


consumer-to-consumer (C2C) auctions

auctions house acts as an intermediary market maker, providing a forum where consumers can discover prices and trade pg 393

Security services

authentication services that verify that the person trying to access the site is authorized to do so (SSL & TLS)

programmatic advertising

automated, auction based method for matching demand and supply for online display ads


available everywhere at all times

acquisition rate

average length of time visitors remain at a site


average length of time visitors remain at a site

stickiness (duration)

average length of time visitors remain at a site


average number of days elapsed between visits

Locationbased mobile marketing -targets marketing messages to users based on their location (The newest and fastest growing segment of the digital marketing universe) Google provides the leading location

based marketing platform.

Combines an intuitive tag based scripting language and a tag

based server scripting language that lowers the cost of creating interactive features.

reduce auction markets fail risk

because of auto-auction -Rating System: previous customers rate sellers based on their experience -Watch lists: these allow buyers to monitor specific auctions. pay close attention to last minute bidding -Proxy Bidding: buyers can enter a max price they're willing to pay and the auction software will automatically place incremental bids as their original bid is surpassed pg 399

Penny auction

bid purchases are made ahead of time and you put them towards a selling item; once you spend your bid, you have spent the money

Which of the following is a common problem in sealed bid markets

bid rigging

content convergence

bringing together design, production, and distribution

net marketplace

brings hundreds to thousands of suppliers and buyers into a single internet-based environment to conduct trade pg 417 "frictionless" commerce: hope that suppliers would compete with each other on price which would be automated and low then price of industrial supplies would fall. by riding fees from buyers/sellers, third-party intermediary market makers could earn significant revenues pg 431

InterestBased Social Network

build around common interest, such as games, sports, music, politics (e-democracy.org)

market creator

builds a digital environment where buyers and sellers can meet, display products, search from products, and establish price for a product

1. Business to Consumer

business selling to other consumers Example: Amazon general merchandiser that sells consumer products to retail consumers

B2B e-commerce

business to business

B2C e-commerce

business to consumer

Business objectives

capabilities you want your site to have

shopping cart database

captures all the item selection, purchase, and payment data


change in the google algorithm to eliminate low-quality sites from search results


change in the google algorithm to eliminate sites with low-quality back links


changing the product, not just the marketing message, according to user preferences

Comprehensive multi

channel marketing)-take advantage of the strengths of various media, and reinforce branding message across media


closely related to widgets, which are small chunks of code that usually supply a single limited function such as a clock, calendar, or diary.

privacy policy

set of public statements declaring how site will treat customers' personal info that is gathered by the site


set of rules and standards for data transfer

Dark Social

sharing outside of major social networks, using e-mail, IM, texts, etc.

cord shavers

shave down their cable services to more basic channels

elevator pitch

short two-to-three minute presentation aimed at convincing investors to invest


showing the same ad to individuals across multiple websites

How much does EC cost?

simple web site: up to $5K small web start-up: $25-50K large corporate site: $100K - millions

virtual merchants

single-channel e-commerce firms that generate almost all of their revenue from online sales

manufacturing direct

single-or multi-channel manufacturers who sell directly online to consumers without intervention of retailers


small pre-built chunk of code that executes automatically in an HTML web page


small text file placed on the user's client computer that can contain any kind of info about the customer (customer ID, purchases at the site) *PRIMARY METHOD FOR ACHIEVING PERSONALIZATION + CUSTOMIZATION)


small text file that websites place on the hard disk of visitors' client computers that allows the website to store data about the visitor on the computer and later retrieve it

Web Browsers

software program whose primary purpose is to display Web pages

web browser

software program whose primary purpose is to display webpages

Web application server

software programs that provide specific business functionality required of a Web site.

Web server software

software that enables a computer to deliver Web page written in HTML to client computers on a network that request this service by sending an HTTP request -Apache, Microsoft IIS: leading brands of Web server software

web server software

software that enables a computer to deliver web pages written in HTML to client computers on a network that requests and displaying HTML pages, most commonly w windows PC or mac

web server software

software that enables a computer to deliver webpages written in HTML to client computers on a network that requests and displays HTML pages, most commonly Windows PC or Mac

Open source software

software that is developed by a community of programmers ad designers, and is free to use and modify

open source

software that is developed by a community of programmers and designers, and is free to use and modify

closed source

software that must be paid for and cannot be modified

E-commerce merchant server software

software that provides the basic functionality needed for online sales, including an online catalog, order taking via an online shopping cart, and online credit card processing

marketing automation systems

software tools that marketers use to track all the steps in the lead generation part of the marketing process

marekting analytics software

collects, stores, analyzes, and graphically presents data on each of the stages in the conversion of shoppers to customers process on e-commerce sites

Which of the following dimensions of e

commerce security is not provided for by encryption-availability

6. Local e

commerce- Focused on engaging the consumer based on his or her current geographic location. Groupon offers subscribers daily deals from local businesses in the form of Groupons, discount coupons that take effect once enough subscribers have agreed to purchase

Which of the following is not a key point of vulnerability when dealing with e

commerce- the credit card companies

5. Social e

commerce-enabled by social networks and online social relationships Facebook is both the leading social network and social e-commerce site. Social e-commerce is the largest type of e-commerce. False

affiliate marketing

commissions paid by advertisers to affiliate websites for referring potential customers to their website

Electronic Data Interchange

communications protocol for exchanging documents among computers

Sales revenue model

companies derive revenue by selling goods, content, or services to customers. Companies such as amazon which sells books, music and other products.

freemium strategy

companies give away a certain level of product or services for free, but then charge a subscription fee for premium levels of the product or service

content farms

companies that generate large volumes of textual content for multiple websites designed to attract viewers and search engines

bricks and clicks

companies that have a network of physical stores as their primary retail channel, but also have introduced online offerings


comparing against standards

scope strategy

competing in all markets around the globe, rather than just local, regional, or national markets

focus/market niche strategy

competing within a narrow market of product segment

the network technology Substrate layer

composed of telecom networks and protocols

Routing Algorithms

computer program that ensures that packets take the best available path toward their destination

routing algorithm

computer program that ensures that packets take the best available path toward their destination

long tail marketing

concentrates on the less popular products

internet scale

concept that is at the root of most venture investing: because software has zero marginal cost - one copy costs just as much as 100, or one million - there are massive profits to be gained from reaching huge numbers of customers on a uniform product or service.

advertising networks

connect online marketers with publishers by displaying ads to consumers based on detailed consumer information

Telephone-based wireless Internet access

connects the user to a global telephone system (land, satellite, and microwave) that has a long history of dealing with thousands of users simultaneously and already has in place a large-scale transaction billing system and related infrastucture

fiber optic cable

consists of up to hundreds of strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit data

fiber optics

consists of up to hundreds of strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit data

Internet Society (ISOC)

consortium of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations that monitors Internet policies and practices

C2C e-commerce

consumer to consumer

value proposition

defines how a company's product or service fulfills the needs of customers

value proposition

defines how a product fills a need (what is it worth?)

Costs of auction

delayed consumption, monitoring, equipment, trust, fulfillment


delays in messages caused by the uneven flow of information packets through the network


delays in messages caused by the uneven flow of information packets through the network

digital subscriber line (DSL)

delivers high speed access through ordinary telephone lines found in homes or businesses

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

delivers high-speed access through ordinary telephone lines found in homes or businesses

Wireless local area network (WLAN)-based Internet access

derives from a completely different background from telephone-based wireless Internet access

SWOT analysis

describes a firm's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

revenue model

describes how the firm will earn revenue, produce profits, and produce a superior return on investment capital

logical design

describes the flow of information at your e-commerce site, the processing functions that must be performed, the database that will be used, the security and emergency backup procedures that will be instituted, and the controls that will be used in the system

Logical design

describes the flow of information at your e-commerce site, the processing functions that must be performed, the databases that will be used, the security and emergency backup procedures that will be instituted, and the controls that will be used in the system

System design specification

description of the main components in a system and their relationship to one another

Costs of maintenance parallel to

development costs

private industrial network

digital network designed to coordinate the flow of communications among firms engaged in business together


digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals


digitally enabling of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under the firm's control

banner ad

displays a promotional message in a rectangular box at the top pf a computer screen

instant messaging

displays texts entered almost instantaneously

Instant messaging

displays words typed on a computer almost instantaneously. Recipients can then respond immediately to the sender the same way, making the communication more like a live conversation than is possible through email. -Advanced IM systems include voice/video chat

content provider

distributes information content, such as digital news, music, photos, video, and artwork

cord cutters

do not use cable tv at all

The golden rule

due unto others as you would have them do unto you. putting yourself into the place of others and thinking of your self as the object of the decision can help you think of fairness in decision making

two-tier architecture

e-commerce system architecture in which a Web server responds to requests for Web pages and database server provides backend data storage

multi-tier architecture

e-commerce system architecture in which the Web server is linked to a middle tier layer that typically includes a series of application servers that perform specific tasks as well as to a backend layer of existing corporate systems.

direct e-mail marketing

e-mail marketing messages sent directly yo interested users

example of transaction fee revenue model


offline media: activity

education exposure branding

scale economies

efficiencies that arise from increasing the size of a business

social search

effort to provide fewer, more relevant, and trustworthy results based on the social graph

bid syphoning

emailing another seller's bidders and offering them the same product

management team

employees of the company responsible for making the business model work

Horizontal scaling

employing multiple computers to share the workload


enables documents to be written collectively and collaboratively

Border Gateway Protocol

enables exchange of routing information among systems on the internet

Streaming media

enables music, video, and other large files to be sent to users in chunks so when received and played, the file come through uninterrupted

streaming media

enables video, music, and other large-bandwidth files to be sent to a user in a variety of ways that enable the user to play the files as they are being delivered

transaction fee revenue model

enabling transactions results in obtaining fees


encouraging visitors to share their Likes and comments with their friends


encouraging visitors to share their likes and comments with their friends


entrepreneurs and their business firms that lead to a business model disruption


established connections among sending and receiving computers and handles assembly and reassembly of packets


establishes connections among sending and receiving computers-- handles assembly of packets at the point of transmission

Open source web building tools

ex: Apache web server, MySQL, PHP, PERL

EC merchant services

ex: Yahoo's Small Business Merchant Solns


exists whenever one participant in a market has more resources than other participants

ad fraud

falsifying web or mobile traffic in order to change advertisers for impressions, clicks, or other actions that never actually occur

The ratio of impressions to fans is a measure of

fan acquisition

Which of the following is not a primary activity in a firm value chain,


Internet Service Provider (ISP)

firm that provides the lowest level of service in the multi-tiered Internet architecture by leasing Internet access to home owners, small businesses, and some large institutions

Tier 3 Internet Service Provider

firm that provides the lowest level of services in the multi-tiered internet architecture while leasing internet access to home owners, small businesses, and some large institutions

customer intimacy

focuses on developing strong ties with customers in order to increase switching costs

Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)

focuses on the evolution of the Internet

paid inclusion

for a fee, guarantees a website's inclusion in its list of sites, more frequent visits by its web crawler, and suggestions for improving the results of organic searching

Commercialization phase

fro 1995-present, government agencies encouraged private corporations to take over and expand both the Internet backbone and local service to ordinary citizens

Innovation phase

from 1961-1974, the fundamental building blocks of the internet were conceptualized and then realized on actual hardware and software

Institutionalization phase

from 1975-1995, large institutions such as Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) provided funding and legitimization for the fledging invention called the Internet

knowledge graph

function in google's search engine that displays a selection of facts related to your search term that you maybe interested in knowing more about

registration forms

gather personal data on name, address, phone, zip code, e-mail address, and other optional self-confessed information on interests and tastes

revenue sources for portals

general advertising, tenancy deals, commissions, on sales subscription fees ,(premium content), applications and games

Portal characteristics

general purpose portals (yahoo, aol, ask), vertical market portals Home pages, most visited web pages. Were firstly search engines, now complex websites that provide news, entertainment, maps, images, social networks, in-depth info and education

Campus Area Network (CAN)

generally, a local area network operating within a single organization that leases access to the Web directly from regional and national carriers

campus/corporate area network (CAN)

generally, a local area network operating within a single organization that leases access to the web directly from regional and national carriers

middleware services layer

glue that ties the applications to the communications

direct goods

goods directly involved in the production process pg 419


grants the owner an exclusive monopoly on the ideas behind an invention for 20 years

link farms

groups of websites that link to one another, thereby boosting their ranking in search engines

Objective of choosing the hardware for an EC site:

have enough platform capacity to meet peak demand but not so much that you waste money

Intelligent personal assistant

having a conversation with a computer that can do things for you

Internet Architecture Board (IAB)

helps define the overall architecture of the Internet and oversees the IETF and IRTF

Satellite Internet

high speed broadband internet access provided via satellite


high speed, fixed broadband wireless with limited range of 300 ft


high-bandwidth fiber optic cable that transports data across the internet


high-bandwidth fiver-optic cable that transports data across the Internet

Satellite Internet

high-speed broadband Internet access provided via satellite


hiring an outside vendor to provide the services you cannot perform with in-house personnel

transport services and representation standards layer

houses the tcp/ip protocol

revenue model

how a company will earn money

Internet Network Operators Groups (NOGs)

informal groups that are made up of ISPs, IXPs, and others that discuss and attempt to influence matters related to Internet operations and regulation

All of the following are key elements of a business model except

information technology strategy.

Disputes over federal trademarks involve establishing


3 phases of internet development

innovation phase institutionalization phase commercialization phase

merchant server software packages (EC suites) offer

integrated environment with most of functionality needed


integrated server-side environment for developing interactive web apps

Which dimension(s) of security is spoofing a threat to?

integrity and authenticity

ecommerce security (6 Dimensions)

integrity, nonrepudiation, authenticity, confidentiality, privacy, availability


interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers links bus, educational institutions, gov agencies and indivs

e-mail: platform

internal lists purchased lists

IPv6 address

internet address expressed as a 128-bit number

IPv4 Internet address

internet address expressed as a 32-bit number that appears as a series of four separate numbers marked off by periods


internet of things

worsening email problem



special-purpose computer that interconnects the computer networks that make up the internet and routes packets to their ultimate destinations as they travel the internet

web app servers provide...

specific business fxnality req for a website

Which of the following can be used to record all keyboard activity of a user


CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

standards for cx b/w browser + program running on a server that allows for interaxn b/w user + server

universal standards

standards shared by all (in terms of internet)

Affiliate revenue model

steer business to an affiliate receive a referral fee or percentage of the revenue from any resulting sales. For example, my points make money by connecting companies with potential customers by offering special deals to its members.

demand aggregators

suppliers or market makers who group unrelated buyers into a single purchase in return for offering a lower purchase price. prices on multiple units fall as the number of buyers increases. two principles: 1.) sellers are more likely to offer discounts to buyers purchasing in volume 2.) buyers increase purchases as prices fall pg 396

Domain name system (DNS)

system for expressing numeric IP addresses in natural language

domain name system

system for expressing numeric IP addresses in natural language

Domain name system (DNS)

system that allows numeric IP addresses to be expressed in natural language

planning + building mobile presence uses...

systems analysis/design to identify unique and specific bus objectives


systems developmental life cycle

Collective utilitarian

take the action that achieves the greater value for all of society. this rule assumes you can prioritize values in a rank order and understand the consequences of various courses of action

search engine optimization (SEO)

techniques to improve the ranking of web pages generated by search engine algorithms

sustaining technologies

technologies that enable the incremental improvement of products and services

disruptive technologies

technologies that under pin a business model disruption

disruptive technology

technologies that underpin a business model disruption


technology standard for short-range wireless communication under 30 ft


technology standard for short-range wireless communication under 30ft

Offline Marketing

television (2015 Ford F-150 this changes everything) Apple (shot on iPhone campaign), magazines (apple watch/vogue magazine

b2b e-commerce (b2b digital commerce)

that portion of b2b commerce that is enabled by the internet. evolved over 35 yrs. mid 70s- automated order entry system Late 70s-electronic data interchange Mid 90s- B2B electronic storefronts pg 416

Middleware Services layer

the "glue" that ties the applications to the communication networks and includes such services as security, authentication, addresses and storage repositories

Middleware Services layer

the "glue" that ties the applications to the communications networks and includes such services as security, authentication, addresses, and storage repositories

Which ethical principle states that, when confronted with an ethical dilemma, individuals should take the action that achieves the greater value for all of society

the Collective Utilitarian principle


the ability of a site to increase in size as demand warrants

Global reach

the ability to be available all around the world


the address used by a web browser to identify the location of content on the web

URL (uniform resource locator)

the address used by a web browser to identify the location of content on the web

uniform resource locator

the address used by a web browser to identify the location of content on the web


the area of actual or potential commercial value in which a company intends to operate

System architecture

the arrangement of software, machinery, and tasks in an information system need to achieve a specific functionality

dutch auction

the auctioneer begins with a high asking price and lowers it until some participant accepts the price, or it reaches a predetermined reserve price

best practices

the best solutions/methods/techniques that have been used in the past

multi-tier supply chain

the chain of primary secondary, and tertiary suppliers pg 421

Marginal Cost

the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented by one unit, that is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good. In general terms, marginal cost at each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce the next unit.


the complexity and content of a message


the connecting together of two or more computer networks

Dynamic page generation

the contents of a Web page are stored as objects in a database, rather than being hard-coded in HTML. When the user requests a Web page, the contents for that page are then fetched from the database

transaction cost

the cost of participating in a market

the most important factor affecting the speed of your site is...

the demand that customers put on the site


the difference between the price a firm is able to charge for its products and the cost of producing and distributing goods


the discrete units into which digital messages are sliced for transmission over the Internet


the discrete units into which digital messages are sliced for transmission over the internet


the entrepreneurs and their business firms that lead a business model disruption

Netscape Navigator

the first commercial Web browser

Netscope Navigator

the first commercial web browser

Which ethical principle emphasizes putting oneself into the place of others and thinking of oneself as the object of the decision

the golden rule

Information requirements

the information elements that the system must produce in order to achieve the business objectives

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

the internet protocol used for transferring Web pages

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

the internet protocol used for transferring web pages

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

the internet protocol used to send mail to a server

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

the internet used to send mail to a server

supply chain

the links that connect business firms with one another to coordinate production pg 416


the most used application of the internet; uses a series of protocols to enables messages containing text, images, sound, and video clips to be transferred from one internet user to another

Electronic Mail (E-mail)

the most-used application of the Internet. Uses a series of protocols to enable messages containing text, images, sound, and video clips to be transferred from one Internet user to another

unique visitors

the number of distinct, unique visitors to a site

click-through rate (CTR)

the percentage of people exposed to an online advertisement who actually click on the banner

winner's regret

the person who won the auction feels that they have spent too much on the item

market strategy

the plan you put together that details exactly how you intend to enter a new market and attract new markets

B2B e-commerce

the portion of B2B commerce enabled by the internet


the practice of pricing items at a level determined by a particular customer's perceived ability to pay.

dynamic pricing

the price of the product varies, depending directly on the demand characteristics of the customer and the supply situation of the seller. if in high demand then will cost more. can be conducted globally, continuously & a low cost pg 392

dynamic pricing

the price of the product varies, depending on the demand characteristics of the customer and the supply situation of the seller

viral marketing

the process of getting customers to pass along a company's marketing message to friends, family, and colleagues

demand curve

the quantity of goods that cane sold at various prices

ad targeting

the sending of market messages to specific subgroups in the population

firm value chain

the set of activities a firm engages in to create final products from raw inputs

value chain

the set of activities a firm engages in to create final products from raw inputs into final products and services

universal computing

the sharing of files, information graphics, sound, video, and other objects across all computer platforms in the world, regardless of operating system

Universal computing

the sharing of files, information, graphics, sound, video, and other objects across all computer platforms in the world, regardless of operating system

herd behavior

the tendency to bid higher for items based on the higher bids of others pg 398

herd behavior

the tendency to gravitate towards bids with multiple existing bids

barriers to entry

the total cost of entering a new marketplace

total inter-firm trade

the total flow of value among firms pg 416

customer experience

the totality of experiences that a customer has with a firm including the search, informing, purchase consumption, and after-sales support for its products, services, and various retail channels


the traditional telephone modem connection, now operating at 56.6 Kbps

Narrowband (dial-up)

the traditional telephone modern connection, now operating at 56.6 Kbps

clickstream behavior

the transaction log that consumers establish as they move about the web

collaborative commerce

the use of digital technologies to permit organizations to collaboratively design, develop , build and manage products through their life cycles pg 429

procurement process

the way first purchase materials they need to make purchases

customer touch points

the ways in which customers interact with the firm

public cloud

third-party service providers that own

Public Cloud

third-party service providers that own and manage large, scalable data centers that offer computing, data storage, and high speed Internet to multiple customers who pay for only the resources they use


through rate-Measure the 30-day response rate to an ad


through rate-the percentage of people exposed to an online advertisement who actually click on the banner

Social marketing

to encourage your potential customers to become fans of your company's products and services, and engage with your business by entering into a conversation with it

Responsive Web design

tools and design principles that automatically adjust the layout of a Web site depending on user screen resolution

information density

total amount and quality of information available to all market participants

web sites: platform

traditional mobile tablet


transfers a file from a web server and stores it on a computer for later use

Physical design

translates the logical design into physical components

physical design

translates the logical design into physical components

t/f: maintenance is ongoing


logical and physical design are all on paper!!!



two way communication between customer and company

System functionalities

types of information systems capabilities you will need to achieve your business objectives

venture capital investors

typically invest funds that manage for other investors; usually later stage investors

Venture Capital investors

typically invest funds they manage for other investors; usually later stage investors


typically provide a small amount of funding and also an array of services to start up companies

angel investors

typically wealthy individuals or a group of individuals who invest their own money in exchange for an equity share in the stock of a business

seed capital

typically, an entrepreneur's personal funds derived from savings, credit card advances, home equity loans, or from family and friends

cross-platform attribution

understanding how to assign appropriate credit to different marketing initiatives that may have influenced a consumer on the way to a purchase


uniform resource locator

3 Types of testing

unit testing system testing acceptance testing


unsolicited commercial email

Mobile commerce

use of mobile devices to enable online transactions. expects growth by 30% next few years

The Internet of Things (IoT)

use of the Internet to connect a wide variety of devices, machines, and sensors

Internet of Things (IoT)

use of the internet to connect a wide variety of devices, machines, and sensors

over-the-top (OTT)

use of the internet to deliver entertainment services to the home on cable TV or FiOS networks. New internet broadcasting system pg 376


use the web to collectively support a company or project a kickstarter

Pricing- Trigger

used in m-commerce, adjusts based on location of consumer


used to control objects on a web page and handle interaxns with browser

real-time bidding (RTB) process

used to match advertiser demand for displays ads with publisher supply of web page space

Name your own price auction

users specify what they are willing to pay for goods or services and multiple providers bid for their business


uses a variety of tools to create a digital image for each customer

probabilistic cross-device tracking

uses algorithms to analyze thousands of anonymous data points to create a possible match

lead generation marketing

uses multiple e-commerce presences to generate leads for businesses who later can be contacted and converted into customers

shill bidding

using secondary IDs to inflate ratings

social e-commerce

using social media to buy and sell items

Acceptance testing

verifies that the business objectives of the system as originally conceived are in fact working

acceptance testing

verifies that the business objectives of the system as originally conceived are in fact working

Site management tools

verify that links on page are still valid and also identify orphan files

Mobile Web site

version of regular desktop Web site that is scaled down in content and navigation

angel investors

wealthy person or people who are really early and help to guide the company and invest usually $1 million or less


web application that allows a user to easily add and edit content on a Web page


web application that allows users to easily ass and edit content on a web page


web browser with a graphical user interface (GUI) that made it possible to view documents on the Web graphically


web browser with a graphical user interface (GUI) that made it possible to view documents on the web graphically

Online advertising (4 main methods)

web site, social marketing, mobile marketing, offline marketing

Type of presence:

website e-mail social media offline media


when a company uses its competitive advantage in surrounding markets


when a firm purchases or leases a Web server (and has total control over its operation but locates the server in a vendor's physical facility, communications lines, and the machinery


when sales of new digital products replace sales of traditional products. "where one media form consumes another" music consumption measured in hours/day increased even though CDs declined; movie consumption increased and DVD sales decline pg 351

information asymmetry

when the market or a company has more information than the consumer


wireless standard for Ethernet networks with greater speed and range than Bluetooth -High-speed, fixed broadband wireless LAN (WLAN) -Wireless access point ("hot spots") -Limited range but inexpensive -For-profit Wi-Fi networks: Boingo, AT&T Wi-Fi Services


wireless standard for ethernet networks with greater speed and range than bluetooth

law of one price

with complete price transparency in a perfect information marketplace, there will be one world price for every product

example of an advertising revenue model


examples of portals

yahoo, google, MSN, AOL

seller's lament

you will never know what the true value of the item that was auctioned is

online forum

§Also known as message board, bulletin board, discussion, board, discussion group, board or forum §Web application that enables Internet users to communicate with each other, although not in real time §Members visit online forum to check for new posts

streaming media

§Enables music, video and other large files to be sent to users in chunks so that when received and played, file comes through uninterrupted §Allows users to begin playing media files before file is fully downloaded

online chat

§Similar to IM, but for multiple users §Typically, users log into chat room


§Small text files deposited by Web site on user's computer to store information about user, accessed when user next visits Web site §Can help personalize Web site experience §Can pose privacy threat

Risks and Cost of Auctions for Business and Consumers

-Delayed Consumption Cost: internet auctions can go on for days and shipping will take additional time -Monitoring Cost: participation in auctions requires your time to monitor bidding -Equipment Costs: internet auctions require you to purchase a computer system, pay for internet access and learn a complex operarting system -Trust Risk: online auctions are the single largest source of internet fraud. using auctions increases the risk of experiencing a loss -Fulfillment Cost: typically the buyer pays fulfillment costs of packing, shipping and insurance whereas at a physical store these costs are included in the retail price. pg 394

Steps in a typical Facebook Marketing Campaign? 5

-Establish Facebook brand page -Use comment and feedback tools to develop fan comments -Develop a community of users -Encourage brand involvement through video, rich media, contests -Use display ads for other Facebook pages and social search -Display Like button liberally

3 Facebook analytics tools

-Facebook Page Insights (tracks likes, comments, shares) -Social media management systems (HootSuite) (crosses over to other social networks) -Analytics providers (Google Analytics, Webtrends)

Facebook Metrics system

-Fan acquisition metrics (how many exposed to posts) -Engagement metrics (# posts, views, likes, etc.) -Amplification metrics (% liking, sharing, reposting) -Community metrics (total of posts, comments, actions) -Brand strength/sales (% of purchases from FB users)

4 steps of twitter marketing campaign

-Follow others relevant to your content and conversation -Experiment with simple Promoted Tweets -For larger budgets, use Promoted Trends and TV ad retargeting -For retail business local sales, build Lead Generation Card

key factors in selecting a package:

-Fxnality -Support for diff business models -Bus process modeling tools -Visual site mgt + reporting -Performance + scalability -Connectivity to existing bus systems -Compliance with standards -Global + multicultural capability -Local sales tax + shipping rules

Six Features of Location-Based Digital Marketing

-Geo-social-based services marketing (e.g., Foursquare; friend finder) -Location-based services marketing -Mobile-local social network marketing -Proximity marketing (opt in; e.g., Coors at 28 airports alerting Blue Moon nearby) -In-store messaging (respond in real time to shopping behavior) -Location-based app messaging (personalized deals)

What are the six steps in a mobile marketing campaign?

-Mobile Web site -Facebook and Twitter brand pages -Mobile versions of display advertising campaigns -Ad networks (track ads across platforms) -Interactive content aimed at mobile user -Tools for measuring responses (like desktop and social marketing metrics)

Pinterest Marketing Tools

-Pin It and Follow buttons - help users pin your content -Pin as display ad - pin with special ad content -Theme-based (lifestyle boards) - Pinterest doesn't want business boards too sales-focused -Brand pages - companies now can create these -URL link to stores - helping firms gain traffic -Retail brand Pins - see prices, where to buy, or recipes -Integration with other social sites - icon helping pin -Network with users, followers, others

Twitter Marketing Tools

-Promoted Tweets - pay to have tweets appear in search results -Promoted Trends - pay to move hashtags to the top of Trends lists -Promoted Accounts - pay to have suggestions to users -Enhanced Profile Page - pay $15K for banner, tweets on company's timeline -Amplify - Real time digital dashboard connecting TV commercials and tweeting -Television Ad Retargeting - Tweet ads to TV viewers -Lead Generation Cards - message in users' timeline with coupon or offer

What are the four metrics to measure characteristics (results) of a location based marketing campaign?

-Reservations -Click-to-call -Friend -Purchase

three revenue models for digital content delivery

-Subscription: pay, all you can eat -A La Carte: pay for what you use -Advertising Support: uses ads so it can be free or offers higher price option for freemium free can drive people to the paid version. pg 351

Twitter Analytic tools

-Twitter's real-time dashboard -Twitter's Timeline activity dashboard Third-party tools -TweetDeck - track mentions, people, keywords -Twitalyzer - analyze followers, mentions, etc. -BackTweets - search tweet archive for URLs

online newspaper

-was losing since most articles were accessed by yahoo/google which posted them for free -now have created premium subscriptions to prevent that -online readership growing 10% a yr pg 356 The publishing industry is an $82 billion industry with extraordinary potential to move toward new generations of online newspapers, books, and magazines. However, achieving profitability has proved difficult. Online newspapers have mostly relied on the advertising business model but in general, this revenue model has not proved sufficient to achieve stand-alone profitability. In order to move toward a subscription model and increase revenues, newspapers have been developing premium niche content and moving toward mobile news services.

internet telephony (VOIP)


Factors involved in overall demand:

1. # of simultaneous users in peak periods 2. nature of customer requests (user profile) 3. type of content (dynamic vs static web pages) 4. req'd security 5. # of items in inventory 6. # of page requests 7. speed of legacy apps

today, search engines also serve as:

1. Shopping tools 2. Advertising vehicles (search engine marketing) 3. Tool within e-commerce sites

web site systems development life cycle

1. Systems Analysis/Planning 2. Systems Design 3. Building the System 4. Testing 5. Implementation System Delivery

5 steps of SDLC

1. Systems analysis/planning 2. systems design 3. Building the system 4. Testing 5. Implementation

cloud computing radically reduces costs of

1. building and operating web sites 2. infrastructure, IT support 3. hardware, software

What are the 3 components of system analysis?

1. business objectives 2. system functionality 3. information requirements

most important mgt challenges in building a successful e-commerce site are:

1. developing a clear understanding of bus objectives Req you to: build a plan for developing your firm's site 2. knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives Req you to: understand some of the basic elements of EC infrastructure

transmission control protocol (TCP)

1. establishes cxs among sending and receiving Web comps 2. Handles assembly of packets at point of transmission, and reassembly at the receiving end

2 types of app servers

1. isolated business apps (from web servers + DBs) 2. single-fxn apps (which are increasingly being replaced by integrated software tools that combine all fxnality needed for EC site)

advantages of dynamic page gen tools

1. lowers menu costs (costs incurred by merchants for changing prod dx + prices) 2. permits easy online mkt segmentation (ability to sell same product to diff mkts) 3. enables cost-free price discrimination (ability to sell the same product to diff customers @ diff prices) 4. enables web content sys (WCMS)

performance + cost

1. mobile web site (least expensive) 2. mobile app (can use browser API) 3. native app (most expensive, requires more programming)

3 types of m-commerce software

1. mobile web site (responsive web design) 2. Mobile web app 3. native app

web 2.0 features and services

1. online social networks 2. blogs 3. really simple syndication (RSS) 4. Podcasting 5. wiki 6. Music and video services 7. internet telephony (VOIP) 8. Internet television (IPTV) 9. Telepresence and video conferencing 10. Online software and Web services 11.

3 important concepts as basis for internet

1. packet switching 2. tcp/ip protocol 3. client/server computing

factors in web site optimization:

1. page generation 2. page delivery 3. page content Purpose of website is to deliver content to customers and to complete transaxns. The faster + more reliably this is met, the more effective the web site

packet switching

1. slices digital messages into packets 2. sends packets along diff cx paths as they become available 3. Reassembles packets once they arrive at destination 4. uses routers §special purpose computers that interconnect the computer networks that make up the Internet and route packets §Routing algorithms to ensure packets take the best available path toward their destination

Important to understand the different factors that affect 1, 2, 3 of a site

1. speed 2. capacity 3. scalability

the new client: the emerging mobile platform within a few years, primary internet access will be through

1. tablets: supplementing Pcs for mobile situations 2. smartphones: disruptive tech: shift in processors, operating systems 25% of all cell phones

physical design

1. translates logical --> physical components 2. Specifies actual physical, software components, models, etc.

fed networking commission defines internet as network that

1. uses Ip addressing 2. supports tcp/ip 3. provides services to users, in manner similar to telephone system

ways to scale hardware:

1. vertically - increase processing power of indiv components 2. horizontally - employ multiple computers to share workload 3. improve processing architecture of site

main types of internet-based b2b commerce

1.)Net marketplaces- aka exchanges, bring in thousands of sellers/buyers into a single digital marketplace operated over the internet. support many-to-many relationships and one-to-many relationships 2.)Private industry network- bring small number of strategic business partner firms, develop highly efficient supply chain and satisfy customer product demand. support many-to-one and many-to-few relationships. largest form of b2b e-commerce pg 430

pure types of net marketplaces

1.)e-distributor 2.)independent exchanges 3.)e-procurement 4.) industry consortia pg 432

collaborative resource planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR)

1.)involves working with network members to forecast demand, develop production plans and coordinate shipping , warehousing and stocking activities to ensure that retail and wholesale shelf space is replenished with just the right amount of goods. 2.) demand chain visibility: prevents excess inventories raise cost and pressures to discount merch 3.) marketing coordination and product design: coordinate internal design and marketing activities pg 441

Internet (IP) Addresses: IPv6

128-bit addresses Able to handle up to 1 quadrillion addresses (IPv4 can only handle 4 billion)

IPv6 Internet adress

128-bit addresses, able to handle up to 1 quadrillion addresses (IPv4 can handle only 4 billion)

innovation phase

1961-74 creation of fundamental building blocks

Value Chain

The set of activities performed in an industry or in a firm that transforms raw inputs into final products and services. Each of these activities add economic value into the final product hence the term value chain as an interconnected set of value adding activities.

Universal Computing

The sharing of files, information, graphics, sound, video, and other objects across all computer platforms in the world regardless of operating system


The study of measurable biological or physical characteristics


The traditional telephone modem connection, now operating at 56.6 Kbps


The use of internet the web and mobile apps and browsers running on mobile devices to transact business, more formally, digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals.

Public Cloud

Third-party service providers that own and manage large, scalable data centers that offer computing, data storage, and high speed Internet to multiple customers who pay for only the resources they use

Web Site (Traditional Online Marketing)

Traditional Web Site(Ford.com), Search engine marketing (Google, Bing, Yahoo), Display Advertising (Google, Yahoo, MSN)


Transmission control protocol

A worm does not need to be activated by a user in order for it to replicate itself


Cookies when combined with Web beacons, can be used to create cross site profiles


Every device connecting to the Internet must have a unique address


FTP is a protocol used to transfer files to and from a server


Internet access providers typically provide faster download speeds than upload speeds to consumers.


It is not necessarily illegal to use someone else's trademark in a metatag


Proxy servers are also known as: dual home systems.


Trigger pricing adjusts prices based on the location of the consumer


when to use auctions in business

consumer wants greater value at lowest cost, business use auctions to maximize revenue by finding market value -type of product: online auctions are most commonly used for rare and unique products for which prices are difficult to discover and no market for goods -product life cycle: use auctions for goods at the end of their product life cycle -channel management: established retailers cant allow auctions interfere with their existing profitable channels -type of auction: sellers should choose auctions where there are many buyers -initial behavior: should start with low price -bid increments: safest to keep bid increments low -auction length: the longer then the larger number of bidders, and the higher prices can go -number of items: sellers should break up big bundles to avoid selling at "volume discount' -price allocation rule: everyone pay same price in multi-unit auction -closed vs. open bidding: closed bidding has many advantages for seller pg 397

applications layer

contains client apps such as WWWeb , email, and audio or video playback.

page delivery

content delivery networks edge catching bandwidth

supply chain management (SCM) systems

continuously link the activities of buying, making and moving products from suppliers to purchasing firms, as well as integrating the demand side of the business equation by including the order entry system in the process pg 427

social media: activity

conversation engagement sharing advice

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

coordinates the Internet's systems of unique identifiers

Which of the following protects original forms of expression in a tangible medium


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

core communications protocol for the internet

Sponsored Community Sites

created by commercial, government, and nonprofit organizations (nike, IBM)

e-procurement firm

creates and sells access to digital markets


creating multiple versions of information goods and selling essentially the same product to different market segments at different prices

Registering a domain name similar or identical to trademarks of others to extort profits from legitimate holders is an example of

cyber squatting

query-driven data mining

data mining based on specific queries

procurement process

how firms purchase goods they need to produce goods for consumers. relationship between supply chain and process. types: indirect and direct. pg 419 1.) Search- catalogs, internet, salesppl, brochures, phone, fax. (decision stage) 2.)Qualify- research, credit history, check with competitors, phone, research (decision stage) 3.) Negotiate- price, credit terms, escrow, quality, timing (decision stage) 4.) Purchase order- order product, initiate, purch order, enter info system, mail 5.) Invoicing- receive PO, enter in financial system, enter into production system, send invoice, match with PO, internal review, enter into warehouse system 6.)Shipping- enter into shippers tracking system, ship goods, deliver goods, enter into tracking system 7.) remittance payment- receive goods.. pg 421

view time

how long the video ad actually stays in view while it plays

completion rate

how many viewers watch the complete video ad

Internet Exchange Point (IXP)

hub where the backbone intersects with local and regional networks and where backbone owners connect with one another

big data

huge data sets, often from different sources, in the petabyte and exabyte range

example of freemium model


Fiber-optic cable

hundreds of glass/plastic strands that use light to transmit data

technical convergence

hybrid device that can combine platforms into one (iPhone)


hypertext markup language

mobile app platforms

iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry

Search engines

identifies Web pages that appear to match keywords, also called queries, entered by the user and then provides a list of the best matches

search engine

identifies web pages that appear to match keywords, also called queries entered by the user and then provides a list of the best matches

Which of the following is a community of members who self

identify with a demographic or geographic category- Affinity community


if action is not right for all situations, it is not right for any specific situation. if we adopted this rule in every case, could the organization or society survive

Slippery slope

if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to take it at all *Descartes rule of change), once started down a slippery path you might not be able to change

All of the following statements are true except

in auctions, prices may be variable or fixed-over a third of procurement officers use auctions to procure goods-

customer co-production

in the web environment, takes customization one step further by allowing the customer to interactively create the product

value chain management (VCM) services

include automation of a firms entire procurement process on the buyer side and automation of selling business processes on the seller side pg 434

Basic site mgt tools

included in all web servers verify that links on pages are still valid identify orphan files

application layer

includes protocols used to routing information among systems on the internet

organic search

inclusion and ranking of sites depends on a more or less unbiased application of a set of rules imposed by the search engine

Vertical scaling

increasing the processing power of individual components

e-procurement Net marketplace

independently owned intermediary the connects hundreds of online suppliers offering millions of maintenance and repair parts to business firms who pay fees to join the market pg 433


independently owned online marketplace that connects hundreds to potentially thousands of suppliers and buyers in a dynamic, real-time environment pg 435

industry consortium

industry-owned vertical market that enables buyers to purchase direct inputs (goods/services) from a limited set of invited participants pg 436

industry consortia

industry-owned vertical marketplaces that serve specific industries

SQL (structured query language)

industry-standard database query and manipulation language used in a relational database

structured query language (SQL)

industry-standard database query language used in relational databases

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