E3- quizzes

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d. objective -Objective control is the use of observable measures of employee behavior or output to assess performance and influence behavior.

A local plumbing company installed global positioning satellite tracking devices in all its trucks to make sure employees were going on service calls instead of running personal errands. The plumbing company was engaging in ________ control. a. bureaucratic b. concertive c. output d. objective e. normative

c. locus of control. -This is the definition of locus of control.

A personality measure that indicates the extent to which people believe that they have control over what happens to them is called: a. self-confidence. b. perceived ability. c. locus of control. d. position power. e. experience.

d. minority domination. -When minority domination occurs, just one or two people dominate team discussions, restricting consideration of different problem definitions and alternative solutions.

A work team at Kaiser Foods consists of eight people, but Minta and Oscar seem to make most of the suggestions and comments during team meetings. This work team seems to be experiencing the pitfall of: a. social loafing. b. groupthink. c. cross-training paralysis. d. minority domination. e. high turnover.

c. reinforcement -This is the definition of reinforcement theory.

According to ________ theory, behaviors followed by positive consequences will occur more frequently and behaviors followed by negative consequences will occur less frequently. a. motivation b. expectancy c. reinforcement d. goal-setting e. equity

a. if the quality of the decision is important and the leader doesn't have enough information to make the decision on his/her own, don't use an autocratic decision style. -This is the leader information rule of normative decision theory. Exhibit 14.7 lists the Normative Theory Decision Rules.

According to normative decision theory: a. if the quality of the decision is important and the leader doesn't have enough information to make the decision on his/her own, don't use an autocratic decision style. b. if the quality of the decision is important and subordinates' goals differ from management's goals, use a group decision style. c. an autocratic decision style should be used if it is important to have subordinates accept the decision. d. use the consultative decision style if subordinates are likely to have conflict over the decision. e. use an autocratic decision style if the quality of the decision is important.

b. affective conflict. -A-type conflict, or affective conflict, refers to emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional. Affective conflict is strongly associated with decreases in team performance.

According to the text, members of work teams should try to avoid: a. subjective conflict. b. affective conflict. c. all conflict. d. cognitive conflict. e. work-related conflict.

b. placing a job posting for a new position on a company bulletin board. -Job posting is an example of internal recruiting—developing a pool of qualified job applicants from people who already work in the company.

All of the following are examples of external recruiting EXCEPT: a. contacting with an employment service. b. placing a job posting for a new position on a company bulletin board. c. asking current employees to recommend possible job applicants. d. preparing a display at a job fair. e. running a want ad in the local newspaper.

? -As lower-order needs are satisfied, needs change. When this happens, managers should create opportunities for employees to satisfy higher-order needs.

All of the following are practical steps that managers can take to motivate employees to increase their efforts EXCEPT: Xa. encourage employees to take greater responsibility for their work. b. provide challenging work. Xc. satisfy lower-order needs first. d. start by asking people what their needs are. e. realize that most people's needs never really change.

e. racial or ethnic -Racial or ethnic discrimination occurs when people are treated differently because of race or ethnicity.

Although Christine promised all job applicants that she would be fair and unbiased when she considered them for the new accountant position, she confided to her family that she would prefer to hire an Asian because "they're so good at math." She also said she would flatly refuse to hire an African American because "I've never met one who worked hard." Clearly, Christine's hiring policy is an example of ________ discrimination. a. sex b. age c. disability d. social e. racial or ethnic

a. self-confidence. -Amanda may have other traits as well, but self-confidence—believing in one's abilities—is the characteristic best described here.

Amanda is the CEO of a small toy manufacturer. She really believes in herself and her abilities. She has no trouble making the tough decisions, and her employees trust that she knows what she's doing. Amanda appears to have a great deal of: a. self-confidence. b. integrity. c. drive. d. emotional stability. e. cognitive ability.

e. self-management -Self-management, also known as self-control, is a control system in which managers and workers control their own behavior.

As long as associate editors at Mysterious Publishing accurately proofread at least 100 pages of manuscript each day, supervisors pretty much leave them alone. The associate editors are free to come up with their own schedules and work styles to achieve each day's goal. Mysterious Publishing appears to follow a ________ control system. a. concertive b. iterative c. normative d. behavior e. self-management

e. how to program a computer. -Programming a computer would be considered a technical skill. Interpersonal skills include skills such as listening, communicating, questioning, and providing feedback.

As part of his assignment to a company work team, Solomon is going to receive training in interpersonal skills. He will likely receive training in all of the following EXCEPT: a. how to write an effective email message. b. how to listen to and understand what other team members are saying. c. how to ask thoughtful questions. d. how to paraphrase what a coworker says to him. e. how to program a computer.

c. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 -This act prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disabilities.

Avco Plumbing refused to hire Janette as an administrative assistant, primarily because she uses a wheelchair. The company believed that Janette's wheelchair would "get in the way" of other employees in the office. Which federal employment law did Avco violate? a. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 b. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 c. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 d. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 e. Equal Pay Act of 1963

b. Erin says her LPC is boring and unfriendly. -People who describe their LPC in a negative way have task-oriented leadership styles—given a choice, they'll focus first on getting the job done and second on making sure everyone gets along.

Based on the way the following people describe their Least Preferred Coworker, which is most likely to have a task-oriented leadership style? a. Katie says her LPC is interesting and enlightened. b. Erin says her LPC is boring and unfriendly. c. Lauren describes her LPC as friendly and down-to-earth. d. Tim characterizes his LPC as cheerful and sunny. e. Chris describes his LPC as supportive and pleasant.

a. punishment. -Punishment attempts to weaken behavior (in this case, Shakira's tardiness) by following that behavior with undesirable consequences (three days without pay).

Because of her chronic tardiness, Shakira was suspended for three days at work without pay. This is an example of: a. punishment. b. negative reinforcement. c. positive reinforcement. d. extermination. e. extinction.

e. are aloof and distant from their followers and appear not to care personally for them. -Charismatic leaders exhibit qualities that create exceptionally strong relationships between them and their followers.

Charismatic leaders exhibit all of the following characteristics EXCEPT that they: a. articulate clear visions for the future that are based on strongly held values. b. model their values by acting in ways consistent with their vision. c. are confident that their followers can achieve their vision. d. expect a lot from their followers. e. are aloof and distant from their followers and appear not to care personally for them.

d. attract and retain talented workers. -Diversity-friendly companies tend to attract better and more diverse job applicants.

Compared to its competitors, a company with a diverse workforce is more likely to: a. experience ongoing difficulty identifying problems and generating solutions. b. experience little to no business growth. c. spend more money on problems with absenteeism. d. attract and retain talented workers. e. face discrimination lawsuits.

a. usually arise when companies give work groups complete autonomy and responsibility for task completion. -Concertive controls are based on beliefs that are shaped and negotiated by work groups.

Concertive controls: a. usually arise when companies give work groups complete autonomy and responsibility for task completion. b. are highly resistant to change and slow to respond to customers and competitors. c. are driven by strong organizational cultures. d. focus on observing and measuring worker behavior or output. e. are based on beliefs that are strongly held throughout a company.

e. procedural justice -Procedural justice refers to the perceived fairness of the procedures used to make reward allocation decisions.

Conor isn't happy that Jacqueline was recently named Employee of the Month—he was hoping for that award himself. Still, when he thinks about it, he has to admit that the right decision was made. After all, Jacqueline did land more accounts than he did. Based on the principle of ________ , it appears that the right person got the award. a. underreward b. overreward c. outcome/input ratio d. distributive justice e. procedural justice

a. disparate treatment. -Disparate treatment is intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposely not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, color, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs.

Davis absolutely refuses to hire African Americans to work in his factory. His action is an example of: a. disparate treatment. b. social loafing. c. multiculturalism. d. adverse impact. e. the four-fifths rule.

d. participative -Participative leadership involves consulting employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions.

DeSean never makes a key decision about his work group without first asking his employees for their input. DeSean appears to practice the ________ leadership style. a. achievement-oriented b. supportive c. directive d. participative e. autocratic

a. decide not to work quite as hard as she has in the past. -This would be a case of underreward, which occurs when a referent's O/I ratio is better than your O/I ratio. Withholding inputs is a common reaction to underreward.

Donna is a production artist with an advertising agency. She has heard through the grapevine that other production artists at competing advertising agencies in town make more money than she does, which has upset her. The most likely consequence of this news is that Donna will: a. decide not to work quite as hard as she has in the past. b. work even harder than before, in order to show her manager that she deserves to be paid as much as everyone else. c. try to find ways for her company to save money, hoping that she'll receive a raise in gratitude. d. begin stealing from her company to "make up for" the pay inequity. e. write letters to the competing ad agencies urging them to reduce employees' pay.

e. piecework -Under a piecework plan, employees are paid a set rate for each item produced up to some standard; once productivity exceeds the standard, they are paid a set amount for each unit of output over the standard.

Edith works in a garment factory, where her job is to sew elbow patches on jackets. Edith earns 10 cents for each patch she sews up to 100 patches per hour. After she reaches the 100-patch mark, she earns 15 cents for each additional patch she sews each hour. Edith is paid using a ________ pay plan. a. profit sharing b. commission c. ESOP d. stock option e. piecework

a. employee involvement team. -Employee involvement teams meet on company time on a weekly or monthly basis to provide advice or make suggestions to management concerning specific issues. These teams typically do not have authority to make decisions.

Every month, a group of employees at Precision Machine Tools meets to discuss issues such as schedules, plant safety, and product quality. They often make suggestions to top management about how to improve these issues, but they are not authorized to implement their suggestions. This group appears to be a(n): a. employee involvement team. b. semi-autonomous work group. c. traditional work group. d. virtual team. e. self-designing team.

c. initiating structure. -Initiating structure is the degree to which a leader structures the roles of followers by setting goals, giving directions, setting deadlines, and assigning tasks.

Every quarter, Micha gives his employees clear sales goals, sets deadlines by which the goals need to be achieved, and gives specific jobs to various staff members. In so doing, Micha is engaging in the leader behavior of: a. showing concern for people. b. consideration. c. initiating structure. d. drive. e. staff recruiting.

c. employee turnover -Employee turnover is the loss of employees who voluntarily choose to leave the company.

Every year, about 40 percent of the employees at Harsher Industries voluntarily choose to quit their jobs. Harsher Industries appears to have a severe ________ problem. a. phased retirement b. external recruiting c. employee turnover d. downsizing e. performance appraisal

e. country club -The country club leadership style occurs when leaders care about having a friendly, enjoyable work environment but don't really pay much attention to production or performance.

Everybody at the Prism Company loves Autumn, the office manager. She's a friendly woman who tries to make working at Prism fun for everyone. If someone makes a mistake or misses a deadline, Autumn doesn't seem to care very much. As long as the employees are happy, Autumn thinks she's doing a good job as manager. Autumn seems to be using the ________ leadership style. a. middle-of-the-road b. impoverished c. team d. authority-compliance e. country club

b. Agreeableness -Luciano may possess several of these characteristics, but those described portray him as exceptionally agreeable. Agreeableness is the degree to which someone is cooperative, polite, flexible, forgiving, good-natured, tolerant, and trusting.

Everyone agrees that Luciano is a pleasure to work with. Quiet but kind, friendly, and easy to work with, Luciano is the kind of employee who "goes with the flow" and has a good time doing it. Based on this description, which of the Big Five Personality Dimensions does Luciano appear to have? a. Emotional stability b. Agreeableness c. Extraversion d. Conscientiousness e. Openness to experience

e. All of these are diversity principles. -This is the definition of diversity audits.

Formal assessments that measure employee and management attitudes, investigate the extent to which people are advantaged or disadvantaged with respect to hiring and promotions, and review companies' diversity-related policies and procedures are known as: a. diversity pairings. b. diversity paradigms. c. diversity principles. e. All of these are diversity principles. e. diversity training programs.

d. career path. -A career path is a planned sequence of jobs through which employees may advance within an organization.

Francois began working for his company as a brand assistant, then moved up to assistant brand manager, then brand manager. Francois is following a clear: a. job description. b. organizational chart. c. employment pattern. d. career path. e. recruitment path.

d. work sample -Work sample tests require applicants to perform tasks that are actually done on the job.

Gabriella is a job applicant at Lucky's Lube Rack, an auto garage. Lucky asks her to change the oil on a Chevy that a customer just drove in for service. Gabriella is about to take a ________ test. a. biodata b. cognitive ability c. personality d. work sample e. specific ability

b. Work teams take direct responsibility for the products and services they produce and sell. -In contrast to traditional organizational structures where management is responsible for organizational outcomes and performance, teams take direct responsibility for the quality of the products and service they produce and sell.

How do work teams help firms improved product and service quality? a. Work team members have greater job satisfaction. b. Work teams take direct responsibility for the products and services they produce and sell. c. Work teams with high autonomy can make decisions faster. d. Work teams can work more efficiently. e. Work team members are trained to meet the needs of specific customers.

d. bureaucratic -Bureaucratic control is top-down control, in which managers try to influence employee behavior by rewarding or punishing employees for compliance or noncompliance with company policies and rules.

Indira gives small rewards—such as free lunch coupons or boxes of candy—to employees who come in to work on time and complete tasks based on company policy. Employees who break rules or deviate from policy, however, often get harsh emails or additional work as punishments. Indira appears to use ________ control with her employees. a. normative b. judgment c. concertive d. bureaucratic e. objective

d. norms. -This is the definition of norms.

Informally agreed-upon standards that regulate team behavior are called: a. expectations. b. mores. c. conventions. d. norms. e. behavioral cues.

d. performance feedback. -This is the definition of performance feedback.

Information about the quality or quantity of past performance that indicates whether progress is being made toward the accomplishment of a goal is called: a. performance expectancy. b. career advice. c. instrumentality. d. performance feedback. e. direction.

e. virtual team. -Virtual teams are groups of geographically and/or organizationally dispersed coworkers who use a combination of telecommunications and information technologies to accomplish an organizational task.

Jason works in Seattle, Hector works in Houston, and René works in Paris, but they are all members of the same work team. Though they have never met face-to-face, they accomplish tasks using email and videoconferencing. These people are members of a(n): a. self-designing team. b. production work group. c. traditional work group. d. employee involvement team. e. virtual team.

b. Controlling -Control is a regulatory process of establishing standards to achieve organizational goals, comparing actual performance to standards, and taking corrective action when needed to restore performance to those standards.

Ling is a supervisor in a garment factory. When Ling checks over her employees' work to make sure the buttons are sewed on correctly, which management function is she performing? a. Organizing b. Controlling c. Commanding d. Leading e. Planning

d. storming -Conflicts and disagreements often characterize the storming stage of team development.

Maddie and Sebastian are members of a work team. The team has been together for about three weeks, and Maddie and Sebastian can't seem to stop arguing with each other about the right way to accomplish their assigned task. It appears that this team is at the ________ stage of team development. a. norming b. swarming c. informing d. storming e. forming

d. Direction of effort -Direction of effort is concerned with the choices that people make in deciding where to put forth effort in their jobs.

Martha is trying to decide whether she should work on next week's schedule or proofread the report her supervisor just placed on her desk. Which aspect of motivation is Martha most concerned with at the moment? a. Persistence of effort b. Cessation of effort c. Diligence of effort d. Direction of effort e. Initiation of effort

a. bureaucratic immunity. -Bureaucratic immunity means that teams no longer have to go through the frustratingly slow process of multilevel reviews and sign-offs to get management approval before making changes.

Midori's work team can implement changes in its work procedures without getting approval from management. This team has been granted: a. bureaucratic immunity. b. S.M.A.R.T goals. c. group cohesiveness. d. stretch goals. e. carte blanche.

d. Job Performance -In industrial psychology, job performance is frequently represented by this equation.

Motivation × Ability × Situational Constraints = a. Effort b. Rewards c. Persistence d. Job Performance e. Needs

a. Conscientiousness -The cumulative results of multiple studies indicate that conscientiousness is related to job performance across five different occupational groups (professionals, police, managers, sales, and skilled or semiskilled jobs).

Of the Big Five Personality Dimensions, which has been shown to have the greatest impact on behavior in most organizations? a. Conscientiousness b. Openness to experience c. Extraversion d. Agreeableness e. Emotional stability

d. feedback -Feedback control is a mechanism for gathering information about performance deficiencies after they occur.

One day after his team lost a big contract to a competitor, Asher called together everyone to discuss what happened, how the team could have performed better, and what to do the next time. Asher is conducting ________ control. a. cybernetic b. concurrent c. intermittent d. feedback e. feedforward

d. surface-level -Surface-level diversity consists of differences that are immediately observable, typically unchangeable and easy to measure—such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and religion.

One evening over dinner, your uncle starts bragging about how diverse the workforce is at the small advertising agency where he works. When you ask him what he means, he replies, "Well, two of the graphic designers are gay; one production artist is Hispanic; the art director is African American; the head of the photography department uses a wheelchair; a couple of the account managers are Asian Americans; and I and another supervisor are Jewish." Your uncle appears to be describing ________ diversity. a. deep-level b. affirmative c. superficial d. surface-level e. intrinsic

? -By contrast, affirmative action is a policy for actively creating diversity.

One key difference between workplace diversity and affirmative action is that: Xa. affirmative action is not required by law, whereas workplace diversity programs are. b. the purpose of workplace diversity is to compensate for past discrimination. c. diversity can exist even if an organization does not purposefully try to achieve it. d. diversity is much more narrowly focused on demographics such as sex and race. Xe. affirmative action programs seek to benefit both organizations and their employees.

d. assign them specific, challenging goals. -Specific and difficult-to-achieve goals are more motivating than general, easy-to-achieve goals.

One of the simplest, most effective ways to motivate workers is to: a. withhold performance feedback until the workers are doing a good job. b. discourage participative goal setting to avoid confusing workers. c. choose a complex, rather than a simple, schedule of reinforcement. d. assign them specific, challenging goals. e. restrict what workers can do to take the pressure off of them.

d. Transformational -The four leadership styles of path-goal theory are directive, supportive, participative, and achievement oriented.

Path-goal theory proposes four leadership styles. Which of the following is NOT one of these styles? a. Directive b. Participative c. Supportive d. Transformational e. Achievement oriented

c. social loafing. -Social loafing occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.

Priscilla is a member of a work team responsible for assembling 30 radios each hour. Though she is capable of working very quickly, Priscilla has been moving slower than her usual pace because the fastest worker in the factory, Marcellus, is also on her work team. Priscilla figures that Marcellus's hard work will "make up" for her own lack of effort. This situation illustrates the phenomenon of: a. the Stockholm syndrome. b. social inhibition. c. social loafing. d. the audience effect. e. environmental scanning.

d. "Why did you leave your last job?" -Interviewers should only ask questions that directly relate to the candidate's ability and motivation to perform the job.

Rodrigo is interviewing Martina for a job opening. He should avoid all of the following questions EXCEPT: a. "How old are you?" b. "Do you smoke?" c. "How many kids do you have?" d. "Why did you leave your last job?" e. "What is your maiden name?"

e. access and legitimacy -The access and legitimacy paradigm focuses on the acceptance and celebration of differences to ensure that the diversity within the company matches the diversity found among primary stakeholders.

Spirit Foods markets southern-style "soul foods" to a largely African American customer base. The CEO of Spirit Foods wants to make sure that, in her words, "the people who work here understand the people who buy our products." So the company makes a special effort to hire southerners and African Americans in all departments and at all levels of the company. Spirit Foods appears to be managing diversity with the ________ paradigm. a. better safe than sorry b. organizational plurality c. discrimination and fairness d. learning and effectiveness e. access and legitimacy

a. have better safety records on the job than other employees. -As long as companies make reasonable accommodations for disabilities, studies show that people with disabilities perform their jobs just as well as other employees.

Studies have shown that people with disabilities: a. have better safety records on the job than other employees. b. are promoted at a much higher rate than other employees. c. have a lower rate of unemployment than the overall U.S. population. d. have a higher rate of absenteeism than other employees. e. tend to be clustered in high-paying management jobs, compared to the overall U.S. workforce.


T/F? "Marco's Pizza guarantees that we'll deliver your order to your door within 30 minutes after you call." This is an example of a standard.

F -A budget is a quantitative plan through which managers decide how to allocate available money to best accomplish company goals.

T/F? A budget predicts how changes in a business will affect its ability to take in more cash than it pays out.


T/F? A disposition is the tendency to respond to situations and events in a predetermined manner.

F -A high level of team experience means that a team has particularly experienced team members.

T/F? A group with a high level of team experience means that the team members all believe that they should put the interests of their team ahead of their own self-interest.

F -This is the definition of a job description. Job specifications summarize the qualifications needed to successfully perform the job.

T/F? A job specification is a written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee holding a specific job.

F -This is what is known as a balanced scorecard, not a balanced worksheet.

T/F? A measurement of organizational performance in four equally important areas—finances, customers, internal operations, and innovation and learning—is called a balanced worksheet.

F -Outcomes are the rewards employees receive for their contributions to the organization.

T/F? A target, objective, or result that someone tries to accomplish is called an outcome.

F -Workers in traditional work groups have the least amount of autonomy. These workers are responsible for doing the work, but they do not have direct responsibility or control over their work.

T/F? A team at Thinktronics Labs is working to develop a brand-new software product. This team could best be described as a traditional work group.


T/F? A theater group hiring an actor who is a woman—rather than a man—for the role of a princess can reasonably argue that being a woman is a BFOQ for this position.

F -Equity theory doesn't focus on objective equity measures, but instead equity theory says that equity is in the eye of the beholder.

T/F? According to equity theory, the fact that CEOs make 344 times more than the average blue-collar worker indicates a case of severe inequity.

F -The three factors are valence, expectancy, and instrumentality.

T/F? According to expectancy theory, the three factors that affect conscious choices about motivation are valence, validation, and self-esteem.

F -This would be an example of a profit-sharing plan, in which employees receive a portion of company profits, beyond their normal compensation. And ESOP is an employee stock ownership plan.

T/F? After announcing a surprise profit for the year in 2009 after four years of losses, Ford announced that it would be issuing a $450 bonus check to each of its hourly workers. This would be an example of an ESOP.


T/F? Aretha's company began a successful diversity program about five years ago. It is probable that this program has reduced the company's cost of doing business.


T/F? As a part of Ivy's job appraisal, she received feedback about her performance not only from her own boss but also from her subordinates and coworkers. In other words, Ivy received 360-degree feedback.

F -Diversity is one of the most difficult management issues. No company or manager gets it right from the start. Consequently, companies should aggressively seek positive and negative feedback about their diversity programs.

T/F? Cedric has made it clear to his employees that he is not open to hearing any negative feedback about the diversity program he has begun at his company. His decision is wise, since negative feedback will prevent any chance the program has of succeeding.


T/F? Companies should base special programs for training and development on the strengths and weaknesses of individual employees, not on group status.

F -Because a job analysis specifies what a job entails as well as the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are needed to do the job well, companies must complete a job analysis before beginning to recruit job applicants.

T/F? Companies should complete a job analysis only after they have recruited a sufficient number of job applicants.

F -Control is not a onetime achievement or result. It is a continuous process that occurs over time.

T/F? Control is something that is achieved in single instances and then you move on to the next thing.


T/F? Current research seems to indicate that following path-goal theory improves subordinate satisfaction and performance.


T/F? Customer satisfaction surveys can sometimes be misleading, because even very satisfied customers will leave to do business with competitors.


T/F? Dana and Tobias both work at a flag factory. Dana has a goal of completing 30 flags by the end of her work shift; Tobias has a goal of completing 50 flags by the end of his shift. Tobias's goal is probably more motivating than Dana's goal.

F -Turnover costs typically amount to more than 90 percent of employees' salaries. Diversity can help companies create cost savings by reducing turnover.

T/F? Employee turnover is not a serious issue for most companies, so having a diversity program will have a minimal impact in that area.

F -Leaders are different from nonleaders in the following traits: drive, the desire to lead, honesty/integrity, self-confidence, emotional stability, cognitive ability, and knowledge of the business.

T/F? Evidence has shown that there are no consistent trait differences between leaders and nonleaders, or even between effective and noneffective leaders.


T/F? Finn is a salesperson, but he really dislikes his job. He still makes lots of sales, though, because every month the salesperson who makes the most sales receives a $1,000 bonus. Finn is obviously most interested in the extrinsic rewards of his job.


T/F? For most teams, the right size is somewhere between six and nine members.

F -Akerson was demonstrating a directive leadership style, which involves letting employees know precisely what is expected of them, giving them specific guidelines for performing tasks, scheduling work, setting standards of performance, and making sure that people follow standard rules and regulations. Akerson was making it clear that he expected GM to start targeting Chinese and Indian markets.

T/F? Former General Motors CEO Daniel Akerson demonstrated supportive leadership when he said, "One of three people on this planet lives in China or India—we need cars for them." He said this in response to GM executives who he felt were focusing too much on North American markets.


T/F? If a company tries to control for too many things, managers and employees become confused about what is really important.


T/F? If a company were to fire half of its workforce in order to cut costs and improve its financial position, it might have an added side effect of decreasing service quality and customer satisfaction. This company would be experiencing suboptimization.


T/F? If an individual realizes his O/I ratio is less than his referent's O/I ratio, the individual might feel some measure of guilty as a result.

F -One key difference is that affirmative action is more narrowly focused on demographics such as sex and race, while diversity has a broader focus that includes demographic, cultural, and personal differences.

T/F? If an organization creates employment opportunities via affirmative action programs, it will have a diverse workforce.


T/F? In a typical day, about 500 of the transistors made by Wilson Electronics are defective. Recently, the company set a goal of having only 50 defective transistors and challenged its work teams to come up with a way to achieve that goal. This is an example of a stretch goal.


T/F? In contrast to extraverts, introverts are less active, prefer to be alone, and are shy, quiet, and reserved.


T/F? In the workplace, "old" used to mean mid-50s, but today a 40-year-old would be considered "old."


T/F? James is a good manager. He's well liked in the office, a good motivator, and very supportive of all his employees. He's a strong visionary with good plans for growing the business and making it a success. However, recently several company plant managers have been getting frustrated, because James has been periodically missing the deadlines he has set for parts deliveries to the plants. The plant managers are most likely questioning his integrity.


T/F? Lien receives a $500 bonus after every 10 sales. Today she made her ninth sale. She'll receive the bonus after one more sale. This is an example of a fixed ratio reinforcement schedule.


T/F? Managers need to understand that people are likely to be motivated by different things—a model that works for one employee will not necessarily work for another.


T/F? Managers tend to have a relatively short-term perspective while leaders take a long-term view.


T/F? Most of the equipment at Robertson Industries is old and outdated. Employees are constantly frustrated because they know they could be more productive if they had newer equipment. According to expectancy theory, these employees will probably not work very hard.

F -In theory, people experience guilt when they perceive that they have been overrewarded; however, it takes a tremendous amount of overpayment before people decide that their pay or benefits are more than they deserve.

T/F? Most people have a very low tolerance for overreward.


T/F? New employee Garrett's error caused a shipment to an important customer to be late. Nevertheless, Garrett's supervisor should probably not fire him on the spot.


T/F? One month ago, Regina made a major mistake on the job that cost her company several thousand dollars. Today, her supervisor called her in and chewed her out about her mistake. Unfortunately, this tactic is not likely to be effective.


T/F? One way that employees can better see the connection between pay and their performance at work is to publicize the way in which pay decisions are made.


T/F? Parveen, an Arab American woman, is mentoring a new employee, Ken, a white man. This appears to be an example of diversity pairing.


T/F? Performance appraisal is the process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs.


T/F? Rachel has a hard time at work because she never quite knows from day to day what she's supposed to do. Her supervisor, Brad, doesn't really give her clear instructions each day, so she often winds up asking him what he wants her to do. Rachel's job appears to have very low task structure.


T/F? Rob applied for a cashier's job at the local grocery store, but the manager told him, "Sorry, that's strictly a job for girls." Rob appears to be the victim of sex discrimination.

F -Semi-autonomous work groups differ from self-managing work teams in that they must first get approval from management for certain tasks; self-managing work teams do not need to get management approval.

T/F? Semi-autonomous work groups have all the characteristics of self-managing teams.


T/F? Skill-based pay programs work best for self-managing and self-directing teams performing complex tasks.

F -This describes awareness training, not skills-based diversity training.

T/F? Skills-based diversity training is designed to raise employees' awareness of diversity issues, such as the Big Five Personality Dimensions, and to encourage employees to challenge their own prejudices and stereotypes.


T/F? Some types of turnover can actually be beneficial for the organization.

F -Task-oriented leaders tend to be effective in both highly favorable and highly unfavorable situations.

T/F? Task-oriented leaders tend to be effective only when workplace situations are very structured.

F -Teams should be used when there is a clear, engaging reason or purpose for using them. Teams are much more likely to succeed if they know why they exist and what they're supposed to accomplish.

T/F? Teams should be used because they're popular and all companies use teams.

F -This is an example of on-the-job training, where new employees are assigned to experienced employees to learn how to do a job. Mentors offer new employees informal advice, suggestions, and guidance.

T/F? Terri is a new employee who has been asked to watch how Chan does his job in order to learn how to do hers. This is an example of mentoring.

F -Social integration is the degree to which organizational or group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective.

T/F? The degree to which organizational or group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective is called deep-level diversity.


T/F? The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations.

F -Teams can be classified in a number of ways, such as permanence, function, or size, but studies indicate that the amount of autonomy possessed by a team is the key difference among teams.

T/F? The key difference between various types of teams is team size.

F -This is the top level of a waste minimization strategy; the lowest level is waste disposal.

T/F? The lowest level of a waste minimization strategy is waste prevention and reduction.


T/F? The members of the Alpha team at the Lazer Corporation love the work they do. When Barbara was transferred out of the Alpha team last month and assigned to a new work team, she was very disappointed. Alpha team appears to be high in cohesiveness.


T/F? The most common costs of capital are the interest paid on long-term bank loans used to buy resources, the interest paid to bondholders, and the dividends and growth in stock value that accrue to shareholders.

F -Good leader-member relations mean that followers trust the leader and there is a friendly work environment. How well roles and responsibilities are defined is a factor of task structure.

T/F? The most important situational factor is leader-member relations, because good leader-member relations result in more clearly defined roles and job responsibilities.

F -A second way is for managers and employees to learn what they should and should not do by observing experienced employees and by listening to the stories they tell about the company.

T/F? The only way for organizations to create normative controls is to be very careful about whom they hire.


T/F? The primary advantage of structured interviews is that comparing applicants is much easier because they are all asked the same questions.


T/F? The process of determining how well other companies perform business functions or tasks is called benchmarking.

F -This is the definition of selection. Validation is the process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance.

T/F? The process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job is called validation.

F -Leadership, not management, is defined here. Management is getting work done through others.

T/F? The process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals is called management.


T/F? Though he has been president of the company for over ten years, LeMoyne knows the name of every employee. Workers feel free to pop into his office to tell him about problems they're having on the job, and he often joins groups in the cafeteria just to see what's on his employees' minds. LeMoyne appears to have high consideration for his employees.

F -It is not illegal for companies to conduct background checks to verify information provided by job applicants.

T/F? Though it is illegal for companies to conduct background checks of job applicants, many companies use them anyway.

F -These are strategies for the top level of waste minimization, waste prevention and reduction.

T/F? Three strategies for the second level of waste minimization, recycle and reuse, are good housekeeping, material/product substitution, and process modification.

F -Transactional leadership is based on these principles. Transformational leaders use visionary and inspirational appeals to influence followers.

T/F? Transformational leadership is based on an exchange process in which followers are rewarded for good performance and punished for poor performance.


T/F? Unethical charismatics pose a great risk for organizations because followers can become just as committed to them as to ethical charismatics.

F -Nearly all of the other leadership theories have specified leadership styles. Normative decision theory differs from those theories, however, in that it specifies five different decision styles.

T/F? Unlike most other leadership theories, the normative decision theory specifies leadership styles.


T/F? Using work teams frequently leads to increased job satisfaction.

F -Collectivists generally prefer interdependent tasks in which they work with others. If team diversity is desired, however, individualists may also be appropriate in some situations.

T/F? When building teams, you should only choose team members who are collectivists.


T/F? When forming teams, rewards should be given based on team performance, not individual performance.


T/F? With normative controls, a company's widely shared beliefs and values guide workers' behavior and decisions.

F -There are certain circumstances where work teams should not be used. For example, teams should be used only when there is a clear purpose for doing so.

T/F? Work teams are always the preferred choice on the job; there are no circumstances in which teamwork will not get the job done faster and better.


T/F? Work teams consist of a small number of people with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and improving interdependent work processes.

F -Higher-order needs are concerned with relationships, challenges and accomplishments, and influence. The concern for safety is a lower-order need.

T/F? Yusef works the late shift at his factory and gets off work at midnight. He has asked management to consider installing some spotlights in the parking lot because he is afraid of tripping in the dark on the way to his car. In making this request, Yusef is trying to get some of his higher-order needs satisfied.

b. balance sheet. -The balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a particular time.

The CEO of MegaCheap Mart wants to know how his company's financial position looked as of December 31 of last year. The financial report he should look at is the: a. income statement. b. balance sheet. c. annual budget. d. profit-and-loss statement. e. cash flow analysis.

a. normative decision -According to this theory, using the right degree of employee participation improves the quality of decisions and the extent to which employees accept and are committed to decisions.

The ________ theory helps leaders decide how much employee participation should be used when making decisions. a. normative decision b. situational c. path-goal d. contingency e. trait

d. contingency -This is the definition of contingency theory.

The ________ theory states that in order to maximize work group performance, leaders must be matched to the right leadership situations. a. normative decision b. situational c. path-goal d. contingency e. trait

c. value. -This is the definition of value.

The customer perception that the product quality is outstanding for the price offered is called: a. a bargain. b. worth. c. value. d. excellence. e. price

c. social integration. -This is the definition of social integration.

The degree to which group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective is: a. group magnetism. b. rational incorporation. c. social integration. d. social loafing. e. affirmative action.

a. control loss. -Control loss occurs when behavior and work procedures do not conform to standards.

The final procedure for assembling a Widget is: (1) insert plug into slot a; (2) tighten red screw; (3) insert plug into slot b; (4) tighten blue screw. However, Helmut has been tightening the blue screw first on the Widgets he's been making today. All of the Widgets he made will have to be discarded as spoiled. Helmut's mistake is an example of: a. control loss. b. cybernetic infeasibility. c. intermittent control. d. feedforward control. e. regulation costs.

b. focuses on individual differences, not group differences. -The learning and effectiveness paradigm focuses on integrating deep-level diversity differences. When other methods focus on larger group differences, individual differences within those groups often are ignored.

The learning and effectiveness paradigm is less likely to generate the bad feelings sometimes associated with other types of diversity programs because it: a. focuses only on surface-level diversity dimensions such as gender and ethnicity. b. focuses on individual differences, not group differences. c. has a zero tolerance policy for debate and conflict. d. does not emphasize bringing different talents and perspectives together. e. establishes different standards of performance for different groups of people.

b. instrumentality. -When instrumentality is strong, employees believe that improved performance will lead to better and more rewards, so they choose to work harder.

The perceived relationship between performance and rewards is called: a. commitment. b. instrumentality. c. expectancy. d. dichotomy. e. valence.

e. needs assessment. -This is the definition of needs assessment.

The process of identifying and prioritizing the learning needs of employees is called: a. vestibule training. b. role-playing. c. job analysis. d. mentoring. e. needs assessment.

e. compare actual performance to performance standards. -The three steps in the control process are setting standards, comparing performance to those standards, and taking corrective action if needed.

The second step in the control process is to: a. analyze deviations from performance standards. b. set goals and specify performance standards that must be met to achieve those goals. c. implement a program for correcting any deviations from performance. d. identify performance deviations. e. compare actual performance to performance standards.

a. team diversity. -Team level, by contrast, represents the average level of ability, experience, personality, and other factors of a team.

The variances or differences in ability, experience, personality, and other factors of a team are collectively referred to as: a. team diversity. b. workplace congruence. c. structural accommodation. d. team level. e. bureaucratic immunity.

? -These are the five steps to motivating workers with reinforcement theory.

What are the five steps to motivating workers with reinforcement theory? Xa. Query, examine, requery, reexamine, decide b. Identify, measure, analyze, intervene, evaluate c. Debate, determine, decide, divide, disperse d. Collect, analyze, process, distribute, revue Xe. Articulate, concentrate, validate, execute, repeat

a. Disparate treatment is intentional discrimination while adverse impact is unintentional. -Disparate treatment, which is intentional discrimination, occurs when people, despite being qualified, are intentionally not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities as other employees because of their race, color, age, sex, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs. Adverse impact, which is unintentional discrimination, occurs when members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged because they are hired, promoted, or trained (or any other employment decision) at substantially lower rates than others.

What is the major difference between disparate treatment and adverse impact? a. Disparate treatment is intentional discrimination while adverse impact is unintentional. b. Disparate treatment violates the four-fifths rule. c. The EEOC does not regulate adverse impact cases. d. Adverse impact is a result of external forces. e. Disparate treatment is a form of sexual harassment.

e. All of these are diversity principles. -Whatever diversity paradigm a manager chooses, diversity principles will help managers do a better job of managing company diversity programs.

Which of the following is NOT a diversity principle? a. Treat group differences as important but not special. b. Reexamine, but maintain, high standards. c. Tailor opportunities to individuals, not groups. d. Solicit negative as well as positive feedback. e. All of these are diversity principles.

c. Career paths -A career path is an internal recruitment method is a planned sequence of jobs through which employees may advance within an organization.

Which of the following is NOT a method for external recruitment? a. Walk-ins b. Employment services c. Career paths d. Internet job sites e. Employee referrals

e. Single distribution -Exhibit 13.7 shows the four types of intermittent reinforcement schedules. Single distribution is not a type of reinforcement schedule.

Which of the following is NOT a type of intermittent reinforcement schedule? a. Fixed ratio b. Fixed interval c. Variable interval d. Variable ratio e. Single distribution

? -Exhibit 16.5 lists the advantages and disadvantages associated with different measures of quality.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of defining quality in terms of conformance to specifications? Xa. If specifications can be written, conformance to specifications is usually measureable. b. Should lead to increased efficiency. c. Promotes consistency in quality. Xd. None of these are disadvantages. e. Many products or services cannot be easily evaluated in terms of conformance to specifications.

b. Feedback always comes after the fact. -Despite this fact, studies have clearly shown that feedback improves both individual and organizational performance. In most instances, any feedback is better than no feedback.

Which of the following is the downside to feedback? a. Most people are too sensitive to receive feedback. b. Feedback always comes after the fact. c. Useful feedback can be very expensive. d. Feedback takes a long time to implement. e. Feedback is too general to apply to most situations.

b. Commission -This is the definition of commissions.

Which of the following payment programs offers employees a percentage of the purchase price of items they sell? a. Employee stock ownership plans b. Commission c. Gainsharing d. Profit sharing e. Piecework

a. Frank tells Hailey that he'll give her tomorrow off if she'll give him a great big kiss. -Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination in which unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature occurs.

Which of the following scenarios would most likely be considered sexual harassment? a. Frank tells Hailey that he'll give her tomorrow off if she'll give him a great big kiss. b. Mia asks Ethan, her supervisor, out on a date; Ethan politely declines. c. Claire just learned that she did not receive a promotion she'd been hoping for; her coworker Luke gives her a hug and tells her he's sorry she didn't get the job. d. Nathan tells his buddy Connor over lunch that there's a cute new receptionist working over in the sales department. e. Michael compliments his co-worker, Alice, on her pretty new dress.

c. The importance of subordinate commitment will be high. -Major changes in organizational culture are typically high quality decisions and require strong subordinate commitment. People's feelings toward pets are often mixed and some employees might be allergic to dogs or cats, so your employees will probably want to know about the decision in advance and be consulted, And while most people would desire a more cheerful work environment, you can't assume that everyone will agree that bringing animals into the office will accomplish that goal.

You're considering creating a new policy for your office that allows employees to bring dogs or cats into the office. Based on decision-quality and acceptance, which of the following do you think would be true of this change? a. The importance of subordinate commitment will be low. b. Everyone likes animals, so allowing animals in the office will create a more cheerful work environment. c. The importance of subordinate commitment will be high. d. You can easily make this decision by yourself. e. Your employees don't need to know about the decision in advance.

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