Earth Science 1121 -tOSU - Alsdorf

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% of total volume of pores

Change in storage

(P - E) + (Qin - Qout)

Probability of one year for 10 year flood



10-20% of world's run off to oceans enough water to elastically compress crust by 10 cm 10x the Mississippi

daily use of water - drinking

100 GPD - reduce to 72 gps - water for everyone

daily use of water - everything

1000 gpd - reduce to 72 - water for only 60,000


100M m^3/year disrupt marine ecosystems

how long left for oil?

15 years not 60

how many years of coal left in ground?

164 years

Amazon recycled every ___________ years


how much natural gas in US?


petroleum cannot form beneath ____________

7000 m

worldwide we use ______ barrels of oil a day

90 million

A. small micro to macroscopic animals that build calcareous shells; a limestone

A coral reef, like that surrounding Bora Bora, is formed by ________ and becomes __________. A. small micro to macroscopic animals that build calcareous shells; a limestone B. a tectonic plate moving over a hotspot; a basalt C. erosion of the island interior D. None of the above

B. 40 degrees from the earthquake

A seismogram with a P minus S travel time difference of 6.5 minutes is recorded from a seismometer located ______________. A. 20 degrees from the earthquake B. 40 degrees from the earthquake C. 60 degrees from the earthquake D. Not possible to determine

A. the mass of snow being added is less than the amount of ice being melted

Alpine glaciers always flow down the topographic slope, so why does the end of the glacier actually retreat back up the valley? Because ____________. A. the mass of snow being added is less than the amount of ice being melted B. the mass of snow being added is greater than the amount of ice being melted C. the mass of rocks being carried in the glacier exceeds its carrying capacity D. the mass of rocks being carried in the glacier is less than its carrying capacity

B. are melting and receding

Alpine glaciers around the world __________. A. have an ice mass that is essentially in balance B. are melting and receding C. have growing accumulation zones, thus moving forward D. are not significant indictators of global climate

Amazon - carbon

Amazon river outgas just as much carbon dioxide as they take out of air carbon neutral carbon from organic materials in river

B. well within the crust

At what depth did the deformation in the photo, left, occur? A. at the earth's surface B. well within the crust C. at the crust-mantle boundary D. in the upper mantle

Atchafalaya and Mississippi

Atchafalaya will take water from MIssissippi

dry season

August, September

C. remain the same

Based on climate model simulations, the temperature of Europe will ____________ if thermohaline circulation collapses (i.e., shuts down and stops). A. decrease B. increase C. remain the same D. none of the above

D. match measured temperatures best when accounting for human and natural influences

Climate model simulations over six continents and from 1900 to 2000 __________________. A. match measured temperatures best when not accounting for human influences B. match measured temperatures best when accounting for human influences only match measured temperatures best when accounting for natural influences only D. match measured temperatures best when accounting for human and natural influences

Evaporation over land ->

Clouds move over land to create precipitation

B. at the same time as

Given two earthquakes in the same location of California and a seismometer located here in Ohio: a magnitude 8 earthquake produces P-waves that arrive here ______ P-waves from a magnitude 6 earthquake. A. faster than B. at the same time as C. slower than D. None of the above

D. all of the above

In the above figure, the plot on the left shows the annual temperature anomalies for the State of Ohio and on the right for the entire Globe, including land and oceans. Degrees Celsius are on the left-side Y-axis. The X-axis shows dates extending from the 1890 to 2012. Trend lines are drawn in both plots. The slope of the line for State of Ohio is .32 degrees C/100 years and the slope of the line for the Globe is .72 degrees C/100 years. Using the above figure, the following can be concluded: A. Temperatures for the past ~120 years have a greater range for Ohio compared to the globe. B. Temperatures for the past ~120 years in Ohio are rising slower than across the entire Globe. C. Any given location on Earth may not necessarily have temperature changes like those found for the entire Globe. D. all of the above

B. about 6 kilometers per second; about 3.5 kilometers per second

In the crust, P waves travel at a velocity of _____ whereas S waves travel at velocity of _______. A. about 6 meters per second; about 3.5 meters per second B. about 6 kilometers per second; about 3.5 kilometers per second C. about 12 kilometers per second; about 7 kilometers per second D. None of the above

C. from the coalescing of at least three glacial cirques

In the photo above, how did this mountain peak form? A. from wind and stream erosion B. by tectonic faulting C. from the coalescing of at least three glacial cirques D. by the progressive accretion of end moraines

C. an example of a location where a minor alpine glacier once joined a major alpine glacier

In the picture above, the water fall is ___________. A. an example of a V-shaped valley B. formed by the constant erosion of a flowing stream C. an example of a location where a minor alpine glacier once joined a major alpine glacier D. a result of global warming

C. about 2,500,000; about 60,000 square kilometers

In the southeastern United States, the approximate number of people and amount of area at risk from a one meter rise in sea level are _________________ and __________, respectively. A. about 25,000; about 60 square kilometers B. about 250,000; about 600 square kilometers C. about 2,500,000; about 60,000 square kilometers D. about 250,000,000; about 6,000,000 square kilometers

C. No, because the drivers of climate change, such as the movement of ocean waters, operate on multi-decadal to multi-millennial time scales

Is a decade or less enough time to determine climatic changes in temperature, i.e., to determine if global warming has stopped? A. Yes, because thermometer based temperature records show no temperature increase from 1998 to 2007. B. Yes, because atmospheric water vapor circulation operates on time scales less than a decade. C. No, because the drivers of climate change, such as the movement of ocean waters, operate on multi-decadal to multi-millennial time scales D. No, because the California drought is clearly caused by global warming.

RN = G + LE + H

LE = Latent heat flux energy used to create E or P

wet season

March, April, May

desalination a solution for US?

No. maybe for coastal $112

B. increases, increases, and decreases (respectively) from the surface to about 500 m depth

Ocean density, salinity, and temperature _________. A. change mostly in the lower depths of the oceans B. increases, increases, and decreases (respectively) from the surface to about 500 m depth C. increases, decreases, and increases (respectively) from the surface to about 500 m depth D. increases, decreases , and decreases (respectively) from the surface to about 500 m depth

D. All of the above

Oceans and the salinity causing process have existed for at least a billion years, so why are the ocean not more salty than the amount noted in question 9? A. Because some biological processes such as the formation of shells by organisms remove salts from the ocean. B. Because some chemical reactions of basalt with ocean water removes salts. C. Because some salts are deposited with sediments at the bottom of the ocean. D. All of the above

Marcellus Shale

Ohio, Penn, WV


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

A. generally increase with depth, then abruptly decrease at the core-mantle boundary

Seismic P-wave velocities ______. A. generally increase with depth, then abruptly decrease at the core-mantle boundary B. generally decrease with depth, then abruptly increase at the core-mantle boundary C. generally increase with depth, then abruptly increase at the core-mantle boundary D. generally do not change with depth

D. inertia and the resistance of mass to motion, and electromagnetic force laws

Seismometer physics is based on ______. A. light optics and lens principles B. the motion of seismic waves C. the elasticity of rocks D. inertia and the resistance of mass to motion, and electromagnetic force laws

C. atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature; sea level rise

Since 1990, global climate models used in the IPCC reports reasonably accurately predict ____________ but are below the measured amount of ____________. A. climate change and population drift; sea level fall B. temperature and sea level rise; atmospheric carbon-dioxide C. atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature; sea level rise D. atmospheric carbon dioxide and sea level rise; temperature

C. Because the large earthquakes that generate tsunamis generally occur more often in the Pacific basin than in the Southern Atlantic basin.

Since a couple thousand years ago, why does there appear to be fewer tsunami run-up events along the eastern coast of South America compared to its western coast (see pink + signs in above graphic)? A. Because tsunamis require a bathymetric to shoreline profile that abruptly shifts from deep to shallow, which is found more often on the western coast than the eastern coast of South America. B.Because subduction zones produce tsunamis, whereas mid ocean ridges so not. C. Because the large earthquakes that generate tsunamis generally occur more often in the Pacific basin than in the Southern Atlantic basin. D. None of the above

C. Because the rocks that we find at the earth's surface have a density that when multiplied by the volume of the earth yields a mass less than the total mass of the earth.

Starting in the early 1800's, how have we known that the rocks deep inside the earth (e.g., in the mantle and core) are not the same as the rocks that we find at the surface of the earth? A. Because the earth has spherical shape. B. Because erupted lavas from volcanoes have a chemistry that differs from other crustal rocks. C. Because the rocks that we find at the earth's surface have a density that when multiplied by the volume of the earth yields a mass less than the total mass of the earth. D. Because the rocks that we find at the earth's surface have a density that when multiplied by the volume of the earth yields a mass greater than the total mass of the earth.

D. fossils from a couple species that coexisted for a few million years and which are found in only a few rock formations around the globe.

The Earth's geologic history can be determined by correlating strata from one continent to another continent using ______. A. rock layers made up of limestones which are always from the same environment of deposition and thus correlate across the globe B. rock layers made up of shales which are always from the same environment of deposition and thus correlate across the globe C. fossils from a single species that existed for 100s of millions of years and which is found in many formations around the globe D. fossils from a couple of species that coexisted for a few million years and which are found in only a few rock formations around the globe.

C. seismic waves phases such as P, PP, PKP, PcP, etc

The hypothesis that the Earth has a spherical structure with layers (e.g., crust, mantle, core) of differing physical and chemical properties is based on A. the temperature of volcanic lavas and the associated gravitational field B. deep drilling projects with bore holes on several continents C. seismic waves phases such as P, PP, PKP, PcP, etc D. None of the above

C. occurs about 100 degrees to 180 degrees from any earthquake

The seismic shadow zone of the Earth ________. A. occurs near seismically active regions. B. occurs approximately 100 km from active faults. C. occurs about 100 degrees to 180 degrees from any earthquake D. occurs about 100 degrees to 180 degrees from subduction zone earthquakes

A. is curved because of refraction

The travel path of a seismic wave from the focus, into the body of the earth, and to the seismometer 5000 km away _________. A. is curved because of refraction B. is curved because of reflection C. is straight because of refraction D. is straight because of reflection

C. both A and B

The type of a fault in California (i.e., reverse fault, normal fault, strike-slip fault, etc.) can be remotely determined without having to actually visit the fault. This is done on active faults and with seismometers not located in California _______. A. because seismometers record first motions which represent motions along the fault B. because seismometers are located around the world C. both A and B D. none of the above

A. limestone; sedimentary rocks (shale, limestone)

The types of rocks we would expect to find while walking along an outcrop in Florida are _____ whereas here in Ohio we should find _______. A. limestone; sedimentary rocks (shale, limestone) B. granite; sedimentary rocks (shale, limestone) C. sedimentary rocks (shale, limestone); granite D. sedimentary rocks (shale, limestone); basalt

D. can be driven by surface waters sinking in the North Atlantic and takes 1000 years to circulate throughout all oceans.

Thermohaline circulation ____________. A. can be driven by deep waters rising in the North Atlantic and takes 100 years to circulate throughout all oceans. B. can be driven by deep waters rising in the North Atlantic and takes 1000 years to circulate throughout all oceans. C. can be driven by surface waters sinking in the North Atlantic and takes 100 years to circulate throughout all oceans. D. can be driven by surface waters sinking in the North Atlantic and takes 1000 years to circulate throughout all oceans.

C. right-lateral strike-slip faulting

This picture is an example of _____. A. normal faulting B. reverse faulting C. right-lateral strike-slip faulting D. left-lateral strike-slip faulting

B. At some point in the past, the average annual temperature of Ohio must have been less than zero degrees Celsius.

This rock is found in Sunbury Ohio just a few miles north of Columbus. It is a granite. Which of the following can you reasonably conclude? A. The rock formations around Sunbury Ohio are all made of granite. B. At some point in the past, the average annual temperature of Ohio must have been less than zero degrees Celsius. C. A large flood covered this location in Sunbury at some point in the past. D. All of the above

C. stratigraphically alternating sequences of sandstones, shales, and coals

Transgression and regression of the oceans upon the lands, typically yields _____. A. stratigraphically alternating sequences of sandstones, granites, and basalts B. stratigraphically alternating sequences of sandstones, granites, and gneiss C. stratigraphically alternating sequences of sandstones, shales, and coals D. stratigraphically alternating sequences of sandstones, conglomerates, and coals

Tigris and Euphrates

Turkey in control > Syria or Iraq Southeastern Anatolia Project - water no longer freely flowing down river

B. B

Two hydrographs are shown in the graphic, above. Recall that these show river flow over time. Time periods are labeled with A, B, C, and D. Which of these has the greatest potential to cause a flood? A. A B. B C. C D. D

C. C

Two hydrographs are shown in the graphic, above. Recall that these show river flow over time. Time periods are labeled with A, B, C, and D. Which of these is where you would expect the river storage to decrease? A. A B. B C. C D. D

Who uses energy?

US, India, China

A. Anthropogenic forcings such as the burning of fossil fuels, which greatly increased during the Industrial Revolution, have produced these gases

Why have levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide increased in the past 200 years? A. Anthropogenic forcings such as the burning of fossil fuels, which greatly increased during the Industrial Revolution, have produced these gases B. The earth's natural orbital variability, the angle of its axis of rotation, and precession have all changed, resulting in climate change that helps to produce these gases. C. Both A and B D. None of the above

B. The earth's natural orbital variability, the angle of its axis of rotation, and precession have all changed, resulting in climate change that helps to produce these gases.

Why have levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide varied over the past 800,000 years (but not counting the past 200 years)? A. Anthropogenic forcings such as the burning of fossil fuels, which greatly increased during the Industrial Revolution, have produced these gases B. The earth's natural orbital variability, the angle of its axis of rotation, and precession have all changed, resulting in climate change that helps to produce these gases. C. Both A and B D. None of the above

A. because continental scale glaciers covered northwest Ohio but not southeast Ohio

Why is northwest Ohio flat and southeast Ohio hilly? A. because continental scale glaciers covered northwest Ohio but not southeast Ohio B. because alpine glaciers covered northwest Ohio but not southeast Ohio C. because continental scale glaciers covered southeast Ohio but not northwest Ohio D. because alpine glaciers covered southeast Ohio but not northwest ohio

D. The longer the residence time, the greater the potential for the gas to increase atmospheric temperatures

Why is the residence time in the atmosphere of a greenhouse gas important? A. The shorter the residence time, the greater the potential for the gas to increase atmospheric pressures B. The longer the residence time, the greater the potential for the gas to increase atmospheric pressures C. The shorter the residence time, the greater the potential for the gas to increase atmospheric temperatures D. The longer the residence time, the greater the potential for the gas to increase atmospheric temperatures

Atmosphere in balance?

Yes, atmosphere in balance

^ base level

^ deposition

v base level

^ erosion

slope of water ^

^ gradient

A. A

____________ is the youngest end moraine. A. A B. B C. C D. D

D. Increased glacier flow velocities in Greenland; 6 km

____________ would cause the present rate of sea level rise to accelerate and would cause sea level to rise by about _______ if all of Greenland's ice melted. A. Decreased glacier flow velocities in Greenland; 60 km B. Decreased glacier flow velocities in Greenland; 600 km C. Increased glacier flow velocities in Greenland; 60 km D. Increased glacier flow velocities in Greenland; 6 km

organic matter to oil and gas

a specific range of depth and temperature, not too low, not too high




allow us to access shale oil


along bottom

natural gas and coal switched direction

around 2005

floodplain - sediment closer



body of water - saturated, porous, permeable rock

what era does coal come from?

carboniferous periods

how long does it take to consume the first trillion barrels of oil vs the last trillion?

century to 5 years

Colorado River 1500 m deep canyon Mississippi - higher discharge

closer to base level

hydraulic fracturable

crack and fracture the shale layer horizontal bore hole, blast the shale eock

cones of depression

created by wells, lowers water table

Oxbow Lake

cut off meander loop from river

natural gas price


regional water

deep, long distances

To detonate part of levee or not?

detonate levee to prevent flooding

secondary porosity

developed after formation, fracturing, faulting, dissolution

rainfall from model

did not match observation models have improved


dissolved in water


drain snow melted, transport

drill below ________

dry season water table

pore connectedness

east of water to flow

^ permeability

east water flow large and straight flow paths

most balanced in terms of its sources

electricity price of one increases, just switch to another

90% of coal usage

electricity some to industrial

Water is not ___________ distributed


water usage ^ since 1980

eventually became more efficient

Outside of river

faster, erosion, CUTBANK


fine - no pore space

floodplain - sediment further out


Qin > Qout

flood channel will not be big enough to hold all water

number of earthquakes increase

fracking overpressurized pore space caused earthquakes due to any stress

beneath coast

fresh water floats on salt pumping, ^ boundary salt water will enter well

Water 2.5 % ______ 97.5% ________

freshwater; salt water

impound sediments

from easily eroded mountains into water (bad)

74% of freshwater in __________

glaciers and groundwater

Niger River

goes through 5 continents upstream countries are not forthcoming about flooding to downstream

high carbon content

greater the rank of coal low - lignite intermediate - bituminous high - anthracite

Relationship between energy being consumed

greatest - petroleum natural gas less - coal

50% recovery for every gallon

half a gallon of fresh, half really salty

Just a little bit of ________ to create a high grade coal

heat too much causes coal to burn


heat -> water -> steam -> pressure -> turbine -> electricity


heats surface, warms air, evaporate

spoil bank

high amount of iron, rusts, acidic water 3 m of clay on top to fix problem


high permeability

Warmer atmosphere

holds more water

horizontal drilling

horizontal access through the shale pore spaces


how easily fluids pass through rock


huge exporter of oil




important to New Orleans If A and M intersect, water will flow down A and cause NO to dry up.

West of Miss


easier to know how much coal than natural gas

it is solid, does not move.

Local base level

lake level


layers of peat are compressed and heated

Aral Sea

lost nearly all water large areas of lake bed creates respiratory/agricultural problems collapse of fishing industry


low permeability

Disappearing Arctic Lakes

melting of permafrost - water drained into ground, driving the process not evaporation

High plains aquifer

mining has caused water level to drop most water - Nebraska 370 years left, actually 200 years left

intermediate water

moderate flow/time

today, domestic oil

more efficient, providing a lot more of our own oil

war over water?

most likely, no


moving away from coal toward natural gas

California drought

natural storage of snow on mountains, have water later in the season higher temps - more rain - loss of water

unlimited supply of oil?


Fluvial floods

not distributed in log normal fashion, changes urbanization

Balbino Reservoir

not enough energy to generate 5 turbines overbuilt dam slightly acidic water producing CO2 that was not there before

water table

not flat, sloping surface topography similar always moving slowly toward river

Pumping rate of well < regional

not reversed


nutrient rich large products fall out first, so finer is further away


nutrients and warm water algae in water supply

100 year flood

one in 100 years


overlain by impermeable rocks - aquicludes source of fresh water

where oil is located

oxic water - oxygenated water anoxic water - nonoxygenated water

where does peat occur?

passive margin, cold, low-land area, anaerobic conditions in the water

oil need

plankton - need oxygen to live


plant remains with carbon content shallow, wetland areas




predicted to use more energy than OECD

global warming

rain, not snow

ground water

replenished in days-centuries deeper - longer to replenish

surface water

replenished within hours within season

Pumping rate of well > regional

reversed flow

3 types of sedimentary basins

rifted, passive margins edges of mountain ranges strike-slip pull-apart basins


same size - big pore spaces

which rocks would you look for when prospecting for oil in the US?


applied hydrology

science and society

Ultimate base level

sea level

lake can only get as deep as ___________

sea level

pollutants in ground

septic tanks

where would you find coal?

shallow sea, carboniferous era pennsylvania, WV

local water

shallow, short


slow conversion of sediments into shale to create oil and natural gas

Inside of river

slower, deposition, POINT BAR

coal price

stayed the same

Owens Valley

surface, groundwater, snow melt


suspended in water

natural gas

swamp environment of trees and shrubs

Where should we look for oil?

thermal depth and temperature window - sedimentary rock, shallow sea not at mountains

ways of removing salt from water

thermal distillation - evaporation, leaves salts reverse osmosis - pressure to overcome gradient between salt and freshwater

East of Miss

thermoelectric coal and natural gas

oil moves

through aquifers and can become trapped in reservoirs

water table

top of saturated zone high in mountains, low in valleys

70% of petroleum usage


doubled population

v in water withdrawals


warm than cold, decade

northward moving temperature gradient

warmth of south moves northward



poorly sorted

water can't get through


water is free to rise to natural level


where water table hits surface

petroleum forms

within a specific range of depth and temperature

Where to build house near floodplain?

Don't build house on floodplain

B. compressional upward P-wave first motions in 2 quadrants, compressional upward P-wave first motions in 4 quadrants

Earthquakes cause ________ and nuclear explosions cause ________________ in a focal mechanism. A. compressional upward P-wave first motions in 4 quadrants, compressional upward P-wave first motions in 2 quadrants B. compressional upward P-wave first motions in 2 quadrants, compressional upward P-wave first motions in 4 quadrants C. No P-wave first motions, only P-wave first motions D. only P-wave first motions, No P-wave first motions

A. the build-up of stress has exceeded the local rock strength

Earthquakes in Ohio occur because ___________. A. the build-up of stress has exceeded the local rock strength B. of the abundance of basaltic rocks C. ground accelerations exceed the force of gravity D. the San Andreas fault has become locked

A. brittle and cold

Earthquakes occur in rocks that are ______________. A. brittle and cold B. ductile and hot C. only in the upper 15 km of the Earth's crust D. deep in the Earth's mantle

B. has an accelerating amount of ice discharged to the ocean

Greenland's glaciers measured over time from interferometric SAR ________. A. has a decelerating amount of ice discharged to the ocean B. has an accelerating amount of ice discharged to the ocean C. has a constant, non-changing amount of ice discharged to the ocean D. interferometric SAR does not measure ice velocities

B. has an increasing mass in the zone of accumulation and has a decreasing mass in the zone of ablation

Greenland's ice measured over time from the GRACE satellites ___________. A. has a decreasing mass in the zone of accumulation and has an increasing mass in the zone of ablation B. has an increasing mass in the zone of accumulation and has a decreasing mass in the zone of ablation C. has a decreasing mass in the zone of accumulation and has a decreasing mass in the zone of ablation D. is essentially in balance when comparing the masses of the zones of accumulation and ablation

C. three or more

How many seismic stations are needed to determine the location of an earthquake? A. only one B. just two C. three or more D. None, seismic stations can not be used to determine earthquake locations

C. The small ridges are a result of a glacier and its lateral moraines.

I took the photo (above) when I was in TIbet. There is a small mountain. There is a small mountain range behind me as well as the one in front, across the valley. There is also a valley in the tall mountain range behind me. Notice the boulders in the foreground and that boulders form the small ridges extending away from me. Which of the following is most likely? A. The small ridges are a result of a flood that washed the boulders out of the valley behind me. B. The small ridges are examples of eskers. C. The small ridges are a result of a glacier and its lateral moraines. D. All of the above

B. B

If the earth had no core and instead was filled with mantle material to its center, then which of the above travel time charts correctly shows the new P-wave arrival times? The existing P-wave travel-times for the earth are shown in blue for each of the four cases, so choose the red line that is the correct answer. A. A B. B C. C D. D

C. 300 years

If the present rate of sea level rise continues without accelerating or decelerating, then about how long will the oceans take to rise one meter? A. 3 years B. 30 years C. 300 years D. 3000 years

B. 4, 40 million years old

If the ratio of daughter to parent atoms in a rock is 93.75 to 6.25 and the half-life of decay is ten million years, how many half-lives have occurred since the rock was formed and how old is the rock? A. 4, 20 million years old B. 4, 40 million years old C. 5, 25 million years old D. 5, 50 million years old

C. a river with intervals of normal water flow interleaved with flooding

Imagine that you are at a rock outcrop and see a stratigraphic sequence of silts and gravels. What do you think is the most likely process that produced this sequence of rocks? A.transgression and regression of the oceans on the lands B. a series of volcanic eruptions like that of Mt. St. Helens C. a river with intervals of normal water flow interleaved with flooding D. the subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continental plate

C. Place all five seismometers in a line, with the first seismometer located the closet to the cluster of earthquakes, the second further away, and so on until the fifth is placed the greatest distance away.

Imagine that you have landed on a previously unknown planet and have five seismometers. You have noticed a cluster of earthquakes occurring in one particular location. Where would you place these seismometers in order to understand the planet's deep interior structure? A. Place all five seismometers very near the cluster of earthquakes. B. Place all five seismometers the same distance, but in different directions, away from the earthquake. C. Place all five seismometers in a line, with the first seismometer located the closet to the cluster of earthquakes, the second further away, and so on until the fifth is placed the greatest distance away. D. Place all five seismometers in a star pattern on the opposite side of the planet compared to where the earthquake cluster is located.

Rain in Ohio

Scioto - Ohio - Mississippi

B. greater than; models may over predict the amount of sea level rise

Regional climate models suggest that water flowing off Greenland's ice and into the ocean during June is _______________ the amount of measured water flowing in Greenland's rivers that drain to the ocean. This implies that ____________. A. less than; models may under predict the amount of sea level rise B. greater than; models may over predict the amount of sea level rise C. the same as; models may correctly predict the amount of sea level rise D. none of the above

C. both A and B

Regions of earthquakes risks _______. A. occur mostly at plate boundaries B. can occur within plates C. both A and B D. neither A or B

D. None of the above

Samples from ice cores provide direct measurements of past ______. A. temperature, carbon dioxide, and atmospheric dust B. temperature, carbon dioxide, and entrapped micro-organisms C. temperature, atmospheric dust, and net accumulation D. None of the above

who has the oil?

Saudi Arabia

A. Because vegetation in the northern hemisphere removes CO2 from the atmosphere during its annual growth cycle

The above plot shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as measured in Hawaii and is known as the "Kneeling Curve." Why does the concentration of CO2 vary each year, going from a high level in each May to a low level in each October? A. Because vegetation in the northern hemisphere removes CO2 from the atmosphere during its annual growth cycle B. Because plate tectonics in the southern hemisphere removes CO2 from the atmosphere during its subduction C. Because the earth's rotation causes sun light to preferentially warm the atmosphere around the Pacific Ocean. D. All of the above

D. None of the above

The above plot shows the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as measured in ice cores and at Hawaii. Note the total variation in CO2 from today and into the past 800,000 years, What can be reasonably concluded from this plot? A. Climate cycles are typical and natural, thus today's CO2 concentrations are also normal B. Climate cycles show periodic decreases in CO2 concentrations, thus today's CO2 concentration will also decrease in your lifetime C. Climate cycles show sharp increases in CO2 concentrations, thus today's increased CO2 concentration is also natural. D. None of the above

C. 4.6 billion years, radiometric dating

The age of the Earth is approximately __________ which is determined by ____________. A. 15 billion years, red shifts in the light spectrum B. 15 billion years, gravitational forces from black holes C. 4.6 billion years, radiometric dating D. 4.6 billion years, fossil evidence

A. the difference between the amount of water flowing into and out of a given location and equates this to the volumeric change in water for that location

The basic form of the continuity equation expresses ____________. A. the difference between the amount of water flowing into and out of a given location and equates this to the volumeric change in water for that location B. the summation of the amount of water flowing into and out of a given location but does not equate this to the volumeric change in water for that location C. the multiplication of the amount of water flowing into and out of a given location and equates this to the volumeric change in water for that location D. the division of the amount of water flowing into and out of a given location and equates this to the volumeric change in water for that location

C. new grey sandstone deposited; new grey sandstone folded; erosion causing the unconformity and deposition of old red sandstone; slight folding of all rock layers

The correct sequence of events that led to the displayed rock strata is ___________. A. new grey sandstone deposited; erosion causing the unconformity and deposition of old red sandstone; folding of new grey sandstone; folding of old red sandstone B. new grey sandstone deposited; erosion causing the unconformity and deposition of old red sandstone; folding of old red sandstone; folding of new grey sandstone C. new grey sandstone deposited; new grey sandstone folded; erosion causing the unconformity and deposition of old red sandstone; slight folding of all rock layers D. new grey sandstone deposited; new grey sandstone folded; erosion causing the unconformity and deposition of old red sandstone; folding of only old red sandstone

B. larger

The crustal root beneath mountains created by continent-continent collision is _______ when compared to the root beneath rifted terrains. A. smaller B. larger C. the same size as D. none of the above

Energy budget

Water budget

A. P-waves are transmitted through the outer core, but S-waves are not

We know that the Earth's outer core is liquid because ________. A. P-waves are transmitted through the outer core but not S-waves B. S-waves are transmitted through the outer core but not P-waves C. surface waves retract into the outer core D. surface waves reflect off of the outer core

C. thermal expansion of ocean waters, melting of mountain glaciers, melting of Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets, and an unknown source of terrestrial water

What are the major factors that account for today's rise in sea level? A. thermal cooling of ocean water, the growth of mountain glaciers, the growth of Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets, and groundwater mining B. thermal expansion of ocean waters, melting of mountain glaciers, melting of Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets, and the filling of reservoirs behind dams C. thermal expansion of ocean waters, melting of mountain glaciers, melting of Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets, and an unknown source of terrestrial water D. None of the above

D. 10,000 times more often

When considering all earthquakes around the world per year, earthquakes with a magnitude of 3 occur ___________ as earthquakes of a magnitude 7. A. about the same number of times B. about twice as often C. 10,000 times less often D. 10,000 times more often

C. 3.5% of ocean water volume, runoff from the continents delivering dissolved ions to the oceans

When considering typical ocean salinity, chlorides, sodium, and several other "salts" make up _________ and are a result of ____________. A. 3.5% of ocean water volume; evaporation from the oceans B. 0.35% of ocean water volume; evaporation on the oceans C. 3.5% of ocean water volume, runoff from the continents delivering dissolved ions to the oceans D. 0.35% of ocean water volume, runoff from the continents delivering dissolved ions to the oceans

D. At the transition from brittle rock to ductile crust

When tracing a fault from the surface into the depths of the crust, where will it likely end? A. Where hydraulic fracturing has occured B. In an igneous basement rock C. Within 3 km of the Earth's surface D. At the transition from brittle rock to ductile crust

C. C

Which of the above graphics most closely shows the travel-times for P and S waves if the core-mantle boundary (CMB) was half as deep as it is now, i.e., 1450 km deep instead of 2900 km deep? The existing P and S waves travel-times for a 2900 km deep CMB are shown in blue for each of the four cases, so choose the pair of red lines that most closely matches what might be expected for a CMB depth that is half of its present position. Assume that the physical properties of the crust, mantle, and core remain the same. A. A B. B C. C D. D

D. carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor

Which of the following is arrange in the correct order, from the longest to shortest residence time in the atmosphere (i.e. how long the molecule will stay in the atmosphere). A. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane B. methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor C. carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane D. carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor

A. surface waves, which arrives after body waves

Which seismic waves types cause the greatest damage to buildings ________. A. surface waves, which arrives after body waves B. body waves, which arrive before surface waves C. P waves, which have the greatest amplitude D. S waves, which have the greatest amplitude

D. body waves

Which types of earthquake waves travel fastest? A. exterior waves B. Rayleigh waves C. surface waves D. body waves

C. They are indicative of natural causes for variations in climate.

Why are landscape features like 1 and 2, in the above graphic, important? A. They are rare features in mountain environments and are thought to result from climate induced river floods. B. They are indicative of man-made causes for variations C. They are indicative of natural causes for variations in climate. D. All of the above

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