EBIO 1220 Exam 3

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stores chlorophyl stacked into grana lumen inside stroma surrounds


Organic material that can be burned or converted into methane. - Ideally no net increase in CO2 - made from wood, peat, waste, corn

Calvin Cycle

light-independent reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugar

Electron transport builds?

a proton gradient

prokaryotes carry out

active transport of substances movement work using motor protiens ATP formation in fermentation energy-dependent synthesis of large molecules

Ethanol from different plant sources

Carbohydrates made by living plants - cornstarch - sugarcane sucrose - plant cellulose

inputs for cellular respiration

glucose and oxygen

What goes into glycolysis?

glucose, a little ATP, NAD+

Predict the relative rate of photosynthesis compared to respiration over the lifespan of a green leaf

Overall photosynthesis rates of a leaf should be higher than respiration

Water transport in vascular plants

plants adapt to locations with extremely little moisture in soil by limiting how open their stomata is

Advantages of photosynthetic algae and bacteria

- minimal food VS land conflict - Can be grown in areas not suitable for crop growth (saltwater/brackish water) - release energy rich products, making energy-intensive harvesting unnecessary

Climate change threatens crop yields through:

-increasing unpredictable weather extremes - Summer drought/heat - Pest/pathogen spread

How the electron transport chain makes ATP

1. Sunlight energizes electrons of chlorophyll that leave chlorophyll and are continuously replaced by electrons from H2O 2. The energized electrons flow through the photosynthetic electron transport chain; their energy is used to pump H+ from low H+ in the stroma to high concentration within the thylakoid membrane; H+ flow from high concentration within thylakoids to low H+ concentration in the stroma energizes ATP formation 3. Light energizes electrons chain for loading onto NADP+

Climate change survey

25% of consumers believe that oil companies have acknowledged climate change 93% of oil and gad executives believe that climate change is real we need "The creation of new and potentially disruptive ideas"

Photosynthesis equation

6CO2 + 6H2O --> light energy --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

C3 plants

A plant that uses the Calvin cycle for the initial steps that incorporate CO2 into organic material, forming a three-carbon compound as the first stable intermediate. - Plants open pores more often

electron transport chain

A sequence of electron carrier molecules (membrane proteins) that shuttle electrons during the redox reactions that release energy used to make ATP.


A stacked portion of the thylakoid membrane in the chloroplast. Grana function in the light reactions of photosynthesis

Predict where ADP and P go after ATP files the na/K+ pump in the outer cell membrane of an animal cell

ADP and P are regenerated to ATP in the mitochondria. Everything cycles in the cell!

Outputs of Calvin Cycle

ADP+P, NADP+, G3P sugar (to make glucose)

The ATP synthase turbine utilizes the proton H+ gradient to make


oxidative phosphorylation outputs

ATP, NAD+, water

Fast twitch muscle fiber have the advantage of ___ and the disadvantage of ___

Acting quickly; not extracting a lot of energy from glucose

What goes into the Calvin Cycle?


Hemoglobin _____ O2 in the lungs and _____ O2 in the muscle; the binding capacity of hemoglobin for O2 is ____ in the lungs and _____ in the muscle region.

Binds; releases; high; low

citric acid outputs

CO2, NADH, ATP, Coenzyme A

net output of acetyl CoA

CO2, NADH, Acetyl CoA

Predict features of C3 and C4 plants resulting from the fact that (i) C4 plants require more ATP to fix CO2 than C3 plants (ii) C4 plants are able to fix CO2 at much lower concentrations than C3 plants.

C4 plants do not need to open pores as widely as C3 plants to do photosynthesis C4 plants lose less water then C3 plants through leaf pores C4 plants need more energy from sunlight than C3 plants

What comes out of the citric avid cycle?

CO2 and CoA, NADH, a little ATP

Which is correct about CO2 released in cellular respiration?

CO2 is what is left from the carbon chain of glucose after removal of H (electrons and H+)

Location of key reactions in mitochondria and chloroplasts

CO2 to sugar in the stroma fluid Conversion to sugar in mitochondrial matrix fluid ATP and E transport in thylakoid membranes and mitochondrial membranes

Ethanol is produced as a biofuel by fermentation of monosaccharides. What plant source is DIFFICULT to break down into monosaccharides?

Cellulose from grasses

Solar energy is converted to

Chemical energy by producers via photosynthesis

NAD+ can be loaded with electrons in which reaction/location?

Citric acid cycle and glycolysis

citric acid cycle (Kerebs Cycle)

Completes the breakdown of glucose by oxidizing a derivative of pyruvate to carbon dioxide. -extracts ALL REMAINING high-energy electrons until all carbon atoms of the original sugar molecule have been turned into CO2

To produce ATP energy from food is:

Converted from one form to another multiple times - Glycolysis - Citric acid cycle - Electron transport chain

The ATP synthase turbine

Converts the energy of a proton gradient to energy usable for cellular work

Cellulosic Ethanol

Difficult to convert to hexoses - possible future as a biofuel - very costly

C4 plants need more ___ to make ___ than C3 plants

Energy (sunlight); sugars

Sucrose is ___ to conver to hexoses

Easy (seven harvests of cane before needing to replant) Cane waste is burned for power and heat

Without oxygen as the_____ ATP levels drop rapidly causing death

Electron acceptor

In the electron circuit of life:

Electrons come from water, become part of C-H bonds of sugars and are later returned to water

Leaves create

Electrons flow along a biological electron transport chain, which powers production of ATP Sunlight is used to send electrons to an empty electron shell further from the nucleus, energizing the electron and making it able to be sent off and create electron flow

Deduce which does NOT represent a state of high energy

Electrons in the water molecule

Humans generate much more heat than alligators because

Humans have a greater number of energy transformation and higher percentage of energy loss per transfermation

"Disrupruve innovations"

Going from horse drawn carriage >> cars Type writer >> tablets DVR >> Netflix

Chloroplasts contain

Grana(granum) Stroma

C4 plants

Grasses discusses as biofuel crops A plant that prefaces the Calvin cycle with reactions that incorporate CO2 into four-carbon compounds, the end product of which supplies CO2 for the Calvin cycle. - Have an additional step that fixes CO2 more efficiently even when CO2 concentrations are low (costs extra ATP)

____ are piled up inside the thylakoids

H+ (protons) - flow back from high to low concentration through the ATP synthase. Forces ADP >> ATP

When a leaf pore opens to let CO2 in, a lot of ___ is lost at the same time


The energy for building a proton gradient is provided by

High energy electrons derived from food molecules floating through the electron transport chain

Overall inputs and outputs of photosyntheses

In the chemical reactions, photosynthesis converts H20 and CO2 to energy-rich food with C-H bonds and O2

Where in a leaf are ATP synthase located?

In the thylakoid membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane


Lacking an internal mechanism for regulating body heat Cold blooded

C3 plants would be most successful in?

Less sunny, moister environments


Major storage carb in corn grains or potato tubers

C4 plants would be most successful in?

More sunny, Drier environments

Hemoglobin's O2 binding capacity is affected by CO2 concentration

Muscle releases CO2 from cellular respiration into the blood fluid; this CO2 decreases hemoglobins O2-binding capacity

Citric Acid Inputs

NAD+, Acetyl CoA, ADP

What comes of out of electron transport?

NAD+, lots of ATP and water

oxidative phosphorylation inputs


What goes into electron transport?

NADH, lots of ADP+P, oxygen

All living organisms are composed of

Nucleic acids proteins/ribosomes outer cell membrane ability to acquire energy from ATP

What else do consumers get from producers?


Plant source-sink balance

Plants adjust the growth of leaves/shoot (sugar source) and roots (sugar sink) to match each other for a balanced source-sink ratio - limiting sugar production causes small root formation: grow in low light = small roots

cellular respiration

Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen -aerobic respiration breaks down sugars using O2

How does the plant adjust source-sink ratio?

Producing growth hormones in the roots and transporting them to the leaves. they "communicate" saying how much sugar they have and how much roots they need/vice versa

Net inputs of acetyl CoA formation

Pyruvate, NAD+ and coenzyme A


Sugarcane - major carb in cane and beet - only one step to split sucrose into hexoses

What energy source drives electron transport through the electron transport chain?



The fluid of the chloroplast surrounding the thylakoid membrane; involved in the synthesis of organic molecules from carbon dioxide and water.

carbon cycle

The organic circulation of carbon from the atmosphere into organisms and back again

The ATP synthase turbine utilizes the energy of ____ to form ____ in the stroma.

The proton gradient; ATP

Cells use the energy of food molecules to form ATP. Which does NOT represent a state of high energy?

The water formed

The hallmark of truly sustainable solutions

They optimize ALL areas and accommodate ALL stakeholders

Which does not involve electrons as DIRECT participants?

Turning the ATP synthase to generate ATP from ADP

Complete the sentence: The ATP synthase turbine___

Utilizes a proton gradient and enables facilitated diffusion of protons

Which is NOT involved in building a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane?

an ATP fueled pump - the process receives energy from the water breaking off its hydrogen NOT from ATP

oxidative phosphorylation

When energy is released at each step of the chain is stored in a form the mitochondrion can use to make ATP.

Ethanol as a biofuel

Yeasts performing alcoholic fermentation are used to convert hexose to ethanol as fuel

What goes into the citric avid cycle?

acetyl-CoA, NaD+, ADP

Cells build gradients of either H+,K+ or Na+ across which membranes?

across thylakoid membranes, inner mitochondrial membranes, and outer cell membrane

outputs for cellular respiration

carbon dioxide, water, and ATP

Brown fat cells

converts most of the energy of food molecules to heat

reduction in emissions

cornstarch 22% sugarcane 56% cellulose 91% (not well developed)

Starch is ___ to digest to hexoses

easy (Corn is a diva. Annual crop, required lots of fertilizer, and only small portion of plant mass is used. Conflict of interest in food VS fuel)

plants, animals, fungi, protists

have mitochondria


heated from within the body Warm blooded

The energy for building a proton gradient is provided by

high energy electrons (derived from food molecules) that flow through the electron transport chain

Calvin cycle is light ___

independant (don't require energy from photons)


iron-containing protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen for delivery to cells - O2 is transported to the body cells that burn energy rich C-H bonds - Transports the CO2 waste produced by the cells back to the lungs

cellular work

mechanical, transport, chemical

fast twitch muscle fibers

muscle fiber type that contracts with greater force and speed but also fatigues quickly


one of the carrier molecules that transfers high-energy electrons from chlorophyll to other molecules for sugar making in the Calvin cycle

thylakoid membrane

phospholipid bilayer - really good at maintaining concentration gradients

What comes out of glycolysis?

pyruvate, ATP, NADH

Energy enters most ecosystems as



the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid.

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