EDE 3223 Test 2
list some limitations of blooms:
- categories can sometimes be tough to delineate n - understanding is more complicated than indicated
list the steps to bloom's taxonomy in order:
- creating - evaluating - analyzing - applying - understanding - remembering
list the 6 facets of understanding:
- explanation - interpretation - application - perspective - empathy - self-knowledge
when did bloom and collaborators created blooms taxonomy in :
this is one of the 6 facets of understanding: to ensure students avoid the pitfall of looking for the "Right answer" and demand answers that are principles.... students are able to encompass as many salient facts and points of views as possible.
the teaching cycle is NOT the same as the __________________.
planning cycle
other types of thinking can involve __________.
problem solving, decision making and forming judgements
the framework/taxonomy of "skills and abilities" deals with:
the understanding that knowledge is the precondition for putting skills and abilities into practice
to understand we need to _______________.
example of analyzing:
troubleshoot a piece of equipment by using logical dedication. recognize logical fallacies in reasoning, gathers information from a department and selects the required tasks for training.
this is one of blooms taxonomy that deals with summarizing, inferring, interpreting and comparing
generally you want to plan by ________.
example of applying:
use a manual to calculate an employee's vacation time. apply laws of statistics to evaluate the realiabilty of a written test.
creating example:
write a company operations or process manual. design a machine to perform a specific task. integrates training from several sources to solve a problem. revises and process to improve the outcome
types of LP formats:
- GRR - 5E - inquiry/math format - madeline hunter
list the 8 types of thinking for understanding:
- observing closely and describing what is there - building explanations and interpretations - reasoning with evidence - making connections - considering different viewpoints and perspectives -capturing the heart and forming conclusions - wondering and asking questions - uncovering complexity and going below the surface of things
three three steps to the teaching cycle:
- planning - instruction - assessment
steps to standards/compentencies:
1.) unit objectives 2.) selected lesson goals/objectives 3.) instructional activities/lesson plan
taxonomy =
a way of classifying something
this is one of blooms taxonomy that deals with organizing, structuring, outlining, and integrating
this is one of the 6 facets of understating: to ensure students key performances and conscious and explicit reflection, self-assessment, and self-adjustment, with reasoning made evident. authentic assessment requires a real or simulated audience, purpose, setting and options for personalizing the work, realistic constraints, and "background noise".
this is one of blooms taxonomy that deals with using, and implementing
bloom =
benjamin bloom
questuin relating to crating:
can the student create a new product or point of view/
question dealing with analyzing:
can the student distinguish the different parts?
question dealing with understanding:
can the student explain ideas or concepts
question dealing with evaluating:
can the student justify a stand or decision?
question related to remembering?
can the student recall or remember the information.
questions dealing with applying:
can the student use the information in a new way? or situationally?
essential questions are also called __________.
compelling questions
this is one of blooms taxonomy that deals with designing, constructing, inventing and devising.
this is one of the 6 facets of understanding: to ensure students develop the ability to see the world from different viewpoints in order to understand the diversity of thought and feeling in the world.
____________________ are meant to - reflect the most important issues, problems and debates in a field of study. - meant to stimulate inquiry, debate and further questions. - is NOT easily answerable
essential questions
this is one of blooms taxonomy that deals with hypothesizing, judging, checking and critiquing:
this is one of the 6 facets of understanding that is to ensure students understand why an answer or approach is the right one. students explain or justify their responses or justify their course action.
take the standards-
objective/competency and target a lesson to one or more component
make an _______________________ of your content first.
this is one of the 6 facets of understanding: to ensure students know the importance or significance of an idea and to grub its importance or unimportance. encourage students to step back and ask, "what of it" of what value is this knowledge or how important is this idea or what does this idea enable us to do that is important.
example of remembering:
recite a policy. quote prices from memory to a customer. recite the safety rules. label a map
this one of blooms taxonomy that deals with recognizing, listing, naming, identifying:
example of understanding:
rewrite the principles of test writing. explain in one's own words the steps for performing a complex task. translate an equation into a computer spreadsheet. take notes on material. state the main idea of a passage.
example of evaluating:
select the most effective solution. hire the most qualified candidate. explain and justify a new budget.
this is one of the 6 facets of understanding: to ensure students are deeply aware of the boundaries of their own and others understanding: able to recognize their own predujces and projections, has integrity- able and willing to act on what one understands.
list the three stages of backward design:
stage 1: identify desired results stage 2: define acceptable evidence for learning stage 3: design learning experiences