Edpuzzle - What do you know?

¡Supera tus tareas y exámenes ahora con Quizwiz!

How are students forced to watch the entire video?

"Prevent skipping" is automatically enabled.

Edpuzzle is a valuable tool for

1 to 1 Chromebook participation, independent classwork, the flipped classroom

How much does it cost for an EdPuzzle Pro Version?

34.99 annually

How many teachers can you invite to sign up?

As many as you want :)

Can I customize my own videos?

First, download the EdPuzzle extension. Second, find personal content. Third, go to work!

You can post your Edpuzzle video directly to

Google classroom, Schoology, or email.

Do I have to add questions to my assignments?

No, but why wouldn't you?

Can I see my students progress?

You can see who has/has not started and who has completed the assignment.

What is Edpuzzle?

an interactive video website to layer student learning.

From the EdPuzzle edit bay you can

crop a video, add voice over, add comments, or add questions

EdPuzzle offers a variety of videos...

pre-made lessons from Youtube, Khan Academy, National Geographic, Crash Course, Ted Talks, Numberphile, etc

Do open-ended questions get factored into the final grade for students?

yes... When the teacher grades the responses.

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