Edu 128 Midterm
Pre-referral Intervention
intervention strategy that occurs prior to initiation of referral for special education services
Difficulty in reading and often poor listening is the root communicative disorders.
Educating a child with special education needs full-time in the regular classroom.
multidisciplinary team
a cooperative group that includes professionals with different qualifications, skills, and areas of expertise
a disadvantage imposed on an individual
FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education)
ensures that students with disabilities receive necessary education and services without cost to the family
A learning disability that involves difficulty in handwriting.
E.g. More home for the same test
heritability studies
A method for assessing the degree to which a specific condition is inherited; a comparison of the prevalence of a characteristic in fraternal versus identical twins.
An inability to do something, the lack of a specific capacity(most people can do, consider age and ability)
cooperative learning
Approach to instruction in which students work with a small group of peers to achieve a common goal and help one another learn.
Both the Special Education Teacher and the General Education teacher actively teach in the general education class
Changing the content, material, or delivery of instruction
Jean Marc Gaspard Itard
Father of Special Education
Philip Pinel
Founded humane movement to treat mentally ill, first to classify disorders as medical illnesses (medical model)
Individualized Education Program
More help on instruction (between accommodation & modification)
screening instruments
Predicts which students may have difficulty on assessment
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Provides a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities
Collaborative consultation
Special education teacher gives advice and suggests changed to the general ed teacher
RTI (Response to Intervention)
Student's change
Students go to special ed teacher certain times a day for help
Non-discriminatory evaluation
The evaluation addresses all areas of suspected disability and is as free of language and cultural bias as possible.
The percentage of a population or number of individuals having a particular exceptionality
a separate classroom for children with disabilities, usually found in a public school
LRE (Least Restrictive Environment)
a setting that is as similar as possible to that of non-disabled children
partial participation
a teaching approach that acknowledges that even though an individual with severe disabilities may not be able to independently perform all the steps of a given task or activity, she can often be taught to do selected components or an adapted version of the task
Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT)
an instructional procedure in which all students in the class are involved in tutoring and being tutored by classmates on specific skills as directed by their teacher
chromosomal disorders
breakage, loss, or translocation of genetic material during meiosis
Samuel Gridley Howe
founder of the first American school for the blind students
Curriculum Based Measurement
frequent measurement comparing a student's actual progress with an expected rate of progress
lack of oxygen
moving people with psychological or developmental disabilities from highly structured institutions to home- or community-based settings
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
required public schools to provide education for children with physical or mental disabilities
Special Education
specially designed instruction to meet the unusual needs of an exceptional student and that requires special materials, teaching techniques, equipment and/or facilities
exceptional learners
students that require special educational modifications and, perhaps, other services that align with their abilities and potential
the belief that people with disabilities should be physically and socially integrated into the mainstream of society regardless of the degree or type of disability
peer-mediated instruction
the deliberate use of a student's classroom peer(s) to assist in teaching an academic or social skill
Progress Monitoring
the frequent and systematic assessment of a pupil's academic progress
the state of being unable to do something
unusual difficulty with math, probably originating from a distinct part of the brain
IEP (Individualized Education Plan)
written statement that is specifically tailored for the disabled student
Due Process
知情权(Before evaluate)