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What happens when educators believe that students of the same culture group learn using the same learning styles? A. It leads to effective teaching of cultural groups. B. It leads to stereotypes and generalizations. C. Students are more successful in the classroom. D. It increases test scores and improves teacher-student relationships.


The allocation of ______ in American schools continues to be inequitable. A. time B. teachers C. resources D. transportation


To effectively support ELL students, teachers need training in ______. A. literature B. economics C. second language acquisition D. history of languages


What is the most common form of reflective writing? A. computer B. free verse poem C. journaling D. oral dictation


What is the objective of a multicultural curriculum? A. to teach about all ethnicities B. to highlight people of color in the curriculum C. to gain a foundation knowledge and appreciation for different cultures D. to teach students of color about famous people of color


What multicultural connection can educators make to the instructional technique of allowing students to identify their own instructional goals, develop strategies to obtain their goals, and monitor their own progress? A. It saves planning time for the teacher. B. Teachers tend to select goals much higher than the student can attain. C. It allows students to learn using examples and strategies more familiar to them. D. Teachers do not know how to connect with students.


What must workshops have to be truly effective professional development opportunities? A. frequent sessions B. Door prizes C. Follow-up and opportunities for practice D. Experts in the field


What is a critical factor in improving one's wealth and sense of power? A. Family status B. Religious background C. Political views D. Education


Which language is more commonly spoken in the United States? A. Dutch B. French C. Italian D. Spanish


Teachers of color sometimes transfer to more diverse settings for ______. A. higher comfort and acceptance levels B. lower workload C. higher expectation for students D. smaller class sizes


About how many years does it take an ELL student to master enough English to reach acceptable levels of academic achievement? A. 3-4 B. 2 C. 10 D. 4-7


After goals have been set, what is the next step in the school improvement process? A. implementation and monitoring B. sharing data results C. creating a vision D. identifying and selecting promising practices


Among the following, which do children first learn? A. School culture B. Hospital culture C. American culture D. Family culture


Why is it important for educators to understand how culturally different people see and interact with each other? A. to better control the groups within their classrooms B. to help students learn to recognize and value differences, even within cultural groups C. to make role models out of the students viewed as the favorites D. to highlight the differences within cultural groups for the majority


Effective student assessment provides information related to ______. A. teacher dispositions B. student opinions C. teacher opinions D. student learning


Language that reinforces racist or sexist assumptions is an example of which form of bias? A. cosmetic bias B. stereotyping C. unreality D. linguistic bias


What is the purpose of action research? A. to maximize learning for children B. to increase teacher skills C. to find solutions to the achievement gap D. to solve student issues


A ______ is a type of test that compares the results or scores of one student to a group of students who have taken the same test. A. norm-referenced test B. criterion-referenced test C. written test D. chapter test


Curriculum that reinforces and values the cultural knowledge of students is called ______. A. culturally responsive B. conscious C. caring D. hopeful


First exposure to American culture often comes through ______. A. schools B. church C. family D. workforce


How are standardized assessments used? A. in student placement B. as timely indicators of student understanding C. as comprehension of curriculum unit D. as indicators of student progress in subject matter areas


Learning how to attend to the diversity in our classroom requires knowledge, awareness, ______, and action on the part of multicultural educators. A. skills B. hope C. good intentions D. hard work


The process of learning to behave in a certain way to be accepted by members of groups with which we identify is called ______. A. socialization B. assimilation C. enculturation D. acculturation


Which is a condition that appears to impact the success of school improvement? A. using individuals to research and work alone to promote improvement B. setting unmeasurable goals for improvement C. reporting performance data to determine progress D. using a school-based team to collaborate toward a common goal of improvement


A multicultural educator understands issues such as race, class, gender, and socioeconomic status that are essential for teachers since it will ______. A. inform how they teach B. inform what and how they teach C. inform what they teach D. inform no part of teaching


At what age does a child begin to form basic concepts about race? A. 15 B. 2-5 C. 5-7 D. 10-12


Because of worldview, an educator's way of seeing events, behaviors, activities, and actions in the classroom ______. A. will always produce positive results. B. may not match that of all their students. C. is most accurate. D. will bring out the best in all students.


One of the key roles of education is to prepare students for life in a(n) ______. A. intercultural group B. global society C. culturally responsive classroom D. workplace setting


What is Ebonics? A. It is a dialect used by Native Americans. B. It is a dialect or form of communication used by many African Americans. C. It is a communication form of many people from the African continent. D. It is a reading intervention specifically for African American students.


What is a benefit of an inclusive curriculum? A. It is less time consuming to create B. Students are more eager and engaged C. Increased collaboration among educators. D. The expectations of this curriculum are lower so more students tend to excel.


What is the importance of a name when trying to understand cultural identity? A. Names convey messages about levels of achievement. B. Names can provide interesting insights into that culture's histories, beliefs, and traditions. C. Names highly correlate with grades. D. Names contain hidden messages about access to education.


A commonly held belief of what teaching and learning will look like if school community members embed multicultural education in their practice is known as ______. A. shared culture B. school culture C. shared vision D. school vision


Focusing on a particular ethnic group during a particular month such as Black History Month and Cinco de Mayo is an example of the ______ approach. A. contributions B. social action C. additive D. transformation


Holding a multicultural festival is an example of which form of culture? A. deep level culture B. eperiential culture C. superficial level of culture D. behavioral culture


How did Africans first arrive in this nation? A. They arrived as slaves. B. They were indigenous people. C. They arrived as explorers and settlers. D. They arrived as indentured servants.


How might "conferred dominance" be seen? A. Law enforcement officers do not profile Black males driving expensive cars. B. Law enforcement does not suspect minority youths of shoplifting more than White youths. C. Men are expected to dominate women in conversations. D. Boys receive more discipline referrals than girls.


In many cultures, parents view their responsibility as ______. A. checking nightly homework B. attending assigned parent-teacher conferences C. raising children and passing on culture and traditions D. communicating with their children's teachers


In performance assessments, students ______. A. study performances of the experts in the area B. are given limited options C. assume more responsibility for their learning D. can choose not to participate


In regards to racial categorization, the most important issue that educators must address is ______. A. the achievement gap between White and Black students B. segregation in the classroom C. the false assumption that all people within a defined category act, think, and believe in the same way D. providing opportunities for students to pursue postsecondary education


Providing faculty with monthly, job embedded professional development opportunities is an example of which component of a schoolwide multicultural education action plan? A. assessing culture and readiness for change B. School improvement work C. supporting teacher growth D. Teacher demographic profile


The Library of Congress represents ______. A. the knowledge of all great Americans B. the collective knowledge and culture of America from diverse perspectives C. the collective knowledge and culture of America from a European American male perspective D. the knowledge of the world's greatest minds


Which document is useful in documenting your growth? A. Individual Education Plan B. Individual Family Service Plan C. Individual Multicultural Educator Plan D. Assessment Instrument


How does media affect one's perceptions of others? A. They always highlight the positive attributes of each cultural group. B. The media promotes neutrality on most issues, leading others to do the same. C. The media is unbiased and presents a complete, factual picture from which individuals can gather information. D. The media has the power to shape viewpoints and promote certain values.


Mastery of English is critical for ______. A. health benefits B. housing C. family life D. job prospects


Multicultural education began with a focus on ______. A. the contributions approach B. cultural pluralism C. gender D. ethnic studies


Standards are ______. A. meant to keep our classroom homogeneous B. designed to separate students by ability C. necessary to track students D. a means for encapsulating the important knowledge, skills, and dispositions


The intense awareness of differences when entering a new country is known as ______. A. cultural awareness B. language shock C. assimilation D. culture shock


Using students' culture in the classroom affects student achievement in that it ______. A. decreases student achievement B. does not impact student achievement C. is dependent upon the culture of the student D. increases student achievement


What is reflective practice? A. journaling about unrelated topics B. making to-do lists C. focusing on students' deficits D. a systematic approach to solving problems and to self-assessment


What is the final principle of multicultural planning, as identified by Bennett? A. develops cultural consciousness B. increases intercultural competence C. combats racism, sexism, prejudice, discrimination D. develops social action skills "decision-making"


What is the first component of a quality assessment? A. Communication B. Student involvement C. sound design D. clear purpose


Which factor provides the social context for learning? A. Attendance B. School policies and procedures C. Discipline D. School culture


Which is a secondary dimension of culture? A. Religious beliefs B. Age C. Geographic location D. Hobbies


Which is an element of cultural proficiency, as described by Robins, Lindsey, Lindsey, and Terrell (2002)? A. managing culture B. time management C. ignoring diversity D. institutionalizing cultural knowledge


Which is an example of a loaded word? A. studious B. Family C. multicultural D. lazy


Which type of assessment primarily involves yes-no responses? A. Journals B. action research projects C. anecdotal logs D. Inventories


Why is developing the capacity to see things from multiple perspectives so difficult? A. Because there is actually only one way to see things. B. It leads to discrimination. C. There is no way to learn and retain multiple perspectives. D. People believe they are open-minded, yet we have learned deeply some set of values and beliefs that we rely on.


______ are the original peoples of North and South Americas as defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). A. Africans B. Asians C. Hispanics D. American Indian or Alaska Native


"An arm and a leg" is an example of a(n) ______. A. idiom B. simile C. analogy D. metaphor


One of the four essential characteristics or qualities of effective teachers is a knowledge base in the following areas ______. A. subject matter, human development, and pedagogy B. personal qualities, dispositions, and communication C. pedagogy, instructional strategies, and reflection D. instructional strategies and reflection


There is a higher incidence of suspensions and expulsions among ______ than among other groups of students. A. African Americans B. Native Americans C. Latino Americans D. Asian Americans


We most commonly view culture through which lens? A. Race B. Geography C. Friends D. Body weight


What is a PLC? A. professional learning community B. professional learning conference C. parental liaison committee D. promising learning concept


What is enculturation? A. It is the passing on of values and patterns of behaviors promoted by a culture. B. It is the blending of one's values and patterns of behaviors into a culture. C. It is the removal of one's values and patterns of behaviors to fit into a culture. D. It is the process of assimilating into the school culture.


What is the limitation of using traditional formats of assessment? A. limited capacity to apply, synthesize, and evaluate new information B. time consuming to create C. Challenging to evaluate D. does not provide accurate data


Which is a major focus for a responsive classroom? A. Social skills B. RTI C. Behaviorism D. Business


Which of the following is a characteristic of cognitivism? A. critical thinking, higher-order skills B. Punishment C. Students are receivers of information. D. teaching of sequential steps


Why is it important for educators to know deeply about students' SES levels? A. access B. tracking C. achievement level D. expectations


Why is language considered a living concept? A. It evolves over time and is influenced by a younger culture and other multicultural influences. B. It has a life cycle just as other living things. C. The local version is always different than the traditional version. D. Because individuals have the ability to code switch.


______ is a way students can be involved in quality assessments. A. Setting their own learning goals B. Administering the assessment C. Sharing the assessment results D. Staying out of the process


______ is generally the area of diversity that White people are not reminded of daily. A. Race B. Gender C. Socioeconomic status D. Religion


Choose a beneficial way to learn about your students. A. reviewing principal's records B. examining student portfolios C. reviewing teacher's unit plans D. exploring your own community


Effective teachers empower students ______. A. by giving them more assignments B. by giving them choices and engaging them in making important decisions C. by retaining control of all decision making D. by allowing students the option to not complete assignments


Every difference in worldview is a ______. A. deficit B. potential point of conflict C. point of celebration D. advantage for White people


From where do children NOT learn messages about what they are supposed to be like and what they are expected to do? A. Language B. Dreams C. People D. Media


Grant and Sleeter (2008) proposed a model for multicultural education that includes five approaches. Of those five, the ______ approach focuses on units that study discrete cultural groups. A. contributions B. single-group studies C. transformation D. human relations


How many intelligences are described by Gardner? A. 10 B. 8 C. 7 D. 5


In regards to curriculum, what do educators do at the school level? A. They develop units and lesson plans and evaluate their own implementation of curriculum. B. They develop a vision and their own program of studies that align with district curriculum goals. C. They align district and state curriculum goals, identify programs of study, develop curriculum guides, select instructional materials, develop scope and sequence plans, and provide resources and technical assistance. D. They work within the guides and frameworks established by the state and district to set specific learning goals and design unit and lesson plans that reflect the school's particular mission statement


What happens when teachers only use one or two intelligences in the classroom? A. All students excel. B. The other areas become dormant. C. Students feel valued. D. The other areas become more competitive.


What is the purpose of a textbook committee? A. to determine which textbooks are plagiarized B. to examine texts for cultural bias C. to find the least expensive textbooks for adoption D. to sort out texts that promote the discussions and concepts that present this nation in a negative fashion


When individuals walk into an unfamiliar setting, why do they immediately look for someone they know, or who at least looks like them? A. People are socialized to stay within racial boundaries. B. Individuals like to be around people with whom they feel comfortable because they appear to have something in common. C. People are insensitive to others in social settings. D. Individuals realize they will be stereotyped for acting like the other group if they do not assemble with the group that looks like them.


Which intelligence focuses on the outdoors? A. intrapersonal intelligence B. naturalistic intelligence C. spatial intelligence D. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence


Why should educators engage students in meaningful discussions about bullying, hate, and harassment at all grade levels? A. to identify and isolate children with characteristics of bullies B. so that everyone can learn what is inappropriate and unacceptable and move to the point of valuing of differences C. It is required by educational law to do so. D. School is the only institution in which students can learn about these issues.


______ is Eurocentric. A. A curriculum that focuses on the cultural traditions of Europe B. A curriculum where content and perspectives offered are dominated by Anglo, middle-class, protestant thinking males C. A curriculum that presents the content and perspectives of central Europe D. A curriculum that focuses on the perspectives of upper-class European males


______ is the second most widely non-English language spoken in the United States. A. Spanish B. Chinese C. Creole D. Arabic


A school using enrollment and attendance data to inform teaching and learning is using which type of data? A. School process B. Perception C. Demographic D. Evidence of student learning


By 2020, what percentage of students nationally will be students of color? A. 35% B. 50% C. 40% D. 65%


Creating a target in which students create quality products that present evidence they have mastered foundational knowledge, requisite reasoning, problem-solving proficiencies, and production skills is an example of ______. A. knowledge B. skill C. product D. dispositions


Experiences with diversity at the superficial level are often referred to as ______. A. culturally superb B. the tip of cultural experiences C. the tip of the iceberg D. deep level culture


Which group was the first Asian immigrant group to enter the United States? A. Filipino Americans B. Japanese Americans C. Chinese Americans D. Alaskan Natives


Which of the following is a characteristic of behaviorism? A. student-centered B. rich, student dialogue C. reinforcement and punishment D. metacognition


Why is professional development important? A. It accumulates points or credit for the teacher. B. It is required by school administration. C. Educators must be skilled and knowledgeable in a variety of teaching strategies. D. to keep teachers from burning out


16.6% of all reported hate crimes are related to ______. A. race B. religion C. poverty D. sexual orientation


A form of discrimination is ______. A. bias B. prejudice C. stereotypes D. sexism


Because of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), teacher preparation programs are now strongly encouraged to include how many foundational courses related to diversity? A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 1


Effective assessment incorporates a ______. A. small amount of dialogue B. large commitment to data recording C. limited amount of data D. deep understanding of culture


Which is an example of using the musical intelligence in the classroom? A. Students are allowed to wear headphones in the classroom. B. Teacher listens to music during her planning period. C. Students use self-reflective thinking. D. Teachers incorporate music strategically in their lessons.


Why should schools be conscientious and proactive in dealing with discrimination? A. It no longer exists in the United States. B. Individuals realize that people from diverse backgrounds are being overly sensitive to issues that have impacted them throughout history. C. All the federal legislation in our nation has solved this issue. D. Discrimination may not occur in overt acts so it is not easily recognizable, but it does occur in the attitudes, language, and demeanor of individuals.


______ children in America are children of immigrants. A. 1 in 2 B. 1 in 4 C. 1 in 3 D. 1 in 5


______ should be the principle developers and initiators of multicultural education in school districts. A. Families B. Administration C. Community leaders D. Teachers


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