educ quick questions

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Develop a strong opening ,gain the reader's interest ,clear purpose and scope established, sets the stage this best describes.

1st step in the writing process

According to a 2012 survey, 93 percent of recruiters reviewed the social profile of a candidate before making a hiring decision and _____ percent reported reconsidering a candidate after doing so.


It is very important to have a good credit score.score range from 350 to 850.a score of ____ or higher, typically considered to be good, 800 or higher would be considered excellent.


approximately ______ percent of recruiters review the social profile of a candidate before making a hiring decision


benefits to service learning

All the above are correct.

what has been said about first impressions

All the above is true.

In a study conducted by Barnett, students who took advantage of internship opportunities learn the importance of _______, _______ and _______, leaving their internship with more realistic expectations about what it takes to be successful in the workplace.

Autonomy, communication and teamwork.

Socital needs are more important than the individual.

Collectivist culture.

taking their quiet coursework in your declared major will help you learn

Discipline specific knowledge and skills related to your area of study

Based on a review of 57 different studies, velez and giner found that internships benefit students _____, _____ and _______.

Employers, colleges and universities.

Professors encourage students to get information for research from Google magazines and talking to others.


most bachelor's degree programs can be broken down into 3 main components

General education, core electives, major courses and electives.

According to the research, college graduates are more likely to engage in all of the following except.

Having more children.

Individualists cultures believe.

Individual needs are most important.

building a professional network takes time .examples of experiences that will help you develop this network

Join a club, organization or sport.

and elevator speech entails the following except for

Long and thorough description of your skills and goals.

Uses images, use only essential information on the slide, draw attention to only what's important, use conversational language, allow audience enough time to read slides, described what process?

Mayer's multimedia best practices

You want to read about the participants in procedures for the study in a particular peer reviewed article you would go to the section.


ways to earn a good credit score

Pay your bills on time, get a credit card and use your credit card wisely.

a theoretical or research written work that has been deemed worthy of publication by experts in the field, these articles are published in journals that are monitored by professionals in the area of study

Scholarly articles and peer reviewed article.

the theory that we grow and develop when we have autonomy, competence, and relatedness is called

Self-determination theory

the abstract section of a pure vid article gives a summary of the article


academic planning involves mapping out when you will complete all of the academic requirements needed for graduation


graduation is based on

Whether or not you have completed the courses and other acquirements, such as internships required to graduate.


ability to bounce back and be successful after facing a traumatic event

When reading a peer reviewed article, you should read the _____ first.


positive stress management techniques include all of these except

alcohol use

Lee and Choi reviewed the research in this area and found that the following factors were associated with successfully completing online coursework.

all of the above

according to your textbook college advisors engage you in

all the above

a discussion board and canvas allows students to

all the above are correct

Self-reflective questions students should ask themselves

am I spending enough time studying, what strategies are working, what should I change and who can assist me?

develop your network

as soon as possible

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

basic needs must be met before we can build esteem and self actualize

keeping track and celebrating our accomplishments

being able to look back on our successes and remember them helps us celebrate our accomplishments


being aware of what is happening in the moment, being aware of our breathing and our environment

advising is connected to the following successful outcomes

both are correct

many employers have reported that they did not hire candidates due to

content found on social media

John Dewey stated that education

create citizens who were armed with knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact on the world

Effective _______ involves using 6 steps.

decision making

This is the first step in writing papers and creating presentations ;mapping out an organizational structure, find the purpose and expectations.

develop a plan

Critical thinking is.

drawing conclusions after exploring multiple perspectives and evaluating evidence

learned optimism, growth mindset, and locus control

engage in a positive mindset, focusing on things that are in our control increases our resilience and grit

Anticipating answers, reading all the choices, eliminating wrong answers, skipping difficult questions, best described best ways to handle true or false questions.


Going to a college counseling office or a mental health facility is never a good idea, especially if it's student is expressing depression, anxiety or drug abuse.


Performance on a practice test is called outcome feedback.


Strong conclusion, summarises key points, remind readers of main idea, refocus ,most remembered.this best describes a 4th step in the writing process.


The most productive way to interpret mistakes is to attribute them to something that is external and unchangeable.


a functional resume focuses on work experiences versus skill set


According to sulastri ,and handoko and Janssens higher grades have been linked to

finding a job after graduation

Studying abroad involves.

going to another country to learn and continue your studies

Mayer's multimedia best practices

investigated most effective ways to deliver content via digital technology and software

rewarding yourself after accomplishing a task

is how behaviorist say is the best way to motivate yourself

information literacy

knowing how to find and evaluate information that can assist you with a task

This is what graduates will be able to know, think or do upon graduation or end of course, assignments are designed towards these.

learning outcomes

In an experiment conducted by bohnert and Ross, it was found that individuals with a Facebook page that had an alcohol emphasis were

less likely to be offered a job interview and were offered lower salaries

summarizing someone else's ideas into your own words requires that you do more than just change a few words around. This is describing



passion and commitment to a goal and the willingness to do whatever it takes to reach that goal

students who accurately self-assess their knowledge

perform better than those who do not

the writing process

planning, writing, reviewing

negative consequences of abusing alcohol

possible addiction and making poor choices while under the influence

choose the applicable tips for effective presentation delivery according to the textbook:

practice in front of mirror before you present apply the golden rule to your presentation content grab the audience attention a good hook maintain eye contact with your audience create effective visuals end with a compelling conclusion

The best way to manage performance anxiety when presenting is


courses that must be taken before you'll be allowed to register and take another course


The lowest level of Bloom's taxonomy is


PowerPoint presentation

select images for slides ; write words ; contains smart art options

Pecha Kucha

select primary images for slide; spend only 20 seconds per slide

refers to your belief about whether or not you can complete a task such as critical thinking

self efficacy

our belief in our ability to complete a task is called


benefits of having a mentor is

skill development in the field of interest and increase motivation and access to opportunities

perseverance involves

sticking with a task until you have successfully completed it

Golden Rule

tell audience what you are going to tell them; tell them; tell them what you just told them

students involved in extracurricular activities

tend to be more successful

challenging tasks and support

the 2 learning conditions

telling the audience what you are going to say, saying it, and then telling the audience what you just said best describes

the golden rule of public speaking

which part of a research study is typically the most difficult to read and understand

the results

attribution theory refers

to how we interpret our own successes and failures

most common mistakes students make when choosing a topic

too broad or general

"Bad" mistakes is a mistake that hurts someone else or when we make the same mistake twice.


Academic integrity is engaging in honest actions, working independently and giving credit where credit is due.


Counselors, teachers, advisors, librarians and teachers can be our college based support system.


Friends and relatives who encourage us as we strive to achieve our goals are called social motivators.


GPS allows you to try out the what if scenarios


Internships are opportunities for you to gain work experience in your field of study while also earning credit toward graduation.


Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work as your own not using quotation marks, only changing a few words, presenting the same work in 2 different classes without professor approval.


Psychological needs, safety needs, love and belonging ,esteem and self actualization, the levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Students who are over confident sometimes stop studying too soon and make lower grades.


Subsidized loan does not accrue interest while you are a student, meaning the amount you borrowed will be the same amount you owe at the time you have to start repaying the loan.


You'll find that mostaccomplishments or job experiences are presented in reverse chronological order, meaning your most recent experiences are at the top


a strong network can give you access to new career opportunities


according to your textbook, some students think that online courses will be easier, require less work or will be less time consuming than traditional courses


faculty and professionals serve as a great source of support throughout your college journey and beyond


giving credit to other's ideas or work of another one used in your paper or researches source citation


your social media actions can impact you both personally and professionally


Students who want to explore 2 fields in depth can often double major.


trying new tasks, having a plan, monitoring progress and asking for help when necessary refers to

ways to increase self-efficacy

networking involves who you know and

who knows you

employers prefer to hire college graduates who have

work experience

your current resume should include

work experiences and extracurricular activities

participating in an internship program gives you transferable or soft skills such as

write, speak and think critically.

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