Educational Technology 1

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D. Internet

At present, what serves as the library of extensive and real-time information for students? A. Fan fiction magazines B. Twitter C. Facebook D. Internet


For a class presentation, which audio is best used? A. MIDI B. Mp3 C. WAV D. WMA

A. Mock-ups

According to Dale's Cone of Experience, which of the following is the least abstract? A. Mock-ups B. Newspaper C. Videos D. Audio recordings

D. Interaction flow was one-way. In traditional classrooms, the teacher was the sole source of information and students were just on the receiving end of hte information flow.

Before technological advancements and students diversity were widely seen and accepted in classrooms, what classroom management paradigm was dominant and prevailing? A. Learners provide learning input. B. Shared learning is a must. C. Self-discipline is integrated. D. Interaction flow was one-way.


During the pre-production stage in video production, the following are done EXCEPT for _________________. A. Brainstorming B. Recording C. Scriptwriting D. Storyboarding

C. Effective media utilizaton

In learning to know, Mrs Ortiz requires her students to use varied sources like textbook, television, video and other reading materials. Which of the following is Mrs Ortiz applying? A. Effective integration B. Effective text utilization C. Effective media utilization D. Effective vocabulary utilization

D. HTML means Hypertext Markup Language

In the acronym HTML, what does the L stands for? A. Link B. Label C. Line D. Language

C. Virtual instead of real-life learning

In the context of curriculum planning, what potential danger does over-emphasis on integrating technology in instruction pose on learners? A. Gaps in learning B. Lack of critical thinking C. Virtual instead of real-life learning D. Content learning gaps

B. Elements that are related with each other are grouped together

In visual design, proximity means that A. All elements are related with each other B. Elements that are related with each other are grouped together C. Highlight the element that is important D. No element must be left floating

A. 2004. This social networking service was founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

In what year was Facebook launched? A. 2004 B. 2005 C. 2006 D. 2007

A. Instructional materials

Instructional models are important because they serve as guide in developing _________________________. A. Instructional materials B. Curriculum theories C. Learning outcomes D. Computer materials


Miss Domingues uses picture to introduce a new lesson. This is Miss Domingues' way to apply the principle of ? A. Interest B. Ambience C. Motivation D. Respect

Transformational Visual

Mr. Antonio is teaching about Food Cycle. Which of the following can be use? A. Analogically Visual B. Mnemonic Visual C. Transformational Visual D. Relational Visual

D. Teaching effectiveness

Mr. Lopez is using varied visual aids to improve student's performance. He believes that visual aids contribute to ________________________. A. Creativity B. Critical thinking C. Cooperative learning D. Teaching effectiveness

B. Critical Thinking

Mr. Lucas encourages his students to utilize reliable evidence to a certain issue. Which element of the 21st century skill is he focusing on? A. Collaboration B. Critical thinking C. Digital citizenship D. Technology operations

A. Behaviorism

Mrs.Aguilar provides reward to students who complete their assignments on time. She is applying the theory of _______________________. A. Behaviorism B. Constructivism C. Progressivism D. Pragmatism

B. Digital natives. Digital migrants are people born in the time when digital technologies were uncommon.

People born in the time when digital technologies were commonplace are called ______________________? A. Digital experts B. Digital natives C. Digital migrants D. Digital dinosaurs

A. Enhancement of learning. The application of technologies in the classroom aims to make learning more meaningful, engaging, interesting, and collaborative.

Support instructional materials aim to advance what improvement in the classroom? A. Enhancement of learning B. Replacing the teacher C. Speeding up learning D. Teaching new content


Teacher Isabel would like to show the stages of human development to her Grade 4 students. Which is BEST for Teacher Isabel to use? A. Chart B. Diagram C. Drawing D. Model

A. Line graph and tables from MS Excel

Teacher John wants to show his Grade 4 students the fluctuations of the stock market over the last 10 months. Which of the following could best aid him? A. Line graph and tables from MS Excel B. Website of PSE from MS internet Explorer C. Eye-catching slideshow from MS PowerPoint D. List of gains and losses from MS Word

B. Realia

Teacher Julia will be talking about venomous animals next meeting. Which among these is the least likely of her options as teaching materials? A. Models B. Realia C. Illustrations D. Mock-ups


Teacher Marie is preparing a bulletin board that will showcase the achievements of her students in the different co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Which of the following purposes of bulletin board is she employing? A. Decorative B. Instructional C. Motivational D. Informational

D. It catches the attention of the learner.

Technology integration is highly recommended when a teacher creates instructional materials because of the following reason: A. It requires a lot of training. B. Commercial instructional materials are boring. C. Commercial instructional materials re very expensive. D. It catches the attention of the learner.

C. Computer helps in making clean classrooms.

The administrators benefit from technology because it helps in the following, EXCEPT one. Which is it? A. Computer helps in record keeping. B. Computer helps in making reports faster. C. Computer helps in making clean classrooms. D. Computer can create posters for information purposes.

D. Food and shelter

The ancient people were concerned about developing technology that focused on ____________________. A. Self-defense and hunting B. Hobbies and games C. Community governance D. Food and shelter

B. When reality is accessible

The following are the reasons of ushering models in instruction EXCEPT one. Which is NOT? A. When reality is unreliable B. When reality is too dangerous C. When reality is too small or too big D. When reality is accessible

D. It is the brainchild of the P-not administration

The following are true about K-12, EXCEPT? A. It is essentially OBE-based B. It aims to make high school graduates employable C. It is compulsory in public schools. D. It is the brainchild of the P-not administration


There is an upcoming vent in school to celebrate the foundation day. Which of the following visuals will effectively create interest among the students? A. Brochure B. Handout C. Picture D. Poster

D. A digital expert. This is the supposed goal of any individual in the digital world.

To optimally function in 21st century, an individual must be __________________. A. A digital native B. A digital immigrant C. A digital relic D. A digital expert

Classification chart

What can the teacher use to present the Taxonomy of Plants to students? A. Classification chart B. Organizational chart C. Tabular chart D. Timeline chart

D. Students' exposure to a variety of materials stimulates many senses.

What could be the reason of Mrs. Torres in using the Cone of Experience in selecting instructional materials? A. Students learn best when they listen to stories. B. Students are interested in viewing varied pictures. C. Students are kept busy when varied materials are used. D. Student's exposure to a variety of materials stimulates many senses.

C. In terms of observable learning outcomes

What is the best way to formulate an objective? A. In terms of learning activities B. In terms of knowledge to be taught C. In terms of observable learning outcomes D. In terms of learning materials to be used

B. Constructivism utilizes learner's meaningful real and familiar past experiences.

When developing instructional materials, which of the following statements best justifies the application of constructivism? A. Constructivism utilizes theories and principles of learning. B. Constructivism utilizes learner's meaningful real and familiar past experiences. C. Constructivism focuses on the learner's feelings and emotions. D. Constructivism focuses on opinions and ideas of the teacher.

B. Creating designs for their occasion cards for sale

Which activity uses technology as productivity tools? A. Copying the answers to problems. B. Creating designs for their occasion cards for sale. C. Caring for computers by making covers for them. D. Counting the sales of the food in the school cafeteria.

D. Evaluation

Which among the items below are present in all instructional models? A. Select the media for instruction B. Revise instruction C. Instructional analysis D. Evaluation

C. Enactive

Which among these levels of Bruner's version of the cone of experience is made possible by highly-concrete instructional materials like realia and specimen? A. Iconic B. Symbolic C. Enactive D. Contrived

D. Educational Technology

Which among these terms is the most encompassing in the context of applying technology in the teaching-learning process? A. Technology in Education B. Information Technology C. Instructional Technology D. Educational Technology


Which creates a realistic scene on a flat background? A. Diorama B. Mobile C. Model D. Picture

A. Technology utilization focuses on its adoption in actual teaching and learning activities.

Which describes best the new educational technology utilization? A. Technology utilization focuses on its adoption in actual teaching and learning activities. B. Technology utilization includes the evaluation of the learning materials. C. Technology utilization precludes institutionalization even when merit has been seen. D. Technology utilization can assure learning and achievement although expensive.

C. The teacher selects and applies appropriate instructional materials and varied teaching methods.

Which describes best the teacher as a technology? A. The teacher is a gadget for learning. B. The teacher's use of computer makes her a technology. C. The teacher selects and applies appropriate instructional materials and varied teaching methods. D. The teacher's effort and creativity in teaching are considered technology.

A. It is the basis of instructional systems design.

Which explains best why ADDIE model in designing instructional materials is commonly used? A. It is the basis of instructional systems design. B. Many curriculum developers use it. C.the processes are only for beginners. D. The phases involved are not complicated..

C. ADDIE Model

Which instructional design involves the simplest processes? A. ASSURE Model B. Dick and Carey Model C. ADDIE Model D. Gagne's Model

C. The use of computers is NOT ALWAYS beneficial to instruction. Remember, teaching methods and strategies should always be aligned with the instructional objectives.

Which is NOT TRUE about using technology in the classroom? A. Using computers in school is costly. B. Schools that integrate online learning must confer with parents about this. C. Integrating computer use in class is always advantageous. D. Lack of proper computer laboratory does not mean poor student performance.

D. As part of the regular course of study

Which is NOT a purpose of Field Trip? A. To develop awareness of the environment B. For observation and study C. To expose students to firsthand experience D. As part of the regular course of study

B. PowerPoint presentation. Softwares such as MS PowerPoint, Prezi, and OpenOffice Impress are designed specifically for the purpose of making presentations to large audience.

Which is the most effective to use in showing concepts textually and visually to a large audience? A. Desktop publisher B. PowerPoint presentation C. Spreadsheet D. Web browser

B. Constructivism

Which learning theory applies case-based learning as an educational technology? A. Behaviorism B. Constructivism C. Cognitivism D. Classical Conditioning

D. It includes activities and experiences that teach content from different subjects.

Which of the following best describes an integrated curriculum? A. It includes a collection of materials and activities based on a thematic unit or subject. B. It includes lessons which covers all the competencies int he prescribed curriculum. C. It includes several ideas and content on one or two thematic units. D. It includes activities and experiences that teach content from different subjects.

B. Histogram

Which of the following best presents numerical data in graphical format? A. Word web B. Histogram C. Organizational chart D. Venn diagram

A. The curriculum provides expanded opportunities to learners.

Which of the following features of OBE corresponds to Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory? A. The curriculum provides expanded opportunities to learners. B. The curriculum sets high expectation for the learners. C. The curriculum is designed based on instructional objectives. D. The curriculum stresses the coherence between assessment and intended outcomes.

C. Touchscreen. In smartphone, for instance, the screen is where you type and where you see what you type.

Which of the following functions as both an input and an output device? A. Mouse B. Flash disk C. Touchscreen D. Stylus

D. Desktop publishing software

Which of the following is best used to create periodicals? A. Presentation software B. Spreadsheet software C. Word processing software D. Desktop publishing software

B. Map

Which of the following is so-dimensional and is typically hung on the wall? A. Flash cards B. Map C. Realia D. Model

D. Blog

Which of the following is the most effective tool for journal writing on the internet? A. Microsoft Outlook B. Spotify C. Instagram D. Blog

A. Computerized computation of grades

Which of the following is the most valuable outcome of using technology in instruction? A. Computerized computation of grades B. Beautification of presentations C. Neat documents formats D. Better sounding audio

A. Cueing

Which of the following learning activities is an application of behaviorism? A. Cueing B. Coaching C. Demonstrating D. Explaining


Which of the following printed materials is more effective in marketing the different programs offered in your school? A. Advertisement in newspaper B. Handouts C. Brochures D. Poster

C. Design includes designing, development, utilization, and evaluation on the effects to the outcomes of learning.

Which of the following statements best describes the management domains? A. Design includes planning and production of materials. B. Development includes monitoring and assessing the learning materials. C. Design includes designing, development, utilization, and evaluation on the effects to the outcomes of learning. D. Domain on utilization is the concern of the users only.

D. Selection, development, managing, and use of appropriate technological processes and resources to facilitate and retain learning before, during and after instruction.

Which of the following statements defines best educational technology? A. A science composed of different materials. B. The use of computers in teaching and learning. C. Includes audiovisual materials, interactive multimedia, and module. D. Selection, development, managing, and use of appropriate technological processes and resources to facilitate and retain learning before, during and after instruction.

D. Storage

Which of these is a common cause for concern when using realia in the classroom? A. Concreteness B. Interactivity C. Availability D. Storage


Which type of chart would be most effective in teaching the history of Internet? A. Classification B. Organizational C. Tabular D. Timeline

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