Egg Parts

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an egg that is not fertilized and will not hatch


characteristic of a hen that wants to sit on eggs and hatch them, through hormonal changes she has ceased to lay and developed maternal instincts

air sacs

elastic structures connected to the bird lungs that draw air through the lungs. birds have two sets of air sacs caudal air sacs and cranial air sacs that inflate or deflate according to muscle movement in the birds chest.


elastic tissue which composes most of the skeleton of young vertebrate embryos and is then mostly converted to bone.


the final section of the oviduct connected to the cloaca in which the cuticle or bloom on a egg is added and where the eggs are turned so that the long axis is laid first


the fleshly patch of bare skin below the ears


the fleshly, red outgrowth on top of a chicken's head. There are eight types of combs.


the fleshy, red growths that hang from the side and base of the chickens beak

avian egg

a bird egg composed of the shell, shell membranes, albumen, and the yolk containing the true egg or ovum


a colorless odorless gas that is found in the sir and is essential to life


a fertilized true egg from which the embryo developes


a group of birds the have the same physical features such as body shape or type, color, number of toes, feathered or non-feathered shanks(legs) and carriage or station


a group of chicken breeds from the same geographical origin or showing similar characteristics


a group or cell and tissues that perform a specialized body function such as a heart

carbon dioxide

a heavy colorless gas that is formed in respiration, combustion and decomposition of organic substances


a joint in the leg of animals


a membrane surrounding both the yolk sac and the albumen that fuses with the allantois


a miniature chicken,one third to one fifth the size of a standard chicken


a sac filled with fluid that surrounds the embryo and protects it from injury.


a sac-like external organ located under the egg shell that obtains oxygen, nourishment, and calcium from the egg; and in which is deposited the embryo's waste products.


a secretion of the uterus consisting mainly of protein that serves to partially seal the pores of the egg shell and acts as a lubricant when the egg is laid.

bone marrow

a soft tissue that fills the cavity of the most bones and produces blood cells


a subdivision of a breed. different characteristics include feather color, comb type and the presence of a beard

germinal disk

a true egg that had not been fertilized

relative humidity

amount of moisture contained in the air compared with the amount that the air could contain at a particular temperature. it is expressed as a percentage


an internal organ of birds made of thick muscles which crushes and grinds food by muscular action and with pebbles or grit


an iron containing chemical of red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to body tissue

yolk sac

membrane that surrounds the yolk and connects it to the embryos body also called vitelline membrane. the portion of the unused yolk drown into the chick before hatching

extraembryonic membranes

membranes outside the embryos body that provide respiration, nutrition, excretion, and protection. they include the yoke sack, amnion, choriom and allantois


microscopic reproductive cell of a male; the male germ cell


millions of tiny balloon-like cells which form the lungs and expand or contract with breathing


moisture in the air


nourishing substance or ingredient


of or relating to the system of blood vessels, blood and heart concerned with the blood circulation


of, relating to, or characteristic to birds


one of the chambers of the heart which receives blood from the atrium of the same side ad pumps it to the arteries


one of the chambers of the heart which receives blood from the veins. plural atria


part of the body between the chest and the legs


part of the leg between the knee and ankle or a corresponding part in animals


permeable to fluids due to thousands of pores or minute openings in the eggshell through which gases are exchanged


process by which bones become hardened


relating to bird bones containing air sacs which are by wing movement to make the bird light enough to fly


smallest unit of living matter capable of functioning on its own


soft, fine hairlike feathers on young birds

air cell

the air space between the two shell membranes, usually in the large end of the egg.


the capability of an egg to develop into a chick


the chick during the later development stages in the egg


the early stage in development of the chick within the egg


the female bird organ which puts the albumen, shell membranes, and shell around the yolk


the female germ cell or true egg; plural form is ova


the female organ that holds the true eggs cells and produces the yolks.


the fluid part of the blood


the microscopic reproductive cell of the female; the true egg or ovum. also see avian egg


the process of applying heat to eggs and causing them to hatch

metabolic rate

the rate of the process by which a substance is handled in the body


the release of a true egg or ovum from a follicle in the ovary


the release of an avian egg from the oviduct


the sack in which an ovum and its yolk are held until the yolk matures and is released


the section of the oviduct between the infundibulum and isthmus where the thick white of an egg is formed


the section of the oviduct following the magnum; it form the inner and outer shell membrane of the egg


the section of the oviduct next to the isthmus that secretes a portion of the albumen and all of the shell and shell pigment


the study of the formation and development of embryos

chick tooth

the tiny, horny projection on the top of the chicks beak which it uses to peck holes in shell when hatching


the two whitish cords attached to the yolk of an egg which hold the yolk in the cent of the albumen. singular form chalaza


the union of a male reproductive cell with a female reproductive cell


the upper, funnel end of the oviduct that picks up the yolk after its release from the ovary and where fertilization takes place


the vent or common opening in birds through which the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tract empty


the white of an egg,consisting of outer thin, firm, inner thin, and chalaziferous layers


to break through or peck holes in the shell by chick


to come out of the shell for a chick


to put eggs under a broody hen or in a incubator to hatch them


to shine a bright light through the shell to observe development inside the egg

shell membranes

two then membranes next to the shell and surrounding the albumen and yolk, known as inner and outer shell membranes. they are one of the eggs main defenses against bacterial invasion


type of bone cell which is responsible for carrying nutrients to the bones.


type of bone cell which is responsible for making the structure and laying in the minerals


type of bone cell which is responsible for shaping the bones as they grow

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