Ego Depletion
Vohs et al 2011
24 hours of sleep deprivation, performed poorly on tasks
Kurzban 2010
Disagree with glucose, saying the amount of sugar used is the size of a tictac
Gailliot et al 2009
Glucose reduced stereotyping
Manning et al 2014
Higher neuroticism resulted in wanted immediate rewards
Muraven et al 2008
Lifting someone's mood with comedy videos and surprise gifts helps with self-control
Baumeister et al 1998
M&Ms, chocolate chip cookies, radishes--> ego depletion--> engage in different tasks that require self-control like puzzles, stroop task--> performed poorly on tasks when trying not to eat M&Ms
Hagger et al 2010
Meta analysis of 198 experiments concluded that ego depletion was real and reliable
Molden et al 2012
Simply gargling sweet liquid and not swallowing helped with self-control
Mischel 1980
The Marshmallow tests--> children who waited longer tended to have better life outcomes like BMI, SAT Scores and educational attainment--> had to distract themself--> 4 to 6
Gailliot et al 2007
Brains that are working hard to maintain self-control consume glucose faster--> restoring glucose seems to reboot willpower--> drinking sugar sweetened lemonade versus sugar free
Carlson et al 2005
Children aged 3-4 need to point to smaller amount of treats to receive larger amonts, all indicated larger amounts--> 4 year old performed better
Papies et al 2011
Mindfulness training can help with self-control
Inzlicht and Schmeichel 2012
Not resource depletion, but a shit in attention and motivation
Inzlicht and Gutsell 2009
Supressing emotions made people perform poorly on stroop tests
Reimans et al 2009
Temporal discounting in adults is a symbol of self control
Richeson and Shelton 2003
Whites had a difficult time discussing racial politics with black scientists--> completed IAT and stroop tests, had a difficult time completing stroop test accurately
Job et al 2010
Willpower is not about depletion, but the individual beliefs of whether or not willpower can decrease