EIA Test 1

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The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS):

All of the above

Mitigation can be defined as:

All of the above.

Some goals of NEPA Title 1, Section 101 are to:

All of the above.

Under NEPA Title I, federal agencies are required to:

All of the above.

Title 2 of NEPA:

Established the CEQ.

Establishing "Purpose and Need" is the foundation for selecting alternatives.


An EA includes the following sections:

a. and c.

Select all of the following which are true regarding the Summary of Analysis Results:

-Begin by compiling the results of all studies. -Key elements should be compatible with evaluation criteria. -All technical reports should include a summary that is understandable by lay persons. Save

Place the following steps for preparing an EIS in the correct order:

1 - Place a Notice of Intent (NOI) in the federal Register. 2 - Conduct public and agency scoping of issues and alternatives. 3 - Screen alternatives. 4 - Prepare an interdisciplinary analysis of issues. 5 - Issue a Draft EIS (DEIS).

Place the following elements of an FEIS in the order they should appear in the document:

1- Purpose and Need 2- Affected Environment 3- Environmental Consequences 4- List of Preparers

The Council on Environmental Quality:

All members are nominated by the President.

After initially screening alternatives, compare the remaining alternatives using criteria such as:

All of the above

An Environmental Assessment (EA):

All of the above

If your goal is to minimize natural resource impacts, your measurement parameters could include:

All of the above

Scoping is conducted to:

All of the above

Some elements of the "Impacted Environment" are:

All of the above

A Final ROD cannot be filed until 60 days after publication of availability of the FEIS.


All areas of environmental impact receive equal protection.


An intent to prepare an EIS begins with an advertisement placed in a local newspaper.


The DEIS is the highest level of environmental review.


The evaluation criteria is developed after an environmental study is complete.


The first step in preparing a DEIS is the Record of Decision (ROD).


The screening of alternatives is the 2nd. step of the NEPA preparation process.


Which of the following would be an example of a secondary effect?

Increased taxes

Match each of the following definitions with the proper response:

Secondary impact - A proposed action will result in the devaluation of property values. Federal action - Issuing a permit. Cumulative effect - The widening of a highway results in significant growth and development in a small town.

Which of the following agencies has developed a methodology for interpreting significance:

The US Water Resources Council

A mitigation measure is anything that reduces an impact.


According to the EIS evaluation checklist, the EIS cover page should be no longer than one page.


Scoping results are used when comparing alternatives.


The Environmental Consequences Section of the DEIS must address resources protected by statute, regulation or executive order.


The Purpose & Need Section of an EIS begins with a description of deficiencies in the current situation.


The process for selecting a "preferred alternative" must be systematic and logical.


The public often becomes frustrated with the EIS process because they want answers which are not yet available.


The publication date of the NOI marks the beginning date for all EIS time requirements to be fulfilled.


The Alternatives section of the EIS:

a and b

The Scoping Letter includes a:

a and c

When selecting the preferred alternative:

a. and c.

The interdisciplinary analysis of issues includes:

d. and c. above

Scoping occurs only near the end of the EIS development process.


NEPA was passed by Congress in 1969.


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