Einstein Movie Questions

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Which astronomer initially agreed to help Einstein

Henry Freudlich

Who does Einstein fall in love with in Berlin?

His cousin Elsa

Where is the next eclipse in 1922 that seven expeditions setout to film?


What year is known as Einstein's miracle year?


When is the completed theory of general relativity finally published


What year did Einstein finally get a nobel prize


How many papers did he publish that year?


How many starts show up on Campbell's picture of the eclipse?


Where does eddington go on 1919 to film yet another eclipse to maybe confirm the general relativity after Campbell's data showed the theory may be invalid?


What happened to freundlich when he went to film the eclipse in Russia

Arrested and became prisoner of war

In another paper Einstein proved the existence of?


Where and when was the first total solar eclipse going to occur that this astronomer planned to photograph?

August 21st, 1914, Crimea Russia

What did Einstein daydream about during is free time at this job?

riding a beam of light

Why does the earth move in a circle around the sun?

space pushes the earth towards the sun

Who was the pioneer of eclipse photography at that time


Why does Campbell fail to get a picture of the eclipse?


Did Campbell's results confirm or invalidate the theory of general relativity?


Who is considered one of th greatest mathematicians of all time and tries to race Einstein to solve the mathematics involved in general relativity

David hilbert

What are the five important words from Campbell?

Delay publishing Einstein results Campbell

What equations shows the relationship between matter and energy?


After he divorces his wife who does he marry?


What becomes Einsteins nurse when he becomes sick


Who was one of the first scientists to develop chemical weapons?

Fritz Haber

What is considered one of the greatest achievements of the human mind?

General relativity

What was the name of the new theory to replace special relativity

General relativity

What proposition did Einstein give his wife if she would divorce him

Give her Nobel peace prize money

What job did Einstein consider when he couldn't get a job?

Insurance salesman

who ended up reading einstein's papers as the one man who can fully understand him?

Max Planck

What planet's orbit deviates from newtons law of motion


The problem with Einstein's theory of special relativity is that it only applies for...

Moving in a straight line at a constant speed

What paper did he get the Nobel prize for

Photoelectric effect

What color flowers would Einstein bring to the train station to signal he would go to Berlin?


What did Einstein need in order to confirm his theory?

Solar eclipse

Special relativity unifies which two things?

Space and time

What is more popular and more controversial than Einsteins most popular equation?

Special relativity

What could have enough mass to bend light?


Science is done by

The seat of your pants

What is Einstein's old faithful way of reasoning?

The thought experiment

What was Einstein's life goal?

To know God's thoughts in a mathematical way

Special relativity failed for...


Where could you find the largest refracting telescope in the world at that time?

licke observatory in San Jose California

Who was the father of modern science?


What did his first papers address?

photoelectric effect

The next eclipse Campbell tries to photograph in 1918 is where?


What was missing from special relativity ?


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