Elementary MTTC (103)

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Pairs of second-grade students are engaged in a mirroring activity. One student faces his or her partner and makes various slow movements, which his or her partner mimics; then the partners switch roles. The primary purpose of this activity is to promote students' understanding of movement concepts related to: A. body relationships. B. rhythmic awareness. C. the use of body parts to absorb or impart force. D. changing one's speed while moving in space.


Students in a fifth-grade class draw a 1 unit by 1 unit square on a piece of paper, cut the square out, and use a scale to find its mass. The students then draw various irregular shapes on the same type of paper, cut them out, and find their masses, and compare them with the mass of the square. This activity is an example of using: A. indirect measurement to determine area. B. direct measurement to determine area. C. indirect measurement to determine perimeter. D. direct measurement to determine perimeter.


When state legislatures pass laws to establish public schools, construct highways, and provide safe drinking water, they are carrying out which of the following purposes of government? A. to promote the general welfare B. to maintain social order C. to secure the blessings of liberty D. to insure domestic tranquility


Students in a fourth-grade class are studying animal adaptations under different environmental conditions. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for the teacher to use in order to help the students develop a deeper understanding of this topic? A. assigning students a particular habitat and having them create an imaginary animal with adaptations specific to that habitat B. having students read about species of animals that have adapted to live in a certain habitat C. allowing students to bring their pets into the classroom so that the class can observe them and identify their adaptations D. discussing ways in which humans have adapted to living in different types of climates


The highest tides usually occur during a full or new moon primarily because at that time the: A. sun, moon, and earth form a straight line. B. earth/moon system is closest to the sun. C. axis of the earth is pointed directly at the moon. D. moon is closest to the earth's equator.


The nicotine in cigarette smoke primarily causes which of the following physical effects when it is inhaled? A. increased heart rate and blood pressure B. impaired ability of cilia in the lungs to move C. abnormal or overly rapid growth of blood cells D. irritation of mucous membranes in the mouth and sinuses


A fifth-grade teacher would like to provide students with opportunities to share ideas while developing independence during the writing process. Which of the following student activities would be most appropriate for this purpose? A. peer reviewing B. keeping vocabulary journals C. guided writing D. creating graphic organizers


A fourth-grade teacher is assessing students' use of the inquiry process during a unit on electricity and magnetism. Which of the following assessments would be most effective for this purpose? A. observing the students and taking notes while they are engaged in investigations B. having the students answer open-response questions at the end of the unit C. filling in a K-W-L chart with the students at the beginning and the end of the unit D. giving the students a multiple-choice test after every investigation and experiment


A fourth-grade teacher is planning a unit in which students will use a computer application to create their own tessellations. The teacher would like to develop a series of related activities and assessments to help develop students' mathematical reasoning skills related to the use of the application. Which of the following topics would be most appropriate for the additional materials to address? A. reflections, rotations, and translations B. area of composite figures C. similarity and proportional reasoning D. graphs of simple equations


A kindergarten teacher wants to promote proper dental hygiene among kindergarten students. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for the teacher to use in addressing this goal? A. providing the opportunity and the supplies needed for students to brush their teeth after lunch B. sending dental hygiene pamphlets home with students and following up with a reminder to read them C. discussing with students the importance of brushing one's teeth after every meal D. suggesting to students that they should encourage their families to visit a dentist at least once a year


A sixth-grade teacher asks the following question during a class discussion of an informational text the class is reading together: "According to the author, why are kelp forests found at different latitudes on the western and eastern coasts of a continent?" This question prompts students to apply which of the following levels of reading comprehension? A. literal B. inferential C. critical D. evaluative


A sixth-grade teacher would like to help students conduct research on the nutritional components of their school lunch program. Which of the following resources would be most appropriate for the teacher and students to consult first? A. the Web site for the Michigan Department of Education B. dietary guidelines on http://www.health.gov C. an article about the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 D. the USDA's ChooseMyPlate home page


A teacher decides to plan a lesson that takes advantage of the students' enthusiasm and interest in the community pool that will be opening in the spring. Which of the following class activities would be most important to include in this lesson? A. discussing and creating a list of safety precautions to use when swimming B. conducting a read-aloud activity using a book about swimming C. talking with students about the qualifications and training involved in becoming a lifeguard D. showing the students a video about water safety


A third-grade class has been studying the weather, including measuring the temperature, humidity, wind direction, and amount of rainfall every day. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for assessing the knowledge and skills of the students at the end of this weather unit? A. having each student use their collected weather data to explain the past weeks' weather in a written summary B. giving the students a written test in which they need to explain illustrations of various weather phenomena and weather data C. giving the students an assignment to make their own weather measurement tools, and use them to collect weather data at home D. having the students verbally explain which weather factors are most important to measure every day, and how best to measure them


A third-grade teacher has arranged for his class to attend a performance by an Indonesian shadow puppet (wayang kulit) company. Which of the following strategies would most effectively prepare the students to appreciate the performance? A. talking to students about the background of the art form and having them create and use basic shadow puppets to retell a familiar story B. having each student research and create a short multimedia presentation about another culture's use of shadow puppets C. reading reviews of the performance out loud and then showing the class pictures from another shadow puppet performance by the same company D. inviting students who have attended shadow puppet performances in the past to give oral presentations about their experiences


As part of a geography lesson, students in a fourth-grade class are studying how climate influences what crops are cultivated in different regions of the United States. The teacher could best modify this lesson to promote student understanding of economics by introducing which of the following concepts? A. specialization and interdependence B. capital and labor resources C. economies of scale and the law of supply D. scarcity and opportunity cost


During a unit on animals' food consumption, a third-grade teacher puts a cupful of pebbles and a cupful of shelled nuts and seeds into a sturdy plastic container and screws the lid on tight. She then asks each member of the class to shake the container vigorously ten times. After all the students have had a turn shaking the container, she pours out the contents and asks the class to describe what has happened. This exercise would be most effective for demonstrating: A. how birds grind up their food without having teeth. B. why herbivore teeth are better suited for plant eating than carnivore teeth. C. how cows and sheep digest tough plant material such as hay. D. why small animals generally feed on soft insects rather than hard seeds.


Which of the following activities best illustrates a connection between physical education and physical science? A. throwing a table tennis ball, softball, and basketball with the same amount of force to determine which one travels the farthest B. determining how many balls can be bounced into the air with a parachute without any of the balls falling off C. creating different shapes on the floor with cones and timing how long it takes to run the perimeter of each shape D. moving in personal space to music and then moving in general space without touching other students


Which of the following is an example of a way in which a living organism chemically changes matter? A. A plant uses energy from the sun to produce sugars. B. A fungus releases spores from fruiting bodies into the air. C. A fish obtains oxygen from the water through its gills. D. A chipmunk removes the shells from nuts before eating them.


Which of the following would be the most effective way to test the hypothesis below using plants that are susceptible to aphid infestations? Hypothesis: Aphids are more likely to attack plants that are experiencing environmental stress than plants that are growing in a less stressful environment. A. Place 10 pairs of pots containing the plants at random locations in the garden. Water one pot in each pair adequately and the other pot only when the plant is beginning to wilt. Count and compare the number of aphids that attack each plant. B. Measure the height of 20 of the plants growing in the wild. Count the number of aphids that are present on each plant and determine if more aphids are found on shorter plants than on taller plants. C. Plant 10 of the plants in an area of the garden that has full sun, good soil, and adequate moisture. Plant 10 more plants in another area that is shady, dry, and has poor soil. Count and compare the number of aphids that attack each plant. D. Locate 20 of the plants that are growing in the wild. Place 10 aphids on each plant. Return in several weeks and count the number of aphids that are present on each plant. Compare the physical characteristics of each plant.


A city resident is developing a speech to be delivered to a local civic organization. In the speech, she hopes to persuade those present to support a city sales tax. Which of the following communication skills would be most important for the speaker to utilize to achieve her goal? A. blending statistical facts with anecdotal evidence B. addressing the values and concerns of the audience C. supporting her speech with a variety of graphics D. explaining the specialized vocabulary related to taxation


A family must decide how to spend a sum of money they have available. After the family members discuss the various options, they come to a decision that is acceptable to all of them. This example best illustrates which of the following decision-making models? A. autonomic decision making B. consensual decision making C. de facto decision making D. goal-driven decision making


A fifth-grade student who is having difficulty reading the word instinctively in a science text would be best advised to apply which of the following skills? A. word recognition B. structural analysis C. syllabication D. phonic analysis


A fifth-grade teacher would like to enhance students' understanding of how the construction of the transcontinental railroad affected patterns of human settlement in the trans-Mississippi West. Which of the following activities using instructional materials would be most effective for the teacher to use for this purpose? A. having students read a novel about life in a town established along a major western rail line B. providing maps that show population density in the western United States in 1860 and 1890 C. showing a film that examines major events in the building of the transcontinental railroad D. distributing graphs that show the ethnic composition of western settlers during the period


A first-grade teacher has students run as fast as they can for several minutes in the gym. When the students come to a stop, the teacher asks the students to explain how their bodies feel. The students note that they are sweating, their hearts are pounding, and they are breathing hard. The teacher's primary goal in this activity is most likely to increase students' awareness of: A. how to measure heart rate during exercise. B. the effects of exercise on body systems. C. individual differences in lung capacity. D. the way in which the heart and lungs react to exercise.


A fourth-grade teacher wants to help students build their knowledge of content-specific vocabulary words to support their comprehension of grade-level science and social studies texts. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for this purpose? A. having students select correct words from a given text to complete sentences in fill-in-the-blank exercises B. guiding students in creating a graphic organizer to visually represent relationships between the key words in a given text C. instructing students to stop and write down unfamiliar words in a personal word bank as they encounter them in a given text D. providing vocabulary lists that include definitions of key words from given texts as a home study aid for students


A geographer would most likely use a remote sensing technology for which of the following purposes? A. to develop soil conservation plans B. to study climate variability C. to monitor the spread of a disease D. to create equal-area maps


A kindergarten teacher regularly reads aloud "big books" to her students. As she reads she points to each word, and during successive readings she encourages students to join in the reading as she points. Which of the following emergent literacy skills is this activity most likely to promote? A. awareness of consonant and vowel phonemes B. understanding of the relationship of speech to print C. recognition of basic phonics and spelling patterns D. knowledge of variations in letter-sound relationships


A person buys an item that costs $3.60 and pays for it with a $5.00 bill. The amount of change, in dollars, represents a number from which of the following sets? A. natural numbers B. rational numbers C. whole numbers D. nonnegative integers


A sixth-grade class is studying the geologic time periods, and discussing the extinction of dinosaurs and other animal and plant species at the end of the Cretaceous period. The teacher has the students read current theories about possible causes of the extinction, and then has them list some reasons why they support a particular theory. This activity is most effective for helping students: A. understand the ways in which science, technology, and society interact. B. make connections among the different domains of science. C. apply analysis and reflection to better comprehend scientific ideas. D. assess their knowledge and skills related to earth science.


A researcher is trying to determine why hemlock trees in a certain area are dying in large numbers while other species of trees are unaffected. Which of the following is a testable hypothesis that could help determine the cause of the hemlocks' decline in the area? A. The ability of hemlocks to compete with other trees that make up the forest cover in the area has declined over time. B. A pest that infests hemlock trees but does not attack other tree species has recently spread into the area from forests outside the area. C. The relationship between hemlock trees and other organisms that make up the biotic community in the area has changed over time. D. Global climate change has led to changes in the ecology of the area that are affecting the continued survival of hemlock trees.


A second-grade class hatches painted lady butterfly eggs, raises them to adulthood, and then releases them outside. This activity is most effective for promoting the development of which of the following types of knowledge? A. how insects interact with their natural environment B. the life cycles and development of insects C. how insects obtain and use energy D. the physical characteristics that differentiate the orders of insects


A second-grade teacher has students create their own string instrument using a shoebox and rubber bands. The students pluck the rubber bands to create different sounds. This activity would be most appropriate for promoting students' understanding of which of the following concepts related to science and music? A. force B. vibration C. pressure D. elasticity


A second-grade teacher would like to collaborate with the school's fine arts teacher in a way that enhances the students' overall learning experience. Which of the following strategies would best help the teacher accomplish this goal? A. using e-mail to exchange lesson plans and student assessment results with the fine arts teacher on a weekly basis B. meeting with the fine arts teacher throughout the school year to brainstorm ways for the arts to reference and be integrated into other curricula C. observing various fine arts classes and commenting on connections to the students' other subjects D. trading classes with the fine arts teacher for a day in order to gain better insight into the ways in which different subjects overlap


A teacher would like to have an activity in which students can compare a theoretical probability with an experimental probability. Answering which of the following questions would be most appropriate for this activity? A. What is the probability that a student in the school selected at random will be wearing a red shirt? B. What is the probability that a six-sided number cube will come up 5 when rolled? C. What is the probability of correctly guessing a number between 1 and 1000? D. What is the probability that the third-grade class will have 100% attendance on Mondays?


A third-grade teacher plans to assess students' active listening skills by observing small-group discussions and using a checklist to record observations. Which of the following criteria would be most appropriate to include on the checklist? A. speaking at least 25 percent of the time B. rephrasing a speaker's statement before responding C. nodding and smiling during the discussion D. waiting to speak until other students take their turn


An eighth-grade physical education class is planning a summer Olympics event. Small groups of students will each choose a different Olympic event, research the origins of and developments in the event, and make a presentation about the event to the rest of the class. Presentations may include physical demonstrations, regulations, background information, and interesting facts related to the event. Which of the following types of guidance would be most helpful for the teacher to provide to students in conjunction with this project? A. tips on how to present information to classmates in an engaging manner B. techniques and criteria for locating potentially helpful Web sites and for evaluating their reliability and usefulness C. lessons on how to compare and contrast ancient and modern Olympic Games D. advice and strategies for facilitating and maintaining collaboration, camaraderie, and friendly competition between students


An individual wants to purchase an air conditioner and can choose between two different options. Both options have an original price of $200. The first option offers 30% off the original price and charges $20 for shipping. The second option offers 15% off the original price and shipping is free. What is the difference in savings between the two options? A. $5 B. $10 C. $15 D. $20


At the beginning of the school year, a kindergarten teacher talks informally with students' families about the kinds of prior experiences their children have had, especially those related to learning and literacy. The teacher uses this information to help plan dramatic play and literacy centers that reflect familiar settings, tasks, and experiences. These actions most clearly demonstrate the teacher's awareness of the: A. integrated nature of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. B. interconnections between language, literacy, and culture. C. relationship between oral language development and reading achievement. D. links between vocabulary development and reading in the home.


Development of which of the following skills would best enable students to participate constructively in the policy-making process? A. anticipating opponents' counterarguments B. recognizing trade-offs and consequences C. synthesizing information from diverse sources D. analyzing the logical structure of an argument


During world language instruction, which of the following student activities would best incorporate opportunities for students to negotiate meaning? A. reading a text and underlining any words that are unfamiliar B. playing a game in which a word must be guessed by use of circumlocution C. filling out a worksheet of questions that require the use of a dictionary D. writing a short story based on a sequential set of illustrations from a picture book


Given the two equations below, what is the value of b in terms of c? 2a = 2b + 6 a = 3c A. b = 2c −minus 6 B. b = 3c −minus 3 C. b = 6c + 6 D. b = 3c + 6


If the least common denominator is used to perform the operation , a/6 + b/15, what will be the value of the numerator for the equivalent representation of a/6? A. 2a B. 5a C. 6a D. 15a


Over the past hundred years, human beings have been able to purchase inexpensive manufactured goods in much larger quantities than was possible in earlier times. Which of the following statements best describes the main reason for this development? A. Laws have been passed to regulate international trade and encourage investment in national economies. B. The energy stored in fossil fuels like coal and oil has been used to do more work than humans and animals had been able to do on their own. C. The creation of department stores and shopping malls has provided a way for people to purchase many different products in one location. D. Increased educational opportunities have made it possible for more people to accumulate wealth.


Read the excerpt below from an expository text; then answer the question that follows. Remember the fun you had with your favorite toys and games while growing up? Toymakers are hoping you do, and they are hoping that you are sharing the experience with your children. Toy companies have long used nostalgia to lure adults back to their childhood favorites while updating those same toys to attract a new generation of children. Colorforms, created by a husband and wife in their New York apartment in 1951, turns 60 this year, and University Games is using the occasion to remind parents of a popular childhood toy and to entice them to buy one for their children. And Mattel is commemorating the 40th anniversary of Uno with a yearlong marketing campaign to promote the family card game. This excerpt is most characteristic of which of the following types of expository text? A. textbook chapter B. newspaper article C. research report D. encyclopedia entry


Read the passage below; then answer the question that follows. In 1980 Luis and Walter Alvarez discovered that a layer of sediments found all over the world at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary contained a concentration of iridium hundreds of times greater than normal. Since iridium is very rare in the earth's crust and is more common in certain types of asteroids, the Alvarez team suggested that this was evidence of a catastrophic asteroid strike that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and other Mesozoic lineages. This passage best illustrates how scientific progress often occurs as a result of the: A. recognition of biases in the interpretation of existing data. B. development of new ideas in light of new data. C. generation of new hypotheses from the falsification of an old hypothesis. D. application of new methodologies to reinterpret existing data.


Students do an activity in which they make their own instruments with boxes and rubber bands of different lengths and elasticities. The students pluck the rubber bands and compare the tones that the different rubber bands make. This activity would be most effective for helping students understand which of the following concepts about sound waves? A. loudness and intensity B. pitch and frequency C. the Doppler effect and motion D. reflection and interference


The dancer's posture known as a plié is most typically associated with which of the following types of dance? A. tap B. ballet C. jazz D. hip-hop


The federal government and state governments in the United States exercise which of the following concurrent powers? A. determining voter qualifications B. establishing courts C. ratifying amendments to the U.S. Constitution D. conducting elections


The students in a sixth-grade class take a field trip to an art museum. At one point, the teacher notices that several students become interested in a group of paintings displayed together. Which of the following questions by the teacher would most likely foster students' ability to construct meaning from one of these paintings? A. How could you find out when and where this painting was created? B. What story do you think the artist is trying to tell with this painting? C. Do you think this painting was created by the same artist who created the other paintings? D. What medium do you think the artist used to create this painting?


Twenty-seven cubic centimeters is equivalent to how many liters? A. 0.03 liters B. 0.027 liters C. 0.003 liters D. 0.0027 liters


Use the problem and solution below to answer the question that follows. Problem: Show that x + x = 2x. Solution: Use the distributive property to factor an x from the expression shown below. x + x = x(1 + 1) We know that 1 + 1 = 2. Therefore, x + x = x(1 + 1) = x(2), which is the same as 2x by the commutative property. The solution provided can best be described as: A. an axiom. B. a proof. C. a postulate. D. a definition.


Which of the following elements is essential to a performance of live theatre? A. a script B. an audience and actors C. a director D. a stage and scenery


Which of the following is the most serious environmental effect of clear-cut logging in hilly regions of Michigan? A. replacement of forests with grassland ecosystems B. increased soil erosion and silting of local streams C. explosion of insect and pathogen populations in the slash left behind D. reduced diversity of tree species when the forest regenerates


Which of the following is the primary environmental problem associated with using nuclear power to generate electricity? A. emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming B. the production of hazardous waste that requires long-term storage C. release of airborne pollutants that cause acid rain D. the discharge of heavy metals into waterways


Which of the following sentences would be most appropriate to include in a formal letter? A. I really haven't got all that much experience, but I'm a fast learner so that's not a problem. B. Although I have limited work experience, I learn new skills quickly and apply them effectively. C. While I am a mere novice in the workplace, I have fought and won many academic battles. D. This job just sounds so amazing, and I'd love to try it even though I don't have any experience.


Which of the following steps would the Federal Reserve most likely take during a period of high unemployment when prices are relatively stable? A. increasing the margin requirements on stock purchases B. reducing the discount rate on loans to banks C. requiring banks to increase the percentage of deposits held in reserve D. reducing the amount of paper currency in circulation


Which of the following techniques is typically used by a playwright to give a play a sense of tension? A. dividing the play into multiple acts B. introducing a conflict between two or more characters C. having characters speak directly to the audience D. providing background information during the play's first scene


A second-grade teacher would like students to apply the concept of harmony during a music lesson. Which of the following activities would be most appropriate for this purpose? A. listening to a major scale B. playing a rhythm on percussion instruments C. singing a round in groups D. moving fast and slowly to musical recordings


A box of cookies contains 8 chocolate chip cookies, 12 peanut butter cookies, and 4 oatmeal cookies. A child randomly selects 2 cookies, one at a time. Which of the following expressions represents the probability that both cookies will be peanut butter? A. 12/24 + 12/23 B. 1/12 + 1/11 C. 12/24 x 11/23 D. 1/12 x 1/11


A kindergarten teacher regularly leads classroom discussions before beginning a new read-aloud of informational texts. For example, he may conduct a book walk of the pictures, point out some key vocabulary, and then ask students to share what they already know about the subject of the book. This practice most clearly demonstrates the teacher's understanding of which of the following factors that influence emergent readers' construction of meaning? A. the role of setting a purpose and goal prior to reading a text B. the importance of using textual evidence to draw conclusions C. the role of activating background knowledge related to a text D. the importance of determining a text's main idea and details


A primary purpose of murals is to depict the beliefs and attitudes of a culture through the use of: A. abstract representation. B. religious iconography. C. storytelling. D. realistic detail.


A second-grade teacher notices that several students regularly place adjectives after nouns in their writing and speaking. These students most likely require explicit instruction related to which of the following English language systems? A. phonological B. semantic C. syntactic D. pragmatic


A sixth-grade teacher is planning a project in which students will use disposable cameras to document their lives outside of school. The students' photographs will be featured in an exhibit at the public library. The teacher would like to provide students with appropriate guidance throughout the project. Which of the following steps should the teacher take first? A. explaining to students how they can upload their photographs onto classroom computers for editing B. showing students a variety of photographs by professional portrait photographers and photojournalists C. reviewing privacy laws and providing release forms to be signed by the individuals that the students photograph D. demonstrating techniques for composing photographs and letting students practice the techniques in class


A sixth-grade teacher would like to familiarize students with some famous examples of important art movements. After giving the students a few minutes to look at a slide of a painting, which of the following questions would be most effective for the teacher to use to begin a discussion? A. How many colors are in this painting? B. Have you seen any other paintings like this one? C. What do you see in this painting? D. Is this painter's style similar to that of other artists?


A student makes notes related to a topic without consideration for paragraph structure or logical development of ideas. The student is most likely engaged in which of the following steps of the writing process? A. revising B. drafting C. brainstorming D. editing


A student's work sample is shown below. 2/3 + 2 (3/4) = 2/3 + 3/4 + 2 = 2/3 (4/4) + 3/4 (3/3) = 8/12 + 9/12 = 17/12 + 2 = 1 and 5/12 + 2 = 3 and 5/12 Which of the following statements best evaluates the student's work? A. The student found the common denominator incorrectly. B. The student converted the mixed numeral incorrectly. C. The student used the equal sign incorrectly. D. The student used the order of operations incorrectly.


A teacher is designing a sequence of instruction for teaching letter recognition skills to emergent readers. Which of the following sets of letters would be most appropriate for a teacher to include in the first lessons? A. c, o, w, x, y, z B. I, L, T, H, E, F C. a, m, t, s, f, d D. A, a, B, b, C, c


A teacher shows students how they can improve their computational fluency by providing them with frequent opportunities to use mental math to solve problems such as the ones shown below. 2 + 8 + 7 + 3 = ? 9 + 4 + 3 + 3 = ? 3 + 7 + 2 + 3 = ? Which of the following best describes the teacher's approach? A. finding sums by working from left to right B. using a combination of addition and subtraction together C. finding number pairs that sum to easily recognizable numbers D. converting addition problems into multiplication problems


A television commercial for a breakfast cereal features several adults in their twenties and thirties who cheerfully consume a bowl of the cereal before bicycling, jogging, and hiking to the accompaniment of upbeat, fast-paced music. Which of the following messages is the commercial most likely intended to convey? A. The cereal helps promote weight loss. B. Busy professionals save time by eating the cereal. C. The cereal is a good source of energy. D. Adults will feel like children when they eat the cereal.


A third-grade teacher is considering using an activity that she found on the Internet for her science class. However, when she looks up information for the materials used in the activity, she finds that one material is labeled "caustic." It would be wise for the teacher not to use this activity because caustic materials can: A. cause a severe allergic reaction in individuals who are genetically susceptible. B. rapidly combust if they are exposed to heat or a spark. C. cause chemical burns if they come into contact with the skin or the eyes. D. emit toxic vapors that affect the individual's nervous system if inhaled.


A voter educates herself about the various candidates running for mayor of her town, and casts a vote for the candidate she believes will make the best decisions about issues of importance to her. This scenario most clearly illustrates which of the following principles of constitutional democracy in the United States? A. limited government B. rule of law C. representative government D. checks and balances


An elementary teacher would like to promote students' ability to make decisions that enhance their health. Which of the following general instructional strategies would be most effective for this purpose? A.inviting the school nurse to speak to students about decisions that affect their health B. showing students a film about young adolescents whose decisions affect their health C. building opportunities for students to make decisions into everyday class activities D. asking students to sign a pledge to maintain one new healthy habit for a month


As a regular component of whole-group mathematics instruction, a fifth-grade teacher guides students in closely reading key pages from the grade-level textbook. Afterward, in addition to guiding students in applying the new material presented in the text to sample exercises, the teacher also helps the students summarize the text's main ideas orally. Finally, students draft their own written summaries of the new concepts, processes, and/or terminology in their mathematics journals. This approach to content-area instruction promotes students' school achievement primarily in which of the following ways? A. by providing a print-rich environment in which students at all skill levels participate in differentiated literacy activities B. by using nonverbal, concrete experiences to scaffold students' comprehension and vocabulary development C. by promoting students' development of skill in using listening, speaking, reading, and writing for academic purposes D. by motivating students to select a variety of informational and other nonfiction texts for independent reading


During textbook reading, a sixth-grade teacher instructs students to carefully read the first and last sentence in each paragraph and to notice bold print and graphics. By engaging students in this activity, the teacher is applying which of the following strategies for promoting comprehension of expository texts? A. making inferences based on evidence presented in a text B. distinguishing fact from opinion in a text C. determining the importance of information presented in a text D. identifying structural elements in a text


Which of the following problem-solving strategies would be most effective and appropriate to use in solving the problem below? A company puts a free toy in each box of cereal and states that there is a one in four chance of getting the astronaut toy with each purchase. On average, how many boxes will need to be purchased to get an astronaut? A. expressing numbers in base four B. working backwards to find an equation C. simulating the situation using a random process D. graphing points on a coordinate system to find a pattern


Fourth-grade students have participated in several lessons related to the USDA's guidelines and recommendations. During the last lesson, the teacher divides the students into small groups and asks each group to create a song about the importance of eating a variety of foods from the major food groups. The students may include creative movements to go along with their song. Each group will perform their song in front of the class. This is a particularly effective culminating activity because it prompts students to: A. recognize why some food groups are more essential than others. B. create an interactive song and dance routine about favorite foods. C. reiterate the significance of eating healthy foods in an enjoyable way. D. learn about which foods are healthy and which foods are unhealthy.


In which of the following pairs are the numbers equivalent? A. 106.0 × 10^4 and 1,060.0 B. 8.63 × 10^-5 and 0.00863 C. 5.72 × 10^5 and 572,000.0 D. 0.3374 × 10^-4 and 0.0003374


Plant height in a particular species of plant is determined by a single gene. Plants with two copies of the dominant form of the gene (HH) grow to be about 3 feet tall. Plants with two copies of the recessive form of the gene (hh) grow to be only 1 foot tall. Which of the following will be the most likely distribution of plant heights in 100 offspring of a cross between a 3-foot-tall HH plant and a 1-foot-tall hh plant? A. All of the offspring will be 2 feet tall. B. Half of the offspring will be 3 feet tall and half will be 1 foot tall. C. All of the offspring will be 3 feet tall. D. Three-quarters of the offspring will be 3 feet tall and one-quarter will be 1 foot tall.


Read the excerpt below from a speech by an elementary school principal to a large group of students; then answer the question that follows. I'd like to extend a warm welcome to everyone on the first day of the school year. This year promises to be a truly amazing year, because as you all know, school is cool and our school is the coolest. This year we've got a whole new group of awesome first graders. How cool are they? Let's have a big round of applause for all of our awesome students! In this speech, the principal's use of slang and idiomatic language serves primarily to: A. appeal to the audience's emotions. B. establish the speaker's authority. C. establish rapport with the audience. D. demonstrate the speaker's knowledge.


The Upper Peninsula of Michigan has the second highest average snowfall of any nonmountainous region of the world. Which of the following best explains the high average yearly snowfall in this area? A. Cold air masses coming down from the north contain large amounts of moisture that falls as snow when they meet warm air masses coming up from the south. B. Jet stream winds pick up large amounts of moisture from the interior of the continent and drop it as snow when they encounter cold air above the Great Lakes. C. Cold northern winds pick up large amounts of moisture as they blow over the relatively warm surface of Lake Superior and drop it as snow when they reach the colder shore. D. Dense coniferous forests covering the Upper Peninsula increase absorption of solar radiation, which warms the surface and causes moisture in cold air masses from the north to fall as snow.


The construction of the Mackinac Bridge is considered a significant episode in Michigan's history primarily because it: A. encouraged the expansion of the steel mining industry in Michigan. B. helped bolster Michigan's economy by providing jobs during the Great Depression. C. unified Michigan by allowing easy transportation between the Upper and Lower Peninsulas. D. provided a crucial transportation route between Michigan and Canada.


The information below best describes major characteristics of which of the following world regions? • The region is bounded by deserts, mountains, and the ocean. • The region has 3 percent of the world's land area and 23 percent of the world's population. • Major religions of the region include Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. A. North Africa B. sub-Saharan Africa C. South Asia D. Southeast Asia


Which of the following activities best illustrates the concept of kinesthetic awareness? A. a play rehearsal in which students focus on using correct pronunciation while speaking lines of dialogue B. a drawing activity in which students apply lesser and greater pressure when sketching with charcoal C. a dance activity in which students try to sense where their own and others' bodies are in space without looking D. an orchestra rehearsal in which students vary the tempo and key of a composition they are playing


Which of the following characteristics of literacy development best illustrates the relationship between speaking and writing? A. printing the letters of the alphabet B. overgeneralizing regular verb tense endings C. using phonetic spelling D. recognizing examples of environmental print


Which of the following historical developments best illustrates how nationalism shaped the formation of governments? A. the establishment of China's Ming dynasty during the fourteenth century B. the rise of parliamentary democracy in England during the seventeenth century C. the unification of Germany during the nineteenth century D. the creation of an Islamic government in Iran during the twentieth century


Which of the following is the most developmentally appropriate motor activity for helping early elementary children develop hand-eye coordination? A. shooting basketball free throws B. clapping in rhythm to a beat C. tossing and catching a beanbag D. playing disc golf


Which of the following lists of words would be most appropriate for a fourth-grade teacher to use as example words in a lesson designed to reinforce students' structural analysis skills? A. separate, threaten, hurdle, appreciate B. loyal, exhaustion, prevention, experiment C. undeniable, regroup, pregame, submarine D. auditorium, disappointment, magnify, always


Which of the following materials, when at room temperature, is a good conductor of both heat and electricity and is also both malleable and ductile? A. glass B. carbon C. silver D. rubber


Which of the following oral responses most clearly indicates that critical listening has occurred? A. "Are donations to your organization tax-deductible?" B. "How many people have donated money to your organization?" C. "How does your organization use private donations?" D. "I can't donate money to your organization, but I can donate my time."


Which of the following statements is most likely taken from a primary source? A. In addition to picking up a return cargo, the ship laid in ample stores of food, rum, and water before beginning the long voyage home. B. Although nothing to write home about, food rations on a typical eighteenth-century ship were generally sufficient to keep mariners alive. C. My chief mate informed me this morning that our supplies of salt pork and fresh water were unlikely to last as long as planned. D. Malnutrition was a serious health risk for sailors, who often went for months without any fresh fruits or vegetables.


Which of the following themes is frequently explored in the works of Julia Alvarez, Mildred Taylor, and Laurence Yep? A. the excitement of exploring other galaxies B. the yearning to live in harmony with nature C. the determination to overcome social injustice D. the challenge of confronting personal setbacks


Which of the following words would be most appropriate to include in phonics instruction designed to promote beginning readers' ability to decode regular CVCe words? A. done B. give C. make D. were


Which of the following words would be most appropriate to teach as a sight word to fifth-grade students? A. teacher B. understand C. scientist D. explain


A fifth-grade teacher is writing an article about mathematics activities in the classroom. The article describes how students used manipulatives to solve measurement problems. The teacher included trademark symbols with the name of the manipulatives. The teacher also included photographs of students working with the manipulatives. None of the students in the photographs were identified by name. To ensure compliance with ethical guidelines, the teacher should take which of the following actions prior to posting the article on the Internet? A. providing links to the manufacturers of the manipulatives that have trademarked names B. providing a disclaimer stating that the school district does not endorse the pedagogical methods used C. explicitly identifying the manipulatives being used in a caption below each photograph D. obtaining permission from parents/guardians before posting pictures of the students


A fifth-grade teacher wants to find out how well her students have understood a geography unit about how push and pull factors influence migration. Which of the following projects could she assign in order to best assess the students' understanding? A. Students conduct a mock debate about immigration issues, using appropriate parliamentary procedure and backing up their arguments with research. B. Each student interviews someone from the local community who has recently moved to Michigan, focusing on how Michigan differs from that person's previous home. C. Students produce a map of the United States that shows major migration routes taken by settlers and pioneers during the nineteenth century. D. Each student writes a letter from the perspective of someone moving to Michigan during a historical period of the student's choice, explaining why he or she is moving.


A kindergarten teacher wants to involve all families in helping students develop oral language skills that support literacy development. Which of the following teacher recommendations to families is likely to be most effective in addressing this goal? A. "Take your children to arts and cultural community events such as concerts and festivals." B. "Visit the local public library regularly with your child to borrow children's books such as picture books and easy readers." C. "Spend time with your children playing active games such as hopscotch and jump rope." D. "Talk with your children while working together when preparing meals and doing other daily activities."


A scientist would need both a graduated cylinder partially filled with water and an electronic scale to determine the: A. mass of a rock sample. B. surface area of a flight feather. C. volume of a plant oil sample. D. density of a bone.


A second-grade teacher would like to improve students' ability to read narrative texts with appropriate expression. Which of the following strategies is likely to be most effective in addressing this goal? A. asking students to try to read a short story silently in a specified amount of time B. engaging students in a round-robin reading of a short story C. having students read and then rewrite a short story in the form of a song or poem D. leading students in an echo reading of a short story


A student is preparing to give a speech to a large group of peers at a school assembly. When rehearsing the speech, the student notices that several words are repeated unnecessarily throughout the speech. Which of the following tools would be most helpful for the student to use when revising the speech? A. spell-checker B. dictionary C. word processor D. thesaurus


A teacher is planning a student concert at which students will perform a published song from a contemporary musical. Given the ethical considerations associated with student performances of published material, which of the following actions by the teacher would be most appropriate? A. purchasing one copy of the sheet music, photocopying it for students, and destroying the copies after the concert B. including an acknowledgment of the song's composer and publisher in the concert program C. downloading the song from the Internet, burning CDs for students, and having students learn the song by ear D. sending a written request for permission to the song's publisher well in advance of the concert


A third-grade teacher provided students with cups of soil and bean seeds so that they could observe plant germination and growth. However, most of the students overwatered their seeds and they failed to germinate. In which of the following ways could the teacher use this experience to promote students' scientific analysis and reflection skills? A. sprouting the seeds in wet paper towels rather than soil so that students can better observe the germination process B. providing students with new soil and seeds and a measured amount of water to apply each day C. explaining to the class that wet soil conditions can kill the seed and encourage the growth of bacteria D. asking the class to brainstorm possible reasons for the failure of the seeds to germinate


According to the order of operations, what could be the first step in simplifying the expression below? 4/3 ((6^2 - 3^2) + 9 - 6) A. (8^2 - 4^2) + 12 - 8 B. 4/3 ((3^2) + 9 - 6) C. 4/3 ((6^2 - 3^2) - 3) D. 4/3 ((36-9) + 9 - 6)


According to the standard conventions of English in the United States, which of the following sentences contains an error in usage? A. I don't know whose notebook is on the table over there. B. Sometimes we see our teacher at the public library downtown. C. We are all ready to leave for the field trip, but the bus isn't here yet. D. I would of gone to the movies, but I had too much homework to do.


An English Language Learner in a fourth-grade class can read fluently in a language that is written using a nonalphabetic script. Which of the following concepts is likely to be most difficult for this student to grasp when learning to read in English? A. A series of letters represents a word. B. Print symbolizes spoken language. C. A sentence is composed of a sequence of words. D. Letters correspond to phonemes.


An economist would likely find bibliographies and periodical indices useful for which of the following research tasks? A. assessing economics information B. creating a research design C. constructing an organizational framework D. obtaining economics information


As a first-grade teacher reads a story aloud to students, she periodically pauses to ask the class questions such as "How do you think the character is feeling now?" or "What do you think will happen next?" This instructional strategy is most likely intended to promote students': A. motivation to read independently. B. appreciation for the written word. C. interest in writing original stories. D. active construction of meaning.


As part of an informal reading assessment, a teacher asks a first-grade student to read a grade-level passage aloud. As the student reads, the teacher marks the student's errors on a copy of the passage, indicating errors of substitution, insertion, omission, and reversal. The teacher also notes any repetitions or self-corrections. This assessment is likely to provide the most useful information about the student's skills in which of the following areas of reading development? A. reading comprehension B. vocabulary knowledge C. phonemic awareness D. word recognition


City planners are considering three possible sites for the location of a water treatment plant. They have received petitions protesting the selection of all three sites. The planners can best ensure that all sides receive full consideration of their views by: A. preparing lists of pros and cons based on information presented in the petitions. B. examining similar policy decisions made by planners in other cities. C. reviewing editorials and letters concerning the project published in local newspapers. D. inviting interested and informed individuals to speak at a public hearing.


Developing a timeline of events would likely be the most appropriate strategy for upper-elementary students to use independently to promote their comprehension of which of the following types of text? A. science textbook chapter B. newspaper feature article C. instructional manual D. mystery novel


Eighth-grade students are cohosting a field day at the adjacent elementary school. With help and guidance from two physical education teachers, small groups of eighth graders create individual challenge stations and group games that they will facilitate during the elementary school's field day. This activity is particularly appropriate for promoting the eighth-grade students': A. understanding of the developmental stages of elementary students. B. awareness of physical and motor differences related to age. C. ability to adapt to changing group dynamics. D. responsibility and leadership skills.


In which of the following situations would a box-and-whiskers graph be the most appropriate visual representation to use to display data? A. An homeowner wants to compare the amount of money spent on individual household expenses in a particular month to the total monthly expenses. B. A business owner wants to see trends in sales data over a 24-month period. C. A bookstore employee wants to compare the numbers of each type of book sold in the previous two months. D. An environmentalist wants display several statistics to summarize a large number of pH readings from a stream.


Read the passage below; then answer the question that follows. In a 1963 address, Lyndon Johnson asked Americans to join him in a "war on poverty." From the outset, Johnson's call to arms met considerable skepticism. One Gallup poll found that 83 percent of respondents doubted that poverty could actually be abolished. But these were peak years of what publisher Henry Luce called the "American Century," a time when people felt good about themselves and were willing to try anything. Johnson sensed this, and it was all the encouragement he needed. Which of the following sentences from the passage expresses a historical interpretation rather than states a historical fact? A. In a 1963 address, Lyndon Johnson asked Americans to join him in a "war on poverty." B. From the outset, Johnson's call to arms met considerable skepticism. C. One Gallup poll found that 83 percent of respondents doubted that poverty could actually be abolished. D. But these were peak years of what publisher Henry Luce called the "American Century," a time when people felt good about themselves and were willing to try anything


The headline in a newsletter says "Common Garden Herb Fights Cancer." The article goes on to say that a study showed that 3000 subscribers to a health magazine who regularly used a common herb to flavor their dishes had 30% less stomach cancer than the general population. Which of the following best explains why the article in the newsletter is misleading? A. The study only looked at the incidence of stomach cancer in the study group and not other types of cancer, such as lung cancer. B. The use of the herb was not limited to the individuals in the study group, but was likely common in the general population. C. The sample size was too small to allow a statistical analysis of the correlation between the use of the herb and the lower incidence of cancer. D. The individuals in the study group may have shared some other factor that lowered their risk of stomach cancer.


The instruction and professional development goals associated with the "Chase Edwards law" section of the Michigan School Code are designed to prevent fatal and nonfatal suicide behaviors among youth and to increase student awareness of warning signs and risk factors for suicide. In addition to these goals, the law was specifically created to: A. provide information about the incidence of suicide in adolescents. B. increase community awareness of suicide prevention measures. C. outline parents'/guardians' responsibilities related to suspected suicide ideation in children. D. improve access to appropriate suicide prevention services for vulnerable youth.


To assess students' attitudes about various types of physical activities, a teacher provides the class with a "How I Feel About Activities in Physical Education" list. The students are asked to circle a happy or sad face next to a variety of physical activities. This activity allows students to evaluate themselves in which of following domains? A. psychomotor B. cognitive C. kinesthetic D. affective


Vaccines reduce the incidence of specific diseases by: A. killing infectious pathogens that enter the body. B. providing a protective shield that surrounds cells. C. supplying nutrients necessary for a healthy immune system. D. stimulating the body's immune system response to the infection.


Which of the following activities is most effective for creating a foundation for understanding the concept of multiplication? A. practicing basic addition facts with numbers 1 through 10 B. using base-ten blocks to model two-digit numbers C. modeling equality of numbers with a balance scale D. skip counting by different intervals on a number line


Which of the following elements of the Bill of Rights can best be used to illustrate the idea that personal liberties should be exercised in a responsible manner that recognizes the rights of others? A. the protection against excessive punishments B. due process of law C. the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures D. freedom of speech and assembly


Which of the following events or developments had the greatest impact on economic growth in the Midwest region of the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? A. the Louisiana Purchase B. the construction of the National Road C. the War of 1812 D. the opening of the Erie Canal


Which of the following examples from the natural world best illustrates Newton's third law, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction? A. A tuna's shape minimizes water resistance as it swims. B. Herring in a school respond to their neighbors' movements to remain the same distance apart. C. A perch pumps gases into and out of its swim bladder to adjust its buoyancy. D. A squid propels itself through the ocean by blowing water out its siphon.


Which of the following factors is the main cause of global economic interdependence? A. growing world concern about the provision of energy sources B. the decolonization of most parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America C. increased population movement among countries D. the international reduction of barriers to trade and investment


Which of the following processes captures light energy and stores it as chemical energy? A. heating of dark objects placed in the sun B. a magnifying lens focusing sunlight to burn wood C. evaporation of water from lakes and oceans D. a solar panel charging a cell phone


Which of the following scenarios would provide the best evidence that a kindergarten student is progressing according to typical stages of literacy development? A. Now the student provides detailed drawings to accompany his written symbols, whereas he never illustrated his writings at the beginning of the school year. B. At the beginning of the school year, the student often incorporated words into his writings that he had copied from environmental print, but now he only uses his own original symbols. C. Now the student knows that he is not writing real words, whereas at the beginning of the school year he would point to clusters of letters and call them words. D. At the beginning of the school year, the student told a different story each time he reread his writings, but now he follows the letters with his finger and uses similar words when rereading.


Which of the following statistical indices provides the best general comparative measure of the extent to which human activities have altered the physical environment of different regions? A. balance of trade B. distribution of income by income levels C. gross national product D. per capita energy consumption


Which of the following teacher actions during a read-aloud of a "big book" is likely to be most effective in supporting kindergartners' vocabulary development? A. reading dramatically using exaggerated intonation and placing extra emphasis on key words in the text B. running a pointer under the text while reading and pausing to have students repeat key words from the text several times chorally C. writing a list of key words from the text on the board and referring students to the list as each word appears during the reading D. pausing regularly to elaborate on the content of a passage and to question students about key words in the text


Which of the following teacher strategies would most effectively help students avoid plagiarism when developing and presenting research projects? A. prohibiting the use of Internet sources for research projects B. requiring students to submit hard copies of source material C. distributing copies of the school policy on academic dishonesty D. modeling how to properly paraphrase, quote, and cite sources


A small company wants to produce toy robots. The company determines that they will have an initial investment of $10,000 for equipment and tools and that each robot will cost an additional $15 to make. If n equals the number of toy robots made, which of the following functions gives the total cost, C(n), of producing n robots? A. C(n) = 10,000n + 15n B. C(n) = 10,000n + 15 C. C(n) = 10,000 + 15n D. C(n) = 10,000 + 15 + n


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