Emotional intelligence – flash cards

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Grunwell to considered three types of safeguards to strengthen the decision process -

- Injecting fresh experience or analysis - introducing further debate and challenge - imposing stronger governance

Ochsner health systems, a large Louisiana healthcare provider has adopted what it calls the "10/5 way"; if you are within 10 feet of someone ____. If you are within 5 feet ____. Ochsner has seen greater patient satisfaction and an increase in patient referrals as a result.

- Make eye Contact and smile - Say hello

The most effective teams we have studied go far beyond the occasional ropes and rocks offsite. They have established norms that strengthen their ability to respond effectively to the kind of emotional challenges a group confronts on a daily basis. The norms they favor accomplish three main things: - they create resources for working with ____ - Foster an affirmative ____ - and encourage proactive ____

- emotions - environment - Problem solving

It is worth noting that process fairness is distinct from outcome fairness which refers to ____. Process fairness doesn't ensure that employees will always get what they want, but it does mean that they will have a chance ____.

- employees judgments of the bottom line results of their exchanges with their employers. - to be heard.

Resilient people possess three defining characteristics: - they Cooley except the ____ facing them. - they find meaning in ____. - I have an uncanny ability to ____ , Making do with whatever's at hand.

- harsh realities - terrible times - Improvise

Broadly speaking, there are three drivers of process fairness. - One is: - another is how: - The third factor is how:

- how much input employees believe they have in the decision making process. - employees believe decisions are made and implemented. - how managers behave.

Red flag conditions: - The first and most familiar red flag condition, the presence of ____ Typically biases the emotional importance we placed on information, which in turn makes us ready or to perceive the patterns we want to see. - The second, somewhat less familiar condition is the presence of ____. We can become attached to people, places and things and these bonds can affect the judgment reform about about the situation with face and the appropriate actions to take. - The final red flag condition is the presence of ____. These are memories that seem relevant and comparable to the current situation but lead are thinking down the wrong path.

- inappropriate self interest - distorting attachments - misleading memories

We've been discussing the need for teams to learn to channel emotion effectively at the three levels of human interaction important to them: - team to ____ - team to ____ - team to ____

- individual member - itself - outside entities

Four practices to build a critical skill called emotional agility - - ____ your patterns - label your ____ and ____ - ____ them - act on your ____

- recognize your patterns - label your thoughts and emotions - accept them - Act on your values

Empathy is particularly important today as a component of leader ship for at least three reasons: the increasing use of ____; The rapid pace of ____; and the growing need to ____.

- teams - globalization - Retain talent

My objective was to determine which personal capabilities drove outstanding performance within these organizations, and to what degree they did so. I grouped capabilities into three categories: - purely ____ skills like accounting and business planning. - ____ abilities like analytical reasoning. - And competencies demonstrating ____, such as the ability to work with others and effectiveness in leading change.

- technical skills - cognitive abilities - emotional intelligence

A study found that a major determinate of whether employees sued for wrongful termination is their perception of how fairly the termination process was carried out. Only ____% of ex-employees who felt that they were treated with a high degree of process fairness filed a wrongful termination lawsuit versus ____% of those who believed they were treated with a low degree of process fairness. The study also found that during the 10 week period Employee theft was nearly ____% lower at the second plant than at the first, and employees were ____ Times less likely to resign.

1% 17% 80% 15X

____ Of the offenders we surveyed said they didn't recognize their behavior as uncivil.


According to a study conducted by Accountemps and reported and fortune, managers and executives at fortune 1000 firms spend ____% of their Work time, the equivalent of seven weeks a year, mending employee relationships and otherwise dealing with the aftermath of incivility.


When senior managers at one company had a critical mass of EI capabilities their divisions outperformed yearly earning goals by ____. Meanwhile division leaders without that critical mass under performed by almost the same amount.


In one experiment we conducted, people who'd observed poor behavior performed ____% worse on word puzzles than people who did. Only ____% of the subjects who witnessed incivility volunteered to help, whereas ____% of those who hadn't witnessed it did.

20% 25%/51%

In one experiment, half the participants witnessed a supposed bank representative publicly reprimanding another for incorrectly presenting credit card information. Only ____% of those who'd seen the encounter said they would use the banks services in the future compared with ____% of those who hadn't. And nearly 2/3 of those who'd seen the exchange said they would feel anxious dealing with any employee of the bank.

20% 80%

In one of our surveys ____% Of managers who admitted to having behaved badly said they were uncivil because their leaders, their own role models, were rude.


Creativity suffers - Participants who were treated rudely by other subjects were ____% less creative than others in the study. They produced ____% Fewer ideas and the ones they did come up with worthless original.

30% 25%

When I compared star performers with average ones in senior leadership positions, nearly ____ of the difference in their profiles was attributable to emotional intelligence factors rather than cognitive abilities.


Over the past 14 years we've pulled thousands of workers about how they are treated on the job and ____% have reported experiencing uncivil behavior. Employees are less creative when they feel disrespected and many get fed up and leave. About ____ deliberately decrease their effort or lower their quality of work.

98% Half

How can you identify people who are motivated by the drive to achieve rather than by external rewards? The first sign is ____ For the work itself, such people seek out creative challenges, love to learn and take great pride in a job well done.

A passion

____ in the modern sense can be defined as a kind of Inventiveness, and ability to improvise a solution to a problem without proper or obvious tools or materials.


Executives trying to recognize high levels of achievement motivation in there people can look for one last piece of evidence:

Commitment to the organization

The most constructive way of regulating team members emotions is by establishing norms in the group for both ____ and ____.

Confrontation and caring

The last kind of emotional intelligence any high performing team should have relates to ____ Relationships. Just as individuals should be mindful of their own emotions and others, groups should look both Inward and outward emotionally.

Cross boundary

A leaders mood has the greatest impact on performance when it is upbeat. But it must also be in tune with those around him. We call this ____.

Dynamic resonance

Ample research shows that attempting to minimize or ignore thoughts and emotions serves only to amplify them. Effective leaders don't buy into or try to suppress their inner experiences. Instead they approach them in a mindful, values driven and productive way developing what we call ____.

Emotional agility

The first step in developing ____ Is to notice when you've been hooked by your thoughts and feelings. That's hard to do but there are certain telltale signs. One is that you're thinking becomes rigid and repetitive, another is at the story your mind is telling seems old, like a return of some past experience.

Emotional agility

I have found that the most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as-

Emotional intelligence

If a leaders mood and accompanying behaviors are indeed such potent drivers of business success, then a leaders premier task, we would even say his primal task, is ____.

Emotional leadership

Like pattern recognition, ____ Helps us reach sensible decisions most of the time.

Emotional tagging

____ is the process by which emotional information attached itself to the thoughts and experiences stored in our memories. This emotional information tells us whether to pay attention to something or not and it tells us what sort of action we should be contemplating.

Emotional tagging

Of all the dimensions of emotional intelligence, ____ is the most easily recognized. - Understanding other peoples emotional make up.


____- Means thoughtfully considering employees feelings, along with other factors, any process of making intelligent decisions.


Finally, perhaps more than anything a team can be influenced by a broader organizational culture that recognizes and celebrates ____. Unfortunately, it's the most difficult piece of the puzzle to put in place at companies that don't already have it.

Employee emotion

To cultivate resilience, apply these practices - - Face down ____ - search for ____ - continually ____

Face down reality Search for meaning Continually improvise

From our analysis of these cases, we concluded that ____ start with errors of judgment made by influential individuals. Hence we needed to understand how these errors of judgment occur.

Flawed decisions

Some teams suffer because they aren't aware of emotions at the ____ level.


We see leaders stumble not because they have undesirable thoughts and feelings, that's an evitable, but because they get ____ Buy them like fish on a line.


A good mood, incidentally, spreads most swiftly by the judicious use of ____.


The following five part process is designed to rewire the brain toward more emotionally intelligent behaviors. The process begins with imagining ____ and then coming to terms with ____ as others experience you. The next step is creating a ____ to bridge the gap between ideal and real, and after that, to practice those activities. It concludes with creating a community of ____ and ____ , Call them change enforcers, to keep the process alive.

Ideal self Real self Tactical plan Colleagues and family

The fact is, most strategic and organizational change initiatives fail in their ____, not in their ____.

Implementation not in their conception

Only 11% of organizations report considering ____ At all during the hiring process, and many of those investigate it and cursory fashion.


We know two things for certain: ____ Is expensive, and a few organizations recognized or take action to curtail it.


____ Can't take much more subtle forms, and it is often prompted by thoughtlessness rather than actual malice.


I want to push the importance of self regulation to leadership even further and make the case that it enhances ____, which is not only a personal virtue but also an organizational Strength.


Scientist describe the open loop as "____"; One person transmit signals that can alter hormone levels, cardiovascular functions, sleep rhythms, even immune functions, inside the body of another.

Interpersonal limbic regulation

____ and ____ Are two ways that groups can become more aware of their members perspectives and feelings.

Interpersonal understanding Perspective taking

When you are hood, the attention you give your thoughts and feelings crowds your mind: there's no room to examine them. One strategy that may help you consider your situation more objectively is the simple act of ____.


It should come as no surprise that ____ Is the most contagious of all emotions.


Determining exactly how much tangible support to provide is perhaps best captured by the ____. Beyond a moderate level of financial assistance, practicing process fairness proves much more cost effective because all the money does talk it doesn't say it all.

Law of diminishing returns

____ Can counter rudeness at work both by monitoring their own actions and by fostering civility and others.


Emotional intelligence is largely born in the Neuro transmitters of the brains ____ System, which governs feelings, impulses and drives. Research indicates that the ____ System learns best through motivation, extended practice, and feedback.

Limbic system

Research suggests that our range of emotional skills is relatively set by our ____ And that our accompanying behaviors are by that time deep seeded habits


We found that of all the elements affecting bottom line performance, the importance of the leaders ____ and it's attendant ____ are most surprising. That powerful pair set off a chain reaction: the leaders ____ and ____ Drive the ____ and ____ of everyone else.

Mood and behavior

If there is one trait that virtually all effective leaders have, it is ____. They are driven to achieve beyond expectations their own and everyone else's. The keyword here is ACHIEVE. - Relishing achievement for its own sake.


A growing body of research on the human brain proves that for better or worse leaders moods affect the emotions of the people around them. The reason for that lies in what scientist call the ____ nature of the brains limbic system, our emotional center. A ____ System is self regulating, where as an ____ System depends on external sources to manage its self. In other words, we rely on connections with other people to determine our moods.

Open loop Closed loop Open loop

____ Is a complex process that integrates information from as many as 30 different parts of the brain.

Pattern recognition

Compounding the problem of high levels of unconscious thinking is the lack of checks and balances in our decision making. Our brains do not naturally follow the classical textbook model: layout the options, define the objectives, and assess each option against each objective. Instead, we analyze the situation using ____ and arrive at a decision to act or not by using ____. The two processes happen almost instantaneously.

Pattern recognition Emotional tags

We depend primarily on two hard wired processes for decision making. Our brains assess what's going on using ____, and we react to that information or ignore it because of ____ That are stored in our memories.

Pattern recognition Emotional tags

Leaders make decisions largely through unconscious processes that neuroscientist call ____ and ____.

Pattern recognition and emotional tagging

Goldman explains the chief characteristics of someone with high EI: he or she is aware of emotions and able to regulate them, and this awareness and regulation are directed both inward, to one's self and outward, to others. "____" in Goldman's words, comes from being aware and regulating one's own emotions. "____" Is awareness and regulation of others emotions.

Personal competence Social competence

One way to help create a culture of respect and bring out your employees best is to express your appreciation. ____ Are particularly effective, especially if they emphasize being a role model, treating people well and living the organizations values.

Personal notes

We activate this part of the brain that moves us into action when we mentally prepare for a task. The greater the prior activation the better we do at the task. This part of the brain becomes particularly active when a person prepares to overcome a habitual response.

Pre-frontal cortex

Creativity and innovation tend to suffer in work environments characterized by low levels of ____.

Process fairness

Like most managerial behaviors, the practice of ____ must begin at the top.

Process fairness

Participants respond better to active guidance than to a lecture on the benefits of improved ____.

Process fairness

The desire to avoid uncomfortable situations is another reason managers fail to practice ____.

Process fairness

____- The last of the emotional Intelligence competencies, includes the abilities to communicate clearly and convincingly, disarm conflict, and build strong personal bonds.

Relationship management

A common belief about ____ Is that it stems from an optimistic nature. That's true but only as long as such optimism doesn't distort your sense of reality.


More than education, more than experience, more than training, a persons level of ____ Will determine who succeeds and who fails. That's true in the cancer ward, it's true in the Olympics, and it's true in the board room.


Since finding meaning in one's environment is such an important aspect of ____, It should come as no surprise that the most successful organizations and people possess strong value systems.


The ability to see reality is closely linked to the second building block of ___, The propensity to make meaning of terrible times.


The third building block of ____ Is the ability to make do with whatever is at hand.


____ Is a reflex, a way of facing and understanding the world that is deeply etched into a persons mind and soul.


"____" What we call hardiness, is a way for us to help people construct meaning in their every day lives.

Resilience training

____ Is something you realize you have after the fact.


- this extends to a persons understanding of his or her values and goals. - A person who lacks this is apt to make decisions that bring on inner turmoil by treading on buried values. - One of the hallmarks of this is a self-deprecating sense of humor. - people with this can also be recognized by their self-confidence. They have a firm grasp on their capabilities and are less likely to set themselves up for failure.

Self awareness

____ Is the first component of emotional intelligence. It means having a deep understanding of one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs and drives. People with this are neither overly critical nor unrealistically hopeful. Rather they are honest with themselves and with others.

Self awareness

____- perhaps the most essential of emotional intelligence Competencies, is the ability to read your own emotions.

Self awareness

The EI skills are- (5)

Self awareness Self regulation Motivation Empathy Social skill

____- Is the ability to control your emotions and act with honesty and integrity in reliable and adaptable ways.

Self management

____- which is like an ongoing innerconversation, it is the component of emotional intelligence that frees us from being prisoners of our feelings. - Controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses and moods.

Self regulation

People with high motivation remain optimistic even when the score is against them. In such cases, ____ combines with ____ To overcome the frustration and depression that come after a setback or failure.

Self regulation Achievement motivation

Training is most effective when it's delivered in ____ rather than ____.

Several installments rather than all at once

____- Includes the key capabilities of empathy and organizational intuition.

Social awareness

____, is friendliness with a purpose: moving people in the direction you desire. - is the culmination of other dimensions of emotional intelligence. - Allows leaders to put their emotional intelligence to work.

Social skill

The first three components of emotional intelligence are self management skills. The last two empathy and ____ Concern a persons ability to manage relationships with others.

Social skills

____ People are adept at managing teams, that's their empathy at work. They are expert persuaders, a manifestation of self-awareness, self regulation, and empathy combined.

Socially skilled

A critical element of ____ Is the appointment of a task force consisting of eight well respected managers from one or two levels below senior management.

Strategic fitness process

Recently provided evidence of how systematically practiced process fairness (embedded in an action learning mythology known as the ____ or SPF) has helped numerous organizations capture value by getting employees to buy into strategies.

Strategic fitness process

____ are at the very foundation of an organization, and they won't work effectively without mutual trust and a common commitment to goals.


By modeling process fairness, senior management does more than communicate organizational values: and also send a message about "____". People are more likely to try to tackle difficult challenges when they see others and they respect doing so.

The art of possible

Our research tells us that three conditions are essential to a groups effectiveness: ____ among members, a sense of ____, and a sense of ____.

Trust among members, a sense of group identity, and a sense of group efficacy.

Why does self-regulation matter so much for leaders, first of all people who are in control of their feelings and impulses that is people who are reasonable or able to create an environment of ____ and ____. - Second, self-regulation is important for ____ Reasons.

Trust and fairness Competitive

When I calculated the ratio of technical skills, IQ, and emotional intelligence as ingredients of excellent performance, emotional intelligence proved to be ____ as important as the others for jobs at all levels.

Twice as important

____, Positive or negative are actually more important for organizational resilience than having resilient people on the payroll.


Teams need resources that all members can draw on to deal with group emotions. One important resource is a common ____.


Managers who unwaveringly believe that knowledge is power may fear that engaging in process fairness will ____.

Weaken their power

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