English 11 Literature Unit 1 Review

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Which of these passages from JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA would be most likely to convince the rulers of Spain that they should acquire this land?

"A thousand . . . sorts of trees . . . with a wonderfully delicious odor."

Which words in this passage from "A Journey Through Texas" signal the passage of time? The next morning all those who were strong enough came along.

"The next morning"

How do HUSWIFERY and TO MY DEAR AND LOVING HUSBAND show the Puritans' belief in the importance of God in their lives? Write a brief essay to compare the 2 poems in the way the poets express this element of their lives. Use at least 2 details from each poem to support your comparison.


How does the wife in TO MY DEAR AND LOVING HUSBAND want her husband to be rewarded for his love of her?


What is the best paraphrase of what the speaker is asking God to do in this passage from "Huswifery"? Then clothe therewith mine understanding, will,/Affections, judgment, conscience, memory, My words and actions, that their shine may fill/My ways with glory and Thee glorify.


What kinds of activities does "Huswifery" describe?


Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?


Which of these elements found in the first lines of "Huswifery" are examples of PURITAN PLAIN STYLE? Make me, O Lord, Thy spinning wheel, complete/Thy holy word my distaff make for me. /Make mine affections Thy swift flyers neat/And make my soul Thy hold spoole to be


Which sentence below contains a verb in the past perfect tense?


Which statement below is the best paraphrase of the following lines from TO MY DEAR AND LOVING HUSBAND? Then while we live, in love let's so persevere,/Than when we live no more, we may live ever.


Whom does the poet address in "Huswifery"?


Why do you think Edwards uses so many different images of hell, suffering, and eternity, and uses them repeatedly, in his sermons? Write a brief essay to give your ideas about what you think he might have been trying to do by using imagery. Use at least 2 examples from SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY G?OD to support your position.


What is the basic way in which Edwards tries to move his listeners in SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD?

? with stories of salvation with images of hell with descriptions of spiders with cries for them to flee

Why are the explorers in "A JOURNEY THROUGH TEXAS" happy to find people with plenty of food?

?? they have been very hungry they can stay and learn about Indian's life They can take food back to the natives who are ill They will be able to live there without worrying about food

Which word characterizes the majority of the Indians in "A Journey Through Texas"?

??? generous hostile starving religious

In this passage from "Boulders Taller Than the Great Tower . . ., " which word signals a CONTRAST? Although this was the warm season, no one could live in this canyon because of the cold.


In which sentence is the meaning of the word OMNIPOTENT expressed?

Edwards preached to listeners about God's all[powerful character.

Which of the following sentences uses the comparative form of an adjective?

Edwards was more reasonable in his sermon" . . . . Freedom of Will."

Which of the choices states the main idea of this complex sentence from THE GENERAL HISTORY OF VIRGINIA? Fifty in this time we buried; the rest seeing the President's projects to escape these miseries in our pinnace by flight (who all this time had neither felt want nor sickness) so moved our dead spirits as we deposed him and established Ratcliffe in his place . . . . .

Fifty settlers died during a certain period

Why did Columbus mention gold two times in one day of JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA?

Finding gold and riches was a main goal of his journey.

In which sentence is the meaning of the word ABUNDANCE expressed?

Flocks of parrots obscured the heavens.

After persuading his listeners of their sinfulness during most of the selection from SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD, how does Edwards's attitude change at the end of the sermon?

He becomes hopeful

How does Columbus's JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA help readers share his experiences?

He compared his discoveries with things in Spain.

According to JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA, what did Columbus do first after the crew went ashore?

He found an abandoned house.

According to JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA , why did Columbus take and preserve some of the plants he discovered?

He needed to show proof of his journeys.

Why does Columbus comment in JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA about the shipping activity in other places where he plans to land?

He wanted to convince his patrons that it was a good region to explore

What part of the natural world is explained by WHEN GRIZZLIES WALKED UPRIGHT?

How Indians came to be

In which of the following sentences is the meaning of the word DISPATCHED expressed?

I sent two men to explore the route into the canyon

In which line below from "Huswifery" is there an example of direct address?

Make me, O Lord, Thy spinning wheel complete

What is the Iroquois attitude toward outsiders, according to the iroquois constitution?

Outsiders who join one of the Five nations are welcome.

What did the Spanish explorers think of the Native Americans they met on their travels? What can you tell from the 2 exploration narratives you read? Answer this question in an essay. Give your opinion, and refer to at least two examples from the narratives to support your point of view

The Spanish did not treat the Indians with respect or as equals. Cite any number of examples--their issuing orders to the Indians, feigning anger with them in order to "keep them in suspense" and accepting food and other gifts without apparently gifting anything in return. When the Indians fall sick they pray that God will help them, the explorers did not pray that Indians recover.

Which of the following would be a good title for the excerpt from THE NAVAJO ORIGIN LEGEND?

The Wind Gives Life

Which sentence uses a correct possessive form?

The captain's behavior caused him to be replaced.

What is the main idea in this complex sentence from OF PLYMOUTH PLANTATION? So some of the chief of the company, perceiving the mariners to fear the sufficiency of the ship as appeared by their mutterings, they entered into serious consultation with the master and other officers of the ship, to consider in time of the danger, and rather to return than to cast themselves into a desperate and inevitable peril

The company heads discussed returning to England

According to WHEN GRIZZLIES WALKED UPRIGHT, why do the Modocs never kill grizzly bears?

The grizzlies are their ancestors

In which sentence is the meaning of the word RECOMPENSE expressed?

The poet's love for her husband will be repaid by him.

Which sentence is a compound sentence?

The seeds were planted, and flowers grew.

In which of the following sentences is an experience of PERIL described?

The ship met dangerous shoals and roaring breakers.

Which states the main idea of this complex sentence from OF PLYMOUTH PLANTATION? He became profitable to them in acquainting them with many things concerning the state of the country in the east parts where he lived, which was afterwards profitable unto them; and also of the people here, of their names, number and strength, of their situation and distance fro this place, and who was chief amongst them.

The visitor told the colonists about the land and people.

What does Edwards think is true of the members of his cognation in Sinners in the hands of an Angry God?

They are all sinners

According to some explorers in "Boulders Taller Than the Great Tower . . . ," the boulders in the canyon are "taller than the great tower of Seville." What does this comparison suggest about the men?

They had never seen boulders so large

When the poet in TO MY DEAR AND LOVING HUSBAND says "My love is such that rivers cannot quench . . .," to what is she comparing her love?

a fire

What is the main message of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God?

a. No one has any hope of salvation b. Salvation is gained through good deeds c. Salvation is gained through Christ d. Salvation is gained through prayer

From reading THE EARTH ON TURTLE'S BACK, you can tell that the Onondaga value certain things in their culture. Which two of these items do they value?

animals, dreams

The writers of exploration narratives wished to interest their readers. How could they best do that?

by describing their observations in detail

In this passage from "A Journey Through Texas", what kind of relationship does AS BEFORE signal? The people who heard of our approach did not, AS BEFORE, come out to meet us.


Which of these choices describe Columbus as JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA reveals him?

curious acquisitive

Based on context, what does the word GULF mean in this passage from SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD? Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with great weight and pressure towards Hell; and if God should let you go, you would immediately wink, and swiftly descent and plunge into the bottomless GULF

deep pit

What images does Edwards use in SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD?

floods and fire

According to the Iroquois Constitution, whose welfare is considered to be most important?

future generations

Based on context, what is the meaning of the word MOURN in this passage from SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD? To see so many rejoicing and singing for joy of heart, while you have cause to mourn for sorrow of heart, and howl for vexation of spirit!


What main emotion does the poet express in TO MY DEAR AND LOVING HUSBAND

happiness in her love for her husband

Which belief does Bradford express in the selection from OF PLYMOUTH PLANTATION when he calls Squanto "a special instrument sent of God"?

his belief in God's protection of the Pilgrims

Which of the following statements best describes the excerpt from the Iroquois Constitution?

it deals with the Iroquois government


stories that explain how life began

What main ideas does Columbus communicate about the new lands he was exploring in this selection from JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA? Write a brief essay in which you identify 2 or 3 main ideas from this entry in Columbus' journal.

the America's are fertile and full of plants and animals both new to Europeans and very possibly of value The people who live in the America's are friendly and will not be hostile to newcomers, The America's may be a source of gold and other treasures for Europeans to exploit

If THE GENERAL HISTORY OF VIRGINIA had been written by another settler, what would be the main difference in the narrative?

the description of Smith's role and character

THE EARTH ON TURTLE'S BACK tells how something came to exist. What is it that grew on Turtle's back?

the earth

What does THE NAVAJO ORIGIN LEGEND describe?

the first marriage

In the selection from OF PLYMOUTH PLANTATION, what period does the material following the heading "The Starving Time" describe?

the period of the first winter months in Massachusetts

In THE NAVAJO ORIGIN LEGEND, the ears of corn are laid out facing east and west. What part of the natural world does this arrangement represent?

the rising and setting of the sun

Which elements in this first stanza of TO MY DEAR AND LOVING HUSBAND are an example of Puritan Plain Style? If ever two were one, then surely we,/If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee;/If ever wife was happy in a man,/Compare with me ye women if you can.

the simple, common words

Based on context, what does the word DURATION mean in this passage from SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD? When you look forward, you shall see a long forever, a boundless duration before you, which will swallow up your thoughts and amaze your soul . . .

time period

Why might Smith have written much of THE GENERAL HISTORY OF VIRGINIA in the third person?

to appear objective about events

Which of these best describes Columbus's purpose for writing JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA?

to convince his patrons their money was well spent

According to JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA, why did Columbus plan to visit Guisay?

to deliver letters from his patrons to its ruler

The European explorers in America saw things unlike anything they had seen at home. Therefore, why were they most likely to write descriptions of their experiences?

to describe their experiences to people at home

What is Lopez de Cardenas's purpose in "Boulders Taller Than the Greta Tower of Seville"?

to explore a river system

In the selection from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, what is the author's main intention?

to frighten his listeners into seeking salvation

According to JOURNAL OF THE FIRST VOYAGE TO AMERICA, why did Columbus give the island people hawks' bells and glass beads?

to impress and flatter them


to inform his patrons about his trip

Which American holiday is described in OF PLYMOUTH PLANTATION as an event the colonists share with Squanto's people?


In which sentence is the meaning of the word PROTRUDED best described?

The Sky Spirit's daughter stuck her head up above the smoke hole.

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