English 3 Tests 1-4

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"I know not what course others may take..." (Patrick Henry)

"... but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

"These are the times that..." (Thomas Paine)

"... try men's souls."

Irving's work that has been called the world's most popular short story...

"Rip Van Winkle"

Americans consider this a second national anthem

"Yankee Doodle"

one dominant theme in early American writing was the meaning of...

America/ the New World

"To My Dear and Loving Husband"

Anne Bradstreet

"Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666"

Anne Bradstreet

God's word; the Bible



Cosmic Humanism

The Raven

Edgar Alla Poe

The Bells

Edgar Allan Poe

The Fall of the House of Usher

Edgar Allan Poe

The Oval Portrait

Edgar Allan Poe

Who was considered the most romantic of the Romantic writers?

Edgar Allan Poe

Theism: the world is as_________

God planned it

the Koran; Shari'a Law


America's first major novelist, who set his most popular novels on the frontier

James Fenimore Cooper

The Deerslayer

James Fenimore Cooper

The Last of the Mohicans

James Fenimore Cooper

the earliest Revolutionary song, "Liberty Song" , was written by...

John Dickinson

The General History

John Smith

first man to "advertise" permanent settlement in America

John Smith

"Sarah Pierrepont"

Jonathan Edwards

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Jonathan Edwards

preached during the "Great Awakening"

Jonathan Edwards

Man is god (highest form of evolution)


Marxism/Leninism/ Communism Secular Humanism Atheists


when Andrew Jackson left the presidency in 1837, he warned Americans against the internal conflict between...

North and South

the first book published in America

The Bay Psalm Book

"These are the times that try men's souls" is a line from...

The Crisis, Number 1

first American "best seller"

The Day of Doom

Christianity Islam Judaism


God is god


Cosmic Humanism Scientology Wicca


I am god


Rip Van Winkle

Washington Irving

The Devil and Tom Walker

Washington Irving

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Washington Irving

writer who used legends and folklore to illustrate American character types

Washington Irving

Of Plymouth Plantation

William Bradford

American poet who spoke of a new "religion of nature"

William Cullen Bryant

To a Waterfowl

William Cullen Bryant

to give up officially


"Nearly napping" is an example of....

alliteration (internal rhyme)

"In these labors my only solace and relief were in thinking of the sufferings of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and in the blood He shed for me...." is an example of...


"Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed by a kiss" is an example of...


a historical person, place, event or work of literature that an author puts into his/her work ant expects the reader to recognize


this virtue was not listed in B. Franklin's notebook




when we first meet Natty Bumppo in The Pioneers, he is..

an old man

compare two similar situations by implying that the outcome of one will resemble the outcome of the other


to attach


a terse, pointed, memorable statement expressing some wise or clever observations about life


before the colonies and England went to war, the Americans did not fight with...


Phillis Wheatly's poem characterized George Washington as...

brave and virtuous



to criticize severly


about 1800, American literature shifted from...

classic to romantic

the primary purpose of "The Raven" is to....

confirm the speakers fears

to manage cleverly


the changes in the Declaration made by the Continental Congress were mainly...




did not happen between 1789 and 1837

destruction of diverse political factions



Anne Bradstreet's poetry is mainly about...

everyday subjects such as home and family

to minimize the seriousness of


The Declaration of Independence makes clear that the colonists' war with England is a reasonable affair


B. Franklin made a list of 20 virtues he wanted to cultivate

false (13)

at the end of his life, B. Franklin was satisfied he had mastered all of the virtues

false (did not master them)

Crevecoeur states that people who moved from Europe to America led happier lives in Europe

false (in America)

The Declaration blames the people of England for the war

false (the king)

Benjamin Franklin found his older brother a kind, considerate employer

false (selfish, prideful)

when John Smith wrote "But here I cannot but stay and make a pause..." he is using what point of view?

first person

story told by one of the characters in his or her own words

first person point of view

before he enters the Usher mansion, the narrator notes "a barely perceptible fissure" in the building; this is and example of...


four reasons why people came to the New World

gold, land , adventure, religious freedom

the three Puritan beliefs that were prevalent in their writings

grace, divine mission, plainness

"Abortion kills something that is alive because dead things dont..."


Of Plymouth Plantation is an example of

historical writing

P. Wheatly's poem does not use...

homely diction

the Hurons admire Deerslayer because he is...


in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", the author intends to make his hearers feel all of the following except: (fear, remorse, guilt, hopelessness)


the mood that is sustained throughout "The Fall of the House of Usher" is..


the narrator in "The Devil and Tom Walker" calls Tom's wife a ''termagant" meaning...


"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters..." is an example of...


disrespectful towards God


a major theme in the Leatherstocking Tales is...

in the wilderness, humanity can recover the virtues society corrupts

unable to be removed or transferred


gentle treatment; tolerance


too great to be measured


T. Paine and P. Henry believed the revolution was...


a person who has no religious beliefs


classicism does not emphasize...

innovation over tradition

Puritans wrote mainly for...

inspiration and instruction

"There was a young man always contemning the poor in their sickness, telling them he hoped to cast them overboard before journey's end. God did smite him with grievous diseases and he was the first thrown overboard..." is an example of...


the three types of writing most used in early American literature

journals, poetry, biographies, speeches

three inalienable rights

life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

example of internal conflict

man v. himself

example of external conflict

man v. nature/ man v. man

Irving's dominant tone in describing Mrs. Walker's absence is...


in Letters from an American Farmer, the author emphasizes America as a...

melting pot

"The Lord is my Shepherd..." is an example of...


the word that Crevecoeur uses most often to describe America and Americans


did not happen between 1763 and 1789

numerous writers published popular American novels

the tactic used in drawing up the long list of complaints in the Declaration is to blame the grievances on...

one man

in order to become morally perfect, B. Franklin tried to concentrate on...

one virtue per week

in "The Bells" this poetic device is most important


the Age of Reason emphasized

order and moderation

Cotton Mather's writing, "If such a Renowned Chemist, as Querectanus, with a whole Tribe of Laborers in the Fire..." can be described as...


use of phrases, clauses, or sentences that are similar or complementary in structure or in meaning


figure of speech in which something non-human is given human characteristics


P. Henry's speech was an example of...


"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" is and example of...

persuasive writing

"To Helen" can most accurately be described as a...

poetic concept of the ideal woman

a persons' descendants


rule or principle


the aphorisms in Poor Richard's Almanac have all the following except: (brevity, wit, common sense, public concern)

public concern

in the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, T. Jefferson's tone is...


"Quoth the raven 'Nevermore" is an example of...


to renew or give life to


most American writers of the Revolutionary Period were least concerned with


as he grows old and fearful, Tom becomes...

religious bigot

B Franklin's list of virtues does not include items concerning...

religious observances

restating key ideas or points


question that suggests its own answer or that does not require an answer at all

rhetorical question

Patrick Henry's oratory makes effective use of...

rhetorical questions

writing that holds up to ridicule or contempt the weaknesses and wrongdoings of individuals, groups, institutions, or society in general


a second theme in early American writing


"Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead..." is an example of...


when Johnathan Edwards begs his congregation to "fly out of Sodom" he suggests they all are...


four ways a newborn baby is different from a fetus

size level of development environment degree of dependency

the long paragraph deleted from the Declaration was mainly about

slave trade

both T. Paine and P. Henry felt that the British were treating the colonists like...


the southerners during early America wrote mainly about

society and nature



Thomas Paine wrote The Crisis, Number 1 for...

soldiers in the American army

"... they were not a little joyful..." is an example of...


B. Franklin ended the apprenticeship to his brother by...

taking advantage of a loophole in his indentures



"To a Waterfowl" ends with a clear comparison between...

the "Power" that guides the bird and the "Power" that leads human beings

the Declaration of Independence came into being because of

the Continental Congress

Romanticism emphasized the emotions and...

the individual

the flight of the line bird in "To a Waterfowl" symbolizes

the journey through life all people make

when John Smith wrote "But it pleased God before they came half seas over..." he was using what point of view?

third person limited

the excerpt from "Sarah Peirrepont" is a...

tribute to Pierrepont's state of grace

B. Franklin fell asleep in a Quaker meeting house on his first day in Philadelphia


B. Franklin's brother was imprisoned for a political opinion expressed in his newspaper


Crevecoeur states that one day Americans will cause great changes in the world


The Declaration cites a long list of abuses that have lead to war


Transcendentalism: the world is as_________

we believe it to be

Naturalism: the world is as_________

we see it

P. Henry's speech implies that the Virgina House of Burgesses had members who...

were happy with the way things were

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