English 305: Advanced Technical Writing - Chpt 5 - Study.com

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Main reason to not use personal pronouns in technical writing

Personal pronouns - such as 'I' and 'we' - make the writing seem based in personal beliefs rather than researched facts.

Why is providing background information important?

It provides context for the specific topic being discussed

A writer wants to include additional information in her work for her readers. Which of the following belongs in the appendices to the document, and not in the main text or footnotes?

Maps and photos

What are ethical considerations?

Morals and standards of right and wrong that are adhered to in a business communication

What can be a result if you're caught falsifying data within a document?

Negative consequences for your company's reputation.

Farah is using a bar chart to present the breakdown of customers who purchase her company's core product by hair color. This is an example of which of the following types of data?


You are writing a memo that will be shared with the rest of the organization. What type of layout should you AVOID using?

One that looks like a resume.

Todd is collecting data via a survey to determine how satisfied his company's customers are with the service they receive after purchasing a product. Todd's survey utilizes a scale from 1 to 5 that represents 'very unsatisfied' up through 'very satisfied'. His survey is collecting __________ data


Which of the following examples does not follow the guideline of providing accurate visuals?

A photo of a diamond ring that implies the diamond is twice as large as it actually is

What should an extended definition start with?

A sentence definition.

What is the difference between a conclusion and a summary in a technical document?

A summary restates what the document said, while a conclusion analyzes the data to support an outcome.

What should be included in the body of the text to indicate a footnote?

A superscript number

An example of classifying a term using specific language

A tractor is a type of motorized farm equipment that provides power to tools.

A type of technical document that does not require recommendations

End-user manuals that simply describe how to use a product.

Why is it sometimes necessary to include front matter?

Front matter provides the reader an understanding of who should read the document, what it will be about, and how it will be organized.

3 reasons to make a recommendation in technical writing

1. The data and research support it 2. You are an expert and think it's warranted 3. It was requested

Which of these demonstrates why it is important to understand the intended users of an app?

1. Writing something too simplistic may cause users to lack respect for the product. 2. Making generalizations about the users of an app will attract more customers. 3. None of these is correct. **4. A bunch of college students may not have the necessary knowledge to use a manual for a rocket.

Contents of a technical document's introduction

1.Contextual information 2.Statement of purpose 3.Conclusion sentence that helps define scope and audience

3 common problems with conclusions in technical documents

1.Summarizing - should include more details 2.Improper pronoun use - stay formal and do not use 'I' or 'we' 3.Vague language

Abstract for a technical document

A brief overview of the document that helps readers discern if reading the whole report is relevant to their needs.

All of these could benefit from a usability test (3).

A cook book A productivity program An app

Conclusion structure in technical documents

General to specific beginning with an overview of the subject and ending with specific data points.

Purpose statement in introductions for technical documents

A definitive sentence describing the intent of the document and the scope of the material analyzed in the document.

What should the first sentence of the conclusion focus on in a technical document?

A general finding that emerged from the data

Which of the following is an example of a good use of a quick reference guide?

A list of abbreviations.

Name four places you may include a definition of a technical term.

1 In a footnote 2 In a glossary 3 In the introduction 4 In the body of the document

Which of the following types of charts is best used to show cumulative totals?

1**Stacked Bar 2. Bar 3 Pie 4 Line

3 steps to writing a good conclusion in a technical document

1. Begin with a general statement based on research findings 2. Show specific data that backs the statement 3. Analyze the data and conclude with recommendations

When should you revise the product?

After testing

What should be included if you present contradicting data in a technical document?

An explanation of how your original conclusion is still the most logical based on a combination of all the data.

If additional maps or diagrams are needed to further explain content in the body of the document, which of the below should be included in the end matter?


The informative abstract that Sarah wrote is too long. She included the information listed below. Which information could Sarah remove from her abstract without negatively impacting it?

Background information

How should the purpose statement be written?

By using a declarative sentence that states the desired outcome of the document

Why does layout matter when writing a technical document?

Documents that are difficult to read may be put aside and ignored.

What should you do to ensure that all of your data is factual?

Check your facts prior to finalizing a report.

How can technical writers keep their documents unbiased?

Choose words with a neutral tone

Mary is writing ad copy for a new product being marketed by her company. She includes language that implies the consumer would be a fool not to purchase such a wonderful, innovative new product. This would be considered an example of:


Background information in technical documents

Context for the data - may include historical information contemporary research social impact or an explanation of the need for document.

Fun Town added photos of laughing families and smiling children to its slideshow to demonstrate how much consumers love their product. What is the role of visual communication in this example?

Creating an emotional reaction

Identify the appropriate type of sentence for a purpose statement: Interrogative declarative exclamatory or imperative.


What is the first step of usability testing for an app or technical document?

Defining the goals of the app or document

Analyze the statements below and indicate which one provides the best guidelines for the recommended length for summaries and abstracts.

Descriptive abstracts should be 1-2 sentences long while informative abstracts and executive summaries should be approximately 10% of the length of the document.

What are the three main types of summaries and abstracts?

Descriptive abstracts, informative abstracts, and executive summaries

How should usability testing handle large products?

Divide them into smaller chunks.

An electronics store claimed, without any credible data, that sales of a particular 4DTV had increased after hiring a new group of sales representatives. Management displayed this information graphically on a bar chart and included it in a monthly report. Which of the following guidelines is not being followed?

Do not imply cause and effect relationships

Your company sells a weight loss shake, and 25% of your consumers have lost weight by drinking it. You then advertise that 75% of consumers lost weight by using the product in a bar chart in a commercial. Which of the following guidelines is the company not adhering to?

Do not overestimate results

Jaleel is an expert in the subject matter about which he is writing. Should he include a recommendation in his document?

Even though he is an expert, Jaleel should only include a recommendation when the purpose of the document calls for one

Which of the following is NOT true of first level headings?

First level headings are incredibly specific, so that readers can skip to the portion of the document they want to focus on.

While reading a piece of technical writing, you come across a sentence that defines a term. How can you tell whether this is a sentence definition or part of an extended definition?

If the next few sentences continue to expand on the word's meaning, then it's part an extended definition.

Which text should be highlighted (bolded, italicized, or underlined) within a technical document?

Important pieces of information.

How are introductions and abstracts different?

Introductions set the context, purpose and structure of the document while abstracts explain the results and conclusions of the research

Why should a company refrain from downplaying or ignoring negative data about a product?

It can hinder sales and cause legal issues down the road

What is a disadvantage of defining terms in margins?

It can make the margins cluttered.

You are writing a manual to introduce other employees to a new cloud-based software for your business. The software includes a number of terms that will be unfamiliar to most readers. What should you do to ensure the audience reads and learns the meaning of these terms?

Prepare a glossary of terms that explains their meaning in detail.

Introductions in technical documents

Provides an overview of the subject of the document as well as the purpose for the document.

Identify the type of sentence: This report will show that cats are better than dogs.

Purpose sentence

Headings in technical documents

Short explanations that introduce the subject matter that will be found in the following part of the text.

What type of language should be used to write titles?

Short, easy-to-understand phrases

Which font would be the most appropriate choice for a technical document?

Size 12 Times New Roman

2 tips to writing a good recommendation in technical writing

State one problem at a time and provide the recommendation using distinct language.

A student has just completed a major research paper for one of his courses. The document is over 20 pages long. Where should he place his title?

Student Interaction with Text via E-Readers

Mrs. Jones is producing a document for her peers about the value of using paper books in comparison to e-readers in the college classroom. The title of her document is 'E-Readers vs. Paper Books: An Analysis.' What is LIKELY one of most appropriate second level headings for her document?

Student Interaction with Text via E-Readers

Conclusions in technical documents

Summaries of important points in light of presented facts and data should help readers make decisions about the subject.

Aubrey is putting together her small business's quarterly report and has decided to include some pie charts to help explain the recent sales data and future projections. This is an example of what visual role?

Summarizing information

What should be used to determine how much front and end matter to include in a document?

The length and content of the document

What information should be included in the executive summary?

The cost and time associated with the subject

Which data should be included first in a technical document?

The data that most strongly supports your claim.

Glossaries and appendices are contained in which part of the document?

The end matter

Conclusion sentences in introductions for technical documents

The final sentence of an introduction that describes what the document will be discussing and what audience it is primarily targeting.

Why are extended definitions usually located in the introductory material of a document?

The information is needed by readers to understand the subject matter of the document.

Analyzing and concluding in the conclusions of technical documents

The investigation and connection of data to the main subject or thesis statement. It shows how you reached your conclusion based upon the data.

The information in the body of the document should be centered on what?

The needs of the audience

Identify the problem: 'The product's color is an ugly yellow-green production should be delayed.'

The recommendation is vague and seems to carry a personal bias.

Recommendations in technical documents' conclusion

The sentence or section that gives the author's opinion as to what action(s) should be taken based upon the research-supported conclusion.

What are the three parts of a sentence definition?

The word, class, and distinguishing features.

Why are second level headings sometimes referred to as 'talking headers'?

They 'speak' to the reader in more specific language about an upcoming topic

Why would executive summaries often contain specific financial data?

They are written for business executives and managers.

When should a definition be used in technical writing?

To explain the meaning of a word as it relates to the subject being discussed.

What is the purpose of a summary and an abstract?

To help readers to decide whether or not they need to read the complete document.

Why are definitions included in technical writing?

To improve reader comprehension.

Why should personal pronouns be avoided in conclusions of a technical document?

To prevent the reader from assuming the conclusion is based on opinion instead of research.

What should technical writers do to avoid plagiarism?

Try to use only your own words and ideas or give credit to anything you get from another source.

Alex needs to convey some precise financial information to his company's Board of Directors in a quarterly report. How should he present this information?

Using a table

Which of these is NOT acceptable in technical documents?

Using attractive colors.

In technical writing, when is it most appropriate to use an appositive?

When introducing several new terms within a paragraph.

Which scenario describes when a writer SHOULD NOT use a footnote in their writing?

When the writer wants to add pages of extended commentary on a subject.

You have been assigned the job of writing a manual for some new software. In the phrase, 'download program updates conveniently from our website,' you need to define the term 'download.' Which of these should you keep in mind as you are composing the definition?

You should use another verb to classify the term download.

This phrase displays how a writer should use an example to expand the definition of a term in a technical document.

____________ is very similar to the way water comes out of a faucet.

When a recommendation is needed, what should the writer include in the first sentence?

a clear statement of the basic problem for which the recommendation is being made

Jill is a civil engineer. She has been contracted by the city to design upgrades to an aging bridge in the center of town that will increase traffic flow in the area. During her evaluation of the bridge, she found some safety concerns due to its age and changes in the surrounding geography. Jill's report on the bridge will now include a recommendation to enhance safety. What should Jill include in her recommendation?

a specific plan for what she thinks should be done to fix the problem

Parenthetical definitions are _____, while sentence definitions are _____.

a synonym or short phrase; an explanation of a word using one sentence

When writing a recommendation in a technical paper, the conclusion statement should be sure to __________.

create a connection between the data and the recommendation; lead into the recommendation

The use of visuals in online slideshare programs are an example of how a well-prepared visual communication message can ____________.

globally reach viewers to share information easily

Corbin is reading a document report about something that is new to him. He comes across a word he doesn't know but seems essential to understand the meaning of the report. If the report is well written, it will include a/an _____ to help him make sense of the technical jargon.


Visual graphics________, while textual graphics ________.

illustrate relationships and communicate a pattern through bar, pie, and line charts; create a message of detailed data mainly through the use of tables

Fun Town wanted their shareholders to increase their investments in ride safety. The marketing team decided to show photos of injuries that customers sustained from their competitors who enacted new rides, but did not spend the money on additional security measures. This is an example of visuals __________.

reinforcing a written or verbal message

In technical writing, what is a recommendation?

suggested steps or actions to take as a result of the information provided in a document

When writing a definition in a technical paper, how should one provide the information for the distinguishing features of the term?

use phrases that are clear and concise, remove anything that is not vital to understanding

Pictures, charts, and tables which help to illustrate data to form a business message are known as _____.


What type of words should be used when writing technical definitions?

words that the general public can understand

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