English 4: Beowulf Test

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Read the Translator's insight on page 53. How does the motivation for honor alone amplify the character of Beowulf?

- Adds to his status

Why does Grendel come to the kingdom? Is he afraid of Beowulf?

- Because he smells the warriors and wants to eat them - Yes

Why does Beowulf decide to kill Grendel's Mother?

- Because she killed one of Hrothgar's close friends - She takes Grendel's arm back

Who is "Edgetho's brave son?" How else is he identified throughout the epic? Speculate: Why would the epic refer to him in so many different ways?

- Beowulf - Higlac's follower

According to Wiglaf, what is Beowulf's relationship with his followers like?

- Beowulf and his followers are bound together by generous gifts and their oaths. - Their bond is one of life and death and trust, since the followers swear to give their lives for Beowulf, while Beowulf relies on his followers to aid him in battle.

Who is Higlac? Why is this identification so important?

- Beowulf's king -

What values and beliefs of warrior culture does Beowulf's attitude toward death express?

- Death should be honorable and the way to achieve such honor is through death in battle - Beowulf says that fate will decide whether he lives or dies. - This reflects both the earlier, pre-Christian idea that fate ruled everything and the belief of a warrior culture that dying in battle was a worthy ending to life.

Describe the lair using details from the passage.

- Grendel's mother lived in a cave. To get to it, Beowulf had to swim down into a lake. The cave is the inverted version of the hall where the men slept. It too is a battlehall, and full of meaningful trophies, but rather than being full of friendly people, it is full of strange, dark, and magical creatures, all of which assault Beowulf. - "windy Cliffs, wolf-dense where water pours from the rocks", - "mist streams like black clouds" - "...groves of trees...covered with frozen spray, and wind down snakelike roots" - "snakelike roots that reach as far as the water and help keep it dark" - "that lake burns like a torch" - "no one knows its bottom, no wisdom reaches such depths"

What has changed about Beowulf?

- He's older - He's a king

How does Beowulf plan to fight the dragon?

- One on one - Beowulf plans to fight the dragon with armor, shield , and sword.

In Beowulf's death scene, what is shown about the importance in warrior culture of the commemoration of individuals after death?

- That death in battle is an honorable way to die - Being remembered was important to the individual; a father's glory could aid his son, and undying fame was a way of overcoming death.

What does Beowulf's speech in lines 630-49 suggest to you about Anglo-Saxon values?

- The courage expressed in Beowulf's speech is typical of the epic hero, and suggests that Anglo-Saxons valued bravado in their warriors. - Honor was obviously more important than life. - In addition, by waging war on such a monster, he champions the cause of good over evil, which was consistent with Anglo-Saxon values.

How does the setting of this battle add to its epic significance?

- The fact that this takes place under water, in an obvious mythological setting (sea beasts, bright light's at the lake's bottom), underscores the fact that this is a battle against forces of evil, not just a "bad guy". - As with the rulers above, in the land of men, there is a great battle hall, a fit setting for an epic battle. - Also, the fact that Beowulf's powers are not lessened, indeed, that he can even function, in the monster's lair, adds to his status as legendary hero.

What is the main idea of the sentences in lines 34-40? Paraphrase these lines.

- The monster thinks quickly, moves, and kills quickly. - His victims are asleep, peaceful, unaware of their danger. - Grendel kills them as they sleep and carries their bodies off. - Killing makes Grendel happy.

Why does Beowulf chop off Grendel's head?

- To have a trophy - To prove he killed him

What does Beowulf do after slaying Grendel's mother?

After slaying Grendel's mother, Beowulf beheads Grendel, takes Grendel's head and the hilt of the giants sword, and swims to land.

Why had Hrothgar and his people lose hope?

Because it has been years of people dying and no one was able to defeat Grendel.

Why did the warriors at the top of the lake lose hope moments before Beowulf surfaced?

Because the lake was filled with blood

What does Beowulf ask of Hrothgar?

Beowulf asks Hrothgar to grant him the single request that he alone, and with the help of his men, may purge all evil from the hall.

What does the inability of Grendel's mother to tear Beowulf apart suggest about his heroic nature?

Beowulf is superhuman

Paraphrase Beowulf's plans in lines 264-279.

Beowulf plans to wait for Grendel in the hall, and fight the monster with his bare hands even though he may die. He refuses to use a sword or shield believing this to be less honorable.

How do Beowulf's boasts of great deeds and his announcement of his plan establish him as a hero?

Beowulf relates the type of larger-than-life accomplishments one would expect from a legendary hero, including the defeat of giants, and also establishes that he is famous for his deeds (his people have seen him in battle, and that is why they sent him)

Why does Beowulf sail to Denmark?

Beowulf sails to Denmark to help Hrothgar defend his people against the monster, Grendel.

Why does Beowulf toss aside his sword in the fight?

Beowulf tosses his sword aside because no sword can slice the skin of Grendel's mother.

Describe the fight between Beowulf and Grendel's Mother.

Beowulf wrestled with Grendel's mother. She used her claws and her teeth to fight. She bit through his helmet. That helmet had served him for years, but it was ruined.

What "human eyes" were watching Grendel's "evil steps?"


What advantage does Beowulf have in his fight with Grendel?

Beowulf's advantage over Grendel is his superior strength. Grendel is fearful at the hardness of Beowulf's hands.

How do Beowulf's companions react when the dragon breathes flame on him?

Beowulf's companions flee when the dragon breathes flame on them.

What is Beowulf's last request?

Beowulf's last request is for Wiglaf to lead his people and to erect a tower in Beowulf's name.

Describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel?

Beowulf's warriors draw their swords but their blades cannot pierce Grendel's hide. After a feverish and bloody one-on-one battle, Beowulf finally tears Grendel's arm off at the shoulder. Grendel retreats to his home in the marshes and dies, leaving Beowulf victorious and Heorot free from the terror of Grendel

How long had Grendel's Mother dwelt in the cold, murky, subterranean lake?

Ever since Cain killed Abel

Read the translator's insight on page 43. What does this information reveal about Grendel?

Grendel is a coward, only willing to fight when he knows he can win

How had hate triumphed (line 58)?

Hate had gained a big portion of the Kingdom; the humans all ran in fear

What information does Beowulf reveal about himself in his introduction?

He's the son of a great warrior

Where does Grendel's mother live?

In an underwater cave

Read the "science connection" on page 55. What makes the Hrunting valuable property?

It's valuable because it was "blessed by magic"

What is a swath?

Large area of expansive land

What was Hrothgar's warning to Beowulf?

Many men have attempted to kill Grendel and died; he warned him that he was cocky.

Prior to the battle, how much experience did Wiglaf have?


What are some motivating factors for Beowulf's quick actions?

Pride, honor, justice

What tactics did Hrothgar and his people try to relieve their suffering?

Sacrificing to gods and heathen gods



















Paraphrase lines 125-131. What is the main idea?

The Geats loaded their armor into a strong boat. They felt ready for whatever might happen. Following their hearts, they set sail, traveling safely past cliffs and through ocean currents.

How do the "renaming" of Grendel in line 325 emphasize the weighty significance of the battle that is about to begin?

The kennings show that the battle is not just between man and monster, but between forces of good and evil. Grendel is not just evil himself, but is a source and caretaker of evil.

Terrorized by Grendel, Hrothgar and the followers face, "Twelve winters of grief." How does the length of the suffering increase the epic feeling of this tale?

The long period of suffering gives the tale a feeling of epic proportion and underscores the seriousness of the problem.

What individuals witnessed the presence of the two fiends, Grendel and his Mother, even before the attack on Herot?

The peasants in the field had witnessed Grendel and his mother lurking in the darkness before the attacks.

Who was responsible for the dragon's rampage? Please describe what transpired.

The thief that stole the flagon; the dragon burnt down homes and scortched the land

How do word choice and other stylistic features of the watchman's speech add a serious, epic tone to his question in lines 152-172? How could you shorten the question?

The watchman's speech is filled with serious concerns - his care in doing his job, the presence of pirates and raiders - and these are addressed in a serious tone. The style of his delivery is formal and elevated - for example in lines 152-153. The watchman also works as a device of the epic, to let us know that Beowulf is bigger, better looking, and more beautifully outfitted with armor than anyone the watchman has ever seen, so the speech furthers the epic ideal of the legendary hero being the obvious superior of all around him.

What is the role of the 12 horsemen who surround Beowulf's monument?

They are to remember the warrior's legacy as a hero and a king through storytelling and singing. In addition, they are to protect what is inside of the tomb such as torques and jewels.

What do the Geats do with the dragon's body?

They hurl the dragon's body into the water.

What does Beowulf's way of identifying himself suggest about the values of a warrior culture?

They valued military prowess, leadership, having a respected father, and wisdom.

What does Beowulf ask of Wiglaf?

To bring the treasure from the cave so Beowulf can see it before he dies

Who is Wiglaf?

Wiglaf is the one that helped beowulf in the fight against the dragon. this battle was his first battle ever. He wore his fathers mail-shirt and carried his sword.

What does Wiglaf's decision suggest about the way in which a legendary hero can inspire heroism in others?

Wiglaf's decision reminds us that people learn from the good example set by others, and that the bravery and vision of one man can inspire his admirers to imitate his virtue and deeds.

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