English: Canterbury Tales

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According to Chaucer, in what season does the pilgrimage take place?

-He is known as the Father of English Literature and starts the Poet's Corner in West Minister, Abbey. Called the father of English literature because he was the first known named poet

Chaucer is known as the Father of what? Why?

The contest is that people will have to tell 2 stories a day per person. It is a contest and he is the judge. It must be a good story and moral. The hosts will hold sticks and whoever picks the shortest stick has to start the story telling. 2 stories on the way there and 2 stories on the way back. They will tell a total of 24 stories (in the book). Winner gets a free meal and if anyone argues with him then she has to pay for everyone's expenses (they all agree).

Explain what the contest involves.

-He describes the people without names. He only really mentions people of the middle class. He describes a collection of people. There are a total of 29 people, but Chaucer joins them so 30 people total will be going on this pilgrimage. He describes everyone BUT royalty and the serfs (peasants).

How does Chaucer describe the group of pilgrims as a whole?

-He is about to describe each individual on the pilgrimage -He will describe EVERYTHING about them because he is very observant

How does Chaucer set up the Prologue?


Is Chaucer in the story?

He is going to have a contest so the people can enjoy their time in Canterbury

What does the Host propose to the pilgrims to help make their journey more enjoyable?

This is a story about pilgrims going to visit the shrine of Becket and on their way they are going to tell stories

What is the Canterbury Tales about?

The host own the Inn in which the pilgrims are staying in -He takes the people on the pilgrimage in; then decides he wants to go with them and starts acting like a governor. The Host often tries to play the role of peace-keeper among the pilgrims.

What is the Host's role on the journey?

He held many jobs in his lifetime-one of them was he was given a residence at the wall around London where he was actually living at the gates to the city

What was the job of Chaucer?

Southwark at The Tabard

Where do the pilgrims meet before their trip?


Who is the author of the Canterbury Tales?

Summoner -"children were afraix when he appeared" -"and wouldn't speak a word except latin when he was drunk, such tags as he was pat in; he only had a few saty two or three that he had mugged up out of some degree" -"Purse is the good Archdeacon's Hell" -"he knew his secrets they did what he said"

Who is: -Bounty hunter for the Church and brings them into the Church's court -He has an ugly red face with pimples with black beard -Keep bringing him wine -He has his own ladies to play board games with -Give him money and he won't turn you in Chaucer puts his two sense in: says that he is blackmailing people, and that he doesn't believe in what he is doing -Carbuncles---- STD--- the white things on his face and flakes are form and STD who had thought to have relations with multiple women -Bulging eyeballs - think that is a sign of the person's beliefs

Plowman -"loving God best with all his heart and mind and then his neighbor as himself" -"he paid his tithes in full when they were due"

Who is: -Brother of the parson -Honest person -Very good and hard worker—he works in the field-shovels poop -Loves God with all his heart and mind -Lives by the golden rule -Helps the poor -Does not ask for money when doing deeds for other people -Pays tithes on time (money given to the church)

Nun (Madam Eglantine) -"By St. Loy" -"Amor vincit Omnia" -"for courtliness she had a special zest" -"to counterfeit a courtly kind of grace"

Who is: -Dainty and well mannered -Tender hearted -Loved animals- didn't like anger towards them -Her faith was not mentioned at all -He talked more about her courtliness and zest (she can't get married...but has a zest for courtliness because she is a romantic) -Wears a bracelet that states love conquers everything - prayer beads that are gaudy -Speaks French, but she doesn't really have accent because she learned at Stratford-atte-Bowe -Gives all the best food to the dogs (should probably give it to the poor) -Faking this persona of someone to be wooed -Not mentioning anything about the poor or in need -Not typical

The Guildman -"to make each one of them an alderman; they had the capital and revenue, besides their wives declared it was their due."

Who is: -Group of 5 men -A haberdasher, dyer, carpenter, weaver and carpet-maker -Motivation is their wives so they push them to succeed - Were displayed as nicely put together -Wives wanted them to look nice so that they seemed higher in society

Pardoner -"come hither love come home" -"I judge he was a gelding, or mare"

Who is: -He goes with the Summoner and people for their sins and takes their money to give to a charity ...not really -He has long blond dread lock things -Voice is as high as a goat -Doesn't think he can really grow a beard -Very feminine -Goes into these towns and carries with him pig bones and holy relics -He pretends they are real and sales them -Chaucer gives him credit that he knew the hymns and sang it lovely ---- may be giving money to church but by fake means

The Miller -"and at its very tip his noise displayed a wart on which there stood a tuft of hair red as the bristles in an old sow's ear" -"His was a master hand at stealing grain"

Who is: -He is a big and short shouldered -Very strong- could beat anyone in a wrestling match -Red beard and a harry wart on his noise -Large nostrils and big mouth -Wore and white coat with a blue hood -Only stole good quality grain -Untrustworthy -Plays the bagpipes -Unclean dirty character -Devious actions and evil ways to earn money

Friar (Hubert) -"he 'd fix up many a marriage, giving each of his young women what he could afford her" -"he was the finest beggar of his batch"

Who is: -He is a limiter: licensed to beg for donations in a limited area -He has to stay in one area of town and beg (supposed to beg for the church and poor, but probably is begging for himself) -Hears confessions and takes their money to be forgiven -He fixes up these different girls to other men because he got them all pregnant - Friendly with the ladies -He is very close to the bartenders, bar maids, and the rich -Does not know the lepers and those in need because they can't give him what he needs -Takes money from the poor -He has a fancy clock -He was always drunk so his words were slurred -

Oxford Cleric -"whatever money from his friends he took he spent on learning or another book" -"his only care was study "

Who is: -He is a student -Very, very thin and poor -Very smart -Dedicated to his studies -Money that he receives from anyone he buys books -Rather be smart than wear nice clothes -Philosopher -Quiet. Only talks when necessary -Teaches to those what he learns -Wanted to be a member of the church

Skipper -"a daggar on a lanyard falling free hung from his neck under his arm and down" -"he sent prisoners home; they walked the plank"

Who is: -He is from southwestern England—Dartmouth -West coast -Better on sea than on land -Can't ride a horse -Steals wine from the traders while they are sleeping -He would not show people mercy so they would have to walk the plank -Good navigator but knew his limits of where he couldn't sail -Pirate (seaman) -Dagger was hidden on him -Chaucer wanted to make this character a woman -No conscience -Thought to have based this character off someone he actually knew

Parson -"yet he was rich in holy thought and work. He also was a learned man, a clerk" -"his business was to show a fair behavior and draw men thus to Heaven and their Savior"

Who is: -He is the only one that is holy -Does everything that he is supposed to do -A good person and devout man -Shepherd -Shitten : Ship High In Transit

The Reeve -"no bailiff, serf, or herdsman dared to trick, he knew their doges, their every trick; feared like the plague he was, by those beneath"

Who is: -Very short tempered man -In charge of his master's land and animals -Auditor- finances for the estate -Really good at his job -All the workers bellow him feared him -Like a tax collector -No one knows he is rich because he hides it -Does favors to get things out of it -May steal some of the money -Doesn't care about what he looks like -Like a manager—very feared by the people -Oversaw the land and grew rich overtime -Learned the use of the full skill of trade

Knight -"to ride abroad had followed chivalry, truth, honor, generous, and courtesy" -"in 15 mortal battles he had been " -"and though so much distinguished he was wise and in his bearing modest as a maid" -Speaking of his equipment, he possessed fine horses, but he was not gaily dressed" -"he was true, a perfect and gentle knight"

Who is: -Distinguished man -Chivalrous: Truth, Honor, Generousness, Courtesy -Was in many battles (part of the crusades- fights for Christianity) -15 battles -Modest and humble -Fine horses, not gaily dressed (fustian tunic stained and dark)- does not care what he looks like and gives thanks that he made it through battle

Yeoman -His head was like a nut, his face was brown. He knew the whole of woodcraft up and down. A saucy brace was on his arm to ward it from the bowstring and a shield and sword" -"he was a proper forester, I guess"

Who is: -Is actually a class of people -Commoner class (free men) -Is a forester -Protects the knight's forest from poachers -Wore a coat and hood of green -Peacocked feathered arrows bright and keen - Looks like robin hood -Wears a saint Christopher medal around his neck -going on the pilgrimage that the knight is going on -Almost like the son the knight wishes he has

People think this b\c in Canterbury Tales, he talks about people

Why do people think Chaucer just watched people?

-Pilgrims wants to go on pilgrimages to Canterbury in the spring (this is their spring break!) The weather is nice and it is a perfect time for traveling.

Why do you think "people long to go on pilgrimages" (line 12) during Spring?

Satire because he's making fun of different people but in particular he's making fun of the Catholic Church during the Medieval Period (b\c the Medieval church was a mess)

Why does this story involve a lot of satire?

Monk -"the rule of good st. Benet or St. Maure as old and strict he tended to ignore; he let go of things of yesterday and took the modern world;s more spacious way" -"a good man to horse; greyhound he had, as swift as birds, to course. Hunting a hare or riding at a fence was al his fun he spared for no expense" -"he was not pale like a tormented soul."

Who is: -Hunter -He is a manly man -Does not just have one horse but many excellent ones -Not really follow the strict life of his job -He had fur all over his garments -His hair cut was one like a __ -He was fat and personable -People do not mind being around him -He feels like the vows he took were not for him because he feels like he is a modern man -He has these chapel bells but he isn't in the chapel -He shouldn't have all these fancy things...just the necessity -"Glutinous curious bird"- swetman -Pointing out that this person is of the religious order but not a religious person

Manciple -"in buying victuals; he was never rash whether he bought on credit or paid cash." -"that an illiterate fellow can outpace the wisdom of a heap of learned men?" -"could wipe their eye"

Who is: -Inner Temple- one of the Inns of Court -He buys food for all the people of the court -Has 30 masters -Was very good with money -He is illiterate -For not going to school he is just as smart as the lawyers - better than any boy that they could teach -Very polite and when he goes to the market to get the food he is always first but he does it nicely

Squire -In stature he was of moderate length with wonderful agility and strength" -"Of time in hope to win his lady's grace" -"Embroidered like a meadow bright and full of freshest flowers red and white" -He is a hippy -He loved so hotly that till dawn grew pale he slept as little as a nightingale -Courteous he was, lowly and serviceable and craved to serve his father at the table

Who is: -Knight in training -Upper class family -Usually go to other families to learn but decides to stay with his dad---the knight listed above -20 something years old -He should have been knighted by now -He is not into being a knight -Wonderful agility and strength and been in battles but not as big as his dad had been in—and did pretty well -Has ability to become one but doesn't want to -Only doing this because he wanted to get the girls -Wearing gown with sleeves long and wide (fashionable) locks are curly and fixed- cares about looks -He can do the battle thing but can also sing and dance...renaissance man attributes -He is a hippy rebelling against his dad -Doesn't get much sleep -because he is a lover and a fighter

Sergeant at Law -"though there was nowhere one so busy as he, he was less busy than he seemed to be"

Who is: -Lawyer -Real-estate/ property lawyer -He is becoming a wealthy landowner -He is the best of the best -Hardworking and smart -Well dressed -Well known by others -He pretends to be really busy -Very nice but morally desecrate

The Franklin - "a sanguine man, high colored and bengin, he loved his morning sop of cake a wine"

Who is: -Loves to eat -He was an older man with a white beard -Philosophy was to have a happy life -Hospitable and kind -House was stocked with the finest foods -Food showed wealth -Land was very vast -Land to raise animals -Particular about his foods and picky on his cooks - prepared for people to come - Town sheriff and saw local court cases - Sheriff- tax collector - Was respected - Landowner of vast amounts of land -Non noble man who owns land

Merchant -"he told of his opinions and pursuits" -He was an expert at dabbling in exchanges" -"his wits of work, none knew he was in debt"

Who is: -Outspoken on his beliefs and opinions -Cares a lot about money -Expert at exchanges -In debt but no one knows because of the way he carries himself -In debt because of pirates and thinks the gov. should do something about it -A very good man -Dressed in multicolor robes to probably get people's attention -Persuasive

The Cook -"but what a pity-so it seemed to me, that he should have an ulcer on his knee"

Who is: -Skilled worker -Unclean -Promiscuous—boil on his knee -Makes the best blancmange- a very sweet desert -Prepares spicy foods -Loves to drink -Bad hygiene

The Wife of Bath -"her hoes were of the finest scarlet red and gartered tight" -She'd had 5 husbands all at the church door -"she had a gap-teeth, set widely"

Who is: -Somewhat deaf because one of her husband's hit her in the side of the head with a book -Has the freedom to go wherever she wants because her husband and father are dead and she doesn't have children -Goes on all the pilgrimages to look for husband #6 -She twists the bible to fit what pleases her -Honest in "take me as I am" -Wearing red- hose -Worldly woman who goes on many pilgrimages -Went to Jerusalem three times -Goes to church all these times -But not really a religious woman -She only does it to look like she is better than she really is -Had 5 husbands -But also had many other partners -Fluzie - gaped tooth-- has a very strong drive for sexual desires—knows how to ride a horse (Chaucer makes that comment) -She dresses really nice but has a gaped tooth -She was mostly deaf -She has really big hips -When she goes to church she wears a red headdress -weighs 10 pounds- so that she is noticed -She is a weaver -If she goes to a temple she will not go inside the Shrine

Chaucer -"I beg of you in courtesy not to condemn me as unmannerly if I speak plainly and with no concealing"

Who is: -They are in the Tabard -Meticulous -Detailed -Plans to tell the entire story, from beginning to end -Says I'm sorry if he offends anyone...he can't change the words around -Repeat things exactly as he heard them -The people he is quoting is actually things he has made up---irony -His opinions -Says that he isn't that smart because he may leave or say something wrong...

Doctor -"no one alive could talk as well as he did on points of medicine and of surgery for being grounded in astronomy" -"all his apothecaries in a tribe were ready with the drugs he would prescribe and each made money from other's guile"

Who is: -Very good speaker -Uses astronomy in his practice -Diagnoses people very easily and well -Good at what he does -He always has all his medicines for diagnoses on him at all time- has an assistant that helps with his meds -He is a healthy eater -Doesn't read the bible a lot -Doesn't go on the pilgrimage for religious purposes...goes for the gold -Wears a red cape that has blue slashes on it -Gets his work and money from those who suffered the plague -He could read people very easily -Greatest love is gold -Makes his patients pay before he examines and treats them

The Host -"I'll be the judge" -"I'd think you up some fun if I knew how." -"so let me then propose for your enjoyment Just as I said a suitable employment"

Who is: -Very hospitable -Chubby with bright eyes -Happy go lucky guy -He wishes that he can help them enjoy their time in Canterbury -He has an idea -Tell 2 stories a day per person -it is a contest and he is the judge, must be a good story and moral -He is the judge

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