English Comp I - made by a fellow student

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When you revise for adequate support, you A/ determine that your details effectively support the main idea B/ verify that your ideas flow smoothly and logically C/ ensure that your sentences are varied and interesting D/ ensure that all parts of your work relate to the main idea


When you revise your narration essay, be sure that you are using _____ verbs. A/ vivid and specific B/ vague, non-specific C/ abstract D/ all of the above


When you tell a story from your own point of view, using "I", you are writing in A/ the first person B/ the second persoon C/ the third person D/ all of the above


When you write without stopping for a set period of time, you are using which exploring stategy? A. Freewriting B. brainstorming C questioning D clustering


An essay plan is also know as- A/ an outline B/ development C/ revision D/ exploring


To enable the reader to visualize the person, place or situation you are describing, you should A/ use a thesaurus B/ use concrete ideas C/ express your attitude toward the subject D/ create a dominant impression


When you write a narration, do not simply tell what happened. You must also A/ provide dictionary definitions of all terms B/ indicate why the events are important C/ write only in the third person D/ use abstract nouns to make your point


Description that uses the five senses is called A/ abstractions B/ dominant impressions C/ imagery D/ a controlling idea


An effective way to enhance your narration essay is to use A/ descriptive imagery B/ dialogue C/ specific details D/ all of the above


An effective way to practice writing is to- A watch television of ideas B read comic books C study the dictionary D keep a writing journal


When you summarize the basic idea of what someone said, you are using A/ imagery B/ a dominant impression C/ a direct quotation D/ an indirect quotation


Which of the following transitions is most likely to be used for an essay arranged in time order? A/ suddenly B/ nearly C/ the most important D/ moreover


The general attitude or feeling toward a topic is called- A Audience B a thesis statement C Tone D dictation


In a descriptive essay, you make your point by A/ explainning how to do something B/ telling a story about something that happened C/ creating vivid images in the reader's mind by using specific details D/ defining a term


The first step in developing an essay plan is to- A/ add details under each topic sentence B/ write topic sentences that express the main supporting ideas C/ look at the list of ideas that you created while prewrtiting, and identify the ones that most effectively support your thesis statement D/ write your introduction and conclusion


The term "unity" means that all points in the essay A/ are positive B/ are concise C/ clearly support the thesis D/ all of the above


When writing a descriptive essay, you should focus on which of the following points? A/ create a dominate impression B/ express your attitude toward the subject C/ include concrete details D/ all of the above


Circular reasoning means that A/ a paragraph restates its main point, but does not provide supporting details B/ the reasoning is not logical C/ the reasoning is logical D/ the reasoning cannot be proven


One way to write an effective conclusion is to- A remind your reader of your stongest points B bring up another idea for the reader to consider C repeat the introduction D all of the above


To make your narration essay more interesting and effective, you can also A/ include everything that happened, even if the events are not related to your point B/ use descriptive imagery C/ avoid using a thesis statement. Make the reader guess the point. D/ begin your story with a dictionary definition


An anecdote is a A/ short description of a person or a place B/ comparison of two objects or people C/ short story D/ definition of a key term


Another effective way to conclude an essay is to- A/ simple state "these are the reasons..." B/ write "in this essay, I have clearly shown..." C/ link the conclusion to the introduction by continuing an idea from the introduction D/ all of the above


The thesis statement must contain __________ that expresses the writer's opinion, attitude, or feeling about the topic. A/ topic sentence B/ transition C/ conclusion D/ controlling idea


Time order can be effective for which of the following types of essays? A/ narrating a story B/ explaining how to do something C/ describing an event D/ all of the above


Which of the following are effective techniques for a conclusion? A/ prediction B/ suggestion C/ call to action D/ all of the above


When you create a list of ideas, you are using which exploring stategy? A freewriting B brainstorming C questioning D clustering


When you ask yourself, who, what, when, where, why and how about your topic, you are using which exploring stategy? A freewriting B brainstorming C questioning D clustering


When you chose a subject for a narration essay, you should choose a story that A/ is full of exaggeration B/ has no personal meaning C/ you personally find very interesting D/ is the easiest possible topic to write about


When you convey positive or negative feelings about a subject, you are expressing A/ concrete details B/ a dominant impression C/ your attitude toward the subject D/ transitions


What techniques will help your narration essay be more interesting and effective? A/ Use a thesis statement that is meaningful and interesting B/ Be sure that the essay answers the question who, what , where, why, and how? C/ use vivid descriptive details D/ all of the above


Which of the following steps in NOT part of the process for writing an effective thesis statement? A/ find your topic by using exploring stategies B/ narrow yur topic and decide which point you want to make C/ develop a thesis statement that you can support with specific evidence D/ proofread for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics


Your instructor represents- A a general audience B a specialized audience C neither of the above D Both A and B


A comparison using like or as is called a A/ simile B/ metaphor C/ personification D/ dominant impression


A narration essay is generally written using which organizational pattern? A/ chronological B/ from least important to most important C/ from most important to least important D/ space order


A process essay can also A/ explain how an incident took place B/ make a point by listing specific examples C/ describe a place or person D/ compare two object


A thesis statement that is too broad is one that- A/ is so general that is cannot be handled in just one essay and that will invite endless composition B/ is so focused that it will be difficult to write an entire essay about that single point C/ announces the topic D/ is an incomplete statement


Quotation marks are used A/ a direct quotation B/ an indirect quotation C/ for cliche's D/ for special emphasis


The thesis statement in a process essay states what the process you will be explaining and also A/ what the reader will be able to do after they have read the essay B/ what organizational plan you will be using C/ includes several specific examples D/ all of the above


The thesis statement must be- A a complete statement B an incomplete statement C identical to the title of your essay D more than one idea


When you revise your writing,you - A/ proofread your final draft for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics B/ modify your writing to make it stronger and more convincing C/ create an essay plan to organize your points D/ use various exploring strategies to get ideas


Which of the following would NOT be the function of a process essay? A/ to expalin how a task is completed B/ to define a specific term or concept C/ to explain how an incident took place D/ to explain how something works


Of the following descriptive words, which is the most specific? A/ walked B/ moved C/ went D/ strode


Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in the writing process? A. Think about your topic B. Think about your audience. C. Try exploring statergies. D. Write your first draft


Which of the following is not generally found in a process essay? A/ an extended definition of a specific term B/ transitions from one step to the next C/ a clear thesis statement D/ topic sentence


A process essay is usually organized in which organizational pattern? A/ from left to right, top to bottom, etc B/ from least important to most important C/ alphabetical D/ chronological

A or D

A thesis statement that is too narrow is one that- A/ is so general that is cannot be handled in just one essay and that will invite endless composition B/ is so focused that it will be difficult to write an entire essay about that single point C/ announces the topic D/ is an incomplete statement


Instead of describing a scene by telling, you should describe a scene by A/ using a thesaurus B/ showing C/ exaggerating D/ using abstract descriptions


Of the following descriptive words, which is the most specific? A/ flowers B/ red roses C/ blossoms D/ bouquet


The _____ in descriptive essay should appeal to the reader's senses. A/ transitions B/ dominant impression C/ essay plan D/ supporting ideas


The ____________ can appear at the beginning or the end of the thesis statement. A/ topic sentence B/ controlling idea C/ transition D/ supporting examples


The two key steps in developing the essay plan are to A/ organize your supporting ideas and write a first draft B/ organize your supporting ideas and write an essay plan C/ write an essay plan and develop your main ideas D/ develop your main ideas and write a conclusion


When you brainstorm, you A write for a specified period without stopping B make a list of ideas C draw a word map D ask yourself a series of questions


When you describe someone or something from top to bottom or from left to right, you are using- A/ time order B/ space order C/ emphatic order D/ alphabetic order


When you insert a direct quotation into your writing, do all of the following except A/ capitalize the first word of the quotation B/ place a comma after "he said" or "she said" C/ place the final punctionaltion outside the closing quotation marks D/ all of the above


When you review your essay plan, you should ensure that each sentence in the body paragraphs A/ are not related to the topic sentence B/ supports its topic sentence C/ are arranged in time order D/ are arranged in emphatic order


When you revise for adequate support, you should be sure that your thesis statement A/ does not reveal the main point of the essay B/ is broad enough to develop several supporting points. C/ is stated at the beginning of each body paragraph D/ does not include a controlling idea


When you think about your audience, you consider- A. possible publication B. Your intended readers C. auditory details D. all of the above


When you write a process essay, it is important to choose a process that A/ you have heard of B/ you know something about C/ is considered common knowledge D/ your instructor knows something about


When you write a process essay, remember to describe ______ rather than simply list examples A/ your intended organizational plan B/ each step C/ the definition of the term D/ none of the above


Which of the following is NOT part of the checklist for the process essay? A/ does my thesis statement make a point about the process? B/ is my topic something that my instructor knows something about? C/ did I include each step of the process D/ did I mention all the supplies that my reader needs to complete the process


Which of the following is NOT true about an effective thesis statement? A/ the thesis statement should include a controlling idea B/ the thesis statement should be presented in the form of an announcement C/ the thesis statement must be supportable in the essay D/ the thesis statement should express only on key idea


Which of the following topics explains how to understand a process? A/ how to paint a room B/ how earthquakes generate tsunamis C/ how paint can be thinned D/ how to choose the correct paint color


Is it possible to combine time, space, or emphatic order in an essay? A/ Yes, but only in illustration essays B/ No. Doing so indicates disorganization C/ Yes, In fact, you are likely to use more than one organizational method in an essay D/ No, unless you are writing a research paper

B or C

Developing a paragraph means to A/ offer vague generalizations B/ repeat your ideas in different ways C/ provide evidence for the topic sentence by including examples, fact, statistics, anecdotes, or quotations D/ ensure that you have proper transitions


The act of attributting human qualities to an inanimate object or animal is known as A/ simile B/ metaphor C/ personification D/ dominant impression


The thesis is- A/ the general subject matter of your essay B/ the tone of your essay C/ the main idea that you want to express D/ a controlling idea


Using a variety of sentence patterns is one way to achieve A/ unity B/ coherence C/ style D/ adequate support


When you arrange your points according to the sequence in which they have occurred, you are using - A/ time order B/ space order C/ emphatic order D/ alphabetic order


When you describe what is happening to someone else, using "he," "she", "it" or "they", you are using A/ the first person B/ the second persoon C/ the third person D/ all of the above


When you plan your thesis statement, you should ask yourself if it- A/ contains several key ideas B/ is the easiest possible topic that you can think of C/ Can be supported with at least three points D/ can be expressed as an announcement


When you revise for style, you A/ proofread your work and correct errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, and punctuation B/ verify that your ideas flow smoothly and logically C/ ensure that your sentences are varied and interesting D/ ensure that all parts of your work relate to the main idea


When you write a descriptive essay, you should try to use ______ language. A/ vague B/ abstract C/ vivid D/ sophisticated


When you write a process essay, you A/ describe a person or place B/ categorize topics into smaller groups C/ explain how to do something D/ define a term


Which of the following topics explains how to complete a process? A/ how hurricanes form in the Gulf of Mexico B/ how olympic athletes prepare for their events C/ how to make the perfect martini D/ how electric fences work


Which of the following topics explains how to understand a process? A/ how to make handmade ornaments B/ how to write a research paper C/ how hail is formed D/ how to raise prize-winning roses


To convey a dominant impression in a descriptive essay A/ use translations B/ use only general details and examples C/ omit the thesis statement D/ ask yourself how or why the topic is important


Using a quotation, a surprising or provocative statement, or a question are all ways of - A/ giving your essay untiy B/ supporting your essay with examples C/ providing transitions between ideas D/ writing an effective lead-in for the introduction


When writing a process essay, you must decide whether you want to tell readers how to complete a process or how to A/ define a term B/ categorize the different steps C/ prove your point by listing examples D/ understand a process


When you capitalize your essay, you must capitalize A/ the first word of the title B/ all prepositions C/ all articles D/ every (main) word of the title


When you review your essay for mistakes in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling, you are ______ A/ correcting the writing style B/ revising for coherence C/ revising for untiy D/ editing


When you review your essay plan, you should ensure that each topic sentence A/ is not related to the thesis statement B/ is stated in general terms C/ is arranged in emphatic order D/ supports the thesis statement


When you revise a process essay, make sure that A/ each step is as clear as possible B/ each step is presented in chronological or logical order C/ you use effective transitions to lead the reader from one step to the next D/ all of the above


When you tell a story about something that happened, you write a _______essay A/ description B/ definition C/ classification D/ narration


When you use questioning as an exploring stategy,you- A ask other people for suggestions for your essay B look for information on the internet C ask yourself a series of questions about your topic D all of the above


When you write your thesis statement you should ensure that it is A/ strong B/ interesting C/ supportable D/ all of the above


When you write your topic in the middle of the page and draw a box or circle around it, you are using which exploring stategy? A freewriting B brainstorming C questioning D clustering


Which of the following topics explains how to complete a process? A/ how a football coach evaluates the opposing team's weaknessess B/ how salmon find their way to their birth stream C/ how employers evaluate resumes D/ how to drive a standard transmission


Repeating words or phrases fro the thesis statement is the topic sentence of each body paragraph is one way to achieve A/ unity B/ coherence C/ style D/ adequate support


The introductory paragraph introduces the subject of your essay and - A/ contains the thesis statement B/ lists all the specific examples you intend to use in the essay C/ includes the essay plan D/ contains a topic sentence


The most effective title for your essay A/ is brief, depicts the topic and purpose of the essay, and attracts the reader's attention B/ is chosen before you begin to write the essay C/ contains at least eight words and contains a general idea of the essay's subject D/ contains the thesis statement for the essay as well as the controlling idea


The two steps involved in developing the main idea are- A using exploring techniques to generate ideas and creating an essay plan. B writing a thesis statement and developing the supporting ideas. C developing the supporting ideas and creating an essay plan D creating an essay plan and revising the essay


To help you revise for coherence, you can use A/ specific, concrete details and examples B/ an effective thesis statement C/ effective topic sentences D/ effective transitions


When you arrange your points accourding to the sequence in which they have occurred, your are using- A/ time order B/ space order C/ emphatic order D/ alphabetic order


When you consider your audience, you also- A Adapt your tone and vocabulary to suit them. B. Try to choose very sophisticated words to give your writing more credibilility C. Attempt to write in a very causual tone D. Try to impress the reader by using a thesaurus


When you review your essay plan, you should ensure that each body paragraph A/ contains a topic sentence B/ is organized according to emphatic order C/ is not related to the topic sentence D/ does not include examples and details


Which of the following should be avoided when writing a thesis statement? A/ writing a thesis statement that is too broad B/ choosing a subject that can be supported with specific evidence C/ writing a thesis that is expressed in a complete statement D/ writitng a thesis statement that engages the interest of the reader


Which of the following tips will help you proofread your work more effectively A/ put your text aside for a day or two B/ begin your proofreading at any stage of the writing process C/ keep a list of your common errors in a separate grammar log D/ all of the above


You can shorten the time that you spend developing the first draft by- A/ making a very detailed essay plan B/ providing only minimal details C/ repeating your points in various ways D/ avoiding specific details and examples


A comparison that does not us like or as and calls something by a different name is called a A/ simile B/ metaphor C/ personification D/ dominant impression


A strong introduction will - A/ include a general thesis statement B/ capture the reader's attention C/ include a general topic sentence D/ will include the statement "in this essay, I will prove...."


When you revise for coherence, you A/ determine that your details effectively support the main idea B/ verify that your ideas flow smoothly and logically C/ ensure that your sentences are varied and interesting D/ ensure that all parts of your work relate to the main idea


Which of the following transitions is most likely to be used for an essay arranged in empathic order? A/ after that B/ above all C/ toward D/ meanwhile


Exploring stategies are also known as- A research B. Paragraph development C. prewriting stratigies D. Tone


The thesis statement can be compared to the- A/ walls of the house B/ roof of the house C/ foundation of the house D/ windows of the house


When you write down the exact words spoken by someone, you are using A/ imagery B/ a dominant impression C/ a direct quotation D/ an indirect quotation


When you write your title, you must not capitalize A/ the first word of the title B/ the last word of the title C/ short prepositions and articles D/ nouns


Which of the following reflects as effective thesis statement? A/ the thesis statement has more than one key idea B/ the theis statement is an announcement about what the essay will be about C/ the thesis statement should express only one key idea D/ the thesis statement is a incomplete sentence or a phrase


Which of the following transitions is most likely to be used for an essay arranged in space order? A/ later B/ principally C/ beneath D/ in the beginning


Revising and editing is the ______step in the writing process. A/ first B/ second C/ third D/ final


The overalll atmosphere that you wish to convey to the reader is known as A/ your attitude toward the subject B/ concrete details C/ abstract details D/ the dominant impression


The thesis statement must be - A/ narrow enough to be supported in a single essay B/ broad enough to be supported in a singe essay C/ be a complete statement D/ all of the above


When you review your essay plan, you should ensure that your thesis statement A/ provides only a general idea of your topic. B/ includes all the details and examples you plan to use C/ is organized according to time order D/ expresses the main idea of the essay


When you revise for technical errors , you A/ verify that your ideas flow smoothly and logically D/ ensure that your sentences are varied and interesting C/ ensure that all parts of your work relate to the main idea D/ proofread your work and correct errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, and punctuation


When you revise for untiy, you A/ ensure that your details effectively support the main idea B/ verify that your ideas flow smoothly and logically C/ ensure that your sentences are varied and interesting D/ ensure that all parts of your work relate to the main idea


Which of the following are considered effective techniques for lead-ins? A/ describe something in vivid detail B/ define a term C/ present a contrasting position D/ all of the above


Which of the following is NOT on the checklist for writing a first draft? A/ Do I have a compelling introduction? B/ Do my body paragraphs support the idea presented in the thesis statement C/ Does my conclusion bring my essay to a satisfactory close? D/ Have I ended my essay with a rhetorical question or introduced a new topic?


Which of the following is NOT one of the general purposes for writing? A to enterain B to inform C to persuade D to fulfill an assignment


Which of the following questions should you ask yourself about your narration topic in order to ensure it makes a point? A/ what did I learn? B/ How did I change? C/ What is important about it? D/ all of the above


Which of the following steps are NOT part of developing the first draft? A/ write an introduction B/ write complete body paragraphs C/ write a conclusion D/ revise and edit the essay


Your general purpose in writing can be to - A. entertain B. inform C. persuade D. all of the above


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