English III

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Which sentence contains a remote reference? After Waldo's lawn had been mowed, he cooled off in the swimming pool. After his lawn had been mowed, Waldo cooled off in the swimming pool. After Waldo mowed his lawn, he cooled off in the swimming pool.

After Waldo's lawn had been mowed, he cooled off in the swimming pool.

Select the correct sentence. I debated whether to join the choir or should I baby-sit for the children. I debated whether to join the choir or to baby-sit for the children.

I debated whether to join the choir or to baby-sit for the children.

Which sentence uses an objective case pronoun as a direct object? I e-mailed him yesterday. I sent him an attachment that included photos of the picnic. He wrote back to Bob and me with an answer to our questions.

I e-mailed him yesterday.

Choose the sentence that correctly combines the sentences or sentence elements by changing the italicized clause to an infinitive. Indicate whether the infinitive phrase is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. I have a job and I must complete it before I can draw my pay. The infinitive is used as a(n)

I have a job to complete before I can draw my pay. adjective

Why is the italicized pronoun used correctly in the sentence below? It is important for us choir members to take individual responsibility for learning our parts. It is a possessive. It is the object of the preposition for. It is the subject of the sentence. It is the objective form of we.

It is the object of the preposition for.

Identify the sentence in which the italicized pronoun is used correctly. She can direct the choir as well as him. It was I who answered the telephone. The principal objected to the families' accusing Bob and he behind their backs.

It was I who answered the telephone.

Which sentence avoids using a pronoun reference error? They say it's going to rain this weekend. It's going to rain this weekend. Pick your coat up off the floor and vacuum it. none of the above

It's going to rain this weekend.

Which sentence avoids using a pronoun reference error? After hearing a series of lectures on supply-side economics, my father had great respect for him. Jordan joined the band, which was a surprise. Grace gave my little sister a book of illustrated children's stories that was her favorite present. James wants to study medicine because his brother is a doctor.

James wants to study medicine because his brother is a doctor.

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. Four boys--Bob, Pete, Joe, and him--were selected for the job. Joe, and he him, and Joe and them correct as is

Joe, and he

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. that as a demonstrative pronoun John wants that record. John wants the record that was in the box.

John wants that record.

Which sentence is constructed so that the modifier clearly indicates that John works seven days a week? John even works on weekends. John works even on weekends. Even John works on weekends.

John works even on weekends.

Which sentence is constructed so that the modifier clearly describes the words for which it was intended? Josie polished the desk until it looked almost new. Josie polished the desk almost until it looked new.

Josie polished the desk until it looked almost new.

Choose the sentence that correctly combines the sentences or sentence elements by changing the italicized clause to an infinitive. Indicate whether the infinitive phrase is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Kimberly touched the flowers. She saw that they were real. The infinitive is used as a(n)

Kimberly touched the flowers to see if they were real. adverb

Choose the sentence which has a subject and verb that agree. The clouds that cover the moon dissipate quickly. Harry and Joe ran quickly to the bleacher that were without empty seats.

The clouds that cover the moon dissipate quickly.

Identify the method used to correct the ambiguous pronoun reference. If the revised sentence does not improve the pronoun reference, choose "No improvement was made." Original sentence: The dishes were piled on the table that needed washing. Revised sentence: The dishes that were piled on the table needed washing. The antecedent was repeated. The pronoun was placed nearer the antecedent. The sentence was rewritten. An intensive pronoun was inserted after the ambiguous pronoun. No improvement was made.

The pronoun was placed nearer the antecedent.

The following sentence has been revised in several ways. Which of the revisions does not improve the awkward or illogical construction? The reason Mr. Green was late is because he had a flat tire. The reason Mr. Green was late was his flat tire. Mr. Green was late because he had a flat tire. The reason for Mr. Green's being late was his flat tire.

The reason Mr. Green was late was his flat tire.

Identify the awkward or illogical part of the following sentence. The reason Mr. Green was late is because he had a flat tire. The reason Mr. Green Mr. Green was late because he had a flat tire The reason...is because

The reason...is because

Which sentence is constructed so that the modifier clearly describes the words for which it was intended? I saw the car that had passed us screech to a halt at the red light. I saw the car screech to a halt at the red light that had passed us.

I saw the car that had passed us screech to a halt at the red light.

Which sentence uses an objective case pronoun as an indirect object? I e-mailed him yesterday. I sent him an attachment that included photos of the picnic. He wrote back to Bob and I with an answer to our questions.

I sent him an attachment that included photos of the picnic.

Choose the sentence that correctly combines the sentences or sentence elements by changing the italicized clause to an infinitive. Indicate whether the infinitive phrase is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Don't put your elbows on the table. It is bad manners. The infinitive is used as a(n)

To put your elbows on the table is bad manners. noun

Which sentence is constructed most correctly and clearly? I hung new drapes in the west windows that I had recently made. I hung new drapes that I had recently made in the west windows. In the west windows, I hung new drapes that I had recently made.

In the west windows, I hung new drapes that I had recently made.

Identify the appositive phrase in the following sentence. The kit fox, a nocturnal hunter, is rarely seen by day. the kit fox a nocturnal hunter is rarely seen by day a nocturnal hunter, is rarely seen by day

a nocturnal hunter

In the following sentence identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the noun or pronoun renamed by the appositive. The student council president, a popular senior, led the parade. Appositive: Noun or pronoun renamed:

a popular senior The student council president

Read the sentence. Choose the correct answers for the questions that follow it. Dr. Black, who is the chief surgeon, will operate. What kind of clause is italicized? What does it modify?

adjective Dr.Black

A relative pronoun usually introduces a(n) _____. adjective clause adverb clause noun clause prepositional phrase

adjective clause

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. Bryan, who played the part of Prospero, was the star of the play The Tempest. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

adjective clause

A subordinating conjunction usually introduces a(n) _____. adjective clause adverb clause noun clause prepositional phrase

adverb clause

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. I will not repeat the story, since it is not true. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

adverb clause

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. The exhibition could not begin until Phineas Barnum appeared. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

adverb clause

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. The gardener put in a pinch of grass seed wherever he pulled out a weed. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

adverb clause

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. Washington played by the river when he was young. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

adverb clause

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. While talking, he waved his arms. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

adverb clause

Subordinating conjunctions introduce _____. adjective clauses adverb clauses noun clauses prepositional phrases

adverb clauses

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. After you finish reading that book, I'd like to read it. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

after time

Identify the adverb clause and the word or words it modifies. The artwork was displayed after the artist had unveiled it. Adverb clause: Word(s) modified:

after the artist had unveiled it was displayed

Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence. No one is expressing their opinion. reference case agreement


Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. I've heard of the author, although I haven't read his books. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

although condition

Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. Muriel showed Joyce that she had not made a mistake. ambiguous reference implied antecedent; needs to be stated indefinite pronoun

ambiguous reference

The word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers is called the __________.


Identify the italicized phrase. Mervin, the circus animal trainer, directed the elephant by tapping her trunk. participle gerund infinitive appositive


All of us__________ going to the school picnic.


Identify the participial phrase and the word it modifies. The neighbors found their house destroyed by fire. Participial phrase: Word modified:

destroyed by fire house

Tell how the italicized noun clause is used. The thief confessed that he had stolen the bricks from the site. subject subject complement direct object object of the preposition

direct object

Select all of the grammatical structures which require objective pronouns. subject of a sentence direct object indirect object object of a preposition object of a verbal appositives of nouns used as subjects appositives of nouns used as objects predicate noun

direct object indirect object object of a preposition object of a verbal appositives of nouns used as objects

Identify the gerund phrase and its noun use. Driving carelessly increases the likelihood of an accident. Gerund phrase: Noun use:

driving carelessly subject

Select all that apply. Dangling constructions may be repaired by: expanding the dangling phrase into a subordinate clause changing the adjective into an adverb supplying a word for the modifier to describe placing the modifier close to the noun it modifies

expanding the dangling phrase into a subordinate supplying a word for the modifier to describe placing the modifier close to the noun it modifies

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. My reluctance to join your group is because I do not know your activities. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

explanation structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. My singing the song was because Brittany was ill. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

explanation structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. She is my favorite teacher because she is a woman who has a good sense of humor and who knows how to explain the textbooks. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

explanation structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. The reason we are early is because my watch is fast. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

explanation structure

A remote reference occurs when a pronoun is placed too ___________ its ___________.

far from antecedent

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. feel Present participle: Past participle:

feeling felt

Analyze the sentence. Select an object of a preposition, direct object, and indirect object. Note that all three may not be present in the sentence. Jill asked us to go to the soccer field. Object of a preposition: Direct object: Indirect object:

field us none found

Identify the gerund phrase and its noun use. Olivia anticipated flying to Bermuda for vacation. Gerund phrase: Noun use:

flying to Bermuda for vacation direct object

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. freeze Present participle: Past participle:

freezing frozen

Analyze the sentence to complete each statement below. Alice, frightened by the siren, covered her ears. The verbal phrase in this sentence is . The verbal phrase is a(n) . The verbal phrase functions as a(n) .

frightened by the siren participle adjective

Identify the italicized word as gerund or participle. By paying his bills promptly the man had acquired a good credit rating.


Locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence. The greatest pleasure is giving. Gerund or gerund phrase: Noun function:

giving subject complement

Select the correct pronoun. The choices for student teacher are Gretchen, Bruce, and _____________.


Select all of the third person singular nominative pronouns. I me we us you he him she her they them it

he she it

Complete the sentence by using a pronoun that agrees with its antecedent. Each of my sisters has _________ own hobby.


Use the correct pronoun. The community elected Mr. Russell, Mr. West, and ___________ to the city council.


Use the correct pronoun. We enjoy being with Alice, Laura, and ____________.


Identify the present participle and past participle for the verb. hide Present participle: Past participle:

hiding hidden

Use the correct pronoun. Greeting __________ warmly, the usher showed them to their seats.


Use the correct pronoun. I wanted Sue to ask Bob and ___________ to the meeting.


Use the correct pronoun. We called our teachers, Mr. Rose, Mrs. Murphy, and_____________ , to tell them we had been accepted by the college.


Complete the sentence by using a pronoun that agrees with its antecedent. Each of the drama members has memorized _________ lines.


Complete the sentence by using a pronoun that agrees with its antecedent. Neither Craig nor Roberto has eaten__________ chocolate cake yet.


No one wants _____________ science project to place last in the science fair.


Select the correct pronoun. The overall plan—______________ completing his accounting degree—should take one more year.


Select the correct pronoun. We requested _____________ volunteering to stay with his grandfather at the hospital.


Tell everyone to bring _________ own lunch.


Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. hit Present participle: Past participle:

hitting hit

Which of the following words may be used to introduce an adverb clause? Select all that apply. if though while who

if though while

Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. When chicken eggs are hatched, they are weak and barely able to move around. ambiguous reference implied antecedent; needs to be stated indefinite pronoun

implied antecedent; needs to be stated

Determine the class of the italicized pronoun. Any of us could be the winner. personal relative interrogative demonstrative indefinite reciprocal intensive reflexive


Determine the class of the italicized pronoun. Everyone will receive his own invitation. personal relative interrogative demonstrative indefinite reciprocal intensive reflexive


The pronouns some, none, and all are__________ pronouns. For each of these pronouns, number (singular or plural) is determined by the_________ .

indefinite antecedent

Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. If the driver hits another car in a moving violation, the cost of your insurance will go up. indefinite pronoun ambiguous reference no specific antecedent

indefinite pronoun

Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. If you park by the fire hydrant, they will give you a ticket. indefinite pronoun: replace with a specific noun placed too far from antecedent remote reference

indefinite pronoun: replace with a specific noun

Ambiguous pronoun reference can be corrected by _____. not using a pronoun at all repeating the pronoun inserting an intensive pronoun after the ambiguous pronoun placing the pronoun further from the ambiguous element

inserting an intensive pronoun after the ambiguous pronoun

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. What the speaker said was not clear. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

noun clause

Identify each italicized subordinate clause as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause. What will happen is anyone's guess. noun clause adjective clause adverb clause

noun clause

Read the sentence. Choose the correct answers for the questions that follow it. Wishing to be heard, the speaker used a microphone. Are the italicized words a phrase or a clause? What word do they modify?

phrase speaker

Select all that apply. Each pronoun should refer to a specific: pronoun place idea verb person preposition thing

place idea person thing

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. play Present participle: Past participle:

playing played

A pronoun preceding a gerund is in the ______________ case.


One type of remote reference occurs when a pronoun is used to refer to a(n) ___________ noun such as Howard's.


Locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence. By preparing, Justin was able to pass the test with flying colors. Gerund or gerund phrase: Noun function:

preparing object of the preposition

Locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence. I helped by preparing dinner. Gerund or gerund phrase: Noun function:

preparing dinner object of the preposition

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. Colleen went to bed early since she had a test tomorrow. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

since she had a test tomorrow since went

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. You can work faster than Jack can. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

than comparison

Identify the adverb clause and the word it modifies. Gary plays the trombone better than he did last year. Adverb clause: Word modified:

than he did last year better

Choose the correct pronoun. Jane's problems are a few of the hardest____________ Mr. Johnson assigned.


Identify the relative pronoun and the noun or pronoun to which it relates. The unlikely story that he told proved to be true. Relative pronoun: Noun or pronoun to which it relates:

that sorry

Select the adjective clause and the word(s) it modifies in the appropriate boxes below. Did you buy the CD that I recommended? Adjective clause: Word(s) modified:

that I recommended CD

Select the adjective clause and the word(s) it modifies in the appropriate boxes below. The suggestions that she made were very helpful. Adjective clause: Word(s) modified:

that she made suggestions

Select the adjective clause and the word(s) it modifies in the appropriate boxes below. The old brick house that sits on top of the hill was built during the Civil War. Adjective clause: Word(s) modified:

that sits on top of the hill house

In the following sentence identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the noun or pronoun renamed by the appositive. Mr. Murray, the Scoutmaster, likes to hike. Appositive: Noun or pronoun renamed:

the Scoutmaster Mr. Murray

In the following sentence identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the noun or pronoun renamed by the appositive. Charlotte's Web, the book by E.B. White, is widely read. Appositive: Noun or pronoun renamed:

the book by E.B. White Charlotte's Web

Identify the appositive phrase in the following sentence. The word paper comes from papyrus, the giant water reed which Egyptians used to manufacture writing material. the giant water reed which Egyptians used to manufacture which Egyptians used to manufacture writing material to manufacture writing material writing material the giant water reed which Egyptians used to manufacture writing material

the giant water reed which Egyptians used to manufacture writing material

An appositive explains or identifies _____. the verb the noun or pronoun that follows it the noun or pronoun that comes just before it

the noun or pronoun that comes just before it

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. The green and greasy alligators would not wrestle Steve unless they were given the chicken first. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

unless they were given the chicken first unless would wrestle

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. Beatrice can expect her aunt and uncle and I to help her move. us her and him and I them and I correct as is


Use the correct pronoun. The mayor instructed___________ scouts to control the pedestrian traffic during the parade.


What is the plural form of me? I we me us


Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. It may rain and flood the basement, so it should be cleaned out. no definite antecedent use as an indefinite pronoun and personal pronoun in same sentence implied antecedent ambiguous

use as an indefinite pronoun and personal pronoun in same sentence

Identify the awkward or illogical part of the following sentence. The funniest part of her speech was when she mimicked a chicken. The funniest part of her speech was when she mimicked a chicken

was when

Choose the correct relative pronoun. That trick is _____ I expected. who whose whom what


Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. I will come to the picnic when I get home from soccer. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

when time

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. She can never remember where she left her glasses. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

where place

Choose the correct pronoun. That classical music,____________ was written by Bach, is beautiful.


Which of the following may be used as relative pronouns? Select all that apply. before which who where

which who

Select the adjective clause and the word(s) it modifies in the appropriate boxes below. Amanda bought a prom dress which she considered the most beautiful dress ever made. Adjective clause: Word(s) modified:

which she considered the most beautiful dress ever made dress

Select ten subordinating conjunctions. while who which than wherever whose if before as soon as until after whom since whoever although

while than wherever if before as soon as until after since although

Choose the correct pronoun. It was she ____________ was elected to choir office.


Choose the correct pronoun. The teacher knew it was Sam___________ was passing notes.


Choose the correct relative pronoun. This is the man _____ helped fight the fire. who whose whom what


Few people knew the woman _____ directed the play. who whom


Select the correct pronoun. That girl is one _____ I believe will succeed. who whom whose


Select the correct pronoun. The people _____ arrived late had difficulty finding seats. which who


The children argued about the actor _____ should receive the award. who whom


Identify the adjective clause and the word it modifies. Any student who received a good grade was invited to an ice cream social. Adjective clause: Word modified:

who received a good grade student

Select the adjective clause and the word(s) it modifies in the appropriate boxes below. William Shakespeare, who was English, wrote Othello. Adjective clause: Word(s) modified:

who was English William Shakespeare

Select the adjective clause and the word(s) it modifies in the appropriate boxes below. The gentleman who was sitting close to them was the senator from their home state. Adjective clause: Word(s) modified:

who was sitting close to them gentleman

Choose the correct pronoun. We will consider___________ applies for the scholarship regardless of race, creed, or sex.


Give the package to _____ opens the door. whoever whomever


I have great respect for _____ accepted that responsibility. whoever whomever


Mrs. Eggelson tells _____ will listen about her health problems. whoever whomever


Choose the correct pronoun. Bruce was the candidate ____________ the eleventh grade supported.


Choose the correct pronoun. Those people are the ones___________ I invited to the meeting.


Choose the correct relative pronoun. Our president is a man _____ people respect. who whose whom what


Choose the correct relative pronoun. To _____ do you pay your rent? who whose whom what


Select the correct pronoun. Since I did not know _____ the package was for, I did not sign for it. who whom whose


Select the correct pronoun. The new doctor _____ I met today has a pleasing personality. who whom whose


The candidate _____ the mayor would select was not present at the meeting. who whom


The journalist must consider _____ an article might offend. who whom


The teacher selected the student _____ she could trust. who whom


The trucking company wants a driver _____ they can depend upon. who whom


Select the adjective clause and the word(s) it modifies in the appropriate boxes below. Some of my cousins, whom I had not seen for several years, came to the reunion. Adjective clause: Word(s) modified:

whom I had not seen for several years cousins

Choose the correct relative pronoun. I scolded the boy _____ shouting disturbed me. who whose whom what


Identify the relative pronoun and the noun or pronoun to which it relates. The child whose shoes were untied will probably trip over his shoelaces and fall down. Relative pronoun: Noun or pronoun to which it relates:

whose child

Identify the adjective clause and the word it modifies. The tree whose branches had died had to be cut down. Adjective clause: Word modified:

whose branches had died tree

What is the objective form of the second person plural pronoun? you me us them


Which pronoun changes its form least as its case changes? you I they she


If an appositive is omitted from a sentence, it destroys the whole sentence. True False


In the sentence I brought Jane herself to the party, herself is used as a reflexive pronoun. True False


An appositive may be a ____ or ____ , and may include modifiers. noun verb pronoun adjective

noun pronoun

Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition Have you discovered where you left your books? S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition I am optimistic enough to believe that young people will respond to a challenge. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition The chairman heard what was said about the program. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition The company rules demanded that the monthly bills be paid before the end of the month. S OP SC DO


In the sentence, I took the books, the direct object can be replaced with an absolute possessive pronoun. True False


Saying nice things about your favorite class in school is called a subject complement. True False


The basic sentence structure in English is SUV, meaning 'Subject, Utility section, Verb.' True False


The demonstrative pronouns this and that are sometimes singular and sometimes plural. True False


The following sentence is correctly constructed: To improperly place modification in an infinitive phrase produces an awkward construction. True False


The pronoun those is an interrogative pronoun used with singular nouns. True False


The terms 'coordinating conjunction' and 'correlative conjunction' are pretty much synonymous. True False


Writers should avoid using elliptical clauses because they will confuse readers. True False


Select all of the nominative pronouns. I their she it we him he they you

I she it we he they you

1. a circumstance which is dependent or contingent upon some other 2 subordinating conjunction 2. a conjunction that joins clauses of minor rank to the main clause 1 condition


1. a form of noun, pronoun, or adjective used to show its relation to other words 1 case 2. the grouping of nouns into the classes masculine, feminine, and neuter 2 gender 3. an inflection or word form that shows whether one or more than one is meant 4 person 4. a change in pronouns or verbs used to show the person speaking, the person spoken to, or the person or thing spoken about 3 number 5. a pronoun that shows by its form whether it refers to first person, second person, or third person 5 personal pronoun


1. a possessive personal pronoun that represents both the possessor and the thing possessed 1 absolute possessive pronouns 2. any word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun, occurring later in a sentence, refers 2 antecedent 3. a class of pronouns that points out which thing, person, idea, etc. is referred to. 4 possessive adjectives 4. a possessive pronoun used as an adjective. 3 demonstrative pronoun


1. a word or phrase used after a verb to complete the predicate infinitive 3 2. a word ending in -ing which has characteristics of both a verb and a noun complement 1 3. to plus a verb; usually used as a noun but occasionally used as an adjective or an adverb gerund 2 4. a word that has characteristics of both a verb and an adjective participle 4


1. consistency in case, gender, number, and person 2 collective noun 2. a noun that is singular in form but plural in meaning, as group or committee 3 compound antecedent 3. an antecedent composed of two or more nouns, pronouns, or both 1 agreement


1. the class of pronouns that usually introduces an adjective clause reflexive 4 2. the class of pronouns that does not need a specific antecedent relative 1 3. the class of pronouns used as an adjective to point out which person or thing is being discussed indefinite 2 4. the class of pronouns which turns the action back on the subject interrogative 5 5. the class of pronouns used to ask questions demonstrative 3 6. the class of pronouns used for emphasis reciprocal 7 7. the class of pronouns made up of two-word pronouns personal 8 8. the class of pronouns that changes form for nominative, objective, and possessive cases intensive 6


1. used as subject possessive case 5 2. represents possessor and possessed gender 8 3. determined by function case 3 4. shows possession by modifying a noun or pronoun appositive 9 5. shows ownership possessive adjective 4 6. two-word pronoun absolute possessive pronoun 2 7. one reciprocal 6 8. masculine, feminine, or neuter demonstrative pronoun 10 9. clarifies or renames a noun nominative case 1 10. points out which person or thing is being discussed singular 7


1. who 3 possessive 2. whom 2 objective 3. whose 1 subjective






Improving Sentence Structure, Part 1


Improving Sentence Structure, Part 2


Improving Sentence Structure, Part 3


Improving Sentence Structure, Part 4


Noun and Adjective Clauses






















Quiz 2: Pronoun Reference and Agreement


Quiz 3: Sentence Structure






Sentence Workshop








A subject complement says something in praise of who - or whatever is the subject of the sentence. True False


All three kinds of verbals, participles, gerunds, and infinitives, may all be used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. True False


Identify the sentence in which the italicized pronoun is used correctly. Us boys should do the cooking so the girls will know we can. Between you and I, I wonder if we are going to succeed. All of us—Josh, Luke, you, and me—should give her a surprise birthday party.

All of us—Josh, Luke, you, and me—should give her a surprise birthday party.

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. Although he spends much time playing tennis, he manages to get his studying done. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

Although he spends much time playing tennis although manages

Identify the method used to correct the ambiguous pronoun reference. If the revised sentence does not improve the pronoun reference, choose "No improvement was made." Original sentence: Roger told David that he had to work Monday. Revised sentence: Roger told David that he himself had to work Monday. The antecedent was repeated. The pronoun was placed nearer the antecedent. The sentence was rewritten. An intensive pronoun was inserted after the ambiguous pronoun. No improvement was made.

An intensive pronoun was inserted after the ambiguous pronoun.

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. As soon as the bell rang, Mike was out of the classroom door. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

As soon as the bell rang as soon as was

Which sentence is constructed correctly and clearly? Because we wanted at long last to be finished with the project, we forgot the conclusion. Because we wanted to at long last be finished with the project, we forgot the conclusion.

Because we wanted at long last to be finished with the project, we forgot the conclusion.

Which sentence is constructed to emphasize that Burt stuck to his jogging routine? Burt even jogged during the heat wave. Burt jogged even during the heat wave.

Burt jogged even during the heat wave.

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. A dog bit the jogger who was running around the block. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C


Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. I enjoy listening to classical records, playing the piano, and writing songs. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C


Which sentence is constructed correctly and clearly to indicate that David did not meet the requirements for reading ten books? David only read one book. David read only one book.

David read only one book.

Which sentence demonstrates correct pronoun-antecedent agreement? A unique feature of man is their thumbs, which are unlike those of other creatures. Everyone should bring their own money. Each student wrote his name on his paper.

Each student wrote his name on his paper.

Which sentence does not show correct pronoun agreement? Either Patricia or Janet left her music on the piano. Either Patricia or Janet left their music on the piano. Both Patricia and Janet left their music on the piano.

Either Patricia or Janet left their music on the piano.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. an indefinite pronoun as an antecedent of a possessive pronoun Everyone forgot their book. Everyone forgot his book.

Everyone forgot his book.

An infinitive phrase has much the same form as a prepositional phrase beginning with the preposition to and serves much the same function. True False


Which sentence is constructed correctly and clearly? I agreed every Thursday night to attend the scout meeting. I agreed to attend the scout meeting every Thursday night.

I agreed to attend the scout meeting every Thursday night.

Which sentence is constructed so that the modifier clearly describes the words for which it was intended? The teacher designed a new workbook for students who failed three tests for a very good reason. For a very good reason, the teacher designed a new workbook for students who failed three tests.

For a very good reason, the teacher designed a new workbook for students who failed three tests.

Locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence. Going for the gold was the team's motto. Gerund or gerund phrase: Noun function:

Going for the gold subject

Which sentence uses an objective case pronoun incorrectly? I e-mailed him yesterday. I sent him an attachment that included photos of the picnic. He wrote back to Bob and I with an answer to our questions.

He wrote back to Bob and I with an answer to our questions.

Why are the italicized pronouns used correctly in the sentence below? Select all that apply. If you ask Amelia and her to help plan the picnic, it's sure to be an enjoyable time for you and me. Her is the predicate noun of ask. Her is the direct object of the action verb ask. Me is the object of the preposition for. Amelia is the antecedent for me.

Her is the direct object of the action verb ask. Me is the object of the preposition for.

Select the correct pronoun. After seeing my schedule, she said she would not want to be ______________.


Select the correct pronoun. Bob, Peter, and ___________ are going to join the swim team.


Select the correct pronoun. Don't be alarmed, Rita. It is ____________.


Select the correct pronoun. The members of the quiz team are Jean, Joan, Elliot, and_____________.


The following sentence has been revised in several ways. Which of the revisions does not improve the awkward or illogical construction? Idiosyncrasies are where a person has peculiar mannerisms and habits. Idiosyncrasies are when someone has peculiar mannerisms and habits. Idiosyncrasies are a person's peculiar mannerisms and habits. A person's peculiar mannerisms and habits are his idiosyncrasies.

Idiosyncrasies are when someone has peculiar mannerisms and habits.

Identify the awkward or illogical part of the following sentence. Idiosyncrasies are where a person has peculiar mannerisms and habits. Idiosyncrasies are a person has peculiar mannerisms and habits Idiosyncrasies are where

Idiosyncrasies are where

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. If you have finished washing dishes, I will help you with your homework. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

If condition

Find the sentence which contains an error in parallel structure. In driver's education classes, we learned that we should reduce the speed of the automobile after dark and to pump the brakes when stopping on wet pavement. In driver's education classes, we learned that we should reduce the speed of the automobile after dark and that we should pump the brakes when stopping on wet pavement. In driver's education classes, we learned to reduce the speed of the automobile after dark and to pump the brakes when stopping on wet pavement.

In driver's education classes, we learned that we should reduce the speed of the automobile after dark and to pump the brakes when stopping on wet pavement.

Which sentence demonstrates correct parallel structure? Melville was both a good writer and he developed symbolism in American literature. Melville was both a good writer and a developer of symbolism in American literature.

Melville was both a good writer and a developer of symbolism in American literature.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. most as an indefinite singular pronoun Most of the salt is gone, too. Most of the stars is hidden.

Most of the salt is gone, too.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. none as an indefinite singular pronoun None of the sugar is left. None of the stars is shining.

None of the sugar is left.

Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition Our study efforts should focus on whatever subject is most in need of improvement. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition The valedictory prize will be awarded to whoever has the highest academic rating. S OP SC DO


Select the correct pronoun. ______________finding the lost child was a matter of duty, not heroism.


_________________introduce adverb clauses.

Subordinating conjunctions

Which choice contains a broad pronoun reference? Voting on Election Day is the most direct way for people to express their opinions. People should vote on Election Day because it is the most direct way to express their opinions. People should vote on Election Day because voting is the most direct way to express their opinions. The most direct way for people to express their opinions is voting; therefore, people should vote on Election Day.

People should vote on Election Day because it is the most direct way to express their opinions.

Which sentence demonstrates correct parallel structure? Running a small repair shop, to act as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as serving on our Board of Trustees keeps my brother busy. Running a small repair shop and acting as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as serving on our Board of Trustees, keeps my brother busy.

Running a small repair shop and acting as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as serving on our Board of Trustees, keeps my brother busy.

Identify the participial phrase and the word it modifies. Running up the stairs, he glanced apprehensively behind him. Participial phrase: Word modified:

Running up the stairs he

Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition That you overslept is a serious matter. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition What I had been hoping for was a scholarship. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition What I wanted to do was to finish my work. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition A good night's sleep is what I need most. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition A lecture on cleanliness was not what the children wanted to hear. S OP SC DO


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition The first thing to consider was how to find a paying job. S OP SC DO


Identify the participial phrase and the word it modifies. Seizing the weapon from the intruder, he ran quickly from the house. Participial phrase: Word modified:

Seizing the weapon from the intruder he

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. Since advertisements are sometimes misleading, read labels carefully. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

Since advertisements are sometimes misleading since read

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. Since her grades were bad, Allie's coach told her to go to tutoring instead of practice. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

Since her grades were bad since told

Identify the sentence in which the italicized pronoun is used correctly. John and I enjoy reading as much as him. That must be either her brother or she at the door now. Us teens passed out books during a summer beach literacy project.

That must be either her brother or she at the door now.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. a third person reflexive pronoun The class treated themselves to a pizza party. The class treated itself to a pizza party.

The class treated themselves to a pizza party.

Analyze the sentence to determine the main clause and the subordinate clause. Then choose the function of the subordinate clause. The Mason-Dixon Line, which is perhaps the most famous border ever established by surveying methods, has been designated a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. Main clause: Subordinate clause: Subordinate clause functions as a(n):

The Mason-Dixon Line has been designated a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark which is perhaps the most famous border ever established by surveying methods adjective

Identify the method used to correct the ambiguous pronoun reference. If the revised sentence does not improve the pronoun reference, choose "No improvement was made." Original sentence: Hunter talked to Tanner while he was waiting for his guitar lesson. Revised sentence: Hunter talked to Tanner while Tanner was waiting for his guitar lesson. The antecedent was repeated. The pronoun was placed nearer the antecedent. The sentence was rewritten. An intensive pronoun was inserted after the ambiguous pronoun. No improvement was made.

The antecedent was repeated.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. an absolute possessive pronoun The blue shirt belongs to me. The blue shirt is mine.

The blue shirt is mine.

The following sentence has been revised in several ways. Which of the revisions does not improve the awkward or illogical construction? Harmony is when two or more tones fit together in a pleasing combination of sounds. Harmony occurs when two or more tones fit together in a pleasing combination of sounds. When two or more tones fit together in a pleasing combination of sounds, harmony occurs. The definition of harmony is when two or more tones fit together in a pleasing combination of sounds.

The definition of harmony is when two or more tones fit together in a pleasing combination of sounds.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. that as a relative pronoun That green dress is the one I want. The green dress is the one that I want.

The green dress is the one that I want.

Analyze the sentence to determine the main clause and the subordinate clause. Then choose the function of the subordinate clause. The man who wrote this new and popular book autographed copies of it at the bookstore. Main clause: Subordinate clause: Subordinate clause functions as a(n):

The man autographed copies of it at the bookstore who wrote this new and popular book adjective

Which sentence demonstrates correct parallel structure? The meal was not only delicious but very filling as well. The meal was not only delicious but also very filling. The meal was not only delicious and also filled you up.

The meal was not only delicious but also very filling.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. who as a relative pronoun The salesman who sold it to me was effective. Who was he?

The salesman who sold it to me was effective.

Identify the method used to correct the ambiguous pronoun reference. If the revised sentence does not improve the pronoun reference, choose "No improvement was made." Original sentence: The clock on the shelf that was broken needed to be fixed. Revised sentence: The broken clock on the shelf needed to be fixed. The antecedent was repeated. The pronoun was placed nearer the antecedent. The sentence was rewritten. An intensive pronoun was inserted after the ambiguous pronoun. No improvement was made.

The sentence was rewritten.

Which sentence is constructed so that the modifier clearly describes the words for which it was intended? The soup was the saltiest in the green bowl. The soup in the green bowl was the saltiest.

The soup in the green bowl was the saltiest.

Which sentence is constructed correctly and clearly? The team lost almost by three points. The team almost lost by three points.

The team almost lost by three points.

Why are the italicized pronouns used correctly in the sentence below? Select all that apply. You honored Grace and me when you and she invited us out to dinner. The verb honored takes the objective case me. The pronoun me is an indirect object. The pronoun she is the object of the verb invited. The pronoun she is the subject of the verb invited.

The verb honored takes the objective case me. The pronoun she is the subject of the verb invited.

Locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence. Thinking is hard work. Gerund or gerund phrase: Noun function:

Thinking subject

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. Them boys were going to school. Us boys Those boys They boys correct as is

Those boys

Which sentence demonstrates correct parallel structure? To be highly skilled, even if you are temporarily unemployed, is better than to lack training. Being highly skilled, even if you are temporarily unemployed, is better than to lack training.

To be highly skilled, even if you are temporarily unemployed, is better than to lack training.

Identify the infinitive phrase and the object of the infinitive in the sentence below. To do one's best is the ultimate goal. Infinitive phrase _____. Object of the infinitive _____.

To do one's best best

Identify the infinitive phrase and its use in the sentence below. To speak clearly is essential to being understood. Infinitive phrase: Being used as a(n) _______.

To speak clearly subject noun

An appositive phrase never contains a subject and predicate. True False


In English, only pronouns retain any case forms that make nominative and objective different from each other. True False


In the sentence I gave Ellen and Jane the card, the word Jane can be replaced with the objective pronoun her. True False


Relative pronouns are related to their antecedents kind of like grandkids are related to their ancestors that have gone before them. True False


The demonstrative pronouns this and that are misused when they are not supplied with a specific antecedent or with a specific noun to modify. True False


The indefinite pronoun everyone is singular. True False


The sentence You handed the test results to Joan can be made into the question To whom did you hand the test results? True False


With an appositive, a modifying phrase right next to the noun or pronoun it describes, a writer can take two short, choppy sentences and turn them into one sentence that's more interesting. True False


Which sentence demonstrates correct parallel structure? We are looking for a new apartment with air conditioning and a fireplace. We are looking for a new apartment with air conditioning and having a fireplace.

We are looking for a new apartment with air conditioning and a fireplace.

Choose the sentence that correctly combines the sentences or sentence elements by changing the italicized clause to an infinitive. Indicate whether the infinitive phrase is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. We are planning a party. It will honor our seniors. The infinitive is used as a(n)

We are planning a party to honor our seniors. adjective

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. We boys, Bonnie, and her are writing a play for the program. Us boys, Bonnie, and she Us boys, Bonnie and her We boys, Bonnie, and she correct as is

We boys, Bonnie, and she

Which choice contains a broad pronoun reference? We need rain. This would clear the dust from the sky and end the drought. We need rain to clear the dust from the sky and end the drought. We need rain that would clear the dust from the sky and end the drought. To clear dust from the sky and end the drought, we need rain.

We need rain. This would clear the dust from the sky and end the drought.

Choose the sentence that correctly combines the sentences or sentence elements by changing the italicized clause to an infinitive. Indicate whether the infinitive phrase is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. We sprayed our yard. This eliminated all the mosquitoes. The infinitive is used as a(n)

We sprayed our yard to eliminate all the mosquitoes. adverb

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. a reciprocal pronoun We were laughing at one another. We were laughing at ourselves.

We were laughing at one another.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. second person reflexive plural pronoun When did we buy ourselves a new car? When did you buy yourselves a new car?

When did you buy yourselves a new car?

The following sentence has been revised in several ways. Which of the revisions does not improve the awkward or illogical construction? The funniest part of her speech was when she mimicked a chicken. The funniest part of her speech was her imitation of a chicken. When she mimicked a chicken was the funniest part of the speech. Her speech was funniest when she mimicked a chicken.

When she mimicked a chicken was the funniest part of the speech.

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. When the Tigers won the state championship, they dumped the water jug on their coach. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

When the Tigers won the state championship when dumped

Which choice contains a broad pronoun reference? When you have written a paper, go back. Revising it will result in a more effective presentation. When you have written a paper, go back and revise it, resulting in a more effective presentation. When you have written a paper, go back and revise it, which will result in a more effective presentation. When you have written a paper, go back and revise it. This will result in a more effective presentation. When you have written a paper, go back and revise it. The result will be a more effective presentation.

When you have written a paper, go back and revise it. This will result in a more effective presentation.

The following sentence has been revised in several ways. Which of the revisions does not improve the awkward or illogical construction? Fustian writing is where you write pompous, bombastic nonsense. Fustian writing is pompous, bombastic nonsense. Pompous, bombastic nonsense is described as Fustian writing. Where you write pompous, bombastic nonsense is Fustian writing.

Where you write pompous, bombastic nonsense is Fustian writing.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. an interrogative pronoun Who are you? Whom are you?

Who are you?

How can you determine whether to use who or whom in a relative clause? Select all that apply. Whom is used as a subject. Who is used as a subject. Whom is used as an object. Who is used as an object.

Who is used as a subject. Whom is used as an object.

Select the correct pronoun. _____ did you invite to the game? Who Whom Whose


Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. whom as an interrogative pronoun Whom did you forget to call? Whom is your friend?

Whom did you forget to call?

_____ the seniors elect will serve as president of the class. Whoever Whomever


Which sentence is constructed correctly and clearly? You should begin now to apply for college if you hope to be accepted. You should begin now to, if you hope to be accepted, apply for college.

You should begin now to apply for college if you hope to be accepted.

Analyze the sentence to complete each statement below. Camping outdoors is one of the joys of summer for the family. The verbal phrase in this sentence is . The verbal phrase is a(n) . The verbal phrase functions as a(n) .

camping outdoors gerund noun

Where should a pronoun be placed? anywhere in the sentence somewhere before the antecedent as close to the antecedent as possible anywhere after the antecedent

as close to the antecedent as possible

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. I can throw the ball as far as you can. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

as far as comparison

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. The girls greeted each other as though nothing had happened. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

as though nothing had happened as though greeted

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. You don't have to go just because I asked you to do it. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

because reason

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. The red roosters squawked because all of the hens had been painted blue. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

because all of the hens had been painted blue because squawked

Identify the present participle and past participle for the verb. begin Present participle: Past participle:

beginning begun

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. break Present participle: Past participle:

breaking broken

Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence. Neither of we boys was going to the ball game. reference case agreement


Locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence. Her daughter likes climbing trees. Gerund or gerund phrase: Noun function:

climbing trees direct object

An appositive is set apart from the rest of the sentence with _____. italics commas parentheses


A circumstance which is contingent or dependent upon some other is a ______________.


Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." A popular American meal consists of a hamburger, some french fries, and a milkshake.


Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." Outlining the chapter, reading the assignment twice, and memorizing new vocabulary words helps me to earn an A average.


Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." The activities planned for the city picnic include softball, relay races, volleyball, and a campfire sing-along.


Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." The illustrations will help you to discern the difference between sentences that are carefully constructed and sentences that are thrown together.


Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. I would not want to be Jane or him. Jane or he her or him she or him correct as is

correct as is

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. None of us wanted him and her to leave. he and her he and she him and she correct as is

correct as is

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. The coach chose us girls and him to attend the track meet. we girls and he him and we girls them and I correct as is

correct as is

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. They assigned the solo parts to Ellen and her themselves. she themselves her theirselves she herself correct as is

correct as is

Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. Two of the best singers were he and she. he and her them him and she correct as is

correct as is

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. As a student, I thought of the prom as the most important social event.

correctly written

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. As soon as Sheila put the worm on her hook, the fish began to bite.

correctly written

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. Because he was a foreigner, his ignorance of our customs made him feel self-conscious.

correctly written

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. Driving through Yosemite, we passed several fine campsites.

correctly written

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. Tripping on the threshold of the bank entrance, the money was dropped by the robber before he left the scene of the crime.

correctly written

Locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence. Nicole is loving dancing. Gerund or gerund phrase: Noun function:

dancing direct object

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. If found, we will reward anyone returning the wallet.

dangling construction

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. My tooth ached while hurrying to the dentist.

dangling construction

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. Roaming free and uncaged, visitors are told to stay in their cars once inside the animal game preserve.

dangling construction

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. To write well, practice is essential.

dangling construction

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. Tripping on the threshold of the bank entrance, the money was dropped by the robber before he left the scene of the crime.

dangling construction

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. Upon opening the door, the puppies rushed out and tripped me.

dangling construction

Analyze the sentence to determine whether it contains a dangling construction or is written correctly. While driving to school, the front tire blew out.

dangling construction

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. By calling every hour, my mother received Jamie's call. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

dangling construction

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. Sliding down the hill, my arm was broken. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

dangling construction

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. To enter college, an admission exam must be passed. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

dangling construction

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. To prepare for the game, many warm-up exercises are necessary. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

dangling construction

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. When an old woman, the boy visited Mrs. Jones in the nursing home. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

dangling construction

Check the item that is not one of the four kinds of misplaced modifiers studied in this section. definition structure improperly placed adverbs split infinitive misplaced phrases and clauses

definition structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. A catalyst is where a chemical begins the reaction but does not participate in it. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

definition structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. A symphony is where many kinds of instruments play a long piece of classical music. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

definition structure

Identify the awkward or illogical part of the following sentence. Harmony is when two or more tones fit together in a pleasing combination of sounds. Harmony is is when two or more tones fit together in a pleasing combination of sounds

is when

Identify the awkward or illogical part of the following sentence. Fustian writing is where you write pompous, bombastic nonsense. Fustian writing is where you write pompous, bombastic nonsense.

is where you write

Analyze the sentence to determine the main clause and the subordinate clause. Then choose the function of the subordinate clause. It is not right to make a promise unless you are sure you can fulfill the promise. Main clause: Subordinate clause: Subordinate clause functions as a(n):

it is not right to make a promise unless you are sure you can fulfill the promise adverb

Select the correct pronoun. The puppy chewed on____________ bone.


Select the correct pronoun. We requested to observe_______________ spinning through the lens.


Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. kneel Present participle: Past participle:

kneeling knelt

Use the correct pronoun. Bring Jan and ___________ a newspaper.


Select all of the objective pronouns. me she us their your him them you her hers it I

me us him them you her it

Select all of the possessive pronouns that can be used as predicate nouns. my mine our ours your yours his her hers its their theirs

mine ours yours his hers its theirs

Select all of the possessive pronouns. my it's our him mine me ours hers us your it their you yours theirs them his its

my our mine ours hers your their yours theirs his its

In the following sentence identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the noun or pronoun renamed by the appositive. Mother gave a birthday gift to Mary, my youngest sister. Appositive: Noun or pronoun renamed:

my youngest sister Mary

For the sentence below, determine how the word in italics is used. Is it a relative pronoun, a subordinating conjunction, or neither? It was Mr. Adams who told me about the fire drill. relative pronoun subordinating conjunction neither


Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. Carolyn sang higher than the other sopranos but she didn't support it properly. placed too far from antecedent no specific antecedent ambiguous reference

no specific antecedent

Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. My worst problem is the inability to speak clearly in public. This is not true when I am with my family. possessive pronoun misuse too far from antecedent no specific antecedent

no specific antecedent

Which sentence avoids using a pronoun reference error? Al had a dog with fleas, which he was always scratching. When I called the college, they said they were still accepting applications. When Kara went to help her sister fix supper, she was very angry. none of the above

none of the above

Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." I did not know whether I should go to a trade school, college, or to enter the military.

not parallel

Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." Most of the difficulties in learning parallel structure arise not from the lack of comprehension of the theory but because examples of good writing are uncommon.

not parallel

Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." The test of a person's honesty is in the way he lives, not how we talk.

not parallel

Read the sentence to determine if it contains an error in parallel structure. If the sentence contains an error, choose "not parallel"; if it does not contain an error, choose "correct." Tomorrow's schedule includes studying for two tests, attending band practice, and to visit my grandmother.

not parallel

In the following sentence identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the noun or pronoun renamed by the appositive. We often contribute to Habitat for Humanity, one of our favorite charities. Appositive: Noun or pronoun renamed:

one of our favorite charities Habitat for Humanity

Select the correct pronoun. Cassandra was pleased by ___________ attending the graduation exercises.


Select the correct pronoun. Graciously, our host encouraged ____________ lazy relaxing.


Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. After school we planned to do homework and swimming. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

parallel structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. Jane was not only beautiful but was known as a humble person. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

parallel structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. Satisfaction, enjoyment, and feeling victorious are the results of doing your best. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

parallel structure

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. The children asked about the electric train and how to use it. definition structure explanation structure parallel structure dangling construction C

parallel structure

Read the sentence. Choose the correct answers for the questions that follow it. The judge, believing the boy to be innocent, acquitted him. What kind of phrase is italicized? What does it modify?

participial judge

Identify the italicized phrase. Charmed by her gracious manner, the producer offered her a contract. participle gerund infinitive appositive


Identify the italicized word as gerund or participle The dog, trained to do tricks, entertained the children for an hour.


Identify the italicized word as gerund or participle. Wishing to remain anonymous, he asked the florist to deliver the flowers to the orphanage.


Analyze the sentence. Select the object of a preposition, direct object, and indirect object. Note that all three may not be present in the sentence. The director sent me an invitation to an anniversary party. Object of a preposition: Direct object: Indirect object:

party invitation me

Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence. If anyone accepts his challenge he will be sorry. reference case agreement


Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence. The papers are on the desk that I corrected. reference case agreement


Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence. The traffic pattern on the new road is slowed down by too many traffic lights and left turns. It has to be improved. reference case agreement


Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence. They say we will not be able to afford to own houses in a few years. reference case agreement


A ___________ pronoun usually introduces an adjective clause.


For the sentence below, determine how the word in italics is used. Is it a relative pronoun, a subordinating conjunction, or neither? Be sure to tell me which you prefer. relative pronoun subordinating conjunction neither

relative pronoun

For the sentence below, determine how the word in italics is used. Is it a relative pronoun, a subordinating conjunction, or neither? The man whose car I borrowed filled it with gasoline. relative pronoun subordinating conjunction neither

relative pronoun

Pronouns that introduce adjective clauses and relate to words or ideas which precede them are called _____. antecedents personal pronouns relative pronouns

relative pronouns

Which methods may be used to correct ambiguous pronoun references? Select all that apply. repeat the antecedent place the pronoun nearer the antecedent italicize the correct antecedent rewrite the entire sentence insert an intensive pronoun after the ambiguous pronoun

repeat the antecedent place the pronoun nearer the antecedent rewrite the entire sentence insert an intensive pronoun after the ambiguous pronoun

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. ride Present participle: Past participle:

riding ridden

Select the correct pronoun. The trio—Roberta, Megan, and____________ —is touring Ohio this summer.


What is the feminine singular form of they? them she he her him


Correct the sentence by selecting the proper pronoun usage. Ellen, Jan, her, and me finished the test early. she, and me her, and I she, and I correct as is

she, and I

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. My mother gave me a key so that I would not be locked out of the house. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

so that purpose

In the sentence below, identify the adverb clause, subordinating conjunction, and the word(s) modified. Luther practiced running so that he could be a good wide receiver. Adverb clause: Subordinating conjunction: Word(s) modified:

so that he could be a good wide receiver so that practiced

Identify the participial phrase and the word it modifies. Brandon's mother found him standing near the cookie jar. Participial phrase: Word modified:

standing near the cookie jar him

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. steal Present participle: Past participle:

stealing stolen

Tell how the italicized noun clause is used. Whatever you tell me will remain our secret. subject subject complement direct object object of the preposition


Select all that apply. A gerund may function as a: verb subject predicate direct object object of a preposition compliment subject complement

subject direct object object of a preposition subject complement

Tell how the italicized noun clause is used. The fresh air is what I like best about the farm. subject subject complement direct object object of the preposition

subject complement

For the sentence below, determine how the word in italics is used. Is it a relative pronoun, a subordinating conjunction, or neither? Although it was warm, we did not use the air conditioner. relative pronoun subordinating conjunction neither

subordinating conjunction

For the sentence below, determine how the word in italics is used. Is it a relative pronoun, a subordinating conjunction, or neither? She will not leave the party until you come for her. relative pronoun subordinating conjunction neither

subordinating conjunction

Analyze the sentence. Select an object of a preposition, direct object, and indirect object. Note that all three may not be present in the sentence. Rita and I wrote John a letter of support. Object of a preposition: Direct object: Indirect object:

support letter John

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. talk Present participle: Past participle:

talking talked

Click on the blue box to choose the correct present and past participles of the verb given. teach Present participle: Past participle:

teaching taught

Identify the gerund phrase and its noun use. The little boy left home without telling his mother. Gerund phrase: Noun use:

telling his mother object of the preposition

Complete the sentence by using a pronoun that agrees with its antecedent. Students who want to compete in the science fair must have______________ exhibits here by 7:00 a.m.


Select the correct pronoun. Do you know that ____________ objecting to the plans has postponed the banquet?


Select the correct pronoun. I wanted _____________ approval.


Select the correct pronoun. Because the program was____________ , we agreed to help.


Complete the sentence by using a pronoun that agrees with its antecedent. Heddy and Janice made the costumes __________ .


In the sentence below, find the verbal and tell what kind it is. He waits at the bus stop to catch the bus. Verbal _____. Kind _____.

to catch infinitive

In the sentence below, find the verbal and tell what kind it is. When you sit down to eat with guests, pay attention to your manners. Verbal ______. Kind _____.

to eat infinitive

Identify the infinitive phrase and the subject of the infinitive in the sentence below. Mr. Hutton asked me to erase the boards. Infinitive phrase: Subject of the infinitive :

to erase the boards me

Identify the infinitive phrase and its use. The scientist tried to learn new ideas from his experiments. Infinitive phrase: Use:

to learn new ideas from his experiments noun

Identify the infinitive phrase and its use. I wish to point out your responsibilities as a dedicated student. Infinitive phrase: Use:

to point out your responsibilities as a dedicated student noun

Analyze the sentence to choose the correct answer for each space. An antecedent is a noun or pronoun to which another pronoun refers. Subordinate clause: What type of clause is it?

to which another pronoun refers adjective

Identify the infinitive phrase and its use. To win an argument is seldom a desirable goal. Infinitive phrase: Use:

to win an argument noun

Identify what is wrong with each italicized pronoun reference. Sam sat by the window all day, trying to finish the novel. It was too small to give much light. too far removed from the antecedent no definite antecedent indefinite pronoun

too far removed from the antecedent

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence and select the type of relationship it demonstrates. We cannot order the banner for the gym unless everyone contributes. Subordinating Conjunction: Relationship:

unless condition

Identify the adverb clause and the word it modifies. Mary comes to school unless she is ill. Adverb clause: Word modified:

unless she is ill comes

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