English: subject verb agreement; pronoun antecedent; modifiers; parallel structure

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__________, no recognition for her skills, and a dislike for the polyester uniform made Kelsey quit the ping-pong team.

A. Because she was frustrated with the coach B. Frustration with the coach C. Having become frustrated with the coach

Stuart wiggled his foot, drummed a Jimi Hendrix riff with his pencil, and __________, but he could not burn off the caffeine-induced energy from an extra large cup of coffee.

A. chewed a mouthful of gum B. was chewing a mouthful of gum C. his jaw worked a mouthful of gum

Ironing a clean shirt, __________, and buying a pack of gum for fresh breath were the tasks Aaron completed before the first day of spring semester.

A. the printout of a course schedule B. printing a course schedule C. making sure that he had printed a course schedule

The blonde who sucked the ends of her hair, the athlete who blinked nervously, and __________ would not share their algebra homework with Jake.

A. the rebel slouching in his seat B. the slouching rebel C. the rebel who slouched in his seat

Select the singular verb for each subject. He ____(run, runs) Tom ____(is are) The teacher ____(go, goes)

He runs. Tom is. The teacher goes.

Correct the misplaced modifier. While camping, I saw a bear in my pajamas.

In my pajamas, I saw a bear while camping.

Correct the misplaced modifier. Pygmies hunted elephants armed with spears.

Pygmies armed with spears hunted elephants.

Correct the misplaced modifier. The dog was chasing the boy with the spiked collar.

The dog with the spiked collar was chasing the boy.

Correct the misplaced modifier. The woman walked the dog in purple suede cowboy boots.

The woman in the purple suede cowboy boots walked the dog.

Select the correct verb for each plural subject. They ____.(run, runs) The cars ___. (go, goes) The bugs ___. (bite, bites)

They run. The cars go. The bugs bite.

Correct the misplaced modifier. We saw several monkeys on vacation in Mexico.

While on vacation in Mexico, we saw several monkeys.

Most of my friends (is, are) on vacation.


Several fish (is, are) looking sick.


Some students (is, are) ready for summer.


The puppy and the kitten (chases, chase) each other.


The students (complete, completes) work assigned by their teachers.


A carton of eggs (cost, costs) $1.50.

costs (carton costs)

Teachers (explain, explains) difficult material to students.


The price of milk and eggs (has, have) gone up in the last month.

has (price has)

Lucy picked up (she, their, her) clothes off the floor.


Michael mowed (her, his, its, their) front yard but forgot to do the back yard.


The puppy wagged (his, her, its, their) tail.


The principal (observe, observes) teachers in the classroom.


Plural subjects must be paired with plural verbs. They, we, cars, teachers, bugs...are all (singular or plural)


Several, few, both, some, and many are always paired with a (singular or plural) verb?


Many (run, runs) in the race every year.


Somebody (sing,sings) the opening song each week.


A singular subject must be paired with a singular verb. He, She, It, Tom, Lucy, teacher, car....are all (singular or plural).


Anybody, somebody, everybody, each, either, and neither are always paired with a (singular or plural) verb?


Both sheep (sleep, sleeps) a lot.


The girl with the balloons (smile, smiles) like your sister.

smiles (girl smiles)

pronoun antecedents--Pronouns must agree with their antecedent (noun or another pronoun) in number. Sam picked up (his) book. 'His' is the antecedent to 'Sam'. The workers began (its, his, their) jobs at 7 a.m.


Use a plural verb with two or more subjects when they are connected by 'and'. Lucy and her brother (walk, walks) to school every day.


Either Lucy or Luke (walk, walks) the dog every day.


Neither you or I (watch, watches) that show.

watches (neither watches)

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