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[Anne Frank] Which line of dialogue by Mrs. Van Daan shows that she is a flirt?

"I don't know why I didn't meet you before I met that one there."

[Anne Frank] Which line of dialogue by Mr. Dussel reveals his personality best?

"I haven't had to adjust myself to others."

[The Outsiders] Who did Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy meet at the Nightly Double?

2 girls (Cherry and Marcia)

[The Outsiders] Identify Paul Holden.

A football player that Darry hung out with before.

[I Have a Dream] Dr. King uses an analogy to illustrate America's broken promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to "her citizens of color." What is this analogy?

A promissory note--a check that has come back marked "insufficient funds"

[Anne Frank] Outgoing, fearless teenager who is optimistic.


[Anne Frank] Choose ONE of the following set of characters to describe. Be sure to discuss their personalities, their relationship with each other (any changes in this), and how other view them. A) Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Van Daan B) Mr. Frank and Mr. Van Daan C) Anne and Peter *

Anne at the beginning of the story is a prankster so that she could draw attention to herself. Anne is getting talked to over and over again about this and when the end of Act I comes, Anne is finally changed for the better. Peter, on the other hand, is a quiet, awkward boy. Peter gets mad when Anne puts on his clothes and plays with his cat. Peter wants nothing to do with Anne in Act I. In Act II, Anne is going through puberty and is trying to find her place in life. Peter now comes into Anne's room and talks with her unlike in Act I where Peter wants nothing to do with Anne. Peter and Anne have found out that talking to each other takes their minds off of what is going on in the world. By the end of Act II Anne gives us a glimpse of her true personality. Peter, by the end of Act II, has a great relationship with Anne unlike the beginning of the story. This is until the last few minutes before the soldiers come rushing into the building.

[Anne Frank] How did Anne come by the various gifts she gives out on Hanukkah night?

Anne made most of them herself out of odds and ends.

[The Outsiders] Who were Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends?

Bob and Randy

[The Outsiders] To whom do Johnny and Pony turn for help after Johnny killed Bob? Why?

Both of them turn to dally for help, this is because dally is older.

[Anne Frank] How are the very first scene and the very last scene related?

Both scenes take place after the war has ended.

[I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings]What does Marguerite have to do when she is invited to Mrs. Flower s house?

Change her dress

[The Outsiders] Why wouldn't Cherry go visit Johnny?

Cherry could not look at the person who killed bob.

[The Outsiders] Why didn't the Socs and Greasers fight during their first encounter after the movie?

Cherry said she didn't like fights and that stopped them.

[The Outsiders] Why did Johnny and Pony go to Jay's Mountain?

Dallas said it might be ok

[The Outsiders] When Dally finally arrives at the church, what news does he bring?

Dally has thrown the police off track by telling them that the boys ran to texas.

[The Outsiders] Compare and contrast the boys' reasons for fighting. (Darry, Steve, Soda and Two-Bit)

Darry fights for pried, Steve fights for hatred, Soda fights for fun, Two-bit fights for conformity.

[Anne Frank] Allergic to cats


[The Outsiders] Pony was somewhat surprised that he was getting along with Cherry and Marcia. Why?

Girls like that usually don't get along with greasers.

[The Outsiders] How are Greasers different from Socs?

Greasers are a lower social class while socs are a higher social class.

[The Outsiders] Why was Pony upset about getting a haircut?

Hair represents a greaser's pride.

[I Have a Dream] How did Dr. King appeal to his audience?

He appealed to their sense of justice, fair play, and patriotism.

[Anne Frank] What do the following lines tell you about Mr. Frank? Mr. Frank: "It'll be hard, I know. But always remember this, Anneke. There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind. Miep will bring us books. We will read history, poetry, mythology..."

He believes that books can help people escape, at least mentally, from unpleasant situations.

[Anne Frank] At the beginning of the play, why does Mr. Frank tell Miep to burn all the papers she wants to give him?

He doesn't think he could bear to read the old letters and notes.

[Anne Frank] Why won't Mr. Frank answer the telephone towards the end of Act II?

He doesn't want anyone to know that the building is occupied.

[Savion: My Life in Tap] Savion says, "This is nothing like what I was taught in dance class." He feels like

He is learning more than just dancing.

[Anne Frank] What causes Mrs. Frank to become enraged at Mr. Van Daan?

He is stealing their bread.

[Anne Frank] What is Mr. Frank's motivation for returning to the attic after his liberation?

He longs to revisit the last place he saw his family.

[Anne Frank] Why does Carl's (the warehouse man) behavior make Mr. Kraler nervous?

He suspects Carl knows something about the people in the attic and is worried they may be in danger.

[The Outsiders] Why did Randy want to talk to Pony?

He wanted to tell Pony that he did not want to fight anymore that it didn't make any difference and that he might run away.

[The Outsiders] What caused Pony to "run away"?

His older brother, dally, yelling at him.

[Savion: My Life in Tap] Savion learned all of the following from his mentors EXCEPT

How to make more money.

[Through My Eyes] How does the newspaper account differ from Ruby's?

It is factual and impersonal.

[Anne Frank] Anne tells Peter that she takes strength from telling herself "in spite of everything...people are really good at heart." How does her attitude add to this moment of the play?

It makes the end even more moving because Anne is betrayed.

[Anne Frank] When news of the invasion of Normandy arrives, everyone is thrilled. Why do they feel that way?

It means that new forces have arrived to fight the Germans, and the war might end soon.

[Anne Frank] Which of the following was NOT a restriction that the Jews experienced in Amsterdam?

Jews had to pay a special tax

[The Outsiders] When Johnny's mother came to visit him at the hospital, what was Johnny's reaction?

Johnny didn't want to see her

[The Outsiders] What had happened to Johnny prior to the time of this story?

Johnny got jumped by the Socs and almost got killed.

[The Outsiders] What was Johnny's favorite part of Gone With the Wind? Of whom did it remind him?

Johnny liked the part about the soldiers going off to war. Johnny was reminded of Dally.

[The Outsiders] Describe Johnny's relationship with his parents.

Johnny's parents don't care about him one bit.

[I Have a Dream] In the second paragraph of the speech (beginning "Five score years ago . . ."), which extended metaphor does Dr. King introduce?

Light (day) and darkness (night)

[Anne Frank] Quiet, smart teenager who is obedient.


[Anne Frank] Brings news of the D-Day invasion


[Anne Frank] Goes missing in Act 2

Mouschi [the cat]

[Anne Frank] Why does Mr. Dussel request that Mrs. Frank cut the New Year's cake?

Mr. Dussel believes that Mrs. Frank is the most honest about the sharing fairly.

[Anne Frank] Which of the following does not occur when Mr. Van Daan steals food?

Mr. Frank supports his wife's outburst.

From I Know Why... - In at least ONE paragraph, describe how Mrs. Flowers helps Marguerite to speak.

Mrs. Flowers, first of all, invites Marguerite to her house. Once Marguerite and Mrs. Flowers arrive at the house Mrs. Flowers has cookies and tea prepared for Marguerite. Later, Marguerite and Mrs. Flowers sit down and Mrs. Flowers pulls out some short poems to read. After Mrs. Flowers is done reading those poems, Marguerite speaks for the first time in 5 years. This goes to show that Marguerite was willing of Mrs. Flowers time.

[Anne Frank] Pretty and popular in her youth

Mrs. Van Daan

[Anne Frank] To Mrs. Van Daan, the fur coat is a symbol of all of the following except

Mrs. Van Daan's Jewish faith

[Anne Frank] Lone wolf who feels angry


[The Outsiders] What happened to Pony on his way home from the movies?

Pony got jumped and beat up by the Socs.

[The Outsiders] Why was Pony late coming home from the Nightly Double?

Ponyboy fell asleep.

[The Outsiders] Identify Darry, Soda and Ponyboy.

Ponyboy, darry, and soda are all brothers. Ponyboy is the youngest brother, darry is the second oldest and is the most fun according to ponyboy, and darry is the oldest brother and has the role of an adult. This is because their parents died at a young age.

[I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings] Marguerite describes Mrs. Flowers as all of the following EXCEPT

Richest white lady in town

From Through My Eyes - In at least ONE paragraph, describe Ruby Bridges's first day of school?

Ruby, while going to school, had to be escorted by the U.S. martial. When Ruby arrived at school their were barricades with protesters behind those barricades. Ruby looked at the school and thought that it was collage, Ruby thought big school was going to be difficult. The martials were Ruby's body guards while she walked into school, and when she got up to use the bathroom or walk down the hall in her school. Later, Ruby sat in the principles office for the rest of the day and stared at a clock for eight hours.

[Anne Frank] Why would Margot say, "Sometimes I wish the end would come"?

She wants to stop living in fear.

[I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings] Why does Mrs. Flowers help Marguerite?

She was asked to by Mrs. Henderson.

[Anne Frank] Why does Mouschi cause such conflict in the attic?

Some worry that food for the cat means less food for the humans.

[The Outsiders] Who were other members of Pony's gang?

Steve, two-bit, dallas, johnny, and soda.

[The Outsiders] What did Johnny announce after his fifth barbecue sandwich?

That Johnny would turn himself in

[Through My Eyes] What scared Ruby the most about the protests?

The black doll in the coffin carried by the protestors.

[The Outsiders] What happened when Johnny, Pony and Dally returned to the church?

The church was on fire

[The Outsiders] Who "won" the rumble?

The greasers. (greasers assemble)

[Through My Eyes] Why is Ruby's classroom empty on her second day of class?

The parents will not let them come.

[Anne Frank] Late in Act II, why do the attic dwellers get less food?

The people supplying their ration books have been arrested.

[Anne Frank] What does Peter mean in the following exchange between Anne and him? Anne: "You're making a big mistake about me. I do it all wrong. I say too much. I go too far. I hurt people's feelings..." Peter: "I think you're just fine...What I want to say...if it wasn't for you around here, I don't know."

The situation is better because Anne is there.

[The Outsiders] What happened to Johnny and Ponyboy at the park?

The socs try to jump them.

[Anne Frank] Which event is a consequence of the theft of a radio in Act II?

The thief eventually tells the Nazis that people are living in the attic.

[The Outsiders] Why were Cherry and Marcia alone at the drive-in?

Their boyfriends ditched them. (Carter wouldn't do that)

[Anne Frank] Mr. Frank's last comment in Scene 4, as the soldiers were breaking into the attic, is, "For the past two years we have lived in fear. Now we can live in hope." What does he mean by this?

Their fears have come true, but they are still free to hope.

[Anne Frank] Mrs. Frank: "But I'd like to stay with you...very much. Really." Anne: "I'd rather you didn't." What can you infer from these lines of dialogue?

There are problems in Anne's relationship with her mother.

[Anne Frank] Why is Mr. Van Daan's theft of the bread such a serious offense?

There is little food, so everyone is hungry - not just Mr. Van Daan.

[The Outsiders] After talking with Cherry, what reason does Pony finally give for the separation between Greasers and Socs?

They are different social classes

[Anne Frank] Why is Dussel surprised to see the Franks alive and well in Amsterdam?

They are supposed to be in Switzerland.

[Anne Frank] In Act II Mr. Frank says, "We don't need the Nazis to destroy us. We are destroying ourselves." What does he mean by this?

They bicker, argue, fight, and distrust each other. This is eating away at any hope and dignity they are trying to maintain.

[Anne Frank] Why must everyone in the Secret Annex be still and quiet from 8 A.M. until 6 P.M.?

They don't want the workers below to know they are there.

[Anne Frank] In Act II, Peter brings Anne's cake to her after she storms away from the group. The time these two spend together that day is the start of a subplot (a story within a story). Which choice best describes this subplot?

They find that by talking together, they can find some comfort.

[The Outsiders] What additional problem did the three brothers face after Pony's return?

They forced the possibility of being separated into foster homes.

[Anne Frank] What causes alarm among the annex family as Anne starts to sing the Hanukkah song?

They hear a noise below them.

[The Outsiders] What did Pony say was the difference between Tim's gang and his?

Tim's gang was organized and had a leader. Pony's gang was just a bunch of buddies.

[I Have a Dream] Toward the end of the speech, in the paragraphs beginning with the now-famous phrase "I have a dream," Dr. King mentions certain members of his own family. Why does he do this?

To connect with his audience as a fellow parent and have them think of their own children

[I Have a Dream] At the end of his speech, Dr. King repeatedly calls out, "Let freedom ring." Which is NOT a reason why he did this?

To get the crowd involved by having them sing along

[The Outsiders] Where did Dally take Pony after the rumble?

To see his man johnny.

[I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings] Why does Momma flip Marguerite's dress over her head?

To show off her professional sewing skills

[Savion: My Life in Tap] Savion's relationship with his mother was a good one despite the long periods of time spent apart.


[Savion: My Life in Tap] Savion had the right attitude and work ethic to be successful as a tap dancer.


From I Know Why... - In at least ONE paragraph, describe Mrs. Flowers's home.

When Marguerite walked into Mrs. Flowers house she noticed a vanilla smell to it, this was because Mrs. Flowers made cookie and tea for Marguerite. Later, Marguerite gets up and starts walking around the house. Marguerite notices old browned photographs on the walls. Marguerite noticed that Mrs. Flowers had white curtains that went over the windows. Marguerite saw how fine Mrs. Flowers silverware was, and Marguerite noticed that Mrs. Flowers kept lemonade in an ice box.

From I Know Why... - In at least ONE paragraph, describe how Momma (Mrs. Henderson) and Mrs. Flowers are similiar and are different. [essay]


[Anne Frank] Mrs. Van Daan thinks a thief may never tell that they are in hiding. Mr. Dussel disagrees with her, saying a thief might make a bargain with the Green Police in exchange for information about people in hiding. Explain which of these views seems more likely and why.


[Anne Frank] What do you think Mr. Frank means by what he is saying in the following quotation? Anne's voice: "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." [Mr. Frank slowly closes diary.] Mr. Frank: "She puts me to shame."


[Anne Frank] What is ironic about Mr. Dussel's comments to Anne about children?


[Anne Frank] Peter's parents are very outspoken and vocal with their opinions. When talking about his parents' behavior, Peter can best be described as


[The Outsiders] Contrast Dally's approach to Cherry and Marcia with Pony's, and contrast Cherry's response to Dally with her response to Pony.

dally is incredibly immature (said by coach Gilliam himself) and Cherry wants him to leave immediately. Pony, on the other hand, is questioned by Cherry why he hangs out with these people.

[I Have a Dream] In "I Have a Dream", Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., urges his followers to

demand equality and justice now

[I Have a Dream] The main focus of Dr. King's speech is

ending segregation and racial injustice in America

[Anne Frank] What role does Mr. Frank play in the annex "family"?


[I Have a Dream] By linking the occasion of his speech to the Emancipation Proclamation and by using biblical language (reminding listeners that he is a minister), Dr. King defines his personal authority, thus helping to establish

his ethos or ethical appeal

[Anne Frank] Anne tells Peter that she escapes the annex by imagining herself

outside in nature with flowers.

[Anne Frank] The reason the Franks are staying on the top floor of the warehouse is that

they are in hiding from the Nazis.

[Savion: My Life in Tap] Savion needed mentors to help him figure out how to dance and live because he

was so young. had no father figure. had no experience. [all the above]

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