Enlightenment & Romanticism

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A Modest Proposal Gulliver's Travels A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Enlightenment works

What has most likely happened between the excerpts from Chapters 5 and 10

The creature has already murdered someone close to Dr. Frankenstein.

The excerpts from Frankenstein are told in the tense, from a point of view.

past; first-person

The following passage (paragraph 6) mainly suggests that Enlightenment thinkers believed

traditional institutions' claims to authority were unfounded

In the final stanza, Nature is personified as . A. a woman B. Wordsworth's sister C. a nurse D. a lost man


Which of the following answers best explains why the Lilliputians fed Gulliver and transported him to the capital city? A. They realized that they would be safer with him as an ally than as an enemy. B. They had a bigger army waiting in the capital city and would have a better chance at being able to defeat him. C. They wanted to dress his wounds before they began his interrogation. D. They believed he was a god and brought him to their city to be worshipped.


Which of the following explains why satire was most likely a popular art form during the Enlightenment? A. Satire is able to identify what needs to be changed in a society. B. Satire was invented at the same time as Enlightenment ideals. C. Satire focuses exclusively on criticizing the monarchy.I D. Satire celebrates individuality and liberty, two key Enlightenment concepts.


Which of the following statements best explains the Romantic attitude toward nature? A. Romantics idolized the purity and transformative power of the natural world. B. Romantics believed that nature inspired modern innovation and technology. C. Romantics feared wilderness and the untouched natural world, because it was unpredictable. D. Romantics desired to merge nature and civilization through the creation of parks and gardens.


Which of the following statements would the ancient mariner be most likely to agree with by the end of the poem? A. There is a power greater than man that decides the fate of the soul. B. Competition creates a treacherous environment among crewmen. C. Vanity allows for the congregation of superficial companions. D. Humanity is more valued than the creatures of land and sea.


Which of these ideas is mainly expressed in the poem?(Ode on a Grecian Urn) A. Although humans will grow old and die, the urn will last forever as a testament to history. B. Religion and faith are two concepts that connect humanity throughout history. C. The subjects on the urn are unsatisfied because they can never change or grow like real humans. D. Art is the only true expression of beauty that exists in the world, because humans are flawed and words fade.


Which of these statements best explains the lasting effect that the setting of Tintern Abbey had on Wordsworth? A. The thought of the beautiful landscape and the memories he made there helped him through difficult times. B. His trip to the abbey was the last time he ever saw his beloved sister so the memories were bittersweet. C. His visit at the abbey inspired him to begin writing poetry, so he could share his powerful experience with the world. D. The landscape was so moving and beautiful that Wordsworth decided to devote his life to the God that had created it.


Which selection most closely explains how Coleridge structures the poem's narrative?(Rime of an Ancient Mariner) A. He employs a circular narrative that begins and ends in the same place in the story. B. He describes events in a chronological order without deviation. C. He describes events in characters' lives in reverse chronological order. D. He builds a stream of consciousness narrative in which characters and events are largely indistinguishable.


What is most likely the author's reason for telling the story as it was told to him by "a traveller from an antique land"? A. To avoid responsibility for whether the story is true or not. B. To allow him freedom to supply dramatic detail without bringing up questions of how he saw these things, where exactly, et cetera. C. To allow himself questionable distance from the bleak attitude toward all human accomplishment reflected in the poem. D. To avoid legal action by anyone who might feel the poem was based on them.


According to the text, what does satirical work mainly do? A.. It is an attempt to provide a surface level of meaning to a story. B. It is mostly utilized to criticize current social issues. C. It is mostly used to help make movies like Mean Girls. D. Many times, it can be necessary to bring humor to a story.


Which of the following inferences about parody is best supported by the author's words in the text? A. Parody is another word for satire. B. Parody is humor without critique. C. Parody is not a technique of humor. D. Parody is better than satire.


Which of the following most likely represents an example of Enlightenment-era art? A. a landscape that uses swirls and dots to symbolize trees B. a classically written poem that references Homer C. an abstract painting representing the painter's emotions D. D. all of the above


Which of the following selections most closely identifies two themes of the poem? A. tradition and ceremony B. guilt and repentance C. exploration and devotion D. companionship and isolation


Which of the following statements about Romanticism is best supported by the text? A. Romanticism was the first literary movement to influence politics and government in a substantial way. B. Romanticism formed as a reaction to major political, economic, and social changes in the world. C. Romanticism demonized poor laborers, while privileging the views of the wealthy and educated elite. D. Romanticism was mainly relevant to urban-dwelling laborers who understood the evils of Industrialization.


What is most closely a theme of Part I, Chapter IV of Gulliver's Travels? A. Lilliput would be a considerably more peaceful place if their former king had not injured himself on an egg. B. The disagreements among groups within Lilliput are an even bigger deal than their conflict with the Blefuscudians. C. There are major wars taking place over disagreements that seem like they should be minor issues. D. No matter what size people are, they always have problems.


What is the best summation of the theme of the poem? A. The kings of the ancient world created great works only with the help of thousands of slaves. B. Nothing that you do will have any lasting value. C. Excessive pride or an inflated sense of self based on our accomplishments is absurd: nothing remains. D. Enjoy your life today because like everyone who has ever lived, you will die.


Which of the following best represents a belief associated with the Enlightenment? A. Individuals can determine their own thoughts and actions. B. Rational observation is an important tool in pursuit of human thriving.Incorrect. C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B


Which of the following is not mentioned as a way that writers might create satire? A. They may favor a method that includes a lot of exaggeration. B. In order to illustrate their stories, they would choose to use plenty of irony. C. It seems that they would employ logical reasoning as a potential manner for creating their stories. D. Many people would choose to use ridiculous statements in their narratives.


Which of the following adjectives best explains Gulliver's attitude toward the Lilliputians A. enamored B. terrified C. unfazed D. amused

C. Unfazed

The aspect of the poem's narrative that is left most uncertain is . A. what happens on the ship to the nephew of the ancient mariner B. the reason the ancient mariner tells his story to the wedding guest C. the number of men traveling in the crew with the ancient mariner D. the reason the ancient mariner shoots the albatross with his crossbow


The purpose of this poem is mainly to reflect on...(Tintern Abbey) A. Wordsworth's deep appreciation for nature's beauty B. the power of memory to prolong happiness C. the connection between the natural world and humanity D. All of the above


Which of the following options best explains a positive outcome to the plan proposed?(A Modest Proposal) A. People will be less inclined to have children if they have to give them up at one year old to be eaten. B. Catholics will have more children if they can sell them for money, increasing Papal influence in Ireland.. C. Ireland will be able to import less food if they have a source of food that comes directly from Irish men and women. D. Irish families will feel more invested in childcare.


Which of the following quotations best explains the definition of satire? Two Romans were particularly influential in establishing major forms of satire." B. "Because satire uses irony or sarcasm to make its point, it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether or not the writer is being serious." C. "The result may make an audience chuckle and realize that they, too, may be prone to this kind of thinking." D. "As such, the satire of a period can provide a window into the culture of the time, showing both the ideas that dominate the period and the voices that would challenge those ideas."


Which of these inferences about Gulliver and the Lilliputians is best supported by the excerpt from Chapter IV? A. Gulliver is eager to bring peace to the Lilliputians. B. The Lilliputians are trying to get rid of Gulliver since they are running out of food. C. Gulliver is becoming sympathetic to the Blefuscudian cause.Incorrect. D. The Lilliputians freed Gulliver in hopes he would fight for them.


What is the relationship between art and life, between beauty and truth? The Romantic poet (1795-1821) only lived to be 25 years old, having grown up in England and dying from tuberculosis in a bedroom that overlooked the Piazza di Spagna in Rome. "Ode on a Grecian Urn" was written only a year before his death, and like much of his work it examines the relationships between life, death, beauty, and truth with depth and lyrical insight.

John Keats

Gulliver's Travels is a masterpiece of satire, critiquing the popular 18th-century Enlightenment notion that advances in human society are the result of reason and logic alone. Through Lemuel Gulliver's voyages to fantastical lands, author suggests the importance of religion and compassion in the guidance of human affairs. In this excerpt from Part I, he offers a thinly veiled mockery of 18th-century English politics: Lilliput, an island of miniature people engaged in ridiculous conflicts, is likely to symbolize the Kingdom of England, with the two major political parties of England—the Tories and Whigs—represented by Lilliput's High Heels and Low Heels. Rival island Blefuscu symbolizes the Kingdom of France.

Johnathan Swift

Though engaged in English politics throughout most of his adult life—and a member of a distinguished London literary circle that included Alexander Pope, John Gay, and Joseph Addison—author (1667-1745) was, at heart, an Irishman. Born and educated in Dublin, he held a keen interest in the economic hardships facing the Irish working class, publishing his most famous satirical essay, "A Modest Proposal," anonymously in 1729. In it, he mocks heartless attitudes toward the plight of Ireland's poor by satirically suggesting that poor families sell their infants for food.

Johnathan Swift

(1797-1851) began writing Frankenstein as a teenager as part of a competition among her friends to write the best horror story. First published in 1818, this gothic tale of scientific experimentation gone wrong is now considered one of the earliest examples of science fiction. The novel's main character, Dr. Frankenstein, has discovered a way to reanimate dead tissue using an electrical current. His experiment is a success, but the result is a monster brought to life. Horrified by the creature he has created, the doctor flees. Alone and confused, the monster accidentally kills Dr. Frankenstein's younger brother and then murders his best friend. In the excerpts here, both the doctor and the monster come to terms with their intertwined fates.

Mary Shelley

(1792-1822) was known for his radical ideas and unconventional lifestyle. Like Frankenstein, which was written by his second wife, Mary Shelley, the poem "Ozymandias" was composed in response to a challenge. He and his friend, poet Horace Smith, submitted poems to The Examiner on the occasion of the statue of Pharaoh Ramses II being transported from Egypt to London. His 14-line sonnet appeared in the paper first in January of 1818. The imaginative poet invented a traveler and a sculptor's inscription, evoking the ancient relic's ruin as a metaphor for the fall of dynasties and the limitations of tyrants.

Percy Shelley

Rime of an Ancient Mariner Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey Ode on a Grecian Urn Ozymandias Frankenstein

Romanticism works

"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by (1772-1834) was published in Lyrical Ballads, a collaborative collection of poems written with William Wordsworth that helped launch the Romantic movement in England. He is credited with the idea of "Conversational Poetry," in which simple, everyday language is used to convey deep poetic meaning. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," an old sailor detains a reluctant wedding guest and relates a strange, cautionary tale of what happens to those who don't heed omens.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

(1770-1850) gave "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798" one of literature's most specific titles, recalling his thoughts at a particular place that left a deep impression on him, by the Wye River near Wales. It was a place of peace in a life sometimes troubled by tragedy: the early death of both parents, the loss of two young children, and his separation from his beloved sister, to whom the poem is addressed. Meditating on the natural world around Tintern Abbey, he also explores the way nature can soothe the soul in a world growing ever busier and less peaceful.

William Wordsworth

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