ENT 2 (Chapter 2)

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Which procurator of Judea and Samaria was the most corrupt and ruthless? - Albinus - Fadus - Felix - Festus


Under whose reign were thousands of Jews massacred? - Aristobulus - Alexander Jannaeus - Alexandra - Hyrcanus II

Alexander Jannaeus

Who first brought European might to the Middle East? - Alexander the Great - Antiochus III - Seleucus Nicator - Ptolemy

Alexander the Great

Which group had the least political significance in Palestine? - Herodians - the Therapeutae - Am ha-Aretz - Sadducees

Am ha-Aretz

Which was not part of the territory that Herod Philip ruled from 4 B.C. to A.D. 34? - Caesarea Philippi - Jericho - Auranitis - Panias


What is the major city of Judea? - Jerusalem - Nablus - Machaerus - Nazareth


Which Roman completed the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70? - Gessius Florus - Nero - Vespasian - Titus


What region of Palestine is the farthest west? - central mountain range - coastal plain - foothills - Jordan Valley - the wilderness

costal plain

How many cities were in the Decapolis? - three - seven - ten - thirteen


Jesus healed the outcast demoniac in - the Decapolis - the Jordan Valley - Samaria - the Plain of Esdraelon

the Decapolis

The military leaders who followed Alexander were called - the Seleucides - the Diadochi - the Ptolemies - the Mercenaries

the Diadochi

From north to south Palestine is almost impassable except for - the Jordan River - the hills of Judea - the Plain of Esdraelon - the Plain of Gennesaret

the Plain of Esdraelon

Fresh produce can be grown all year long in - the Jordan Valley - the Plain of Gennesaret - the Judean hills - the Plain of Esdraelon

the Plain of Gennesaret

LXX is the abbreviation for - the pseudepigrapha - the Septuagint - the Vulgate - the Apocrypha

the Septuagint

In 44 B.C. the Middle East was thrust into turmoil because of - the assassination of Caesar - the struggle between Cassius and Octavian - the earthquake in Palestine - the fall of Jerusalem

the assassination of Caesar

Samaritans differed most from Jews in respect to - the designated place of worship - keeping festivals - the practice of circumcision - a Messiah

the designated place of worship

An ethnarch is - considered the father of a people - the ruler of an ethnic group - a priest of a territory - the local governor of an area

the local governor of an area

The diaspora refers to - the scattered Jews - a synagogue council - the Jews of Jerusalem - the Palestinian Jews

the scattered Jews

How many of the New Testament books are personal letters? - three - nine - twenty-two - twenty-four - twenty-seven


Who was responsible for establishing and maintaining peace in Palestine? - Simon - Jonathan - Judas - Eleazer


Who was the first Hasmonean priest? - John Hyrcanus I - Eleazer - Jonathan - Simon


In what place did Herod Antipas and his wife die? - Gaul - Spain - Rome - Syria


The "time of restoration" is best defined as - rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem - reconciliation of the Jewish people to - each other - restoring of diplomatic relations with Babylon - series of emigrations to Palestine

series of emigrations to Palestine

How many laws did the Jews live by? - 10 - 613 - 950 - 1,000s


The Dead Sea is the lowest natural place on earth, being below sea level by - 520 feet - 790 feet - 1,290 feet - 2,000 feet

1,290 feet

The length of Palestine from north to south is approximately - 145 miles - 125 miles - 89 miles - 45 miles - 30 miles

145 miles

When were the first scrolls found at Qumran? - 1944 - 1947 - 1949 - 1952


In which year did Cyrus become king of Persia? - 587 B.C. - 559 B.C. - A.D. 595 - A.D. 605

559 B.C.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden when the Romans attacked in A.D. - 20 - 34 - 56 - 66


The targums were written in - Hebrew - Greek - Latin - Aramaic


Who was responsible for making Mary and Joseph take Jesus to Nazareth rather than Bethlehem? - Philip - Pontius Pilate - Antipas - Archelaus


Under which ruler did Christ enter history? - Augustus - Cyrus - Ptolemy - Antipater


Which Old Testament prophet prophesied that swine's flesh would be offered at a pagan altar in the temple at Jerusalem? - Hosea - Jeremiah - Isaiah - Daniel


Where does the Jordan River end? - Mediterranean Sea - Sea of Galilee - Waters of Merom - Dead Sea

Dead Sea

Who built a community in the wilderness area of the Dead Sea? - Pharisees - Essenes - Zealots - Herodias


Which term is not appropriate to use in describing the celebration that followed the cleansing and rededicating of the Temple Mount? - Feast of Lights - Feast of Tabernacles - Feast of Dedication - Hanukkah

Feast of Tabernacles

In which district of Palestine did Jesus grow up? - Samaria - Judea - Perea - Galilee


After the final devastation of Jerusalem, Christians directed their efforts at - fellow Christians - Jews in Palestine - Gentiles - Greeks


What was Agrippa's position toward the Jews? - He excluded them from his consideration - He targeted them for persecution - He considered their feelings in his decision making - He identified them as irrational fanatics

He considered their feelings in his decision making

Whom did Josephus describe as "a man of great barbarity towards all equally and a slave to his passion"? - Caesar Augustus - Alexander Jannaeus - Herod the Great - Alexander the Great

Herod the Great

For personal reasons who was responsible for John the Baptist being beheaded? - Herod Antipas - Aretas - Philip - Herodias


Who was the author of the History of the Jewish War? - Philo - Clement of Alexandra - Josephus - Origen


Who was the most noted Jewish historian of the first century? - Lysanius - Pliny - Hippolytus - Josephus


Who was not a Pharisee? - Hillel - Judas the Galilean - Johanan ben Zakkai - Gamaliel

Judas the Galilean

Which land was not given to Philip by Caesar Augustus? - Batanaea - Judea - Trachonitis - Auranitis


Under the rule of Philip, Bethsaida was rebuilt and renamed - Caesarea Philippi - Tiberias - Julias - Herodion


The Greek god Zeus was the Roman god - Mercury - Pluto - Saturn - Jupiter


The Hasmoneans were members of the family of - John the Baptist - John Hyrcanus - Mattathias - Philip


After which battle did Antiochus III annex Palestine to his territory? - Magnesia - Jerusalem - Panias - Ipsus


In which area was Machaerus a major fortress city? - Samaria - Galilee - Perea - Batanea


Which religious group was the most influential in Jesus' day? - Pharisees - Sadducees - Essenes - Zealots


Which Roman general conquered Jerusalem in 63 B.C.? - Cassius - Octavian - Pompey - Brutus


Who put the traditions in a book called the Mishnah? - Rabbi Judah the Patriarch - Shammai - Hillel - Johanan ben Zakkai

Rabbi Judah the Patriarch

Between Galilee and Judea is - Phoenicia - Idumea - Samaria - Decapolis


Which religious group was most likely to use violence to advance their cause? - Essenes - Pharisees - Zealots - Sadducees


Which best describes Judaism? - an ethnic religion - a way of lifestyle - a set of doctrines - a historical position

a way of lifestyle

Apocalyptic emphases can be found in - Old Testament - intertestamental literature - New Testament - all of the answers listed - none of the answers listed

all of the answers listed

The Midrash is basically - a supplement to the talmuds - an explanation of the Old Testament - an attempt to reconcile early Jewish thought - an allegorical commentary on the Old Testament

an explanation of the Old Testament

The phrase "it is written" as used as a reference to the Old Testament Scriptures means it - is what we have in the Old Testament - comes directly from God - is what the prophets have stated - requires our full attention

comes directly from God

Which was not a function of the synagogue? - commerce - worship - court - school


Which was not a primary unifying factor for the Jews? - doctrinal position - fierce monotheism - uniqueness in history - place of Jerusalem as a worship center

doctrinal position

Who is responsible for identifying the person before Christ as a praeparatio evangelium? - twentieth-century church historians - contemporary theologians - New Testament scholars - early Church Fathers

early Church Fathers

By Jesus' time the parts of the Old Testament that were acknowledged as Scripture were - law books only - law and the prophets - prophets and writings - law, prophets, and writings

law, prophets, and writings

The Hasidim were - devout priests - leaders in government - members of a strict sect - pious warriors

pious warriors

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